Social Studies
Social Studies
Social Studies
2 What man-made feature is found north of Boat Club in Grid Square 2484?
A Aerodrome
B Dam
C Mine Plant
D Shrines deposit
3 What is the direction of Chibuluma Grid Square 2278 from chief Nkana's village Grid Square 1776?
A North East
B North West
C South East
D South West
4 The distance of Kabombo River from its source in Grid Square 2474 to the edge of the map in the
east is ...
A 1.9km
B 2.9km
C 3.9km
D 4.9km
6 According to map evidence, what is the general land use east of Grid line 23 and south of Grid line
A Fishing
B Industry
C Mining
D Transportation
Study the map of Zambia below and answer questions 7 to 9.
8 Which pair of lakes shown on the map is rich in small serdine (kapenta) fish?
A Bangweulu and Mweru
B Bangweulu and Kariba
C Kariba and Tanganyika
D Mweru and Tanganyika
9 Which of the following minerals shown on the map is mined west of Lake Kariba?
A Coal
B Copper
C Nikel
D Zinc
The main farming system associated with the land use in the table is.
A extensive cattle rearing.
B intensive rice cultivation.
C shifting cultivation.
D settled cultivation.
14 Study the pie chart below and answer questions 14 and 15.
26 At which archaeological site in East Africa did Doctor Louis Leakey did most of his work?
A Fort Terman
B Olduvai Gorge
C Rusinga Island
D Taung
27 Which of the following tools was associated with the early stone-age period?
A Bow and arrow
B Cleaver
C Hoes
D Microliths
29 Among the Tonga, who ensured that crops grew well and the community was well looked after?
A Bulongo
B Sikatongo
C Ulanyika
D Virolocal
30 What name was given to societies with well arranged political positions such as Indunas, Village
headmen, sub-chiefs and chiefs?
A Centralised societies
B Decentralised societies
C Organised societies
D Stratified societies
31 Name the two Bemba leaders that led the kingdom to its greatest extent?
A Chepela and Chitapankwa
B Chiti and Katongo
C Muluba and Nkole
D Mwamba and Chipoya
33 Which of the following correctly lists the items of trade from the new world to Europe during the
Atlantic slave Trade?
A Cloth, cotton, guns
B Liquor, guns, cloth
C Sugar, cotton, tobacco
D Sugar, liquor, slaves
34 Why did the European powers hold the Berlin conference in 1884- 85?
A In order to get raw materials in Africa
B To avoid conflicts among themselves during the scramble for Africa
C To find better ways of trading with African chiefs
D To make the major rivers of Africa navigable.
36 A document released to the BSA Company in 1890 that explained its powers was called..
A federal constitution.
B pacified memorandum.
C pioneer column.
D royal charter.
37 All independent churches in Central Africa between 1890 and 1915 preaches against..
A colonial injustices.
B loss of land.
C taxation.
D white missionaries
40 Choose the correct Independence Day that corresponds with each of the three countries below.
Malawi Zambia Zimbabwe
A 6th July, 1964 24th October, 1964 18th April, 1980
41 Civics is the study of our political, cultural and economic environment and teaches us a wide range
of issues. Which of the following is a political and legal issue?
A Creation and distribution of wealth
B Electoral systems to elect leaders
C Factors of production and trade
D How people live and interact
42 In 1961 the struggle for independence in Northern Rhodesia reached its peak and a lot of people
participated in various activities such as chachacha. In which part of the country did the chachacha
campaign take place?
A Muchinga and Southern Provinces
B Northern and Luapula Provinces
C Northern and Copperbelt Provinces
D Western and Northern
43 Which feature on the Zambian coat of arms represent Zambia's fertile land?
A Hoe
B Maize cob
C Mine shaft
D Pick
46 Which of the following social institutions encourage the practice of some gender roles as sex roles?
A Church
B Factory
C Hospital
D Parliament
47 A good citizen is one that is proud of his nation and will show his pride in many ways like wearing
national colours during national sports events. Which one of the following is not a quality of a good
A Honesty and integrity
B Loyalty to their country
C No respect for human rights
D Sense of patriotism
48 Which of the following shows the correct order of the structure of most political parties in Zambia
starting from the lowest committee to the highest committee?
A Constituency, District, National, Provincial
B Constituency, District, Provincial, National
C District, Constituency, Provincial, National
D National, Provincial, District, Constituency
49 A paper given to electorates at the polling station which shows names and symbols of candidates is
called ... paper.
A ballot
B campaign
C electorate
D nomination
51 In a local government election, the party that wins most wards controls a ...
A council.
B constituency.
C district.
D section.
52 The house of chiefs was re-established in 2003 under article 130 of the 1996 constitution. The aim
of this was to ...
A increase the powers of chiefs to administer customary issue
B prevent chiefs from participating in partisan politics.
C promote decentralisation of the local government system.
D uplift the status and status of chiefs in Zambia.
53 Paying tax is one of the duties of a citizen. What does the term tax mean?
A Money paid to the government by citizens so that it can carry out its Work.
B Money paid to the government by citizens to buy foreign exchange.
C Money paid by citizens to feed the nation.
D Money paid to government by citizens to support the national team.
54 Mr Fafadwa who works for Dream Land Enterprise gets a salary of K1 800.00.
He has debts amounting to K3 000.00. This type of budget is referred to as
A budget deficit
B budget equilibrium.
C budget overview.
D budget surplus.
55 Which element of international trade helps to protect goods against risks while in transit?
A Advertising
B Insurance
C Quotas
D Transport
56 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) contains civil and political rights as well as...
A civil social and cultural rights.
B economic, social and cultural rights.
C political, social and economic rights.
D political, social and civil rights.
57 Conflicts can be described as disagreements among individuals, groups or nations. What term is
used to describe the process of settling conflicts through discussions?
A Equality
B Negotiation
C Resolution
D Peace
58 The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) was established to create big
economic environment within the region in order to attract and assure local and foreign investors
while Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) was established to.
A bring economic cooperation among member states.
B promote cooperation between Africa and the rest of the world.
C promote cooperation among member states.
D promote issues related to political cooperation
59 The Red Cross is an organisation that works to reduce human suffering. It operates in all parts of the
world. In Muslim countries, it is called…
A Jaycees.
B Oxfam.
C Red Crescent.
D Rotary International.
60 The United Nations power of veto is found in the Security Council. What does the term veto mean?
A Decide which country must join the United Nations
B Prevent an action from being taken
C Select the secretary general of the United Nations
D Supervise the work of specialised agencies
2 Study the map given and answer the questions that follow.
3 Study the picture of an eagle below found on some of our symbols of national identity and answer
the questions that follow
1 (a) Explain the differences between indigenous and exotic vegetation in Zambia.
(b) State the uses of forests and woodlands in Zambia.
(c) What are the measures of conserving vegetation in Zambia?
[10 marks]
2 With reference to mining in Zambia,
(a) Name two towns where copper is mined on the Copperbelt.
(b) Describe the methods of mining used in North-Western Province.
(c) Explain the effects of mining industry on the environment in North-Western Province.
[10 marks]
3 (a) State different types of population migration which take place in Zambia.
(b) What are the effects of HIV and AIDS in Zambia?
[10 marks]
1 With reference to civilisation, write briefly on the following:
(a) origin
(b) why it took long to spread,
(c) early settlement in Zambia,
(d) the knowledge it brought.
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2 Give an account of the Lunda kingdom of Mwata Kazembe under the following subheadings:
(a) origin,
(b) expansion,
(c) decline.
[10 marks]
3 Write the following on the federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland:
(a) Reasons for the Federation,
(b) Reasons against the Federation,
(c) Why the Federation broke up.
[10 marks]
1 (a) What are the qualifications for one to be the Republican President in Zambia?
(b) Explain the functions of the Republican President in Zambia.
[10 marks]
2 (a) Explain what a family budget is.
(b) Identify and explain parts of the national budget.
[10 marks]
3 (a) What are the qualities of money?
(b) Explain the law of supply and demand.
[10 marks]
1. (a) Explain the differences between indigenous and exotic vegetation in Zambia.
− Indigenous forests consist of hardwood trees white exotic forest have softwood.
− Indigenous forest occur naturally white exotic forests are planted.
− Indigenous forest not in pure stands, exotic forests in pure stands.
− Indigenous forests takea longtime to mature while exotic forests take a shorter time.
− Indigenous forests contain trees which have bend (twisted) trunks, exotic forest have
straighter trunks.
