English Conversational Group

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English Conversational

Online Group

27th of July to 7th of August 2020

Buddy | Beatriz Mina
1 Introduction

Briefly introduce yourself

A few questions I would like you to answer:

1. How did you get to know SPEAK?

2. Have you participated in other groups? If yes, how was it? What did you like
the most? And least?
3. What do you expect from this group? Why did you join?
4. Is there anything in particular you’d like to see covered in these sessions?
1 2 Truths and 1 Lie

1. Each person will introduce themselves by stating two truths and one lie
about themselves (family, hobbies, funny situations, work, travel…)
2. Write down these three sentences. It doesn’t need to be very private or
revealing, it can be simple things.

My turn:
1) Hi, I am Beatriz and I hate running. Which o
ne do yo
2) I used to practice acrobatic gymnastics. think it’ u
s a lie?
3) I have a younger sister. 🤔
1. Communication

27th July 2020

Beatriz Mina
1 Let’s discuss this quote

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice
as much as we speak.”
― Epictetus, a Greek philosopher

● What does the quote mean?

● Do you agree with it?
● When we communicate, what is more important: listening or talking?
● What are the qualities of a good communicator?
● What problems might occur when communicating with someone?
2 Vocabulary

Complete the table with words that go with these verbs. Some words can be matched to more than one

feedback confusion miscommunication

thoughts meaning message
ideas misunderstanding animosity

receive share grasp

prevent interpret lead to

2 Vocabulary


receive share grasp

message ideas meaning

feedback thoughts

prevent interpret lead to

miscommunication message misunderstanding

confusion feedback animosity
misunderstanding thoughts confusion
2 Vocabulary

Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the table below and then discuss these points.

1. Asking people questions usually ………… miscommunication.

2. One of the most common reasons that ………..… misunderstandings is the use of complicated sentence
3. It only makes sense to ……… positive feedback as it keeps everyone happy.
4. People with various knowledge, experience and cultural backgrounds …………… messages in a
different way.

receive share grasp

prevent interpret lead to
2 Vocabulary


1. Asking people questions usually prevents miscommunication.

2. One of the most common reasons that leads to misunderstandings is the use of complicated sentence
3. It only makes sense to share positive feedback as it keeps everyone happy.
4. People with various knowledge, experience and cultural backgrounds interpret messages in a
different way.

receive share grasp

prevent interpret lead to
3 Video
3 Video

Answer the following questions about the first part of the video.

1. The transmission model:

a. means that communication is a one-way process
b. involves communicating complex concepts
c. includes feedback from the other person
2. In the transactional model:
a. there is no exchange of information
b. just one person assigns meaning
c. people give and receive feedback
3. Perceptual filters….
a. improve communication by adding extra information
b. limit the number of messages we receive
c. change meanings and interpretation of messages we receive
3 Video


1. The transmission model:

a. means that communication is a one-way process
b. involves communicating complex concepts
c. includes feedback from the other person
2. In the transactional model:
a. there is no exchange of information
b. just one person assigns meaning
c. people give and receive feedback
3. Perceptual filters….
a. improve communication by adding extra information
b. limit the number of messages we receive
c. change meanings and interpretation of messages we receive
3 Video

Complete these rules of good communication with words from the box. filters gut open
express engage

1. ………… actively with the verbal and nonverbal feedback of others, and adjust your message to
facilitate greater understanding.
2. Listen with your eyes and ears, as well as with your ………… . Remember that communication is more
than just words.
3. In the rush to ………… ourselves, it's easy to forget that communication is a two way street. Be …………
to what the other person might say.
4. Be aware of your personal perceptual ………… . Elements of your experience, including your culture,
community, and family, influence how you see the world.
3 Video
3 Video

Correction filters gut open

express engage

1. Engage actively with the verbal and nonverbal feedback of others, and adjust your message to
facilitate greater understanding.
2. Listen with your eyes and ears, as well as with your gut . Remember that communication is more than
just words.
3. In the rush to express ourselves, it's easy to forget that communication is a two way street. Be open
to what the other person might say.
4. Be aware of your personal perceptual filters . Elements of your experience, including your culture,
community, and family, influence how you see the world.
4 Communication | Phrases

Match the phrases to the correct categories.

● In other words, … You want someone You didn’t hear

● Can you elaborate on that? to clarify what something
● Let me clarify that… they’ve said
● I don’t fully understand…
● Could you be more specific?
● Could you repeat?
● To put it another way…
● Just to be clear, you’re suggesting that… You want to You want to check if
● To be more specific… explain/clarify you understand
● Can you say that again? something you’ve what someone has
● Would you mind speaking more slowly? already said just said
● So, you’re saying that…
● If I understand you correctly…
● Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re saying that…
4 Communication | Phrases


You want someone to clarify what they’ve said You didn’t hear something

● Can you elaborate on that? ● Could you repeat?

● Could you be more specific? ● Can you say that again?
● I don’t fully understand… ● Would you mind speaking more slowly?

You want to explain/clarify something you’ve You want to check if you understand what
already said someone has just said

● In other words, … ● Just to be clear, you’re suggesting that…

● Let me clarify that… ● So, you’re saying that…
● To put it another way… ● If I understand you correctly…
● To be more specific… ● Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re saying that…
5 Before we go, let’s play a game!

Never have I ever

● Everyone take turns saying something they have never done.

● Each player starts with ten fingers showing.
● Each time someone says something that you’ve done, you drop a finger.
● The goal is to be the last player remaining.
(To win, it’s a good strategy to say statements that most people have done, but
you haven’t.)
6 Challenge for tomorrow

Analyse the rules of good communication discussed on today’s video.

Write a short text (can be structured in topics) on what do you think they mean and how easy do you think it is
to follow these rules.
● Do you think that people tend to use too many words to communicate their ideas?
● What can we do to be better communicators?
● In what kinds of situations do you have to ask someone to rephrase what they’ve said?
2. Countries & Nationalities

28th July 2020

Beatriz Mina
1 Do you remember everyone in the group?

Tell me something about another person of the group

1 Take away from yesterday | Challenge from yesterday
2 Video
2 Popular Stereotypes & Clichés

1. What are some of the most popular stereotypes and clichés about your
2. Do you agree?
3 Conversation time

Did you know any What’s the best

Where is your Which countries Do you prefer
place you have
of those places? dream trip to? have you visited? sun or snow?

