TP4 Rough Draft
TP4 Rough Draft
TP4 Rough Draft
capabilities, including advanced learning, problem-solving, and adaptability. These abilities have
sparked interest in understanding the neural mechanisms that enable such complex behavior,
which could provide insight into the evolution of cognitive functions across species. Octopuses,
as invertebrates with highly developed brains, offer a unique opportunity to explore how
sophisticated neural processes, such as memory formation and decision-making, might have
evolved in parallel with those found in vertebrates. Beyond their intriguing learning and memory
abilities, some researchers have even suggested that cephalopods may possess a form of
three key studies that explore different facets of their learning, memory, and potential
consciousness. First, the influential work by Young (1960) explored how octopuses form and
retain memory, focusing on the role of the vertical lobe in this process. Next, Hochner et al.
(2003) investigated the cellular basis of memory in the octopus’s brain, discovering long-term
potentiation (LTP), a process crucial for memory formation in vertebrates. Finally, Ponte et al.
(2022) extended these findings by considering whether the advanced learning abilities and neural
plasticity observed in octopuses might suggest a form of consciousness. This paper follows the
processes, demonstrating how our understanding of cephalopod cognition has evolved over time.
Article 1:
Octopus, Young (1960) explores how octopuses form and retain memories, with a specific focus
on their responses to visual stimuli. The central question addressed was how these animals learn
to attack or avoid moving objects based on their past experiences with rewards (food) or
punishments (shock). Young hypothesized that these behaviors are linked to the formation of
memory traces in the nervous system, which would gradually fade unless reinforced. A key
aspect of this study was to determine the role of the vertical lobe, a brain structure thought to be
To test this hypothesis, Young designed behavioral experiments where octopuses were
repeatedly shown moving figures. In some trials, the figures were paired with food rewards,
while in others, an electric shock followed the animals' attack on the figures. The frequency of
attacks and the delay between stimulus presentation and response were recorded to assess how
memories of the stimuli developed and decayed. Additionally, in some experiments, the vertical
lobes of certain animals were surgically removed to determine how this structure impacted
memory retention. By comparing the behavior of normal octopuses with those that had
undergone surgery, Young sought to understand how long-lasting memories were formed and
The results demonstrated that octopuses could indeed learn to associate specific visual
stimuli with positive or negative consequences, which influenced their behavior in future trials.
When a figure was paired with food, the octopuses showed an increased likelihood of attacking
it, as indicated by higher attack frequencies and shorter response times compared to untrained
animals. This tendency persisted for about 1 to 2 hours after the initial pairing, but with repeated
exposure, the memory became stronger, leading the octopuses to continue attacking the figure up
to 24 hours later. On the other hand, when an electric shock followed an attack, the octopuses
became less likely to attack that figure again. The strength and persistence of this avoidance
response varied depending on how strongly the figure had been associated with food before the
shock. Over time, if the shock was not repeated, the avoidance behavior diminished, similar to
the decay of positive associations. Interestingly, octopuses that had their vertical lobes removed
exhibited impaired memory retention. These animals were less consistent in their behavior,
responding more to recent experiences than forming lasting memories. This suggests that the
vertical lobe plays a crucial role in maintaining long-term memory representations in octopuses.
Overall, Young's findings supported his hypothesis that memory formation in octopuses
relies on repeated reinforcement and gradually fades without it. The study also emphasized the
importance of the vertical lobe in sustaining memory over time. Without this brain structure, the
animals struggled to retain learned behaviors, highlighting the complexity of memory processes
in cephalopods. These results offered important insights into how invertebrate nervous systems
support memory in ways that are surprisingly similar to those found in vertebrates.
Transition Paragraph 1:
Young (1960) demonstrated how octopuses learn to associate moving objects with
rewards or punishments, such as food or shocks. This research emphasized the critical role of the
vertical lobe in memory formation, showing that changes in brain pathways facilitated learning,
allowing octopuses to either attack or avoid objects based on prior experiences. However, while
this study identified the importance of the vertical lobe in maintaining learned behaviors, it left
open the question of what specific neural processes underlie these memory functions.
