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Experiment No: 8

AlM: To carry out various Performance tests: Morse Test and William Line Plot
Test rig of multi cylinder 4sroke petrol Engine
Morse test is carried out on multi-cylinder petrol engines to determine the indicated power of
the engine. Putting OFF the ignition for a cylinder carries out this test. For thís test, the
desired speed is adjusted& the engine is loaded. The load & speed are noted down. Thenone
of the cylinders is put off. Then load on the engine is reduced &engine speed is adjusted to
previous speed. The accelerator position is not disturbed. The load indicated on the dial is
noted down after coinciding with the pointer & the same procedure is followed for rest
Morse Test, applicable only to multi cylinder engines use to find indicated power, break
power frictional power and mechanical efficiency of the petrol engine as well as diesel engine
for set positions of throttle, choke and for aselected speed by cutting each cylinder in
succession. If the engine consists of 'k cylinders then the break power of the engine should be
measured k-times cutting each cylinder turn by turn The cylinder of petrol engine is made
inoperative by shorting the spark plug. If all the k" cylinders of the engine are in working.

ip.4 + ipz t i.p3 t ...+ ip.= n=1 b.p., + f.p.

Where i.p, b .p. and f.p. are respectively indicated, brake and frictional power and suffix
stands for the cylinder number.
Experiment Setup:

52 | Pa ge
Engine Type : Four cylinder Four stroke MPFl petrolengine (Maruti)
Bore : 0.072 m,
Stroke : 0.06lm
Capacity :993 cc
Power :60 HP at 6000 rpm
Torque: 78.5 Nm at 4500 rpm
Compression Ratio :9.4:1
Procedure :
The speed is kept constant at fixed throttle setting by adjusting the load.
At first, load reading is taken all the four
cylinders are working.
Then one by one each cylinder is cut off and BP values are taken for the same speed
and throttle opening.
The cylinder is cut off by shorting the spark plug.
When a particular cylinder is cut off even then the frictional and pumping horse power
remains same as it would be then the cylinder is in working state and is producing the
After cutting out one cylinder and completion of measurements, the engine should be
run on all cylinders for a short period of time, before cutting out the next
cylinder to
bring steady state condition.
After cutting out any cylinder, load should immediately be adjusted to keep the speed
same and reading should be taken without loss of time.


Sr. No of Working Cylinder Brake power ,BP(kw)

1 All cylinder working |6-25
1 cylinder is cut off
3 2d cylinder is cut off 1166
3 cylinder is cut off

4h cylinder is cut off

53| Page
Caleulation: KW
Total brake power of Engine, BP= (6.2S
IPof 1"Cylinder, IP1l = BP. BPI (I cylinder is cut off) =
IP of 2" Cylinder, IP2- BP- BP2 (2M cylinder is cut of) =_4b
IPof 3" Cylinder, IP3 = BP- BP3 (3 cylinder is cut off) = 4SS
IPof 4"cylinder, IP4 = BP- BP4 (4h cylinder is cut off)- 4.7S KW

.+ + 4. 6 4.SS + 4.7S
Total indicated Power(IP)=IPI+IP2+IP3+IP4


Mechanical Efficiency:
Brake power (BP)/1ndicated Power(|P)

Friction Power:
Total indicated Power(IP) -Brake Power
Mechanica I.P

8+-3°lo .

f-atfon Pewer
2.35 H .

Horse tut readig

- 3.0Xu
21.6 R

22.5 Kw
23. o Ww.
54| Pa ge
TP Jo.44+9.4+9.5+9-0
To ta
38.6 W .


55 | Page
Result table:
Power output Indicated horse power Friction power
Sr. Load (w)kg KW

2 6.25 20.3 S


1. What is the purpose of Morse test?
2. What are the other methods which can be used for the same purpose?
3. Explain motoring test
4. Discuss the motoring method of measuring frictional power of an engine. Does this method give
accurate results?
5. Discuss the importance of measuring friction power. What are the methods use to find frictional
6. Agasoline engine working on four- stroke develops a brake power of 20,9 kW. A Morse
test was conducted on this engine and the brake power (kW) obtained when each cylinder
was made inoperative by short circuiting the spark plug are 14.9, 14.3, 14.8 and 14.5
respectively. The test was conducted at constant speed. Find the indicated power,
mechanical efficiency and brake mean effective pressure when all the cylinders are firing.
The bore of the engine is 75mn and the stroke is 90 mm. The
engine is running at 3000

