Quality Assurance Ceritifcate

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Form -2 A
(See Maha RERA order no.5 of 2018)
(Site supervisor’s Certificate)
(To be submitted at the end of Financial Year)

Quality Assurance Certificate

Date: 24/05/2023
The Parmar & SM Construction
F.P NO. 62, 63 C.T.S No 1660, 1661
Road no 2. Near Milan subway
Santa Cruz west. Mumbai-54

(Certificate No. SK for the year ending Apr-01-2023-24)

Subject: Certificate for quality of material used and quality of construction
and workmanship for the work of (Parmar & SM construction New Laxmi Chhaya )
having Maha RERA Registration Number: P51800009399 being developed.
I/we Siddhant Karande have undertaken an assignment of supervision of this real
estate project.

Our Responsibility
I/We are responsible for carrying out the work in accordance with the development
permission and as per the approved plan and submit certificate of supervision of
work and to carry out material testing in-situ or in the authorized laboratory and to
ensure quality of work and workmanship as prescribed specification and as per
NBC and or other relevant code of practice.
1. Input Materials, Fixture and Fittings
I/We hereby certify that all Construction material, Fixtures and Fittings with
regards to the flooring, Electrical, sanitary fittings etc and amenities to be provided
by the Promoter in the said Project, building and the Apartment as are as per
specification mentioned in Annexure ‘E’ of Agreement of Sale.
For those items, where no specifications have been mentioned in agreement of sale,
the materials, fixtures and fittings used conform to the relevant BIS standards/
IS/National Building codes or as per industry standards.

2. Workmanship- I/we hereby certify that work has been carried out under
supervision. We further certify that workmanship and quality is satisfactory
and up to the mark and the work has been acceptable within the permissible
limits of deviations as per relevant code of practice.
3. Structural Engineer-:
Promoters has engaged structural engineer Mr. R.D Magdum having License
No. _________having office No 407-A, Pragati Shopping Centre, Daftray Road,
Malad (E). Cell No 28885353/2889577
The Structural design of buildings in this project has been done under his
supervision. The formwork and concrete mix design has been done as per IS
10262: 2009 or as per other relevant codes as applicable. His periodic
checks and certificates for STABILITY and SAFETY have been kept on

4. Preservation of Records: Record of all test result of this project have been
properly kept in the prescribed formats and will be preserved at least up to
the defect liability period or for the period as required by any other provision
of law.
Please specify deviation in quality of materials or any other item of work
which were not confirming to the specifications as mentioned in Agreement
of Sale:

Yours Faithfully

Signature of Engineer (Site Supervisor)

Agreed and accepted by: Qualification (Not less than graduate)
For PARMAR & SM Construction License No. (if Any)

Phone: 7400448430
Signature of Promoter Place: MUMBAI

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