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p-Block (NEET Pattern) HH:MM

Important Instructions

This test contains 70 questions. Each question carries 4 marks. For each correct response the
candidate will get 4 marks. For each incorrect response, one mark will be deducted from the total
scores. The maximum marks are 280.

1. P4O10 is used extensively as a :

(1) Dehydrating agent
(2) Catalytic agent
(3) Reducing agent
(4) Preservative
2. Concentrated nitric acid reacts with iodine to give:-
(1) HI
(2) HOI
(3) HOIO2
(4) HOIO3
3. A gas which is used as anaesthetic in dental surgery is :
(1) N2
(2) CO
(3) N2O
(4) NH3
4. NO2 is formed when
(1) Cu reacts with conc. HNO3
(2) Zn reacts with conc. HNO3
(3) Pb ( NO3 )2 is heated
(4) All
5. Which of the following does not produce NO2 gas with conc. HNO3 ?
(1) Cu
(2) I2
(3) Ag
(4) Au

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6. Liquid nitrogen is used as a refrigerant to preserve-

(1) Biological material
(2) Food items
(3) In cryosurgery
(4) All of the above
7. Which compound is used in the pickling of stainless steel –
(1) Sulphuric acid
(2) Nitric acid
(3) Phosphine gas
(4) Phosphorous
8. The gas which is used in Holme's signals-
(1) SO2
(2) PH3
(3) SO3
(4) NH3
9. Haber's process is used in manufacturing of -
(1) ammonia
(2) Sodium azide
(3) phosphine
(4) None
10. Which oxy acid of phosphorous has two P-H bond -
A. Phosphonic acid B. Phosphinic acid
C. Pyrophosphorous acid D. Polymetaphosphoric acid
(1) A, D
(2) B, C
(3) A, C, D
(4) A, C
11. Ozone acts as
(1) Oxidising agent
(2) Disinfectant
(3) bleaching agent
(4) All
12. H2S gas changes a filter paper dipped in lead acetate solution into :
(1) Black
(2) Red
(3) Green
(4) Yellow

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13. Dry bleaching is done by :

(1) Cl2
(2) SO2
(3) O3
(4) None
14. On addition of conc. H2SO4 to a chloride salt, colourless fumes are evolved but in case of iodide
salt, violet fumes come out. This is because:-
(1) H2SO4 reduces HI to I2
(2) HI is of violet colour
(3) HI gets oxidised to I2
(4) HI changes to HIO3
15. By which of the following SO2 is formed ?
(1) Reaction of dilute H2SO4 with Zn.
(2) Heating Fe2 ( SO4 )3 .
(3) Reaction of concentrated H2SO4 with Cu.
(4) Heating of CuSO4 .
16. Arrange the following in decreasing order of their boiling Point ?
I. H2O II. H2S
III. H2Se IV. H2Te
(1) IV > III > II > I
(2) II > III > IV > I
(3) I > IV > III > II
(4) I > II >III > IV
17. Contact process is used for manufacturing of -
(1) HNO3
(2) H2SO4
(3) H2S2O2
(4) None
18. Epsom salt is -
(1) MgSO4 .7H2O
(2) CaSO4 .2H2O
(3) BaSO4
(4) CuFeS2

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19. The oxidation state of cenral atom in the anion of compound NaH2PO2 will be :
(1) +3
(2) +5
(3) +1
(4) –1
20. Which hydride does not shows reducing property
(1) H2Te
(2) H2Se
(3) H2S
(4) H2O
21. Select the correct statement (s) from the following-
(1) Fluorine displaces other halogens from the corresponding halides
(2) Fluorine reacts slowly with halogens
(3) Fluorine does not decompose water
(4) Except fluorine, other halogens directly combine with carbon
22. Volatile nature of halogen is because :
(1) Halogen molecules are bonded by strong forces
(2) Halogen molecules are bonded by electrostatic forces
(3) The forces existing between the discrete molecule are only weak vander Waals force.
(4) Halogen molecules are more reactive
23. Iodine gas turns starch iodide paper :
(1) Blue
(2) Red
(3) Colourless
(4) Yellow
24. Which of the following does not decolourise iodine?
(1) Na2SO3
(2) Na2S2O3
(3) NaCl
(4) NaOH
25. Which noble gas is used in gas cooled nuclear reactors :
(1) He
(2) Ne
(3) Ar
(4) Xe

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26. First inert gas compound was -

(1) Xe[PtF6 ]
(2) KrPtF6
(3) XePtCl6
(4) ArPtF6
27. XeF2 reacts with SbF5 to form :
(1)  XeF SbF6 
+ −

