Fpo Business Plan Final
Fpo Business Plan Final
Fpo Business Plan Final
SWOT Analysis
General Profile of FPC
BoD Profile
Administration expenses
Institution expenses
Fixed electricity expenses
Advertisement expenses
Manpower Expenses
Agri-produce purchase quantity in quintals
Agri-produce procurement expenses
Kg Kilogram
KVK Krishi Vigyan Kendra
PC Producer Company
PG Producer Group
To provide handholding and support to new FPOs up to 5 years from the year of
creation in all aspects of management of FPO, inputs, production, processing
and value addition, market linkages, credit linkages and use of technology etc.
Implementing Agencies:
In order to form and promote FPOs in uniform and effective manner so as to achieve the
target of formation of 10,000 new FPOs in 5 years and to make the FPOs economically
sustainable, nine Implementing Agencies, namely, Small Farmer Agribusiness
Consortium(SFAC),National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development(NABARD),
National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd (NAFED), National
Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC),Watershed Development Department
(WDD), Small Farmer Agribusiness Consortium – Haryana (SFAC-HR),Small Farmer
Agribusiness Consortium – Tamil Nadu (SFAC-TN), Ministry of Rural Development
(MoRD), North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Limited
(NERAMAC)shall be responsible to form and promote FPOs.
This tool kit / template is an attempt to create the clear guidelines for development
of Business plan by the FPOs formed under the central sector scheme addressing
all the important aspects of a good business plan.
Chapter 1: Introduction:
Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) at a Glance:
S. No. Details
1 Name of the FPO Kurinji Malai Farmer Producer Company Limited
2 Legal status Active
3 Registration act
Companies Act 2013
Phone/Fax 8870151502
Email kurinjimalaifpc@gmail.com
Website -
8 Board of Directors
No of directors
Women directors
9 Name of the CEO & Contact Mr. R.Martin
Number 7373682162
10 Number of employees on payroll 02
11 Share capital (Rs. lakh) as on
Rs.2.0 Lakhs
Authorized Paid up
12 Number of shareholders
Farmer members
Institutional members
Farmer clubs
Non shareholder farmers
13 Bank account
IFSC ICIC0000803
Blocks Kodaikanal
Panchayats Mannavanur,
The major commodities identified for undertaking target business activity with
Kurinji Malai Framer Producer Company Limited is Garlic with allocation of land 100
% and 50 % of the cultivated area respectively in Kharif season, whereas in Rabi
season the proportion is 60% and 40% of the cultivated area respectively for
cultivating Garlic,Potato,Green Peas and Carrot..
This Business Plan has been prepared in consultation with representatives of
Kurinji Malai Framer Producer Company in coordination with other stakeholders of
the 10,000 Central Sector Scheme Project. This Plan has been developed for a
period of 5 years.
SWOT Analysis for the proposed business of the FPO:
Strength Weakness
The block is endowed with a High-level slopes used for the
Temperate and Subtropical climate, cultivation with terracing
offering an opportunity for the Distance from the main marketing
cultivation of different horticultural centre for different villages is more.
crops. Farm to mainland transport itself
It is an assured rainfall zone for involves high drudgery
successful crop cultivation. Unawareness on new cultivation
Rich soil with good humus technologies of crops.
encourages multi-tier farming. Irrational use of pesticides and
applying Compost fertilizer in Carrot,
Potato and Garlic.
Traditional family farming is followed
by many farmers
Opportunity Threats
3 No. of Non-Members 0 10 25 35 35
11880 12118 12360 12607 12859
4437 4526 4616 4709 4803
Green Peas
197 201 205 209 213
Carrot 1 1 1 1 1
Sub Total
16515 16845 17182 17526 17876
3267000 3392928 3522586 3656074 3793492
226287 235338 244662 254263 264151
Green Peas
44325 46216 47550 49129 50538
22500 23001 23513.04 24036 24571
Sub Total (Rs.)
3560112 3697484 3838311 3983502 4132752
6 Seed Revenue (in Rs.)
297000 363528 370799 378215 385779
22185 27154 32314 37669 43225
Green Peas
4928 5024 5739 6272 7037
2500 2550 2601 2653 2706
Sub Total (Rs.)
