Heat Dynemic Gear Transmıssıon System
Heat Dynemic Gear Transmıssıon System
Heat Dynemic Gear Transmıssıon System
As the most important basic component of mechanical industry, gears have been widely used in
many fields, such as machinery industry, nuclear industry and defense industry. The dynamic
characteristics of gear transmission system is also the focus of many scholars all over the world
[1]. Most of them adopt analytical method or finite element method to research the inherent
characteristics [2-4] dynamic response [5-10] and vibration reduction method [11-13] of the gear
transmission system. At the same time, many scholars have also studied the impact factors on the
gear system dynamic characteristics, such as backlash [14-15], tooth profile modification [16-19],
tooth crack [20-26], unbalance [27-29], pitch deviation or indexing errors [30-31] and so on. For
instance, in article [15], the effects of the friction and dynamic backlash on the multi-degree of
freedom nonlinear dynamic gear transmission system were investigated. In article [19], the tooth
profile modification was employed in models by means of genetic algorithm in order to extract the
best amount and length of modifications. Then the influence of tooth profile modification on the
dynamic characteristics of the system was studied. Mohammed et al. [26] studied the effect of gear
tooth crack on system dynamic responses by investigating the natural frequencies and by
performing time-frequency analysis of a 6 DOF dynamic gear model. The relationship between the
different crack sizes and the mesh-stiffness-dependent eigenfrequencies was studied in order to
detect the tooth crack and to estimate its size. Cao et al. [27] considered the influence of the gear
eccentricities on the mesh stiffness. Then the influence of gear eccentricities on the dynamic
performance of a 4-planet planetary gear train was studied. Inalpolat et al. [31] established a
transverse-torsional dynamic model of a spur gear pair with the indexing errors. The model
predicted frequency-domain dynamic mesh force and dynamic transmission error spectra with
quasi-static transmission error time traces as the primary excitation. However, in the present
studies, the influence of heat on the dynamic responses of gear system has not been considered,
and the related literature has not been found. In this article, the concept of meshing thermal
stiffness of gear was proposed. The thermo-elastic coupling deformation of gear meshing point
was studied under the condition of thermo-elastic coupling. Then the meshing thermal stiffness of
© 2020 published by Elsevier. This manuscript is made available under the Elsevier user license
gear pair was defined, and it was introduced into the system dynamics equation. Thus, the
relationship between heat and dynamics was established, and the influence of heat on the dynamic
performance of the system was revealed. With the development of gear transmission towards to
high-speed and heavy-load, the dynamic characteristics of the system is particularly important.
The research in this paper will provide a technical guidance for the thermal dynamic design of the
gear transmission system, such as the transmission system of high-speed railway locomotive,
helicopter and so on, which have an important theoretical significance and practical value.
The rest of paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 1, a torsional vibration model of a spur gear
system is formulated. Then the thermal dynamics model of system is established by introducing
the time-varying meshing thermal stiffness and time-varying thermal damping. In Sect. 2, the
method of calculating the time-varying meshing thermal stiffness of a gear pair is derived. In Sect.
3, the equivalent viscous damping model of the system is established based on Coulomb damping
model. In Sect. 4, the thermal dynamic responses of the system is obtained. The comparative
analysis of the thermal dynamic response and elastic dynamic response of the system is also
provided. In Sect. 5, the meshing thermal stiffness model of gear pair is verified by finite element
method and experimental method, respectively. Finally, Sect. 6 presents some brief conclusions.
simplified as Eq.(5).
me &x& + c(τ ) x& + k (τ ) x = w (5)
The Eq.(5) is the torsional vibration differential equation of a single-freedom forced vibration
system of gear pair.
1.2 The thermal dynamics model of gear system
As can be seen from the Eq.(5), the main parameters that influence the dynamic characteristics
are the equivalent mass (me), time-varying damping (c(τ)), time-varying meshing stiffness (k(τ))
and the normal load (w). me is determined by the quality and size of the system, and the influence
of heat on equivalent mass can be ignored. Therefore, k(τ) and c(τ) are the most important
parameters that influence the dynamic characteristics of the gear system. In this article, the concept
of time-varying meshing thermal stiffness kT(τ) and time-varying thermal damping cT(τ) are
proposed, which were used to replace k(τ) and c(τ) in the Eq.(5), which can reveal the relationship
between heat and dynamic characteristics of the system was established. Then the thermal
dynamics model of the gear torsional vibration system is given in Eq.(6).
me &x& + cT (τ ) x& + kT (τ ) x = w (6)
The gear vibration system is a forced vibration system excited by time-varying meshing
stiffness. In addition, due to the periodical change of stiffness and damping, this system belongs to
the periodical nonautonomous system.
