24 CR L MCB 442 Path. Bacteriology
24 CR L MCB 442 Path. Bacteriology
24 CR L MCB 442 Path. Bacteriology
Body fluids, secretions and biopsy material
LABORATORY TECHNIQUES FOR THE can all be examined to detect pathogens,
antigens or products or the immune response
Samples from the envi- ronment, e.g. water,
food or soil, may also be examined.
Some samples must be collected at a
The conventional methods (golden standard of particular time; for example, malaria
patho gen detection and antimicrobial sensitivity parasites are best sought at the peak of fever
testing) of identified pathogenic bacteria are: and a short time afterwards, whereas blood
1. Microscopy for bacterial culture should be taken as the
2. Medium culture fever begins to rise.
3. Biochemical testing techniques Special precautions must often be taken to
ensure survival of the pathogen and exclude
Advantages: contaminants, e.g. cleaning the perineum
Low cost before collecting a midstream specimen of
Easy to operate urine.
Highly standardized Anaerobic species may die if exposed to
atmospheric oxygen and survive better in
samples of pus, rather than in swab
Lack of differentiation between the target specimens.
and other non-target endogenous Many pathogens, such as Neisseria and most
microorganisms of the same samples anaerobic species, die quickly outside the
False negative/positive results body and must be transported to the
Time and labour-consuming procedures
laboratory without delay.
Inability to detect viable but nonculturable
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is susceptible to
(VBNC) cells.
drying, so specimens likely to contain this
organism should be inoculated onto
microbiological medium near to the patient.
Specimens may contain hazardous
pathogens and must be handled
with care.
A system of ‘universal precautions’
is employed to reduce the risk of
transmitting blood-borne viruses.
These are personal protective
measures, taken in collecting and
examining specimens irrespective
of their source.
The idea is to handle specimens on
the assumption that they may
contain a transmissible pathogen,
rather than relying on clinical
suspicion or written clinical details,
which may be faulty or absent. For
example, any sputum specimen is
assumed to carry the risk of
tuberculosis even if this is not the
test requested.
For example, any sputum specimen
is assumed to carry the risk of
tuberculosis even if this is not the
test requested.
Microscopy is especially useful for detecting organ- isms that are difficult or dangerous to
Types of microscopy for the diagnosis of infections
1 Unstained preparations.
2 Simple stains: Gram, Giemsa.
3 Special stains: Ziehl–Nielsen, Gomori–Grocott, India ink.
4 Immunofluorescence: direct and indirect.
5 Electron microscopy.
A variation of this technique uses the naturally fluorescent substance auramine to stain
the organisms. The specimen is processed in a similar way to the ZN method, and acid-
fast organisms fluoresce bright yellow under an ultravio- let light. Auramine
microscopy is used for screening large numbers of specimens but, because it lacks the
specificity of the ZN stain, all positive specimens must be overstained by the ZN
method, and re-examined to confirm the find- ings.
Romanowsky stains
Romanowsky stains, which colour cytoplasm and chro- matin, are widely used to
demonstrate blood cells. Stains of this type are very useful for revealing blood
parasites. In malaria or filariasis, Giemsa-stained smears not only demonstrate the
presence of the organisms, but permit speciation by displaying morphological details
(Fig. 3.6).
Molecular Methods
For a long time, the culture and colony counting-based method has been the
dominant method in the detection of pathogens (i.e., the ‘gold standard’).
It can assess live microbes or viable cells in samples.
However, these methods may produce false-positive or false-negative results
when evaluating highly aggregated microbial cells. Furthermore, not all
microbial cultures can be grown under laboratory conditions.
For example, a study of Campylobacter indicated that the culture-based method
failed to correctly detect Campylobacter in 30% of positive patient stool samples
compared to non-cultural methods, including PCR and enzyme immunoassay
Moreover, the culture methods are time and resource intensive, which are
gradually replaced by more rapid and specific molecular methods.
Therefore, in order to meet the requirements for reliable analysis of pathogenic
bacteria, including high specificity, high sensitivity, good reproducibility,
automation, and cost effectivity, molecular methods have gradually emerged to
replace the dominant position of culture methods.
In recent decades, various rapid, sensitive, and specific molecular methods have
been developed. These molecular methods are discussed below and listed in
Nucleic acid targeting methods are designed to detect the specific DNA/RNA of
It is achieved by the hybridization between target nucleic acid sequences and
synthetic oligonucleotides.
