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Learning to hear: plasticity of auditory cortical processing

Johannes C Dahmen and Andrew J King

Sensory experience and auditory cortex plasticity are intimately the most well known model [1] – have provided us with
related. This relationship is most striking during infancy when valuable insights into how early sensory experience shapes
changes in sensory input can have profound effects on the the maturation of cortical circuits. One reason for the visual
functional organization of the developing cortex. But a system’s popularity in plasticity research lies in the relative
considerable degree of plasticity is retained throughout life, as ease with which aspects of an animal’s visual environment
demonstrated by the cortical reorganization that follows can be controlled. By contrast, it is hard to prevent the
damage to the sensory periphery or by the more controversial acoustic input arising from self-vocalizations, the animal’s
changes in response properties that are thought to accompany movement or handling of the animal and makes the kind of
perceptual learning. Recent studies in the auditory system have deprivation experiments that have proven such a success
revealed the remarkably adaptive nature of sensory processing in visual neurobiology more difficult to carry out in the
and provided important insights into the way in which cortical auditory domain.
circuits are shaped by experience and learning.

On the other hand, it is often easier to control stimulus
Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, Sherrington input statistics in the auditory system and some of the
Building, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PT, UK clearest effects of perceptual learning on neuronal
response properties have been described in the auditory
Corresponding author: King, Andrew J. (andrew.king@dpag.ox.ac.uk)
cortex. Moreover, various approaches for distorting an
animal’s early acoustic environment in a controlled
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2007, 17:456–464 fashion have now been developed, which have yielded
important insights into the role of experience in cortical
This review comes from a themed issue on development. Finally, the success of cochlear implants
Sensory systems
Edited by Peter Mombaerts and Tony Zador
has provided further impetus for studying how abnormal
sensory experience influences the structure and function
Available online 21st August 2007 of the auditory system, as well as a model for determining
0959-4388/$ – see front matter how the artificial input provided by sensory prostheses is
# 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. processed and interpreted within the brain. In this article,
we review recent findings in each of these areas.
DOI 10.1016/j.conb.2007.07.004
Plasticity of cortical processing during
Introduction Most studies of visual cortex plasticity have focused on
Sensory experience shapes the structure and function of the role of experience in the development of response
neural systems over various timescales and throughout an properties, such as ocular dominance and orientation
organism’s lifetime in a way that, presumably, is adaptive selectivity, which emerge at the level of the cortex [1].
for the organism. Although most pronounced during By contrast, the impact of environmental manipulations
infancy when the neural architecture is first established on the developing auditory cortex has usually been
and then refined to optimize the processing of sensory measured in terms of the selectivity of the neurons to
information, plasticity of sensory systems continues into sound frequency (Figure 1), which has its origin in the
adulthood with neural representations remaining capable tuning of the hair cells in the cochlea. This partly reflects
of undergoing substantial reorganization in response to our current understanding of auditory cortical processing
the altered inputs associated with peripheral injury or – it is still largely unclear what additional response
perceptual learning. Despite several decades of research characteristics arise within the cortex – but also the results
in this field, our understanding of the nature and beha- of other studies demonstrating plasticity in the cortical
vioural significance of the physiological changes brought representation of sound frequency in adult animals [2,3].
about by manipulating the sensory environment at differ-
ent stages of life remains far from complete. In infant rats, electrophysiological recordings have shown
that tone-evoked cortical responses first occur during
Traditionally, vision has been the system of choice for the second week after birth and are initially both more
exploring the effects of sensory experience on cortical broadly tuned and cover a smaller range of best frequen-
plasticity, particularly during development. A number of cies – the sound frequencies to which the neurons are
elegant experiments designed to control the early visual most sensitive – than those found in adult animals [4]. An
environment – with ocular dominance plasticity providing adult-like tonotopic representation is present in the

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Learning to hear: plasticity of auditory cortical processing Dahmen and King 457

Figure 1

Reorganization of the cortical frequency map. (a) Schematic of a normal frequency map in a patch of mature A1. Neurons selective for high
frequencies can be found in the upper right hand corner while neurons tuned to progressively lower frequencies follow in the opposite direction.
The area occupied by each frequency band is roughly equal. (b) Schematic of a frequency map in which the region occupied by neurons
selective for frequencies of about 15 kHz is expanded. Frequencies just below and just above 15 kHz are underrepresented. Such distortions
in the tonotopic organization of the cortex have been observed following a number of experimental manipulations, including continuous
pure-tone stimulation during infancy, pairing of tones with cholinergic basal forebrain stimulation in adults and frequency discrimination training.