How many What are your What are some What do you like
Do you prefer
languages do you favorite things that define the most about
mountain or sea?
speak? traditions? a culture? your country?

What other
What’s common What festivals Have you ever
cultures/nation Is your culture
to do in your and feasts does met someone
alities have you very family
country but your country from another
met people oriented?
weird in another? have? religion?
4 People in new countries

a. a member of a country who has rights

because they were born there or was
given similar rights as a person born
1. an expat (expatriate) there
2. a migrant b. someone forced to leave their country
3. a refugee because of war or other political reasons
c. someone living in a country that is not
4. an immigrant their own
5. a citizen d. someone that travels to a new country to
6. a resident find work
e. someone who lives in a particular place
f. someone who moves to a country to live
there permanently
4 People in new countries

a. a member of a country who has rights

because they were born there or was
given similar rights as a person born
1. an expat (expatriate) there
2. a migrant b. someone forced to leave their country
3. a refugee because of war or other political reasons
c. someone living in a country that is not
4. an immigrant their own
5. a citizen d. someone that travels to a new country to
6. a resident find work
e. someone who lives in a particular place
f. someone who moves to a country to live
there permanently
4 People in new countries

expat migrant refugee

Immigrant citizen resident

1. Henrik is a French ____________. His parents are Swedish but he was born in France.
2. The aid worker tried to find a bed for the night for the __________ . But there were none
3. There are many __________s living in Germany. Turkish people are the biggest group.
4. Spain has a large population of British ____________s.They often socialise together.
5. My sister is a _______________ of Australia. She has lived in Sydney for five years.
6. Hugo is an economic ___________. He had a good job but found a better one in Switzerland.
4 People in new countries

expat migrant refugee

Immigrant citizen resident

1. Henrik is a French citizen. His parents are Swedish but he was born in France.
2. The aid worker tried to find a bed for the night for the refugee . But there were none
3. There are many immigrants living in Germany. Turkish people are the biggest group.
4. Spain has a large population of British expats. They often socialise together.
5. My sister is a resident of Australia. She has lived in Sydney for five years.
6. Hugo is an economic migrant. He had a good job but found a better one in Switzerland.
5 Time for a game

Guess the place

● Each person thinks about one country they “will” go to and
starts describing what they will be doing there.
● The others must guess the place he/she is going to.

Try to always use the Future tense

6 Crosswords
6 Crosswords

3) Europe 1) Turkey
7) Country 2) Germany
9) City 4) Portugal
11) Asia 5) England
12) Africa 6) Ireland
13) Scotland 8) Region
16) Oceania 9) Canada
17) Switzerland 10) Wales
18) Australia 14) Continent
15) America
7 Tongue Twisters
8 Challenge for tomorrow

● Read the article

3. Selfies

29th July 2020

Beatriz Mina
1 Take away from yesterday

Tell me something you learned about a different country

2 Into the theme
2 Challenge from yesterday
2 Challenge from yesterday

Decide if the following statements are True or False

1. The writer thinks that selfies are something new.

2. The word `selfie' has made people draw attention to selfies.
3. According to Jason Feifer, people will get bored of taking selfies.
4. According to Jason Feifer, people will get bored of talking about selfies.
5. It takes more time to communicate with selfies than with long text messages.
2 Challenge from yesterday

Decide if the following statements are True or False

1. The writer thinks that selfies are something new. F

2. The word `selfie' has made people draw attention to selfies. T
3. According to Jason Feifer, people will get bored of taking selfies. F
4. According to Jason Feifer, people will get bored of talking about selfies. T
5. It takes more time to communicate with selfies than with long text messages. F
3 Word Formation

Complete sentences below with correct forms of words in brackets.

a) The employee of the month awards are intended to be incentives for performance ………………..
b) He has the ……………….. to walk into a room full of strangers and immediately start a conversation.
c) A minor ……………….. to the aircraft’s door has been made to increase its durability. [MODIFY]
d) Strict ……………….. to harsh social norms was demanded of everyone, regardless of status or wealth.
e) The Johnsons were faced with fierce ……………….. and that’s why they went bankrupt after a few years.
3 Word Formation

Complete sentences below with correct forms of words in brackets.

a) The employee of the month awards are intended to be incentives for performance enhancement
b) He has the confidence. to walk into a room full of strangers and immediately start a conversation.
c) A minor modification to the aircraft’s door has been made to increase its durability. [MODIFY]
d) Strict conformity to harsh social norms was demanded of everyone, regardless of status or wealth.
e) The Johnsons were faced with fierce competition and that’s why they went bankrupt after a few years.
4 Motivations for taking selfies

Look at a list of motivations for taking selfies and complete the gaps with words created on the previous exercise.

● Attention seeking
○ Example: taking selfies to gain attention from others.
● Self-……………….. Enhancement
○ Example: taking selfies to feel more positive about oneself.
● Environmental ………………..
○ Example: taking selfies in specific locations to feel good and show off to others.
● Social ………………..
○ Example: taking selfies to get more ‘likes’ on social media.

● Mood ………………..
○ Example: taking selfies to feel better.
● Subjective ………………..
○ Example: taking selfies to fit in with one’s social group and peers.
4 Motivations for taking selfies

Look at a list of motivations for taking selfies and complete the gaps with words created on the previous exercise.

