Afrotc Afsc Guide

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This guide is intended to help you make an informed decision about potential
careers you are considering for your Form 53.
The idea for this document originated from Detachment 730s 2012 guide. Detachment 165
(Captain Mandela Littleton, Georgia Tech), Detachment 585 (Captain Nethania Swanson, Duke
University), and Detachment 145 (Captain Michael Meaux, Florida State University) decided to
take on the challenge of recreating this guide and solicited information from over 130 current
Active Duty Officers as a way to ensure you have the most up to date information. We hope this
product provides you with valuable insight and cannot wait for you to join the team!
Congratulations on moving one step closer to a career in the world’s greatest United States Air
Force and Space Force!


Developmental Category Composition (Line of the Air Force) ..................................................4

Air Operations and Special Warfare .......................................................................................... 4

Pilot (11X)........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Combat Systems (12X) .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilot (18X) .................................................................................................................... 6
Air Battle Manager (13B) ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Special Tactics (19Z1A formerly 13C) ................................................................................................................... 8
Combat Rescue (13D) .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Tactical Air Control Party (19ZB formerly known as 13L) .........................................................................11

Space Operations ............................................................................................................................ 12

Space Operations (13S) ..............................................................................................................................................12

Nuclear and Missile Operations ................................................................................................ 13

Nuclear and Missile Operations (13N) ................................................................................................................13

Information Warfare ..................................................................................................................... 14

Cyber Operations (17D/S) ........................................................................................................................................14
Intelligence (14N) .........................................................................................................................................................15
Operations Research Analyst (15A) ......................................................................................................................16
Weather (15W)...............................................................................................................................................................17
Special Investigations (71S) .....................................................................................................................................18
Information Operations (14F) .................................................................................................................................19
Public Affairs (35X) ......................................................................................................................................................20

Combat Support .............................................................................................................................. 21

Airfield Operations (13M) .........................................................................................................................................21
Aircraft Maintenance (21A) ......................................................................................................................................22
Nuclear and Missile Maintenance (21M) ............................................................................................................23
Logistics Readiness (21R) .........................................................................................................................................24
Security Forces (31P) ..................................................................................................................................................25
Civil Engineering (32E)...............................................................................................................................................26
Force Support (38F) .....................................................................................................................................................27
Contracting (64P) ..........................................................................................................................................................28
Financial Management (65F) ...................................................................................................................................29

Force Modernization ..................................................................................................................... 30

Chemist (61C) .................................................................................................................................................................30
Physicist/Nuclear Engineer (61D) ........................................................................................................................31
Developmental Engineer (62E)...............................................................................................................................32
Acquisition Management (63A) ..............................................................................................................................33


Air Operations and Special Warfare

Pilot (11X)
Specialty Summary. The Pilot Utilization Field encompasses all functions performed by rated pilot
officers to conduct or directly support flying operations, including combat, combat support, and
training missions. Inherently included are supervisory and staff functions such as inspection,
contingency planning, and policy formulation.
Daily Duties. On flying days, each pilot will be required to mission plan, attend a pre-brief, fly,
debrief their training or mission, and begin their crew rest. On non-flying days, members will review
their personal readiness, study their tactics, and perform additional duties (e.g. Safety Officer,
Executive Assistant Duty, or Support Unit Awards & Decorations).
Available bases. Pilots work worldwide. Your Major Weapon System (MWS) will determine your
base location. For example, a CV-22 Osprey Pilot will be assigned to a Special Operations Unit.
Deployments. You will be required to deploy and attend multiple extended training (TDY) events.
You will deploy between 2 to 6 months a year or every other year, depending on your MWS. Always
have your 72-hour “Go Bag” ready!
Required Training. The traditional track for a pilot is Initial Flight Training (IFT). After completion
of IFT, each member will do 1.5 years at Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT). If an individual is
selected for fighters, they will continue on with Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals (IFF). If they
are selected for a non-fighter platform, they will proceed to their follow-up training.
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 11X.
• Recommend reading the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, obtaining flying
lessons prior to joining the career field, studying the AFOQT Pilot portion extensively, and
receive a minimum of a qualifying score on the Pilot Candidate Selection Method (PCSM).
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as an 11X. The typical jobs can vary on the
size of the Squadron or Wing. Many pilots are constantly rotating through various jobs such as Chief
of Tactics, Standards and Evaluations, and Scheduler to learn how they individually function in the
Squadron. The average amount of people in each shop can vary from 2 to 20 personnel. After four
years, pilots are expected to lead those shops, and potentially become an Executive Officer. You will
not lead a Squadron until you are a Major.
Developmental Opportunities. USAF Weapon School, Test Pilot School, and Phoenix Mobility.
Why you should choose 11X. The Pilot career field (whether you choose to fly tankers, bombers,
cargo, or fighters) gives you the most freedom to control your own career. Study hard, know your jet,
and land like a pro!
Additionally, the family aspect of aircrew is huge. The personnel you network with through UPT and
MWS will be friendships you will have for life. Even though you will move a lot, your friends will
always be there because you will eventually run into them during a refueling, training, stopover, or
deployment. The Air Force is small and continues to get smaller the longer you are in! Lastly, there
are not many career fields, where a 1st Lt and Colonel can sit side by side in a $53 million-dollar jet
daily to accomplish the mission. It is truly invaluable to have this experience.
Advice from current Pilots. Officers. Good luck, work hard, and don't forget to also enjoy your
time. Do not wait for "the right moment"...take your leave, apply for opportunities, and push yourself
to do something difficult.

Combat Systems (12X)
Specialty Summary. Combat Systems Officers are responsible for conducting or directly
supporting flying operations, including combat, combat support, and training missions.
Inherently included are supervisory and staff functions such as inspection, contingency planning,
and policy formulation.
Daily Duties. CSOs are assigned ground jobs in the squadron such as scheduling, training, and
weapons & tactics. Those jobs are basically 9-5 type jobs with relatively flexible hours. On
flying days, you will prepare for your mission the day before to ensure that you are familiar with
your plan. On flight days, you will typically show up 2 hours prior to takeoff to get a briefing
from the Squadron Operations supervisor, receive your life support gear, and run through pre-
flight checklists. You will fly an average of 3-5 hours but can be extended by Air Refueling
capabilities. After the mission, you will debrief, return your equipment, and go on crew rest.
Available bases. CSOs work worldwide. Your Major Weapon System (MWS) will determine
your base location. For example, B-1 CSOs are found mainly at Global Strike Bases throughout
the world.
Deployments. You will be required to deploy and attend multiple extended training (TDY)
events. You will deploy between 2 to 6 months a year or every other year, depending on your
MWS. Always have your 72-hour “Go Bag” ready!
Required Training. Typically, one month of Initial Flight Training (IFT), 1-1.5 years at
Undergraduate Combat Systems Officer training, and 4-12 months at your airframe follow-on
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 12X.
• If you are interested in the career field, flying hours are beneficial. The most beneficial
part is anything to do with visual navigation and instruments.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 12X. In the first four years, you are
learning the job as well as performing Flight Commander duties. You will be indirectly in charge
of some enlisted personnel, but not a direct supervisor.
Developmental Opportunities. Pilot/CSO Instructor and Evaluators.
Why you should choose 12X. Aviation is great. As a CSO, you are always part of a team. It is
a career field where you will be surrounded by your officer peers for much of your career, and
you will be able to make lifelong friends.
Advice from current Combat Systems. Lots of studying, so be prepared to work hard. The
career field is worthwhile and enjoyable.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilot (18X)
Specialty Summary. RPA Pilots operate specialized unmanned aircraft and command flight
crews to accomplish reconnaissance, surveillance, combat, training, and other missions.
Available bases. RPA Pilots are primarily located in stateside bases such as Creech AFB
(Nevada), Cannon AFB (New Mexico), Ellsworth (Alaska), and Whiteman (Missouri).
Deployments. There are two types of RPA Deployments: LR (Launch and Recovery) where you
are required to land/takeoff the aircraft, or staff roles in an Air Operations Center (AOC), where
you will help plan and execute joint operations. Traditionally, RPA Pilots are deployed at home
station. This means that they will perform their deployed mission from their base, and rarely
deploy to that specific mission site. If you are in the LR work-role, you will mainly work on your
aircraft’s flying day.
Required Training. There is Initial Flight Training (IFT), Undergraduate RPA training, and
your MWS course. It typically takes 18 months to 2 years to complete training and be classified
as an RPA Pilot.
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 18X.
• There are not suggested courses to become an RPA Pilot, but receiving flight hours can
only help you in the career field.
Daily Duties & What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as an 18X. RPA Pilots
will fly on flying days and will perform additional duties on non-flying days. Additional duties
include working roles such as Safety, Training, Standards and Evaluations, Tactics, and
Mobility. Furthermore, your focus is to fly the mission as dictated by your Wing or Squadron.
However, you can lead people as a Flight Commander. The average number of people you will
supervise will vary in each unit, but you can expect to supervise up to 20 officers and 20 enlisted
Developmental Opportunities. USAF Weapons School, Test Pilot School, Advanced
Instrument School, and Electronic Countermeasures School.
Why you should choose 18X. RPA pilots conduct operations daily. Unlike manned aircraft who
fly maybe a few times a week and deploy a few months a year. RPA Pilots can expect to fly
every single day and accrue combat hours quickly (many hit 1,000 hours within their first year or
two “flying the line”). RPAs have global impacts and are highly coveted by Combatant
Commanders. It is the place to be for those who want to fly and be a part of the mission.
Advice from current Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilot Officers. As RPAs grow as a career
field, civilian opportunities have expanded tremendously, offering some very lucrative job
opportunities outside of the Air Force.

