IMRAD Final For Defense
IMRAD Final For Defense
IMRAD Final For Defense
High School
2. Methodology
This research is quantitative research that aimed to collect the information regarding
the Impact of Gadgets to the Learning of Grade 11 Students of Tabunoc National High
School. This study used random sampling technique out of the 117 grade 11 students in
Tabunoc, 91 respondents are randomly selected. The instrument used in this study was
Survey questionnaire to collect and gather information about the impact of gadgets in
learning tool of students. The researchers prepared a questionnaire with 15 questions to
gather the data and information regarding the influence of gadgets on learning. The
completed questionnaires will be collected and the responses will undergo statistical
Research Paradigm
a. sex Guideline
b. strand Survey program for the
c. age Questionnaire use of gadgets
d. Duration of use in learning
of gadgets
3. Results and Discussion
Table 1.1 Represent the gender distribution of senior high school students with a total of
91 individuals. Out of these, 47 individuals are a male, accounting for 51.6% of the total,
while 44 individuals are female, accounting for 48.4% of the total.
According to (Li & Kirkup., 2007) males used technology more than females, and they
spend more time on computers, laptops and smartphones back then. Another Research
among Chinese and British students found out that men used email and chat and play
computers games and were confident about their computers skills more than female
counterparts Another research pointed out that males tended to try new things while
females preferred traditional ways .However ,Girls tended to use more often media types
that they deal with daily .
Table 1.2 Distribution of Respondents According to SHS Strand
Strand Frequency Percentage
ABM 7 8%
CSS 8 9%
Hair Dressing 10 11%
EIM 19 21%
EPAS 20 22%
GAS 27 29%
Total 91 100%
Table 1.2 The data table provides information on the distributions of students across
different strands of senior high school group, totaling of 91 students. The strand are ranked
based on the number of students enrolled in each program, GAS gathered the highest
ranked with total of 27 (29%) respondents. Following closely are the EPAS and EIM with
20 (22%) and 19 (21%) respondents respectively. The HAIR DRESSING and CSS have
a 10 (11%) and 8 (9%) respondents respectively. While the lowest is ABM with only 7 (8%)
Gas strand has the highest enrollees because more students is undecided to their chosen
careers. According to Khalid (2021) General Academic Strand (GAS) is the strand in
Senior High School implemented for those students who aim in involving in more general
areas of study comparing to more specific fields of study. It is a very versatile within one
strand to a lot of different opportunities and challenges.
ABM strand has the lowest enrollees because more students are not good at math that
they think ABM strand is all about math problems or most of the lesson is related to math
computations. Students also take this course because if they choose it, they would have
a secured future. Pecilicious (2018) concluded that choosing ABM track is just choosing
to be more future oriented because this program will not just give you learns but also
knowledge to stand alone, to start a business and to be financially free without investing
a large of money, but just a big risk and faith.
Table 1.3 Distribution of Respondents According to Age
Age Frequency Percentage
15-17 41 45%
18-20 36 40%
21 Above 14 15%
Total 91 100%
Table 1.3 Represents the age distribution of the respondents, consisting of 91 individuals.
The data shows that individuals between the ages of 15-17 account for the highest
percentage, with 41 (45%) individuals. The next significant age group is 18-20, with 36
(40%) individuals. Individuals aged 21 above make the smallest proportion, with 14 (15%)
According to (Aisiyah, 2017). Aged (2) years old who use gadgets in their daily lives Child
social development is lacking, Because when playing with gadgets, children focus on what
they see and Do not care about the state of their environment, Development of Children’s
behavior in an emotional aspects is more likely to show an Attitude of joy, anger, and
temper tantrums. Children use the YouTube application to view video content of children
playing (19) years, as many had a cell phone Insomnia Is a problem that is quite often
experienced at various ages, including teenagers often spend a lot Of time during the day
and before going to bed to use electronic devices teenager
Table 2.1 Duration of the use of cellphone in learning
Duration of use Frequency Percentage
Always 52 57.14%
Sometimes 19 20.88%
Seldom 5 5.49%
Never 6 6.60%
Total 91 100%
Table 2.1 Provides information on the duration of cellphone use for learning of grade 11
students, totaling 91. The data shows that the majority of individuals, 52 in total, reported
using their cellphones for learning purposes always. This indicates a strong reliance on
cellphones as a learning tool within the group. Additionally, 9 individuals reported using
their cellphones very often for learning, while 19 individuals reported using them
sometimes. A smaller proportion of individuals, five and six respectively, reported using
their cellphones seldom or never for learning.