● Attention seeking
○ Example: taking selfies to gain attention from others.
● Self-confidence
○ Example: taking selfies to feel more positive about oneself.
● Environmental enhancement
○ Example: taking selfies in specific locations to feel good and show off to others.
● Social competition
○ Example: taking selfies to get more ‘likes’ on social media.
● Mood modification
○ Example: taking selfies to feel better.
● Subjective conformity
○ Example: taking selfies to fit in with one’s social group and peers.
4 Video
Write down what motivates the interviewed people to take selfies
4 Video

Look at the sentences from the video and match underlined words and phrases with their meanings 1 – 6

a) With people falling off the Grand Canyon and being struck by trains, 1) to show the best qualities or
it begs the question just how far people are willing to go for their parts of something
personal brands.
b) Essentially, you want to up the ante so you take more and more
2) to advertise or promote
amazing photos in more and more risky places because those draw (something)
views. 3) to try to get a greater
c) With social media and stuff, people are sort of always trying to advantage from a situation by
one-up each other. taking a bigger risk
d) Once you build this up over months, weeks, years, all these pictures
4) to take a photo
of you doing a certain thing, then all of a sudden it's like: “Oh, I can
maybe market this”. 5) to raise a point that has not
e) Anything that I love I consider my brand and I just showcase it. been dealt with; invite an obvious
f) It's the norm now to pop a picture of wherever you're at mostly with question
your face in it 6) to outdo somebody
4 Video

Look at the sentences from the video and match underlined words and phrases with their meanings 1 – 6

a) With people falling off the Grand Canyon and being struck by trains, 1) to show the best qualities or
it begs the question just how far people are willing to go for their parts of something
personal brands.
b) Essentially, you want to up the ante so you take more and more
2) to advertise or promote
amazing photos in more and more risky places because those draw (something)
views. 3) to try to get a greater
c) With social media and stuff, people are sort of always trying to advantage from a situation by
one-up each other. taking a bigger risk
d) Once you build this up over months, weeks, years, all these pictures
4) to take a photo
of you doing a certain thing, then all of a sudden it's like: “Oh, I can
maybe market this”. 5) to raise a point that has not
e) Anything that I love I consider my brand and I just showcase it. been dealt with; invite an obvious
f) It's the norm now to pop a picture of wherever you're at mostly with question
your face in it 6) to outdo somebody
5 Parts of speech | What is this word?

John had a hard time preparing his

lesson for today.
5 Parts of speech | What is this word?

John had a hard time preparing his

lesson for today.
5 Parts of speech | What is this word?

Jack closed the door quietly.

5 Parts of speech | What is this word?

Jack closed the door quietly.

5 Parts of speech | What is this word?

Sarah lived very happily in England

before she moved to Vietnam.
5 Parts of speech | What is this word?

Sarah lived very happily in England

before she moved to Vietnam.
5 Parts of speech | What is this word?

George speaks slowly to his lower

level students.
5 Parts of speech | What is this word?

George speaks slowly to his lower

level students.
5 Parts of speech | What is this word?

Jessica is a very quick thinker.

5 Parts of speech | What is this word?

Jessica is a very quick thinker.

5 Parts of speech | What is this word?

Describes or Describes or
modifies a noun or modifies a verb,
a pronoun adjective or adverb
5 Parts of speech | What is this word?

Describes or Describes or
modifies a noun or modifies a verb,
a pronoun adjective or adverb
5 Adjectives and Adverbs | Comparison
5 Adjectives and Adverbs | Comparison

The bicycle is cheaper than the Ferrari.

The tractor is more useful than the bicycle.
The bicycle is healthier than the Ferrari.
5 Adjectives and Adverbs | Comparison
5 Adjectives and Adverbs | Comparison
5 Adjectives and Adverbs | Comparison

The Ferrari is the fastest.

The Ferrari is the most expensive.
The bicycle is the healthiest.
5 Adjectives and Adverbs | Comparison
5 Adjectives and Adverbs | Comparison
5 Adjectives and Adverbs | Comparison
5 Adjectives and Adverbs | Comparison
6 Let’s listen to some music!

Complete the lyrics with

I can see _______ now the rain is gone
the adjectives and
I can see all obstacles in my way adverbs missing
Gone are the ______ clouds that had me _____

It's gonna be a bright (bright)

Which ones are the
adjectives? And the
Bright (bright) sunshiny day adverbs?
It's gonna be a bright (bright)

Bright (bright) sunshiny day

I think I can make it now the pain is gone

All of the _____ feelings have disappeared

Here is that rainbow I've been praying for

It's gonna be a bright (bright)

Bright (bright) sunshiny day

7 Challenge for tomorrow

● Show us a selfie you took

○ Why did you take it?
○ What was the situation?
● Other participants will describe the selfies using adjectives

● What idioms/expressions do you know?

4. Idioms

30th July 2020

Beatriz Mina
1 Take away from yesterday | Challenge from yesterday

● What have you learned yesterday?

● Show us your selfie

○ Why did you take it?
○ What was the situation?
1 Take away from yesterday
2 Film
2 Film

● Was the ending surprising?

● How does the film make you feel?
● Has your opinion of the boy’s character changed?
● Does the film have a message?
3 Idioms | Challenge from yesterday

● What are idioms?

● What idioms do you know?

● What does it mean?

● Does a similar expression exist in your language as well?

● Do you use idioms when speaking?

3 Idioms
3 Idioms
3 Idioms
3 Idioms
3 Idioms
3 Idioms
3 Idioms
3 Idioms
3 Idioms
3 Idioms
3 Idioms
3 Idioms
4 Challenge for tomorrow

Tomorrow we'll have a debate on a few topics. To help you be prepared and have some solid arguments
to defend your position, please have a look at these 2 links:


5. Debate

31st July 2020

Beatriz Mina
1 Take away from yesterday

reveal secret information

Grass is greener on a nutshell
unintentionally or indiscreetly

other people always seem to be in a

A storm in the iceberg
better situation than you

the small perceptible part of a much

In a tea cup larger situation or problem that
remains hidden

great outrage or excitement about a

Spill the other side
trivial matter

To be on the beans to be extremely happy and excited

The tip of cloud nine in the fewest possible words

1 Take away from yesterday

reveal secret information

Grass is greener on a nutshell
unintentionally or indiscreetly

other people always seem to be in a

A storm in the iceberg
better situation than you

the small perceptible part of a much

In a tea cup larger situation or problem that
remains hidden

great outrage or excitement about a

Spill the other side
trivial matter

To be on the beans to be extremely happy and excited

The tip of cloud nine in the fewest possible words

2 Expressions for agreeing and disagreeing

● How would you express your opinion?

● How would you agree with someone? And disagree?

● How would you present and argument?

