The Impact of Workplace Learning and Job Satisfaction On Employee Retention at Pubali Bank LTD
The Impact of Workplace Learning and Job Satisfaction On Employee Retention at Pubali Bank LTD
The Impact of Workplace Learning and Job Satisfaction On Employee Retention at Pubali Bank LTD
Dastagir, Golam
Independent University, Bangladesh
Downloaded from IUB Academic Repository
Golam Dastagir
ID: 0620311
May, 2012
Golam Dastagir
ID: 0620311
April, 2012
Saquib Shahriar
School of Business
Saquib Shahriar
Dear Sir
In this advanced working report on the impact of workplace learning, and employee retention on
job satisfaction in Pubali bank, I have tried to implement my academic experiences in the
practical field with due sincerity and would like to thank you for your cooperation. Despite
many limitations I have tried my level best to address the major and in depth issues in making
this paper accurate and reliable. If you have any further enquiry concerning any additional
I, therefore, hope that you will be kind enough to accept this report as fulfillment of the
Thanking you.
Sincerely yours,
Golam Dastagir
Id: 0620311
At the very beginning, I would like to express my deep gratitude to almighty Allah for
giving me the strength to finish the project within the schedule time. Preparing an internship
report is copious task. I required enormous time and attention in every step of it. However, it
gives me a true feeling of creation and helps me to understand my ability of work.
For fear of sounding like a vote of thanks speech, I would like to take the opportunity, to
thank all of those marvelous people who have contributed to this report. Of course, some very
special people cannot go without mentioning. At first, I express thank my heartiest gratitude to
my Supervisor Mr. Saquib Shahriar, Lecturer of Business School, IUB, for his kind cooperation
in preparing this report. I would like to thank Mr.Mohiuddin Ahmed, General Manager of Pubali
Bank Limited, for giving me opportunity to work as an intern. I am grateful to Foreign Exchange
department in charge Mr. Abdul Hassain for his supervision and continuous support to do my
internship. It would be injustice if I do not express my gratitude to Mr Ershaduln Haque Deputy
General Manager of Foreign Exchange department; Mr Saiful Islam Senior Principal Officer
without their support it was impossible for me make such report.
I am also indebted to all of officers and staffs of PBL and for giving time and advice to
know and learn all activities of the bank and prepare this report. During the preparation of the
project work I have came to the very supportive touch of different individuals (respondents &
seniors from PBL) and friends, who lend their ideas, time and caring guidance to amplify the
report’s contents. To be honest to myself I must say that without their help it would be very hard
for me to prepare such report. I am thankful to them with all of my feelings.
PBL survive and thrive in such a competitive banking world, two important requirements
are development of appropriate financial infrastructure by the central bank and development of
“professionalism” in the sense of developing an appropriate manpower structure and its expertise
and experience.PBL has contributed in the economy of the country through their dedicated
services, business partnership and customer care over the last fifty years. They have seen
enormous changes over the period and have continued to keep on adopting to changes their
journey ahead.
They has been widely acclaimed by the business communicate from small entrepreneurs
to large traders and industrial conglomerates. PBL conducts all types of commercial banking
activities. The bank involve in most of the areas of commercial banking operation. PBL has
acted as the lead arranger in raising term loan for a number of projects under syndicate finance
and also participate in some case under such financing arrangement. They also providing
personal credit, service related to local and foreign remittances and several other products.PBL
entered the market at a time when economic policy environment of the country is poised for
higher levels of business activities and growth. The prevailing macroeconomic management and
government’s determination to carry on reforms in the banking sector provide a supporting and
encouraging environment. But since 2008 to 2012 Pubali Bank found that there are several
problem which may responsible for employee turnover which mostly happen in general Banking
and others department as well. And the fact which may affect Pubali Bank is my research study.