Specifically, how do these changes in brain pathways occur at the cellular level? Building on this
foundational work, Hochner et al. (2003) took the investigation further by exploring the cellular
mechanisms in the octopus’s brain that contribute to learning and memory. Their study revealed
that the octopus exhibits long-term potentiation (LTP), a process also found in vertebrates, which
strengthens synaptic connections and underlies memory formation. By shifting the focus from
behavioral responses to the actual mechanisms in the brain, this research suggests that octopuses
and vertebrates may share similar methods for learning and memory, hinting at a convergent
evolutionary process.
Article 2:
Summary of "A Learning and Memory Area in the Octopus Brain Manifests a Vertebrate-Like
The purpose of the study by Hochner et al. (2003) was to investigate the cellular
(LTP), a process that strengthens synapses in response to repeated stimulation, also occurs in the
octopus brain. LTP is a key feature of memory formation in vertebrates, so the authors
hypothesized that octopuses might use a similar mechanism in their nervous systems. They
aimed to fill a gap in our understanding of how cephalopod brains function at a cellular level to
To investigate this, the authors focused on the vertical lobe of the octopus brain, an area
known for its role in learning and memory. They took brain slices from this region and
stimulated them electrically to measure the resulting synaptic activity. The specific focus was on
researchers used field potential recordings to detect changes in the strength of synaptic responses
over time. By stimulating the brain slices repeatedly, they could observe whether the synapses
The results showed that the vertical lobe of the octopus does indeed exhibit LTP, similar
to what is seen in vertebrate brains. After repeated electrical stimulation, the glutamatergic
synapses became stronger, showing that the octopus brain can enhance synaptic connections in a
way that supports long-term memory formation. This synaptic strengthening persisted for an
extended period, further suggesting that octopuses, like vertebrates, use LTP as a mechanism for
learning and memory. Additionally, the authors noted that the molecular components involved in
octopus LTP, such as glutamate receptors, are very similar to those in vertebrates, reinforcing the
idea that similar processes are at work in both groups despite their evolutionary distance.
From these results, the authors concluded that octopuses use a vertebrate-like mechanism
for memory storage, confirming their hypothesis. The discovery of LTP in the octopus vertical
lobe suggests that this part of the brain plays a crucial role in memory-related synaptic plasticity.
This study provided important evidence that LTP is not unique to vertebrates and may have
across a wide range of species, showing that even invertebrates like octopuses can have highly
Transition Paragraph 2:
Hochner et al. (2003) revealed that octopuses demonstrate long-term potentiation (LTP)
in their brains, a process also seen in vertebrates that strengthens synaptic connections and
enhances memory retention. This finding raises intriguing questions about the cognitive abilities
of octopuses, as it suggests that their learning and memory mechanisms may be more complex
than previously thought. Building on these insights into brain plasticity, Ponte et al. (2022)
advanced behaviors, intricate brain structure, and learning capacities, the study bridged the gap
between cellular-level brain mechanisms and broader cognitive functions like perception and
decision-making. The results suggest that the sophisticated neural systems in cephalopods,
Article 3:
The study by Ponte et al. (2022) aimed to explore whether cephalopods, particularly
octopuses, could exhibit basic forms of consciousness. The authors investigated whether the
complex behaviors, learning abilities, and brain structures of these animals might indicate the
Their hypothesis was that octopuses might demonstrate consciousness through behaviors and
neural processes that are similar to those observed in vertebrates. The research addressed a
knowledge gap regarding how invertebrate nervous systems, particularly cephalopods, could
cephalopod behavior, brain anatomy, and neural plasticity. They focused on behaviors such as
problem-solving, tool use, and anticipating future events, which indicate higher-level cognitive
processes. In terms of brain anatomy, the authors examined whether cephalopods possess
structures that could be compared to the thalamus and cortex in vertebrates, which are both key
such as brain activity patterns in cephalopods, to see if these patterns resembled those associated
The results of the review highlighted several key findings. Cephalopods, especially
octopuses, have shown advanced problem-solving skills, such as using tools, escaping
enclosures, and even opening jars to access food. These behaviors suggest that octopuses are
capable of learning, memory recall, and decision-making, which are processes linked to
conscious awareness in other animals. Furthermore, octopuses have demonstrated the ability to
anticipate future events and act based on past experiences, indicating cognitive flexibility.