326613 398256 411452 424808 438747
3 No. of Non-Members 0 10 25 35 35
4 Fertilizer Quantity Required
(in KG)
Urea-45KG 4942 5041 5142 5244 5349
DAP-50KG 6589 6721 6855 6992 7132
SUPER POSPHOTE -50KG 4942 5041 5142 5244 5349
3 No. of Non-Members 0 10 25 35 35
Pesticide application in 4 4 4 4 4
Cost of pesticides
application per Acres
(Rs) 1500 1800 2000 2200 2400
5 Pesticide value (in Rs.)
40000 42400 44944 47641 50499
6 Pesticide revenue (in Rs.)
40800 43248 45843 48593 51509
Critical Assumptions:
In market there are a range of pesticides and related suppliers. Therefore, we
have considered Rs 607 per Acres as purchase cost for the pesticide.
6% margin is considered on the pesticide purchase cost.
The FPC members decided to explore other markets with assistance from the FCSC
service provider and line department officials to help the farmers expand their market
in search for better prices and trade terms. They also decided to facilitate aggregated
sale of produce.
Operational Plan:
a) Scouting buyers:
FPC Leaders will scout market players and make exhaustive commodity-wise list of
potential buyers along with the terms of trade. They will shortlist potential buyers
based on negotiated settlements and draw up rate contracts. The PC will be
supported by the FCSC service provider during the 1st year of this business so as
to enable them to do it independently in subsequent years.
b) Awareness generation:
Farmer Producer Organization Business Plan Page | 21
The PC will brief the PC leaders the terms of trade and quality specifications and
prices prevalent at higher order markets. The PC leaders will in turn share the same
with PC members and enlist quantum of surplus produce that each member is willing
to sell collectively through FCSC. Public notices will also be put at important locations
(like GP, School, Hospital, FCSC etc.) to make other farmers of the block aware
about the initiative of the FCSC. Quality requirements and price offers of higher order
market will be mentioned in such notices along with invitation to sell through FCSC.
c) Aggregation of produce:
Each FPC leader will create a list of interested group members along with surplus
quantum available for sale through FCSC. These lists will be submitted to the FPC
BoD. Non-members directly convey their willingness and quantum of surplus produce
to be sold through FCSC to the FPC BoD. Final list outlining the quality and quantum
of produce available for sale through FCSC will be drawn up by the FPC BoD. 70%
of produce after cleaning grading will sold immediately to the bulk purchasers in the
region and rest of the produce will be stored at nearest SWC (Farmer will be
motivated by FPC to store at least 30% at SWC for good remuneration with support
of pledge by nearest nationalized bank).
Sale of produce
Marketing Strategy:
The FPC has extensively discussed the challenges and opportunities in marketing of
agro-produce in the district and other major markets. Such deliberations were
facilitated by inputs from the FCSC service provider. The FCSC service provider
gained insights on the same through interaction with various market players covering,
local traders, processing industries and terminal market traders. It was found that
willingness exists among processors and terminal market traders to procure directly
from a farmers’ organization if quality and supply issues are suitably addressed. They
are ready to offer rates that were better than those offered by the local traders with
whom the farmers of this block have been traditionally dealing. Many of these buyers
from higher order markets are ready to lift the produce from the FCSC if supply
quantity is adequate and timely availability is ensured.
The FPC will establish contacts with potential buyers. They will be guided by the
FCSC service provider in the process. Samples of produce will be sent to the buyers
and purchase terms negotiated with defined targets regarding price and payment
The FPC will undertake sale facilitation for both processed (cleaned, sorted and
graded) and unprocessed (assorted) products. They will try to target specific market
segments as buyers of different categories of product. Pricing of the products will
also be different for the processed and unprocessed categories. It is assumed that
the unprocessed produce will sell at a discount of 25% compared to processed
The FPC intends to reduce its dependence on local markets for sale of the farmers’
produce with an eye on maximizing returns. Therefore, it targets to sell 80% or
more of the produce to processing industries and traders of terminal markets. It is
assumed that better price will be realized from the higher order markets. However,
for financial calculations the lower rates similar to those quoted at nearby APMCs
have been used in keeping with the conservative nature of accounting practices.