56| Pa ge
Experiment No: 9
Aim: To perform the Heat Balance Test on petrol / diesel engine.
Test rig of 4stroke petrol cngine with electrical dynamometer

A desk type control panel consists of the following instrumentation -
) Digital RPM Indicator to measure the speed of the engine.
2) Digital temperature indicator to measure various temperatures.
3) Ditferential manometer to measure quantity of air sucked into cylinder.
4) Burette with manifold to measure the rate of fuel consumed during test.
Air Intake Measurement
is drawn into
The suction side of the engine is connected to an Air tank. The atmospheric air
the engine cylinder through the air tank. The manometer is provided to measure the
used to
drop across an orifice provided in the intake pipe of the Air tank. This pressure drop is
calculate the volume of air drawn into the cylinder.
Fuel Measurement Arrangement
The fuel is supplied to the engine from the main fuel tank through a graduated measuring fuel
gauge (Burette)
The engineis lubricatedby mechanical lubrication.
Lubricating oil recommended - SAE-40 OR Equivalent.
Loading Arrangement
Generator use an armature surrounded by a set of unmoving field coils, likes a DC motor. the
field coils are powered and the regulator controls current to the fields to control the output of
the generator As the armature turns, electrical currents is induced in windings. Generator is
connected with the electric load (3 Heater)

Vxl X 1
Brake power (B.P)= 1000

V= voltmeter Reading
I= Ammeter Reading
n= Generator efficiency (65%)

57| Pa ge
Exhaust gas calorimeter:








Fig. Exhaust gas calorimeter.

The exhaust gas calorimeter is a simple heat exchanger in which, part of the heat of the
exhaust gases is transferred tothe circulating water. This calorimeter helps to determine the
mass of exhaust gases coming out of the engine.
The arrangement of the exhaust gas calorimeter is shown in fig.
The exhaust gases from the engine exhaust are passed through the exhaust gas calorimeter by
closing the valve Band opening the valve A. The hot gases are cooled by the water flow rate
is adjusted with the help of valve of C' to give a measurable temperature rise to water
If it is assumed that the calorimeter is well insulated, there is no heat loss except by heat
transfer from the exhaust gases to the circulating water,

Burette: for measuring the fuel consumption per unit time

Manometer: For measuring the air consumption

Temperature Indicator: For measuring the temperature at various location

58|Pa ge
Testing Procedure:
lubrication oil and the availability of
Before starting the cngine check fuel supply,
cooling water
engine till it attain the working temperature
Set dynamometer to zero load and run the
and steady state condition.
Engine cooling water flow rate, inlate and
Note down the fuel consumption rate , air
water, exhaust gas cooling water flow rate,
outlet temperature of engine cooling
flow rate and air inlet temperature. condition. Note
dynamometer to 20% of the full load, till it attain the steady state
Set and outlet
engine cooling water flow rate, inlet
down the fuel consumption rate,
temperature of engine exhaust gas and cooling
load of the engine at the constant speed.
Repeat this for the 40%,60 %,80% and full
Switch off dynamometer and stop the engine
the heat balance sheet.
Do necessary calculation and prepare
Do not start engine in loaded condition
Do not stop engine in loaded condition
Engine should be run at least once in a week.
|Specific gravity of fuel 0.739 kg/m
Calorific value of fuel 42000 kJ/kg
Diameter of orifice (d) 0.014m
Coefficient of discharge of orifice meter (Cd) 0.65
Density of air at room temperature (pa) 1.2 kg/m
Specific heat of exhaust gas(Cp:) 1.05 KJ/kg-"K
Specific heat of water (Cp.) 4.184 KJ/kg-"K
Density of exhaust gas 1 kg/m
Density of water (pw) 1000 kg/m
Density of fuel (p) 737.22 kg/m

