World History
World History
World History
World history
The Russian revolution
1. The Russian revolution (1917) was an economic explosion hastened
by the incompetence of the autocratic regime. It was basically an expression
of economic hardships faced by the Russian society.
2. Economic reasons
1. The industry had developed in Russia by the end of the nineteenth
century but the profits that accrued were confined to few hands.
2. The workers suffered from long hours of work. They were paid low
wages. Heavy fines were imposed on them and they were treated inhumanely.
The capitalists blocked factory reform while the workers tried to protest
through the strikes.
3. The condition of the peasantry was no better off. There was the
shortage of land. The peasants carried out the cultivation with primitive tools
and outdated methods. Further, the peasants had to bear heavy burden of
4. Russia joined the World War I which aggravated the situation and
sufferings. Although, there was plenty of food in the country, it did not reach
the cities in sufficient quantities because of the war time arrangement of
3. War
1. As the war continued, though, the Tsar refused to consult main
parties in the Duma.
2. The war also had a severe impact on industry. Russia’s own
industries were few in number and the country was cut off from other
suppliers of industrial goods by German control of the Baltic Sea.
3. By 1916, railway lines began to break down. Able bodied men were
called up to the war. As a result, there were labour shortages and small
workshops producing essentials were shut down.
4. Russian army destroyed crops and buildings to prevent the enemy
from being able to live off the land. The destruction of crops and buildings
led to over 3 million refugees in Russia. The situation discredited the
government and the Tsar.
5. Soldiers did not wish to fight such a war.
4. Thus, corrupt rule of the Czar coupled with its inability to diffuse
economic grievances brought the revolution.
5. Russian peasants vs France peasants
1. During the French revolution, peasants respected nobles and fought
for them. In Russia, peasants wanted the land of the nobles to be given to
them. Frequently, they refused to pay rent and even murdered landlords.
2. Russian peasants were different from other European peasants in
another way. They pooled their land periodically and their commune (mir)
divided it according to the needs of individual families. Some Russian
socialists felt that the Russian peasant custom of dividing land periodically
made them natural socialists.
6. What changed after 1918 October revolution
1. The Bolsheviks were totally opposed to private property. Most
industry and banks were nationalised in November 1917. This meant that the
government took over ownership and management.
2. Trade unions were kept under party control.
3. Land was declared social property and peasants were allowed to
seize the land of the nobility.
4. In cities, Bolsheviks enforced the partition of large houses
according to family requirements.
5. They banned the use of the old titles of aristocracy.
6. Russia became a one party state. The secret police punished those
who criticised the Bolsheviks.
7. Russian civil war
1. When the Bolsheviks ordered land redistribution, the Russian army
began to break up. Soldiers, mostly peasants, wished to go home for the
redistribution and deserted.
2. Non-Bolshevik socialists, liberals and supporters of autocracy
condemned the Bolshevik uprising. Their leaders moved to south Russia and
organised troops to fight the Bolsheviks. During 1918 and 1919, the greens
(Socialist Revolutionaries) and whites (pro-Tsarists) controlled most of the
Russian empire.
3. They were backed by French, American, British and Japanese
troops who were worried at the growth of socialism in Russia.
4. Supporters of private property among whites took harsh steps with
peasants who had seized land. Such actions led to the loss of popular support
for the non-Bolsheviks.
5. By January 1920, the Bolsheviks controlled most of the former
Russian empire. They succeeded due to cooperation with non-Russian
nationalities and Muslim jadidists. Cooperation did not work where Russian
colonists themselves turned Bolshevik.
8. Global influence of Russian revolution
1. The possibility of a workers state fired people’s imagination across
the world. In many countries, communist parties were formed like the
Communist Party of Great Britain.
2. Many outside USSR participated in the Conference of the Peoples
of the East (1920) and the Bolshevik founded comintern (an international
union of pro-Bolshevik socialist parties).
3. Some received education in USSR’s Communist university of the
workers of the East. By the time of the outbreak of the Second World War,
the USSR had given socialism a global face and world stature.
4. A backward country had become a great power. Its industries and
agriculture had developed and the poor were being fed. But it had denied the
essential freedoms to its citizens and carried out its developmental projects
through repressive policies.
French revolution
1. French society had 3 estates namely Clergy, Nobility and the Rest.
2. Social causes
1. About 60 percent of the land was owned by nobles, Church and
other richer members of the third estate.
2. The members of the first two estates were exempted from paying
taxes to the state. The nobles further enjoyed feudal privileges. These
included feudal dues, which they extracted from the peasants.
3. The Church extracted its share of taxes called tithes from the
peasants, and finally, all members of the third estate had to pay taxes to the
4. The rise of middle class was also a reason. Many educated people
believed that no group in society should be privileged by birth. Rather, a
person’s social position must depend on his merit.
5. Their was moral degeneration of first two estates, especially of
higher clergy. The nobility completely neglected their duties and degenerated
into band of greedy and vicious courtiers. Monarch was not ready to carry out
the urgent reforms needed. His administration was riddled with corruption.
3. Economic causes
1. Long years of war had drained the financial resources of France.
Added to this was the cost of maintaining an extravagant court at the
immense palace of Versailles.
2. Unemployment and inequality rose drastically. Wages did not keep
pace with the price rise. A situation has come where basic needs of livelihood
are endangered.
4. Philosophers
1. Another cause of the French revolution was the effect of the
preachings of the French philosophers. Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau
were the three intellectual giants of the age. The 18th century has been called
as the Age of Reason, because of the ideas expressed by the French
intellectuals. They gave people an idea of new society based upon a new
philosophy of life.
2. Voltaire attacked the religion. Locke refuted the absolute right of
monarch. Rousseau asserted the doctrine of popular sovereignty.
Montesquieu proposed a division of power within the government between
the legislative, the executive and the judiciary.
3. Along with the above stated idea of governance, the intellectuals
emphasised on social reforms. They condemned slavery. They also
emphasised reason over prejudice.
4. The cumulative effect of their influence manifested in itself in
liberty, equality, fraternity, which became guiding principles of revolution.
