BSA FinalExam
BSA FinalExam
BSA FinalExam
1. An animal is called _____ when there are many of its kind left on earth, however the population is declining
that the animals could soon to be endangered?
a. Nocturnal b. Endemic c. threatened d. none of the above
2. Which of the following can cause an animal to become endangered?
a. Habitat destruction b. pollution c. hunting d. all of the above
3. Today, mass extinction is going on at an alarming and is principally caused by?
a. meteorites hitting the earth b. human activities
c. climate change d. pest and predator control
4. which is not a factor that leads to extinction?
a. over-exploitation b. introduction of exotic species
c. habitat deconstruction d. pollution
5. The scientific study of various relationship of living things to each other and with their environment is
a. Homology b. Entomology c. Ecology d. Cytology
6. The ecology is usually as?
a. Environmental Biology b. Occupation Biology
c. Population d. Biotechnology
7. The group of similar Individual that live together in the same area at the same time from a?
a. Ecosystem b. Population
c. Community d. environment
8. All populations living in a particular area from?
a. Ecosystem b. Community
c. environment d. habitat
9. A collective term for all conditions with which an organism live as?
a. ecosystem b. environment
c. habitat d. Community
10. The type of environment in which a particular organism or population lives, is it?
a. ecosystem b. population
c. habitat d. community
Test II
Direction: Give what is being ask?
1. 2.
1. 2. 3.
Test III
Direction: Draw the following.