FPC can provide the marketing support to its members in two ways:
1. Trading: FPC may purchase the produce of its members at the rates prevailing in
the local market. Aggregate, Clean, Sort, grade, pack and sale the aggregated lots
in local/ terminal market or to the processors. In this case the ownership of produce
will get transfer from member to FPC upon purchase of the produce and FPC will
be required to pay the farmer at the committed price irrespective of loss or gain in
3 No. of Non-Members 0 10 25 35 35
4 Procurement
Quantity (in Qtls)
85 88 90 93 96
30 31 32 33 34
Green Peas
75 77 80 82 84
55 57 58 60 62
Sub Total (Rs.) 245 252 260 268 276
5 Procurement Value
(in Rs.)
1997500 2057425 2119148 2182722 2248204
48000 49440 50923 52451 54024
Green Peas
412500 424875 437621 450750 464272
66000 67980 70019 72120 74284
Farmer Producer Organization Business Plan Page | 24
Sub Total (Rs.)
2524000 2599720 2677712 2758043 2840784
Budgeted Sale Value
6 (in Rs.)
159800 169388 179551 190324 201744
3840 4070 4315 4574 4848
Green Peas
49500 52470 55618 58955 62493
16500 17490 18539 19652 20831
Sub Total (Rs.)
229640 243418 258024 273505 289915
7 Budgeted Profit / Loss
(Rs.) 2294360 2356302 2419688 2484538 2550869
3 No. of Non-Members 0 10 25 35 35
2605680 2762020 2927742 3103407 3289611
56794 60201 63813 67642 71701
Green Peas
108405 114909 121804 129112 136859
207060 219483 232653 246612 261408
Sub Total (Rs.)
2977939 3156615 3346012 3546773 3759579
Particulars Year Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Quantity (in
Qtls) Garlic
Yr 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 1 2
Yr 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1
Yr 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 2
Yr 4 5 1 1 2 4 5 3 1 1 2 2 3
Yr 5 6 1 1 4 5 5 2 3 2 4 4 3
S. No Particular Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
No. of
100 140 200 200 200
1 Members
No. of Active
2 Members 100 140 200 200 200
No. of Non-
3 Members 0 10 25 35 35
Quantity (in 1 1 2 3 4
4 Tonnes)
Charges (in 9000 9000 10000 11000 12000
5 Rs.)
S. No Particulars Details
Company Limited
7 District Dindigul
8 Block Kodaikanal
Name of
Sr. No Area (Acre) Production (MT) (KG/Acre)
the Crop
The main aim of FPO is to ensure better income for the producers
through an organization of their own. Small producers do not have the volume
individually (both inputs and produce) to get the benefit of economies of
scale. Besides, in agricultural marketing, there is a long chain of intermediaries
who very often work non-transparently leading to the situation where the producer
receives only a small part of the value that the ultimate consumer pays. This will be
eliminated. Through aggregation, the primary producers can avail the benefit of
economies of scale. Farmers Producers will also have better bargaining power in
the form of the bulk buyers of produce and bulk suppliers of inputs . To double the
farmers income by value addition of farm produce through FPC.
The Kurinji Malai Farmers’ Producer Company will improve the income of its
farmer members from an average of Rs.25,000 per annum per household by 15
percent in three years starting from 2022.
Proposed Business
S. No Period Issues
1 Pre-sowing Lack of labor for land Usage of machineries
2 Supply of inputs Shortage of Inputs Advanced
on season procurement of input
values at FPC
Delivery of inputs to
farmers on time
Agri. equipment Unavailability of Availing rental Agri
3 rental vehicle during Equipment from Agri
after harvesting/
harvest engineering
Value Addition Too much of rental Department.
“Value Chain Development” in the context of FPO: Value chain development activities of
an FPO, may be defined as under for easy understanding of our share holder farmer
“The full range of activities that is required to produce a product or service
from pre-production, soil preparation, sowing of seeds and up to packing and
sale to the final customers constitutes the Value Chain. It involves combination
of physical transformation and the input of various producer services.”
In short, a value chain effectively:
• Traces product flows and shows value addition at different stages
• Identifies key actors and their relationships in the chain
• Identifies enterprises that contribute to production, services and required financial
• Identifies bottlenecks preventing progress
• Provides a framework for sector specific action
• Identifies strategies to help local enterprises to compete and to improve earning
• Identifies relevant stakeholders for program planning
Value chain thinking begins from the farmer’s point of view as well as from the
consumer’s point of view. Farmer’s point of view refers to the scope of developing
the value chains based on existing gaps in processes or activities/products of the
farmers. As this is planned from the viewpoint of farmers this can be called as supply
driven value chain.