Single tooth model The convective heat transfer coefficient Friction heat of meshing surface
(a) The single tooth thermal analysis model
79 FEA curve
Fitting curve
Fig.4 The distribution of gear thermal stiffness along the meshing line
In Fig.4, the blue dotted line (ke) is the distribution curve of the meshing elastic stiffness of gear
pair. The red dotted line (kT) is the distribution curve of the meshing thermal stiffness of gear pair.
The blue solid line (δe) is the distribution curve of the elastic compliance of gear pair. The red
solid line (δT) is the distribution curve of the thermal compliance of gear pair. The blue dot dash
line (δe1) is the distribution curve of the elastic compliance of driving gear. The red dot dash line
(δT1) is the distribution curve of the thermal compliance of driving gear. The blue dash line (δe2) is
the distribution curve of the elastic compliance of driven gear. The red dash line (δe2) is the
distribution curve of the thermal compliance of driven gear.
As shown in Fig.4, the meshing thermal stiffness of gear pair decreases compared with the
meshing elastic stiffness in the whole meshing area. There is only one intersection point of the two
single tooth stiffness distribution curves. The intersection point locates near to the root area. The
thermal stiffness is greater than the elastic stiffness over the root side of the intersection point, and
less than the elastic stiffness over the tip side of the intersection point. For the example of this
article, compared with the meshing elastic stiffness, the meshing thermal stiffness decreased by
8.53 % at the meshing-in and meshing-out point, and decreased by 14.52% at the pitch point. For
the single tooth compliance, the thermal compliance of the driving gear increased by 20.02% at the
tip, and decreased by 42.2% at the root; the compliance of the driven gear increased by 16.29% at
the tip, and decreased by 92% at the root.
2.2 Relationship between normalized coordinates and time
Through the above analysis, the distribution curve of meshing thermal stiffness of gear along the
meshing line is obtained. It is the spatial domain distribution. But the differential equation of the
system vibration is solved in the time domain. Therefore, the distribution of the meshing thermal
stiffness in the spatial domain must be converted into the time domain. The relationship between
normalized coordinates (Γ) and time (τ) must be found.
0 0
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0 1 2
3 4 5
Γ τ (s) 10-3
(a) Time-varying meshing thermal stiffness in a (b) Time-varying meshing thermal stiffness of the
whole meshing cycle system
Fig.6 Time-varying equivalent damping of gear system
For the example of this paper, in a whole meshing cycle, the time-varying meshing thermal
stiffness of gear system is shown in Fig.6 (a). In the transmission process, the single tooth meshing
region and double tooth meshing region is continuously alternated. Therefore, the time-varying
meshing thermal stiffness of gear system is shown in Fig.6 (b).
Fig.10 The displacement and velocity phase diagram Fig.11 The velocity response of system
The velocity response of system is shown in Fig.11. As shown in Fig.11, the maximum velocity
amplitude of thermal vibration is larger than that of the elastic vibration, but the speed of vibration
attenuation is accelerating, and there is a lag between the two velocity phase diagrams. According
to the above analysis, the thermo-elastic coupling deformation is bigger than the elastic
deformation. Therefore, the mutation of the equilibrium positions at the alternating point is larger
under the thermo-elastic coupling condition. That is the reason for the larger velocity amplitude of
the thermal vibration system. The main reason for the velocity phase lag and vibration attenuation
acceleration is that the system damping increases when the heat factor is introduced into the
dynamic equation.
4.2 Thermal dynamic load and dynamic load coefficient
After obtaining the thermal dynamic response of system, the thermal dynamic load can be
calculated from the formula wT (τ ) = k T (τ ) x (τ ) . For the example of this paper, in a meshing
cycle, the thermal dynamic loads of the single tooth pair and the system are shown in figure 12.
(a) The dynamic load of tooth pair in a meshing cycle (b) The dynamic load of system in a meshing cycle
Fig.12 The dynamic load of the system
In figure 12, the steady-state value of the dynamic load is the static load of the system. The
dynamic load mainly emerges in the alternating point of the two different meshing regions. Under
the condition of thermo-elastic coupling, the amplitude of system dynamic load is larger, but the
attenuation of dynamic load is accelerated, and the phase is lag. At the same time, the steady-state
value of the single tooth pair changes. In a whole meshing cycle, the steady-state values increase at
the meshing-in (A) and meshing-out (E) points, and decrease at the alternating points (B and D).
Thus the load mutation at the alternating points increases, and the dynamic load coefficient
increases. The maximum dynamic load of the system emerges at the alternating points (A and D)
from single tooth region to double teeth region. For the example of this paper, the maximum
thermal dynamic load of the system is 1.65 times of the system static load. However, considering
from the gear strength, the most dangerous point is the maximum dynamic load point of the single
tooth pair, but not the maximum dynamic load point of system. In Fig.12(a), the maximum
dynamic load of single tooth pair emerges at point B, and the dynamic load coefficient (Kv) can be
expressed as
K V = 1 + ∆w / w0 (29)
where Δw is the difference between the maximum dynamic load of single tooth and the system
static load w0.