Without these ideas, french revolution would have been simply an outbreak
of violence.
5. They were mostly aristocrats, lawyers, business people whose lot in
the existing order was far from unhappy. The doctrines of the philosophers
came to be used later on, during the course of the revolution in France often
to justify measures that the philosophers themselves would have opposed.
5. Post revolution
1. The situation in France continued to be tense post revolution years.
Although Louis XVI had signed the constitution, he entered into secret
negotiations with the King of Prussia. Before this could happen, the National
Assembly voted in April 1792 to declare war against Prussia and Austria.
2. The revolutionary wars brought losses and economic difficulties to
the people. Large sections of the population were convinced that the
revolution had to be carried further, as the constitution of 1791 gave political
rights only to the richer sections of society.
3. Political clubs became an important rallying point for people who
wished to discuss government policies and plan their own forms of action.
The most successful of these clubs was that of the Jacobins.
4. The members of the Jacobin club belonged mainly to the less
prosperous sections of society. They included small shopkeepers, artisans
such as shoemakers, pastry cooks, watch-makers, printers, as well as servants
and daily wage workers.
6. Women’s revolution
1. From the very beginning women were active participants in the
events of French revolution. Most women of the third estate had to work for a
living. Most women did not have access to education or job training. Only
daughters of nobles or wealthier members of the third estate could study at a
2. In order to discuss and voice their interests women started their
own political clubs and newspapers. The Society of Revolutionary and
Republican Women was the most famous of them. One of the main demands
was that women enjoy the same political rights as men. They demanded the
right to vote, to be elected to the Assembly and to hold political office.
3. In the early years, the revolutionary government did introduce laws
that helped improve the lives of women. Together with the creation of state
schools, schooling was made compulsory for all girls. Their fathers could no
longer force them into marriage against their will.
4. Even after revolution, women’s struggle for equal political rights
continued. During the Reign of Terror, the new government issued laws
ordering closure of women’s clubs and banning their political activities.
Many prominent women were arrested and a number of them executed.
5. Women’s movements for voting rights and equal wages continued
through the next two hundred years in many countries of the world. The fight
for the vote was carried out through an international suffrage movement
during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It was finally in 1946
that women in France won the right to vote.
7. Impact of French revolution
1. The legal abolition of the nobility, including its feudal privileges,
by the National Assembly in 1789. This led to establishment of capitalism.
Even the restored monarchy could not bring it back.
2. The declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, considered
one of the world’s most important statements of universal human rights,
issued just after the abolition of the nobility.
3. It gave the term nation its new meaning. A nation is not territory
that people belong to but it is the people themselves. From this flows the idea
of sovereignty that people constituting the nation are source of all power.
4. It was first genuinely democratic Government. So planted the seeds
for other democratic movements. For first time people such as workers,
artisans, poor peasants got equality in voting rights.
5. Formal separation of church and state in 1794. This laid down the
basis for separation of state and religion and establishment of a secular state.
6. France has abolished slavery in its colonies. And as a result Haiti,
an french colony, became a republic. This was the first republic established
by the black people.
7. The Civil Code of 1804, usually known as the Napoleonic Code,
did away with all privileges based on birth, established equality before the
law and secured the right to property.
8. The re-organisation of France’s inefficient governing system into
departments and communes. The establishment of the metric system in 1793.
National system of schools known as lycées established in 1803. It lead to
modernised system of administartion. In India, Tipu sultan and Ram Mohan
Roy were inspired from this.
9. The French revolution had a major impact on Europe and the New
World. It shaped politics, society, religion and ideas by bringing liberalism
and the end of many feudal or traditional laws and practices..
8. Shortcomings of universal rights underlying the French
1. All rights belonged to the men. Women were given no political
rights to vote or to hold public offices, totally against the principle of
2. Equality also lacked among the men. Men with only certain level of
income were allowed to vote.
3. Jacobins perpetuated terror in the masses which which was against
the idea of liberty and freedom.
4. French began with being liberators but they ended up being
conquerors thus going against their own values of liberty and equality.
5. Slave trade considered as one of the most inhuman way of
exploration for serving vested interests was carried on by French, was a gross
violation of human rights.
9. Napoleon achievements
1. In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself emperor of France.
He set out to conquer neighbouring European countries, dispossessing
dynasties and creating kingdoms. Napoleon saw his role as a moderniser of
2. He introduced many laws such as the protection of private property,
uniform system of weights and measures provided by the decimal system.
3. Although the country had a national religion, he introduced the
Napoleonic Code, which allowed religious freedom in France.
4. The idea of democratic rights was the most important legacy of the
French revolution. These spread from France to the rest of Europe during the
nineteenth century, where feudal system were abolished.
5. Jacobin regime abolished slavery in the French colonies like Haiti.
This, however, turned out to be a short term measure as Napoleon
reintroduced slavery.
10. How did Napoleon fuse the old France with new France
1. Napoleon declared that he wanted to cement peace at home by
anything that could bring the French together and provide tranquility within
families. He reconciled the elements of the monarchy with elements of the
revolution which was the failed goal of Mirabeau in 1790.
2. Napoleon was largely successful in attracting men from all parties
from ex-Jacobins to nobles, to his Government.
3. Signing the Concordat allowed Napoleon to reconcile the religious
differences which had torn France apart during the Revolution.
4. A general amnesty signed by Napoleon allowed all but about one
thousand of the most notorious emigrants to return to France.
5. Under Napoleon’s rule, the Napoleonic Code as a civil code for
France was introduced and some of its provision like merit based recruitment
to government jobs and focus on clearly written law.
6. Napoleon abolished feudal system. He freed the peasants and other
section of society from serfdom and manorial duties. Thus the anti-feudalism
wave that hit Europe in 19th century owes its origin to the event in France.
11. Impact of French Revolution was local
1. French Revolution gave to the world the ideals of equality,
fraternity and liberty. The preamble of our constitution explicitly mentions
these ideals.
2. This shows the worldwide impact of the revolution but it’s spread
had occurred several years after the revolution and was initially confined to
Europe mainly because of the time frame, the circumstances of the time.