59| Page
Engine Specification:
Engine type Air cooled 4 strokeOHV
Bore x stroke 68 x 45 mm
Displacement 163cm
Net power output 4.8 H.P (3.6 kW)a 3600 rpm
Net torque 76 lb-ft( 10.3 Nm@ 2500rpm
PTOshaft rotation Counter clock wise (from PTO shaft side)
Compression Ration 9.0: 1
Lamp/Charge coil option 25W, 50W/ 1A,3A,7A
Carburetor Butterfly
Ignition System Transistorized magneto
Starting system Recoil Starter
Lubrication System Splash
Governor svstem Centrifugal mechanical
Air cleaner Dual Element
OilCapacity 0.61 U.S.qt (0.58 L)
Fuel Tank capacity 3.3 U.S. qts (3.1 litters)
Fuel Unleaded 86 octane or higher
Dry weight 33 lbs(15.1 kg)

Observation table:

Speed Manometer Time required

for 50 ml fuel Temperatures Voltmeter Ammeter
Sr. load (N) reading 'C reading reading
rpm H, H,
T. T, T, T
Hw (mm)
2604 S S2 304 412824|28 230
2 25 78
2 6 2S2 ||o2 29 28 |.6
3 2560 StSO
3 20S 133|3328 30

Flow rate of water from exhaust gas calorimeter: (kg/s) (1 litter- 0.98kg)
T: Exhaust gas inlet temperature
Tz: Exhaust gas outlet temperature
T3: Water inlet temperature to exhaust gas calorimeter
T4: Water outlet temperature from exhaust gas calorimeter

60| Page
FuelConsumption |MA (Kg/s)
50 mlX 10 °pp Kg/s
Fucl Consumption (M) = t

P, = Density of Petrol = 737022 (Kg/m')
Iml= 10 litters
1000 litters = Im'
So, l ml = 10 m
t- timerequired for 5Oml fuel consumption(s)
Brake Power[B.P.] (Kw)
Vxl 1
Brake Power[B.P.]= X Kw
V= Voltmeter Reading
|= Ammeter Reading
= Generator efficiency = 65%

Brake thermalefficiency (bth) (%)

Brake thermal efficiency ()bth)= M, X C.V. x 100 (%)

C.V. = Calirific value of petrol=42000 KJ /kg
M, = Fuel Consumption in Kg/s
B.P. = Brake power in Kw

Heat Energy available from the Burning of Fuel (KJ/hr)

Q.- M, x C.V.x 3600 (KJ/hr)

Heat Energy equivalent to output Brake Power (KJ/hr)

Qbp = B. P .x 3600 (KJ/hr)

61| Page
Heat Energy lost to engine cooling water (KJ/hr)

Qen = Mw x Cp, (ta -t3)x 3600 (KJ/hr)

Qon= Heat Energy lost to engine cooling water in KJ/hr
M = mass of water (Kg/s)
Cp,= Specific heat of water=4.184 (KJ/Kg-"K)
°C+273 = K
t4 = outlet water temperature from exhaust gas calorimeter =
="C+273 = 24K
t3 = inlet water temperature from exhaust gas calorimeter

Heat Energy carried away by the exhaust gases (K.J/hr)

Qeg =Ma x Cp, (t: -;)x 3600 (KJ/hr)

Qee = Heat Energy carried away by the exhaust gases in KJ/hr
M, = M, + M¡ir (mass of fuelconsumption +t mass of air consumption)
Cp; = Specific heat of gases = (KJ/Kg-'K)
t outlet exhaust temperature from exhaust gas calorimeter =°C+273 = 30| K
t, = inlet exhaust temperature from exhaust gas calorimeter ="C+273 = BSO K

Mass of Air (Kg/s)

Mair Cd x A,x /2gh, (P,,/P,)
Cd =Coefficient of orifice meter = 0.6
A, = Area of orifice meter = 1.539 x 10 (m)
gravitational force (9.81)
hu = manometer difference = S (m)
Pw density of water = 1000 Kg/m
P, dnsity of air =1.2 Kg/m