From a neurological perspective, the study identified brain regions in cephalopods that function
similarly to those in vertebrates associated with consciousness. For example, the central brain of
cephalopods has circuits that play a similar role to the vertebrate thalamus, processing sensory
information. Additionally, the study highlighted that neural plasticity, which allows for learning
and adaptation, is highly developed in cephalopods, particularly in their vertical and superior
frontal lobes. This plasticity is crucial for learning and memory, traits often linked to conscious
The authors also discussed neurophysiological evidence, including brain activity patterns that
resemble the oscillatory rhythms seen in conscious mammals. These rhythmic brain states are
associated with sensory processing and decision-making, further supporting the idea that
In conclusion, the authors suggested that octopuses might have a basic form of
consciousness. Although their conscious experience is likely less complex than that of humans,
the behavioral and neurological evidence suggests that these animals possess some level of
awareness, memory, and decision-making. The findings support the hypothesis that
convergent evolution, driven by similar environmental and survival pressures. This study
provides valuable insight into the evolution of cognitive abilities, suggesting that consciousness
is not exclusive to vertebrates and may exist in different forms across various animal species.
The research on cephalopod learning, memory, and cognition shows significant progress
in understanding these complex processes, starting with Young’s (1960) foundational work on
memory formation and continuing with the cellular discoveries of Hochner et al. (2003) and the
broader cognitive implications suggested by Ponte et al. (2022). These studies collectively show
that octopuses not only have advanced memory systems but could potentially engage in higher-
potentiation (LTP) in octopuses underscores how similar neural mechanisms for learning and
memory can independently evolve in different species. This provides valuable insights into how
complex brain functions have developed across diverse evolutionary paths. Future research
understanding how their behavior and brain processes can expand our knowledge of
1. Hochner, B., Brown, E. R., Langella, M., Shomrat, T., & Fiorito, G. (2003). A Learning
2. Ponte, G., Chiandetti, C., Edelman, D. B., Imperadore, P., Pieroni, E. M., & Fiorito, G.
obtained by studying a set of animals and recording the number of them that come out to attack
on each occasion, and the delay. During the period of 1 to 2 h after feeding, untrained octopuses
show an increased tendency to attack. This period of increased attacks corresponds to that for
which food remains within the crop. However, such attacks do not result in the setting up in the
memory of representations that promote later attacks. If food is given after showing a figure the
tendency to attack is greatly increased. It remains at a high level for longer than when the food is
given before showing, but ultimately declines. However, if the figure is presented again with
food within 10 to 24 h the tendency to attack is raised still higher and declines more slowly. After
a number of such presentations the animals come out regularly to attack the figure. The changes
in tendency to respond after each showing of the figure with food thus provide an estimate of the
time course of decay of the increased excitability in certain pathways in the nervous system. The
half-life of the change after the first rewarded presentation is I to 2 h. Similarly it is possible to
map the time course of the reduced tendency to attack that follows the giving of a shock after
attack on a moving figure. This time depends on the extent to which the figure had previously
been made 'positive' by association with food. By successive feeding and shocking the tendency
to attack a given figure by a group of octopuses can thus be raisecL and lowered. The effects are
partly general to all moving figures, but are greater for those that resemble the figure shown
when the food (or shock) was administered. Using this effect animals can be trained without
shocks to attack certain figures but not others, pathways 'representing' these figures having been
specifically facilitated by feeding. In octopuses without vertical lobes the effects of food or shock
in increasing or lowering the tendency to attack are similar to those in normal animals, but