3. Monarchies were present in all the surrounding countries of France,
so they tried hard to contain the spread of ideals further.
4. Napoleon captured the power and restored autocracy within few
years. Although French revolution focused on liberty, equality and fraternity,
it denied the very rights to people after revolution.
5. Lack of transportation facilities and global inter connectedness led
to lack of spread of ideas.
12. Impact of Russian revolution was Global
1. Increased interconnectedness during the 20th century led to easy
spread of ideas and beliefs which was absent 2 centuries ago.
2. Industrial revolution reached its zenith. It’s capitalist system was
exploitative. The workers were looking for an alternative and the Russian
revolution gave it to them. Communism at that time seemed appropriate, it
seemed liberating.
3. Colonialism and imperialism were at its peak during the 20th
century. People in the colonies were critical of capitalism, because they
thought it is what impoverished them. Communism sounded like a utopia to
many countries and they started treating Russia as a father nation.
4. Russia’s economic model was highly successful during initial
years, which inspired many third world countries to take its path.
5. Leaders of communist Russia such as Lenin and Stalin actively
gave support to communist form of Governments across the world. Stalin
even used to force to setup communist Governments in many countries. For
instance, Czechoslovakia.
1. Enlightenment is a process in the history in which orthodox,
superstitious and illogical thinking gave way to reasoning and logical
behaviour in every aspect of life, be it social, religious and political. It made
the society move towards growth and progress.
2. Driving forces behind it
1. Exploration: Exploration of world sparked the curiosity and made
Europeans question the old beliefs and customs. They started enjoying the
adventure in their lives.
2. Reformation movements: Protestants like Martin Luther started
reformation movements which questioned the authorities of Church, Popes
and the nobilities who were corrupt and blinded the people with orthodox
beliefs and instilled fear by penetrating state violence.
3. Scientific revolution: Scientists like Galileo and Kepler challenged
the wrong concepts given by church and introduced scientific ideas that sun
was surrounded by planets, earth revolves around the sun, etc which helped
enlightening the masses.
4. Role of philosophers: People from the middle class like Locke,
Immanuel Kant became the voice of the common people and created large
scale awareness among the masses through their works.
Nation state
1. A nation state is a state that has defined borders and territory. It is a
country in which the same type of people exists, organised by either race or
cultural background. People there would speak same language and share a set
of cultural and national values.
2. A state is a political and geopolitical entity, while a nation is a
cultural and ethnic one. The term nation state implies that the two coincide,
but nation state formation can take place at different times in different parts
of the world, and has become the dominant form of world organisation.
3. A strange case of Britain
1. In Britain the formation of the nation state was not the result of a
sudden upheaval or revolution. It was the result of a long drawn out process.
There was no British nation prior to the eighteenth century. The primary
identities of the people who inhabited the British isles were ethnic ones such
as English, Welsh, Scot or Irish. All of these ethnic groups had their own
cultural and political traditions.
2. But as the English nation steadily grew in wealth and power, it was
able to extend its influence over the other nations of the islands. The Act of
Union (1707) between England and Scotland that resulted in the formation of
the United Kingdom of Great Britain meant, in effect, that England was able
to impose its influence on Scotland.
3. The British parliament was henceforth dominated by its English
members. The growth of a British identity meant that Scotland’s culture and
political institutions were systematically suppressed.
4. Ireland suffered a similar fate. It was a country deeply divided
between Catholics and Protestants. The English helped the Protestants of
Ireland to establish their dominance over a largely Catholic country. Catholic
revolts against British dominance were suppressed.
5. A new British nation was forged through the propagation of a
dominant English culture. The older nations survived only as subordinate
partners in this union.
1. Mercantilism is an economic system that prevailed during 16th to
18th century when nation states tried to increase their wealth by promoting
their exports and limiting imports. The strength of a nation was measured in
terms of the wealth it possessed.
2. How it gave rise to colonialism and industrial revolution
1. To maximise their trade, countries expanded their overseas
shipping and promoted naval force to protect their vessels.
2. The lookout for new markets and new avenues led to the
establishment of trading ports in different countries which later became forts.
3. The growing industries back home needed raw materials and
market for their finished goods. This gave rise to conflicts with the local
rulers and drain of wealth from countries which later became colonies. The
colonies essentially became source of raw materials and markets for finished
4. The increasing outputs from the growth of industries needed fewer
competitors. This was done by discouraging imports by imposing heavy
3. Thus, mercantilism can be seen as an engine that led to the
development of colonial tendencies and revolutionised the industrial outputs
by providing favourable trade policies, raw materials and new markets for the
nation states.
Industrial revolution
1. What
1. During the later half of the 18th century there began a series of
changes which revolutionised the techniques of production and methods of
transportation. These developments resulted in the rise of a new type of
economy known as an industrial economy. The term Industrial Revolution is
used to describe these developments.
2. This phase of industrial development in Britain is strongly
associated with new machinery and technologies. These made it possible to
produce goods on a massive scale compared to handicraft and handloom
2. Why Britain
1. It had been politically stable since the seventeenth century, with
England, Wales and Scotland unified under a monarchy. This meant that the
kingdom had common laws, a single currency and a market that was not
2. Through her overseas trade she had accumulated vast profits which
could provide the necessary capital.
3. She had acquired colonies which ensured a regular supply of raw
materials and a markets for export. England developed a large shipping
industry and had no problem of transportation.
4. England had plenty of natural resources, such as iron and coal,
essential for industries. The sources of iron and coal existed side by side and
this saved England from many difficulties that other countries faced.
5. By the end of the seventeenth century, money was widely used as
the medium of exchange. Salaries were paid in cash rather than in kind. This
gave people a wider choice for ways to spend their earnings and expanded the
market for the sale of goods.
6. The enclosure movement had begun in the 18th century in which
big land owners consolidate their large land holdings by buying small farms
near their own properties. So, small peasants became unemployed. Thus there
was no shortage labour force to work in the factories.
