Envi Science - Midterm Examination

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Gubat, Sorsogon 8. Which of the following problems is/are caused by global

S.Y. 2022 – 2023 warming?
MIDTERM EXAMINATION a. water pollution b. deforestation
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE c. Climate change d. air pollution
S.Y. 2022 – 2023 9. Science came from the Latin word __________ which
means “to know”.
Name: ___________________________________
a. scine b. scide
Course and Year: __________________________ c. scire d. sciri
10. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the limitations
Date: ____________________________________ of science?
a. science does make moral judgements
Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write b. science doesn’t tell you how to use Scientific
your answer in a ½ lengthwise sheet of paper. knowledge
1. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the c. science doesn’t make aesthetic judgements
definition of Environment? d. science doesn’t draw conclusions about
supernatural explanations
a. comes from a French word “environner” which 11. What type of reasoning do scientists used when looking at
means to encircle or surround. problems?
a. inductive
b. circumstances and conditions that surround an b. deductive
organism or a group of organisms c. inductive and deductive
d. operational
c. study of the multitude interactions between humans
12. A researcher made a supposition or proposed explanation
and the world around them.
of the phenomena that he observed based on limited
d. the social and cultural conditions that affect an evidences. Which part of the scientific method is done by the
individual or a community. researcher?
a. making conclusion
2. What do we call the aggregate of all organisms living in a b. constructs a hypothesis
community and all the nonliving with which they interact? c. test with an experiment
d. analyze data
a. Population b. Ecology 13. Johnny is a scientist and always asked questions and valid
c. Community d. Ecosystem evidences to seek for the truth. Which scientific value/ attitude
3. All of the following statements about ecology are correct does Johnny show in this situation?
except: a. determinism
b. curiosity
a. Ecology is the study of the interactions between c. skepticism
biotic and abiotic aspects of the environment d. empiricism
14. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the biotic
b. Ecology is a discipline that is independent from factors of the ecosystems?
natural selection and evolutionary history a. animals b. plants
c. Ecologists may study populations and communities c. decomposers d. water
of organisms 15. Organisms that obtain nutrients by breaking down dead
and decaying plants and animals are called
d. Ecology spans increasingly comprehensive levels a. decomposers. c. autotrophs.
of organization, from individuals to ecosystems b. omnivores. d. producers.
4. It is the circumstances that surround an organism or a group 16. An organism that uses energy to produce its own food
of organisms. supply from inorganic compounds is called a(an)
a. heterotroph. c. detritivore.
a. Habitat b. Social Setting b. consumer. d. autotroph.
c. Environment d. Community 17. How many percent of nutrients from the autotrophs is
absorbed by the first trophic level (first consumer- herbivore)?
5. It is the total portion of the planet that is inhabited by living a. 1% b. 0.1%
organisms. It includes all the communities and all the c. 10% d. 0.01%
ecosystems on Earth.
18. Which of the animals in the following food chain is the
a. Environment b. Biosphere secondary consumer?
c. Habitat d. Atmosphere

6. Which is NOT TRUE about sustainable development?

a. Sustainable development meets the needs of the

present generation by compromising the ability
of future generations
b. Sustainable development means that the
development is enough - for all – forever.
c. Sustainable development has 17 goals to transform
the world.
d. Sustainable development comprises the people,
planet, partnership, peace, and prosperity. a. Snake
7. Which is the first goal of sustainable development? b. Mushrooms
c. Mouse
a. zero hunger d. Grasshopper
b. no poverty
c. gender equality
d. quality education
19. What is an ecological model of the relationships that form a 33. All of the oxygen in the atmosphere is biogenic that is it
network of complex interactions among organisms in a was released from water through _____________ by
community from producers to decomposers? autotrophs.
a. food web b. food chain a. respiration b. photosynthesis
c. an ecosystem d. a population c. calvin cycle d. decomposition

20. A __________ is an organism that grows, feeds, and is 34. What is the by-product in the process of photosynthesis?
sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing a. oxygen b. glucose
nothing to the survival of that organism. c. carbon d. water
a. Host b. Consumer
c. parasite d. Transfer host 35. Humans affect the carbon cycle by extracting and burning
fossil fuels for energy. Which of the following statements is
21. What happens as a result of scarcity of resources? NOT TRUE about the effect of this activity to carbon cycle?
a. Drought b. Overabundance a. The carbon flow quickly from the sediments and
c. Extinction d. Competition rocks where fossil fuels are buried into the
22. What is the first level of a food web/chain? b. There is a fluctuation in the carbon cycle.
a. Autotroph b. Primary consumer c. The carbon flow slowly from the sediments and
c. Secondary consumer d. Predator rocks where fossil fuels are buried into the
23. Only 10 percent of the energy stored in an organism can be d. None of the Above
passed on to the next trophic level. Of the remaining energy,
some is used for the organism’s life processes, and the rest is 36. Determine if the statement is true or false. Write the letter
a. used in reproduction. c. stored as fat. corresponding to the correct answer.
b. stored as body tissue. d. eliminated as heat. Living organisms can use Nitrogen ( N 2) as it occurs in the
24. The process by which plant produces their own food is
a. True b. False
called ____________.
a. respiration b. photosynthesis
37. In water cycle, the process in which water moves through
c. decomposition d. Calvin Cycle
the soil into the ground with the help of gravity and capillary
forces is called __________.
25. Biodiversity plays an important role in ecological systems.
a. absorption b. run- off
Which of the following statements is TRUE about Biodiversity?
c. percolation d. transpiration
a. Higher biodiversity causes imbalance in the
ecological system
38. In water cycle, ____________occurs when sunlight warms
b. Biodiversity supports ecological balance
the surface of the water.
c. Biodiversity causes an extinction
a. precipitation b. evaporation
d. Both b and c
c. condensation d. transpiration
26. What is the original source of almost all the energy in most
39. How many reservoirs are there in the carbon cycle?
a. 5 b. 4
a. carbohydrates c. water
c. 3 d. 2
b. sunlight d. carbon
40. The process by which the roots of the trees absorb nitrates
27. Barnacles are small sea creatures which filter plankton and
from the soil is called _____________.
other microscopic organisms from the water for food.
a. nitrification b. denitrification
Barnacles often attach themselves using a type of natural glue
c. ammonification d. assimilation
to larger animals such as whales and sea turtles, which
inadvertently carry the barnacles to new sources of food when
they move. Their “glue” is harmless. What type of relationship
------------------------------End of Examination----------------------------
does the barnacles and larger animals like whales have?
a. mutualism b. commensalism
c. parasitism d. predation

28. Which of the following will be formed if water vapor Prepared by:
accumulates on the surface of dust particles?
a. planet b. galaxy Ela C. Fragio
c. cloud d. star Part – time Professorial Lecturer

29. During lightning, the high temperatures and pressures

created in the air convert nitrogen into oxides of nitrogen. This
process is called _____________.
a. ammonification b. nitrification
c. denitrification d. assimilation

30. Which of the following is not a biogeochemical cycle?

a. water cycle b. ozone cycle
c. nitrogen cycle d. oxygen cycle

31. The carbon flows from the atmosphere to water and

a. trees b. land animals
c. aquatic animals d. aquatic plants

32. When does respiration occurs in plants?

a. night time b. day time
c. noon time d. morning

1. C
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. A
16. D
17. C
18. C
19. A
20. C
21. D
22. A
23. D
24. B
25. B
26. B
27. B
28. C
29. B
30. B
31. A
32. A
33. B
34. A
35. C
36. B
37. C
38. B
39. B
40. D

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