1.3 Methodology 2
1.4 Limitations 2
2.1 Introduction 2
Chapter- 4
Foreign Exchange Department of Pubali Bank Ltd
Findings 23
7.0 Recommendation 26
10. Conclusion 29
Attached With:
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
Part A
Chapter One
The Internship program, itself is an attempt to provide the graduates an orientation to a
real life situation, in which they can observe and evaluate the use and applicability of their
theoretical concepts, taught in the classroom. As per the norm, this report is the requirement to
fulfill the internship program as well as the BBA program which is assigned as the course, named
BBA499 for the students to help them out, to have a practical knowledge of the work in a real
official environment for a semester in order to gain practical experience. The organizational
attachment started on February 3rd and ended on April 26th, 2011. My university supervisor Mr
Saquib Shahriar and organization supervisor Mr. Mr Ershaduln Haque (DGM) (Principal Branch
Dilkusha of Pubali Bank Limited) suggested me the topic of my report. This report examines the
relationship between workplace learning and job satisfaction on employee retention with
activities performed by me during my internship in the context of Pubali Bank LTD. It also
covers overview of the General Banking & Foreign Exchange departments of The Pubali Bank
This study examines the relationship between workplace learning and job satisfaction with
activities performed by me during my internship in the context of Pubali Bank LTD. Job
satisfaction is one of the most widely researched yet least understood phenomenon in
organizations today. Perhaps because job satisfaction is one of subjective perception – how one
feels about one‘s work –numerous factors have been associated with job satisfaction, such as pay,
benefits, promotion, communication, supervision, co-workers, and so forth. One area that has not
been explored adequately is the impact workplace learning has on job satisfaction. It has also a
goal to explain the learning of my performance during internship period.
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
1. Conduct a literature review on workplace learning, job satisfaction, and employee retention.
2. Observe the samples over my working period, focusing mostly on conversations at team
meetings, especially those conversations in which the group addresses changes to their work
processes and issues
3. Interview team members to clarify and provide insight into conversations. I will attempt to
conduct these interviews shortly after conversations of interest. While the interviews will not
be formal or structured, the kinds of questions I will be related with the questionnaire. The
general strategy for the interviews is to start off with broad questions and follow up on the
interviewee‘s responses, to capture her or his meanings and to avoid imposing my meanings on
the interviewee.
4. The responses would be analyzed by means of charts and percentage values.
By being in the organization for only three months, there are bound to be aspects of leadership
practice, organizational culture and team communication that will not be revealed during my
observations. Being an outsider may also limit what is revealed to me. The members may be
guarded in their conversations around me, especially in my initial observations. Lack of research
experience is one of my major limitations
Pubali Bank, being one of the largest Commercial Bank, had some prejudice to finance
directly on priority basis to Agriculture, Industry and Commerce sector for strengthening the
economic base of the country. 45% of the total economic activity transacted along with Pubali
Bank itself. So, it is clear that, Pubali Bank plays the key role to oil the Economic Wheel of the
Country. Beside this, Pubali Bank has been maintaining all Government Policies its Pioneer
position in extending loans to Government Bodies, sector corporations and private enterprises.
The Bank gave predominance to the Govt. policy of financing men or small means with
enterprising spirit of investment and provided finance as easy terms and a logical rate or interest
as was during the last few years.
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
Pubali Bank continued to extend its lending operation in the productive and priority sectors both
public and private covering agriculture, industry, trade and commerce total loans and advances of
the Bank stood at Tk. 168,283,031,000
The granting of advances is one of the most important functions of a Bank and the test of
a Bank's strength depends considerably on the quality of its advances and the proportion they
bear to the total deposit. Although receipt from Exchange, Commission and Bank's Charges
contribute a fair amount of the profits of Commercial Bank, its earnings are chiefly derived from
interest charged on loans and discounts. A wise and prudent in regard to Advances is, therefore,
considered an important sector inspiring confidence in the depositors and customers of a Bank.
Meticulous compliances of rules and regulations and strong commitment to corporate social
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
(B) To maintain continuous & steady growth with utmost transparency and to diversify
development of resources.
(C) To enhance continuous development of information & technology to meet the demand
Managing Director
Principal Officer
Junior Officer
Cash Officer
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
Chapter -3
General banking is the starting point of all the banking operations. It is the department,
which provides day-to-day services to the customers. Every day it receives deposits from the
customers and meets their demand for cash by honoring cheques. It opens new accounts, remit
funds, issues bank drafts and pay orders etc. Since bank is confined to provide the services every
day, general banking is also known as ‗retail banking‘. According to World Bank, the general
people understand the depositing and withdrawal of money and credit financing, but bank
performs numerous types of services. To deal these services bank has to maintain many register/
ledger and documents. Some different jobs that waive the General banking has shown in the
following diagram
General Banking
Task and Responsibility performed by me at Pubali Bank Ltd are shown in below:
3.1 Account opening & Cheque books handling section:
Right after I joined the office as an intern, I was introduced to the work practices in the
section by my supervisor. My supervisor was kind enough to give me a detailed briefing of what I
was expected to in this section prior to assigning me in any set of tasks. As I started to work
there, I gained valuable insights regarding the various types of accounts which are available in the
bank and their respective purposes. I came to know about the different accounts such as Current
and savings accounts, fixed deposit accounts etc. I also gained experience in dealing with
different customers and clients regarding the opening of new accounts and giving descriptions
about the potential features of each type of accounts. Such as the interest rates, deposit
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
requirements, minimum balance maintenance, term of deposits, and also about the usage of
checkbooks. I learnt about the documents required for opening each of the types of accounts.