Unaccounted heat energy loss( KJ/hr)

Qunaccounted = Q-{Qbpt Qew +Qeg} KJ/hr

62| Pa ge
Ggle hoast
Page 63| be
auay CarsrisGi Enngy Heat
200o )46*/0 x(30).20)x36oo 184 lx
Cooltng 4. Engine
EneY Heat
to (ost
X6S |000
3600 otpot
ivalent Enecqy
u Heat
xIo9 1.46 = XIor. 1.82 =
fvel of
for Heat
9.64 =
x4200o 1.21%/0
4908 + O49
w 49 O. -
x02 4.908
MIo 265 Kg/s.
50x/0x =mf
22 34
219.TxSX Heat-1 for
22x |o AT.

D.S6 B600


ma = l.46*|6Y-243.&
26S26 xo°Y.

2s6.26 x[ |·os (3s.362) K3600

Qun 2.2%10 - (2xtt3x o-)

64| Page
fos Heater


0 619
1-96 xIOy2000

2-6 A/D4 3 / .


mgx Cps Ct t)x 3600

mar < 2.64

26S.6x |O*4

). x/o S/h.
8) Qunace = 2.6 y( o - 2xI0)

3.6 KoT/r.
Heat Balance Shcet %
% Heat energy KJ/hr
Heat KJ/hr
supplied (Distribution)
Heat Heat Energy
Energy cquivalent to output 1.4x/03
available Brake Power
from the
Burning l-82xID5
Heat Energy lost to
of Fuel engine cooling water
Heat Energy carried
away by the exhaust
Unaccounted heat
energy loss
Total 100 % Total


The hast aasce tat n

1. What is heat balance sheet?
2. What is dynamometer? Name the various types of dynamometers used with their
3. Discuss the principal and working of hydraulic dynamometer.
4. Discuss various losses in I.C. Engine.
5. A four stroke gas engine has a cylinder diameter of 25 cm and stroke 45 cm. The
effective diameter of the brake is 1.6 m.The observations made in atest of the engine
were as follows. Duration of test = 40 min; Total number of revolutions = 8080: Total
number of explosions = 3230; Net load on the brake = 80 kg : mean effective
= 5,8 bar: Volume of gas used =7.5 m3; Pressure of gas pressure
indicated in nmeter =|36 mm
of water (gauge); Atmospheric temperature =17 C; Caloritic value of gas =19
m3 at NTP: Temperature rise of cooling water = 45 C; Cooling MJ/
ke. Draw up a heat balance sheet and find the indicated thermal water suppliedz 180
thermalefficiency. Assume atmospheric pressure to be 760 mm ofetticieney

66| Pa ge
Experiment No: 10
using an engine test
Aim: To study the performance characteristics of petrol / diesel engine by
Test rig of 4stroke petrol engine with elcctricaldynamometer
Theory: torque, brake
S.l engine are often used for automotive purpose. It is important to know the
mean effective pressure (bmep) and specific fuel consumption over the engine working speed
conducted. To test S.I
range. For this purpose variable speed test at full load and part load is
engine at full load the throttle valve is kept wide open and the brake load is adjusted to obtain
the lowest desired speed. The ignition trimming may be set to obtain maximum output at this
speed rateof fuel consumption, dynamometer load reading and the speed are recorded.

