Jenkins Sleep Scale
Jenkins Sleep Scale
Jenkins Sleep Scale
Purpose Designed as an efficient and brief instru- Reliability and Validity In an initial psycho-
ment for use in research, the four-item question metric analysis conducted by the developers [1],
evaluates the frequency and intensity of certain the scale possessed an internal consistency rang-
sleep difficulties in respondents. Questions address ing from .63 to .79.
difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings dur-
ing the night, trouble remaining asleep, and subjec- Obtaining a Copy A copy of the questionnaire
tive feelings of fatigue and sleepiness despite is published in the original article published by
receiving a typical night’s rest. Though the ques- Jenkins and colleagues [1].
tionnaire is short, developers suggest that its four
items have been shown to possess good predictive Direct correspondence to:
value in previous studies [1]. However, with only C.D. Jenkins
four items, it cannot begin to address the entire Department of Preventive Medicine
spectrum of sleep disorders and should only be con- and Community Health
sidered for use as a preliminary screening device. University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, TX 77550, USA
Population for Testing The scale has been vali-
dated with two different testing populations, ages Scoring Respondents use a Likert-type scale to
25–69 years. answer questions regarding the frequency with
which they have experienced certain sleep diffi-
Administration Requiring between 2 and 5 min culties over the past month: 0 means “not at all,”
for completion, the instrument can be adminis- while 5 means “22–31 days.” Higher scores indi-
tered through an interview or in a self-report, cate more acute sleep difficulties.
pencil-and-paper format.
A. Shahid et al. (eds.), STOP, THAT and One Hundred Other Sleep Scales, 203
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-9893-4_45, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
204 45 Jenkins Sleep Scale
Reprinted from Jenkins et al. [1]. Copyright © 1988, with permission from Elsevier.