3.2 Experiencing the application of PIBS software:
One of the authentic features that I experienced while working in the bank was probably
the software system which was being used by the bank for its internal purposes. The software is
namely known as the PIBS, which means PUBALI INTEGRATED BANK SYSTEM. I am really
grateful towards my supervisor for training me to become familiarized with the software. I learnt
that this software allowed for the input of a group of information in different formats which are
related with customers‘ accounts and their cheque books, after which the information are
scrutinized and checked thoroughly by different operators before they are sent and stored in the
central database system of the bank. There were several instances when I was instructed to enter
information into the system via the online account creation system in the opening forms with the
guidance of the software.
I was regularly involved with the verification of manual documents to establish integrity
and also had to use computerized systems to cross check several information and preparation of
important documents. Particularly in the aspect of customer account information and the related
3.3 Collection of check books:
I had to be involved in regular interactions with the ―locker‖. This was because I often had
to assist clients by providing their requested cheque books, by obtaining the client‘s account
number which was then entered in the software system PIBS that actually helps to determine the
date of request. Then, following that the software then generates information which helps to
determine whether the cheque book is actually available at that requested date in the locker. If the
software states that the cheque book is ready, then I would carry out the verification procedures
and hand over the cheque book to the client from the locker.
3.4 Posting request order for new MICR check books to JBSPPL through on line
Another aspect that I came across during conducting my assigned tasks was the new
MICR cheque books. MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character recognition. These were
comparatively a new form of cheque books. My part was to upload several layers of information
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
regarding the orders of such cheque books. Japan Bangladesh securities paper and printing LTD
was one of the concerned firms. The MICR cheque book issuance page in software was very
much helpful for posting such orders so as to ensure that there are no shortages of cheque books
in the bank.
The PIBS software, as mentioned earlier had different functionalities, which apart from
placing orders for new cheque books and input of information also provided another
functionality. I learnt that this software also was designated for deduction of TK 20 as a charge
from the accounts of those clients who requested for new cheque books.
3.5 Stamping various kinds of documents:
Another set of my duties was to place authorization seals and stamps on several sets of
documents, such as the export import forms and LC forms which were meant to be sent to the
Bangladesh Bank for reporting purposes. Also, I had to place endorsement seals in various
documents such as:
3.6 The Local Remittance (TT/DD/PO) section:
My supervisor also provided me with valuable guidelines regarding how a customer had
to fill up a TT, DD, or PO form and also about the further processing of the documents in the
department. My supervisor also told me about his job description.
3.7 Customer assistance:
Providing customer assistance was one of my top duties and priorities in the bank. This
was applicable in helping out clients filling out forms, photocopying essential documents, then
issuance of cheque books and other documents, and passing valuable information regarding their
3.8 Balance transfers information of TT receipts towards its destinations branches:
I was also accustomed to the system by which TT messages were transmitted to different
branches. This involved me by establishing contacts with the designated branch that was
mentioned in the TT receipts, and to let know that a message TT was to be transmitted from the
principal branch. Following that I needed to convey detail information layers such as the person
or organization to whom the TT was favored, the amount involved, the test, serial, account, TT
advice no etc. This involved all the information related with the TT.
3.9 Receiving TT massage from different PBL Branches round the country:
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
As I transmitted messages TT from the principal branch to other branches, I was also
required to collect incoming TT messages from other branches. I had to be careful when
collecting the details so as not to make any mistakes.
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
Chapter 4
Outward Inward
Remittance Remittance
2. Pre-shipment inspection certificate should obtain from the exporter of back-to-back L/C.
Because it reduces fraud and forgery in case of import against master export L/C. But all the
time the bank does not want it.
