Practical 8
Practical 8
Practical 8
AIM: To determine species location, distribution and quantification using species distribution
A Species Distribution Model (SDM) is a powerful tool used in ecology and conservation
biology to predict the potential distribution of a species across geographic space. This predictive
modeling technique integrates various environmental variables with species occurrence data to
estimate the habitat suitability or probability of occurrence for a given species in a particular
area. SDMs play a crucial role in understanding species’ ecological requirements, assessing their
vulnerability to environmental change, and informing conservation strategies.
The fundamental principle underlying SDMs is the assumption that the distribution of a species
is determined by the environmental conditions it requires for survival and reproduction.
Therefore, SDMs aim to identify and quantify the relationship between species occurrence
records and environmental variables such as temperature, precipitation, elevation, land cover,
and soil type. By analyzing these relationships, SDMs can then extrapolate the habitat suitability
of a species to areas where occurrence data may be lacking.
Case Studies
● One compelling case study in India where Species Distribution Models (SDMs) have
been utilized is the conservation efforts for the Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris),
particularly in the Western Ghats region.
The Bengal tiger, an iconic and endangered species, faces numerous threats including habitat
loss, fragmentation, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict. In the Western Ghats, a biodiverse
and ecologically significant mountain range in southwestern India, tigers inhabit fragmented
forests, making conservation efforts challenging. To address these challenges, researchers and
conservationists have turned to SDMs to inform conservation strategies and mitigate human-tiger
The process began with the collection of extensive tiger occurrence data from camera traps, field
surveys, and historical records across the Western Ghats landscape. Concurrently, environmental
data such as forest cover, prey abundance, human population density, and land use patterns were
gathered to characterize the tiger's habitat preferences and the factors influencing its distribution.
Using this data, scientists employed advanced modeling techniques such as MaxEnt and
ensemble models to develop SDMs for the Bengal tiger in the Western Ghats. These models
aimed to predict suitable tiger habitat and identify areas of high conservation priority.
Habitat Preferences: Tigers showed a preference for dense forests with ample prey
populations such as deer and wild boar. They tended to avoid areas with high human
disturbance, including agriculture, settlements, and major roads.
Corridor Identification: SDMs identified potential wildlife corridors connecting
fragmented tiger habitats in the Western Ghats. These corridors are crucial for
maintaining genetic diversity and facilitating the movement of tigers between isolated
Human-Tiger Conflict Hotspots: By incorporating human population density and land use
data into the models, researchers identified hotspots of human-tiger conflict. These areas
often coincide with high human activity and encroachment into tiger habitats,
highlighting the need for targeted mitigation measures.
● Another significant case study in India where Species Distribution Models (SDMs) have
been instrumental is in the conservation efforts for the Indian elephant (Elephas maximus
indicus) in the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve (NBR) located in the states of Tamil Nadu,
The Indian elephant, revered as a cultural symbol and keystone species in the region, faces
numerous threats including habitat loss, fragmentation, human-wildlife conflict, and poaching. In
the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve, a critical elephant habitat, maintaining connectivity between
fragmented forest patches is essential for the long-term survival of elephant populations. To
address these challenges, researchers and conservationists have employed SDMs to understand
elephant habitat preferences, identify key corridors, and inform conservation strategies.
The conservation efforts began with the collection of comprehensive elephant occurrence data
from field surveys, camera traps, and historical records spanning the Nilgiris landscape.
Concurrently, environmental data such as forest cover, land use patterns, topography, and human
Using this data, researchers utilized advanced modeling techniques such as MaxEnt and Random
Forest to develop SDMs for the Indian elephant in the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve. These models
aimed to predict suitable elephant habitat, identify critical corridors for movement, and assess the
The SDMs provided valuable insights into elephant ecology and conservation:
Habitat Suitability: Elephants exhibited a preference for areas with dense forest cover,
water sources, and abundant vegetation. They also showed tolerance to a certain degree
of human presence, particularly in areas with traditional land use practices such as
agroforestry and mixed-use landscapes.
Corridor Identification: SDMs identified important elephant corridors linking fragmented
forest patches within the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve. These corridors play a crucial role
in maintaining genetic diversity, facilitating seasonal movements, and mitigating
human-elephant conflicts.
Impact of Anthropogenic Factors: By incorporating human population density, land use
change, and infrastructure development data into the models, researchers assessed the
impact of anthropogenic activities on elephant distribution. This information helped
prioritize conservation interventions and land-use planning efforts to minimize habitat
degradation and conflict.
The application of SDMs in the conservation of Indian elephants in the Nilgiris Biosphere
knowledge with spatial modeling techniques, SDMs contribute to the sustainable management of