persist for a shorter time. In these animals lasting representations ensuring or preventing attack
are less readily set up. When food is given as reward for attacks at one figure, shocks for a
different one, normal octopuses learn within a few trials to attack the one and avoid the other. In
animals without vertical lobes the effect of food is to increase the tendency to attack both figures
and the effect of shocks is to depress the attacks on both. With alternate trials the tendency to
attack thus swings up and down, the animals responding according to the influence of the
immediately previous stimulus. The effect of the vertical lobe is therefore to ensure persistence
in the memory of appropriate distinct representations of the figures and the associated food or
Abstract 2:
A learning and memory area in the octopus brain manifests a vertebrate-like long-term
potentiation. J Neurophysiol 90: 3547–3554, 2003. First published August 13, 2003;
in the octopus using a brain slice preparation of the vertical lobe, an area of the octopus brain
involved in learning and memory. Field potential recordings revealed long-term potentiation
(LTP) of glutamatergic synaptic field potentials similar to that in vertebrates. These findings
suggest that convergent evolution has led to the selection of similar activity-dependent synaptic
processes that mediate complex forms of learning and memory in vertebrates and invertebrates.
Abstract 3:
legitimate object of scientific inquiry. As such, it represents perhaps the greatest challenge facing
neuroscience today. Subsumed within this challenge is the study of subjective experience in non-
human animals: a particularly difficult endeavor that becomes even more so, as one crosses the
great evolutionary divide between vertebrate and invertebrate phyla. Here, we explore the
abilities, rich behavioral repertoire, and the relative complexity of their nervous systems and
sensory capabilities. Indeed, in some cephalopods, these abilities are so sophisticated that they
are comparable to those of some higher vertebrates. Following the criteria and framework
propose that cephalopods - particularly the octopus - provide a unique test case among
invertebrates for examining the properties and conditions that, at the very least, afford a basal
faculty of consciousness. These include, among others: (i) discriminatory and anticipatory
behaviors indicating a strong link between perception and memory recall; (ii) the presence of
neural substrates representing functional analogs of thalamus and cortex; (iii) the
mammals. We highlight the current lack of evidence as well as potentially informative areas that
warrant further investigation to support the view expressed here. Finally, we identify future
Moe Eid
Article 1
In the paper Unit Processes in the Formation of Representations in the Memory of Octopus,
Young (1960) explores how octopuses form and retain memories, with a specific focus on their
responses to visual stimuli. The central question addressed was how these animals learn to attack
or avoid moving objects based on their past experiences with rewards (food) or punishments
(shock). Young hypothesized that these behaviors are linked to the formation of memory traces in
the nervous system, which would gradually fade unless reinforced. A key aspect of this study
was to determine the role of the vertical lobe, a brain structure thought to be involved in memory
To test this hypothesis, Young designed behavioral experiments where octopuses were repeatedly
shown moving figures. In some trials, the figures were paired with food rewards, while in others,
an electric shock followed the animals' attack on the figures. The frequency of attacks and the
delay between stimulus presentation and response were recorded to assess how memories of the
stimuli developed and decayed. Additionally, in some experiments, the vertical lobes of certain
animals were surgically removed to determine how this structure impacted memory retention. By
comparing the behavior of normal octopuses with those that had undergone surgery, Young
sought to understand how long-lasting memories were formed and how this brain structure
influenced behavior.
The results demonstrated that octopuses could indeed learn to associate specific visual stimuli
with positive or negative consequences, which influenced their behavior in future trials. When a
figure was paired with food, the octopuses showed an increased likelihood of attacking it, as
indicated by higher attack frequencies and shorter response times compared to untrained animals.
