Earth Hour Reading Comprehension Exercises - 134356
Earth Hour Reading Comprehension Exercises - 134356
Earth Hour Reading Comprehension Exercises - 134356
Every year, we count down together across the globe to celebrate Earth Hour and take one iconic action:
switch off the lights. But it is so much more than that. It is a symbol of unity. It is a symbol of hope. It is
a symbol of power in a collective action for nature.
Earth Hour was started by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and partners as a symbolic lights-out event in
Sydney in 2007. Earth Hour is now one of the world's largest grassroots movements for the
environment. It is held every year on the last Saturday of March and engages millions of people in more
than 180 countries and territories, switching off their lights to
show support for our planet. But Earth Hour goes far beyond the
symbolic action of switching off - it has become a catalyst for
positive environmental impact, driving major legislative changes
by harnessing the power of the people and collective action.
Earth Hour is open-source and everyone is welcome to take part
and help amplify the mission to unite people in protecting our
In 2007, we encouraged people around the world to switch off
their lights to call attention to climate change. More than a
decade later, the climate crisis remains, made worse by another
urgent threat: the rapid loss of biodiversity and nature. Natural systems are vital for all our future – and
yet, the rate of global loss of nature during the past 50 years is unprecedented in human history. Nature
not only provides us food, water, clean air, and other services worth over US$125 trillion a year – it is
also one of our strongest allies against climate change. Protecting nature is one of the most immediate,
powerful, and cost-effective solutions to the climate crisis.
Today, Earth Hour aims to increase awareness and spark global conversations on protecting nature not
only to combat the climate crisis, but to ensure our own health, happiness, prosperity and even survival.
Anybody can be a part of the change. Join the event, talk about it to your family and friends. Spread the
word about the importance of protecting our only home and remember, it takes only one person to make
a difference. Be that person.
A True or false
Earth Hour was founded just by WWF. T F
The first Earth Hour event happened in Canberra. T F
Everyone can be a part of this event. T F
By protecting nature, we also protect our future. T F
The purpose of this event is to point out the loss of biodiversity. T F