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cap feed systems

Your caps can experience the joy of movement
Keeping the journey short

The basic spatial conditions, performance specifications and the required buffer
characteristics are decisive when selecting the cap feed system. Only when the
feed system precisely suits the filling concept is it possible to achieve high
efficiency. Krones provides a wide range of variants which offer a suitable
solution for all areas of use.

The variants at a glance

− Inclined sorters with inspection unit and buffer
− Sorting elevator with inspection unit and buffer positioned on the filler
− Sorting elevator with inspection unit and buffer close to the ground
− Double sorter with distribution gate
− Inclined sorter with inspection unit and cap buffer system ahead of cap
sterilisation systems
− Sorting elevators with inspection unit and cap buffer system ahead of cap
sterilisation systems
− Sorting elevators installed at low level with inspection unit and air
conveyance of the caps to the capper

2 Cap feed systems

Attached caps
Tethered caps

To ensure that the caps on beverage containers of PET no longer

get lost so easily and end up as waste in the environment, and as of
2024, in the EU, they will have to remain connected (tethered) to the
packaging once opened.

Basically, at tethered caps, a distinction must be

made between hinged caps and screw caps:
− Hinged caps – also known as flip lids, flip tops or thumb-ups –
have a design which keeps them permanently connected to the
bottle right from the outset.
− With screw caps, on the other hand, the connection between
container and cap must be realised by an additional element.
Krones offers just the right sorting and capping technology for
every variant.
"Tethered" stands for connected: For caps, this means that they remain
connected to the bottle even after opening.

3 Cap feed systems

Inclined sorters

Mechanical inclined sorter for the orientation of rotationally

symmetric flat caps (also as tethered caps):
Inclined sorter for one cap:
− Controller integrated in the filler and terminal boxes on the
− Without buffer system and
sorters inspection unit
− Design with distribution gate and Y-shaped channel as a − For stand-alone fillers
redundant solution to ensure the continual operation of block-
synchronised systems (when handling one cap type)

Output Inclined sorters for two caps:

− Without buffer system and
inspection unit
Up to 60,000 caps per hour depending on the cap type and
− For stand-alone fillers

Plus point
Inclined sorters for one cap:
Proven system with one or two sorters for processing one or two − Without buffer system and
inspection unit
cap types with different diameters.
− For filler blocks

4 Cap feed systems

Inclined sorter with inspection unit and buffer system

Mechanical inclined sorter for aligning flat or sports caps (also as tethered
caps) with cap inspection by a Checkmat CI-S* (sensor-controlled) as well Inclined sorter for
as Checkmat CI-C* (camera-controlled) and an Accucap cap buffer system: one type of flat cap
− After sorting: Examination of the caps for mechanical faults with the
Checkmat CI-S inspection system and feeding to a rejection device
− Storage of the caps in the cap buffer system so that the block can be
completely emptied in the case of a malfunction
− Installation on a clean room roof above the filler discharge or on a

Up to 60,000 flat caps and 30,000 sports caps per hour, depending on the Inclined sorter for
two different flat caps
cap type and diameter (also tethered caps possible)

* CI-S = Cap Inspection – Sensor, CI-C = Cap Inspection – Camera

5 Cap feed systems

Inclined sorter with inspection unit and buffer system

Plus points
Inclined sorter for
− Proven system with one or two sorting units in order to process one or one sports cap type
two cap types with different diameters and geometries
− High product quality as the caps are inspected in the cap inspection unit
− High flexibility thanks to minimal replacement of handling parts

Fully automatic cap change-over at the same colour via the UnitXpress
Inclined sorter for two cap types

6 Cap feed systems

Inclined sorter for CapAsept D or CapAsept L

Cap feed unit with Checkmat CI-S (sensor controlled) or Checkmat CI-C (camera-
controlled) inspection system, as well as a cap buffer system with one or two sorters:
− Installation of the system on the platform of an aseptic block system
− Storage of the caps in the cap buffer system so that the block can be completely
emptied in the case of a malfunction CapAsept D
− Cap transfer to the aseptic helical cap sterilisation unit CapAsept D* or CapAsept L** Two inclined sorters
− The sterilised caps are buffered in the CapAsept L cap sterilisation unit during the and helical cap
sterilisation process sterilisation unit

Up to 81,000 flat caps per hour depending on the cap type and diameter (also
tethered caps possible)

Plus points CapAsept L

One inclined sorter
− Inclusion of the inclined sorter in an aseptic system and immersion-bath
− Buffering possible for dry cap disinfection cap sterilisation unit
− No buffer required for wet disinfection as the peracetic acid immersion bath
already acts as a cap buffer system

* D: Dry (dry aseptic system) | ** L: Liquid (wet aseptic system)