(2)  XeF3  SbF4 

− −

(3) Xe− PtF6 


(4) XeF4
28. Formula of tear gas is :
(1) CHCl2NO2
(2) CH2ClNO2
(3) CCl3NO2
(4) COCl2
29. Which is used in estimation of CO-
(1) ClO2
(2) Br2O
(3) I2O5
(4) All of these
30. Catalyst used in Deacon's process is -
(1) CuCl2
(2) Cu2Cl2
(3) Pt wire
(4) Ni powder
31. The geometry of the following molecules with respect to central atom is respectively
N(SiH3 )3 , Me3N , ( SiH3 )3 P :-
(1) planar, pyramidal, planar
(2) planar, pyramidal, pyramidal
(3) pyramidal, pyramidal, pyramidal
(4) pyramidal, planar, pyramidal

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32. In which of the following compounds, observed bond angle is found to be greater than expected,
but not due to back bonding ?
(1) N ( SiH3 )3
(2) O ( CH3 )2
(3) O ( SiH3 )2
(4) All of these
33. In which of the following dimer empty atomic orbital of central atom of monomer does not involve
in hybridisation?
(1) Ga2H6
(2) Al2Br6
(3) Be2H4
(4) Cl2O6
34. Which of the following molecule is having complete octet
(1) BeCl2(dimer)
(2) BeH2(dimer)
(3) BeH2(s)
(4) BeCl2(s)
35. Silicate having one monovalent corner oxygen atom in each tetrahedron unit is
(1) sheet silicate
(2) cyclic silicate
(3) single chain silicate
(4) 3D silicate
36. The silicate anion in the mineral kinoite is a chain of three SiO 4 tetrahedral, that share corners
with adjacent tetrahedral. The charge of the silicate anion is :-
(1) –4
(2) –8
(3) –6
(4) –2
37. Which compound does not exist ?
(1) TlCl3
(2) TlI3
(3) BiF3
(4) PbI4
38. Aluminium is not acted upon by pure water as :–
(1) Impurities in water are essential for the reaction to occur
(2) It is light metal
(3) It is protected by a film of aluminium oxide
(4) It is not a reactive metal

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39. The borax bead test is based upon the formation of
(1) Boron oxide
(2) Boric acid
(3) Meta borates
(4) Elemental boron
40. Borax Na2B4O7 .10H2O is actually :-
(1) Na2 B4O5(OH)4  . 8H2O
(2) Na2 B4O4 (OH)6  . 7H2O
(3) Na2 B4O3(OH)8  . 6H2O
(4) Na 2 B4O2(OH)10  . 5H2O
41. From B2H6 all the following can be prepared except :
(1) H3BO3
(2) B2 ( CH3 )4 H2
(3) B2 ( CH3 )6
(4) NaBH4
42. Artificial gem used for cutting glass is :
(1) Graphite
(2) Diamond
(3) SiC
(4) CaCN2
43. Select the name of mineral which is used for the production of borax :-
(1) Chromite
(2) Colemanite
(3) Chalocopyrite
(4) Calamine
44. Al + NaOH + H2O → product in aqueous state is :-
(1)  Al ( H2O)6 
(2)  Al ( H2O)4 
(3)  Al (OH)4 
(4) Al ( OH )3

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45. In Borax bead test, bead of cobalt is :-

(1) Co ( BO2 )2 , Pink
(2) Co ( BO2 )2 , Blue
(3) Co ( BO3 )2 , Pink
(4) Co ( BO3 )2 , Blue
46. Wrong statement is :-
(1) Boric acid is weak monobasic acid
(2) Boric acid is a protic acid
(3) Boric acid is a lewis acid
(4) Boric acid on heating finally form B2O3
47. Which stability order is incorrect ?
(1) Pb+2  Pb+4
(2) Sn+2  Sn+4
(3) Sn+2  Pb+2
(4) Sn+4  Pb+4
48. Which does not have dangling bond ?
(1) Diamond
(2) Graphite
(3) Fullerene
(4) All of these
49. Match the column :-

A. Dry ice i. Soft drinks

B. CO2 gas ii. used as refrigerant for icecream
C. Silicones iii. used in softning of water
D. Zeolite iv. used for making water proof jackets
(1) A →ii; B →i; C →iv; D →iii
(2) A →ii; B →iii; C →iv; D →i
(3) A →iii; B →i; C →ii; D →iv
(4) A →iv; B →i; C →ii; D →iii
50. Silicones are-
(1) R1 − Si − O – repeating unit polymer
(2) R2 − Si − O2 – repeating unit polymer
(3) R2 − Si − O – repeating unit polymer
(4) R − Si − O2 – repeating unit polymer