3. In some cases, this branch takes different Margin and commission on L/Cs from different
customer. A customer is allowed to open a L/C even with 10% margin. I think that the bank
should review the customers' behavior for a period and should develop a certain policy in this
5. The bank should try to arrange more training programs for their officials. Quality training will
help the officials to develop the knowledge of International Trade Financing.
6. Pubali Bank, Principal branch does not have adequate number of skilled manpower in foreign
exchange department.
7. With the pressure of the top management the employees are some time bound to do things,
which is beyond the rules and regulations.
In case of month end report so many register has to be maintained which is time
consuming. Number of register can be lessening with the help of computers.
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
Part B
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
In any organization employees are the key important factor to compete and retain in a
market .But since 2008 to 2012, the employees of Pubali Bank switching to another place .The
Pubali Bank hired a consultant to investigate the reason behind it .Consultant identifies the
problems of work place learning and job satisfaction which is terribly responsible for employee
turnover. The consultant found form the literature review (Egan et al., 2004, p. 20) that a job
through is a constant learning process, receives increasing attention in our time. Because of the
rapid-changing economy it is imperative to advance skills to keep the job. There for motivation
and the willing to transfer knowledge are crucial factors. Concerning the authors the surroundings
and culture of an organization affect the types and numbers of learning-related events and
employee job satisfaction as well as employee motivation to transmit newly acquired knowledge
to the workplace. Lee-Kelley et al. (2007) carried out a research that analyses the correlation
between learning organization theory and the opportunity to keep knowledge employees. It was
assumed that learning is related with job satisfaction and turnover. In accordance with Egan et al.
(2004), they also claim that the significance of knowledge in our society increases especially in
domains where knowledge is essential. It is important to retain skilled and well trained workers to
make sure to preserve high quality within the company. Employees, who are motivated to learn at
their workplace, get challenged and are able to see the benefits of their existing knowledge which
is of great value. In the current research the researcher investigates the relationship between
workplace learning, job satisfaction and employee retention.
The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship toward work place learning, job
satisfaction and employee retention in Pubali Bank. Employee retention supposes to be a
buzzword of today‘s business world is gaining the crucial impetus. As a result, in the last 30
years, we have witnessed noticeable number of research employed on this topic. Research world
is getting more and more importance how employee turnover is fluctuating with different types of
facts such as work place learning and job satisfaction. The profits of an organization is very much
vulnerable with performance of employees and if the employee of an organization‘s are not
satisfied with their job and not learning from the job in which they are employed ,the result would
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
be the performance will not up to the mark. The phenomenon mentioned above makes the
researchers interested in this study that the employees of Pubali Bank is not performing up to the
mark and employee turnover is increasing since fifteen or sixteen quarters. Hence, the purpose
of this initial stage of research is to aid the employee job satisfaction and work place learning that
is amply to sustaining into the job that will motivate the employee retention.
Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction or employee satisfaction is one of the most used variables in
organizational behavior. It is an employee‘s attitudinal response to his/her organization.
The study of Job Satisfaction was found to be an essential factor towards to develop the
employees‘ service ability and still strongly affected the quality of service (Babakus, Yavas,
Karatepe, Avci, 2003). Kalleberg A.L. (1977) gave the meaning of working satisfaction as each
employee‘s integration effective results towards working role. Each employee may be satisfied
with some aspects of work but at the same time he may not be satisfied with other aspects of the
job which may have a total affect on job satisfaction. Locke, E. A. (1996) defined job satisfaction
as a satisfactory emotion level that results from the success of the appraisement working value.
Mulige& Mueller, (1998) found that working environments affect job satisfaction level. Snipes,
Oswald &Armenakis, (2004) explained that Intrinsic factors effect job satisfaction more than
extrinsic factors except in rewards or aspects gained. There are a plethora of definitions of job
satisfaction, some of which are contradictory in nature. Spector (1997) refers to job satisfaction in
terms of how people feel about their jobs and different aspects of their jobs. Ellickson and
Logsdon (2002) support this view by defining job satisfaction as the extent to which employees
like their work. Schermerhorn (1993) defines job satisfaction as an affective or emotional
response towards various aspects of an employee‘s work. The author emphasis‘s that likely
causes of job satisfaction include status, supervision, co-worker relationships, job content,
remuneration and extrinsic rewards, promotion and physical conditions of the work environment,
as well as organizational structure .According to Cherrington (1994), research on job satisfaction
has identified two aspects to understanding the concept of job satisfaction, namely, the facet
satisfaction and overall satisfaction. These two concepts are explained as follows:.
