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Subject: Language teaching principles
Topic: Communicative language teaching
Time: 2 hours
Aim: To inform about the origin of a teaching method

To explain the meaning of the term communicative and approach

To familiarize with the CLT activities and equipped materials in learning

Objectives: Results. Student should:

1. To guide students to 1. Get information about the method
discuss on topic
2.To practice how to use 2. Interact with each other.
a role play as a way of
learning language
Teaching techniques Brainstorming, discussion, identifying.
Interaction format Individual work, pair work, group work.
Teaching materials Handouts, markers, projector, laptop
and aids

Learning area Auditorium designed with teaching technological bases

(notebook, computer, etc.)

Feedback and Presentation of the results given tasks, assessment.

Typical technological plan of the lesson

Stages of Content of the activities

the work, Teacher Students
The 1- 1. Checks home task of the previous lesson 1. Listen, check.
stage. Pre- 1.1. Introduces the new theme. Brainstorming, 1.1. Predict and give
activity teacher asks the students the following their opinions, discuss
Warm up questions: What is communication? What and present their ideas
(20min) tools of communication do you use?
1.2. Explains the new theme and aims of the
lesson and sets tasks. 1.2 Listen.

The 2- 2.1. To familiar with new vocabulary 2.1. Read, listen and
stage. 2.2. Ask students to watch the video and then answer.
While discuss it 2.2. Improve their
activity 2.3. Explain how to use CLT activities in listening skill
(45min) teaching. 2.3. Improve their skill
2.3. Ask students to complete the given task. 2.3. Fill the gaps
2.5. Read and find the
2.5. Play a riddle game answer

The 3- 3.1. Ask students to fill the gaps and 3.1. Complete, Sing a
stage. 3.2. Teacher evaluates every student and song
Post concludes all remarks done during the lesson. 3.2. Consolidate and
activity summarize all the
(15 min) 3.2.Giving home task according to the new information they got
Home task topic during the lesson
Handout 1.

“We have two ears and one mouth

so that we can listen twice as much as we

speak ”

— Epictetus, a Greek philosopher

1. Discuss the questions.

 What does the quote mean? Do you agree with it?
 When we communicate, what is more important: listening or talking?
 What are the qualities of a good communicator?
 What problems might occur when communicating with someone?

2. Complete the table with the words in the box. Some words can be matched
to more than one verb.

animosity confusion feedback ideas meaning

message miscommunication misunderstanding thoughts




3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the
table above and then discuss these points.
a) Asking people questions usually...................................miscommunication.
b) One of the most common reasons that.....................................misunderstandings is
the use of complicated sentence structures.
c) It only makes sense to..................................positive feedback as it keeps everyone
d) People with various knowledge, experience and cultural backgrounds
………………… messages in different ways.

Handout 2

1. Watch the first part of a video [https://youtu.be/gCfzeONu3Mo](to

03:10) titled “How miscommunication happens (and how to avoid it)”
and choose the correct answers.
a) The transmission model:
1) means that communication is a one-way process
2) involves communicating complex concepts
3) includes feedback from the other person
b) In the transactional model:
1) there is no exchange of information
2) just one person assigns meaning
3) people give and receive feedback
c) Perceptual filters:
1) improve communication by adding extra information
2) limit the number of messages we receive
3) change meanings and interpretation of messages we receive

2. Complete these rules of good communication with the words in the box.

engage express filters gut open

#1........................actively with the verbal and nonverbal feedback of others, and

adjust your message to facilitate greater understanding.
#2: Listen with your eyes and ears, as well as with your................................Remember
that communication is more than just words.
#3: In the rush to.........................ourselves, it's easy to forget that communication is a
two-way street. Be.........................to what the other person might say.
#4: Be aware of your personal perceptual...............................Elements of your
experience, including your culture, community, and family, influence how you
see the world.
3. Discuss the rules above. What do they mean? How easy do you think it is to
follow these rules?

You want someone to clarify You didn’t hear something

what they’ve said
 I don’t quite follow….  I didn’t catch that.
 I don’t fully understand…  Could you repeat?
 I don’t get it…  Can you say that again?
 Can you elaborate on that?  Would you mind speaking
 Could you be more specific? more slowly?
You want to explain/clarify You want to check if you
something understood what
you’ve already said someone has just said
 In other words, …  Just to be clear, you’re
 To put it another way… suggesting that…
 To be more specific….  So, you’re saying that…
 Let me clarify that…  If I understand you correctly,

 Correct me if I’m wrong, but
you’re saying that…

4. What would you say in these situations? Use the expressions from the
table on the previous page to complete these dialogues.

a)A: First, you need to know the nuts and bolts of running a
business. B:
A: It means that you need to know at least some basic details about running a
b)A: I’m going to finish this task soon.
B...............................................................Everyone’s waiting for you.
A: Yeah, I’ll finish by Friday.
c) A: If you want to add a new vendor to the system, you have to click this
button and type the vendor’s details.
B: That’s it? I’m not sure if I know what to do. ………………………………
A: Ok, so you click this button and type your vendor’s details. Remember
that all fields should be filled in. Then, you click ‘accept’ in the top right
After a second, you’ll see the information on your screen on whether your
form has been completed correctly or not. If not, you need to repeat the
d)A: So, I asked her if she knows… and how about..............But she…
B: I’m sorry, but I’ve just switched off. ………………………………………
e)A: He wasn’t really honest with us.
B: …………………………………………………………………
A: Yes, he was a liar.
f) A: Your name, please.
B: Jane Kowalski. K – O – W – A – L – S – K – I.
A: Sorry,.............................................Would you mind speaking more slowly?
g)A: You should present the product, talk about all its advantages, give them
the price and make sure they buy it.
B: If I understand you correctly, I just need to
sell it. A: Yeah,................................, just sell

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