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51. In which silicate two oxygen atoms are shared (per unit)
(1) Pyrosilicate
(2) Orthosilicate
(3) Chain silicate
(4) None of these
52. Ga acts as a reducing agent because –
(1) Ga3+ state is less stable than Ga +1
(2) Ga3+ state is more stable than Ga +1
(3) Ga3+ covalent to Ga +1 reducing
(4) None of the above

53. Bismuth does not form stable pentahalide because of :

(1) Its higher electronegativity
(2) Its smaller size
(3) Inert pair effect
(4) Non-availability of d-orbitals

54. Which of the following is not possible due to back bonding.

(1) State of hybridisation may change
(2) Bond order increases
(3) Bond angle always increases
(4) Lewis acidic strength decreases

55. In which of the following compounds B–F bond length is shortest?

(1) BF4−
(2) BF3  NH3
(3) BF3
(4) BF3  N ( CH3 )3

56. On hydrolysis CaC2 gives a gas which on trimerisation gives :

(1) C2H2
(2) C6H6
(3) C2H4
(4) C3H8

57. Identify the statement that is not correct as far as structure of diborane is concerned :–
(1) There are two bridging hydrogen atoms in diborane
(2) Each boron atom forms four bonds in diborane
(3) All hydrogen atoms are not in the same plane in diborane
(4) All B–H bonds in diborane are similar

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58. Which of the following halides does not hydrolysed?

(1) PbCl4
(2) SiCl4
(3) CCl4
(4) SnCl4

(Si2O5 )n
2n −
59. – anion is obtained when :-
(1) no oxygen of a SiO44− tetrahedron is shared with another SiO44− tetrahedron
(2) one oxygen of a SiO44− tetrahedron is shared with another SiO44− tetrahedron
(3) two oxygen of a SiO44− tetrahedron is shared with another SiO44− tetrahedron
4− 4−
(4) three oxygen of a SiO4 tetrahedron is shared with another SiO4 tetrahedron

60. What is true about various allotropes of carbon ?

(1) Diamond is the hardest and graphite is the softest
(2) Diamond is the hardest and coke is the softest
(3) Diamond is the hardest and lamp black is the softest
(4) Coke is the hardest and diamond is the softest

61. Which of the following structural features of graphite best accounts for its use as a lubricant?
(1) delocalized electrons
(2) strong covalent bonds between carbon atoms
(3) van der Waal's forces between layers
(4) limited three covalency of carbon

62. A mixture of boric acid with ethyl alcohol burns with green edged flame due to the formation of :–
(1) Ethyl borax
(2) Ethyl borate
(3) Methyl borax
(4) Methyl borate

63. In the following reaction –

→B(OH)4  + H+

B(OH)3 + H2O ⎯⎯
(1) B(OH)3 is a Lewis acid
(2) B(OH)3 is a Lewis base
(3) B(OH)3 is amphoteric
(4) None is correct

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64. On hydrolysis, diborane produces :

(1) H3BO2 + H2O2
(2) H3BO3 + H2
(3) B2O3 + O2
(4) H3BO3 + H2O2

65. By which of the following reactions is borazine prepared ?

(1) B2H6 + NH3(excess) ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
low temperature

(2) B2H6 + NH3(excess) ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→
high temperature

(ratio 2NH3 : 1B2H6 )

(3) B2H6 + NH3 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
high temperature

(4) None of the above

66. Diborane is a Lewis acid forming addition compound B2H6 .2NH3 with NH3 , a Lewis base. This
(1) Is ionic and exists as BH2 ( NH3 )2  and BH4  ions

(2) On heating, is converted into borazine, B3N3H6

(3) Both are correct
(4) None is correct

67. Borax in its crystal possess :

(1) 3 tetrahedral unit
(2) 2 tetrahedral and 2 planar triangular units
(3) 3 tetrahedral and 2 planar triangular units
(4) all tetrahedral units

68. The borax bead is chemically :

(1) B2O3
(2) Na2B4O7
(3) Na3BO3
(4) B2O3 + NaBO2

69. Which of the following statement is false :

(1) Dry ice is solid CO2
(2) CO2 is weakly acidic
(3) CO2 and SiO2 are linear molecules
(4) CO2 is a gas while SiO2 is solid

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70. CO is :
(1) Reductant
(2) Poisonous gas
(3) Neutral to litmus
(4) all

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Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 1 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 1 2 4 1 3 3 3
Question 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer 3 2 1 3 4 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 1
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Answer 2 2 4 4 1 2 4 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 2
Question 46 47 4 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Answer 2 2 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 4 3
Question 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
3 2 1 2 3 3 2 4 3 4