A desk type control panel consists of the following instrumentation -

1)Digital RPM Indicator to measure the speed of the engine.
2) Digitaltemperature indicator to measure various temperatures.
3) Differential manometer tomeasure quantity of air sucked into cylinder.
4) Burette with manifold to measure the rate of fuel consumed during test.
Air Intake Measurement
The suction side of the engine is connected to an Air tank. The atmospheric air is drawn into
the engine cylinder through the air tank. The manometer is provided to measure the pressure
drop across an orifice provided in the intake pipe of the Air tank. This pressure drop is used to
calculate the volume of air drawn into the cylinder.
Fuel Measurement Arrangement
The fuel is supplied to the engine from the main fuel tank through a graduated measuring fuel
gauge (Burette)
The engine is lubricated by mechanical lubrication.
Lubricating oil recommended - SAE-40 OR Equivalent.
Loading Arrangement
Generator use an armature surrounded by a set of unmoving field coils, likes a DC
motor. the
field coils are powered and the regulator controls current to the
fields to control the output of
the generator As the armature turns, electrical currents is
induced in windings, Generator is
connected with the electric load (3 Heater)
V x
Brake power (B.P)- 1000
V= voltmeter Reading . I= Ammeter Reading .
I:=Generator efficiency (65%)
67| Pa ge
Burette: for measuring the fucl consumption per unit time
Manometer: For mcasuring the air consumption
Temperature Indicator: For mcasuring the temperature at various location
Testing Procedure:
Before starting the engine check fuel supply, lubrication oil and the availablity of
cooling water
Set dynannometer to zero load andrun the engine tillit attain the working temperature
and steady state condition.
Note down the fuel consumption rate , Engine cooling water flow rate, inlate and
outlet temperature of engine cooling water, exhaust gas cooling water flow rate, air
flow rate and air inlet temperature.
Set dynamometer to 20% of the full load, till it attain the steady state condition. Note
down the fuel consumption rate, engine cooling water flow rate, inlet and outlet
temperature of engine exhaust gas and cooling water.
Repeat this for the 40%, 60 % ,80% and full load of the engine at the constant speed.
Switch off dynamometer and stop the engine
Donecessary calculation and prepare the heat balance sheet.
Do not start engine in loadedcondition
Do not stop engine in loaded condition
" Engine should be run at least once in a week.
Specific gravity of fuel 0.739 kg/m
Calorific value of fuel 42000 kJ/kg
Diameter of orifice (d) 0.014m
Coefficient of discharge of orifice meter (Cd) 0.65
Density of air at room temperature (pa) 1.2 kg/m
Specific heat of exhaust gas(Cp) 1.05 KJ/kg-"K
Specific heat of water (Cpw) 4.184 KJ/kg-"K
Density of exhaust gas Ikg/m'
Density of water (p.) 1000 kg/m
Density of fuel (p,) 737.22 kg/m'

68| Pa ge
Engine Specification: Air cooled 4 stroke OHV
Engine type 68 x 45 mm
Bore x stroke
Displacement 4.8 H.P (3.6 kW)a 3600 rpm
Net power output
76 lb-ft(10.3 Nm)@ 2500 rpm
Net torque
PTO shaft rotation Counter clock wise (from PTO shaft side)
Compression Ration 9.0: 1
Lamp/Charge coil option 25W, 50W/ IA,3A,7A
Carburetor Butterfly
Ignition System Transistorized magneto
Recoil Starter
Starting system
Lubrication System Splash
Governor system Centrifugal mechanical
Air cleaner Dual Element
OilCapacity 0.61 U.S.qt (0.58 L)
FuelTank capacity 3.3 U.S. gts (3.1 litters)
Fuel Unleaded 86 octane or higher
Dry weight 33 lbs(15.Ikg)
Observation table:
Time required Voltmeter Ammeter
Speed for 50 mnl fuel
Sr. load (N) reading consumptions
reading reading
rpm H H)
Hw (mm)
1 2604 54S2 5 3o4 230
655 2S2. o6
2 254% 230
3 25 60 205 230


Flow rate of water from exhaust gas calorimeter: (kg/s) (Ilitter- 0.98kg)
T: Exhaust gas inlet temperature
T: Exhaust gas outlet temperature
T;: Water inlet temperature to exhaust gas calorimeter
T: Water outlet temperature from exhaust gas calorimeter

69| Pa ge
Fuel Consumption|M;l (Kg/s)
50 mlX 10 °pp Kg/s
Fuel Consumption (M) =

P, =Density of Petrol = 737022 (Kg/m')
Iml= 10 litters
1000 litters = 1 m'
So, Iml = 10 m'
t= time required for 50ml fuel consumption(s)