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
Facet Satisfaction
Facet satisfaction refers to the tendency for an employee to be more or less satisfied with
various facets or aspects of the job (Johns, 1988). Cherrington (1994) refers to the various aspects
or facets of the job as the individual‘s attitude about their pay, the work itself - whether it is
challenging, stimulating and attractive, and the supervisors - whether they possess the softer
managerial skills as well as being competent in their jobs.
Overall Satisfaction
Overall satisfaction focuses on the general internal state of satisfaction or dissatisfaction
within the individual. Positive experiences in terms of friendly colleagues, good remuneration,
compassionate supervisors and attractive jobs create a positive internal state. Negative
experiences emanating from low pay, less than stimulating jobs and criticism create a negative
internal state. Therefore, the feeling of overall satisfaction or dissatisfaction is a holistic feeling
that is dependent on the intensity and frequency of positive and negative experiences
(Cherrington, 1994).
The researchers will use the scholar concept of Kalleberg A.L. (1977) for the definition of job
Work place Learning
Increases in competition, globalization, and the speed of change have helped to highlight
the importance of the capacity for learning in small businesses as a key to both survival and
success (Dumphy et al., 1997; Easterby-Smith et al., 1998; Fulmer et al., 1998). Developing the
human resources of a company would seem to be key to increasing production and closing the
gap between the level of worker skill and present and future needs. Leslie et al. (1998) found that
―learning [. . .] which may take place inside or outside of the classroom – offers the possibility for
enhanced workplace productivity‖ (p. 12). The capacity to learn is one of the fundamental
attributes of human beings and involves them developing and changing as time passes (Arnold et
al., 1995). Much of this development is informal and randomly experienced. In fact, on-the-job
learning can occur in a number of different ways – not just in formal training programs. It has
been known for some time that more learning occurs in the workplace than
just what happens in formal training classrooms.
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
Watkins and Marsick (1992) have identified the different forms of workplace learning as
formal, informal, and incidental.
Formal learning
Of course, is discrete planned events (experiences) used to instruct people how to perform
specific defined jobs. It is typically institutionally sponsored and highly structured. Informal
learning may occur in institutions, but is not typically classroom-based or highly structured, and
control of learning is in the hands of the learner, not determined by the organization. Formal
learning includes both an expressed organization goal and a defined process.
Informal learning
Can occur whether or not there is an expressed goal, and can serve individual as well as
corporate objectives. For example, informal learning might best occur when a coworker shows a
new employee how to use a machine through an actual demonstration rather than through a
classroom presentation. Although interconnected, informal and incidental learning are not
necessarily the same. Incidental learning occurs as an unintended by-product of some other
activity, such as trial-and-error experimentation or interpersonal interaction. The intention of the
activity is task accomplishment, but serendipitously increases particular knowledge, skills, or
understanding. People are not always conscious of it, but incidental learning almost always takes
place. Formal and informal learning tend to be intentional, whereas incidental learning is not
learning, as opposed to training, is more appropriate to a business environment in which jobs are
constantly changing. Shipton et al. (2002) believe that workplace learning occurs through a
dynamic interaction between formal and informal learning. They feel that formal learning
stimulates informal learning and that informal learning often leads to participating in more
structured learning activities. The two types of learning complement each other and lead to
further improvements and innovations. Leslie et al. (1998) revealed that workplace learning does
not occur for its own sake, but rather as a means of achieving organizational and individual goals.
Organizational goals include increased worker participation in decision-making and expanded job
responsibilities. Individual goals include the need for personal achievement and development
(pride in quality workmanship, sense of contribution to a greater endeavor), need for recognition
and acceptance (sense of belonging to a social group, esteem gained from recognition), and
financial needs (financial security, advancement in terms of income and earning potential).For
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
many individuals the benefits of achieving personal goals are mostly psychological, and the
psychological benefits are far more satisfying than financial rewards. The organizations with the
greatest harmony between organizational and individual goals are those that are sensitive to
individuals and provide them with there sources and opportunities for learning and achievement.
Businesses that have made learning, education, and development a priority have seen it pay off
through greater profitability and increased worker job satisfaction (Filipczak, 1989; Leslie et al.,
1998; Mulraney and Turner, 2001).