1. P4O10 is mole by removing water from H3PO4 So it is used as dehydrating agent.

2. Conc. HNO3 + I2 ⎯⎯
→ HIO3 + NO2

3. N2O is used as anaesthetic in dental surgery & it is also known as laughing gas.

4. 1. Cu + Conc.HNO3 ⎯⎯
→Cu[NO3 ]2 + NO2

2. Zn + Conc.HNO3 ⎯⎯
→ Zn[NO3 ]2 + NO2

3. Pb + (NO3 )2 ⎯⎯
→Pb + NO2 + O2

5. Au does not produce NO2 with conc. HNO3 because Au only react with Aqua regia.

6. Liquid nitrogen is used as refrigerant to preserve biological material, food items & in

7. Nitric acid is used in pickling of stainless steel.

8. Phosphine (PH3 ) is a gas which is used in Holme’s signals.

9. Haber’s process is used in manufacturing of ammonia

500 , 200atm
N2 + 3H2 Ironoxide+K O 2NH3

10. (A) Phosphonic acid – Phosphorous - H3PO3

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(B) Phosphinic acid – Hypo Phosphorous acid - H3PO2

(C) Pyro Phosphorous acid - H4P2O5

 O 
(D) 
Poly metaphosphoric acid - ( HPO3 )n O = P− OH 
 
 n

11. Ozone acts as oxidising agent, disinfectant & bleaching agent.

(CH3COO)2 Pb + H2S ⎯⎯
→ PbS + 2CH3COOH
Salt acid black ppt

13. Dry bleaching is done by ozone (O3 )

−1 Conc.
14. NaCl+ H2SO4 ⎯⎯⎯ → NaHSO4 + HCl −1
(S.U.A.) Colourless

Na I + Conc.H2SO4 ⎯⎯
→ NaHSO4 + I20
or Violet
HI colour

15. Cu + 2H2SO4 (Conc.) ⎯⎯

→CuSO4 + SO2 + H2O

16. Drawn the group m.p. & b.p. increase but due Hydrogen bonding in H2O B.P. in creases.

17. Contact process is used for manufacturing H2SO4 .

18. Epsom salt is MgSO4 .7H2O

19. →Na + + H2PO2−1

NaH2PO2 ⎯⎯

So O.S. of P is +1

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20. As O—H bond in H2O is very strong So H2O does not show reducing properties.

21. As F2 is a strong oxidising agent it easily oxidise other Halogen & reduces it self.

22. Volatile Nature of Halogen is because the forces existing between the discrete molecule are
only weak Vander Waals forces.

23. I2 + Starch ⎯→ Navy blue

24. I02 ⎯⎯⎯⎯
by R.A.
→ I

(a) Na2SO3 : - S+4 ⎯⎯
→ S+6
more stable

(b) Na2S2O3 :- I02 + Na2S2O3 ⎯⎯
→Na I + Na2S4O6

→ x because Cl is more oxidising agent than I2 .
(c) NaCl+ I2 ⎯⎯

(d) NaOH+ I2 ⎯⎯
→ NaI + H2O
good R.A.

25. Helium is used in gas cooled nuclear reactor.

26. Xe[Pt F6 ] is 1st inert gas compound.

27. →[XeF]+ [SbF6 ]−

XeF2 + 2SbF2 ⎯⎯

28. CCl3NO2 is tear gas.

29. I2O5 is used in estimation of Co.

30. CuCl2 is a catalyst used in deacon’s process.

31. N ( SiH3 )3 Me3N

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P ( SiH3 )3


33. (1) Ga2H6 (2) Al2Br6

↓ ↓
( GaH3 )2 ( AlBr3 )2

(3) Be2H4 (4) Cl2O6

↓ ↓
( BeH2 )2 ( ClO3 )2

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35. 1. Sheet Silicate →

2. Cyclic Silicate →

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3. Chain Silicate →

4. 3D Silicate

36. Kinoite → Ca2Cu2Si3O10

Basic unit of silicate is → SiO4−4

37. PbI4 does not exist as Pb+4 is unstable due to inert pair effect.

38. Due to formation of protective oxide layer.

39. Borax bead test is based upon the formation of coloured metaborates.

40. Borax Na2B4O7 .10H2O is actually Na 2 B4O5(OH)4 .8H2O .

41. B2(CH3 )6 cannot be prepared because only terminal hydrogen can be replaced in B2H6 so
maximum B2(CH 3 )4 H2 can be formed.