Air Battle Manager (13B)
Specialty Summary. Air Battle Manager perform Battle Management and Command and
Control (BMC2) on Command and Control (C2) aircraft and ground platforms. Additionally,
they command mission crews to accomplish combat, combat support, training, and other
missions. They are responsible for tactical-level decision-making in the battlespace by using
large radar platforms (e.g. AWACS, JSTARS, and the CRC) to provide big picture situational
awareness to other weapons systems.
Daily Duties. At least once a week, ABMs are flying or on a simulation flight. The remaining
days, an ABM will perform their office duties (e.g. Flight Commander, Executive Officer, etc),
and any other pre-deployment/administrative tasks. Furthermore, ABMs will also spend a good
amount of time studying their missions and platform.
Available bases. ABMs are traditionally located in Air Combat Command. They are primarily
based at Tinker AFB, OK., Hill AFB, UT., Mountain Home AFB, ID., Robins AFB, GA.,
Kadena AB, Japan, Elmendorf AFB, AK., Geilenkirchen AB, Germany (NATO), and any of the
Air Operations Center (AOC) around the world. However, ABMs will typically spend most of
their career at Tinker AFB due to it being the major preponderance of AWACS platforms in the
Deployments. ABMs are coded as “enablers”. This means you can be called to deploy at any
time as needed with little notice (like Special Forces). However, leadership tries to maintain a
schedule so you can plan your life events. Deployment lengths can vary, but usually they average
around 4 months. Furthermore, ABMs deploy a lot during their career compared to other AFSCs
(approx. 3-7 times). The career field is relatively small so there is a high demand for them to be
Required Training. Air Battle Managers must complete a 9-month Undergraduate Air Battle
Management Training prior to attending their first base.
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 13B.
• There are no courses recommended.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 13B. ABMs will get certified on
their platform and have the opportunity to become an instructor. Additionally, an ABM will
have a parallel Squadron job like Flight Commander, Executive Officer, Shop Chief, and
potentially some additional duties. Many ABMs do not supervise Airmen until they promote to
Captain. As a Captain, you can expect to supervise 5-40 Airmen in your unit.
Developmental Opportunities. USAF Weapons School, Navy Top Gun, Marine Weapons and
Tactics Instructor Course, and Joint Interface Control Officer School.
Why you should choose 13B. This career field allows you to become a tactical and operational
expert versed in a wide variety of aircraft, systems, and mission types. No other job gets to see
the “big picture” from such a junior grade like an ABM. As a new controller at an exercise or
deployment, you may be in direct control of dozens of aircraft as part of a Battle Management
Team. This may be the job for you if you like flying, challenges, traveling, and want to be a part
of the planning and execution of large-scale air operations.
Advice from current Air Battle Manager Officers. Being an ABM can be extremely
rewarding and no two days are the same. As an ABM you get to see the world and participate in
all the Air Force’s biggest exercises as a tactical operator. Furthermore, there are a ton of
opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Special Tactics (19Z1A formerly 13C)
Specialty Summary. Special Tactics Officers (STO) are designated ground combat officers
who work directly for Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC). STO's lead Combat
Controllers, Pararescuemen, and Special Reconnaissance Airmen in Combat Search and
Rescue/Personnel Recovery, Battlefield Trauma Care, airfield seizure, fire support air assets for
special operations, and tactical weather observations and forecasting. They will work with joint
partners to include: Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Rangers, and MARSOC Marines.
Daily Duties. In Garrison, you will build and coordinate training schedules, prepare for
upcoming deployments, mentor Airmen, care for equipment, conduct continuation training in
Career Field Education and Training Plan tasks (HALO, dive, shooting, airfield seizure, surveys,
etc.), create briefings, and review, read, and write reports.
Available bases. STOs serve under AFSOC units. Locations include but are not limited to
Florida, Washington, North Carolina, New Mexico, England, and Japan.
Deployments. You will deploy often in the AFSC! STOs will work harder than any other career
field with the best warriors in the Department of Defense. The legacy our Special Tactics Airmen
have left behind is vast and unparalleled. Furthermore, STOs deploy globally.
Required Training. Applicants must attend and be selected in Phase II at Hurlburt Field, FL.
Applicants must be in good physical and mental shape.
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 19Z1A.
• Critical Thinking, Leadership Training, Communications, and Interpersonal Relations
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 19Z1A. STOs will hold Assistant
Team Leader and Team Leader positions in their first four years. They will lead 10-15 Airmen as
an O-1, 10-20 Airmen as an O-2, and 30-40 Airmen as an O-3.
Developmental Opportunities. Jump Master (Static or Freefall), Dive Supervisor, Joint
Terminal Attack Control, Ranger School, and other Army specialized training.
Why you should choose 19Z1A. This is an amazing job leading the best Airmen in the world.
You will not find a better sense of community or family in the DoD.
Advice from current Special Tactics Officers. Study up on the job before applying. The
training pipeline is 2+ years and extremely stressful. Make sure you know what you are getting
into, and once you make the decision, NEVER quit!

Combat Rescue (13D)