Thus, the species-specific gene of pathogens and virulence genes can be detected
through nucleic acid targeting methods.
They are usually fast, efficient, and do not require the culture of the pathogens.
These methods include polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods such as
conventional PCR, real-time/quantitative PCR (qPCR), droplet digital PCR (ddPCR),
multiplex PCR (mPCR), and other methods such as microarrays, loop-mediated
isothermal amplification (LAMP), sequencing, and fluorescence in situ hybridization
PCR-Based Method
PCR is the most common molecular-based technique for the detection and
quantification of pathogens. PCR enables the detection of a single pathogenic bacteria
by targeting specific DNA sequences.
Through this method, a small sample of a DNA sequence could be rapidly amplified
into a large amount.
This advantage enables the detection and quantification of a low amount of the target
DNA sequence.
It is thus widely used in the diagnosis of human pathogens.
It significantly increases the sensitivity of detection of microorganisms at low
concentrations in environmental samples.
PCR has already been utilized to the detection of a series of pathogenic bacteria such
as E. coli and spores of C. perfringens.
Conventional PCR needs gel electrophoresis to detect the formation of PCR products.
Real-time polymerase chain reaction, also called quantitative PCR, is the real-time
detection of the PCR process during the amplification of the target DNA sequence.
qPCR determines the PCR amplification by measuring specific dual-labeled probes or
fluorescent signals emitted by inserting dyes.
The fluorescence intensity reflects the amount of the template DNA.
There is a linear relationship between the cycle threshold (Ct or Cq) value and the
initial concentration of the template gene during the exponential period of PCR
Thus, the concentration of target sequences could be calculated from a well-
established standard curve to achieve an absolute quantification.
Real-time quantitative PCR is widely used in the real-time detective and quantitative
analysis of target DNA sequences with higher specificity and sensitivity than
conventional PCR
Two main fluorescence systems have been developed for qPCR, i.e., the SYBR green
method and the TaqMan probes method. SYBR green is a fluorescent pigment that
can bind double-stranded DNA (dsDNA).
This non-sequence-specific pigment enhances the fluorescence signal when it binds to
DNA double helix minor grooves, thus enabling the quantification of the targeting
In contrast, TaqMan probe does not require the addition of fluorescent pigment.
The template-specific TaqMan probe further improves the specificity of qPCR by
increasing primer specificity.
For each amplification of a specific target, one molecule of fluorescent dye is
The instrument detects the fluorescence produced by specific amplification, which is
not impacted by non-specific amplification.
This ensures the high specificity of the qPCR detection.
There are many reporter–quencher sets with different wavelengths, which can be
labeled with the TaqMan probe.
This enables the TaqMan method to be able to detect multiple PCR reactions in the
same tube, leading to reduced cost and improved efficiency and accuracy.
It can also avoid the influence of different fluorescent dyes on the PCR reaction.
The mPCR is a faster detection methodology than simplex PCR, which can detect
multiple gene targets simultaneously.
Digital PCR is a biotechnology improvement on conventional PCR and can be used
to directly amplify and quantify DNA, cDNA, or RNA.
Droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) is a kind of dPCR technique that
is emerging as a powerful analytical tool for absolute quantification.
Similar to qPCR, ddPCR also utilizes Taq polymerase to amplify a target DNA
sequence in a standard qPCR assay.
The differences are that ddPCR separates the whole qPCR reaction into thousands of
individual reactions before amplification, and ddPCR collects data at the reaction end
These differences provide ddPCR many advantages, such as the direct and
independent quantification of target DNA without standard curves and more precise
and reproducible data than conventional qPCR, especially when PCR inhibition is
In comparison to qPCR, ddPCR shows better performance in detecting low
concentrations of target genes in environmental samples.
Nowadays, with the increasing availability of sequencing data, it is theoretically
possible to design qPCR assays for every microorganism.
The qPCR method has many benefits over other techniques.
Firstly, the quantitative data produced by qPCR method could reach an accurate
dynamic range of 7–8 log orders of magnitude without requiring post-amplification
Secondly, although the sensitivity of qPCR is varied towards different
samples and might be inhibited by inhibitors, it has been reported to have higher
sensitivity than many other molecular methods. DNA Microarrays
DNA microarrays, also known as DNA arrays, are commonly known as gene chips.