primary auditory cortex (A1) by about 4 weeks after birth in adulthood, the concept of a sensitive period has had to be
[4,5], with sideband inhibition maturing 2–3 weeks later revised [1,10]. Nevertheless, the neural circuitry that
[5]. This postnatal development of the auditory cortex is emerges during this time seems to constrain the plasticity
now known to be more heavily dependent upon the that is possible in later life. Until recently, it was unclear
acoustic environment experienced during early life than when artificial sounds have to be provided in order to alter
was previously thought to be the case. Thus, rat pups the functional organization of auditory cortex. Now de
exposed to pulsed single-tone stimuli develop an over- Villers-Sidani et al. [11] have shown that rat pups must
representation of that sound frequency at the expense of be exposed to repeated single-tone pulses within a narrow
other frequencies [4]. Similar experiments in mice, in three-day window during the second postnatal week to
which cortical activity was measured using transcranial expand the region of A1 tuned to that frequency. Although
flavoprotein fluorescence imaging, did not show this reor- surprisingly short compared to the critical period described
ganization, although larger responses were observed at the previously for the rat’s visual cortex [12], this window
exposure frequency [6]. Rearing rats in continuous noise, in coincides with the maturation of various A1 response
an attempt to remove patterned acoustic inputs, appears to properties that have been described using simple tonal
maintain the cortex in its immature state, with subsequent stimuli [11]. As in the visual system [13], however, elim-
exposure to either normal conditions or pulsed tone stimuli ination of patterned sensory input (by noise rearing) can
leading to a rapid reorganization of A1 frequency selectiv- extend the sensitive period for auditory development [5,7].
ity [5,7]. Whilst providing a dramatic demonstration of the
importance of experience in molding emerging neural For educational purposes, the importance of knowing
representations, it is unlikely that this plasticity arises about the timing of developmental sensitive periods is
solely within the cortex. Indeed, it has previously been obvious. It has long been recognized that language can be
shown that raising animals in abnormal acoustic environ- acquired more readily in infancy than in later life, which
ments can alter both frequency tuning [8] and other could be because early experience leads to neural changes
response properties [9] at subcortical levels too. that optimize perception in the native language and
constrain the subsequent learning of a new language
One of the most important questions in the study of sensory [14]. Musicians can also provide useful insights into
systems plasticity is the extent to which the influence of experience-dependent plasticity in humans [15], with a
experience is restricted to a sensitive or critical period of recent study showing that a sensitive period exists for the
development. Because extensive plasticity is also possible effects of musical training on motor performance [16].