According to Anshari et al., (2017), Students use smartphones as learning aids due many
reasons such as they provide convenience, portability, comprehensive learning
experiences, multi sources and multitasks, and environmentally friendly. They also use
smartphones to interact with teachers outside classes and using smartphones to manage
their group assignments.
This data suggests that cellphones play a significant role in the learning process for the
majority of individuals in the group. The high number of individuals who reported using
their cellphones always or sometimes indicates a strong integration of mobile technology
into their learning routines.
Table 2.2 Present the duration of use of tablet in learning of students
Duration of use Frequency Percentage
Always 11 12.1%
Sometimes 6 6.6%
Seldom 6 6.6%
Never 63 69.2%
Total 91 100%
Table 2.2 It appears that the use of tablets in learning varies significantly among the
surveyed population. A small portion of the group, 11 individuals, reported always using a
tablet for learning purposes. On the other hand, a slightly smaller group of 5 individuals
reported using tablets very often. Meanwhile, an equal number of respondents, 6
individuals, reported using tablets sometimes and seldom, respectively. However, the
majority of the surveyed population, 63 individuals, reported never using a tablet for
The high number of individuals who reported never using a tablet for learning could be
attributed to several factors. ¹ difficulties, tablets can be prone to technical difficulties, such
as software glitches or hardware malfunctions Technical. ²Limited access for low-income
students - Not all students have access to tablets (Khan 2023).This suggests that while
some individuals frequently use tablets in their learning process, a large number of people
do not use them at all
Table 2.3. Presents the duration of use of laptop/desktop in learning of students
Duration of use Frequency Percentage
Always 13 14.30%
Very Often 7 7.70%
Sometimes 11 12.08%
Seldom 14 15.38%
Never 46 50.54%
Total 91 100%
Table 2.3 Provided data regarding the duration of computer use in learning, it is evident
that there is a diverse range of usage patterns among the surveyed individuals. A minority
of respondents, 13 individuals, reported always using a computer for learning purposes,
indicating a consistent reliance on this technology. Additionally, a smaller group of 7
individuals reported using a computer very often in their learning activities. Furthermore,
11 individuals mentioned using a computer sometimes, while 14 individuals reported using
it seldom. Interestingly, the majority of respondents, 46 individuals, indicated that they
never use a computer for learning.
The high number of individuals who reported never using a computer for learning could
be attributed to several factors.¹Financial problems may prohibit some students from
owning a computer. ²Apart from studies, computers comes with so many options all which
can make a student addictive (Roomi,2021). ³Computers are vulnerable to viruses,
malware, and external threats, thus, making them prone to security risks. ⁴ Computers can
be very costly and the price of repairing or taking care of a computer can add up quickly
Table 3.1 Usage of Gadgets as a Learning Tool
When I use my gadget….. Mean Verbal
1. I am able to stimulate my senses and imagination better. 1.76 Yes
The data presented in the table provides insights into the impact of using a gadget on
various aspects of the individual's skills and experiences. The weighted means calculated
for each question offer a summary of the overall responses, ranging from 1.46 to 1.86.
The analysis indicates that respondents feel positively about several aspects of using the
gadget. They believe that the gadget helps stimulate their senses and imagination
(weighted mean = 1.76) and encourages the development of analytical skills (weighted
mean = 1.86). Additionally, respondents feel more creative (weighted mean = 1.73) and
knowledgeable in using computers (weighted mean = 1.64) when utilizing the gadget.
There is also a perception that the gadget aids in stress relief (weighted mean = 1.82) and
improved their hand-eye coordination (weighted mean = 1.54) as well as improves the
ease of researching topics (weighted mean = 1.86) and searching for information
anywhere (weighted mean = 1.77).
However, the data also highlights areas that may require attention. Respondents report
lower perceptions of improvement in mathematical skills (weighted mean = 1.46) when
using the gadget. Despite this, the overall interpretation of the data suggests that
respondents are generally positive about the gadget's impact on their skills and
experiences, with a favorable general assessment (weighted mean = 1.73.In conclusion,
the data indicates that the gadget has a beneficial influence on various aspects of the
individual's skills, creativity, and learning experiences.