Specialty Summary. The Combat Rescue Officer (CRO) and the Guardian Angel (GA) weapon
system were established in 2001. A CRO is an officer who commands GA forces conducting
Personnel Recovery (PR) operations. GA is a non-aircraft, equipment-based weapon system
employed by CROs, Pararescuemen (PJs), and Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape
(SERE) Specialists. PR is the sum of military, diplomatic, and civil efforts to affect the recovery
and reintegration of isolated personnel (IP). It consists of four functions: preparation, planning,
execution, and adaptation. Within the execution phase there are 5 tasks: report, locate, support,
recover, and reintegrate. Combat Rescue Officers organize and strategize these recovery
operations and are involved with every aspect of mission planning and execution.
Daily Duties. CROs will go as far forward in the battlespace as required to effectively execute
PR operations. In the preparation function he/she oversees SERE training and operations. During
the planning function a CRO will build the PR portion of OPLANs and OPORDs. The most
obvious function is that of execution, where a CRO commands a team of PJs to recover the IP
and then reintegrates that IP with SERE Specialists. During the actual recovery mission, a CRO’s
job is “up and out” – coordinating security, working additional ground/overhead assets,
exfiltration plans, etc. The PJ’s job is “down and in” – cutting open the vehicle, stabilizing the
patient, etc.
Available bases. Rescue Squadrons/Wings: 31st RQS Kadena AFB, Japan, 38th RQS Moody
AFB, GA, 48th RQS Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ, 56th RQS RAF Lakenheath, England, 58th RQS
Nellis AFB, NV, 103rd RQS Gabreski Airport, NY (NY ANG), 131st RQS Moffet Airfield, CA
(CA ANG), 212th RQS JBER, AK (AK ANG), 304th RQS Portland IAP, OR, 306th RQS Davis-
Monthan AFB, AZ, and 308th RQS Patrick AFB, FL. Special Tactics Squadrons: 21st STS Pope
AFB, NC, 22nd STS McCord AFB, WA, 23rd STS Hurlburt Field, FL, 24th STS Pope AFB, NC,
123rd STS Louisville IAP, KY, 125th STS Portland IAP, OR (OR ANG), 320th STS Kadena AFB,
Japan, and 321st STS RAF Mildenhall, England.
Deployments. A CRO typically deploys for 120 days every 18 months and is TDY 30% of the
time while not deployed.
Required Training. A CRO initially attends INDOC, AF Combat Dive, Airborne, Military Free
Fall, SERE, Water Survival, Underwater Egress, CRO SERE Fundamentals, and Apprenticeship
Courses. A CRO does not receive EMT-Paramedic. After graduating from the pipeline, he/she
will be qualified as a Recovery Team Commander and maintain currencies in his/her various
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 13D.
• Work on speaking confidently in front of people and problem-solving. Being able to
think critically, quickly, and intelligently is a must. Courses that build these and related
skills may be helpful, but people from any collegiate academic background can become
Combat Rescue Officers.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 13D. A CRO will start at a Rescue
Squadron (RQS) and be expected to learn the trade of the recovery task. He/she will most likely
be an Assistant Flight Commander and primarily focus on training. He/she will then move up to
Flight Commander and be responsible for the team as a whole. His/her perspective will widen to
full spectrum PR, and not just focus on the recovery task. As Majors, CROs move out of tactical
positions and into admin positions. Opportunities will open up to work within AFSOC, SOCOM,
AETC, or other MAJCOMs. These opportunities may include staff time or advanced operations.
A CRO can return to become a Director of Operations (DO) at the RQS or spend time in other

agencies or detachments. A CRO then has the opportunity to advance to RQS/CC and eventually
find him/herself contributing to the AF Rescue mission as a whole.
Developmental Opportunities. CROs are constantly training and employing new tactics,
techniques, and equipment. Development is ongoing and does not stop. Beyond this, the previous
section addresses the standard career progression of a CRO and the development opportunities
that may present themselves along the way.
Why you should choose 13D. Few missions are more honorable than serving “that others may
live.” CROs, PJs, and SERE specialists make up the most skilled, well-equipped, and elite
recovery force in the world. CROs are trained to rescue any one anytime, anywhere on the
CROs and PJs are trained in static line and freefall parachute operations, rappelling, fast roping,
high angle rescue techniques, helicopter operations, diver operations, small team tactics, and
medical care. They are trained and equipped to operate in maritime, desert, mountain, jungle,
tundra, urban, close quarters, collapsed structure, and nuclear or biologically contaminated
environments. Some examples of GA missions:
Extricating soldiers from vehicle wreckage resulting from IED blasts, SCUBA dive search for
personnel swept away or blown into canals and rivers, augmenting SEAL teams or ODAs to
provide embedded medical and technical rescue capabilities, inserting into active firefights to
recover injured Marines, providing casualty evacuation for injured local nationals, reintegrating
American citizens taken hostage by enemy forces, military freefall (MFF) jump from an HC-130
to injured sailors, confined space searches through earthquake rubble, and training high risk of
isolation personnel to name a few.
Who wouldn’t want to do that?
Advice from current Combat Rescue Officers.
Practice water confidence! Your surface swim time is not nearly as important as your breath
hold. Most people quit at phase 2 and INDOC because drowning is scary! Look up underwaters,
mask and snorkel recovery, and buddy breathing if you have not already done so. These are the
hardest events for most people. Besides that, running, rucking and calisthenics are important as
(Advice from a PJ) - Understand that although you may be in charge of me and MY men (as a
2nd or 1st LT), you are the least experienced person there and MY largest liability for your first 1-
2 years. Meaning, do not show up to your first assignment cocky because you have a new hat
that folds down to one side, no one cares. Be humble, express your need to soak up what your
fellow Team Commanders can instruct you on and lean on your SNCO’s and NCO’s to direct
you down the right path, a path they have built over the past 15 years in the career field.
Be confident in your ability but be honest when you don’t know something. Not knowing
something in our line of work gets guys killed all the time.
Never lie, admit your mistakes, and let’s move on. You lie to your men one time and you
probably need to find a new job because our community is small, and word gets around who you
can and can’t trust. Identify and be self-aware of your weaknesses and get better at them,
“We're looking for candidates who can lead, communicate and solve complex problems. When
they're on the battlefield, they need to make smart decisions quickly enough so they can get the
message out to their troops.” - Captain Gruber, 2009.

Tactical Air Control Party (19ZB formerly known as 13L)
Specialty Summary. Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Officers are responsible for integrating
Joint Fires during joint and multinational combat operations. Additionally, they serve as the
primary Air Force advisor to Ground Force Commanders for Air, Space, and Cyberspace
Daily Duties. TACPs liaise heavily with the Army, training on new weapon systems, and
ensuring unit readiness.
Available bases. TACPs are primarily assigned to Army bases that host conventional and
unconventional maneuver units (e.g. infantry).
Deployments. This is a high operations career field. You will go to training and deploy often.
Required Training. The initial training pipeline is approximately 1.5 years of training.
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 19ZB.
• Team building, Communications, and Leadership courses.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 19ZB. TACPs are Strike Team
leaders for a few years, and Flight Commanders as Captain. During the four years, you can lead
up to 5 Airmen.
Developmental Opportunities. USAF Weapon School, US Army Ranger School, Marine Corp
equivalent USAF Weapons School, and NATO JTAC training.
Why you should choose 19ZB. If you are up for a different perspective of the Air Force, then
this is the job for you. You will understand the joint fight better than anyone.
Advice from current TACP. Stay healthy and do not over train. Hopefully, I will see you at

Space Operations
Space Operations (13S)
Specialty Summary. 13S is Space Operations which is assigned to the United States Space
Force (USSF). All individuals interested in Space Operations should understand that they will
likely commission/enlist or transfer into USSF. Furthermore, Space Operations consists of three
disciplines - Electronic Warfare (EW), Orbital Warfare (OW), and Space Battle Management
(SBM). These disciplines encompass Command and Control (C2) of Space Surveillance
Satellites as well as satellite navigation assets; operation of defensive and offensive EW systems;
space lift oversight; and ground-based missile warning and space surveillance. 13S personnel
typically operate or C2 a weapon system on their first assignment, and gain depth in their
assigned discipline.
Daily Duties. Space Operators work as duty controllers in Space Operations Centers. They will
perform OW, Space EW, SBM and Space Access, and Sustainment activities to achieve and
maintain DoD space superiority in support of National Space Policy.
Available bases. 13s are in the Continental of the United States bases such as Peterson
(Colorado), Buckley (CO), Vandenberg (CA), Cape Canaveral (FL), Eglin (FL), Cape Cod
(MA), Cavalier (VA), Thule (Greenland), Clear, Beale (CA), and a few positions at multiple
other bases. Space Operators have assignments at the Air Operations Centers and Geographically
Separated Unit Detachments.
Deployments. 13S do not typically deploy. If 13S deploy, it is usually “safe”/low-threat
deployments, and are largely volunteer-heavy. If you desire to become a Weapons Officer, your
deployment opportunities (and commitments) will likely increase.
Required Training. All officers and enlisted will attend Space 100 at Vandenberg AFB for 5
months. The course will assign you to your unit to complete mandated training on their
respective weapon system.
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 13S.
• 13S should take Physics and Astronomy for an understanding of RF fundamentals and
orbital mechanics. It is also helpful to understand basic math associated with these
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 13S. Space Operators will learn
their careers first before seeking other opportunities (e.g. Instructor, Evaluator, and Executive
Officer). Furthermore, you will become a Flight Commander or an Assistant Director of
Developmental Opportunities. Advance Academic Degrees, Education With Industry, and
USAF Weapons School.
Why you should choose 13S. Space Operations is growing and changing every day. The space
domain is still new in a sense, and the doctrine and operating concepts for this domain have not
yet caught up to what is happening on the world stage. This career field offers the opportunity to
push boundaries and innovation. Everyone in this world relies on space in some capacity (GPS
is the easiest example), so it is cool and humbling to be a part of a career field that must balance
tactics and strategy in such close proximity.
Advice from current Space Operations Officers. If you like space or have a passion for it, then
join. If you do not have any interest in the field, I recommend something else. Semper Supra!