2 Expressions for agreeing and disagreeing

Asking for an opinion Expressing agreement

Stating an opinion

● What's your idea? ● I agree with you 100

● In my opinion... percent.
● What are your thoughts
● I couldn't agree with you
● The way I see it... on this? more.
● If you want my honest ● How do you feel about ● You're absolutely right.
opinion.... that? ● Absolutely.
● According to XXX... ● Do you have anything to ● That's exactly how I feel.
● I'm afraid I agree with XXX.
● As far as I'm say about this?
● I have to side with XXX on
concerned... ● What do you think?
this one.
● Do you agree? ● You have a point there.
● If you ask me..
● Wouldn't you say? ● I was just going to say that.
2 Expressions for agreeing and disagreeing

Expressing disagreement Interruptions

Settling an argument
● I don't think so. ● Can I add something?
● I'm afraid I disagree. ● Is it okay if I jump in for ● Let's just move on, shall
● (strong) I totally disagree. a second? we?
● I beg to differ.
● If I might add ● Let's drop it.
● (strong) I'd say the exact
something... ● I think we're going to
● Not necessarily.
● Sorry to interrupt, but... have to agree to
● That's not always true. ● (after accidentally disagree.
● That's not always the case. interrupting someone) ● (sarcastic) Whatever
● No, I'm not so sure about Sorry, go ahead. OR you say./If you say so.
that. Sorry, you were saying...
3 Debate

● Ready to debate?

● Debate: one group is pro the other is against

● Topic 1 for debate: Smoking should be banned


● Topic 2 for debate: Social Media Impact on

Relationships - How does social media affect
relationships with people, is it helpful or harmful?
3 Debate

Topic 1 for debate: Smoking should be banned worldwide


PRO ● Governments must defend freedom of choice to

● A comparison of tobacco to hard drugs is
● Cigarettes are harmful; governments should
take action against them
● Many things are addictive; alienating tobacco is
● Smoking is not a real choice, as nicotine is an
addictive drug
● Many products are unhealthy; alienating cigarettes
● Most smokers want to quit; restrictions do
is unfair
them a favor ● "Passive smoking" can be reduced without harsh
● Smoking forces others to 'passively smoking' restrictions
● Cigarettes and many illegal drugs are similar ● Ads do not force people to smoke
● Neuromarketing study claims these ads are
3 Debate

Topic 2 for debate: Social Media Impact on Relationships - How does social
media affect relationships with people, is it helpful or harmful?


● Social media allows people to improve their ● Social media can lead to stress and offline
relationships and make new friends. relationship problems.
● Social media sites help employers find ● Using social media can harm job stability and
employees and job-seekers find work. employment prospects.
● Social media facilitates face-to-face ● The use of social media is correlated with
interaction. personality and brain disorders.
● Social media helps people who are socially ● Social media causes people to spend less time
isolated or shy connect with other people. interacting face-to-face.
● Social media can help disarm social stigmas. ● Social media aids the spread of hate groups.
4 Would you rather?

Would you rather make more money but be busier or make less money but be less busy?

Would you rather travel by road or travel by air?

Would you rather live somewhere really hot or live somewhere really cold?

Would you rather watch a thriller movie or a romance movie?

Would you rather live in the city or in the country?

Would you rather eat a home-cooked meal or eat take-out?

Would you rather live with friends or live alone?

Would you rather go to a gym or workout from home?

Would you rather spend the weekend indoors or outdoors?

6. Binge Watching

3rd August 2020

Beatriz Mina
1 How was your weekend?
2 What are these?
3 Vocabulary
1. Choose the correct words in these groups of words.

a) Video on COMMAND/REQUEST/DEMAND - a system for watching films or recorded programmes on the internet
or TV at any time (AKA streaming)

b) CAPTIONS/CREDITS/CREDENTIALS - a list of people involved in making a film or TV programme that is shown at

the end or beginning of it

c) HIGH TIME/PRIME TIME/APEX TIME - the time when the largest number of people are watching TV or listening to
the radio

d) a RERUN/REPLAY/RETAKE - a programme that is being shown on TV again

e) to ZAP/ZIP/ZIG - to change the channel you are watching on TV using a remote control

f) to AIR/VOICE/DISPLAY - to broadcast something on the radio or TV

g) a WORSHIPER/PRESCRIBER/SUBSCRIBER - someone who pays money in order to receive something regularly

h) COMMS/COMMERCIALS/COMMERCES - advertisements on TV or the radio

3 Vocabulary
1. Choose the correct words in these groups of words.

a) Video on COMMAND/REQUEST/DEMAND - a system for watching films or recorded programmes on the internet
or TV at any time (AKA streaming)

b) CAPTIONS/CREDITS/CREDENTIALS - a list of people involved in making a film or TV programme that is shown at

the end or beginning of it

c) HIGH TIME/PRIME TIME/APEX TIME - the time when the largest number of people are watching TV or listening to
the radio

d) a RERUN/REPLAY/RETAKE - a programme that is being shown on TV again

e) to ZAP/ZIP/ZIG - to change the channel you are watching on TV using a remote control

f) to AIR/VOICE/DISPLAY - to broadcast something on the radio or TV

g) a WORSHIPER/PRESCRIBER/SUBSCRIBER - someone who pays money in order to receive something regularly

h) COMMS/COMMERCIALS/COMMERCES - advertisements on TV or the radio

3 Vocabulary
2. Complete questions with correct words from ex. 1 and discuss these questions

1) If you’ve missed a film on TV, do you ever try and catch a __________ ?

2) When you watch TV, do you tend to __________ between channels because of the
commercial break?

3) Are you a __________ to any video on __________ services? If yes, was it the absence of
__________ that convinced you to use such services?

4) Do you like the idea that platforms as Netflix __________ all episodes of some TV series
at once?
3 Vocabulary
2. Complete questions with correct words from ex. 1 and discuss these questions

1) If you’ve missed a film on TV, do you ever try and catch a rerun?

2) When you watch TV, do you tend to zap between channels because of the commercial

3) Are you a subscriber to any video on demand services? If yes, was it the absence of
commercials that convinced you to use such services?

4) Do you like the idea that platforms as Netflix air all episodes of some TV series at once?
4 Binge Watching

To Binge...
4 Binge Watching

To Binge...
to binge (on sth) - to do something in a way that is extreme and not controlled

● Heavy and regular binge drinking during adolescence is associated with an increased risk of
● Binge eating often leads to weight gain and obesity, which only reinforces compulsive eating.