− Indigenous forests contain tree species mukwa, mubanga, mukuni etc
− While exotic tree species contain Ginelina, Pine, Eucalyptus
Credit fully developed point 1 mark = 3 marks
(c) Explain the effects of mining industry on the environment in North Western Province
− Displacement of people
− Destruction of vegetation due to clearance
− Loss of habitat for wildlife
− Causes air pollution, land pollution and water pollution, noise pollution
− Impact of blasting by using explosives causes cracks on buildings
− Land is disfigured due to hollow
− Loss of land for agriculture and settlement
− Compaction of the soil due to use of heavy machinery
Credit fully developed points at 1 mark = 4 marks
3. (a) State different types of population migration which take place in Zambia.
Rural to urban migration
− This involves movement of people from rural areas to urban areas in search of paid
employment and better social services
− Some people are forced to leave rural areas to towns due to drought and famines, family
conflicts and poverty.
Urban to rural migration
− This migration involves the movement of people from urban areas to rural areas.
− Some people are forced to leave urban areas due to loss of employment retirements,
retrenchment, high cost of living in urban areas and to take up farming in rural areas.
Rural to rural migration
− This is the movement of people from one rural area to another in search of land, water
resources and fertile soils.
Urban to urban migration
− This movement involves the migration of people from one town to another through
transfers, loss of employment or to take up business opportunities.
Credit at one fully developed point at 1 mark, 1 mark for each migration type
1. With reference to civilization, write briefly on the following;
(a) Origin,
− Started in the Middle East from Shanider in Northern Iraq 10,000 years ago
− Knowledge of farming and pastoralism
− Spread to Greece and Rome in Europe, India and China in Asia, the North West and Egypt in
− Two rivers were important in the development of farming in the Middle East. These were the
Tigris and Euphrates because of fertile crescent sols
− It reached North Africa in Egypt along the banks of the Nile 7000 years ago
− Later Egyptians conquered and spread civilization to Kush (Sudan) and Axum (Ethiopia)
2. Give an account of the Lunda Kingdom of Mwata Kazembe under the following subheadings:
(a) Origin
− Came from Mwata Yamvo kingdom
− Mwata Yamvo was in the process of expansion so he sent Mutande Yembe Yembe and
− He conquered the area that was rich in salt and copper and then proved disloyal to his
− He was later replaced by Nganda Bilonda who became the first Kazembe
(b) Expansion
− Nganda Bilonda conquered surrounding areas
− He was succeeded by Kanyembo as Kazembe II. He continued to conquest
− By 1760, Ilunga Lukwesa succeeded the throne
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(c) Decline
− After 1850 the kingdom due to:
(i) Loss of long-distance trade through the Bisa middlemen who were attacked by the
(ii) The visit of tip-tip who interfered with the Western trade route
(iii) Disloyalty of the junior chiefs
(iv) Succession wars (1840's- 1880's)
(v) Activities of Msiri of the Yeke
(vi) Final blow came in 1890 with the BSA Company rule
1. (a) What are the qualifications for one to be the Republican President in Zambia?
The President of Zambia is elected during General Elections which take place every after five
years. One can only qualify for election as President
− if he or she:
− is a citizen of Zambia
− is thirty-five years of age and above
− is of good character
− is supported by a political party
− is literate and conversant with the official language
− has both parents as Zambians by birth or descent
− has been living in Zambia for at least twenty years
− Revenue: it is money that government receives every year from various sources such as
− Recruitment expenditure: it is money which government spends every year on salaries and
wages of government workers and maintenance of facilities like buildings.
− Capital expenditure: It is money which is spent on new projects such as constructing roads or
building schools.
− A national budget can either have surplus or deficit. The ideal situation is that the budget
must balance.
2 Study the map below and answer the questions that follow.
A Name the continent marked A.
B Mention one type of goods that was brought to continent A.
C What goods were taken to continent B?
D Who discovered the Islands marked C?
E What name was given to the trade that involved the three continents labelled A, B, and D?
F Why was it given the name mentioned in E?
G Name the place marked D where most of the voyages of discovery started from.
H In which year did Vasco da Gama arrive at the place marked E?
I Which explorer was the first European to reach area F?
J What name did he give to the area marked F?
3 Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
In Chabwino, the date of elections was announced by the President. Sibeso Zulu woke up early in
the morning to prepare herself to go and vote. She carried the necessary documents required in the
voting process. Sibeso quickly went to the place where she was registered to cast her vote.
There are three parts in this section. Answer one question from each part.
Part One
1 (a) State three different types of tourist attractions.
(b) Explain the benefits of tourism to the people
(c) Suggest reasons why tourism resources should be conserved.
Part Two
1 Describe the life of the Tonga speaking people of Southern Province under the following sub-
(a) Economical,
(b) Political,
(c) Social,
(d) Religious.
2 Account for the causes of the rebellion of 1896/97 in Zimbabwe by the following tribes;
(a) The Ndebele,
(b) The Shona.
Part Three
1 Citizenship unites people who belong to different races, ethnic groups and religions. Citizens wok
together in peace and harmony to improve their lives. They also learn to solve their problems
together without discriminating each other.
(a) Who is a citizen?
(b) Explain the duties of a citizen
2 (a) Explain the relationship between the local and central government
(b) What are the sources of revenue for councils?
(b) Describe non-renewable energy resources which are widely used in Zambia.
• Wind driven power such as wind race
• Water driven power e.g. HEP
• Solar power that uses sunlight
• Vegetation can be replanted
(b) Explain why building and construction industry has grown in recent years.
• There is high demand for health services hence construction of health centres
• There is need to expand the roads and construct new ones.
• There is high demand for houses so many people have built houses.
• The establishment of new districts and new provincial centres has led to the high demand for
housing and office spaces.
Part Two
1 Describe the life of the Tonga speaking people of Southern Province under the following sub-
(a) Economical
• They were agriculturists.
• Planted crops like sorghum, millet, pumpkins, beans, etc.
• They were also pastoralists of cattle, goats, sheep, poultry and other animals.
• They also depended largely on fish, game and wild plants.
• They were pottery makers
• They hunted game, fished from the many rivers.
• They were also iron smelters.
• They traded, made mats and performed religious ceremonies.
• They were also gatherers.
(b) Political,
• In every neighbourhood there was a man called "Vlanyika" the owner of the land and any
one who was strong and popular could become one.
• Clans formed villages headed by headmen.
• Villages formed a tribe or society.
(c) Social,
• Each household was arranged around a cattle kraal.
• The family household was the basic unity of society.
• Houses were made of poles and thatched with grass.
• They brewed beer from millet and sorghum.
• The main diet included mealie meal porridge.
• They killed wild game for meat while cattle was used for lobola.
(d) Religious.
• Believed in a superior being whom they approached through their ancestors.
• The Tonga priest called Sikatonga made sure that spirits looked after the neighbourhood.
• They worshipped under trees.
• Had shrines where they prayed for the rains and these were built at graves of prominent
men. Shrines were also founded by men who had been rain makers.
• Sacrifice was made up of an animal, beer or food.
[Total: 10]
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2 Account for the causes of the rebellion of 1896/97 in Zimbabwe by the following tribes;
(a) The Ndebele,
• British South African Company (BSAC) took away most of their cattle.
• Forced labour in the mines and on the farms was done through the Supervision of Shona
policemen as the Shona people were regarded as servants for the Ndebele.
• Constant friction with the BSAC made them decide to get rid of the settlers.
• Ndebele defeat in the 1893 war was a humiliation to them and they wanted to revenge.
• BSAC refused them to raid the Shona for food, cattle and captives after the company
occupied mashonaland. But the Ndebele could not provide for themselves.
• Spread of rinderpest.
• Drought from 1895 led Ndebele to starve and spread of diseases for people and rinderpest
for cattle
• BSAC made Ndebele to pay hut tax for the land on which they stayed free of charge for
• Best land was grabbed by the BSAC settler.
2 (a) Explain the relationship between the local and central government.
• Central government uses its administrative powers to control the councils
• Schemes and plans of development are approved the central government.
• The central government can use its legal powers to compel the councils to carry out certain
• Central government can also dissolve councils.
• Local governments are a creation of the central government, they are controlled by the
Ministry of Local Government and Housing.
• The powers of the central government over the local councils are exercised through
parliament by enacting lawS on local government. Through these Acts, the central
government can create city, municipal or district councils.
• Schemes and plans of development are approved by the central government.