7. By 1784, there were more than a hundred provincial banks in
England, and during the next 10 years their numbers trebled. The financial
requirements to establish and maintain big industrial enterprises were met by
these banks.
8. No other country enjoyed all these advantages at this period. Some
suffered from a lack of capital or natural resources and some from an
unfavourable political system. While some other European countries had
agrarian economies. Many of them, such as Italy and Germany, were not even
united and suffered from many economic restrictions.
3. Cotton spinning and weaving
1. Spinning of cotton was so slow. But a series of technological
inventions successfully closed the gap between the speed in spinning raw
cotton into yarn or thread, and of weaving the yarn into fabric. Some
inventions in cotton industry are below.
2. Flying shuttle loom: It made possible to weave broader fabrics in
less time and consequently called for more yarn than could be supplied at the
prevailing pace of spinning.
3. Spinning jenny: A single person could spin several threads of yarn
simultaneously. This provided weavers with yarn at a faster rate than they
could weave into fabric.
4. Water frame: Produced much stronger thread than before. This
also made it possible to weave pure cotton fabrics rather than fabrics that
combined linen and cotton yarn.
5. Mule: Allowed the spinning of strong and fine yarn.
6. Power loom: This was easy to work, stopped automatically every
time a thread broke and could be used to weave any kind of material.
7. Cotton gin: This machine made it possible to separate the seeds
from cotton three hundred times faster than by hand.
8. From the 1830s, developments in this industry concentrated on
increasing the productivity of workers rather than bringing new machines into
4. Communication
1. To expand facilities for transport by water much cheaper than
overland. So, England began connecting rivers and lakes with canals. Canals
spread to Europe and America and was a big help in providing cheaper
transportation, especially after steam boats came into use.
2. Canals were usually built by big landowners to increase the value
of the mines, quarries or forests on their lands. The confluence of canals
created marketing centres in new towns.
3. The city of Birmingham owed its growth to its position at the heart
of a canal system connecting London, the Bristol Channel, and the Mersey
and Humber rivers.
4. In the 1830s, the use of canals revealed several problems. The
congestion of vessels made movement slow on certain stretches of canals, and
frost, flood or drought limited the time of their use. The railways now
appeared as a convenient alternative.
5. Penny post, fast and cheap communication by letter, began to
operate in England in the early 19th century. Soon it was adopted in other
countries, including India.
5. Agriculture revolution
1. The revolution in agriculture had started before the industrial
revolution. There were changes in farming methods to produce more food,
and more importantly, to produce cash crops for the market and raw materials
for industries.
2. New farm machinery included the iron plough and harrow for
breaking the ground, the mechanical drill for seeding and the horse drawn
cultivator to replace the hoe. There were also machines for reaping and
threshing. Farmers adopted intensive manuring and the practice of crop
rotation to maintain soil fertility.
3. With the enclosure movement, big landowners unfairly got
possession of the peasant’s small holding along with his own. The result was
that the peasants were forced off the land.
4. With no other means of livelihood, they moved to the new
industrial towns and cities where they got jobs at whatever wage the factory
owner would pay. Industries thus benefited, but at the small farmer’s expense.
1. Opium wars
1. The imperialist domination of China began with the opium wars.
Before these opium Wars, only two Chinese ports were open to foreign
traders. China was already a prosperous civilisation that had invented paper,
printing and gunpowder. There was no demand for British goods in China. So
the British had to pay back in gold and silver for importing Chinese tea, silk,
jade and porcelain. This led to trade deficit for Britain.
2. So, British merchant started smuggling opium from India into
China on a large scale, to cover up for their cost of importing Chinese goods.
British east India company has already established monopoly on the opium
cultivation. But due to Chinese ban on opium, British used country traders to
ship opium to China.
3. 1st Opium war: Chinese government officials seized an opium
cargo and destroyed it. Britain declared war and easily defeated the Chinese.
The Treaty of Nanjing was signed, which forced China to pay fines to British
for war damages. Hong Kong was to be given to Britain. China had to open
five port cities to the British traders. Chinese government was no longer free
to impose tariffs on the foreign goods.
4. 2nd Opium War: Soon, England and France fought another war
with China, on the pretext that a French missionary had been murdered and
again China lost. This again led to opening of several new ports to Western
trade and residence. Right of foreign travel in the interior of China. By the
end of 1860s, China had to open 14 ports to Foreigners.
2. Sino-Japan war
1. For centuries, Korea was a tributary state of China. But Korea is
important to Japan because, one, it is strategically located opposite the
Japanese islands and, two, Korea’s natural resources of coal and iron. This
ultimately leads to War between Japan and China. Japan won thanks to its
adopted western military technology.
2. As a result, China had to recognise Korea as an independent state
and gave away Formosa, Taiwan and part of Southern Manchuria to Japan
and was forced to pay about $150 million to Japan for war damages.
3. Sphere of influence
1. Each western country had certain regions of China reserved
exclusively for their purpose only (exclusive rights to build railway, mines etc
in that region).
2. After war with Japan, China had no money to pay war damages. So,
France, Russia, Britain and Germany agreed to give loans to China. In return
for exclusive rights granted to them in some parts of territories in China. For
instance, Britain had exclusive rights over Yangtze valley, and only Russia
had the right to build railways in Manchuria. This division of China into
spheres of influence has been often described as the cutting of the Chinese
3. After the economic depression of the 1890s, USA needed foreign
trade to boost its economy. In China, the American textile manufacturers had
found markets for cheap cotton goods. But United States feared that China
would be completely parcelled out to France, Russia, Germany and Britain,
because of those spheres of influences. So, US started it’s Me too policy.
4. Therefore United States suggested the policy known as Open door
policy. According to this policy, all countries would have equal right to make
trade anywhere in China. Britain supported United States in this policy,
thinking that it would discourage the annexation of China by Japan or Russia.
Because Japan and Russia could easily send their armies to Chinese
4. Boxer rebellion
1. China’s humiliating defeats in Opium wars and against Japan and
subsequent economic exploitation by Western powers. The extraterritorial
right was granted to the foreigners.