This tendency persisted for about 1 to 2 hours after the initial pairing, but with repeated
exposure, the memory became stronger, leading the octopuses to continue attacking the figure up
to 24 hours later. On the other hand, when an electric shock followed an attack, the octopuses
became less likely to attack that figure again. The strength and persistence of this avoidance
response varied depending on how strongly the figure had been associated with food before the
shock. Over time, if the shock was not repeated, the avoidance behavior diminished, similar to
the decay of positive associations. Interestingly, octopuses that had their vertical lobes removed
exhibited impaired memory retention. These animals were less consistent in their behavior,
responding more to recent experiences than forming lasting memories. This suggests that the
vertical lobe plays a crucial role in maintaining long-term memory representations in octopuses.
Overall, Young's findings supported his hypothesis that memory formation in octopuses relies on
repeated reinforcement and gradually fades without it. The study also emphasized the importance
of the vertical lobe in sustaining memory over time. Without this brain structure, the animals
struggled to retain learned behaviors, highlighting the complexity of memory processes in
cephalopods. These results offered important insights into how invertebrate nervous systems
support memory in ways that are surprisingly similar to those found in vertebrates.
Article 2
Summary of "A Learning and Memory Area in the Octopus Brain Manifests a Vertebrate-Like
The purpose of the study by Hochner et al. (2003) was to investigate the cellular mechanisms of
learning and memory in octopuses by exploring whether long-term potentiation (LTP), a process
that strengthens synapses in response to repeated stimulation, also occurs in the octopus brain.
LTP is a key feature of memory formation in vertebrates, so the authors hypothesized that
octopuses might use a similar mechanism in their nervous systems. They aimed to fill a gap in
our understanding of how cephalopod brains function at a cellular level to support learning and
To investigate this, the authors focused on the vertical lobe of the octopus brain, an area known
for its role in learning and memory. They took brain slices from this region and stimulated them
electrically to measure the resulting synaptic activity. The specific focus was on glutamatergic
field potential recordings to detect changes in the strength of synaptic responses over time. By
stimulating the brain slices repeatedly, they could observe whether the synapses would undergo
The results showed that the vertical lobe of the octopus does indeed exhibit LTP, similar to what
is seen in vertebrate brains. After repeated electrical stimulation, the glutamatergic synapses
became stronger, showing that the octopus brain can enhance synaptic connections in a way that
supports long-term memory formation. This synaptic strengthening persisted for an extended
period, further suggesting that octopuses, like vertebrates, use LTP as a mechanism for learning
and memory. Additionally, the authors noted that the molecular components involved in octopus
LTP, such as glutamate receptors, are very similar to those in vertebrates, reinforcing the idea
that similar processes are at work in both groups despite their evolutionary distance.
From these results, the authors concluded that octopuses use a vertebrate-like mechanism for
memory storage, confirming their hypothesis. The discovery of LTP in the octopus vertical lobe
suggests that this part of the brain plays a crucial role in memory-related synaptic plasticity. This
study provided important evidence that LTP is not unique to vertebrates and may have evolved
evolution. The findings offer new insights into the shared principles of brain function across a
wide range of species, showing that even invertebrates like octopuses can have highly developed
memory systems.
Article 3
The study by Ponte et al. (2022) aimed to explore whether cephalopods, particularly octopuses,
could exhibit basic forms of consciousness. The authors investigated whether the complex
behaviors, learning abilities, and brain structures of these animals might indicate the presence of
hypothesis was that octopuses might demonstrate consciousness through behaviors and neural
processes that are similar to those observed in vertebrates. The research addressed a knowledge
gap regarding how invertebrate nervous systems, particularly cephalopods, could support
cephalopod behavior, brain anatomy, and neural plasticity. They focused on behaviors such as
problem-solving, tool use, and anticipating future events, which indicate higher-level cognitive
processes. In terms of brain anatomy, the authors examined whether cephalopods possess
structures that could be compared to the thalamus and cortex in vertebrates, which are both key
such as brain activity patterns in cephalopods, to see if these patterns resembled those associated
The results of the review highlighted several key findings. Cephalopods, especially octopuses,
have shown advanced problem-solving skills, such as using tools, escaping enclosures, and even
opening jars to access food. These behaviors suggest that octopuses are capable of learning,
memory recall, and decision-making, which are processes linked to conscious awareness in other
animals. Furthermore, octopuses have demonstrated the ability to anticipate future events and act
From a neurological perspective, the study identified brain regions in cephalopods that function
similarly to those in vertebrates associated with consciousness. For example, the central brain of
cephalopods has circuits that play a similar role to the vertebrate thalamus, processing sensory
information. Additionally, the study highlighted that neural plasticity, which allows for learning
and adaptation, is highly developed in cephalopods, particularly in their vertical and superior
frontal lobes. This plasticity is crucial for learning and memory, traits often linked to conscious
The authors also discussed neurophysiological evidence, including brain activity patterns that
resemble the oscillatory rhythms seen in conscious mammals. These rhythmic brain states are
associated with sensory processing and decision-making, further supporting the idea that
In conclusion, the authors suggested that octopuses might have a basic form of consciousness.