For the example of this article, compared with the elastic dynamic load, the maximum thermal
dynamic load of the system is decreased from 4.85×105N to 4.56×105N, and the thermal dynamic
load coefficient is decreased from 1.21 to 1.13. The main reason is that the equivalent viscous
damping of the single tooth meshing region increases rapidly with the increase of temperature.
(a) The elastic analysis model (b) The thermoelastic coupling analysis model
(c) The elastic deformation of driving gear (d) The thermoelastic copling deformation of
driving gear
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 Δe 10
5 5 Δ te
0 0
0.3 25 0.3 ΓK
ΓK 25
0 20 0 20
15 15
Γ -0.3 10 Γ -0.3 10
-0.6 5 b (mm) 5
0 -0.6 0 b (mm)
(e) The elastic deformation of meshing surface (f) The thermoelastic coupling deformation of
meshing surface
Fig.13 The FEA model and deformation result
As shown in Fig.13, due to the superposition of deformation, the amount of deformation
gradually increases from the root of the tip of the tooth. Therefore, the maximum deformation
point on the meshing surface is not necessarily the meshing point (as shown in Fig.13(c) and
Fig.13(d)). However, due to the action of contact stress, thermoelastic coupling stress and so on,
the deformation will have a peak value at the meshing point. This peak value is the deformation of
the meshing point. As shown in the red line in Fig.13(e) and Fig.13(f). In order to accurately
extract the deformation of the meshing point, the stress cloud map of the meshing tooth surface
should be used.
(a) The stress of meshing tooth surface under elastic (b) The stress of meshing tooth surface under
condition thermoelastic coupling condition
Fig.14 The stress of meshing tooth surface
Fig.14 shows the stress of the meshing tooth surface, the maximum stress point in the stress
cloud map is the meshing point. Therefore, the nodal coordinates of the meshing point can be
judged by the stress cloud map, then the deformation amount of the meshing point can be
accurately extracted in the deformation cloud map by using these nodal coordinates.
Based on above analysis, the thermal stiffness of a discrete point is calculated according to the
definition of the thermal stiffness of the gear. The distribution curve of gear thermal stiffness along
the meshing line can be obtained by using the curve fitting. The simulation data of each discrete
point and fitting curves are shown in Fig.15.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, the thermal dynamic characteristics of the gear system have been studied and the
findings are summarized below:
(1) Under the condition of thermo-elastic coupling, the thermal stiffness of gear is a series of
elastic stiffness and modified thermal expansion stiffness. In the whole meshing area, the meshing
thermal stiffness of gear pair decreased compared with the meshing elastic stiffness, the meshing
thermal stiffness decreased by 8.53 % at the meshing-in and meshing-out point, and decreased by
14.52 % at the pitch point, for the example of this article. But there is only one intersection point
of the two single tooth stiffness distribution curves. The intersection point located near to the root
area. The thermal stiffness is larger than the elastic stiffness over the root side of the
intersection point, and less than the elastic stiffness over the tip side of the intersection point.
(2) By using the Coulomb friction damping model, the calculation formula of the equivalent
viscous damping of the system is obtained, and the thermal equivalent viscous damping of the
system is also obtained by using the thermal analysis of the system and the visco-temperature
characteristics of the lubricating oil. After considering the effect of heat, the equivalent viscous
damping of the system increases as the temperature of the lubricating oil increases.
(3) For the dynamic transmission error of system, the change cycle of two dynamic errors is
completely consistent, the equilibrium position of dynamic error is the static error respectively,
and there are two regions, the single tooth pair meshing region and the double tooth pairs meshing
region. Considering the influence of heat, the maximum peak value of dynamic response and the
equilibrium position increase due to the decrease of system stiffness. However, due to the increase
of temperature, the equivalent viscous damping of the system increases rapidly, and the amplitude
of dynamic response decreases.
(4) The maximum dynamic load of single tooth pair is found at the alternating point of double
tooth pairs meshing region to single tooth pair meshing region, and the maximum thermal dynamic
load and thermal dynamic load coefficient are smaller than those of the elastic system because of
the increases of the equivalent viscous damping.
The study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
[Grant numbers: 51775036], the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province [Grant numbers:
2018JJ3440].National Natural Science Fundation of China, Hunan Provincial Education
Department Project [Grant number 19C1603], and the Opening Project of Cooperative Innovation
Center for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technology and Equipment, University of South China [Grant
number 2019KFQ09]..
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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