This study was designed to examine if the same motivational bases are exhibited by local
government bankers, and, therefore, we could assume that they form a relatively homogeneous
group. Although a majority of previous research has examined professionals across economic
sectors or occupational groups, we hypothesize that there are significant differences in
satisfaction levels manifested by individuals employed within an identified professional category.
This distinction becomes even more noticeable and may account for the mixed findings across
occupational groups, because the "locals" may exhibit characteristics similar to lower level blue-
collar employees, whereas "cosmopolitans‖ may demonstrate distinctly different motivations. In
addition, we posit that higher level professionals are more or less satisfied with various
dimensions of their work as a result of the turbulence associated with their task environment; yet,
as a group, local government banking professionals are generally satisfied with their jobs
skilled employees. It does not readily support theoretical or conceptual understanding. The
effectiveness of on-the-job learning has not been widely considered by academic studies and it is
seldom evaluated formally within the workplace itself. Yet a number of studies have pointed to a
positive relationship between on-the-job learning and employee performance.
Employee retention
Retention is a complex concept and there is no single recipe for keeping employees with a
company. In literature, retention has been viewed as ―an obligation to continue to do business or
exchange with a particular company on an ongoing basis‖ (Zineldin, 2000). A more detailed and
recent definition for the concept of retention is ―customer liking, identification, commitment,
trust, readiness to recommend, and repurchase intentions, with the first four being emotional-
cognitive retention constructs, and the last two being behavioral intentions‖ ( Stauss et al., 2001).
Studies have also indicated that retention is driven by several key factors, which ought to be
managed congruently: organizational culture, communication, strategy, pay and benefits, flexible
work schedule and career development systems (Logan, 2000). Increasing numbers of
organization mergers and acquisitions have left employees feeling displeased from the companies
that they work and haunted by concerns of overall job security. As a result, employees are now
making strategic career moves to guarantee employment that satisfy their need for security. On
the other hand, employers have a need to keep their stuff from leaving or going to work for other
companies. In fact, companies that offer employee development programs are finding success
with retaining workers (Logan, 2000). This is true because of the great expenses associated with
hiring and retraining new employees. The adage, good help is hard to find, is even truer these
days than ever before because the job market is becoming
Increasingly tight (Eskildesen & Nussler, 2000). In fact, literature on employee retention shows
that wooing existing employees through employee development or talent management
programmers costs less than acquiring new talents, as organizations know their employees; their
wants & desires; while the initial cost of attracting the new employees has already been expended
(Davidow & Uttal, 1989). The literature on employee retention clearly explains that satisfied
employees who are happy with their jobs are more devoted for doing a good job and look forward
to improve their organizational customers‘ satisfaction (Denton 2000).Employees who are
satisfied have higher intentions of persisting with their organization, which results in a decreased
turnover rate (Mobley et al., 1979). Abundant studies have hypothesized and empirically
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
validated the link between satisfaction and behavioral intentions and behaviors such as
employee‘s retention (Anderson & Sullivan, 1993). Further, numerous studies explain the
importance of high employees‘ involvement and how it could enhance their retention (Arthur
1994). In summary, the literature defines retention as continuing relation between employees and
their organization.
This study proposes to investigate the following questions:
Research Question One
Is there a significant relationship between workplace learning and employee retention in
context of Pubali Bank Ltd. of Bangladesh?
Research Question Two
Is there a significant relationship between job satisfaction and employee retention in
context of Pubali Bank Ltd. of Bangladesh?
Research Question Three
Is there a significant relationship between workplace learning, job satisfaction and
employee retention in context of Pubali Bank Ltd. of Bangladesh?
Workplace Employee
Learning Retention
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of The impact of workplace learning and job satisfaction on Employee
Retention in Pubali Bank Ltd.
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
Research Design
The conceptual framework (Figure 1) illustrates the name of research variables and
relationship within them. The research questions and hypotheses clearly support this model. In
this study, the researchers are going to investigate the relationship between workplace learning,
Job satisfaction and Employee retention in context of Pubali Bank Ltd. of Bangladesh. When
researchers investigates the effects of the measuring variables and analyses the relationships
among the variables, the design is known as Correlational (Graziano&Raulin, 1997; Zikmud,
2000). That is why a Correlational research design has been selected in order to find out the
appropriate answers of the research questions and to test the hypotheses. The model also suggests
this type of design. Hence, Workplace learning and job satisfaction is the independent variable
and Employee retention considered as dependent variable.