• Where costs may be beyond council ability to hire equipment such as bulldozers or
earthmovers, cranes and tractors, the government may be called in to assist.
• The central government can use its legal powers to compel the councils to carry out certain
Study the map extract of Kapiri Mposhi and answer questions 1 to 10.
1 What is the six figure grid reference of unclassified Trigonometrical station TT2
A 605 845.
B 608 848.
C 445 605.
D 848 608.
3 The bearing of the Kapiri Mposhi glass factory (grid square 7963) from the quarry in grid square
8062 is
A 100o
B 135o
C 240°
D 300o
4 What is the length of the landing area runaway shown on the map?
A 900 metres
B 1 000 metres
C 1 300 metres
D 1 500 metres
Study the area in the grid squares showing part of the map below.
6 What is the general direction of the flow of the main river shown in the are above?
A East to west
B North East to South West
C South West to North East
D West to East
8 Name town F?
A Chama
B Chinsali
C Chipata
D Lundazi
18 The greatest advantage of hydro electricity over wood fuel is that it…
A can be generated any where.
B can be transported across national boundaries.
C Is free.
D is inexhaustible.
22 What method of studying about the past is the picture above shovwing?
A Anthropolo9y B Archaeology
C Linguistics D Oral tradition
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25 Name the Archaeologist who discovered the remains of the creature in the picture.
A Charles Darwin
B Doctor Louis Leakey
C Professor Desmond Clark
D Professor Raymond Dart
29 What was the use of the structure in the picture among the bantu society?
A Making blocks out of clay
B Pumping water from the ground
C Smelting iron
D Trapping wild animals
30 What important item did the people of in'gombe ilede sell to the outside world?
A Cloth
B Ivory
C Copper
D Salt
32 Matrilineal system of succession among the Bantu people encouraged succession based on the
………………………… lineage.
A father's
B mother's
C uncle's
D auntie's
33 The practice by most centralised kingdoms of complete control of trade activities was called.
A centralized trade.
B long distance trade.
C trade monopoly.
D tribute system.
35 Which of the following ideas helped the growth of slave trade by 16" century?
A it was a process of colonisation
B need for domestic servants
C need to make Africa more popula.
D the need to educate Africans on hygiene.
36 The two explorers that mapped most of southern and central Africa were.
A David Livingstone and Henry Morton Stanley.
B John Speke and James Grant.
C Mungo park and Hung Clappertone.
D Richard Burton and John Lander
38 Which of the following women activists took part in the liberation struggle for Northern Rhodesia?
A Mama Betty Kaunda and Mama Nkandu Luo.
B Mama Edith Nawakwi and Mama Jean Kapata.
C Mama Inonge Wina and Mama Maureen Mwanawasa.
D Mama Julia Chikamoneka and Mama Chibesakunda Kankasa.
40 The political party that has been ruling Zimbabwe since independence under Robert Mugabe is...
A African National Congress (ANC).
B Malawi Congress Party (MCP).
C Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front (ZANU - PF).
D Zimbabwe African Peoples Union (ZAPU).
42 One of the aims of Civic Education is to guide and encourage all citizens to have self respect, respect
for others as well as ...
A knowing one's past heritage and understand the future.
B taking care of ones' self and family.
C understanding the spiritual and moral values of human beings.
D valuing humanity and dignity in all ways possible.
43 Which of the Zambian symbols of National identity appears on all government letters and is shown
on the cars of high ranking government officers?
A Coat of arms
B Eagle
C Flag
D National Anthem
45 In a situation where the constitution is unwritten like in the villages, the residents are expected to
behave in a certain way. They follow the rules called
A Bills.
B Laws.
C Norms.
D Values.
46 The qualification of Zambian citizenship that requires one to apply to the citizenship Board of
Zambia after living continuously for ten years is referred to as …
A Adoption.
B Birth.
C Descent.
D Registration.
47 Which of the following is not an example of an ideology of a political party?
A Communism
B Constitutionalism
C Environmentalism
D Globalisation
48 The type of elections that are held after a mandatory term of office has expired for the office
bearers are called.
A By-elections
B Local government.
C Parliamentary.
D General.
49 Which of the following best describes the correct function of the three branches of government?
Executive Judiciary Legislature
A Enforce laws Make laws Interprets laws
B Enforce laws Interprets laws Make laws
C Make laws Enforce laws Interprets laws
D Provide guidance Interprets laws Make laws
51 A Zambian agency that is responsible for overseeing actors related to controlling money laundering
is ..
A Anti-Corruption Commission.
B Anti money laundering investigations unit.
C Drug enforcement commission of Zambia.
D Zambia Police Service.
52 A budget that help to ensure that enough money comes in to cover different types of expenses is
known as.. budget.
A Balanced
B family
C individual
D national
54 The type of right that requires the government to provide its citizen with the promotion against
having basic things in life is .
A civil and political rights. B collective rights.
C economical rights. D Social and cultural rights.
55 Corruption due to complicated legal requirements and long processes in starting up business or
drawers licenses is referred to as .
A Complex laws and procedures. B Competition for governance position.
C Greed on the part of government officials. D poverty of government officials.
56 The cause of conflict that comes as a result of different views on the status of certain groups
such as different ethnic groups is referred to as.
A Cultural inequality. B desire for power.
C economic inequality. D Social inequality.
Study the picture below showing the emblem of the United Nations (UN) and
answer questions 58 to 60
59 The area of concern of the United Nations in its purpose 'Peace and Security' is
shown by…
A Emblem. B Map of Africa.
C Olive Branches. D World map.
60 Which of the following countries is not a permanent member of the security council?
A Britain B China
C France D Germany
A Name one tree species from diagram (i) and one from diagram (ii). [2]
B Name two areas on the Copperbelt province where tree species in diagram (i) are found.
C Give two reasons why the areas mentioned in question (b) are suitable for the growth of
D State two benefits of the trees mentioned in diagram (ii).
E Explain two differences between the trees of diagram (i) and (ii).
2 Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
A Name the historical site shown in the diagram above.
B In which year was the site above discovered?
C Which tribe is associated with this site?
D Who excavated archaeological remains at this site
E Mention one item which proved that international trade was conducted at the site.
F On which river was this trade conducted?
G What was the most important local trading item at this site?
H Explain one reason traders preferred the above trading site.
I Name two trading items which came from the surrounding area marked A and B?
3 Study the map below and answer the questions that follow.
3 (a) Describe the alternative renewable sources of power and energy to meet Zambia's energy
(b) With reference to institutions dealing in power and energy.
(i) Explain the functions of the energy Regulation Board (ERB).
(ii) Explain the measures Zambia Electricity Supply corporation (ZESCO) has put in place
to conserve electricity.
Part Two
1 (a) Why do we learn about the past?
(b) Explain the methods used to learn about the past?
2 Write about the Late Stone Age people under the following:
(a) Tools
(b) Methods of hunting
(c) Types of painting
3 What were the causes and results of John Chilembwe uprising of 1915?
(a) Causes
(b) Results
Part Three
1 (a) Explain the types of constitutions.
(b) Why is the constitution important?
− Furniture making
− Building and construction
− Source of fruits honey
− Source of herbal medicine
− Trees break force of falling rain
− Protect the ground from soil erosion
− Contribute to rainfall
− Helps in the exchange of gasses
E Explain two differences between the trees of diagram (i) and (i).
Diagram I Diagram II
Softwood Hardwood
Fast growing Slow growth
Tall and smooth trunks Short and thick back
Cone shaped crowns Umbrella shaped crowns
Small leaves Big leaves
Exotic Indigenous
2 Questions
A Name the historical site shown in the diagram above
Ingombe Ilede
B In which year was the site above discovered?
C Which tribe is associated with this site?
D Who excavated archaeological remains at this site?
J. H. Chaplain
E Mention one item which proved that international trade was conducted at the site.
Beads, Cloth, shells Iron Objects
F On which river was this trade conducted?
G What was the most important local trading item at this site?
H Explain one reason traders preferred the above trading site.
Accessible due to river transport came for salt/ God/ Ivory/ Copper
I Name two trading items which came from the surrounding area marked A and B?
[Total: 10 marks]
3 Study the map below and answer the questions that follow.
A Mention the first capital of Northern Rhodesia located at A.
B Why was the capital moved to site B in 1935?
Site Be was more central
C Which British private company built the rail line shown on the map?
The British South African Company (B.S.A)
D Identify two ways in which the company mentioned in question C managed to get mineral
royalties from African chiefs.
