CMT Midetrm
CMT Midetrm
CMT Midetrm
Evaluation of Aggregates
It is used to calculate the additional water, ➔ It should be noted that tests on
Wadd, of the concrete mix. aggregates alone are not an effective
means of predicting aggregate
performance in the field. Tests for
aggregate properties for mix design are
straightforward. However, tests for
The moisture content (MC) of aggregate is given durability and performance have
by: limitations.
Physical Tests
Abrasion Resistance
If the moisture content (MC) is positive, there is Abrasion resistance - The Los Angeles test for
surface moisture. If the MC is negative, it has abrasion involves ball milling an aggregate
the potential for absorption. Therefore, the total sample for a given time and measuring how the
moisture associated with an aggregate is: sample particles are reduced in size.
Scratch hardness test - assumes a
relationship between hardness and abrasion.
Neither of these tests are an accurate or reliable
Unit Weight measure of the concrete hardness. An indication
➔ Unit weight (UW) or bulk density is the would be to test the concrete itself.
weight of a given volume of material. Frost Resistance
Basically, unit weight is measured by Soundness test - This test is a simulation of ice
filling a container of known volume with a formation in an aggregate sample. The sample
material and weighing it. The degree of is saturated with a solution of sodium or
moisture and compaction will affect the magnesium salt and dried in an oven. The salt
unit weight measurement. Therefore, crystals which form in the pores simulate ice.
ASTM has set a standard oven-dry Correlations between this test and field tests are
moisture content and a rodding method not good. Again, a better approach is testing
for compaction. The maximum unit weight aggregate in concrete.
of a blend of two aggregates is about
40% fine aggregate by weight. Therefore, Chemical Tests
this is the most economical concrete Alkali-silica Reaction
aggregate since it will require the least ➔ A rapid reliable test for alkali-aggregate
amount of cement. reactivity has not yet been developed.
Most acceptable tests require long curing
Specific Gravity times of about 6 months. In this test, the
A dimensionless ratio of density of the material aggregate is ground into a fine sand and
in question to the density of water. used to make a variety of mortar bars.
The mortars are stored in hot, moist
conditions to accelerate the reaction.
Absolute specific gravity (ASG) considers the Expansion of the sample is measured
weight and volume of the solid part of the and compared to ASTM specifications.
aggregate. Whereas, bulk specific gravity (BSG)
is a measure of the weight/volume of solids and
pores of a material.
Aggregate Beneficiation CEMENT
If an aggregate does not pass the ASTM tests, Cement is a binder substance used for
beneficiation may be useful in areas where construction that sets, hardens and adheres to
aggregate is scarce. There are several possible alternative materials to bind them along .
ways of treatment: Classification of Cement
➔ Crushing - Soft, porous rock may be Natural Cement
removed by crushing. ➔ It is manufactured from stones containing
➔ Heavy-media separation - Lightweight 20 to 40 percent of clay, the remainder
particles may be separated by floating being carbonate of lime mixed with
them to the top of a liquid. carbonate of magnesia. The stones are
➔ Reverse water flow or air flow - used to first burnt and then crushed. It
remove lightweight particles like wood. possesses a brown color and sets rapidly
➔ Hydraulic jigging - Stratification of when mixed with water.
aggregate in a vertical pulsation of water. Artificial Cement
Lightweight particles separate to the top. ➔ It is obtained by burning, at a very high
➔ Elastic fractionation - Aggregate is temperature, a mixture of calcareous and
dropped on an incline steel plate. Hard argillaceous materials. The mixture of
particles bounce higher off the plate than ingredients should be intimate and they
do softer particles. Appropriate placement should be in the correct proportion.
of collection bins can provide good Hydraulic Cement
separation. ➔ Made using a mixture of limestone, clay
➔ Washing and scrubbing - Removes fine and gypsum and mixed together at very
surface particles. high temperatures, it was created with
convenience and speed in mind and
takes a remarkably short time to set and
➔ Its ingredients react with water to form
stable calcium silicate hydrates, which
causes near-instant hardening when
Non-Hydraulic Cement
➔ The first form of cement invented. is less
convenient and less practical in most
applications. This type of cement includes
lime, gypsum plasters and oxychloride,
which means that it does not begin to
harden when exposed to water.
Cement has been in use by humans throughout
history; variations of the material were used by
the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians,
with the earliest archaeological discovery dated
to 12-10,000BC in modern-day Turkey.
➔ Cement is a very useful binding material ➔ This test is carried out using a
in construction. The applications of cement-mortar briquette in a tensile
cement over various fields of construction testing machine.
have made it a very important civil COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST
engineering material ➔ The compressive strength of this mortar
Some of the numerous functions of cement are: is the strength of cement at a specific
1. It is used in mortar for plastering, period.
masonry work, pointing, etc. SOUNDNESS TEST OF CEMENT
2. It is used for making joints for drains and ➔ This test is conducted in Le Chatelier's
pipes. apparatus to detect the presence of
3. It is used for water tightness of structure. uncombined lime and magnesia in
4. It is used in concrete for laying floors, cement.
roofs and constructing lintels, beams, HEAT OF HYDRATION TEST
stairs, pillars etc. ➔ The compressive strength of this mortar
5. It is used where a hard surface is is the strength of cement at a specific
required for the protection of exposed period.
surfaces of structures against the
destructive agents of the weather and CHEMICAL COMPOSITION TEST
certain organic or inorganic chemicals. Different tests are conducted to determine the
6. It is used for precast pipes amount of various constituents of cement.
manufacturing, piles, fencing posts etc. COLOUR TEST OF CEMENT
7. It is used in the construction of important ➔ The colour of the cement should not be
engineering structures such as bridges, uneven. It should be a uniform grey
culverts, dams, tunnels, lighthouses etc. colour with a light greenish shade.
8. It is used in the preparation of PRESENCE OF LUMPS
foundations, watertight floors, footpaths ➔ The cement should not contain any hard
etc. lumps. These lumps are formed by the
9. It is employed for the construction of absorption of moisture content from the
wells, water tanks, tennis courts, lamp atmosphere. The cement bags with
posts, telephone cabins, roads etc. lumps should be avoided in construction.
TESTS TO CHECK CEMENT QUALITY ➔ The cement should be smooth if you rub
FINENESS TEST ON CEMENT it between your fingers. If not, then it is
➔ Determine the rate of hydration, rate of because of adulteration with sand.
evolution of heat and the rate of gain of FLOW TEST
strength ➔ This test consists of throwing some
➔ The fineness of cement can be handful of cement in the bucket full of
determined by Sieve Test or Air water.
Permeability test. DATE OF MANUFACTURING
CONSISTENCY TEST ➔ This test consists of throwing some
➔ Conducted to find the setting times of handful of cement in the bucket full of
cement using a standard consistency test water.
apparatus, Vicat's apparatus.
➔ Vicat’s apparatus is used to find the Cement is the most widely consumed
initial and final setting times commodity after water.
➔ The strength of cement is indirectly
defined on cement-mortar of 1:3.