7 Cap feed systems

Capcade sorting elevator in raised position

The Capcade sorting elevator for the orientation of caps with cap inspection unit
and Accucap cap buffer system:
− After sorting: Examination of the caps for mechanical faults with the Checkmat
CI-S (sensor controlled) or Checkmat CI-C (camera controlled) inspection
system and feed to a rejection device One sorting
− Storage of the caps in the cap buffer system so that the block can be elevator
completely emptied in the case of a malfunction
− The buffer capacity depends on the cap diameter
− Installation of the system on a clean room roof above the filler discharge or on
a separate platform

Output Two sorting

Up to 100,000 caps per hour depending on the cap type and diameter (also
tethered caps possible)

Plus points
− Efficient system for cap sorting in the high-speed sector with up to three Three sorting
sorting elevators elevators
− Perfect inspection of the cap quality and optimum system buffer characteristics

8 Cap feed systems

Capcade sorting elevator in low-level position

The Capcade sorting elevator for the orientation of caps with cap inspection unit and a
cap buffer system:
− Low-level positioning of the Capcade sorter and inspection unit next to the filler, and
arrangement of the cap buffer system on the machine clean room roof
− After sorting: Examination of the caps for mechanical faults with the Checkmat CI-S Low-level sorting elevator
inspection system (sensor-controlled) and feeding to a rejection device when necessary
− Transfer of the intact caps to the Capvey Lift elevator system to supply the cap buffer
− Storage of the caps in the cap buffer system so that the block can be completely
emptied in the case of a malfunction

Output Two low-level sorting

Up to 100,000 caps per hour depending on the cap type and diameter (also
tethered caps possible)

Plus points
− High user friendliness thanks to low-level sorting and inspection Three low-level sorting
− Efficient system for cap sorting in the high-speed sector with up to three sorting elevators
− Gentle handling of caps using Krones sorting elevator technology, gentle
elevation thanks to the Krones Capvey lift

9 Cap feed systems

Sorting elevator for CapAsept D or CapAsept L

Capcade sorting elevator for the orientation of caps with cap inspection using a
Checkmat CI-S (sensor controlled) or Checkmat CI-C (camera controlled) and
Accucap cap buffer:
− Installation of the system on the platform of an aseptic block system
− Storage of the caps in the cap buffer system so that the block can be completely
emptied in the case of a malfunction Sorting elevator for
CapAsept D
− Cap transfer to the aseptic cap sterilisation unit CapAsept D* or CapAsept L**

Up to 84,000 flat caps per hour depending on the cap type and diameter (also
tethered caps possible)

Plus points Sorting elevator for

CapAsept L
The systematic inclusion of the sorting elevator solution in an aseptic system. A cap
sterilisation system (either wet or dry design) is integrated depending on the
defined sterilisation concept.

* D: Dry (dry aseptic system) | ** L: Liquid (wet aseptic system)

10 Cap feed systems

Cap feed systems
Benefits to you

High processing reliability Intelligent logistics

A high product quality is guaranteed in those variants which include an The systems are located next to the filler, either close to the ground or on the
integrated inspection system. Each cap is checked before it is transferred to the machine roof. This keeps the distances to be covered by your caps and the
capper. required conveyor sections short.

Extremely diverse variants Well designed system layout

The cap feed system can be designed for conventional filling systems or aseptic The cap feed systems are easily accessible for the user and maintenance
filling systems, depending on the requirements. The inclusion of a second personnel. Caps can be easily refilled. With numerous layout options, the
sorter allows the system to be quickly changed over to handle a different cap selected feed system can be specifically tuned to suit the production
format. requirements.

Highest product quality

Depending on the system, the cap integrity can be checked with a separate cap
inspection unit.

Economic efficiency included Requesting a new machine

You can easily send a request for a non-binding
The integration of a cap buffer system allows for the targeted emptying of the quotation in our

11 Cap feed systems

Everything from a single source

Training courses at the Krones Academy – Krones Lifecycle Service –

trained personnel will increase your line efficiency Partner for Performance

The multifaceted offer by the Krones Academy ranges from operation, servicing It goes without saying that also after the purchase of new machines, Krones
and maintenance courses through to management training. We will gladly also takes care of your lines: The Krones LCS experts are always there to help you
create your individual training programme. reaching your goals and turn your wishes into optimal LCS solutions.

KIC Krones cleaning agents High-quality components

make your machine shine from Evoguard and Ampco

An immaculate production environment is essential if your product is to shine. Are you looking for shut-off, separation or control valves? For hygienic or
KIC Krones provides you with the optimum cleaning agents and disinfectants aseptic applications? Would you like to have pump technology that perfectly
for each individual production step. fits into your machines? You will find exactly what you are looking for at
Evoguard and Ampco Pumps. The two Krones subsidiaries cover the entire
spectrum of process technology components that you need for high-quality
KIC Krones lubricants – production.
for each production step

Whether for gears, chains or central lubrication systems – our greases and oils are
true all-round talents. They can reach every lubrication point, protect your line
and ensure gentle treatment for your products thanks to their food-grade quality.


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