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458 Sensory systems

Plasticity in later life approach was taken by Cheung et al. [24], who showed
The formation of new synapses and elimination of old ones that changes in self-generated vocalizations can alter the
is likely to be essential for producing a persistent physical way in which marmoset A1 neurons respond to these
remodelling of neural circuits in the face of changes in the sounds. They first surgically modified the vocal tracts of
sensory environment [17,18]. This turnover of synapses is the monkeys, which resulted in a change in the spectral
likely to be high in the infant, possibly preconditioning the structure of the ‘twitter’ call used in social communication.
developing neocortex to adapt rapidly to its sensory Recordings made several months later from A1 showed that
environment. The relatively lower synaptic turnover in responses to both altered and native calls were weaker and
the adult brain may limit its capacity to undergo plastic temporally less precise than those in control animals.
change [19,20]. In the adult animal, more stability may be Abnormal responses were also observed to frequency-
desirable and even necessary to achieve the efficiency and modulated sweeps resembling those found in the twitter
reliability of a mature neural system. However, if sensory calls, whereas the cortical representation of pure tones was
experience is altered sufficiently, occurs in association with unchanged. The plasticity observed in this study therefore
the release of neuromodulatory reinforcement signals or appears to be specific to the processing of complex sounds.
possesses behavioural relevance, cortical representations
can undergo considerable reorganization in adulthood. Perceptual learning and cortical plasticity
It has been known for a long time that perceptual abilities
Lesion-induced plasticity provides an example of the in a variety of tasks can be improved by training. The time
cortical changes arising from altered sensory inputs course and specificity of learning point to plasticity
[3,21]. By damaging hair cells in specific regions of the throughout life at different levels of cortical processing
cochlea, exposure to high-intensity sounds or other forms and the challenge today lies in identifying the changes in
of acoustic trauma can cause frequency-specific hearing neuronal response properties that are causally related to
loss. As a consequence, the area of A1 in which the lesioned the perceptual improvements [25]. Evidence for learning-
frequency range would normally be represented becomes related physiological changes in adult auditory cortex
occupied by an expanded representation of neighbouring have been accumulating since Recanzone et al. [26] first
sound frequencies. These changes can be largely pre- reported that training monkeys on a frequency discrimi-
vented, however, if the decrease in input due to the hearing nation task led to an expanded representation of the
loss is offset by appropriate acoustic stimulation. Noreña trained frequencies in A1. Enlargements in the repres-
and Eggermont [22] found that placing cats that had entations of the trained frequency range have also been
previously been exposed to intense noise in an enriched reported more recently in other species [27,28]. In the
acoustic environment for several weeks reduced the hear- study by Polley et al. [28], rats were trained on either a
ing loss and stopped the associated cortical tonotopic map frequency or intensity recognition task. Both groups
reorganization that would normally result. In a subsequent exhibited an improvement in performance with training
study, normally hearing juvenile cats were exposed to the and changes were observed in A1 and in a secondary
same enriched acoustic environment [23]. Instead of auditory area that differed according to the task used.
leading to an enlarged cortical representation of these Thus, while reorganization of the tonotopic map accom-
sounds, as might be expected from the effects of tone panied learning in the frequency domain, the proportion
rearing during the sensitive period, Noreña et al. [23] of neurons tuned to the trained intensity range increased
found that the frequencies which featured in the enriched in animals that had undergone learning in the intensity
acoustic environment were actually under-represented at recognition task. Importantly, the same set of stimuli was
the expense of neighbouring frequencies, which is remi- used in both tasks, indicating that, in contrast to the
niscent of the cortical changes following frequency-specific receptive field changes described during infancy, the
hearing loss. What brings about those changes, which were observed cortical plasticity could not be attributed simply
not accompanied by any hearing loss, is largely unclear, to exposure to a particular stimulus configuration.
although the authors propose that forward suppression of
responses to the rapid tone-pips comprising the enriched Devoting more neurons to processing those aspects of a
acoustic environment could have led to the cortical neurons sensory stimulus that have particular behavioural relevance
becoming insensitive to those frequencies. In addition to may seem like a plausible way of improving perceptual
elucidating the mechanisms underlying the tonotopic reor- acuity within that dimension. However, such redistribution
ganization of A1, a major question left unanswered by this might not be a necessary condition for perceptual learning.
study and by the majority of those in which animals have In cats, improvements in sound frequency discrimination
been raised in abnormal acoustic conditions is what the have been reported without an accompanying increase in
perceptual consequences of these changes are. the representation of the trained frequency range [29,30],
although other changes in cortical response properties were
Most experiments investigating the effects of altered observed. Recent studies in humans have shown that rapid
auditory input on neural plasticity employ an external improvements in temporal discrimination [31] and speech
sound source that can be controlled easily. A different segregation [32] are accompanied by enhanced responses

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Learning to hear: plasticity of auditory cortical processing Dahmen and King 459