The study is a cross-sectional study because we carried out once and represent a snapshot of one
point in time (Cooper et al, 2009). After the decision to use Correlational study as the most
appropriate study design, the next step is choosing the sampling method for this study.
Sampling Method
A population size consists of 150 employees from Pubali Bank including foreign exchange
and general banking department. Pubali Bank will be our sampling frame and from 150
employees we will select our sample through systematic probability sampling. The rationale
behind choosing probability sampling method is that:
1) As we have the access to the sampling frame it is more effective and efficient to use
probability sampling method.
2) Probability sampling method is less prone to bias.
And we have chosen systematic probability sampling because of its simplicity and it
allows the researchers to add a degree of system or process into the random selection of subjects.
Also because of the assurance that the population will be evenly sampled. To conduct the study
according to the systematic sampling method we will have to find out the interval that is the K
value from the population size of 150 which will be decided later. Every Kth element will be
selected for response from the sampling frame. As we will pick the Kthelement for response so
each element of the population has the equal chance to get selected.
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
Research Instruments
A structured questionnaire and Semi structured interview method will be used to collect
data from employees and managers. Like most other researchers, questionnaire has been adapted
from previous empirical studies. The reliability scales of these questionnaires were determined by
Cronbach Alpha the most preferred method. The Alpha value has been ensured in the previous
study from where the questionnaire is adopted.
The survey questionnaire consists of three parts. The first part is in regard to work place
learning. The question items used in this part are based on the study done by Drockel (2003) and
it contains 9 questions. All answers to the questions are, satisfied, dissatisfied, somewhat
satisfied, neither dissatisfied or satisfied . The second part contains 30 questions regarding Job
satisfaction. This once is taken from the study of Weiss et al. (1967) for the construct of job
The third part comprises 32 questions taken from the study of Weiss et al. (1967) for the
construct of employee retention.
As we mentioned before a semi structured interview method will be used to collect data
from the managers. I will follow one to one interview for the intension of collecting in depth
According to the survey answer we can see that approximately 73% employee are
dissatisfy with their job.
According to employee retention survey result, there are 54% employees who are not
satisfied of such policy which is related to retention employee. In below I try to show the result of
my survey:
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
In accordance to the conceptual framework there is three variable in my study and I made-
up questionnaire on the basis of three variable and tried to have an idea and information to came
up with some solution
Pursuing the data and information from questionnaire and observation while working in
Pubali Bank I found out some dilemma regarding Job Satisfaction, Workplace Learning, and
Employee Retention. Those dilemmas are variables of my study .After analyzing the feedback of
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
respondent I found out some reason which implies an employee to move on from the organization
those are:
Feeling undervalued
In Pubali Bank the employer and employee relationship is not well enough that‘s
why employee feel hesitate for any kind query related to their job. When an employee
feeling undervalued, their output is not up to the mark which may drive employee‘s job
dissatisfaction and damages work place learning.
In the research study I am trying to find out relationships of each variable. Concentrating
on Workplace learning (Independent variable), and Employee Retention (Dependent
variable): By Natalie Govaerts, (Centre for Research on Teaching and Training, KU Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium) research study shows that when organizations want to retain their
employees it is important to pay attention to the learning of employees. Letting people do
more and learn more of what they are good at will encourage them to stay with the
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
organization. Results concerning the selected employee variables show that only age has a
significant relationship with retention. Regarding the intention to stay, there exists a positive
relationship between age and retention. So, there is a positive relationship between workplace
learning and Employee Retention. Pubali Bank ltd should have positive absorption towards
work place learning.
If the employee of an organization are not satisfied with their job it may leads them to
switching their job into another place.
In my research study I try to relate such facts which provide me some job satisfaction
related attitudes and those are Employee perceptions of job importance, career advancement
or improvement opportunities, and reward to engage. And all the facts are so much
interrelated that any change regarding these facts may affect the employee‘s job satisfaction
as a result of employee‘s turnover may happen. So if we present the relationship of Job
Satisfaction and Employee retention through a framework it seems like:
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
Perceptions of job
importance Employee
Career Employee
advancement turnover
Reward to
engage Employee turnover
The research study by Eric G Lambert (The impact of job satisfaction on turnover intent: a
test of a structural measurement model using a national sample of workers) reveals that a
structural measurement model incorporating four core antecedents of turnover such as
demographic characteristics, work environment, job satisfaction, and turnover intent was
developed and tested using a national sample of American workers. The results indicate that
the work environment is more important in shaping worker job satisfaction than are
demographic characteristics, and that job satisfaction is a highly salient antecedent of turnover
intent. Finally, job satisfaction is a key mediating variable between the work environment and
turnover intent.