Nuclear and Missile Operations
Nuclear and Missile Operations (13N)
Specialty Summary. Nuclear and Missile Operations Officers are responsible for leading and
managing Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) & Nuclear Operations. Additionally, they
assess the effectiveness of missile operations systems and develop a future for systems, facilities,
and personnel. Lastly, they perform nuclear command, control, communication, and launch
Daily Duties. When you are not on alert, you will have simulator and classroom training to stay
current/proficient as an operator. Furthermore, there are office and administrative duties you will
be responsible for as well.
Available bases. There are three Operational Wings in the northern tier of the U.S. (FE Warren
AFB, Malmstrom AFB & Minot AFB). However, there are some positions in Hawaii and Italy.
Deployments. 13Ns do not deploy. They are deployed in place at their base.
Required Training. 13Ns will do 6 months of Initial Qualification Training (IQT) at
Vandenberg AFB (CA), and then 1 month of Mission Qualification Training (MQT) at their first
operational base.
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 13N.
• Communications and Team Building courses.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 13N. During your first few years
as an operations crew member, you will lead 0-6 personnel. Your primary duty will be to
conduct 24/7 nuclear deterrence missions. Additionally, you will lead operations, maintenance,
and security for ICBMs while on alert. Every alert period is different, you may have routine
maintenance to coordinate one day or have a complete warhead swap the next day.
Developmental Opportunities. 13Ns have a ton of professional development opportunities such
as USAF Weapons Instructor School, Nuclear 200/300 courses, and Striker Trident.
In Striker Trident, Air Force and Naval officers spend approximately two years at sister service
duty stations engaged in exercise planning and other duties that help increase their understanding
of the nuclear enterprise. After completing the program, Airmen and Sailors return to their
respective services with new lessons learned, ideas, and a sense of the larger strategic picture. It
is a program that focuses on developing the next generation of senior leaders in the nuclear
Why you should choose 13N. 13Ns operate the most powerful weapon system in the world.
The next iteration of ICBMs are being built now.
Advice from current Nuclear and Missile Operations Officers. This is a very niche career
field. You are a nuclear weapons operator first and foremost.

Information Warfare
Cyber Operations (17D/S)
Specialty Summary. Cyberspace Officers can serve in both offensive, defensive, and base help
desk roles. Offensive operators take the fight to our Nation’s enemies via offensive cyberspace
capabilities. Defensive operators defend DoD and non-DoD systems from outside intrusion,
prevent malicious activity, and ensure the integrity of government networks. Help desk operators
ensure systems on their particular installation are in good working order.

Daily Duties. Provide daily updates to unit leadership, maintain network and mission
operations, develop new tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), recommend new tools and
training to unit leadership, and ensure the wellness and readiness of Airmen.

Available bases. Every Air Force base in the world needs operators serving in base help desk
roles. Offensive and defensive cyber professionals can expect to be stationed at Lackland Air
Force Base, TX, Ft. Meade, Maryland, and a handful of other locations.

Deployments. It largely depends on whether you are in offensive, defensive, or base help desk
roles. Deployments are typically few and far between for defensive and offensive roles. Base
help desk cyber officers have normal deployment rhythms.

Required Training. Undergraduate cyber training at Keesler AFB, MS for ~6-7 months
followed by specialized training depending on your role.

Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 17D/S.

• Any courses heavy in computers, networking, hardware familiarization, or basic coding


What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 17D/S. Expect to work as an
operator within a particular specialization or as a crew lead overseeing a team conducting
planned objectives and executing unit missions. Expect to lead anywhere from 30-60 cyberspace

Developmental Opportunities. Weapons school is the leading developmental opportunity for

cyberspace professionals. Weapons school provides in depth tactical and technical training for
cyber officers to serve as subject matter experts and project leads upon graduation.

Why you should choose 17D/S. This career field makes the world go ‘round. If you are
passionate about technology, cyberspace, and ensuring the integrity of our Nation’s networks,
this career is for you.

Advice from current Cyberspace Officers. Don’t let other’s opinions fog your own opinions
and judgement. Do what you enjoy and what is best for you.

Intelligence (14N)
Specialty Summary. Intelligence Officers provide strategic, operational, and tactical
intelligence to leaders and operators to make informed decisions that better prepare and shape
our military to enable successful counter-strategies and execution of the mission. Intelligence
officers provide analysis and subject matter expertise to decision-makers through six disciplines:
geospatial intelligence (GEOINT), human intelligence (HUMINT), measurement and signature
intelligence (MASINT), open-source intelligence (OSINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT), and
technical intelligence (TECHINT). Additionally, they lead and perform intelligence activities
across the full range of military operations (cyber, flying, space, special operations, targeting,
counterdrug, counterterrorism, etc.) in support of Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance
and Reconnaissance (ISR). ISR operations are conducted through a five-phase process known as
PCPAD: planning and direction; collection; processing and exploitation; analysis and
production; and dissemination.
Daily Duties. Read reports, network with fellow Intelligence Officers, refine data, build briefs,
brief warfighters and decision-makers about analytical predictions on what adversaries might do,
and create scenarios for warfighters.
Available bases. Intel is a versatile career that can go to any base globally.
Deployments. Be prepared, you will deploy often. Deployments range from 3-6 months. You
will be presented with many unique and amazing opportunities to deploy. Commander’s rely on
you to help them achieve mission success!
Required Training. Intelligence Officer Initial Skills Course: 6 months at Goodfellow AFB,
San Angelo TX, followed by completion of mission qualification, and any other training deemed
necessary to perform your assigned duty.
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 14N.
• Political Science, History, International Relations, Radar Theory, Foreign Affairs,
Critical Thinking, Cultural Sensitivity, Military History, and Public
Speaking/Communication courses.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 14N. During your first four years,
you can expect to lead between 1-100 personnel. Your roles will typically include being an
Analyst, Team Lead, Flight Commander, Intelligence Cell OIC, Shop Chief, Deputy Chief, or
potentially to serve as an Executive Officer.
Developmental Opportunities. ISR enterprise management/staff functions such as acquisition,
doctrine, education and training, financial management, human capital/talent management,
information technology, modeling and simulation, policy, research/technology, security, strategy,
and career-broadening such as Weapon’s School, National Security Agency/National Geospatial-
Intelligence Agency Programs, Cryptologic Training, Advanced Network Training, Human
Intelligence, Advance Academic Degrees, Instructor Duties, Adversary Capabilities, Blue Force
Capabilities, Mission Planning, Cyber Intelligence Experience Exchange Program through
Speed, etc.
Why you should choose 14N. If you like reading, briefing, critical thinking, problem-solving,
making an impact, and want to be close to the fight while supporting operations, 14N is for you!
Advice from current Intelligence Officers. In order to have a successful career, you must never
say no to an opportunity because you never know where it will lead you and always make it a
priority to Network and Mentor!

Operations Research Analyst (15A)
Specialty Summary. Operations Research Analysts are the data scientists of the Air Force and
provide decision-advantage to commanders via analytical support.

Daily Duties. Operations Research Analysts typically work to improve data collection and
analytical tools for the Air Force enterprise. In this capacity, the day-to-day duties will vary
heavily based on the position.

Available bases. Analysts can work in a variety of locations, but are primarily located in Air
Operations Centers (AOC), Test and Evaluation units, and in most Major Commands

Deployments. Deployment tempo is fairly low as a Company Grade Officer. When a 15A
deploys, it is typically to an AOC in an analytical position supporting warfighting efforts.

Required Training. Initial skills training at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) where
you earn a graduate certificate in Operations Research.

Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 15A.