Farmers buy in retail and sell in wholesale losing at both the ends
So, an FPO should learn to buy in wholesale (Inward logistics) and sell in
retail or up markets (Outward logistics), for its farmer members.
Farmer Producer Organization Business Plan Page | 33
Value Chains of Interest:
Value Chain Analysis shall be conducted for the Primary and Secondary crops
allotted to the FPOs.
Exploring the market opportunities, include:
Displacing existing suppliers whose customers are finding them unreliable
Import substitution
New products
Opportunities currently being missed such as reaching to the FMCG base of
a product
Understanding the consumers’ piece of the value chain thinking puzzle
should lead farmers to ask:
What products, and what characteristics of those products, are consumers
looking for?
Which crops and how much should I grow and how should I grow them?
Though simple in definition, the concept of value chain holds tremendous meaning
to it. Farmers start their agricultural activities from pre-sowing and end up with
marketing of their produce, during which, the initial produce will transform into a
consumer good. A full range of value chain prism is to be visualized from pre sowing
to marketing for describing this value chain. A habit of looking at any agricultural
produce through its value chain prism must be cultivated for understanding the
business elements of operation of the produce.
Once the Business Opportunities are identified, analysis should be made on markets.
i.e., market for selling the inputs to its members and non-members and market for
selling its products.
Many FPOs struggle to find potential markets for their produce. Sometimes even the
availability of potential markets is enough as they lack professional approach to
markets. Due to this, they prefer to restrict themselves to input businesses with their
share holder farmers and non-shareholders as it is a low hanging fruit and risk free.
However, the role of marketing gets very important as an FPO matures from selling
the primary products to secondary and tertiary products or processed goods. To
sustain in the business, it is advised to cater to the needs of both members as well
as non- members albeit with an advantageous treatment towards members to
encourage their presence and growth with the FPO.
An understanding about the quality of the product - Quality is the extent to which
a product or service meet the needs, from the customers’ point of view. Quality
includes functionality, attractiveness, and safety with respect to certification
requirements. Profile the product/service to be marketed. Its uniqueness is an
important aspect. Ask yourself the question “why market should buy our product
instead of the other competitor’s product?” Profile the product in terms of its shelf life,
Customer Communication:
Communication is a process of business (“Sender”) giving “information” related to
products and services to the customer (receiver). The receivers here can be:
Farmer members for the input sales and product procurement requirement
Suppliers of services such as seed and fertilizer business dealers, mulching,
drip equipment dealers etc
Retailers, wholesalers, and the final consumers, about the products/services
of the FPO
While an FPO can do the business with both members and non-members, to sustain
its business, preferential treatment can be given to the members as a privilege
feature for being associated with the FPO. As this communication strongly reaches
out to across, there is a possibility of increasing the membership of the FPO leading
to its growth. It is the responsibility of the FPO to identify the robust suppliers of
services in the market and communicate them about the potentiality of their FPO.
Similar is the case with retailers, wholesalers, and customers of the product market.
Considerable time must be spent on communication which becomes the key factor
to achieve the desirable growth of the FPO. Hence, planning for communication
It is better to discuss and finalize the credit policy in the FPO board meeting
Risk Management:
Identification of risks and setting possible safeguards to manage them is an integral part
of the risk analysis. Though in an ideal world all risks can be envisaged to be eliminated,
it is an impossible proposition. So, risk management must involve the process of
identifying risks and assessing whether they can be eliminated entirely or mitigated to
manageable proportion through operational resilience. If the risks seem unmanageable
to the extent of affecting the very existence of the business, then one may discard the
business idea all together. As risks may continue to remain in the business environment
both internally and externally, even after starting the business, it is extremely important
to develop a risk assessment mechanism and risk mitigation strategy. Some of them can
Retail chains tie up with FPOs for procurement, especially for continuous supply
of vegetables & fruits and processed staples
Corporates extend dealership for farm machinery and inputs to FPOs
Corporates provide primary processing machinery to an FPO with a buy-back
arrangement for the produce
Corporates can initiate contract farming with buy back arrangement of assured
Crops Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Potato yes
Green yes yes Yes yes Yes Yes
Carrot yes
Seeds Garlic 00 00 00 00
Seeds Potato 00 00 00 00
Seeds Green Peas 00 00 00 00
Seeds Carrot 00 00 00 00
Pesticides Yyyyyyyyyyyyy 00 00 00 00
Fertilizer Yyyyyyyyyyy 00 00 00 00
Purchase plan for Rabi inputs:
Items Specifications Total Volume UNIT Rate/Unit Amount (Rs.)