2. Corruption, inefficiency of their own royal government.
3. They resented the work of Christian missionaries, blaming them for
harming traditional Chinese ceremonies and family relations and also
missionaries pressured local officials to side with Christian converts in local
lawsuits and property disputes.
4. This led to formation of a secret organisation known as Yihetuan.
The foreigners called them Boxers. Boxers violently started destroying
properties of foreigners, Christian missionaries and Chinese converts.
Although the boxers were officially denounced, they were secretly supported
by many of the royal court.
5. After the failure of boxer rebellion, imperialism continued with the
cooperation from Chinese warlords. Foreign powers bought these military
commanders by giving loans and in exchange the warlords granted even more
privileges to the foreign powers.
6. Thus in a period of few decades, China had been reduced to a status
of an international colony. Although China was not conquered or occupied by
any imperialist country, but the effect of these developments in China were
same as any other areas which were formally colonised.
5. Western influence
1. The beginning of western influence can be traced back to when
Jesuit missionaries introduced western sciences such as astronomy and
mathematics. But its impact was limited. Later on, Britain used force to
expand its lucrative trade in opium leading to the first opium war.
2. Britain forced Indian peasants to grow opium, which was sold
illegally in China to get Gold, Silver. This was exchanged by Britain to buy
tea, silk from China. This was called Triangular trade between Britain, India
and China.
3. This undermined the ruling Qing dynasty and strengthened
demands for reform and change. They build a modern administrative system,
new army, an educational system, and set up local assemblies to establish
constitutional government. They saw the need to protect China from
4. The Manchu empire was overthrown and a republic established in
1911 under Sun Yat-sen. His programme was called the three principles (San
min chui). These were nationalism, democracy and socialism regulating
capital and equalising landholdings.
5. After the death of Sun, Chiang Kai-shek emerged as the leader of
the Guomindang as he launched a military campaign to control the warlords,
regional leaders who had usurped authority, and to eliminate the communists
6. The Guomindang despite its attempts to unite the country failed
because of its narrow social base and limited political vision.
7. A major plank in Sun Yat-sen’s programme, regulating capital and
equalising land, was never carried out because the party ignored the peasantry
and the rising social inequalities. It sought to impose military order rather
then address the problems faced by the people.
8. The Guomindang blockade of the communists, forced CPC to seek
another base. This led them to go on what came to be called the Long March
(1934-35), 6,000 gruelling and difficult miles to Shanxi.
6. Chinese revolution in 1949
1. China was a peaceful country till beginning of the 19th century. It
was ruled by Manchu dynasty. But foreign forces slowly started to occupy
china. By the seeing the trade opportunities in china, British was the first one
to have started its influence in china with the opium wars. Slowly other
countries have started to occupy china.
2. The inefficiency of the Government to curb foreign intruders have
led to rise of regional governments thus dealing a blow to national
integration. This has led to war lord era, where power in China’s provinces
was dominated by army factions. The rise of communist party with various
promises of land reforms, etc and inefficiency of KMT have led to final war.
7. Reasons for 1949 revolution
1. KMT seized power in China with promises of establishing
communist society, but it utterly failed in its objective. It rather started
supporting land lords and also tried to eliminate communists, which caused
much resentment among the Chinese.
2. KMT government was fully corrupt. The inflation during that time
was very high. Thus people lost loyalty to KMT.
3. The most important one was ineffective resistance provided by
KMT towards Japanese when they occupied Manchuria in 1931. KMT felt
communist were bigger threat than Japan and started moving there army
towards communist occupied areas. Thus dealing a huge blow to its
4. The areas occupied by communists were having lesser inequalities
in lands and they effectively carried out various land distribution taking land
away from land lords. Finally in 1949 Communists seized power from KMT
and communist society was established.
8. Significance of 1949 revolution
1. Communist Government was set up in place of a corrupt capitalist
Govt of Chiang Kai Sheik supported by USA.
2. Rapid economic growth was observed with focus on agriculture and
small scale industries.
3. Land reorganisation was done and many efforts to improve working
conditions of industrial workers were taken.
4. China was taken more seriously at international level due to
economic and military strength. Also, there was a shift from US led
international affairs to USSR.
9. Consequences of cultural revolution
1. Brought the country to a civil war which severely hampered the
progress. Students started attacking all authorities even though they were not
critics of Mao. Instead of uniting people towards a shared vision, it created
conflict and chaos.
2. The money required for all these changes were diverted from
industrial development, which led to a fall in industrial output. They also
restricted entry of foreign technology leading to degradation of industrial
3. The textbooks were enriched with enlightenment of Mao and his
revolutionary ideology instead of teaching effective education and
methodology. This ruined students of job opportunities.
4. A cult of personality was developed by Mao, which severely halted
China’s progress and plunged the country into despair.
5. Because of conflicting ideology between Chinese communist party
and nationalist party and aftermath fraction between radical and soft
reformist. The democratic ideology got suppressed and communist ideology
got evolved.
1. In 1850s, US sent warships under Commodore Perry, and forced
the Japanese to open their country for the American shipping and trade (Gun-
boat diplomacy). Later, Japan made similar agreements with Britain, Holland,
France and Russia. But Japan itself became an imperialist country after the
Meiji Restoration.
2. Japan and meiji restoration
1. Japan lay on the route to China which the USA saw as a major
market. Also, their whaling ships in the Pacific needed a place to refuel. At
that time, only Holland traded with Japan. Perry (1794-1858) came to Japan
to demand that the government sign a treaty that would permit trade and open
diplomatic relations.
2. Till then shogun dynasty was in power in Japan. Perry’s arrival had
an important effect on Japanese politics. The emperor who till then had had
little political power, now re-emerged as an important figure. In 1868, a
movement forcibly removed the shogun from power, and brought the
Emperor to Edo.
3. Officials and the people were aware that some European countries
were building colonial empires in India and elsewhere. So they wanted to
save Japan from such subjugation. The government launched a policy with
the slogan fukoku kyohei (rich country, strong army). They realised that they
needed to develop their economy and build a strong army, to protect
themselves from Europeans. To do this they needed to create a sense of
nationhood among the people, and to transform subjects into citizens.