in auditory cortex. But identifying the cellular basis for receptive field plasticity that would otherwise result from
these changes can usually be done only in animals and conditioning [47] or NB stimulation [48–50], while mice
future progress here will rely on recordings being made lacking the M1 muscarinic receptor subtype show weaker
while a task is being performed [33,34] (see review by NB-stimulation-induced changes [51]. These results
Fritz and colleagues this issue). suggest that neuromodulatory inputs enable auditory cor-
tex to acquire and store mnemonic traces about the import-
Most electrophysiological studies of cortical plasticity ance of specific acoustic stimuli. Indeed, NB stimulation
have focused on changes in neuronal tuning character- can rapidly produce associative memory for the paired tone
istics, as defined by variations in spike firing rate with the frequency [52] and the specificity of the memory is de-
stimulus parameter in question. That temporal response pendent upon the strength of NB stimulation [53].
properties are also malleable has been shown by training
rats to use the repetition rate of noise pulses as a cue to This pairing paradigm also evokes receptive field plasticity
locate a food source [35]. This led to A1 neurons, usually in the inferior colliculus, which is mediated by corticofugal
relatively poor at following stimuli with high temporal feedback [54,55] and in other cortical fields [56]. But
modulation rates, developing stronger responses to high- whereas repeatedly pairing NB stimulation with a high-
rate noise pulses and improved phase-locking to those frequency tone expanded the representation of that fre-
stimuli. In this case, the cortical responses encode rapidly quency without altering the width of the tuning curves of
varying acoustic events, but spike timing unrelated to the individual neurons in A1, neurons in the posterior auditory
temporal structure of the sound can also convey signifi- field became more selective for that frequency while
cant stimulus-related information [36]. By training ferrets responses to other frequencies were reduced [56]. Com-
to discriminate marmoset twitter calls from other natural bining sensory experience with NB stimulation may there-
sounds, Schnupp et al. [37] found no evidence for the fore help to shed light on both the role of neurons in
emergence of call selectivity in terms of the overall different cortical areas in experience-driven plasticity
response rates of A1 neurons, whereas the amount of and how their response properties change with learning.
information contained in their temporal firing patterns
was increased compared to naı̈ve animals (Figure 2). Adaptation to altered auditory inputs
The studies reviewed so far have investigated auditory
Neuromodulatory influences on cortical plasticity by manipulating the statistics of the input by
plasticity exposing subjects, either passively or in the context of
Considerable evidence has accumulated over the last 20 behavioural training, to particular sounds. Another app-
years that neuromodulators regulate cortical plasticity roach is to alter inputs by modifying the ears rather than
according to the behavioural state of the animal [2]. Atten- the acoustic environment. This has been done most
tion has focused primarily on acetylcholine released from frequently in the context of studies of auditory localiz-
the cholinergic nucleus basalis (NB), part of the basal ation, which have revealed considerable plasticity at both
forebrain, although other neuromodulators, including a perceptual level and in the underlying neural processes.
dopamine [38], noradrenaline [39] and serotonin [40] have
been implicated as well. One approach to investigating the As with other aspects of sensory processing, auditory
possible role of neuromodulatory inputs in cortical localization mechanisms are particularly sensitive to exp-
plasticity is to examine whether receptive field changes erience during infancy [10,57]. This is necessary because
are still possible following their removal. Indeed, the the physical cues – differences in the sound level or arrival
reorganization that takes place in somatosensory cortex time at the two ears plus the spectral modifications pro-
following digit amputation can be prevented by depletion duced by the external ears—which provide the basis for
of acetylcholine [41]. However, this seems not to be the spatial hearing change in value as an animal grows. The
case in the auditory cortex, as near complete elimination of plasticity in the system therefore allows accurate sound
cortical projections from the cholinergic basal forebrain localization to develop by calibrating the neural circuits in
does not affect the reorganization of the frequency map in the light of experience of the cues available to individual
A1 resulting from partial cochlear lesions [3]. listeners.

Whilst this result casts doubt on the exact role played by But once again, recent studies have shown that consider-
the cholinergic projection to the cortex in auditory repres- able plasticity is also present in the adult brain. Humans can
entational plasticity, it has been shown in numerous adapt to altered monaural spectral cues that result from
studies that pairing electrical stimulation of the NB with long-term reshaping of one of the external ears with a mold
sound presentation produces stimulus-specific changes in [58] (Figure 3a). Similarly, adult ferrets can relearn to
A1 response properties and map reorganization, which localize sound after manipulating binaural cues by occlud-
resemble the plasticity produced by classical conditioning ing one ear [59]. This rapid adaptation was observed,
or by long-term behavioural training [42–46]. Moreover, however, only if the ear-plugged animals received auditory
blockade of cortical acetylcholine receptors prevents the localization training, with more frequent training leading to

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460 Sensory systems

Figure 2

Plasticity of temporal pattern codes in auditory cortex. (a) Spectrograms of three marmoset twitters. (b,c) Raster plots illustrating responses to
the twitters of two neurons in ferret A1. The firing patterns of neuron 1 are characterized by high intra-call reliability, that is the neuron fires
action potentials at roughly the same point in time during each presentation of the same twitter. Furthermore, the spike pattern evoked by one
twitter call is clearly different from that produced in response to a different twitter. Neuron 1 therefore conveys information in its firing that can be
used to discriminate between twitters. The spike patterns of neuron 2, however, are much less reliable and distinctive and appear less informative
with respect to twitter identity. (d,e) Schnupp et al. [37] quantified the amount of information transmitted by the discharge patterns of A1 neurons
and showed that these codes have to be analysed at a resolution of 10–20 ms in order to extract maximum information. They also trained ferrets to
discriminate marmoset twitters from the vocalizations of other species and found that neurons in A1 of the trained ferrets (d) transmit more
information than neurons in A1 of naı̈ve ferrets that had never been exposed to the stimuli (e). (f) Difference between plots (d) and (e). Adapted
with permission from [37].