Seeds Garlic 00 00 00 00
Seeds Potato 00 00 00 00
Seeds Green Peas 00 00 00 00
Seeds Carrot 00 00 00 00
Pesticides 00 00 00 00
Fertilizer 00 00 00 00
1 Syngenta
2 HM Cluse
4 Nunhems
5 Rassi(Hyveg)
6 PestisideIndia
7 Biostad India
8 Garada Chemical
9 Saha Seeds
Preparing accounts and tax returns
Administering payrolls and controlling income and expenditure
Auditing financial information
Compiling and presenting reports, budgets, business plans, commentaries, and
financial statement
Analyzing accounts and business plans
Providing tax planning
Financial forecasting and risk analysis
Managing colleagues, workloads, and deadlines
Designing, Monitoring, analyzing the IT systems
Set goals for performance and deadlines in ways that comply with Company’s
plans and vision and communicate them to subordinates
Organize workflow and ensure that employees understand their duties or
delegated tasks
Monitor the productivity and provide constructive feedback and coaching to
Receive complaints and resolve problems
Maintain timekeeping and personnel records
Pass on information from upper management to employees and vice versa
Prepare and submit performance reports to CEO
Decide on reward and promotion based on performance
POP training to Farmers
Variable Costs:
These are costs that are dependent on the production output. While calculating some of
the variable costs such as transport costs, they may change based on volume as well as
distance to be transported. Cost of transit losses are also to be accounted while
calculating transport costs, storage costs etc.
Fixed Costs:
These are the costs, for the expenses paid out regularly that do not fluctuate
Other Costs:
Money spent on repaying loans
Money spent on buying productive assets (e.g. machinery, land etc.)
Direct costs - Money spent specifically for production of goods or providing
services. The examples are raw material cost and labor cost
Indirect Costs are money spent on running the business but on activities not
directly related to production of goods or services. For Ex: interest on loans
Understanding Revenue:
Revenue is the money that a business earns by selling its products or services
Following are NOT accounted as revenues
Understanding Capital:
Trading and Profit & Loss Account (Expenses & Losses and Incomes &
Cash Flow Statements (How cash flows through operations, investing
and financial activities)
Balance Sheet (Assets, Liabilities and Capital)
Crops or No. of Total See approxi Urea Approxi DAP approxi pota Approxi Bio approxi Total
Commo Shareho Area ds mate (Ton mate (Ton mate sh mate Fertili mate Cost on
dities lders under (in cost es) cost es) cost (Ton cost zer s cost input
shareh Q) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) es) (Rs.) (in Q) (Rs.) requirem
older ent (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Projected P&L in Rs.
Source Income Expenditure Remarks
Capital Investment:
The infrastructure and machinery equipment enlisted below are as per the need of the
FPC in that block to establish a FCSC for (C&G). This is in accordance with the support
that Implementing Agency has proposed for primary processing during Stage – I of
establishment of FCSC. The FPC even highlighted the need for storage facility as
currently they do not have any in their village. They propose to have rural go down of
around ……… MT after few years of establishment of FCSC. During the first few years
of the business, the FPC will be able to assess the no. of producers that would be
interested in availing storage facility and also the quantum that would be stored in the go
down before sale of the produce through FCSC.
Work Shed:
FPC had approached for government land and got gram panchayat approval and they
are waiting for district collector’s approval. A pucca structure with concrete floor and tin
roof will be constructed having ........... sq. ft. plinth area. The work shed will have 3
An electric motor driven machine with sieves will segregate dirt and refuse matter from
the grains under the first step and grade it into …00... or ……00... categories as per the
operations. The machine has a processing capacity of …00…. tonne per hour @
………… % efficiency but taking into consideration of external factors like electricity
cut. It will require ……00…... labours to feed and operate the machine. Output will be
collected in sacks.
Moisture Meter:
A multi-grain digital moisture meter fit for simple use will be procured with guidance from
experts from the Implementing Agency. It may be battery operated with changeable
power cells.