42. Artificial gem is used for cutting glass is SiC.

43. Colemanite is the mineral which is used for the production of borax.

Ca2B6O11 + 2Na2CO3 ⎯⎯
→2CaCO3  + Na2B4O7 + 2NaBO2
Colemanite Borax

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44. → Na  Al(OH)4 
Al + NaOH + H2O ⎯⎯


45. Na2B4O7 ⎯⎯→ NaBO2 + B2O3 ⎯⎯→
Co(BO2 )2
Blue bead
Borax bead

46. Boric acid is not protic acid but acts as Lewis acid by accepting electrons from OH− ion.

47. Sn+2  Sn+4 is incorrect as Sn+2  Sn+4 is correct order of stability.

48. Fullerene does not have dangling bond.

49. (A) Dry ice (ii) Used as refrigerant for icecream

(B) CO2 gas (i) Soft drinks

(C) Silicones (iv) Used for making water proof jackets.

(D) Zeolite (iii) Used in softning of water

50. R2 —Si —O— repeating unit Polymer.

51. (
In chain Silicate SiO3−2 ) n
2 oxygen atom are shared per unit.

52. Ga +1 acts as reducing agent because Ga +3 is more stable than Ga +1 .

53. Due to inert pair effect Bi+3 is more stable than Bi+5 so Bismuth does not form stable

54. Bond angle does not always increases due to back bonding.




BL = x > y Also BS = x > y

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58. CCl4 cannot be hydrolysed because carbon has no vacant orbital.

(Si2O5 )n
2n –
59. is sheet silicate which has 3 oxygen of a SiO 4–4 tetrahedron is shared with another
SiO 4–4 tetrahedron.

60. Diamond is the hardest & lamp black is softest in various allotropes of carbon.

61. Van der wall's forces between layers are the structural features of graphite best accounts for its
use as a lubricant.

62. A mixture of boric acid with ethyl alcohol burns with green edged flame due to the formation of
Ethyl borate.

→B(OH)4  + H+

63. B(OH)3 + H2O ⎯⎯

Boric acid is weak monobasic acid, acts as Lewis acid by accepting electrons from OH− ions.

64. B2H6 + 6H2O ⎯⎯

→2B(OH)3 + 6H2

(2NH3 :1B2H6 )
65. B2H6 + NH3 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → B3N3H6



68. Borax bead is chemically known as B2O3 + NaBO2 .

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SiO2 is not linear molecule. It is a covalent network type structure

70. CO is Reductant, Poisonous gas, & Neutral to Litmus.

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AIPMT 2006
1. Which of the following is not a correct statement?
(1) Multiple bonds are always shorter than corresponding single bonds
(2) The electron-deficient molecules can act as Lewis acids
(3) The canonical structures have no real existence
(4) Every AB5 molecule does in fact have square pyramid structure.
AIPMT 2007
2. Which one of the following anions is present in the chain structure of silicates :
(1) SiO44−
(2) Si2O76−
( )
(3) Si2O52−

(4) (SiO )
3 n

AIPMT 2009
3. The straight chain polymer is formed by :-
(1) Hydrolysis of ( CH3 )2 SiCl2 followed by condensation polymerisation
(2) Hydrolysis of ( CH3 )3 SiCl followed by condensation polymerisation
(3) Hydrolysis of CH3SiCl3 followed by condensation polymerisation
(4) Hydrolysis of ( CH3 )4 Si by addition polymerisation
AIPMT Pre. 2010
4. Which one of the following molecular hydrides acts as a Lewis acid ?
(1) CH4
(2) NH3
(3) H2O
(4) B2H6
5. Oxidation states of P in H4P2O5 , H2P2O6 , H4P2O7 are respectively :-
(1) +3, +4, +5
(2) +3, +5, +4
(3) +5, +3, +4
(4) +5, +4, +3

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P-Block PYQs

6. How many bridging oxygen atoms are present in P4O10 :-

(1) 4
(2) 2
(3) 5
(4) 6
AIPMT Pre. 2011
Name the type of the structure of silicate in which one oxygen atom of SiO4 
7. is shared ?
(1) Linear chain silicate
(2) Sheet silicate
(3) Pyrosilicate
(4) Three dimensional

AIPMT Mains 2010

8. Which of the following oxide is amphoteric :-
(1) CO2
(2) SnO2
(3) CaO
(4) SiO2
AIPMT Pre. 2012
9. Which of the following statements is not valid for oxyacids of phosphorus?
(1) All oxyacids contain tetrahedral four coordinated phosphorus
(2) All oxyacids contain atleast one P = O unit and one P – OH group
(3) Orthophosphoric acid is used in the manufacture of triple superphosphate
(4) Hypophosphorous acid is a diprotic acid

10. Sulphur trioxide can be obtained by which of the following reaction:

(1) S + H2SO4 ⎯⎯→

(2) H2SO4 + PCl5 ⎯⎯→

(3) CaSO4 + C ⎯⎯→
(4) Fe2 ( SO4 )3 ⎯⎯

NEET-UG 2013
11. The basic structural unit of silicates is :-
(1) SiO24−
(2) SiO−
(3) SiO44−
(4) SiO32−