4. Modern education institutions were setup. The imperial rescript on
education of 1890 urged people to pursue learning, advance public good and
promote common interests. A new school system began to be built from the
1870s in which schooling was made compulsory for boys and girls. Tuition
fees were minimal. The curriculum had been based on western models but
emphasis was also on Japanese history.
5. To integrate the nation, a new administrative structure by altering
old village and domain boundaries. The administrative unit had to have
revenue adequate to maintain the local schools and health facilities, etc.
6. A modern military force was developed.
7. A legal system was set up to regulate the formation of political
groups, control the holding of meetings and impose strict censorship. Japan
developed economically and acquired a colonial empire that suppressed the
spread of democracy at home and put it in collision with the people it
8. Another important part of the Meiji reforms was the modernising of
the economy. Funds were raised by levying an agricultural tax. Textile
machinery was imported from Europe, and foreign technicians were
employed to train workers, as well as to teach in universities and schools, and
Japanese students were sent abroad. Modern banking institutions were setup
in Japan. To reduce population pressure government actively encouraged
migration to colonies of Japan and to other countries too.
9. The rapid and unregulated growth of industry and the demand for
natural resources such as timber led to environmental destruction.
10. The Meiji constitution was based on a restricted franchise and
created a Diet with limited powers.
3. China and Japan path to modernisation
1. The histories of Japan and China show how different historical
conditions led them on widely divergent paths to building independent and
modern nations.
2. Japan didn’t go through colonisation, it itself had colonial empires
like Taiwan, Manchuria, etc. China underwent colonial humiliation.
3. Japan followed and maintained traditional values like respect for
elders, worship of emperor, etc along with modern education system. China
given up traditional values and sought modern ideas. The CCP and its
supporters fought to put an end to tradition, which they saw as keeping the
masses in poverty, the women subjugated and the country un-developed.
4. Democracy was established in Japan, while China had a one party
rule and demands for democracy were suppressed brutally.
5. Japan followed west inspired capitalistic economy while China
followed a socialistic path to economy.
Colonisation in Africa
1. Although African exploration started in late 15th century but for a
long time remained mainly to certain coastal areas. This had disastrous
consequences due to slave trade. During this era, Spanish were ruling
Americas. During that time, a large scale extermination of the native
Americans happened because they were forced to work in gold and silver
mines under inhumane conditions and got European diseases. So slaves from
Africa were brought to America.
2. Why African slaves preferred
1. Native American could easily run away and hide in jungles. They
were familiar with the territories, knew how to survive on local plants and
animals. They could also escape and blend in as white town. Africans could
neither go home nor disguise themselves among town folks.
2. White prisoners were not immune to tropical malaria and yellow
fever. African slaves had some immunity to such old world diseases as
smallpox, mumps, and measles. Hence, African labourer lived three to five
times longer than white labourers under the difficult conditions on
3. Slave trade
1. In medieval times, Arabs had dominated the slave trade. They
organised slave caravans and moved them from the interior to the Gold and
Slave coasts. Then Portuguese entered the slave trade business. Portuguese
themselves also needed Black slaves to work in their sugar plantations of
2. Some African chiefs also took part in this business. They sold
slaves to Europeans in exchange of guns and ammunition, cloth, metal ware,
spirits, cutlery, coins, decorative wear, horses, salt and paper.
3. But then British decided to take over this business. Later, Spain
gave the monopoly of slave trade to Britain.
4. Triangular trade is the term used to describe the prosperous trading
cycle across Atlantic as a result of Slave trade. European merchants
purchased slaves from African chiefs in exchange of manufactured products.
They sold the slaves in the Caribbean and purchased such easily transportable
commodities as sugar, cotton, and tobacco. Finally the merchants would sell
sugar, cotton, and tobacco in Europe and North America.
4. Why slave trade declined after 1850s
1. European economies began to shift from agriculture to industry.
Plantations remained profitable, but Europeans had promising new areas for
2. The slave operated American plantations had to compete for capital
and preferential laws with textile mills and other industries that hired free
3. American slave societies approached the point where they could
reproduce enough offspring to meet the needs. So, not much need for further
slave import from Africa.
4. Slavery was also a hindrance if the interior of Africa was to be
opened to colonial exploitation. In fact, some colonial powers waged war
against African chiefs in the pretext of abolishing slave trade, so they could
establish colony there.
5. Consequences of slave trade
1. Millions of Africans were uprooted from their homes which stifled
African creativity and production. In the American plantations, they were
forced to work in inhumane conditions. Slaving and slave trading stimulated
warfare, corrupted laws. It created a class of elite rulers and traders.
2. Slave trade was the beginning of a dependency relationship with
Europe. This relationship was based on the exchange of Africa’s valuable
primary products for European manufactured goods. This dependency
continued after the slave trade ended, through a colonial period and beyond.
3. In this sense, the slave trade was the first step toward modern
Africa’s current status as a region where technological development has yet
to match that of more industrialised nations.
4. African culture mixed with Europeans and Native Americans. This
led to new mixed races, music, literature, cuisine, culture, religious practices,
deep impact on American history, civil wars etc.
5. Anyways, by the time slave trade declined, the exploration of the
interior of Africa had begun and preparations made by the European powers
to impose another kind of slavery on the continent of Africa for the direct
conquest of almost entire Africa.
6. Why Africa was easily conquered
1. Economic might of the imperialist powers was greater than the
economic resources of the African states. African kings did not have the
financial resources to fight a long war.
2. In terms of military strength, the imperialist countries were far
more powerful than the African states. Most of the time, Africans fought with
axes, bows and knives, while Europeans used a fast firing gun.
3. The African states were not political united. There were conflicts
between states and within states. Often these African kings sought the support
of the Europeans against their rivals.
4. But on the other hand, the imperialist countries participating in the
scramble for Africa were united.
7. The Scramble for Africa
1. All European countries were eager to get the maximum of African
territory in the shortest possible time. Often their competition was about to
result in a war. But in every case, they avoided war and signed agreements as
to who will get which part of Africa.