• Most Operations Research Analysts are math majors. Programming experience is

helpful for a number of positions within the field.

What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 15A. Operations Research
Analysts typically work in individual capacities on research projects with other officers and
civilians. Leading other Airmen in a Flight Commander position is unusual for your first four

Developmental Opportunities. Education is valued in this career field, so there are plenty of
opportunities for analysts to earn their Master’s degree or PhD.

Why you should choose 15A. This career has a direct effect on operations and is for officers
who are interested in research, data and mathematics.

Advice from current Operations Research Analysts. Do your best and don’t look back!

Weather (15W)
Specialty Summary. Weather Officers support Air Force, Space Force and U.S. Army
operations by providing timely, accurate, and relevant meteorological intelligence to both
operational units and commanders.

Daily Duties. This varies greatly based on position, but some general day-to day tasks are
generating weather briefings, briefing operational units and commanders, monitoring weather,
and having an integral role in exercise planning.

Available bases. Weather officers can be stationed at any Air Force Base or Army Post across
the globe.

Deployments. The deployment tempo is high, particularly if you are assigned to an Army unit.

Required Training. Must hold a degree in meteorology, physics or earth science. Upon
commissioning, Weather Officers will attend a three-month Weather Officers Course (WOC) at
Keesler AFB, MS.

Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 15W.

• Math, meteorology, physics, or earth science courses.

What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 15W. Weather Officers can hold a
variety of jobs including Senior Duty Officer, Shift Supervisor, or Flight Commander. Senior
Duty Officers oversee regional forecasting on operations floors, while Shift Supervisors and
Flight Commanders lead Airmen within their shops. Officers can expect to lead anywhere from
15-40 Airmen.

Developmental Opportunities. Weather officers are highly encouraged to pursue their Master’s
degree and to earn a PhD at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT).

Why you should choose 15W. If you are interested in STEM, weather, and seeing first-hand
the impact your work has on the mission, this AFSC is for you.

Advice from current Weather Officers. Go where you will be happiest, then you can ideally
make your Airmen the happiest.

Special Investigations (71S)
Specialty Summary. Special Investigations Officers provide professional investigative services
for commanders of all Department of the Air Force activities. Their mission is to identify,
exploit, and neutralize criminal, terrorist, and intelligence threats in multiple domains to the
United States Air Force, United States Space Force, Department of Defense, and the U.S.

Daily Duties. Reviewing cases, documenting evidence, interviewing leads, updating case files,
processing crime scenes, briefing leadership, and monitoring your email.

Available bases. The Office of Special Investigations (OSI) has offices at every Air Force
installation and Embassy across the globe.

Deployments. Deployments are six months long and focus on counterterrorism and
counterintelligence missions. High operational tempo for extended trainings (TDYs) and

Required Training. In order to be awarded this AFSC, you must complete an 18-week training
at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), in Glynco, GA. There are two
courses within the 18-week training: the first 11.5-weeks is the Criminal Investigations Training
Program (CITP) and the second is a 6.5-weeks Basic Special Investigator Course (BSIC).

Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 71S.

• Criminal justice courses specializing in forensics, counter-intelligence, fraud etc.

What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 71S. During the first two years, a
71S typically serves as a field agent on cases. At the two-year mark, you may deploy, enter a
specialized position (ex. Forensics, Cyber, etc.), or go to a staff position at the OSI Headquarters.
As a Captain, you may lead 5-20 agents.

Developmental Opportunities. Special investigators are highly encouraged to pursue an

Advanced Academic Degree (AAD) in forensic science, cyberspace, counterintelligence, or in

Why you should choose 71S. OSI agents are an elite subset of the Air Force with specialized
skills. You will lead early and be entrusted with DoD security to run joint investigations with
federal partners and be charged with a difficult and complex mission. Every day will be a
rewarding challenge.

Advice from current Special Investigations Officers. Bloom where you are planted!

Information Operations (14F)
Specialty Summary. Information Operations Officers mix knowledge of psychology,
sociology, and marketing combined with knowledge of non-lethal information related military
capabilities to plan influence operations (ex. targeting a general or specific populace).

Daily Duties. Online reading and research (60%), collaborative writing with a team (25%), and
administrative duties (15%).

Available bases. 14Fs typically work at Air Operations Centers (AOCs), which can be found in
the U.S. and overseas.

Deployments. Deployments are possible in this career field at AOCs.

Required Training. Six months of initial skills training at Hurlburt Field, FL.

Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 14F.

• Psychology, Sociology, Advertising/Marketing, Communications, or anything that will

help when crafting messaging of any kind or understanding cultural communications.
Languages can help as well.

What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 14F. Traditionally, this job is an
analyst-level research position, but Team Lead and Flight Commander is also a possible role
leading between 5-10 personnel.

Developmental Opportunities. Advanced Academic Degrees are always available in addition

to plenty of publishing opportunities in academic journals.

Why you should choose 14F. It is a very new career field, so it will be easy to become a big
name in the career. It is very small, so it is easy to collaborate and earn training opportunities,
deployment opportunities, or career advancement opportunities. Also, the Air Force is very
excited about this career field and is always eager to show off the products and exercises 14Fs
are a part of.

Advice from current Information Operations Officers. This career field can be stressful, but

Public Affairs (35X)
Specialty Summary. Public Affairs Officers serve as a link between the Air Force and
taxpayers, elected officials, Airmen, families, and adversaries to share information regarding
both strategic and everyday issues. This enables the Air Force to accomplish strategic objectives
across the world through communication and information.

Daily Duties. Work with various units across the base to create and publish products with
information tying into the larger strategic goals of the unit, wing, MAJCOM, USAF, and DoD
based on the national defense strategy and other strategic documents. To accomplish this, a
Public Affairs Officer can expect to attend meetings, prioritize ideas/requests, ensure Public
Affairs effort meets established communication goals, and advise commanders on various
communications efforts.

Available bases. Public Affairs exists at every base and at every level.

Deployments. Typically, you do not deploy immediately, but will as you progress to the rank of

Required Training. Must attend the two-month long Military Services and International
Technical School in Baltimore, MD.

Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 35X.

• Anything heavy in writing: English, Journalism, Creative Writing etc.

What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 35X. Chief of Public Affairs at a
Wing Headquarters. You can expect to lead approximately 15 people.

Developmental Opportunities. Public Affairs Officers are provided many opportunities to

work with Public Affairs offices at companies such as Coca Cola or Amazon for nine months.
Public Affairs Officers are also high encouraged to get their Master’s degree via the Air Force
Institute of Technology (AFIT).

Why you should choose 35X. If you like something new each and every day, responsibility
early on in your career, the chance to lead Airmen, jobs that aren't driven by checklists but rather
by risk assessment and decision making, creative jobs, interacting with people, being privy to
and understanding how leadership makes decisions as well as providing your advice based on
your expertise, this job is for you.

Advice from current Public Affairs Officers. Whatever you decide to do, you will be part of
something bigger, and that will be clear to see.

Combat Support
Airfield Operations (13M)
Specialty Summary. Airfield Operations (AO) Officers are responsible for advising
commanders on effective AO assets and for developing, formulating, and implementing plans,
policies, and programs. Additionally, they are responsible for performing and leading 6 AO
functions: Air Traffic Control (ATC), Airfield Management (AM), Air Traffic Control and
Landing Systems (ATCALS), Airspace Management within the National Airspace System
(NAS), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and combat environments.
Daily Duties. Taking care of Airmen, monitor and direct construction projects, personnel
training, review airspace policy, prepare and brief leadership and flying units on airfield status.
Available bases. Any base that has an airfield globally.
Deployments. You will deploy in this job. Every base that has an Airfield, will require an
Airfield Operations Officer.
Required Training. Airfield Operations Officer Initial Skills Course at Kessler AFB, MS. Find
more training information here: https://static.e-
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 13M.
• Introduction to Aeronautical Science, Airport Operations, Aviation Safety, Aviation
Legislation, Applications in Aviation, Aerospace Law, Statistics with Aviation, and
Applications courses.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 13M. During your first four years,
you can expect to lead between 0-90 personnel. Your roles will typically include being a Systems
Officer, Airfield Operations Director of Operations, and an Airfield Operations Flight
Developmental Opportunities. Aircraft Mishap Investigation course, Federal Aviation
Administration/International Civil Aviation Organization course, Contigency War Planners
Course, Special Operations Combat Airspace course, Advanced Academic Degrees with civilian
and military institutions, and career-broadening opportunities.
Why you should choose 13M. This career field is the focal point of all missions, whether it is
for training purposes, humanitarian, or combat. You will have a direct impact on the Air
Supremacy objectives in the National Defense Strategy.
Advice from current Airfield Operations Officers. Whether you decide to serve 4-years or
make a career out of the Air Force, you will gain memories and experiences that will last you a
lifetime. Lastly, do not let an opportunity pass you by, you never know where that opportunity
might lead you.