− By signing treaties or agreements with chiefs
− They gained mineral rights
− Through taxes
− Through trade (any two)
E What was the aim of the Welfare Society which was formed at a place marked C?
To resist colonialism
F The British government took over the administration of Northern Rhodesia in 1924. State
any two features of colonial rule.
− Chiefs lost their independence and became agents of the colonial government.
− Africans were not allowed to take part in the government
− Africans were forced to pay government tax
− Africans were not allowed to move from one part of the country to do low jobs such as
clerical work, mining or farm labour
− African children went to separate schools from those of white children
− Africans who were employed on the mines were not allowed to live with their wives and
− Africans were not allowed to enter some shops, they bought goods through windows.
− Africans lived in separate residential areas from whites
− Africans were not allowed to own big businesses.
3 (a) Describe the alternative renewable sources of power and energy to meet Zambia's energy
− Main sources-Wind, solar water, Biomass, wood fuel, geothermal
− Windpower can be used and pump water from underground
− Wind can be used to generate electricity
− The potential areas of wind power are plain, southern part of Zambia and islands
− Solar can be used to convent light energy into electricity for heating, cooking and lighting
− Zambia has abundant sources of sunlight due to tropical location
− Solar can be used in rural areas and in areas that are off National HEP grid
− Geothermal potential is hotspring sites, Chinunyu (Lumfunsa), Ngwinsho (Lochnivar), Mbala
near Kalambo Falls
− The steam is used to generate electricity, for heating, lighting, cooking
− Biomass is obtained from biological material Fermantation of organic matter produces gio-
gas (Methane) which is used for cooking, heating and lighting Water used to generate
− The main sources of water are the Zambezi, Kafue, Luangwa, Chambeshi Kabompo, Luongo,
Luapula rives
− The lakes Kariba, Tanganyika, Bangweulu and Mweru.
− The total potential for generation of electricity from water very high because the country
contains 40% of all fresh water in Southern Africa
− New HEP sites such as Kabompo river, Kafue Lower,
− Expansion of existing HEP Stations e.g Kalungwishi, Lunzua, Chishimba Falls.
(ii) Explain the measures Zambia Electricity Supply corporation (ZESCO) has put in place
to conserve electricity.
− Encouraging the use of alternative sources of energy
− Rationing of electricity through load shedding
− Promoting use of energy saving bulbs
− Sensitize and educate the public on sustainable use of electricity.
Part Two
1 (a) Why do we learn about the past?
− To understand the present
− To project the future
− Respect for our ancestors achievements
− Understanding History gives us a sense or feeling of belonging to certain group of people
− Understanding History makes us know causes and effects of events and avoid conflicts
2 Write about the Late Stone Age people under the following:
(a) Tools
− Bow and arrow
− Bored stones as digging sticks
− Arrow heads, scrappers for engravings polished axes, missile, stones, spears and clubs.
3 What were the causes and results of John Chilembwe uprising of 1915?
(a) Causes
− Hut tax which was increased by eight shiling in 1909.
− Unfair labour practices on white owned estates
− Racial discrimination mistreatment of farm labourers
− Insufficient schools
− Involvement of Africans in the 1st World War
− Lack compensation to families of dead soldiers.
(b) Results
− Made changes about the labour practices
− Death of Chilembwe
− Raised the awareness of black people to colonial rule.
− It encouraged them to stand for their rights
− It made them to demand for end of colonial rule.
Part Three
1 (a) Explain the types of constitutions.
− A constitution is a set of principles about how a country should be governed.
Written Constitution
− This is a form of one specific document which describes the basic principles of how a country
is governed. The Zambian constitution is an example of a written constitution.
An unwritten constitution.
− This is not written down in form of a specific document. It is based on conventions, traditions
and customs of a society.
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1 What is the six figure grid reference of the Confluence of Luongo and Muweshi rivers?
A 513 729
B 519 723
C 723 519
D 729 513
2 The distance of the maintained road from the edge of the map in grid square 4974 to Kayumba
School in grid square 5075 is.
A 2.1 km.
B 2.6 km.
C 3.1 km.
D 3.6 km.
3 What is the bearing of Moba village in grid square 5669 from Mutayi village in grid square 5370?
A 120o
B 210°
C 240o
D 300o
Study the area in the grid squares showing part of the map below.
5 Why are there no people living in the area shown above? It is a ...
A dambo.
B forest.
C hilly area.
D valley.
6 According to map evidence, what is the dominant physical feature south half of the map extract?
A Dambo
B Rapids
C Swamps
D Waterfalls
9 Which one of the following is an advantage of all forms of traditional farming systems in Zambia?
A are environmentally friendly methods of cultivation.
B do not use artificial fertilisers
C have good crop yields.
D integrate livestock with crop farming.
11 The following are negative effects of commercial farming on the environment except
A deforestation.
B displacement of people and animals.
C scarcity of water.
D soil erosion.
Study the map below and answer questions 12 and 13.
18 Which one of the following type of tree species is an example of exotic trees in Zambia?
A Acacia
B Gmelina
C Mopani
D Mukula
19 The fishery that was restocked with fish by introducing fingerlings is Lake
A Bangweulu.
B Ttezhi tezhi.
C Kariba.
D Tanganyika.
20 Which one of the following fish is not found in the Kafue fishery?
A Barbel
B bream
C Pike
D Tiger
25 In which area were the bones of the man in the picture above discovered?
A Fort Terman
B Olduvai Gorge
C Busangu Island
D Taung
27 Which one of the following creatures belong to the middle stone age?
A Homo habilis
B Broken hill man
C Nearnderthalman
D Zinjanthropus
28 The smallest tools that were made during the late Stone Age period were referred to as.
A bow and arrow.
B microliths.
C neoliths.
D pebble tools.
29 To which period in the development of man did the people of Ing'ombe Ilede belong?
A Early iron age
B Early stone age
C Late stone age
D Middle stone age
31 Name the royal barge for the Litunga shown in the picture above.
A Mulongwani
B Nalikwanda
C Natamikwa
D Notila
32 During which annual traditional ceremony does the Lozi King use the royal barge shown in the
A Kuomboka
B Likumbi lya Mize
C Shimunenga
D Kulamba Kubwalo
33 The humanitarian contribution which the people in the picture above made was to help
A African countries build more colleges.
B African countries attain independence.
C in the abolition of slave trade.
D in sensitising people on hygiene.
36 The Bambatha, Maji Maji and Chimurenga rebellions were examples of African
A desire to take part in slave trade.
B primary resistance to colonial rule.
C secondary resistance to colonial rule.
D struggle to fight federation segregative rules.
39 Which term correctly describes the people below in the history of Zambia?
− Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula
− Simon Mwansa kapwepwe
− Godwin Mbikusita Lewanika
− Kapasa Makasa
− Mama Kankasa
− Mama Julia Chikamoneka
A Capitalists
B Democrats
C Dictators
D Nationalists
43 The colour that represents natural resources on the Zambian flag is…
A black
B green.
C orange.
D red.
44 The type of governance system where leaders assume power by inheritance is called.
A autocracy. B bureaucracy.
C monarchy. D oligarchy.
45 A special section in the constitution that outlines fundamental human rights is referred to as...
A Bill of Rights.
B Declaration.
C Preamble.
D Referendum.
46 An asylum seeker is a ..
A foreigner working in the country.
B person fearing to be prosecuted.
C person respecting other people's rights.
D person seeking protection in the country.
47 Which of the following shows the correct political system Zambia has followed since independence?
A Multiparty, one party, multiparty
B B Multiparty, two party, one party
C One party, multiparty, one party
D One party, multiparty, two party
50 The establishment, maintenance and regulation of slaughter houses, markets, car parks and public
conveniences is a function of..
A Central government.
B Local government.
C Ministry of works and supply.
D National Assembly.
51 Which of the following qualities of money means that money is difficult to find?
A Divisibility
B Durability
C Portability
D Scarcity
52 Which of the following shows the correct sequence of the budget cycle?
A Audit review, implementation, legislative approval, preparation and requests
B Implementation, audit review, preparation and request, legislative approval
C Legislative approval, preparation and requests, implementation, audit review
D Preparation and requests, legislative approval, implementation, audit review
Study the diagram below which shows the chain of distribution and answer the question that
54 …. are the basic freedoms and privileges which all enjoy simply because they are human beings.