2. In 1884-85, European states organised a congress in Berlin to
decide how to share out Africa among themselves. No African state was
represented at this Berlin Congress. Treaties were signed between European
powers to settle disputes over claims to African territories between
3. Most of treaties signed between African chiefs and Europeans were
fraudulent and bogus. Other European powers would accept such bogus
interpretations. Thus African occupation was done without any hindrance.
4. By the end of 19th century, the partition of Africa was nearly
completed in this manner. This is generally referred to as paper partition
because the actual partition took much longer time (due to internal
rebellions). About thirty per cent of all boundaries in Africa are in straight
lines because the continent of Africa was partitioned on paper map, in the
conference rooms of Europe.
American revolution
1. Mercantilism is a policy that anything which benefitted the empire
(England) was good policy. England believed that wealth was static and is
measured by amount of gold one country possessed. So exports are preferred
over imports.
2. What is a revolution
1. A revolution means a drastic or radical change in social, economic
or political life of society. Changes in political and social systems have often
been brought about by revolutions. A revolution can be the sudden overthrow
of an established government or system by force and bloodshed or it can also
be a great change that comes slowly and peacefully.
2. However every change of government is not a revolution. A
revolution involves a fundamental change in the entire political system of a
country, a change in the nature of government, in the class or classes that hold
political power, and also in the aims of the government.
3. People do not usually revolt against a government or a certain
system unless they believe that it is no longer possible to live in the old way.
Revolutions occur when an existing system becomes unbearable to a vast
majority of the people. This, in itself, makes conditions ripe for setting up a
new system.
4. Revolutions are contagious. Revolutionary ideas originating in one
place may spread to other places very fast and influence the thinking and
actions of peoples suffering under oppressive governments in other lands.
5. Revolutions have played an essential role in the development of
human societies. Without them, one kind of system, however unsuitable for
the times it might be, would continue for ever and there would be no
3. The English colonies in America
1. By the middle of the 18th century there were 13 English colonies in
North America along the Atlantic coast. Landless peasants, people seeking
religious freedom, traders, and profiteers had settled there. The bulk of the
population consisted of independent farmers. Infant industries had developed
in such products as wool, flax, and leather.
2. In the north there were fishing and ship building industries. In the
south, large plantations like feudal manors had grown up where tobacco and
cotton were grown with slave labour brought from Africa.
3. Each colony had a local assembly elected by qualified voters. These
assemblies enacted laws concerning local matters, and levied taxes. However,
they were under the rule of the mother country.
4. By the 18th century, the colonists found the laws which the English
government imposed upon them more and more objectionable. The idea of
being an independent nation grew and developed into the revolutionary war
in which the colonists gained their independence.
4. Economic causes
1. The colonial policy of England in economic matters was the
primary cause of resentment in the American colonies. England’s policies did
not encourage the American colonies to develop an economy of their own.
The colonies were also forbidden to start certain industries, for example, iron
works and textiles. They were forced to import these goods from England.
2. The English Parliament had forbidden them to use non-British ships
in their trade. Certain products, such as tobacco, cotton and sugar, could be
exported only to England. Heavy duties were imposed on the import of goods
in the colonies from other places. Thus the growth of industry and trade in the
colonies was impeded.
3. The English also angered the colonists by issuing a proclamation to
prevent them from moving west into new lands. English aristocrats had
bought lands in America and got rents from the farmers. They wanted to keep
the colonists as renters.
4. English Government was burdened with debt due to incessant wars.
In 1765, the English Parliament passed the Stamp act which imposed stamp
taxes on all business transactions in the American colonies. This act aroused
violent resentment among all sections.
5. The colonists claimed that, since English Parliament had no
representatives from the colonies, it had no right to levy taxes on them. The
revenue from these taxes was used not in the interests of the colonies but of
5. Philosophers
1. The American revolutionaries were inspired by the ideas of the
French and English philosophers of the 17th century. Locke, Harrington,
Milton believed that men had certain fundamental rights which no
government had the right to infringe.
2. American thinkers, especially Thomas Jefferson, were also inspired
by what French philosophers were saying and writing at that time. Jefferson
asserted the colonist’s right to rebellion, and encouraged their increasing
desire for independence.
6. No taxation without representation
1. The leaders in the Massachusetts colony called together
representatives from other colonies to consider their common problems. In
this Massachusetts assembly, they agreed and declared that the English
Parliament had no right to levy taxes on them. No taxation without
representation was the slogan they adopted.
2. And they threatened to stop the import of British goods. The threat
led English to repeal the Stamp Act, but Parliament still insisted that it had
the right to levy taxes. Then Parliament imposed a tax on consumer goods
coming into the colonies, such as paper, glass, tea and paint.
7. Boston Tea Party
1. The tax on tea led to trouble. In 1773, several colonies refused to
unload the tea coming in English ships. In Boston, when the governor ordered
a ship to be unloaded, a group of citizens, dressed as American Indians,
boarded the ship and dumped the crates of tea into the water.
2. This incident is known as the Boston Tea Party. The English
government then closed the port of Boston to all trade and precipitated the
uprising of the colonies.
8. No affection for England in colonies
1. A lot of people had settled in the colonies when they were
prosecuted on religious grounds.
2. Colonies wanted equality, whereas class differences existed in
9. English policies
1. Greenville’s policy: New taxes were imposed. Navigation acts
were implemented. Direct taxes were levied. By means of revenue collected
from taxes, a permanent massive army was to be deployed in America to
safeguard colonies from French invasions.
2. Rockingham’s declaratory act: Rockingham formed Govt in
England and passed an Act which declared that the British Parliament was
fully empowered to levy taxes on Americans.
10. Significance of the American Revolution
1. The first written constitution came into existence. It definitely
encouraged the tradition of constitutionalism.
2. It strengthened the position of middle classes in America and it
encouraged the liberal ideas.
3. The main achievement of the American Revolution was the
establishment of a republic. This republic was, however, not truly democratic.
