Chapter 1-6-7
Chapter 1-6-7
Chapter 1-6-7
Presented by: İremsu Usta
Chapter 1: Literary
Reading in Theory and
Chapter 6: Science
Fiction: Travelling To
The Future Through
Chapter 7: Using Poetry
to Develop Vocabulary
Descriptions of Basic Terms
Literature: Writings in a Literary Theory: The way of Critical Reading: The process of Literacy: The knowledge of
language, particularly the seeing and using analytical actively analyzing, interpreting, decoding letters and words
study of such a corpus of techniques through which and questioning a text to gain a in a language.
deeper and more nuanced
written maretial we assign meaning to texts
understanding of its content,
in a principled manner.
purpose, and implications.
Historically, literary Critical Reading involves
theories discussed the searching for relevant
relationship between materials, evaluating the
the author and the data, identifying and
works. comparing resources and
synthetising all findings.
Criticism Types
Historical-Biographical Formalism Scale of Literaryness Ecocriticism
Considers the writer and the Ignores all outside Carter and Long suggest a Questions the overall
age as two major influences. influences. Focuses on the scale of 0-10 to elicit condition of life on earth as it
Uses reader-response structure; modes, discourse. students’ opinions on how is represented in literary
analysis. Focuses on reader’s Defamiliarizes the text while literary some sample texts.
feelings and thoughts rather analysing. passages are in the
than the poet’s intentions. Shlovsky says that since literature.
Marxist critics argue that we are used to using the
a text is a more language daily, our
extensive system whose sensitivity and aesthetic
major denominator is apprehension are
the sum of all economic weakened.
What is Science Fiction
A combination of science and future technologies. Makes unknown future
familiar. Carries elements of present as well. It is the precursor of future and
speculative. Conflict is on good vs. evil and it includes extraordinary creatures.
According to The Guardian