A Collective rights
B Economic rights
C Human rights
D Cultural rights
55 … do not change and are the same from one society to another
A Cultural roles
B Gender roles
C Sex roles
D Traditional roles
Study the picture below and answer the question that follows.
Study the diagram below showing the decision-making structures of COMESA and answer
questions 58 and 59.
60 Zambia is a member of both United Nations (UN) and Commonwealth international organisations.
Which of the following best explains the difference between the two organisations? The
Commonwealth aims at …
A accelerating women empowerment while United Nation's idea is to promote peace, security
and stability in the world.
B promoting democracy and development while United Nation's idea is to promote peace and
C providing vision and policy acceleration on economic co-operation while United Nation's
idea is to alleviate poverty.
D providing sustainable development while the United Nation's idea is to eradicate
preventable diseases.
1 Study the table below which shows the amount of energy consumed by various sectors in Zambia
and answer the questions that follow.
2 A What was the title given to the Paramount Chiefs of the Bemba people? [1]
B What name was given to the ceremony practised by the Bemba people? [1]
C Who was the chief that led the Bemba Kingdom to expand due to good administration
between 1830 1860?
D What was the local name for the crocodile clan of the Bemba people? [1
E Why did the Bemba Kingdom decline after 1883?
F The royal councillors appointed by the named Paramount Chief in A were
G Give one reason the Bemba people did not keep cattle.
H List two types of crops the Bemba people grew.
I Where did the Bemba people get their guns from?
3 Study the map below and answer the questions that follow.
2 (a) Describe the types of manufacturing industries found in towns along the line of rail.
(b) Why are most manufacturing industries in Zambia located along the line of rail? [1O]
Part Two
1 Give an account of the development of man-like creatures under the subheadings below:
(a) Proconsul;
(b) Kenyapithecus.
2 Describe the Portuguese search for a sea route to India using the following:
(a) Reasons for the search;
(b) Early attempts to the search for the sea route.
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3 Discuss the Welfare Associations in Northern Rhodesia from 1900-1949 under the following sub-
(a) Aims and Welfare Associations formed.
(b) Achievements of Welfare Associations.
Part Three
1 (a) What is a colony?
(b) Explain the rights Africans were denied during the colonial rule in Northern Rhodesia.
2 (a) Give the functions of the African Union (AU).
(b) Explain any five objectives of African Union (AU).
3 (a) Describe the chain of distribution in local trade.
(b) Why is the wholesaler important in the chain of distribution?
2 A Chitimukulu
B Kusetya pa Ng'wena
C Chileshe Chipele
D Abena ng'andu
E Succession Gisputes, loss of trade monopoly
Loss of centralisation of power in the Miti clan
The BSA Company invasion
F Bachilolo / Bashilubemba
G Due to tsetse flies
H Millet / Sorghum / Cassava
I Swahili/Arabs
3 A Somalia
B Interclan
C Hutus / Tutsi
D Ethnic differences
E Loss of lives (human and Livestock) / Destruction of infrastructure
Violation of human rights and freedoms / Refugee migration
Under development / Land degradation
F Maheba / Nyango / Mayukwayukwa / Makeni / Chikumbi / Ukwimi
G Ministry of Home Affairs
H Setting up international tribunals to resolve conflicts
Using courts to settle disputes through peace keeping forces
By electing democratic and effective leadership
3 (a) Large fish are usually smoked in areas with enough wood fuel supply
Fish are kept in temperatures below 0oC to keep them fresh
Fish are also put in Containers with ice blocks
It involves processing the fish by heating and sealing it in air- tight containers. It S Sometimes
called tinned fish.
Trading Activities
The dry season attracts trading activities such marketing of crops
Traditional Ceremonies
Some traditional ceremonies such as kuomboka and nc'wala take place during the dry season
Fish are gutted, cut open and put in concentrated salt water. Thereafter, it is the sun dried.
This is commonly done around Lake Mweru fishery and Luangwa fishery.
Fish are gutted and dried in the sun on raised platforms. Small fish such as Kapenta are
usually Sun dried.
Fish are gutted and smoked over a slowly burning wood fire.
Part Two
1 (a) Proconsul
− He was an ape with a short tail and hair all over the body
− Had jaws similar to man which shows common ancestral origin
− Bones were discovered in East Africa at Rusinga islands in 1932 by Dr Louis Leaky
− Hand a rounded forehead like man
− Could not walk upright
(b) Kenyapithecus
− He looked like an ape and could not walk uprignt
− Had hair all over the body to keep him warm
− Never made nor used tools
− Bones discovered at Fort Ferman in 1961 by Louis Leaky
Part Three
1 (a) A colony is a country ruled by people from another country
(b) Chiefs lost their independence and became agents of the colonial government. This system
of ruling through chiefs was called indirect rule.
Africans were not allowed to take part in the government. They had no vote and were not
allowed to stand as candidates in elections
Africans were forced to pay government tax but the colonial government did not use the
money for the benefit of Africans.
Africans were not allowed to move from one part of the country to another without the
permission of the colonial government.
An African was required to have a pass in order to be allowed to live in town (chitupa).
Africans were only employed to do low jobs such as clerical work, mining or farm labour.
African children went to separate schools from those of white children. School for African
children were very poor
Africans who were employed on the mines were not allowed to live with their wives and
Africans were not allowed to enter some shops. They bought goods through the windows.
This was called the hatch system.
Africans lived in separate residential areas from whites. Whites lived in good areas while
Africans were in p0or areas.
Africans were not allowed to own big businesses. The only form of business Africans were
allowed to run tea carts.
2 (a) Functions
Promoting unity and solidarity of the African states
Coordinating efforts to achieve a better life for the peoples of Africa.
Defending independence.
Getting rid of all forms of colonialism from Africa.
Promoting international cooperation
Speeding up the political and socio-economic integration of African countries.
Promoting and defending common positions on matters of interest to Africa.
3 (a) Goods are produced by the manufacturer or the producer from the manufacturing industry.
From the producer, goods are bought by the wholesaler who buys in large quantities. He or
she is the middle person.
The wholesaler provides transport when buying goods from the manufacturer
The manufacturer will deliver the goods to the wholesaler.
The wholesaler breaks the bulk and packs the goods into smaller units which are then bought
by the retailer.
The retailer is a trader who buys goods from the wholesaler for sale to consumers.
A wholesaler provides storage or warehousing facilities for goods not immediately needed
but may be required at a later date.
(b) Information about how popular a certain commodity can be obtained from a wholesaler.
This enables the producer to make the right kind of goods in the right quantities
A wholesaler buys in bulk from the producer and breaks the bulk before selling to the retailer
who may not have enough money to buy huge quantities directly from the producer.
A wholesaler provides a showroom where customers can view the goods which are not yet
available on the market.
2 What is the distance along the sichikwenkwe River from the dam in grid square 4315 to the bridge in
grid square 4217?
A 1.7 km
B 2.7 km
C 3.7 km
D 4.7 km
3 The bearing of the Middle Stone Age in grid square 4117 from Namwianga Mission in grid square
4313 is .
A 45
B 135
C 225
D 315
7 What name is given to the sets of lines drawn on the map labelled X?
A Isobars
B Isohyets
C Isonephs
D Isotherms
Study the pie chart below and answer questions 9 and 10.
9 Which crop ranks second on the pie chart after the main crop?
A Cotton B Maize
C Tobacco D Wheat
10 The name of the crop which is both commercial and subsistence on the chart is
A cotton. B maize.
C tobacco. D wheat.
11 Which tourist site on the map has the following activities; canoeing, white water rafting, bungee
jumping and water safaris?
A Site A
B Site B
C Site C
D Site D
13 Which of the following is not a reason for carrying out a national census
A control the population growth.
B find out the employment status,
C find out the size of the population.
D know the proportion of foreigners.
16 Why has Zambia not benefited fully from the mining industry?
A Minerals are non-renewable resources.
B The mining industry has high running costs.
C Zambia does not have high quality minerals.
D Zambia exports minerals as raw materials.
Study the pie chart below and answer questions 17 and 18.
20 Which one of the following factors does not affect the location of an industry?
A Capital
B Labour
C Power supply
D Raw materials
21 Correct and more accurate information about the past can be gathered by using
A Anthropology.
B Archaeology.
C Oral tradition.
D Written records.
22 According to chart A, about how many years ago did life begin in the sea?
A 1000 000 000 years
B 2 000 000 000 years
C 3000 000 000 years
D 4000 000 000 years
24 The correct order of development of creatures from Early Stone Age to Late. Stone Age is …
A Bushman -------> Broken Hillman -----------> Homo habilis.