In context of Pubali Bank job satisfaction is now intensely affected which is also lead the
employee to move on.
In context of job Satisfaction in Pubali Bank Ltd, I came up with some recommendation
which may help to overcome job dissatisfaction of the employees and those are:
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
Intrinsic reward is such a reward which is not visible and motivate employee through
recognition of their work, provide leave, career guidance and so on. And extrinsic reward is
such kind of reward which is visible or monetary reward like benefits, compensation, pay for
performance motivate employees of an organization .After surveying employees of the Pubali
Bank we found out that employees job satisfaction, Workplace learning is affected by this
type of reward because the reward provided by the bank is not reach the employees
In context of Workplace learning in Pubali Bank Ltd, I came up with some recommendation
which may help employee‘s workplace learning and those are:
Provide feedback
Sufficient feedback will become a learning process for employee of an organization .So it
would be effective enough to improvise workplace learning.
Recruit top level management with high experience gives extra value edition to the
organization .suppose Pubali Bank hired with high experiences employer who gives you
proactive leadership, share experiences about how you handle unusual situation and nurturing
overall strategy. So, Pubali Bank may hire management personnel who have experiences to
ensure workplace learning.
organization .So Pubali Bank have to be positive in viewpoint towards its employees for better
Job rotation
Placing employees into another department as an intern is suppose to be effective steps to
improvise workplace learning .In that case it creates synergic effect which is very important for
an organization.
Pubali Bank can organize a training program for trained up their employee which is also a
process of learning related to their job.
proper supervision because there is centralized management limitation .Therefore the relationship
between employer and employee is not up to the mark.
Pubali Bank is private commercial bank in Bangladesh. It has more branches than any
other private bank in the country .Every bank has their different goal and those are accomplished
by their own human resource. So, it would be essential to maximize utilization of human
resources of every bank for better outcomes. For better outcomes we have to ensure employees
job satisfaction and also ensure workplace learning for continues improvement and Pubali Bank
always concern about the impacts of job satisfaction and workplace learning .That is why they do
research and try to retain competent employee to compete in banking industry.
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
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The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
For the questions that follow, please use the following scale to express the extent to which you
agree or disagree with the statement given in the questionnaire. Please tick:
Please rate the above statements on scale of 1 to 5, where 1=very dissatisfied and 5= very satisfied
SL Statements 1 2 3 4 5
1 My job is appreciated.
2 I am provided with all resources to perform.
3 The working conditions are good and safe.
4 I feel stressed in my job.
5 I like my job.
6 I am recognized as an individual.
7 I get support and teamwork from other departments in the Company.
8 I understand the company‘s objective and try to achieve the same.
9 The mission/purpose of the company makes me feel that my job is
10 The departments formed with clear-cut goals/tasks to be achieved by
the team members.
11 The reporting structure is very easy and clear between my superior
and me.
12 My senior encourages high achievement by reducing the fear of
13 My senior clearly defines my job responsibilities.
14 My senior communicates to me the areas of improvement in myjob.
15 My senior is objective, in terms of tasks assigned and outcomes
observed, while evaluating my feedback.
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
For the questions that follow, please use the following scale to express the extent to which
you agree or disagree with the statement given in the questionnaire. Please tick:
The Impact of Workplace Learning, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention at Pubali Bank Limited
Please rate the above statements on scale of 1 to 5, where 1=very dissatisfied, 2=very low,
3=medium, 4= satisfied and 5= very satisfied.
SLNO 1 2 3 4 5
1. Opportunities for personal growth and development in my job.
11. The degree of respect and fair treatment I receive from my boss.
For the questions that follow, please use the following scale to express the extent to which
you agree or disagree with the statement given in the questionnaire. Please tick:
Please rate the above statements on scale of 1 to 5, where 1=very dissatisfied, 2=very low,
3=medium, 4= satisfied and 5= very satisfied.