Although their conscious experience is likely less complex than that of humans, the behavioral
and neurological evidence suggests that these animals possess some level of awareness, memory,
and decision-making. The findings support the hypothesis that consciousness may have evolved
environmental and survival pressures. This study provides valuable insight into the evolution of
cognitive abilities, suggesting that consciousness is not exclusive to vertebrates and may exist in
Transition Paragraph 1:
Young (1960) demonstrated how octopuses learn to associate moving objects with rewards or
punishments, such as food or shocks. This research emphasized the critical role of the vertical
lobe in memory formation, showing that changes in brain pathways facilitated learning, allowing
octopuses to either attack or avoid objects based on prior experiences. However, while this study
identified the importance of the vertical lobe in maintaining learned behaviors, it left open the
question of what specific neural processes underlie these memory functions. Specifically, how do
these changes in brain pathways occur at the cellular level? Building on this foundational work,
Hochner et al. (2003) took the investigation further by exploring the cellular mechanisms in the
octopus’s brain that contribute to learning and memory. Their study revealed that the octopus
exhibits long-term potentiation (LTP), a process also found in vertebrates, which strengthens
synaptic connections and underlies memory formation. By shifting the focus from behavioral
responses to the actual mechanisms in the brain, this research suggests that octopuses and
vertebrates may share similar methods for learning and memory, hinting at a convergent
evolutionary process.
Article 1 Summary:
Purpose: To study how octopuses learn by associating stimuli with rewards or shocks. Approach:
Used visual stimuli paired with food or shock to observe behavioral changes. Results: Found that
the vertical lobe is crucial for forming and retaining memories. Conclusions: The vertical lobe
Article 2 Summary:
Purpose: To explore the cellular basis of learning in the octopus’s brain. Approach: Examined
brain slices of the vertical lobe for synaptic changes. Results: Discovered that octopuses show
long-term potentiation (LTP), like vertebrates. Conclusions: Suggests that octopuses and
Transition Paragraph 2:
Hochner et al. (2003) revealed that octopuses demonstrate long-term potentiation (LTP) in their
brains, a process also seen in vertebrates that strengthens synaptic connections and enhances
memory retention. This finding raises intriguing questions about the cognitive abilities of
octopuses, as it suggests that their learning and memory mechanisms may be more complex than
previously thought. Building on these insights into brain plasticity, Ponte et al. (2022) explored
behaviors, intricate brain structure, and learning capacities, the study bridged the gap between
cellular-level brain mechanisms and broader cognitive functions like perception and decision-
making. The results suggest that the sophisticated neural systems in cephalopods, particularly
Article 3 Summary:
their behaviors, brain structure, and learning abilities. Results: Suggested that cephalopods'
especially octopuses, could have a form of consciousness due to their advanced neural structures.
