Chapter-8 Acid, Bases Salts Exercise
Chapter-8 Acid, Bases Salts Exercise
Chapter-8 Acid, Bases Salts Exercise
Multiple choice questions 11. The pH of pure water is
1. The Latin word acids means (1) 0.0 (2) 1.0
(1) Sweet (2)Bitter (3) 7.0 (4) 14.0
(3) Both (1) and (2) (4) Sour 12. Which of the following is acidic in nature ?
2. A substance which dissolves in water to give (1) Lime juice (2) Human blood
hydrogen ions as the only positively charged ion is (3) Lime water (4) Antacid
13. The substances which change their colour on coming
(1) a base (2)asalt in contact with other substance are called
(3) an acid (4) None of these (1)acids
3. Which of the following compounds is an acid ? (2) bases
(1) Na2O (2) FeO (3) indicators
(3) HCl (4) Ca(OH)2 (4) None of these
4. Which of the following is not a strong acid? 14. With which of the following compounds in solution
(1) H2SO4 (2) CH3COOH will phenolphthalein give a pink colour ?
(3) HNO3 (4) HCl (1) NH4OH (2) HCl
5. Which of the following is a tribasic acid ? (3) H2O (4) H2SO4
(1) HNO3 (2) H2CO3 15. To protect tooth decay we are advised to brush our
(3) H3PO4 (4) H2SO4 teeth regularly. The nature of the tooth paste
commonly used is
6. The substances which react with acids to form salt
and water, as the only products, are known as (1)acidic (2) neutral
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19. Which of the following compounds will react with True or false
hydrochloric acid to form a salt and water ?
1. Acids are bitter to taste and soapy to touch.
(1) Na2SO4 (2) H2SO4
2. Weak acids contain ions.
(3) NaOH (4) CaCl2
3. Acid turns blue litmus red.
20. Which of the following is a basic salt ?
4. Copper displaces hydrogen from dilute acids.
(1) NaHCO3 (2) Pb(OH)NO3
5. Iron displaces hydrogen vigorously from dilute acids.
(3) KHSO3 (4) NaHSO4
6. Nitric acid is used in soda fire extinguishers.
21. Which of the following salts does not contain water
ofcrystallisation ? 7. Citric acid is an important source of vitamin D.
(1)Blue vitriol (2) Baking soda 8. The characteristic properties of acids is due to the
(3) Washing soda (4) Gypsum hydronium ion.
22. Which of the following statements is not correct? 9. Citric acid is a weak acid.
(1) All metal carbonates react with acid to give a salt, 10. Alkalis and strong acids are good conductors of
water and carbon dioxide. electricity.
(2) All metal oxides react with water to give salt and Fill in the blanks
1. The acid found in lemons is ________ acid.
(3) Some metals react with acids to give salt and
2. The sting of ________ contains formic acid.
(4) Some non metal oxides react with water to form 3. Sulphuric acid is a highly ________ acid.
Q ue. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Ans . 4 3 3 2 3 1 2 4 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 4 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 4
True or false
1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5.True 6. False 7. False 8. True
9. True 10. True
Fill in the blanks
1. Citric 2. Ants 3.Corrosive 4. OH– 5. Alkalis
6. Bitter, soapy 7. Ammonia 8. Calcium hydroxide and ammonium hydroxide
9. NaOH, KOH 10. NaOH 11. Less 12. Salt & water
13. Neutralisation 14. Acidic 15. Fe3O4
One word
1. Weak acid 2. Pickling 3. Sulphuric acid 4. NH3 gas 5. Strong base
6. Bitter 7. NaCl 8. AgNO3 9. NaHCO3 10. KNO3
Match the column
1. (1) a ; (2) c ; (3) b ; (4) e ; (5) d
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Short answer type questions 19. Why does a base applied to your skin give relief
from an ant bite ?
1. If a liquid turns blue litmus red, is it an acid, base
or salt ? Explain 20. Distinguish between normal salt and acid salt.
2. Name three organic and three inorganic acids. 21. What is a litmus solution ? How is litmus paper
prepared ?
3. Explain mineral acid.
22. Explain with the help of an example how a base
4. Which gas is produced when sodium carbonate
can be prepared from a metal.
reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid ? Give reaction
also 23. Write a chemical equation to show the reaction of
a base with an ammonium salt.
5. Which acid is used in the manufacture of the fertilizer
superphosphate ? 24. State one source of each of the following acids :
6. Which base does not have a metal atom in its (a) Citric acid (b) Lactic acid
molecule ? (c) Tartaric acid (d) Acetic acid
7. What are neutral substances ? Give examples of (e) Hydrochloric acid (f) Sulphuric acid
two neutral substances.
25. Give a reason why sulphuric acid is considered a
8. Write an equation for the reaction in which strong acid while a weak acid.
hydrochloric acid neutralises sodium hydroxide.
Long answer type questions
9. Name the reaction between an acid and a base
1. Give the classification of acids.
which forms a salt and water.
(a) On the basis of source.
10. Which of these is neutral - hydrochloric acid, sodium
hydroxide, sodium chloride ? Explain (b) On the basis of concentration.
11. Give one example each of strong acid and weak (c) On the basis of basicity.
acid. 2. Some acids are dangerous, others are not. Explain,
12. Differentaite between : giving examples.
(i) Strong acid and concentrated acid 3. Give two main uses each of
(ii) Weak base and dilute base (a) sulphuric acid(b) hydrochloric acid (c) nitric acid.
13. What happens when dilute sulphuric acid is added 4. What are bases ? What are their physical
to zinc ? properties ?
14. How can carbon dioxide be prepared from an acid ? 5. Give two main uses each of
15. Give four differences between acids and alkalis. (a) calcium hydroxide
16. What are indicators ? Name any three indicators (b) ammonium hydroxide
and state the colour change which takes place in (c) sodium hydroxide
(i)acids (ii)bases. 6. What do you mean by a neutralization reaction ?
17. What is an acid - base indicator ? Give one example. How can a neutralization reaction be used to
prepare common salt ?
18. You are given three unlabelled bottles A, B and
C, containing colourless solutions, such that one of 7. What do you understand by the term neutralisation ?
them is acid, the other basic and the third neutral. Describe an activity in which neutralisation of
How will you distinguish between them by using hydrochloric acid takes place with sodium
blue litmus as an indicator ? hydroxide, using phenolphthalein as an indicator.
(b) Soap solution or baking soda paste is applied (v) Sodium carbonate is added to dilute hydrochloric
on the part of the body stung by a bee. acid and the gas evolved bubbled through lime
(c) Antacids are used for relieving acidity in the water.
13. State your observations and name the products
9. How are salts named ? Give two examples. formed when :
10. State two methods by which salts can be prepared.
) An alkali is felt between the fingers.
Give one example of each.
11. Bring the following conversions : (
) A red litmus paper is dipped in sodium
hydroxide solution.
(i) Sulphur to sulphurous acid
(ii) Phosphorus to phosphoric acid (iii) Ammonium chloride is heated with an alkali and
the gas evolved tested with red litmus paper.
(iii) Calcium to calcium hydroxide
(iv) Magnesium to magnesium hydroxide (iv) Copper sulphate solution is added slowly to
dilute sodium hydroxide.
12. State your observations and name the products
formed when : 14. What is water of crystallisation ? Explain with an
) Concentrated acid falls on the hand. example what happens when a hydrated salt is
) A blue litmus paper is dipped in dilute heated.
hydrochloric acid.
15. Name four commonly available salts and give their
(iii) An acid and a base are made to react together. uses.
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