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nanoparticles during polyol synthesis are described. The addition of PVP during synthesis
changes the particle morphology from compact to porous with chains of small iron oxide
nanocrystals at the surface of the particles due to the steric repulsion of PVP ligands. The
addition of PVP also reduces average particle size from 857 nm to 225 nm by preventing
agglomeration. In addition, the presence of PVP restricts crystal growth of iron oxide and
limits oxidation. The high-surface areas achieved for the powders can be useful for catalytic
Keywords: Iron oxide, polyol synthesis, polyvinylpyrrolidone, particle size, dynamic light
1. Introduction
information storage, catalysts, biosensors, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and drug and
© 2017 published by Elsevier. This manuscript is made available under the Elsevier user license
gene delivery. They have been used as catalysts for many technologically relevant reactions
natural gas, and oxidation of various organic compounds. In particular, it has been reported
that porous iron oxide particles with large surface area and good surface crystallinity can
drastically improve catalytic ability for water treatment applications, such as decomposition
of hydrogen peroxide and removal of heavy metal ions and organic compounds.
electrochemical methods, and laser ablation, the polyol process has attracted attention due to
its ability to produce iron oxide nanoparticles of hydrophilic surfaces, high magnetization, as
well as the capacity for self-assembly of the synthesized primary nanoparticles into
compacted clusters, which can have ultra-high magnetization properties. The polyol process
involves an organic medium, such as ethylene glycol or diethylene glycol, which acts as a
solvent as well as a reducing agent. The formation of iron oxide nanoparticles during the
polyol process depends on several parameters such as type of precursors, reflux temperature,
surfactants/stabilizers such as sodium citrate, NaOH, PVP, and PVA have been used for the
synthesis [1-3]. For example, Cheng et al. [1] reported that a variation in concentration of
sodium citrate during polyol synthesis tuned the final iron oxide cluster size to values
between 40 nm and 300 nm, while also resulting in a change in cluster morphology from
porous to dense. This cluster size tuning effect was explained by a variation in the
and the surface tension of the cluster. Also, Zhu et al. [2] reported that PVP molecules
attached to the surface of iron oxide particles prevented random agglomeration of particles
and facilitated the cluster formation. Finally, Ruiz-Baltazar et al. [3] reported that a change
in the amount of PVP during chemical reduction synthesis of iron/iron oxide nanoparticles
can control the oxidation of the final nanoparticles as well as change the final morphology.
It has also been reported that PVP can control not only the size and agglomeration of the
clusters, but the reaction speed during synthesis of ultrafine silver nanoparticles via both the
It is believed that surface area and crystallinity of iron oxide nanoparticles have a
critical role in catalytic reactions. However, as the particle size decreases, it is more
difficult to prevent agglomeration of the particles, which decreases the surface area and
thereby reduces the catalytic effect. Here, an optimization of PVP additions during the
agglomeration and changes the final particle morphology from compacted particles with hard
agglomerates (857 nm) to porous particles with soft agglomerates (225 nm), thus achieving
larger surface areas. Also, the PVP addition restricts crystal growth, resulting in smaller
crystallite sizes, as well as limiting the oxidation of the iron oxide nanoparticles.
2. Experimental procedure
The iron oxide powders were synthesized by the following route. A total of 3.98 g
of FeCl2•4H2O (99%, Alfa Aesar) were dissolved in 200 mL of ethylene glycol (>99%,
Sigma Aldrich), in a protected N2 environment, followed by the addition of PVP (MW 10000,
Alfa Aesar) (PVP:Fe=1:1), resulting in a green solution. Next, 80 g/L of NaOH were added,
resulting in a darker solution. The solution was placed in a hot plate for heating. At
around 100°C, N2H4 (H4:Fe=3:1) was added as a reducing agent, resulting in a color change
from grayish to black within a few seconds. The solution remained black thereafter, and
was maintained at 140°C for 2 hours with mechanical stirring. Once the reaction was
complete, the heat was turned off, and the system was allowed to cool. The stable colloidal
solution was drained in a vessel and transferred to a glove box for cleaning. In order to
isolate the iron oxide powders, 50 mL of methanol were added to the solution. The black
precipitate was collected by applying an external magnetic field (0.4 T) in the form of a bar
magnet. After the precipitate was obtained, it was washed with 50 mL of methanol three
times in a glove box with an inert atmosphere to remove any impurities. The precipitate
was then dried overnight in a desiccator. The synthesis process for iron oxide nanoparticles
without the capping agent was the same as above, except for the exclusion of the PVP.