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P-Block PYQs

12. Which of these is not a monomer for a high molecular mass silicone polymer ?
(1) PhSiCl3
(2) MeSiCl3
(3) Me2SiCl2
(4) Me3SiCl
13. Which of the following does not give oxygen on heating ?
(1) ( NH4 )2 Cr2O7
(2) KClO3
(3) Zn ( ClO3 )2
(4) K2Cr2O7
14. Roasting of sulphides gives the gas X as a by product. This, is colourless gas with choking smel of
burnt sulphur and causes great damage to respiratory organs as a result of acid rain. It aqueous
solution is acidic, acts as reducing agent and its acid has never been isolated. The gas X is :-
(1) SO3
(2) H2S
(3) SO2
(4) CO2
AIPMT 2015
15. Nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide have some properties in common. Which property is shown
by one of these compounds, but not by the other ?
(1) is a reducing agent
(2) is soluble in water
(3) is used as a food-preservative
(4) forms 'acid-rain'
Re-AIPMT 2015
16. Strong reducing behaviour of H3PO2 is due to :
(1) High oxidation state of phosphorus
(2) Presence of two –OH groups and one P–H bond
(3) Presence of one –OH group and two P–H bonds
(4) High electron gain enthalpy of phosphorus
17. Which of the statements given below is incorrect?
(1) ONF is isoelectronic with O2N−
(2) OF2 is an oxide of fluorine
(3) Cl2O7 is an anhydride of perchloric acid
(4) O3 molecule is bent

  Digital Pvt. Ltd. [3]

P-Block PYQs

18. The stability of +1 oxidation state among Al, Ga, In and TI increases in the sequence :
(1) TI < In < Ga < Al
(2) In < TI < Ga < Al
(3) Ga < In < Al < TI
(4) Al < Ga < In < TI
NEET-I 2016
19. Among the following, the correct order of acidity is
(1) HClO3  HClO4  HClO2  HClO
(2) HClO  HClO2  HClO3  HClO4
(3) HClO2  HClO  HClO3  HClO4
(4) HClO4  HClO2  HClO  HClO3
20. When copper is heated with conc. HNO3 it produces
(1) Cu ( NO3 )2 and NO2
(2) Cu ( NO3 )2 and NO
(3) Cu ( NO3 )2 , NO and NO2
(4) Cu ( NO3 )2 and N2O
21. Which is the correct statement for the given acids?
(1) Phosphinic acid is a diprotic acid while phosphonic acid is a monoprotic acid
(2) Phosphinic acid is a monoprotic acid while phosphonic acid is a diprotic acid
(3) Both are triprotic acids
(4) Both are diprotic acids
NEET-II 2016
22. Boric acid is an acid because its molecule
(1) accepts OH− from water releasing proton
(2) combines with proton from water molecule
(3) contains replaceable H + ion
(4) gives up a proton
23. AIF3 is soluble in HF only in presence of KF. It is due to the formation of
(1) AlH3
(2) K  AlF3H
(3) K3  AlF3H3 
(4) K3  AlF6 

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P-Block PYQs

NEET(UG) 2017

24. In which pair of ions both the species contain S–S bond?
(1) S4O62− , S2O32−
(2) S2O72− , S2O28−
(3) S4O62− , S2O72−
(4) S2O72− , S2O32−
25. It is because of inability of ns electrons of the valence shell to participate in bonding that:-
(1) Sn2+ is oxidising while Pb4+ is reducing
(2) Sn2+ and Pb2+ are both oxidising and reducing
(3) Sn4+ is reducing while Pb4+ is oxidising
(4) Sn2+ is reducing while Pb4+ is oxidising
NEET(UG) 2018

26. Which of the following statements is not true for halogens ?

(1) All form monobasic oxyacids.
(2) All are oxidizing agents.
(3) All but fluorine show positive oxidation states.
(4) Chlorine has the highest electron - gain enthalpy.
27. The correct order of N-compounds in its decreasing order of oxidation states is -
(1) HNO3 , NO, N2 , NH4Cl
(2) HNO3 ,NO, NH4Cl, N2
(3) HNO3 , NH4Cl, NO, N2
(4) NH4Cl, N2 , NO, HNO3
NEET(UG) 2019

28. Match the following :

(a) Pure nitrogen (i) Chlorine
(b) Haber process (ii) Sulphuric acid
(c) Contact process (iii) Ammonia
(d) Deacon's process (iv) Sodium azide or Barium azide
Which of the following is the correct option ?
(1) (a) → (i), (b)→(ii), (c)→(iii), (d)→(iv)
(2) (a) → (ii), (b)→(iv), (c)→(i), (d)→(iii)
(3) (a) → (iii), (b)→(iv), (c)→(ii), (d)→(i)
(4) (a) → (iv), (b)→(iii), (c)→(ii), (d)→(i)