Create a sentence with binge watching

4 Binge Watching
What do you think? Guess the statistics and choose your answers: a, b or c.

1. Half of television viewers have binge watched ……….. hours of a TV show in one go.
a. 6 b. 7 c. 8

2. ……….. of binge watchers have sacrificed sleep to continue watching a TV show.

a. 28% b. 58% c. 80%

3. One in ……….. British workers admits to call in sick to stay at home and binge watch TV shows.
a. five b. Seven c. ten

4. Nearly ……….. of us have lied about watching a series because other people were talking about it.
a. ½ b. ⅓ c. 1/4
4 Binge Watching
What do you think? Guess the statistics and choose your answers: a, b or c.

1. Half of television viewers have binge watched ……….. hours of a TV show in one go.
a. 6 b. 7 c. 8

2. ……….. of binge watchers have sacrificed sleep to continue watching a TV show.

a. 28% b. 58% c. 80%

3. One in ……….. British workers admits to call in sick to stay at home and binge watch TV shows.
a. five b. Seven c. ten

4. Nearly ……….. of us have lied about watching a series because other people were talking about it.
a. ½ b. ⅓ c. 1/4
What do you think about
these statistics?
4 Binge Watching
4 Binge Watching

a) What does Netflix do to encourage binge watching?

b) Why are people embarrassed by binge watching?

c) What is special about such TV series as Big Little Lies?

4 Binge Watching

a) What does Netflix do to encourage binge watching?

When an episode finishes, the credits are minimized to the corner of the screen and the next
episode is loaded straight away.

b) Why are people embarrassed by binge watching?

Because it means that they’re not productive

c) What is special about such TV series as Big Little Lies?

They are created in such a way that you can find a character that you can relate to
4 Binge Watching

Watch the second part of the video and fill in the sentences below with 1 to 3 words.

a) In the very emotional episode Splat of Sex and The City, one of the characters _____________ of a

b) Binge watching activates your brain so watching dramatic events in the evening won’t be good for
your ____________.

c) Orange is the New Black with the cast _____________ 40 wouldn’t work so well if it were broadcast
on traditional TV.

d) Bingeing is a word with a ________________ meaning.

4 Binge Watching

Watch the second part of the video and fill in the sentences below with 1 to 3 words.

a) In the very emotional episode Splat of Sex and The City, one of the characters FALLS OUT of a

b) Binge watching activates your brain so watching dramatic events in the evening won’t be good for
your SLEEP.

c) Orange is the New Black with the cast OF ABOUT 40 wouldn’t work so well if it were broadcast
on traditional TV.

d) Bingeing is a word with a NEGATIVE meaning.

4 Binge Watching
Sentences below include the language used in the video. Decide what the phrases in bold mean.
4 Binge Watching
Sentences below include the language used in the video. Decide what the phrases in bold mean.
5 Relative Clauses
Create a sentence from the parts. In which sentences can you omit the word who, which, where, etc.?

1. who lent me / is here. / The guy / his laptop

2. the pen / I borrowed / That’s / which / from you.
3. the company / that / as a junior software developer. / This is / I worked for
4. the day / That was / I / first met the boss. / when
5. I didn’t come / was because / The reason / I had an important meeting. / why
6. a businessman / Steve Jobs / died in 2011. / was / who
7. That’s / for. / the guy / company / whose / I work
8. Did you / the invoice / I sent / that / I / you? / get
9. where / room service. / She has never stayed / a hotel / at / you can order
10. I’ve ever met. / the most talented / man / He’s / that
5 Relative Clauses
Create a sentence from the parts. In which sentences can you omit the word who, which, where, etc.?

1. The guy who lent me his laptop is here.

2. That’s the pen which I borrowed from you.
3. This is the company that I worked for as a junior software developer.
4. That was the day when I first met the boss.
5. The reason why I didn’t come was because I had an important meeting.
6. Steve Jobs was a businessman who died in 2011.
7. That’s the guy whose company I work for.
8. Did you get the invoice that I sent you?
9. She has never stayed at a hotel where you can order room service.
10. He’s the most talented man that I’ve ever met.

Sentences 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 can be reduced.

5 Relative Clauses
5 Relative Clauses
6 Challenge for tomorrow

4th August 2020

Beatriz Mina
1 Take away from yesterday
2 Let’s play Kahoot!
3 Challenge from yesterday

2. She comes from Tehran, which is the capital of Iran.

3. Derek is a lawyer, which is a well-paid job.

4. She worked for Toyota in 2007, when she lived in Japan.

5. The camera costs over 1000 dollars, which is a waste of money.

6. He often plays cricket, which is a very slow sport.

7. She speaks fluent Chinese, which is very difficult to learn.

8. Nelson Mandela, who was president of South Africa, died in


9. Barclays Bank, where I have an account, is one of the world's

biggest banks.
4 Miss



a) to fail to understand, notice or hear something c) to notice that something is lost or absent
b) to feel sad a person or a thing isn’t present d) to be too late for an event/activity or not be present at it
e) to fail to hit or reach something
4 Miss



a) to fail to understand, notice or hear something 5 c) to notice that something is lost or absent 2
b) to feel sad a person or a thing isn’t present 4 d) to be too late for an event/activity or not be present at it 3
e) to fail to hit or reach something 1
4 Miss | Conversation time

● How often do you miss something or somebody from your past?

● Have you ever missed an important appointment or event? Why? What


● Do you feel like you’re missing out if you don’t go out at the weekend or skip a
party everybody goes to?
4 Vocabulary and phrasal verbs
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box to create phrasal verbs with ‘out’. Change the form of the verb if necessary.

a) The aim of these activities is to offer people with mental health needs a way of ______ out and meeting
people, and to build skills and self-confidence.
b) The following documents clearly ______ out the potential risks to our company.
c) The government must act to ______ out interracial hatred and violence.
d) Because so many things have already been invented, creating something which ______ out becomes very
e) Your friends always ______ out your best self!
f) If you are not a member of our group, you’re definitely ______ out on something marvellous.
g) The Old Town Square is a lively place where many locals ______ out in the evening.
h) It took me some time to ______ out who the killer in that story was.
i) We had a misunderstanding but we ______ it out and now everything is alright.
j) You can ______ out of this marketing campaign at any time by sending us an email.
4 Vocabulary and phrasal verbs
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box to create phrasal verbs with ‘out’. Change the form of the verb if necessary.