diffractometer with CuK radiation. Scans were conducted over the range 20 to 80 degrees
2 using a step size of 0.02 degrees and a dwell time of 1 s. The average crystallite size was
analysis (TGA) was performed on a 2960 SDT V3.0F TA instrument in air. The
temperature was increased from room temperature to 350°C with a heating rate of 10°C/min.
Imaging was completed using a Hitachi S-4700 scanning electron microscope (SEM). The
samples were coated with platinum in order to enhance imaging. The powder particle size
distribution was measured using dynamic light scattering (DLS) on a Microtrac (Microtrac
Inc., Montgomeryville, PA) Nanotrac ULTRA dynamic light scattering (DLS) instrument.
The powders were dispersed in ethanol and exposed to ultrasonic energy for 5 minutes before
The polyol synthesis methodology can be used for reduction of a variety of metal ions
due to the polarity and high boiling point of the reactants used during the process. The
following chemical process is proposed for the synthesis procedure [1, 7]:
2HOCH 2 CH 2 OH 2CH 3 CHO 2H 2 O
3FeCl 2 Fe3 6Cl
Fe3 3OH FeOH3
2FeOH3 2CH 3 CHO CH 3 COCOCH 3 2FeOH2 2H 2 O
FeOH2 2FeOH3 Fe3 O 4 4H 2 O
The crystalline phase of the powders prepared without PVP [Figure 1(a)] was
confirmed to match the Fe3O4 phase (PDF 01-076-2948) except for one significant peak at
around 50 degrees 2θ (marked with a star), which is associated with the Fe2O3 phase (PDF
01-072-6229). Three other minor peaks of Fe2O3 are also found in the pattern and labeled
as such. In contrast, the powders with PVP [Figure 1(b)] show a significantly reduced
presence of the Fe2O3 phase, with only one noticeable peak at 50 degrees 2θ. The crystallite
size of the samples was found to be approximately 30 nm for the uncoated powders [Figure
1(a)] and 10 nm for the coated powders [Figure 1(b)], determined from X-ray line
broadening. Thus, the PVP protects the Fe3O4 powder from further oxidation (to Fe2O3) and
TGA measurements [Figure 2(a)] show that the powders without PVP had a weight
loss of approximately 3% in the temperature range from 20 to 200°C, due to the removal of
surface-adsorbed water, methanol and evaporation of ethylene glycol. The weight increase
of the uncoated powder in the range between 200 and 350°C is believed to be associated with
absorption of oxygen in transitioning from Fe3O4 to Fe2O3. The PVP-coated powder had a
weight loss of approximately 25% in the range between 25 and 300°C, which is a cumulative
powder with PVP showed a weight increase in the range of 320 to 400°C, which is slightly
higher than the oxidation temperature range of non-PVP powder. From this, it can be
derived that the residual PVP coating protects Fe3O4 from oxidation during the heating
process, and only after the PVP coating burns off at about 300°C, the Fe3O4 can be oxidized
to Fe2O3.