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P-Block PYQs

29. Which of the following is incorrect statement ?

(1) PbF4 is covalent in nature
(2) SiCl4 is easily hydrolysed
(3) GeX 4 (X = F, Cl, Br, I) is more stable than GeX2
(4) SnF4 is ionic in nature

30. The liquified gas that is used in dry cleaning along with a suitable detergent is :-
(1) Water gas
(2) Petroleum gas
(3) NO2
(4) CO2
31. Which of the following compounds is used in cosmetic surgery?
(1) Silica
(2) Silicates
(3) Silicones
(4) Zeolites
32. A compound 'X' upon reaction with H2O produces a colorless gas 'Y' with rotton fish smell. Gas 'Y'
is absorbed in a solution of CuSO4 to give Cu3P2 as one of the products. Predict the compound 'X'
(1) Ca3P2
(2) NH4Cl
(3) As2O3
(4) Ca3 ( PO4 )2
33. Which of the following oxoacids of phosphorus has strongest reducing property?
(1) H4P2O7
(2) H3PO3
(3) H3PO2
(4) H3PO4
34. Identify the correct formula of oleum from the following
(1) H2S2O7
(2) H2SO3
(3) H2SO4
(4) H2S2O8

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P-Block PYQs

AIPMT – 2006

35. Al2O3 can be converted to anhydrous AlCl3 by heating

(1) Al O with Cl gas
2 3 2
(2) Al O with HCl gas
2 3
(3) Al O with NaCl in solid state
2 3
(4) A mixture of Al O and carbon in dry Cl gas
2 3 2

AIPMT - 2007
36. Which one of the following anion is present in the chain structure of silicates
(1) SiO4−

(2) Si O6−
2 7

(3) Si O2−
2 5 ) n

(4) (SiO )2−

3 n

AIPMT - 2009
37. The straight chain polymer is formed by :-
(1) Hydrolysis of ( CH3 ) SiCl2 followed by condensation polymerisation
(2) Hydrolysis of ( CH3 ) SiCl followed by condensation polymerisation

(3) Hydrolysis of CH SiCl followed by condensation polymerisation

3 3

(4) Hydrolysis of ( CH3 ) Si by addition polymerisation


AIPMT Pre.- 2011

38. Name the type of the structure of silicate in which one oxygen atom of SiO4 
is shared ?
(1) Linear chain silicate
(2) Sheet silicate
(3) Pyrosilicate
(4) Three dimensional

AIPMT Mains - 2011

39. Which of the following oxide is amphoteric :-
(1) CO

(2) SnO2
(3) CaO
(4) SiO2

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P-Block PYQs

NEET-UG 2013
40. Which of the following is electron-deficient ?
(1) PH

(2) ( CH3 )2
(3) ( SiH3 )2
(4) ( BH3 )

41. Which of the following structure is similar to graphite?

(1) B H
2 6
(2) BN
(3) B
(4) B4C

42. The basic structural unit of silicates is :-

(1) SiO2−

(2) SiO
(3) SiO44−
(4) SiO32−

43. Which of these is not a monomer for a high molecular mass silicone polymer ?
(1) PhSiCl

(2) MeSiCl3
(3) Me2SiCl2
(4) Me3SiCl

Re-AIPMT 2015
44. The stability of +1 oxidation state among Al, Ga, In and Tl increases in the sequence :
(1) Tl < In < Ga < Al
(2) In < Tl < Ga < Al
(3) Ga < In < Al < Tl

(4) Al < Ga < In < Tl

45. In context with beryllium, which one of the following statements is incorrect ?
(1) Its salts rarely hydrolyze.
(2) Its hydride is electron-deficient and polymeric.
(3) It is rendered passive by nitric acid.
(4) it forms Be2C .

  Digital Pvt. Ltd. [8]

P-Block PYQs

NEET(UG) 2017
46. It is because of inability of ns electrons of the valence shell to participate in bonding that:-
(1) Sn2+ is oxidising agent while Pb4+ is reducing agent
(2) Sn2+ and Pb2+ are both oxidising and reducing agent
(3) Sn4+ is reducing while Pb4+ is oxidising agent
(4) Sn2+ is reducing agent while Pb4+ is oxidising agent

  Digital Pvt. Ltd. [9]

P-Block PYQs

Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 4 4 1 4 1 4 3 2 4 4 3 4 1 3 3
Question 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer 3 2 4 2 1 2 1 4 1 4 1 1 4 1 4
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Answer 3 1 3 1 4 4 1 3 2 4 2 3 4 4 1
Question 46
Answer 4


1. Incorrect- Every AB5 moln does in fact have square pyramid structure.

Correct – Every AB5 moln doesn’t have square pyramid structure.