more rapid and complete adaptation (Figure 3b,c). The mammals as well as owls focusing on the midbrain
importance of behavioural context in promoting plasticity [57]. However, it has recently been shown that bilateral
has also been demonstrated by Bergan et al. [60], who inactivation of A1 impairs the capacity of adult
showed that hunting increased adaptive adjustments in ferrets to recover accurate auditory localization after
the auditory space map in the optic tectum of adult barn plugging one ear [61]. Moreover, no adaptation was
owls whose visual field had been displaced by prismatic seen in animals in which layer V neurons projecting
spectracles. from A1 to the inferior colliculus had been ablated
[61], further emphasizing the likely importance of
The role of auditory cortex in the plasticity of sound descending corticofugal pathways in learning-induced
localization is largely untested, with most studies in plasticity.

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Learning to hear: plasticity of auditory cortical processing Dahmen and King 461

Figure 3

Plasticity of spatial hearing in adulthood. (a) Distribution of head movements (open squares and circles) made by a human listener to different
broadband noise locations, which are indicated by the gray dots and grid lines. Localization responses aligned well with the auditory targets in the
normal-hearing condition (left panel), but covered a much more restricted range of elevations when a rubber mold was inserted unilaterally into
the concha cavity of the right external ear (middle panel). Over time, however, localization accuracy recovers, indicating adaptation to the altered
spectral cues (right panel). Adapted with permission from [58]. (b) Stimulus-response plots showing the distribution of responses (ordinate) made
by a ferret as a function of stimulus location in the horizontal plane (abscissa). The size of the dots indicates, for a given speaker angle, the
proportion of responses made to different locations. Before occlusion of the left ear, the animal achieved 100% correct scores at all stimulus
directions (left panel), but performed poorly, particularly on the side of the earplug, when the left ear was occluded (middle panel). Further testing
with the earplug still in place, however, led to a recovery in localization accuracy (right panel). (c) Mean change in performance (averaged
across all speaker locations) over time in three groups of ferrets with unilateral earplugs. No change was found in trained ferrets (n = 3) that received
an earplug for 6 weeks, but were tested only at the start and end of this period (blue circles and regression line). Two other groups of animals
received an equivalent amount of training while the left ear was occluded. Although the earplug was in place for less time, a much faster rate of
improvement was observed in the animals that received daily training (n = 3; red diamonds and regression line) compared to those that were
tested every six days (n = 6; black squares and regression line). Adapted from [59].

Hearing loss and cortical plasticity different timescales and throughout an animal’s lifetime.
The finding that auditory localization abilities can be The finding that changes in the statistics of the acoustic
restored in individuals with altered cues to sound-source environment can profoundly alter the response properties
location has considerable implications for the recovery of of cortical neurons in the developing animal whilst having
function in the hearing impaired. However, early sensor- little or no effect in older animals attests to a particular
ineural hearing loss prevents the maturation of long-term sensitivity of the infant cortex that is also observed in
potentiation in layer V cortical neurons, presumably limit- other sensory systems. Nevertheless, it is now clear that
ing the capacity for subsequent plasticity [62]. The learning-induced plasticity, most likely enabled by a
absence of sound-evoked inputs results in auditory cortex combination of neuromodulatory inputs and top-down
being taken over by other sensory modalities [63,64], influences that signal the behavioural significance of
although the extent of this cross-modal reorganization the stimuli, is also part of the normal operation of the
is limited to secondary areas in humans with residual adult cortex.
hearing [65]. While a reallocation of neural resources
among the intact senses seems adaptive, this appears to Despite much recent progress, countless questions
compromise the capacity of deaf subjects to make use of remain unanswered. First, although the response charac-
restored auditory inputs provided via cochlear implants teristics of neurons in the cortex can be altered in various
[66,67], emphasizing the importance of early implantation ways by experience or during learning, it has not so far
for maximizing the benefits of electrical hearing. been shown that any of these changes are causally related
to changes in perceptual abilities. Addressing this funda-
Conclusions mental issue will also provide valuable insights into the
The studies reviewed in this article provide considerable way in which biologically important signals are encoded
evidence that sensory experience can modify the way in and stored within the brain. Second, it is unclear to what
which auditory cortex processes its inputs over a range of extent plasticity is an emergent feature of the cortex itself

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462 Sensory systems

or inherited from subcortical structures. Indeed, given Cholinergic projections from the basal forebrain have been implicated in
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cochlear lesions. Reorganization of the tonotopic map was still observed,
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