a) The aim of these activities is to offer people with mental health needs a way of getting out and meeting
people, and to build skills and self-confidence.
b) The following documents clearly point out the potential risks to our company.
c) The government must act to stamp out interracial hatred and violence.
d) Because so many things have already been invented, creating something which stands out becomes very
e) Your friends always bring out your best self!
f) If you are not a member of our group, you’re definitely missing out on something marvellous.
g) The Old Town Square is a lively place where many locals hang out in the evening.
h) It took me some time to figure out who the killer in that story was.
i) We had a misunderstanding but we sorted it out and now everything is alright.
j) You can opt out of this marketing campaign at any time by sending us an email.
4 Vocabulary and phrasal verbs
Discover what meanings out can bring by matching phrasal verbs from exercise 3 to the right group below

1) not being included or not taking part in something;

2) being or moving outside; this usually means that you leave a place or you do something
3) trying to find an answer or solution to a problem or something you don't know or
4) used when something that you can't see or has been hidden suddenly appears;
5) when something is finished or you finish it; sometimes, it means it’s done to the end or
completely, until nothing is left.
4 Vocabulary and phrasal verbs
Discover what meanings out can bring by matching phrasal verbs from exercise 3 to the right group below

1) not being included or not taking part in something; OPT OUT ; MISS OUT ON
2) being or moving outside; this usually means that you leave a place or you do something
outdoors; HANG OUT; GET OUT
3) trying to find an answer or solution to a problem or something you don't know or
4) used when something that you can't see or has been hidden suddenly appears; STAND
5) when something is finished or you finish it; sometimes, it means it’s done to the end or
completely, until nothing is left. STAMP OUT
5 Word formation
Complete the sentences with correct forms of words in brackets.

1. Nowadays, it’s sometimes difficult to decide what things in life give us a real ………. .
2. He might seem a bit rude, but he has very good ………. . [INTEND]
3. What are my ………. to the community I am a part of? [OBLIGE]
4. Some people say that life is ………. and you can do anything you want. [LIMIT]
5. Julius Caesar was the most ………. man in ancient Rome. [POWER]
6. A life without limits is ………. and we shouldn’t strive for it. [MEANING]
7. Oscar Wilde said he could resist everything except ………. . [TEMPT]
5 Word formation
Complete the sentences with correct forms of words in brackets.

1. Nowadays, it’s sometimes difficult to decide what things in life give us a real pleasure.

2. He might seem a bit rude, but he has very good intentions.

3. What are my obligations to the community I am a part of?

4. Some people say that life is limitless and you can do anything you want.

5. Julius Caesar was the most powerful man in ancient Rome.

6. A life without limits is meaningless and we shouldn’t strive for it.

7. Oscar Wilde said he could resist everything except temptations.


Have you heard for FOMO? And JOMO?


a) What are 2 factors that make us feel FOMO?

b) What should we do to experience JOMO?

c) What does ‘moderate life’ mean according to Aristotle?

d) What does it mean to be human according to the speaker?

e) How does the example of Nero show that limitless life is life of despair?

a) What are 2 factors that make us feel FOMO?

Social media: we compare ourselves to others, our lives, etc. Consumer culture: a big
marketing industry telling us we could have something more, something better
b) What should we do to experience JOMO?
Practise to willingly miss out on all possibilities we’re bombarded with.
c) What does ‘moderate life’ mean according to Aristotle?
Finding a balance between two extremes, doing too much and doing too little.
d) What does it mean to be human according to the speaker?
To be human is to think about my life in relation to others, my obligations to them, being part
of a community, society.
e) How does the example of Nero show that limitless life is life of despair?
Nero had limitless power in his times and could get what he wanted but in the end he wanted
to be out of control and to do so he set Rome on fire
7 Discussion time
8. Phrasal Verbs, Proverbs & Idioms

5th August 2020

Beatriz Mina
1 Let’s listen to some music!

Shape of you - Ed Sheeran

One week in we let the story begin Complete the lyrics with
the phrasal verbs missing
We're ___________ on our first date and find out their meaning
You and me are thrifty, so go all you can eat
Fill up your bag and I __________ a plate
We talk for hours and hours about the sweet and the sour
And how your family is doing okay
Leave and get in a taxi, then kiss in the backseat
Tell the driver make the radio play, and I'm singing like
Complete the lyrics with
1 Let’s listen to some music! the phrasal verbs missing
and find out their meaning

We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together - Taylor Swift

Ooh, oh-oh, oh-oh I'm really gonna miss you picking fights
I remember when we ____________, the first time
We ________ it ______ again last night And me, ____________ it screaming that I'm right
Saying, "This is it, I've had enough"
But ooh, oh-oh, oh-oh And you, would _________ and find your peace of
'Cause like we hadn't seen each other in a month mind
This time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
When you, said you, needed space (what?) With some indie record that's much cooler than
We are never ever, ever getting back together mine
Then you ____________ again and say
We are never ever, ever getting back together Ooh, oh-oh, oh-oh
"Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me"
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me You called me up again tonight
Remember how that lasted for a day?
But we are never ever, ever, ever getting back together But ooh, oh-oh, oh-oh
I say, I hate you, we break up, you call me, I love you
Like, ever This time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
2 Phrasal verbs | Matching exercise

to decide that a planned event will not happen, or to end an activity

Go up
because it is no longer useful or possible

to be tricked into believing something that is not true Fill around

to come to an end; to separate into smaller pieces Break out

to leave a room or building, especially in order to do something for

Come up
entertainment; to have a romantic relationship with someone

to change your opinion of something, often influenced by another

Call for
person's opinion; to visit someone in their home

to keep oneself, someone, or something out of sight; To seek refuge in

Fall away
a secret place:

to become full, or to make something become full Hide off

2 Phrasal verbs | Matching exercise

to decide that a planned event will not happen, or to end an activity

Go up
because it is no longer useful or possible

to be tricked into believing something that is not true Fill around

to come to an end; to separate into smaller pieces Break out

to leave a room or building, especially in order to do something for

Come up
entertainment; to have a romantic relationship with someone

to change your opinion of something, often influenced by another

Call for
person's opinion; to visit someone in their home

to keep oneself, someone, or something out of sight; To seek refuge in

Fall away
a secret place:

to become full, or to make something become full Hide off

2 Phrasal verbs
3 Reading
2 Phrasal verbs

Complete the questions below with the phrasal verbs from conversation B in the correct form. Working out
Ask the question to someone in the group. Taken up
Was into
Give it up
1. Have you _________ a new hobby recently? (started doing) Carry on
Getting on
2. Have you _________ recently a hobby or activity? (stopped doing) Get rid of
Get back into it
3. Do you ever _________ ? (exercise at the gym)
4. Have you recently __________ something that you stopped doing a long time ago? (started doing after
stopping for some time)
5. What do you do to _________ stress? (eliminate)
2 Phrasal verbs

Complete the questions below with the phrasal verbs from conversation B in the correct form.
Ask the question to someone in the group.