Particle size analysis of the powders from dynamic light scattering [8-11], Figure
2(b), reveals a smaller particle size of the PVP-coated powders compared to the powders
prepared without PVP. The average particle size of the non-PVP and PVP samples is 857
nm and 225 nm, respectively. The non-PVP powders exhibit a broad size distribution of
that extends from 300 nm to 3000 nm, whereas the PVP-coated powders exhibit a single large
peak at around 225 nm. Thus, the non-PVP powders formed large agglomerates of various
sizes and the PVP-coated powders formed well-dispersed, monosized, particles. The SEM
images (Figure 3) illustrate that the powders without PVP [Figure 3(a)-(b)] consist of tightly
packed crystallites with minimal porosity. On the other hand, the PVP-coated powders
[Figure 3(c)-(d)] consist of loosely packed surfaces with linear chains of iron oxide
nanocrystals. Thus, the PVP plays a role in changing the particle morphology as well as
preventing hard agglomeration of the powders, as these powders can easily disperse in a
solvent. From Figure 3(c), we can see that the powders are agglomerated, but from DLS
one can see that they can be dispersed and have a smaller size of 225 nm.
Thus, PVP has four effects on the synthesis of these iron oxide powders: (1) change of
the powder morphology, (2) dispersion of the powders, (3) restriction of crystal growth, and
(4) limitations of oxidation. Ruiz-Baltazar et al. [3] reported that a variation in PVP amount,
from PVP:Fe=100:1 to 1.25:1, can change the powder morphology from sphere-like iron
reported that the Fe2O3 is formed from the oxidation of Fe3O4 colloidal solutions due to a
reduced PVP concentration. The morphology change in our materials (dense to porous
sphere-like) was not as significant as was seen in the samples of Ruiz-Baltazar et al. (sphere-
like to branch/flower like). This can be attributed to the rather small amount of PVP that
was used for the current study (PVP:Fe=1:1). Instead, we confirm that the addition of a
small amount of PVP can change particle surfaces from compacted to porous, as illustrated in
Cheng et al. [1, 12] showed that iron oxide particle size and dispersion can be
controlled by tuning the concentration of sodium citrate and by adjusting the electrostatic
repulsion between particles in the polyol synthesis of iron oxide powders. From their SEM
images, one can see that as the amount of sodium citrate was increased, the particle size
decreased, and the particles became loosely packed. The small amount of PVP in our study
produced an effect similar to the effect of sodium citrate in Cheng et al.'s work. However,
the main source of repulsive force is believed to be from steric forces of long chains of PVP
ligands attached to the surface of the particles [13-14]. This repulsive force enables the
particles to disperse in the solution by balancing the surface tension of the particles, which
4. Conclusions
The effects of PVP on the formation of iron oxide nanoparticles produced by polyol
synthesis were investigated. Iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized in ethylene glycol,
without PVP and with PVP. The XRD and TGA results showed that the presence of PVP
can result in smaller crystallite size and prevent oxidation of Fe3O4. Electron microscopy
shows that addition of PVP can modify the surfaces of the particles from dense to porous
with chains of iron oxide nanocrystals. This change can be attributed to the steric repulsive
force of the PVP molecules on the surface of the iron oxide nanoparticles. Lastly, PVP can
Therefore, the particles can be well dispersed from hard agglomeration (857 nm) to small size
particles (225 nm), which can greatly increase the surface area.
5. Figure captions
Figure 1. X-ray diffraction pattern of iron oxide powders synthesized in ethylene glycol (a)
without PVP and (b) with PVP as dispersant.
Figure 2. (a) Thermogravimetric analysis and (b) particle size distribution of iron oxide
powders synthesized in ethylene glycol with and without PVP.
6. Acknowledgments
This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (No. 1334160).
7. References
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10. O.A. Graeve, H. Fathi, J.P. Kelly, M.S. Saterlie, K. Sinha, G. Rojas-George, R.
11. M.S. Saterlie, H. Sahin, B. Kavlicoglu, Y. Liu, O.A. Graeve, Surfactant effects on
12. C. Cheng, F. Xu, H. Gu, Facile synthesis and morphology evolution of magnetic iron
14. E. Amstad, M. Textor, E. Reimhult, Stabilization and functionalization of iron oxide
We report the preparation of iron oxide powders with PVP as surfactant
The addition of PVP changes the particle morphology from compact to porous
Chains of small iron oxide nanocrystals at the surface of the particles are produced
The addition of PVP also reduces average particle size from 857 nm to 225 nm by
preventing agglomeration