It is a special piece of glass or silicon chip with a DNA microarray, which
places thousands or tens of thousands of nucleic acid probes on an area of
several square centimeters
DNA, complementary DNA (cDNA), and RNA in the sample are detected by
fluorescence or electric signal after being combined with the probes. DNA
microarrays enable the hybridization-based detection of multiple targets in a
single experiment, which makes it suitable for the analysis of massive targets.
Using a high-throughput DNA microarray assay, a study investigated the
prevalence of 941 pathogenic bacteria in groundwater and differentiated their
sources of origin.
In general, DNA microarray allows for the simultaneous detection of multiple
pathogenic bacteria. It is thus a fast and reliable diagnostic method in analyzing
large numbers of clinical/environmental samples. However, the complicated
probe design work, the reliability of the microarray data, and the clinical
applicability of the early results have been criticized.
The criticism and intensified competition from other technologies, such as next-
generation sequencing (NGS), have hampered the growth of microarray-based
testing in the molecular diagnostics market.
FISH is a cytogenetic technique used to detect and locate nucleic acids in cells or
sample matrices.
Fluorescently labeled nucleic acid probes hybridize only with highly similar nucleic
acids and can be used to locate genes on chromosomes or to label ribosomal RNA in
different taxonomic bacteria or archaea in molecular ecology.
FISH could be employed in the enumeration of particular microbial populations.
Compared to PCR, FISH is more suitable for complex matrices because of its lesser
sensitivity to inhibitory substances.
However, a major limitation of FISH is the small number of phylogenetically distinct
targets that can be detected at the same time.
A recent study developed a multi-FISH method that uses eight fluorophores, which is
highly suitable for investigating the structure and function of microbial communities
in different samples.
Furthermore, FISH has been used to discover emerging human pathogens in water,
wastewater, and sludge, to produce quantitative descriptions of the microbial
community in wastewater and activated sludge and to investigate survival and
infection mechanisms at the cellular level.
However, this method is still partly based on cell culture.
Immunology-Based Methods
Immunological methods are based on the specific interaction between antibodies and
These methods include enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA),
immunofluorescence assays (IFA), and serum neutralization tests (SNTs).
For immunology-based methods, specific fluorochrome labeled antibodies are used
to capture targeted antigens, which serves as the enumeration of fluorescently labeled
cells by detecting the fluorescence signal using microscopy or flow cytometry.
However, the biomarkers of these methods should be carefully chosen to achieve
specific detection at different classification levels including genus, species, and
Although these methods can specifically detect targeted bacteria and their toxins and
can be multiplexed for multiple samples, they are still limited by false-negative results
and cross-reactions with similar antigens.
False-negative results are a serious problem and often happen to classical methods.
They can be induced by various inhibitory compounds and matrices of different types
of samples, which vary largely and thus might cause different effects on the analytical
performance of different detection methods.
In addition, cross-reaction is another big problem for immunology-based methods.
The cross-reactivity with other bacteria may happened due to the presence of a
constituent sugar of LPS.
Immunological methods usually require pre-enrichment to expose surface antigens,
which leads to extended detection time.
Biosensor-Based Methods
Paper-Based Device
A paper-based device is a small analytical tool that is printed by a wax printer and has
different functional areas.
It can integrate all the processes required for nucleic acid detection (enrichment,
extraction, amplification, and visual detection) into a cheap paper material.
The whole detection process can be completed by folding paper-based devices in
different ways and in different sections, which overcomes the limitation of PCR tests.
Paper-based device can achieve multichannel, sensitive detection, comparable to PCR
detection, and provide a high-quality, rapid, and accurate diagnosis of pathogens.
Moreover, paper-based devices are easy to stack, store, and transport because they are
thin, lightweight, and of different thicknesses.
Similar to biosensors, paper-based devices can also be used to target a variety of
biomarkers, including nucleic acids, proteins, antigens, and chemicals.
By integrating various molecular detection methods, paper-based devices have
emerged as a powerful platform for the fast diagnosis of pathogens and the
determination of infection transmission.
However, the shelf life of paper-based device limits its further applications.
Some paper-based devices contain reagents with a short shelf life, such as enzymes,
and thus need to be stored in a refrigerator or freezer to maintain the activity of the