Number Theory
Number Theory
Number Theory
If a and b are integers with a ̸= 0, we say that a divides b if there
is an integer c such that b = ac, or equivalently, if ba is an integer.
When a divides b we say that a is a factor or divisor of b, and
that b is a multiple of a.
The notation a|b denotes that a divides b. We write a ̸ |b when a
does not divide b.
We can express a|b using quantifiers as ∃c(ac = b).
Example: 3 | −9 but 5 ∤ 7.
Example: Let n and d be positive integers. The number of positive
integers not exceeding n are divisible by d, is ⌊ dn ⌋.
Theorem: Let a, b, and c be integers, where a ̸= 0. Then
(i ) if a|b and a|c, then a|(b + c);
(ii ) if a|b, then a|bc for all integers c;
(iii ) if a|b and b|c, then a|c.
If a and b are integers and n is a positive integer, then a is con-
gruent to b modulo n if they have the same remainder on divi-
sion by n.
We use the notation a ≡ b (mod n) to indicate that a is congruent
to b modulo n. If a and b are not congruent modulo n, we write
a ̸≡ b (mod n).
5 = 2 × 2 + 1.
1 = 5 − (2 × 2) = 5 − 2(7 − 5) = (3 × 5) + ((−2) × 7).