The right to vote was limited. Negroes, most of them still slaves, American
Indians, and women had no vote.
4. It was a serious jolt to the policy of mercantilism and colonialism.
5. First federal Govt was formed in the world. The concept of
federalism is much suited to multi racial, multi social, multi regional country.
Later this inspired many countries including India.
6. The words of the Declaration of Independence regarding the
equality of all men and the inalienable rights formed basis for all future
liberal democracies. Lafayette, the French general who fought on the side of
American revolutionaries, was soon to become a hero of the French
7. By its example, the American Revolution inspired many
revolutionaries in Europe later in the 19th century. It encouraged Spanish and
Portuguese colonies in Central and South America to rebel and gain their
8. Election laws in all states favoured men of property for many years.
But progress towards democracy had begun. In some states, state religion was
abolished, along with religious qualifications for holding public offices.
Unification of Germany
1. In the 18th century, Germany was divided into a number of states.
Some of these states were very small and did not extend beyond the limits of
a city. During the Napoleonic wars, many of these states ceased to exist. At
the end of the wars there were still thirty eight independent states in
Germany. Among them Prussia, Wurttemberg, Bavaria, and Saxony were
fairly large.
2. Prussia was the most powerful in Militarily and in extent. It was
also the most reactionary. The big landlords of Prussia known as Junkers
formed the dominant section in Prussian society. Prussia was also one of the
leaders of the Holy Alliance.
3. Factors behind unification
1. German Language: Prior to unification, over 300 distinct political
entities in central Europe spoke German or some close variation of it. This
shared language experience allowed these distinct entities to interact and
trade with one another.
2. Trade: Many distinct entities in central Europe traded with one
another. But trading was hindered because of lack of common currency or
exchange rate. Zollverein, a customs union, was formed for abolishing
internal tariffs between the units. This subdued much local feelings and
replaced it by wider and stronger element of German nationality.
3. German nationalism: During the Napoleonic wars of the early
19th century, the distinct German settlements of central Europe bonded over
their shared experience of subjugation. With the growth of national
consciousness the people of these states had started demanding the national
unification of Germany, establishment of democratic government and social
and economic reforms.
4. Revolts: In 1848 revolts occurred in every German state and the
rulers were forced to grant democratic constitutions. To unite Germany and to
frame a constitution for the united Germany, a constituent assembly met in
Frankfurt. But the assembly gave nothing and 1848 revolt was failure.
4. Policy of blood and iron
1. Bismarck wanted to preserve the predominance of the landed
aristocrats and the army in the united German state and to achieve the
unification of Germany under the leadership of the Prussian monarchy. He
described his policy of unification as one of blood and iron. The policy of
blood and iron meant a policy of war.
2. The ultimate aim Bismarck had was the elimination of Austria from
the Germanic confederation. So, First, he aligned with Austria in a war
against Denmark over the possession of Schleswig and Holstein. After
Denmark’s defeat, he entered into an alliance with Italy against Austria,
defeated Austria and dissolved the Germanic Confederation. Thus Austria
was separated from other German states. The unification of Germany was
completed as a result of a war between Prussia and France.
5. Policy of Coal and iron
1. German Unification had seen the use of both Coal and Iron, means
economic actions and Blood and iron, means war.
2. Bismarck plan was to separate Austria then France and build
diplomatic ties with other empires like Russia and Italy to achieve unification.
He used the economic tools to build Prussian capabilities first and isolate
Austria on economic front then defeat and usurp states from them.
3. Zolleverin was a free trade agreement between Prussia and other
states to reduce tariff barriers. Prussia led the Zolleverin and Austria was
excluded from it. This made other German states dependent on Prussia.
Prussia led the railway tracks and set up industries. Railways were used to
transport soldiers quickly over large distances.
4. So, Germany unification has been achieved by Blood and Iron
majorly but the base has been prepared using the Coal and Iron strategy.
Italian unification
1. Like Germany, Italy was also divided into a number of states. The
major states in the early 19th century Italy were Sardinia, Lombardy, Venetia,
kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Papal States, Tuscany, Parma and Modena. Of
these the most powerful was the kingdom of Sardinia. Venetia and Lombardy
were under Austrian occupation.
2. Thus the Italian people were faced with the task of expelling the
Austrians and forcing the rulers of independent states to unite. The unification
of Italy was bought about by many factors, which include foreign aid, able
leadership and favourable circumstances.
3. Cultural nationalism: Each one of the people had a culture,
history and language of its own. But in order to protect one’s culture, each
nation should create for itself a sovereign state. Thus cultural nationalism lead
to political nationalism. Consequently, these ideas could not be realised
without the overthrow of the Government and consequently nationalism
turned revolutionary.
4. Problems in unification of Italy
1. Vienna congress divided Italy and destroyed its political unity.
2. Venetia and Lombardy were provinces of Austria. Pope was under
hegemony of Austria. So Austria directly or indirectly controlled Italy.
3. General absence of national consciousness in Italy. Regionalism,
localism, provincialism, dominated among the people.
4. People were unconscious of their nationalism.
5. Young Italy
1. The struggle for Italian independence and unification was organised
by Mazzini and Garibaldi.
2. The movement led by them is known as the Young Italy movement.
It aimed at the independence and unification of Italy and the establishment of
a republic there. It was a secretive organisation and tried to win over the
Italians by moral and intellectual fervour.
3. Mazzini educated Italians that Italy was a nation, not a geographical
expression and that the Italian peninsula, though divided politically, was
living unity with common heritage.
4. In 1848, as in other parts of Europe, revolutionary uprisings had
broken out in Italy and the rulers were forced to grant certain democratic
reforms to the people. However, the goal of independence and unification was
still distant.
6. Italy after the revolution of 1848
1. The king of Sardinia had introduced many reforms in the political
system of his kingdom after the revolution of 1848. After 1848, his prime
minister, Count Cavour, took the initiative of uniting Italy under the
leadership of Sardinia.
2. Cavour’s policy in some ways was similar to that followed by
Bismarck in Germany. Hoping to gain the support of Britain and France, he