B Bushman --------> Homo habilis --------------> Broken Hillman.
C Homo habilis ----------> Broken Hillman -----------> Bushman.
D Homo habilis --------> Bushman ------------> Broken Hillman.
25 2½ centuries is equivalent to ..
A 2 and half years.
B 25years.
C 50 years.
D 250 years.
27 What tool did the San (Bushmen) people use for digging?
A Bored Stone
B Hand Axe
C Pebble Tools
D Scrapers
29 What are he current names of the areas Axum and Kush on the map?
A Ethiopia and Egypt
B Ethiopia and Sudan
C Sudan and Egypt
D Sudan and Somalia
30 Among the Ila, inheritance was through matrilineal lines. In this case when a man dies, he was
supposed to be succeeded by his
A elder brother.
B eldest daughter.
C eldest son.
D nephew.
31 The most dominant Bantu groups in the northern Zambia by the 17h and 18" centuries were..
A Bemba and Mambwe.
B Chewa and Tumbuka.
C Lunda and Luvale.
D Tonga and Ila.
35 Which explorer was responsible for the exploration of the Niger River?
A David Livingstone
B Henry Morton Stanley
C John Speke
D Mungo Park
36 In which year did the explorer who explored the named Niger River?
A 1873
B 1871
C 1806
D 1795
37 Which of the following treaties was signed between Lobengula and the Boers?
A Globber Treaty
B Moffat Treaty
C Rudd Concession
D Ware Concession
39 The two famous leaders of the Central African Federation from 1953 and 1963 were.
A Godfrey Huggins and Roy Welensky.
B Ian Smith and Evelyn Hone.
C John Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Sharpe.
D Nelson Mandela and Kenneth Kaunda.
41 Civic Education covers a lot of issues that are of concern to the communities such as violence or
drug abuse. This is an example of.
A economic issues.
B legal issues.
C religious issues.
D social issues.
42 What was the main aim of the British policy for African education?
A create native resources
B enlighten the Africans
C prepare Africans for independence
D serve the British settlers
43 The country's motto is "One Zambia, One Nation" which emphasises the need
A heritage.
B independence
C sovereignty.
D unity.
44 A characteristic of good governance which requires that every citizen regardless of their status be
treated equally before the law is called …
A accountability.
B inclusive.
C responsiveness.
D rule of law.
45 If a government official performs an act not allowed by the Constitution, the act is said to be.
A Constitutional.
B dictatorial.
C null and void.
D undemocratic.
48 What name is given to the paper that shows names and symbols of candidates during elections?
A Ballot paper
B Campaign paper
C Election paper
D Nomination paper
51 In the year 2000, the inflation rate in Zambia was 329%%. This means that an item that cost K25.00
in 1999 will cost... in 2000.
A K8.0o
B K33.00
C K40.00
D K57.00
52 Study the table below and answer the question that follows.
Item Amount
income 1 500.00
Pocket money 100.00
Lunch 200.00
Bus fare 300.00
Books 150.00
Tuition 250.00
Total Expense 1 000.00
Saving 500.00
53 Local trade is the buying and selling of goods and services within a country.
What is the other name for the type of trade described above?
A Domestic trade
B Global trade
C International trade
D Regional trade
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55 Which of the following can help increase the number of women participation in decision making
A Cultural aspects
B lack of support
C Male dominance
D Positive discrimination
56 Mr Shunga has been fined for over speeding. When his friend, a senior traffic police officer learnt
about the fine, he cancelled the fine. This is an example of
A bribery.
B cronyism.
C nepotism.
D tribalism.
57 An attempt to wipe out an area of the unwanted ethnic grouping using deportation, intimidation or
mass murder is referred to as.
A ethnic cleansing.
B ethnic genocide.
C ethnic victimisation.
D tribal discrimination.
Study the emblem below and answer the questions that follow.
58 Which regional organisation uses the emblem shown in the picture above?
A African Union
B Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
C Southern African Development Community
D United Nations
59 In 2002, the regional organisation mentioned in question 58 rebranded itself by changing its name
and objectives to the current ones. Which of the following is one of the new objectives?
A Focusing on political and economic unity as well as democracy and human rights
B Getting rid of all forms of colonialism and white minority rule
C Promoting the interests of African leaders above those of the general public
D Supporting the struggle for liberation in the African countries still under colonial rule
60 Which of the following organs of the United Nations is responsible for settling disputes among
member states?
A The General Assembly
B The International Court of Justice
C The Secretariat
D The Security Council
(b) Which specific area in Zambia usually has such type of rainfall?
(c) Describe two differences in rainfall activity of the opposite sides or the mountain.
(d) In which season does the rain condition above Occur in Zambia?
(e) Give two reasons why the farming practices would fail in the area marked B.
(f) State two other factors that cause rainfall to vary in Zambia.
[10 marks
2 Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Name the source of learning about the past illustrated in the picture above.
(b) How was information transmitted from as shown in the picture above? generation to
(c) Suggest one advantage of using the method of learning about the past mentioned in 1 (a)
(d) What was the disadvantage of relying on the source of history mentioned in 1 (a)?
(e) Apart from the source of history illustrated in the picture, state three other sources.
(f) Which method of learning about the past enabled historians to trace the origins of people
(g) The man who studied about the past in Zambia was
(h) The earliest writing which was invented by the Ancient Egyptians was known as.
[10 marks]
3 Study the pie Chart below showing the percentage of human right abuse cases recorded at
Chanda Police Station and answer the questions that follow
(b) What is the percentage of girls who experienced human rights abuses in Chanda Police
Station area as shown in the pie chart above?
(c) Using the information above, state the group of people that recorded the highest cases of
violations at Chanda Police station.
(d) Why did the group mentioned in C record the highest percentage of human rights abuse
(f) One of the common cases of abuse recorded against girls in Chanda Police Station was
defilement. The term defilement means ...
(h) Which Non-Governmental organisation promotes the education of the girl child in Zambia?
(i) Some men in Zambia today are victims of GBV in homes. Three letters GBV stand for?
[10 marks]
There are three parts in this section. Answer one question from each part.
(b) Discuss important roles the energy regulation Board plays in the energy sector.
(c) Why should Biogas be taken as the most sure reliable rural energy source?
[10 marks]
(c) How does the Nakambala Sugar Estate use both the labour and capital-intensive industry?
[10 marks
3 (a) State different types of population migration which take place in Zambia.
[10 marks]
(a) origin,
[10 marks]
2 Write an account of David Livingstone's work in Central Africa with reference to the following;
(a) aims,
[10 marks]
3 With reference to John Chilembwe Uprising of 1915, Write brief notes on two of the following:
[10 marks]
[1O marks]
(10 marks]
(b) Describe any two effects of conflicts on the rights of girls and women in the world today.
[10 marks
2 A Oral tradition
B Word of mouth
C Not very reliable as original message tends to' change over the years
Easy to forget
written down for reference etc.
D Not very reliable as original message
Tends to be changed after the years
E Written records
Ancient remains / Archeology
F Linguistic
G Desmond Clarke
H Herographic
3 A Human rights are lawful claims or benefits which citizens acquire from the community.
B 35%
C Women
D (i) Cultural beliefs and practices
(ii) Lack of education on human rights
(iii) Greediness and selfishness
(iv) Generally, women are regarded to be weak and inferior
(v) High levels of illiteracy on women
E Child labour, corporal punishment, sordomy
F Defilement means having sexual intercourse with a girl below the age of 16.
G Spread of STIs and HIV/AIDS
Early marriages
Teenage pregnancies
Psychological trauma
Part One
1 (a) Renewable energy is one whose material (water, wind, manure) to make it are re-used.
Hydroelectric power, wind, Biomass (any two)
(b) Roles/functions of Energy Regulation Board
− Monitor performance of energy
− Regulate price of energy
− Protect customers from exploitation
− Approve sites for energy plant
(b) Prostitution
Reduces population
Child headed homes
Too many orphans and widows/widowers
Disintegration of families
[Mark any other valid answer 5]
Part Two
− Originated from earlier kingdom in present day Malawi
− In mid 1500s Kalonga and his young brother Undi were involved in a succession dispute.
− Undi left Kalonga's kingdom and established his new kingdom in Mano an area in
Mozambique south or Katete.
(b) Political stability -Undi was able to win the support and loyalty of his subordinate chiefs
because of foreign trade items he redistributed to them. Undi also had trade monopoly.