1. Have you taken up a new hobby recently? (started doing)

2. Have you given up recently a hobby or activity? (stopped doing)
3. Do you ever work out ? (exercise at the gym)
4. Have you recently go back into something that you stopped doing a long time ago? (started doing
after stopping for some time)
5. What do you do to get rid of stress? (eliminate)
3 Proverbs
Match the different sentence halves to form English proverbs.

1. Don’t look a gift horse A. Be choosers

2. Beggars can’t B. As a free lunch

3. There’s no such thing C. In the mouth

4. People who live in glass houses D. In one basket

5. Two wrongs E. Shouldn’t throw stones

6. The squeaky wheel F. Gets the grease

7. Don’t put all your eggs G. Don’t make a right

3 Proverbs
Match the different sentence halves to form English proverbs.

1. Don’t look a gift horse A. Be choosers

2. Beggars can’t B. As a free lunch

3. There’s no such thing C. In the mouth

4. People who live in glass houses D. In one basket

5. Two wrongs E. Shouldn’t throw stones

6. The squeaky wheel F. Gets the grease

7. Don’t put all your eggs G. Don’t make a right

3 Proverbs

Match the scenario to proverb.

● Just because he cheated on you doesn’t mean you should cheat on him.

● I gave him my old bike for free and now he’s complaining about the tyres.

● I know they said we only have to go to the timeshare presentation to get the free camera but I smell a rat.

● Is your soup cold too? We should say something.

● You can talk Martin! You drink just as much as Tony does!

● I just think we should have something else up our sleeve if they don’t like the first idea.

● It’s the only room you can afford, so it’s take it or leave it I’m afraid.
3 Proverbs

Match the scenario to proverb.

● Just because he cheated on you doesn’t mean you should cheat on him.
2 wrongs don’t make a right
● I gave him my old bike for free and now he’s complaining about the tyres.
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
● I know they said we only have to go to the timeshare presentation to get the free camera but I smell a rat.
There’s no such thing as a free lunch
● Is your soup cold too? We should say something.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease
● You can’t talk Martin! You drink just as much as Tony does!
People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
● I just think we should have something else up our sleeve if they don’t like the first idea.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
● It’s the only room you can afford, so it’s take it or leave it I’m afraid.
Beggars can’t be choosers
4 Idioms
4 Idioms
4 Idioms
4 Idioms
4 Idioms
4 Idioms
4 Idioms
4 Idioms
4 Idioms
4 Idioms
4 Idioms
4 Idioms
4 Idioms
4 Idioms
9. Questions

6th August 2020

Beatriz Mina
1 Take away from yesterday

Make a sentence using an idiom learned yesterday

2 Questions

Write one question to each answer. Ask for the underlined part

a) __________________________________ ? I went on holiday with my friends.

b) __________________________________ ? The train station is in front of the supermarket.

c) __________________________________ ? I haven’t done my homework because I wasn’t feeling well.

d) __________________________________ ? My company is going to develop a new system next year.

e) __________________________________ ? I would like to study medicine in the future.

f) __________________________________ ? Yes, I really like watching comedies.

2 Questions

Write one question to each answer. Ask for the underlined part

a) Who did you go on holiday with? I went on holiday with my friends.

b) Where is the train station? The train station is in front of the supermarket.

c) Why haven’t you done your homework? I haven’t done my homework because I wasn’t feeling well.

d) When is your company going to develop a new system? My company is going to develop a new system next year.

e) What would you like to study in the future? I would like to study medicine in the future.

f) Do you like watching comedies? Yes, I really like watching comedies.

2 Questions


Where can I find the nearest post office? Can you tell me where I can find the nearest
post office?

Do you want to go to the cinema tonight? I wonder if you want to go to the cinema

Introductory phrases:

I wonder… Explain… I would like to know…

Can you tell me… Tell me… Could you tell me…
Do you know… I’m not sure… Do you have any idea…
Let me know… Please tell me… I was wondering…
2 Questions

Rewrite questions from exercise 1 using various introductory phrases

a) Who did you go on holiday with?

b) Where is the train station?

c) Why haven’t you done your homework?

d) When is your company going to develop a new system?

e) What would you like to study in the future?

f) Do you like watching comedies?

3 Discussion

Can you give some examples of questions children ask?

Do you know any questions which cannot be answered?
3 Video
Watch the video and write down three questions the speaker asks
3 Discussion

Imagine that you are a parent and your child asks you a lot of difficult questions. Try to answer the following questions.

● Why are pizza boxes square when the pizza is round?

● Does the President have to pay taxes?
● Why do donuts have holes?
● Why is the sea salty?
● How does Santa Claus get down the chimney?
3 Common English errors | Find the mistake

The two best things

about the party was the
food and the music.
3 Find the mistake

The two best things

about the party was the
food and the music.
3 Find the mistake

I don’t believe its finally Friday.

3 Find the mistake

I don’t believe its finally Friday.

it’s = it is
its = possessive pronoun
3 Find the mistake

The cat was licking it’s tail.

3 Find the mistake

The cat was licking it’s tail.

it’s = it is
its = possessive pronoun
3 Find the mistake

It was a breathe of fresh air to meet

someone so genuine.
3 Find the mistake


It was a breathe of fresh air to meet

someone so genuine.

Breathe = process of inhaling and exhaling (verb)

Breath = full cycle of breathing or the air that is inhaled or exhaled (noun)
3 Find the mistake

When you’re done with that report, can

you send it to Bill and I?
3 Find the mistake

When you’re done with that report, can

you send it to Bill and I?

I is used for the subject of the sentence

Me is used for the object
3 Find the mistake

Jane and me walked the dog.