Weighing Machine:
A platform type digital weigh scale with capacity of 150 Kg and sensitivity of 10 g will be
purchased through shopping. The machine will be electric powered with provision for
operation through batteries.
Bag Stitching Machine:
Electric/battery operated handheld bag stitching machine with double run stitch facility
will be procured. It will be used to seal the sacks after weighing.
Capital Investment that would be needed to start the FCSC and undertake the Business
of FPO.
Building and
A Interiors
Plant and
C Machinery
Working Capital
E Margin
Add Assumption:
Capital Investment Details:
Per unit
No. of Total Cost Total Cost
S. No Particulars Unit cost
unit (Rs.) (Rs.)
Building and
Construction (sq. ft.)
Weighing Machine
Moisture Meter
Grain Cleaning,
Grading & Sorting
Bag Stitching
Working Capital
Grand total
Expenditure Estimates:
Fixed Cost
Administration expenses
S. No Description Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
1 Administration expenses
1 Institution expenses
1 CEO 25000
2 Marketing Manager 00
3 Accountant 10000
4 Supervisory Staff 00
5 Machine operator 00
6 Watchman/ Security
Variable Cost:
i. Raw Material Cost – Agriculture Produce:
Agri-produce purchase quantity in quintals:
S. No Particular Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
Procurement Quantity
(in QTLS)
1 Garlic
2 Potato
3 Green Peas
4 Carrot
1 Garlic
2 Potato
3 Green Peas
4 Carrot
Sub Total (Rs.)
A (in kg)
1 Garlic
2 Potato
4 Green Peas
5 Carrot
1 Urea
Any other
C (in Ha)
3 Input Shop
Depreciation estimates:
Depreciation employing the Straight-Line Method:
Depreciation Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
Asset Value
Accumulated Depreciation
Net Fixed Assets
Asset Value
Accumulated Depreciation
Net Fixed Assets
Accumulated Depreciation
Income estimates:
Cleaning and Grading:
Members’ and Non-Members’ Cleaned and Graded Quantity in Quintals:
S. No Particular Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
1 Members 100
Non- 00
1 Member 100
Non- 00
Agri-produce trade quantity in quintals:
S. No Particular Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
1 Garlic
2 Potato
3 Green Peas
4 Carrot
1 Garlic
2 Potato
4 Green Peas
5 Carrot
Input Shop:
1 Garlic
2 Potato
4 Green Peas
5 Carrot
B (in kg)
1 Urea
Any other
3 Fertilizer
C (in Ha)
A Seed
1 Garlic
2 Potato
3 Green Peas
B Fertilizer
1 Urea
Any other
C Pesticide
A Current assets
Stock of Finished
Stock of Raw
3 Receivables
Total current
Creditors- raw
2 Creditors- others
Total current
Working capital
Balance Sheet:
Figure in Rs.
Particulars Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
Current Assets
Cash and Bank Balance
Accounts Receivables
Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets
Gross Fixed Assets
Less: Depreciation
Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses
Other Current Liabilities
Total Current Liabilities
Share capital
Reserves and Surplus
Add: Opening Balance (P/L Account)
Profit & Loss) During the Year
Appropriation – Dividend
Total Reserves
Sensitivity Analysis:
Sensitivity Analysis
Quantity Variation (%) Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
Income from C&G job work services
Income from commodity trading and input sales
Closing stock of finished goods
Total Income
Payback Period:
The Payback period for the project is almost ……… year ………. months whereas
equity payback is……… Months. It should be less than 4 to 5 years therefore the
project payback periods are within the limit.
1 Purchase of inputs:
Reduction in transport cost and time due to availability of inputs in the village.
Lower price of inputs due to passing on of bulk purchase discounts by PC.
Timely availability of quality inputs due to planned and negotiated purchases by
3 Processing of produce:
Availability of facility for value addition where there was none.
Better rates for produce after Processing.
4 Leasing of agro-equipment:
Availability of mechanized farming facility where very few options exist.
Cheaper access and user rates for thresher.
Savings through low or no labour costs and reduced exposure to vagaries of
5 Incremental asset:
Increased value of shares in a profitable business entity leading to asset
Sources referred:
Practioners’ Guide for Business Development Planning om FPOs: National Institute of
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of
India and Policy and process guidelines for Farmer Producer Companies, Department
of Agriculture, GOI