Aircraft Maintenance (21A)
Specialty Summary. Aircraft Maintenance Officers are responsible for leading, training, and
equipping personnel supporting aerospace equipment and operations. Additionally, they are
accountable for providing safe, serviceable, and properly configured aircraft to aircrew through
directing aircraft maintenance production and programs.
Daily Duties. As a young Company Grade Officer (CGO), you will spend a lot of time on the
flight line so you are able to properly learn your airframe and people. You will be expected to
brief leadership, balance resource production, develop maintenance plans, manage sorties, meet
flying or sustainment requirements, and take care of your people.
Available bases. Anywhere there is aircraft! You will go to Sheppard AFB and Maxwell AFB
frequently for training.
Deployments. Be prepared to deploy. Your unit operation tempo and airframe you are assigned
to will dictate how frequently you deploy. During your first couple of years, you will also be
expected to go on extended trainings (TDYs).
Required Training. Aircraft Maintenance Officer’s Course (AMOC) at Sheppard AFB, TX and
completion of training requirements outlined in the Aircraft Maintenance Officer Training Task
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 21A.
• Leadership, Time Management, Feedback, Data Science, Analytics, Program
Management, Process Improvement (i.e. Six Sigma), and Public Speaking courses.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 21A. During your first four years,
you can expect to lead between 50-600 personnel. Your roles will typically include being a
Flight Commander, Assistant Aircraft Maintenance Unit Officer-In-Charge, or an Operation’s
Developmental Opportunities. Jet Engine Mishap Investigation Course (JEMIC): This course
will teach you how to investigate the causes of engine issues involved in mishap reporting and
accident investigations. Additional opportunities include Advance Maintenance and Munitions
Operations School (AMMOS), Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, Advance
Academic Degree through the Air Force Institute of Technology, Education with Industry (EWI),
and Logistics Career broadening Program (LCBP).
Why you should choose 21A. You will have a direct impact on helping America win future
wars! You will enhance your leadership, public speaking, communication skills, and critical
thinking tenfold.
Advice from current Aircraft Maintenance Officers. This job is not for everyone, some days
are going to be tough but if you keep a positive mentality, you and your team will thrive. When
you are strapping bombs to an F-22 or ripping engine covers off for an alert at 0200, your
perspective changes. There is nothing more rewarding than watching those jets take off and
knowing you had a direct impact on their mission’s outcome.

Nuclear and Missile Maintenance (21M)
Specialty Summary. Nuclear and Missile Maintenance Officers are responsible for operating
and managing nuclear and missile operations systems by performing associated command,
control, communications, and launch activities to support and defend the United States and allied
Daily Duties. Check Integrated Maintenance Data System to review new work orders, attend
daily/weekly scheduled meetings, daily production meetings, brief leadership on completed and
planned work orders, handling personnel/supply/scheduling issues, Convoy Command/Missile
Field/Launch Control Trips, reviewing regulations, and answering emails.
Available bases. ICBM/Nuclear bases are Malmstrom AFB, MT, Minot AFB, ND, F.E. Warren
AFB, WY, Vandenberg AFB, CA, Barksdale AFB, LA, Kirkland AFB, NM, Whiteman AFB,
MO, Offutt, NE, and Sheppard AFB, TX.
Deployments. Very limited and vary depending on 21M specialty.
Required Training. Initial training is a 4-week Maintenance Officer Fundamentals Course at
Sheppard AFB, TX, followed by a Nuclear Munitions Officer Course, Intercontinental Ballistic
Missiles Officer Course, and Conventional Munitions Officer Course.
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 21M.
• Public Speaking, Communications, Leadership, Management, Logistics courses. Read
“The Goal” by Eliyahu M. Goldratt.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 21M. During your first four years,
you can expect to lead between 10-500 personnel. Your roles will typically include being an
Officer-In-Charge, Flight Commander, Munitions Accountability Systems Officer, and Group
Executive Officer.
Developmental Opportunities. Weapon School, Advanced Academic Degree with civilian and
military institutes, Air Force Combat Munitions School, Air Force Global Strike Command (Nuc
100-400 series), Logistics Career Broadening Program, Acquisition and Logistics Experience
Exchange Tour, and Education With Industry.
Why you should choose 21M. Do you want to belong to a tight-knit community, test your
leadership skills instantly, travel, high tempo operations, and like to problem-solve, then this
career is for you!
Advice from current Munitions and Missile Maintenance Officers. You will have hard days
and your leadership skills will be tested, but do not give up, this will be a true test of your
character. The Air Force continues to get smaller and smaller as you promote through the ranks,
cherish every friendship and network along the way!

Logistics Readiness (21R)
Specialty Summary. Logistics Readiness Officers are responsible for providing critically
important “behind the scenes” capabilities to support operations through the following
competencies: Deployment, Distribution and Transportation, Supply Management, Fuels
Management, Air and Ground Transportation, Vehicle Management, and by planning programs
and policies for wartime requirements and contingency operations.
Daily Duties. Brief your staff, problem-solving, communicating with leadership, refining
processes, planning exercises or extended trainings (TDYs), collaborate with cross-functional
partners to determine better ways to enhance customer service, support the warfighter, and
inform the decision-makers of potential implications and consequences through a range of
detailed COAs.
Available bases. Any base globally! There are unique opportunities where you could serve with
other sister services in a joint environment or work with international and non-military partners.
Deployments. You will deploy. Potential to forward deploy with the Army on a Convoy duty.
Logistic Readiness Officers are the first to arrive at a base and the last to depart.
Required Training. Logistics Readiness Officer Orientation Program, Logistics Readiness
Officer Basic Course: 8-weeks at Sheppard AFB, TX. 1-3 years of on the job training to become
fully certified. Next, you will be required to attend the Intermediate Logistics Readiness Officer
Course: 3-weeks at Sheppard AFB, TX.
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 21R.
• Leadership, Communication, Public Speaking, International Relations, Psychology,
Business, Supply Chain Operations, Project Management, Process Improvement (i.e. Six
Sigma), and Team-Building courses.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 21R. During your first four years,
you can expect to lead between 4-250 personnel. Your roles will typically include being a
Section Chief, Flight Commander, Installation Deployment Officer, Program Manager, Project
Officer, or Executive Officers.
Developmental Opportunities. Advanced Academic Degrees, through the Air Force Institute of
Technology, USAFA, or civilian entity. Additional opportunities include career-broadening,
Education with Industry (EWI), and Advance Maintenance and Munitions Operations School
Why you should choose 21R. You are involved in every aspect of the mission and you have the
privilege to lead troops from day one. There are endless opportunities to travel and your skillset
is high in demand in and out of the Air Force.
Advice from current Logistics Readiness Officers. Logistics wins wars and because of this,
every day you will be presented with new challenges. It is your job to figure out ways for you
and your team to tackle those challenges.