(c) Kept power largely in the hands of his own Phiri can. Subordinate chiefs became loyal
because of relationship ties. This eliminated succession disputes.
(d) Economic reasons-rich in natural resources like iron, gold, wild animals and ivory. He
exchanged ivory with the Portuguese items such as guns, gun powder, beads, bracelets, cloth
and sea shells.
(e) Portuguese gold mining in Undi's kingdom become important in the mid 17005. Portuguese
and their agents the Chikunda would dig the gold and get their share for labour and gave the
rest to Undi.
(d) Slave trade-It had become important and profitable. Slaves were being captured and sold to
the Portuguese inreased Undi's powers.
2 Write an account of David Livingstone’s work, first journey and the results of Central Africa with
reference to the following:
− To civilize
− To explore the Zambezi
− TO open up Central Africa to missionary work
− To find out about African River system
− To explore the evils of salve trade
− Commerce (Trade)
3 With reference to John Chilembwe uprising of 1915, write brief notes on two of the following:
− Racial discrimination
− Land shortage/famine
− Hut tax
− World War One
− Mistreatment of farm labourers
Racial discrimination
Africans were denied the right of being trained for responsible jobs in government.
They were not allowed to elect their own African representatives in the legislative council.
African interest against white settlers particularly the cruel estate owners not being protected.
Land shortage
The best land in the shire highlands had been taken away by the white farmers, This created an
acute land shortage which was made worse with arrival of Africa migrants from Mozambique. This
was deep source of discontent among the African people of Malawi.
Part Three
Meaning of democracy
Democratic governance is a type of leadership where citizens are free to participate in national
affairs and choose their own leaders.
Chain of distribution
− The manufacturer or producer produces or extracts raw materials
− and turns them into finished goods.
− The manufacturer sells to the wholesaler in bulk.
− The wholesaler the breaks the bulk and sells to the retailer in small packs.
− The retailer then breaks the bulk and sells to the consumer into smaller quantities.
− The consumer buys goods for consumption and use.
3 The distance along the Great North Road from grid square 4015 to the bridge in grid square 4217 is..
A 2.0 Km.
B 2.5 km.
C 3.0 km.
D 3.5 km.
Study the area in the grid squares showing part of the map extract and answer question 5.
5 According to the map evidence, what is the dominant social economic activity practiced in the area
A Education B Farming
C Tourism D Transport
9 Which of these crops are grown under the farming system mentioned in question 8?
A Beans, groundnuts, sorghum, millet B Groundnuts, rice, millet sorghum
C Millet, wheat, sorghum, groundnuts D Wheat, barley, millet, sorghum
10 The main reason the shaded area X does not favour cattle rearing is that…
A the area is too dry and hot for animals.
B there are few people to provide market for animal products.
C the surrounding mountains provide inadequate pasture.
D tsetse flies spread diseases for animals in the area.
13 Urban areas are densely populated because of the following reasons except.
A employment opportunities
B improved medical facilities.
C more tertiary education facilities
D Well developed agricultural methods.
18 why do human and some species of Apes share many similarities? It is because they have common.
A ancestors.
B dental formula.
C diet.
D skeleton,
19 The advantage the Middle Stone-Age man had over the earlier creatures was the ability to…
A hunt bigger animals.
B make and use Tire.
C make and use iron tools.
D sleep in caves.
21 In which period during the development of man were the items depicted above used?
A Early Stone Age
B Iron Age
C Late Stone Age
D Middle Stone Age
25 Name the imperialist depicted in the picture who had the dream of controlling Africa
A David Livingstone
B Henry Mortan Stanley
C John Cecil Rhodes
D Roy Welensky
26 Which country did the man depicted in the picture lead to independence?
A Angola
B Malawi
C South Africa
D Zimbabwe
28 In which year did Noth Western Rhodesia come under the direct rule of the British South African
(BSA) Company
A 1890
B 1895
C 1897
D 1899
29 The members of various clubs in Nasankha village usually come together to freely discuss and offer
solutions to challenges affecting them in the community. This is good example of ... democracy
A Centralised
B direct
C indirect
D representative
31 Marjory qualified to obtain her National Registration Card (NRC) in 2019. In which year was Marjory
A 2000
B 2002
C 2003
D 2005
32 A document that contains policies, principles ideas, opinions and strategies of a political party is
known as a .
A Charter.
B Covenant.
C Hansard.
D Manifesto.
34 The title given to a Member of Parliament who is charged with the responsibility of maintaining
discipline in the House is called the.
A Chief Whip.
B Opposition Leader.
C Speaker.
D Sergeant at Arms.
35 The principle which states that Cabinet Ministers must work together and speak with one voice is
known as
A collective bargainin9.
B collective responsibility.
C community responsibility.
D community service.
36 Similundu was found guilty of having insulted his neighbour. The courts of law made him serve his
sentence outsides prison. What punishment was this man given?
A A Writ of Habeas Corpus B Freedom to trespass
C Suspended sentence D Concurrent sentence
38 Musole fought with his wife Enala over a domestic issue. Enala rushed to the kitchen to pick up a
knife which she used to stab her husband to death. In which category does the right violated in this
case fall?
A Civil and Political Rights B Collective Rights
C Economic, Social and Cultural Rights D Third Generation Rights
39 The kind of conflict which causes tension between employers and employees is referred to as...
A confrontation B class
C domestic D gender
40 Which priority area of the activities of the United Nations is reflected in the organisation of
emergency relief in form of food, water and shelter in countries affected by war?
A Education B Health
C Humanitarian work D Peace keeping
(c) Name two food crops grown in the traditional farming system mentioned in question (b)
(e) State three differences in traditional farming systems practised in areas R and $?
(f) Suggest one way in which farming in area R can be made more productive.
2 The pictures below show the drawings made by the people of the Late Stone-Age period in
Zambia. Study the pictures and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Name the people who made the drawings depicted above.
(b) At what time during their day to day activities did they make these drawings?
(c) What name did they give to the type of drawing depicted Picture A?
(d) Why was picture A given the name you mentioned in (c)?
(e) Name a place in Zambia where the type of drawings depicted in picture A have been found.
(f) What name was given to the type of drawings depicted in picture B? [1]
(g) How did the pictures depicted in B look like?
(h) Why have there been no discoveries of the late stone-age paintings in the Western Province
of Zambia?
(i) Name one material the Late stone-Age people used as paint for their drawings.
(j) Apart from the paintings, depicted above, what other types of paintings did the Late Stone-
Age people make?
(a) What document is depicted in the picture?
(b) Identify two features that are found on the document mentioned in part (a).
(c) Why is the kwacha note being exchanged with the document?
(d) Suggest two reasons for prohibiting the act as indicated in the picture.
(e) Explain two effects of the above act on Zambia's governance system.
(f) How can a responsible Zambian citizen address the vice depicted in the picture?
Part One
Part Two
2 Discuss the Lunda Kingdom of Mwata Kazembe under the following sub - headings:
(a) How the kingdom was formed;
(b) Economic organisation.
Part Three
(e) In area R they use ash as manure while in area S they use animal manure.
In area R they grow groups only while in area S they grow crops and keep livestock as well
In area R they cut off the branches of trees while in area S they do not cut off branches of
trees but make moulds.
In area S they use multi-system type of farming practise while in area R they do pot.
(f) Formation of provincial marketing unions which would provide loans for farmers to buy
seeds and fertilisers.
Provision of information and training on improved agricultural techniques to small scale
Provision of information through radio and television like radio farm forum, Rural Note Book,
farm magazine on topics like crop husbandry, care of implements, etc.
Provision of transporting farmers' produce to markets quickly and paying the farmers
Ensuring farming implements like seeds, fertilisers, chemicals are given to farmers before the
onset of farming season.
(c) Naturalistic
(d) Because the drawings were taken from nature or they drew things from nature.
They drew the way things appeared or looked like in nature.
(f) Schematic
(g) They looked like mathematical symbols of rectangle, parallel line and squares.
(i) Soil
Animal blood
(j) Engraving
Dirty white wash
(b) Explain ‘the effects of HIV and AIDS on the urban population of Zambia
− Increase in the elderly people who have not support.
− increase in prostitution.
− Increase in crime like stealing, robbery etc.
− Increase in death rate
− Increase in number of people who beg.
(b) Describe the ways in which the government of Zambia promoting tours
− Establishment of better roads to connect tourist Sites.