3 Find the mistake

Jane and me walked the dog.


I is used for the subject of the sentence

Me is used for the object
3 Find the mistake

I gave me a bunch of flowers for my

3 Find the mistake

I gave me a bunch of flowers for my

Myself - to refer back to the subject of the sentence (reflexive pronoun).

It should not be used as a substitute for I or me.
3 Find the mistake

Can I go to?
3 Find the mistake

Can I go to?

Too - synonym of “also”

3 Find the mistake

I ate to much
3 Find the mistake

I ate to much

Too - means excessively when it precedes an adjective or adverb

3 Find the mistake

My dinner was better then yours.

3 Find the mistake

My dinner was better then yours.


Than - conjunction used to make comparisons

Then - adverb used to situate actions in time
3 Find the mistake

We made dinner, and than we ate.

3 Find the mistake

We made dinner, and than we ate.


Than - conjunction used to make comparisons

Then - adverb used to situate actions in time
3 Find the mistake

There are less flowers in this bouquet

than that one.
3 Find the mistake


There are less flowers in this bouquet

than that one.

Fewer - (adjective) a smaller number; a decreasing number - used for things you can count
Less - (adjective) not as much; a smaller amount - used for things you can’t count
3 Find the mistake

Children like to hear histories about big

3 Find the mistake


Children like to hear histories about big


History - events from the past, facts or accepted theories

Story - can be based on imagination, fiction or it can be facts or fiction that is based on facts
3 Find the mistake

I’ve been here since 4 months.

3 Find the mistake


I’ve been here since 4 months.

For - when we measure the duration. When we say how long something lasts.
Since - gives the starting point of actions, events or states. It refers to when things began.
3 Find the mistake

I didn’t meet nobody.

3 Find the mistake


I didn’t meet nobody.

Negative sentences can only be formed with the indefinite pronouns that include any.
3 Find the mistake

You shouldn’t buy none of those shoes -

they’re overpriced.
3 Find the mistake

You shouldn’t buy none of those shoes -
they’re overpriced.

In English, we can’t have a “double negative” (not + no). Use “any” instead.
3 Find the mistake

Did you went to Barcelona last

3 Find the mistake

Did you went to Barcelona last
10. Sport

7th August 2020

Beatriz Mina
1 Let’s play Kahoot!
2 Sport
2 Sport
Read the sentences below and match the words and phrases in bold with their meanings a) - i) o

1. Parents often hope that their kids will compete professionally and become famous athletes.
2. Sports Daily wrote that John Daly is a promising runner because he won in the last few runs.
3. Before the fight, my coach told me to focus only on my opponent in the ring and to forget about all the people around.
4. LeBron James was ranked number one basketball player of all time.
5. The American women team won the last Olympics tournament and got a gold medal.
6. Muhammad Ali was a boxing champion with an impressive 56-win record.
7. Anna Brown stood out in the game last Sunday because she scored many points and won the match.

a) to take part in a race or competition f) someone whose job is to train and organize a sports team
b) a competition for teams or single players in which a g) to be the best
series of games is played h) a person who someone is competing against in a sports
c) a winner of first place in competition event
i) something or somebody that may be very successful
d) to be much better than other similar things or people
e) a person who is very good at sports and takes part in
2 Sport
Read the sentences below and match the words and phrases in bold with their meanings a) - i) o

1. Parents often hope that their kids will compete professionally and become famous athletes.
2. Sports Daily wrote that John Daly is a promising runner because he won in the last few runs.
3. Before the fight, my coach told me to focus only on my opponent in the ring and to forget about all the people around.
4. LeBron James was ranked number one basketball player of all time.
5. The American women team won the last Olympics tournament and got a gold medal.
6. Muhammad Ali was a boxing champion with an impressive 56-win record.
7. Anna Brown stood out in the game last Sunday because she scored many points and won the match.

a) to take part in a race or competition compete f) someone whose job is to train and organize a sports team
b) a competition for teams or single players in which a coach
series of games is played tournament g) to be the best ranked number one
c) a winner of first place in competition champion h) a person who someone is competing against in a sports
event opponent
d) to be much better than other similar things or people
i) something or somebody that may be very successful
stood out
e) a person who is very good at sports and takes part in
competitions athletes
2 Sport
Look at the pictures from the video by Great Big Story you will watch in a minute. What do you think this video might be about?
2 Sport

a) Some of the sport’s most ………….. boxers come from a special place in
b) But once the sport was opened up to them, not only did girls start ………….., they
started winning a lot.
c) (…) with her father, who remains her ……………… to this day.
d) For me to make that goal possible, every single ………….. that is coming up, (…)
e) I've trained a lot of champions and Sandra ………….. out.
2 Sport

a) Some of the sport’s most PROMISING. boxers come from a special place in
b) But once the sport was opened up to them, not only did girls start
COMPETING, they started winning a lot.
c) (…) with her father, who remains her COACH to this day.
d) For me to make that goal possible, every single TOURNAMENT that is coming
up, (…)
e) I've trained a lot of champions and Sandra STANDS out.
2 Sport

a. Some girls from California won at the Junior Olympics in 2017.

b. Sandra Tovar’s was 17 when she started boxing.

c. Sandra Tovar only has time to do her homework before boxing training.

d. You don’t need a lot of money to compete professionally.

e. The girl-boxers from California are very motivated to win.

2 Sport

a. Some girls from California won at the Junior Olympics in 2017. T

b. Sandra Tovar’s was 17 when she started boxing. F

c. Sandra Tovar only has time to do her homework before boxing training. F

d. You don’t need a lot of money to compete professionally. F

e. The girl-boxers from California are very motivated to win. T

3 Discussion time

● Is it a good idea that girls compete professionally in boxing?

● Would you let your children go to boxing classes?

● Should we encourage children to do sports more?

● What can sport teach people?

● How can sport help children from poor families?

4 Do you agree?

a) Physical education at school should be optional.

b) Athletes earn enough money for what they do.

c) Footballers shouldn’t get so much money.

d) Men and women should play together in the same tournaments.

5 Debate

● Ready to debate?

● Debate: one group is pro the other is against

● Topic 1 for debate: Physical education at school

should be optional.

● Topic 2 for debate: Men and women should play

together in the same tournaments.

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