Security Forces (31P)
Specialty Summary. Security Forces Officers lead, manage, and direct security forces
activities. Security Force Officers protect installations and weapon systems, provide force
protection, antiterrorism measures, provide law and order, investigations, installation access
control, and integrate defense. Security Force Officers may be required to use deadly force.
Daily Duties. Manage flight operations and shift rotations, conduct guard mount procedures,
relay information, conduct security routines, run exercises, communicate with your team and
leadership, and train. You will work between 10-14 hours a day.
Available bases. Every base globally.
Deployments. Your deployments are driven by what is going on in the world. During the mid-
2000s, Security Forces Officers would deploy 6-months on and 6-months off. Deployments are
important to your personal growth as an officer in this career field because it will help you gain
expeditionary skills you would not normally receive at home station.
Required Training. Security Forces Basic Officer Course, Camp Bullis, TX. Once you
progress in your career, you will be required to attend the Intermediate and Advanced Security
Forces Officer Course.
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 31P.
• Criminal Justice, Foreign Affairs, Team-Building, and Communication courses.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 31P. During your first four years,
you can expect to lead between 65-300+ personnel. Your roles will typically include being a
Flight Commander, Group Executive Officer, Squadron Supply Officer, and Operations Officer.
Developmental Opportunities. Career-broadening, cross-service training such as Airborne,
Pathfinder, Air Assault, and Ranger school. Additionally, there are fly away security missions
such as PHEONIX RAVEN or DAGRE, ROTC Instructor positions, aide-de-camp, foreign area
officer, Ground Defense Weapons School, and the FBI Academy.
Why you should choose 31P. Security forces will challenge you and require you to utilize
problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Additionally, it will require you to be physically fit,
eager to take on leadership positions early on in your career, and provide you with exposure to
security and law enforcement skills.
Advice from current Security Forces Officers. You will always be a leader and officer first. It
does not matter what AFSC badge you wear because taking care of the mission and your people
should be at the forefront of your priorities. Security Forces is a tough career field and asks a lot
from you but it truly is a very rewarding career to belong to. The skills you learn in this career
field will provide you with opportunities to be successful in and out of the Air Force.

Civil Engineering (32E)
Specialty Summary. Civil Engineers are responsible for developing and implementing force
employment, programming, budgeting, project management, drafting, surveying, planning,
feasibility studies, construction management, utilities operations, energy and environmental
programs, land management, real property accounting, fire protection, explosive ordinance
disposal, disaster preparedness programs, family housing and dorm management, and
mobilization programs at the base level.
Daily Duties. Oversee projects, manage assets, prepare for emergencies, manage personnel
issues, and apply engineering skills and logic to complex problems.
Available bases. Every base globally.
Deployments. You will deploy frequently in this career field.
Required Training. Must have an Engineering Degree or Architecture Degree. Upon
commissioning, Civil Engineers are required to attend a 9-week Air Force Civil Engineer Basic
Course at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. More
information can be found here:
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 32E.
• Project Management (to include cost estimation techniques), Communication, Public
Speaking, and Engineering courses.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 32E. During your first four years,
you can expect to lead between 0-100+ personnel. Your roles will typically include being an
Engineering Program Manager/Project Manager, Element Chief, Section Lead, Flight Deputy,
and Flight Commander.
Developmental Opportunities. Advanced Academic Degrees through civilian institutes and the
AFIT Graduate Engineering Management program and Exchange programs with sister services.
Why you should choose 32E. You will be an active player in every mission on base and will be
required to utilize your critical thinking skills on a daily basis, you will need to be a good team
player, competent, and be willing to work with some of the hardest, no-nonsense personnel the
Air Force has to offer.
Advice from current Civil Engineer Officers. During your first couple of years, you may not
feel like your Engineering Degree is being utilized to its fullest potential but the longer you stay
in the organization and promote, the more your Engineering skills will be heavily relied on to
lead, critically think, and problem solve.

Force Support (38F)
Specialty Summary. Force Support Officers serve as an advisor to commanders and are
responsible for defining, developing, shaping, sustaining, and delivering mission-ready Airmen
across the Total Force. Force Support Officer’s support the warfighter and their families from
cradle (in-processing into a unit) to grave (Mortuary Affairs). They are responsible for defining
Air Force Manpower and Organization Requirements (creating positions within an organization),
managing Human Resources (ex. managing promotions), managing and providing Education and
Training requirements, sustainment operations (managing fitness, lodging, and food operations),
developing Human Capital Strategies, applying Law and Policies, providing Force Readiness
and Quality of Life Service Programs.
Daily Duties. Due to Force Support being a very diverse squadron, your daily duties will
constantly change. As a CGO, you will spend most of your time designing personnel systems,
communicating and briefing staff and leadership, managing promotions/demotions, handling
warfighter’s records, PT scores, assignments, reviewing policy/AFIs, and so much more!
Available bases. Every base globally.
Deployments. You will deploy in this career field. Every deployed base will need Force Support
Officers to manage accountability, sustainment operations (food, lodging, and fitness), and
provide morale and recreation activities. This is where you will see the greatest impact of your
Required Training. 8-week Force Support Officer Initial Skills Training course at Keesler AFB,
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 38F.
• Public Speaking, Communications, Team Building, Hospitality Management, Data
Analysis, Microsoft Office products, Marketing, and Human Resources courses.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 38F. During your first four years,
you can expect to lead between 1-250 personnel. Your roles will typically include being a
Section Chief, Section Commander (awarded Commander G-Series Orders), and Flight
Developmental Opportunities. Advanced Academic Degree from civilian institutes or the Air
Force Institute of Technology in Wright-Patterson, OH, career-broadening, Instructor positions
(OTS, ROTC, and USAFA), and Education With Industry opportunities.
Why you should choose 38F. If you are a people person, want a direct line to the pulse of the
force, want to have problem-solve issues, have a significant impact on people’s careers, families,
and lives, want a job that is easily translated into the Civilian Sector, then this job is for you!
Advice from current Force Support Officers. You will have hard days in this job, but if you
keep an open mind and remember why you are in this job (to help the warfighters succeed), you
will never be bored. Where do you see yourself in 10-years? Think about your future and your
goals. Force Support offers one of the most flexible and best balances between
personal/professional life (quality life) in the Air Force.

Contracting (64P)
Specialty Summary. Contracting Officers are responsible for planning, organizing, managing,
and accomplishing contracting functions to provide supplies and services essential to the Air
Force daily operations and war-fighting mission (ex. from paving roads on base and buying
equipment for security forces to multi-million-dollar contracts supporting the development of the
next stealth bomber). Additionally, they are responsible for effective acquisitions planning,
solicitation, cost or price analysis, evaluating offers, source selection, contract award, and
contract administration.
Daily Duties. Interact with customers and contractors, verify requirements, review building
contract solicitations, build contracts, review regulations in order to properly create an effective
strategy on how to procure items. Once a Contracting Officer has graduated from being a
Specialist, they will be legally allowed to sign contracts, review, direct, and work at a more
strategic level.
Available bases. Every base globally. However, if you are assigned to the Acquisitions side of
contracting, your bases will include Wright Patterson, OH, Los Angeles AFB, CA, Hanscom
AFB, MA, and Hill AFB, UT.
Deployments. You will deploy occasionally. You will have your greatest job satisfaction when
you are on your deployments because you are directly purchasing items for the warfighter. For
example, a current Contracting Officer had the unique experience of being assigned to a Special
Forces Unit in Afghanistan where he was responsible for supporting 11 bases with 2,200+
personnel and helped plan and build Forward Operating Bases.
Required Training. 24 business credits for initial entry and 2 years of acquiring credentials and
passing exams before being officially classified as a Contracting Officer. Additionally, during
your first year, you will be required to attend the 4-week Contracting Officer Initial Skills
Training at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.
Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 64P.
• Business, Microsoft Office, and Public Speaking courses.
What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 64P. During your first four years,
you can expect to lead between 0-20 personnel. Your roles will typically include being a
Contract Specialist, Team Lead, a Flight Commander, and Deputy Flight Chief.
Developmental Opportunities. Advanced Academic Degrees with civilian institutes or the Air
Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. Additionally, other opportunities
include Education With Industry, Naval Post Graduate School, and SPEED which allows
Contracting Officers to broaden their careers by taking on an Intelligence, Aircraft Maintenance,
or Logistics Assignment.
Why you should choose 64P. If you want to be challenged, enjoy problem-solving, and want to
gain skills that will easily transition to the Civilian Sector, then Contracting is for you!
Advice from current Contracting Officers. Do not choose this career field if you think you can
do your four years, transition to the Civilian Sector, and automatically make six figures. It takes
a minimum of 6-10 years to become a qualified professional and subject matter expert in this
career field.