Article 1 abstract:
studying a set of animals and recording the number of them that come out to attack on each
occasion, and the delay. During the period of 1 to 2 h after feeding, untrained octopuses show an
increased tendency to attack. This period of increased attacks corresponds to that for which food
remains within the crop. However, such attacks do not result in the setting up in the memory of
representations that promote later attacks. If food is given after showing a figure the tendency to
attack is greatly increased. It remains at a high level for longer than when the food is given
before showing, but ultimately declines. However, if the figure is presented again with food
within 10 to 24 h the tendency to attack is raised still higher and declines more slowly. After a
number of such presentations the animals come out regularly to attack the figure. The changes in
tendency to respond after each showing of the figure with food thus provide an estimate of the
time course of decay of the increased excitability in certain pathways in the nervous system. The
half-life of the change after the first rewarded presentation is I to 2 h. Similarly, it is possible to
map the time course of the reduced tendency to attack that follows the giving of a shock after
attack on a moving figure. This time depends on the extent to which the figure had previously
been made 'positive' by association with food. By successive feeding and shocking the tendency
to attack a given figure by a group of octopuses can thus be raised and lowered. The effects are
partly general to all moving figures but are greater for those that resemble the figure shown when
the food (or shock) was administered. Using this effect animals can be trained without shocks to
attack certain figures but not others, pathways 'representing' these figures having been
specifically facilitated by feeding. In octopuses without vertical lobes the effects of food or shock
in increasing or lowering the tendency to attack are like those in normal animals but persist for a
shorter time. In these animals lasting representations ensuring or preventing attack are less
readily set up. When food is given as a reward for attacks on one figure, shocks for a different
one, normal octopuses learn within a few trials to attack the one and avoid the other. In animals
without vertical lobes the effect of food is to increase the tendency to attack both figures and the
effect of shocks is to depress the attacks on both. With alternate trials the tendency to attack thus
swings up and down, the animals responding according to the influence of the immediately
previous stimulus. The effect of the vertical lobe is therefore to ensure persistence in the memory
of appropriate distinct representations of the figures and the associated food or shock, so that
Article 2 abstract:
Cellular mechanisms underlying learning and memory were investigated in the octopus using a
brain slice preparation of the vertical lobe, an area of the octopus brain involved in learning and
synaptic field potentials similar to that in vertebrates. These findings suggest that convergent
evolution has led to the selection of similar activity-dependent synaptic processes that mediate
Article 3 abstract:
legitimate object of scientific inquiry. As such, it represents perhaps the greatest challenge facing
neuroscience today. Subsumed within this challenge is the study of subjective experience in non-
human animals: a particularly difficult endeavor that becomes even more so, as one crosses the
great evolutionary divide between vertebrate and invertebrate phyla. Here, we explore the
abilities, rich behavioral repertoire, and the relative complexity of their nervous systems and
sensory capabilities. Indeed, in some cephalopods, these abilities are so sophisticated that they
are comparable to those of some higher vertebrates. Following the criteria and framework
propose that cephalopods - particularly the octopus - provide a unique test case among
invertebrates for examining the properties and conditions that, at the very least, afford a basal
faculty of consciousness. These include, among others: (i) discriminatory and anticipatory
behaviors indicating a strong link between perception and memory recall; (ii) the presence of
neural substrates representing functional analogs of thalamus and cortex; (iii) the
neurophysiological dynamics resembling the functional signatures of conscious states in
mammals. We highlight the current lack of evidence as well as potentially informative areas that
warrant further investigation to support the view expressed here. Finally, we identify future
1. Hochner, B., Brown, E. R., Langella, M., Shomrat, T., & Fiorito, G. (2003). A
2. Ponte, G., Chiandetti, C., Edelman, D. B., Imperadore, P., Pieroni, E. M., & Fiorito, G. (2022).
of Octopus.”
2. Progression article, “A Learning and Memory Area in the Octopus Brain Manifests a
1. Hochner, B., Brown, E. R., Langella, M., Shomrat, T., & Fiorito, G. (2003). A Learning
2. Ponte, G., Chiandetti, C., Edelman, D. B., Imperadore, P., Pieroni, E. M., & Fiorito, G.