− Preservation/conservation of wildlife
− Advertising the tourism industry in overseas countries.
− improvement of cultural activities like traditional dances and Ceremonies
− Prohibiting wildlife poaching.
− Educating people on the importance of tourism.
− Encouraging the private sector participation.
− Promoting domestic tourism, leisure and recreation.
− Promoting initiatives for regional tourism.
Part Two
1 Write about Homo-habilis under the following sub-headings:
(a) Discovery and physical appearance
− Discovered in East Africa at Olduvai Gorge by Dr Louis Leakey.
− Looked like an Ape.
− His lower Jaw was chinless.
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2 Discuss the Lunda Kingdom of Mwata Kazembe under the following sub-headings:
(a) How the kingdom was formed
− Originated from Mwata Yamvo
− Mutanda Yembe Yembe and Chinyanta began the process of formation.
− Nganda Bilonda later continued the process arnd became the first Mwata Kazembe
− The kingdom got established among the Shila people and the capital was at abombwe
(b) Explain the factors that led to the abolition of the Triangular Slave Trade.
− High mortality rate of the English.
− Success of the Negro revolts.
− Industrial revolution.
− Humanitarian campaign
− The enactment of some acts e.g. emancipation act and the ant - slave trade act.
Part Three
(b) Explain the economic activities that are reflected in the symbols of National identity.
The economic activities reflected in the symbols of national identity are seen in the following;
− The black colour on the 2Zambian flag represents the people of
− Zambia who are described as human resource. This that carry out various activities in the
country's economic Sectors.
− The green colour stands for the land and natural resources. Land is one of the factors of
production of goods and services.
− The orange colour depicts the various mining activities that are carried out in several parts of
the country. It is Supported by the mine shaft head.
− The hoe and pick are a reflection of the tools that are used by the efficient, skilled and
hardworking people of Zambia.
− The maize cob symbolises Zambia's agricultural activities in which a lot of formers are
involved as maize is Zambia's staple food.
− The zebra reflects Zambia's wildfire resource activities which attract tourists.
− The black and white wavy lines represent the Victoria Falls which is also a source of income
generated from tourism.
− Providing checks and balances. Opposition parties also offer constructive criticism to the
ruling party.
− Mobilizing and educating voters before elections so that they can choose leaders on merit.
− Monitoring the voting activities to ensure that elections are conducted in a free, fair and
transparent manner,
2 The distance of the railway from the Northern edge of map in grid square 7866 to the rail crossing in
grid square 7963 is ...
A 1.2km.
B 2.2km.
C 3.2km.
D 4.2km.
Study the area in the grid squares showing part of the map below and answer question 4.
4 Why are people not allowed to settle in the area shown? It is a ...
A cultivation area.
B fishing camp.
C forest reserve area.
D grazing land.
5 According to map evidence, the general settlement pattern for Kapiri Mposhi is…
A dispersed.
B isolated.
C linear
D nucleated.
15 Gathering information about the social organisation and cultural values of a particular society to
help explain the past is called ...
A anthropology.
B archaeology.
C genetics
D palaeontology.
16 Which one of the following calculations correctly changes the year AD 184 to a century?
A AD 184
+ 1___
2nd Century
B AD 184
+ 1___
19th Century
C AD 184
+ 1___
17th Century
D AD 184
+ 1
5th Century
Study the following picture and answer questions 17 and 18.
17 What term is used to refer to the stages of development shown in the picture?
A Advancement B Evolution
C Reincarnation D Revolution
18 The archaeologist responsible for the study of the developmental process shown in the picture is ..
A Charles Darwin. B Desmond Clark.
C Dr Louis Leakey. D Professor Raymond Dart.
20 In a Lenje society, if a chief died, he would be succeeded by his brother's eldest son or nephew.
This type of succession is called…
A matrilineal. B patrilineal.
C uxorilocal. D virolocal.
21 Clan names such as 'Bene Mbwa', the doq clan', 'Bene Nguni', 'the bird clan' and Bene Nkalamu, the
lion clan' are associated with the ... people,
A Bemba B ila
C Lenje D Soli
Study the following map and answer questions 22 and 23.
22 Name the centralised state that dominated the shaded region on the map by the mid 19th Century.
A Bemba Kingdom
B Kazembe Kingdom
C Mwatayamvo Kingdom
D Undi Kingdom
23 What is the hereditary title for the rulers of the kingdom located in the shaded region on the map?
A Chitimukulu
B Gawa Undi
C Litunga
D Mwata Kazembe
24 What missionary group did the man depicted in the picture work for?
A Livingstonia Missions
B London Missionary Society (LMS)
C Paris Evangelical Missionary Society (PEMS)
D Universities Missions to Central Africa (UMCA)
26 The main reason for Africans in Southern Rhodesia to support the idea of the federation was to …
A benefit from the copper resources of Northern Rhodesia.
B ensure that they gained their independence quickly.
C help the settlers achieve the idea of amalgamation.
D share the idea of African paramountcy that existed in Northern Rhodesia.
31 Which one of the following can be used to amend Part III of Zambia's Constitution containing the Bill
of Rights?
A Conducting a referendum
B Constituent Assembly
C Holding General Elections
D Through amendment by the National Assembly
32 During the Heroes and Unity Day, citizens of Zambia painted their faces using colours found on the
Zambian flag to show …
A cooperation.
B decoration.
C excitement.
D patriotism.
38 Musa paid K5.00 for a chocolate sweet last month but the price later increased to K6.00. In
monetary terms, this increase in the cost of a chocolate is called.
A deflation.
B depression.
C equilibrium.
D inflation.
39 Which of the following taxes is collected from mining companies by the Zambian government as
A Personal Levy
B Royalties
C Sales Tax
D Value Added Tax
2 Study the following picture and answer the questions that follow.
3 Study the following map showing member countries of SADC and answer the questions that follow.
Part One
1 (a) Describe the factors that favour the construction of hydro-electric power station.
(b) Explain the disadvantages of hydro-electric power.
Part Two
1 (a) What is history and why do we learn about it?
(b) Explain sources of learning about history.
Part Three
1 Write briefly on the following principles of good governance.
(a) Citizen participation
(b) Separation of powers
(c) Transparency
(d) It is clean
Renewable resource
Can be transmitted to distant places
It can supply a large area
It can be used in many ways
It is easy to manage by use of transformers and switches
It is cheap to run
(c) European slave Trade / Triangular Slave trade / Atlantic Slave trade
(e) Gaborone
Part Two
1 (a) History is the study of the past. We learn about the past to:
help predict the future
for interest and pleasure
for career advancement
to understand our family tree
to appreciate the past
to understand our past
to understand the present
to compare between the past and the future
(b) Oral tradition: Method of learning about the past through word of mouth e.g. stories or
tales told by old people to their grandchildren
Written Records: Written sources such as diaries, magazines, books and newspapers
Anthropology: Through the study of culture. Anthropologists study different aspects of
culture such as dressing, food and language.
Archaeology: The study of ancient remains e.g. tools, clothes, bones or fossils also called
digging history. It is the most reliable method.
Linguistics: The study of past through languages. People who study about the past through
languages are known as linguists.
2 (a) These are people who study about the past through ancient remains
they carry Out excavation work i.e. digging for fossils
They analyse these fossils
They determine how old these fossils are through carbon dating.
Part Three
1 Good governance is based on democratic characteristics.
(a) Citizen participation
Good governance allows both men and women to take part in governance directly or
through representative
Citizens can participate directly by taking up various positions in government
Indirectly citizens can choose representatives through voting
Citizens are able to participate in decision making in their own country
(c) Transparency
Means decisions made and enforced by the government are done in an open manner
Leaders follow laid down rules and regulations in their duties
Information is freely available and accessible to the citizens
Information is provided in an easy manner through print and electronic media
Citizens are able to make informed decisions it promotes accountability on the part of
2 (a) The Executive is the organ of government which enforces the law and other policies. It is
made up of the following
The President: heads the Executive
The Vice President: acts as president when the president is out of the country
Cabinet: make government policies
Public Service: carry out duties on behalf of the government
3 (a) According to the United Nation Convention on the Rights of a Child (UNCRC), a child is a
person below 18 years.
Child labour: giving a child to lift a heavy load or do a task beyond his/her age.
child defilement: having canal knowledge with a child below 18 years
Child neglect: when parents do not care for their children for unknown reasons
Corporal punishment: putting pain on a child by beating or unpleasant action aimed at
Human trafficking: selling children to other countries for personal gain