2. (SiO )
3 n is present in the chain structure of silicates.


4. B2H6 act as Lewis acid as Boron is e deficient in B2H6 .


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P-Block PYQs

6. P4O10

→ 6 bridging oxygen atoms.

(SiO4 )
7. is known as Pyrosilicate

8. SnO2 is amphoteric oxide.

9. Hypo phosphoric acid - H4P2O6

So it is not diprotic acid

10. (1) S + H2SO4 ⎯⎯→H2O + SO2

(2) H2SO4 + PCl5 ⎯⎯→POCl3 + SO2Cl2 + H2O

(3) CaSO4 + C ⎯⎯→CaO + SO2 + CO2

(4) Fe ( SO4 )3 ⎯⎯

→ Fe2O3 + SO3

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P-Block PYQs

11. Basic structural unit of silicates is SiO44−

12. Me3SiCl is not a monomer for a high molecular mass silicone polymer.

13. (1) ( NH4 )2 Cr2O7 ⎯⎯

→ N2 + Cr2O3 + H2O

(2) KClO3 ⎯⎯→ KCl + O2 

(3) Zn ( ClO3 )2 ⎯⎯

→ ZnCl2 + O2 

(4) K2Cr2O7 ⎯⎯
→K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2 

14. S + O2 ⎯⎯

15. SO2 is used as food preservative but NO2 is not


Due to 1 OH & 2 P-H bonds it act as strong reducing behaviour.

17. OF2 is oxygen fluoride if it is oxide of fluorine we E.N. will write as F2O which is not possible as
E.N. of F is greater than E.N. of O.

18. Stability of lower O.S. increase down the group due to inert pair effect so the order is.

Al < Ga < In < Ti

19. A.S.  O.S.

+1 +3 +5 +7
HClO  HClO2  HClO3  HClO4

20. Cu + Conc.HNO3 ⎯⎯
→Cu(NO3 )2 + NO2

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P-Block PYQs

21. Phosphini acid - H3PO2

Phosphonic acid - H3PO3

22. Boric acid is an acid because it accepts OH− from water releasing proton
B(OH)3 + H2O ⎯⎯ → B(OH)4− + H+

23. AlF3 + HF ⎯⎯
→ K3[AlF6 ]

24. S4O6−2 S2O3−2

25. Due it inert pair effect Sn+2 is reducing while Pb+4 is oxidising.

26. HOF is highly unstable so all forms of halogen do not form monobasic oxyacids.

27. O.S. of N
HNO3 ⎯→ +5
NO ⎯→ +2
N2 ⎯→ 0
NH4Cl ⎯→ –3

28. (a) Pure Nitrogen ⎯→ Sodium Azide or Borium Azide

(b) Haber Process ⎯→ Amononia
(c) Contact Process ⎯→ Sulphuric acid
(d) Deacon’s Process ⎯→ Chlorine

29. PbF4 is not covalent in nature but ionic in nature as Pb+4 is stable.

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P-Block PYQs

30. Nitrogen dioxide is the lignified gas that is used in dry cleaning along with detergent.

31. Silicones is used in cosmetic surgery.


33. Reducing properties  no. of P—H





34. The formula of oleum is H2S2O7 .

35. Al2O3 + 3C + 3Cl2 ⎯⎯→ 2AlCl3 (Anhydrous) + 3CO

36. Chain silicate - (SiO3–2 )



R = CH3

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P-Block PYQs

38. Pyro silicate – Si2O7–6 & 1 oxygen atom is shared.

39. SnO2 is an amphoteric oxide.

40. (BH3)2 is electron- deficient compound.

In B2H6 , Boron has 6e– in outermost shell.


42. Basic structural unit of silicates is SiO4–4 .

43. Me3SiCl is not a monomer for a high molecular mass silicone polymer. As it form dimer silicone.

44. Al < Ga < In < Tl → Stability of + 1 oxidation state due to inert pair effect.

45. Salt of Be such as BeCl2 is easily hydrolysed

Due to small size and high charge density of Be its compounds are predominantly covalent in
Salt of Be Hydrolysed as:
BeCl2 + 2H2O ⎯→ Be(OH)2 + 2 HCl

46. Sn+2 is reducing while Pb+4 is oxidising agent as Sn+4 is more stable & Pb+2 is more stable due to
inert pair effect.

  Digital Pvt. Ltd. [15]

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