Power Electronics Set 8

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Power Electronics MCQs [set-8]

176. In a full wave converter (M - 2 connection) feeding an RLE load, the peak
thyristor current is 15 A. For fully controlled bridge circuit and same load current,
the peak thyristor current will be
A. 30 A
B. 152 A
C. 15 A
D. none
Answer: C

177. During forward blocking state of SCR, the voltage and current respectively
o m
A. high and high
. c
B. low and low
C. high and low
D. low and high
q M
Answer: C
178. In a 3 phase full converter the average load current is 150 A. The average
thyristor current is
A. 150 A
B. 75A
C. 50 A
D. 25 A
Answer: C

179. The two modes of operation of three phase bridge inverters are known as
A. 60° mode and 120° mode
B. 90° mode and 120° mode
C. 120° mode and 180° mode
D. 120° mode and 240° mode
Answer: C
180. In a 3 phase fully controlled converter the firing frequency is
A. 3 times the line frequency
B. 6 times the line frequency
C. 9 times the line frequency
D. 12 times the line frequency
Answer: B

181. Two thyristor of same rating and same specifications

A. will have equal turn on and turn off periods
B. will have equal turn on but unequal turn off periods
C. may have equal or unequal turn on and turn off periods
D. will have unequal turn on and turn off periods
Answer: C

182. The amount of dielectric heating is inversely proportional to frequency.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer: B

183. A semiconverter feeding an RLE load operates in

A. first quadrant only
B. first and second quadrants
C. first and fourth quadrants
D. first and third quadrants
Answer: A

184. The phenomenon of overlap in converter operation due to

A. source resistance
B. source inductance
C. both source resistance and source inductance
D. high value of firing angle
Answer: B

185. An SCR is triggered at 40° in the positive half cycle only. The average anode
current is 50 A. If the firing angle is changed to 80°, the average anode current is

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likely to be
A. 50 A
B. 25 A
C. less than 50 A but more than 25 A
D. less than 25 A
Answer: C

186. In a single phase full wave regulator, the firing angles in the positive and
negative half cycles are generally
A. Equal
B. Different
C. equal or different
D. different but sometimes equal
Answer: A

187. Current derating may be necessary when thyristors are operating in

A. Series
B. Parallel
C. series or parallel
D. none of the above
Answer: B

188. A 3 kV circuit uses SCR of 800 V rating. If derating is 25%, the number of
SCRs in series is
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8
Answer: B

189. The terminals of a power MOSFET are called

A. emitter, base, collector
B. source, gate, drain
C. source, base, drain
D. emitter, gate, drain
Answer: B

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190. In a thyristor the gate current is increased, then
A. anode current will increase
B. anode current will decrease
C. anode current will remain constant
D. anode current may increase or decrease
Answer: C

191. Thyristors are not suitable for logic circuits.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer: B

192. The number of leads in an SCR are :

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer: B

193. A thyristor has a turn on time of 6 ?s. If the anode circuit is inductive, the turn
on time will be
A. 6 ?s
B. less than 6?s
C. more than 6 ?s
D. either 6 ?s or less
Answer: C

194. The total number of leads in reverse conducting thyristor is

A. 2
B. 3
C. 1
D. 4
Answer: B

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195. Assertion (A): A TRIAC is a bidirectional SCR. Reason (R): A TRIAC is a
four layers 3 terminal device and can conduct in both directions.
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R correct but R is not correct explanation of A
C. A is correct but R is wrong
D. A is wrong but R is correct
Answer: A

196. A semi converter operates in two quadrants.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer: B

197. A single phase half wave rectifier is feeding a resistive load. When a = 0, dc
output voltage is 127 V. When a = 30°, the dc output voltage will be about
A. 127 V
B. 120 V
C. 110 V
D. 100 V
Answer: B

198. A single phase full wave regulator feeds R-L load. The best gating signal is
A. short duration pulses
B. long duration pulses
C. pulse train
D. either (a) or (b)
Answer: C

199. A 3 phase induction motor is fed by a 3 phase ac regulator to change the stator
voltage. The variation in speed will be more if
A. load torque is constant
B. load torque increases with increase in speed
C. load torque decreases with increase in speed
D. either (a) or (b)
Answer: B

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200. The waveshape of output voltage of half bridge inverter is
A. sinusoidal
B. square
C. triangular
D. either (a) or (b)
Answer: B

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