Financial Management (65F)
Specialty Summary. Financial Management (FM) Officers are responsible for leading,
planning, organizing, managing, and accomplishing financial management activities in support
of daily operations and war-fighting missions. Finance Management encompasses 10 financial
activities: financial programs and operations; accounting liaison and pay services; budget
preparation and execution; program, cost, and economic analysis; non-appropriated fund
oversight; audit management; bank liaison; policy and procedures; fiscal law; internal controls;
and quality assurance. Lastly, FM Officers serve as financial advisers to commanders and staff.

Daily Duties. Prepare and give briefings, analyze budget operations and productivity measures,
check and respond to emails, problem-solve, propose innovative ideas, and take care of your

Available bases. Every base globally.

Deployments. You will deploy in this position.

Required Training. 11-week Basic Financial Management Officer Course as Keesler AFB, MS
and DoD FM Level 1-3 Certification.

Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 65F.

• Introduction to Finance, Budget, Communications, and Public Speaking courses.

What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 65F. During your first four years,
you can expect to lead between 0-25 personnel. Your roles will typically include being a Coast
Analyst, Deputy Flight Commander, and Flight Commander.

Developmental Opportunities. Advanced Academic Degrees, Acquisitions Instructor Training

(AQIC), and career-broadening opportunities.

Why you should choose 65F. From your first day on the job, you are responsible for focusing
on the “big picture”, provided unique and early leadership roles, and provide you with skills that
will benefit you in and out of the Air Force.

Advice from current Finance Officers. You will be presented with many challenges but how
you react to challenges is what will define your character. You will need to learn to bloom where
you are planted and never quit!

Force Modernization
Chemist (61C)
Specialty Summary. Chemists are part of the acquisitions career fields and support a variety of
Air Force units and missions to include: explosives, jet fuel (testing and research), pilot
optimization, CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) sensing, and other
chemistry related research that benefits the Air Force and Department of Defense.

Daily Duties. This can vary depending on the research project, but some examples include
testing fuels, gases, oils, and lubricants, studying samples, and maintaining laboratories.

Available bases. The two main organizations chemists work for are Air Force Research Labs
(AFRL) and Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). There are about 10-12 different bases
that usually have chemists with most of those being in the continental United States. The two
locations with the greatest number of chemists are the United States Air Force Academy (as
instructors) and Wright Patterson Air Force Base (center of AFRL).

Deployments. Chemists do not typically deploy. If they do, it is in a job outside of the
chemistry field.

Required Training. In addition to a degree in chemistry, Chemists are also required to earn
acquisition certifications through the Defense Acquisition University (DAU).

Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 61C.

• A wide variety of chemistry courses.

What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 61C. Most chemists are sent to
earn an advanced degree early in their career. Aside from being sent to school, chemists can
expect to be assigned to AFRL or DTRA in a research-based assignment. Chemists typically
lead projects and research efforts of a small team to include fellow officers, federal civilians, and

Developmental Opportunities. Higher education is greatly encouraged within the 61C field
and an Advanced Academic Degree (AAD) is a must. Majors and Lieutenant Colonels usually
have a PhD.

Why you should choose 61C. If you are passionate about science and chemistry, this AFSC is
for you.

Advice from current Chemists. Chemistry is a very small career field, but it is a fantastic

Physicist/Nuclear Engineer (61D)
Specialty Summary. Physicists and Nuclear Engineers are part of the acquisitions career field.
They have expertise on the research and development end of the process the Air Force uses to
find, make, and buy new technology and weapons system (i.e. airplanes).

Daily Duties. Work in a laboratory performing experiments, coordinating and understanding the
goals for the technology being researched, managing research contracts, interfacing with
companies, evaluating work based on knowledge and expertise, and managing funding for
research projects.

Available bases. The primary work location is the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at
Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio

Deployments. 61Ds do not typically deploy. If a physicist deploys, it is done as a Major or later
and is done on a volunteer basis.

Required Training. 61Ds typically hold a physics degree. Additionally, they are required to
attend a three-week Fundamentals of Acquisition Management (FAM) course at Wright
Patterson AFB, OH as part of their initial training within the career field.

Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 61D.

• Any courses heavy in physics or science.

What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 61D. Some 61Ds are selected to
immediately attend the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) for a master’s degree in
Applied Physics. Most 61Ds work as research physicist as their primary work role and may lead
team projects.

Developmental Opportunities. Advanced Academic Degrees (AADs) are highly valued and
encouraged. There are also opportunities for exchange tours with other career fields or
international partners.

Why you should choose 61D. If you like science and technology and have a physics
background, this career field is a great choice.

Advice from current Physicist/Nuclear Engineer Officers. There are tons of great
opportunities and you get to work on amazing things as a Physicist/Nuclear Engineer all the
while serving your country.

Developmental Engineer (62E)
Specialty Summary. Developmental engineers provide technical expertise to units that support
the research and development, acquisition, testing, and sustainment of different weapon systems
and their components. The 62E is not usually the subject matter expert, but organizes, leads, and
supervises those resources. Early-career tours can be highly technical and in direct support of an
operational unit. Mid-career tours are more strategic and often preparatory for a transition to a
63A AFSC (Acquisition Manager).

Daily Duties. Develop plans for future research, tests, and programs, align people/money to
complete projects, review technical documents, and create/gather project reports.

Available bases. The hubs for Air Force 62Es are Wright Patterson AFB (Ohio), Edwards AFB
(California), and Eglin AFB (Florida). Additionally, there are 62Es attached to other government
organizations such as the National Reconnaissance Organization and National Geospatial
Agency. The Space Force has 62Es at Vandenberg AFB (California), Peterson AFB (Colorado),
Schriever (Colorado), and Los Angeles AFB (California).

Deployments. Deployments are uncommon in this field.

Required Training. Typically, 62Es have a STEM bachelor’s degree and must attend the three-
week Fundamentals of Acquisition Management (FAM) course at Wright Patterson Air Force
Base, OH.

Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 62E.

• Other than STEM topics, business courses can help a 62E understand some of the
intricacies of acquisitions.

What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 62E. 62Es can expect to be
Project Managers, System Engineers, Test Engineers, or Research Engineers. Expect to lead
anywhere from 5-10 personnel.

Developmental Opportunities. The Advanced Academic Degree program allows 62Es to

continue their education. 62Es can also do exchange tours with other career fields to gain further
perspective and experience. Lastly, there is a Weapons School course for
acquisitions/engineering officers.

Why you should choose 62E. If you want to "build" something and learn about new technology
the Air Force is buying or considering, this is the AFSC for you. Also, if you decide to separate,
this job is in high demand in the reserves, guard, and civilian sector.

Advice from current Developmental Engineers. Find a mentor and enjoy the journey!

Acquisition Management (63A)
Specialty Summary. Acquisition Management Officers are responsible for researching,
producing, and sustaining Air Force assets. Additionally, they help deliver capabilities that
enable current and future warfighters.

Daily Duties. Manage cost, schedule, and performance. Meet with stakeholders, monitor
contractor performance, and conduct program planning.

Available bases. 63As are assigned to numerous bases across the United States.

Deployments. Deployments are very rare. To deploy, 63As must typically volunteer for a
deployed position outside of their career field.

Required Training. Two weeks of the Fundamentals of Acquisition Management (FAM)

course and an annual continuous learning requirement in business.

Suggested classes/courses to prepare for 63A.

• Science, math, or business-related courses.

What types of jobs to expect during your first 4 years as a 63A. Project Lead and Program
Manager leading as many as 30 people. 63As normally work with civilians and contractors
instead of enlisted Airmen.

Developmental Opportunities. This is a great field for career broadening. As part of the
acquisition community, 63As are able to join another career field for three years and then return
back to acquisitions.

Why you should choose 63A. This field allows you to manage mission critical projects, learn
from subject matter experts, and lead teams towards delivering the next generation of weapon
systems. Acquisition officers also have consistent and predictable hours.

Advice from current Acquisition Management Officers. Every job is what you make it and if
you have a positive perspective you will be happy in the Air Force.


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