Brake Power[B.P.](Kw)
VxI 1
Brake Power[B.P.]= Kw
V= Voltmeter Reading
I= Ammeter Reading
n, =Generator efficiency = 659%

Torque T= B.P x 60000 /2 |NNm

Indicated Power |ILP.] (Kw)

Indicated Power (L.P.] = n( Pm XLstroke XA x N'V60000 Kw

Brake mneans effective pressure (BMEP):

BMEP = (BP x 60000) / Liroke XA x N'

Brake specific fuel consumption(BSFC)

BSFC= M, x3600/ BP kg/KW. hr
Indicated specific fuel consumption(ISFC)
ISFC= M, x 3600/IP kg/KW. hr

70 | Pa ge
Brake thermal efficiency ()bth) (%)
Brake thermal efficiency ()bth)= M, x C.V. x 100 (%)

C.V. =Calirific value of petrol = 42000 KJ kg
M, Fuel Consumption in Kg/s
B.P. = Brake power in Kw
Indicated thermal efficiency (neh) (%)
Indicated thermal efficiency (yeh)= M, X C.V. x 100 (%)

Mass of Air (Kg/s)

M¡ir= CdxA,x /2gh,(P,/P,)

Cd = Coefficient of orifice meter = 0.6
A, = Area of orifice meter = 1.539 x 10 (m
ggravitational force (9.81)
hu =manometer difference = (m)
P, =density of water=1000 Kg/m
P, = dnsity of air = 1.2 Kg/m

Air fuel Ratio:

A/F= Mair / M

Mechanicalefficiency (mech)
Nmech BP/IP

Volumetric efficiency (n):


He te-Ii

=S0 xþo137022
230 x J4
OBrNe Paer P - |D00

3824&00 NM.


BP x 60 000
S) Bra'e mean f teive Bessue Lx AxN
= D.49 x 60000 = 6.4xIO
45x363|-63 x244

(6) B..f.c =

) T. S.f.c mf x 3600

D.12) 4400D 72| Pa ge

Tndkotd sesmal tRelency
XI00 1-86x1o"
M x CV 0.\21%42000


- O.0264.


(24-98 *0.422s)= 10300 w0.
1000 65 /100
, T> B.Px600oD 5. D0s|444Sx Id
(TP) n (Pmx 2Srale x AxN)

b.1462 y 3600
73| Page
0146 3400 2. 934 1043


O.0462. (0 2000

Irdir thesmalfog, TP

o.by (s39x10" 29,21» 6S00


Ai-fuel Roio 0204

mech 3.S6224 SX 20

Heoder -3:
Fuel on Sono x 737022 o.144.


1-86 x/D"
o12l 42000

BMEP = |b.6190 X G0000

4s*303.* 2s6o
74| Page
Result table:
Sr Engine Torque Brake Indicated Air Fuel BSFC BMEP A/F Fmech
speed (N-m) power Power Consumption consumptio (Kg/kW hrl(N/m' ration
N B.P IP Rate, n rate
(rpm) Kw Kw Mair M
Kg/hr Kg/hr
2604324B 264 8884H69
2 X1/t6860/.bs1
254k S.oos 70 206 3 o. oS1o.2%
.1442 KIo 43
o.16190 374. 68
2S61-S40 64

nith VS load ,nmech VS Load, BSFC VS Load,
IP,BP,BSFC, Nmech VS Speed ,Power VS Speed

ratgmne,caatilhatiy to
1. Explain bsfc, Isfc and brake thermal efficiency
2. Explain performance characteristics.
3. Define volumetric efficiency and explain its importance in I.C. Engines.
4. Explain the laboratory method to determine the Air fuel ration for I.C. Engine
5. Find the air fuel ratio of a four stroke, single cylinder, air cooled engine with
consumption time for 10 cc is 20.4 s and air consumption time for 0.l msis l6.3s. The
load is 7 N at the speed of 3000 rpm. Find also the brake specific fuel
kg/kWh and brake thermal efficiency. Assume the density of air as 1.175 consumption in
specific gravity of the fuel to be 0.7. The lower heating value of the fuel is kg/ms
and the dynamometer constant is 5000.

75 | Page

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