The data presented in the table provides insights into the potential negative effects of
using a gadget on various aspects of behavior and academic performance. The weighted
means calculated for each question offer a summary of the overall responses, with values
ranging from 1.40 to 1.58. The analysis reveals that respondents acknowledge certain
adverse outcomes associated with using the gadget. They admit to being more likely to
procrastinate (weighted mean = 1.55) and experiencing difficulty concentrating on their
studies (weighted mean = 1.58) as a result of using the gadget. On the other hand the
respondent indicate that they are not reliant on plagiarism (weighted mean = 1.45) and
report that there handwriting quality didn’t worsen (weighted mean = 1.41) when using the
gadget. These responses suggest that the gadget may contribute to negative behaviors
such as procrastination, reduced concentration.
According Malang to Naryaning, R., & Katmini, K. (2021) there was a negative influence
of duration, frequency, and intensity of using gadget on student concentration students
learning motivation at SMKN 7. It shows that there is a need for health promotion so that
students reduce the duration, frequency of using gadgets as an effort to increase
concentration, prevent eye fatigue and increase learning motivation.
Furthermore, respondents indicate that they are not too lazy to go to school (weighted
mean = 1.40), suggesting that the gadget usage does not significantly impact their
motivation to attend school. The general assessment of 1.48 reflects an overall negative
perception of the gadget's influence on behavior and academic performance. These
findings underscore the importance of addressing the negative consequences and
implementing strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of gadget usage on academic and
behavioral aspects.
In conclusion, the data suggests that while the gadget may offer convenience and
technological benefits, it also poses risks in terms of fostering negative behaviors such as
procrastination and reduced concentration. Addressing these challenges and promoting
responsible gadget use are essential to maintain academic integrity and behavioral well-
4. Summary of Findings
The study addressed the following research questions to comprehensively examin the
usage of gadgets as a learning tool of all grad 11 students of Tabunoc National High
School Base on the results of statistical analysis of data the findings are summarize as
Sex: Majority of the respondents belongs to the male gender which totaled of 51.6% of
the total respondents.
Grade Level: the respondents belongs to all grade 11 students which totaled of 91
Strand: Majority of the respondents belongs to grade 11 Gas students which totaled of
29% of respondents.
Age: Majority of the respondents belongs to 18-20 years old which totaled of 40% of the
Duration of use of tablet in learning: Majority of the respondents says (Never) which
has totaled of 69.2% of the respondents
With the mean score of 1.86 most of the respondents agreed that they are encouraged to
develop their analytical skills of using gadgets. A lot of them with the mean score of 1.86
agreed that they can research the topic easier using a gadgets. A mean score of 1.85
agree that they are having fun learning. A mean score of 1.82 agreed that they relieved
stress while using of gadgets and a mean score of 1.77 agreed that they can search for
information anywhere.
5. Conclusions
This research study present how to integration the usage of gadgets as a learning tools
become useful in the learning of the senior high school students. The use of gadgets as
learning tools has been shown to significantly improve student outcomes by enhancing
motivation, engagement, and collaboration. The research have gathered relevant review
of related literature such as what was gadgets According to the study of Behnke, Gilliland,
Schneider in 2005, the usage of gadgets such as tablets in class can contribute to
improved student performance, it also can contribute to the decrease in the number of
students who perform poorly in class. Not only that, gadgets also help improve the
efficiency of teaching methods and learning capacities of students using tablets in class.
Overall, the usage of electronic gadgets has made activities conducted in classrooms
more flexible. The various features and functions of gadgets in class also play a part to
efficiently transform teaching and learning methods, because of this, different senses of
students are activated through the use of these gadgets. The findings suggest that the
usage of gadgets as learning tools for students can lead to improved learning outcomes,
increased student engagement, and enhanced collaboration. However, it is important to
consider various factors and implement a comprehensive approach to ensure the
successful integration of gadgets into educational practices.
6. Recommendation
This study recommends exploring best practices for integrating gadgets into various
educational contexts, providing comprehensive training for educators, and conducting
regular evaluations to refine educational practices and optimize student outcomes. With
all of the foregoing analysis, interpretation, and conclusions of this study, the following are
strongly recommended for possible course of action.
1. Exploring specific methodologies and best practices for integrating gadgets into
different subject areas and educational contexts
3. Conducting regular evaluations of the impact of gadget usage on student outcomes will
help refine educational practices for optimal learning experiences.
7. Acknowledgement
The researchers would like to express their sincere gratitude to Mrs. Maine Bongas for
her invaluable guidance and support throughout this research. The researchers are
grateful to the Senior High School students of Tabunoc National High School for their
participation in the data collection. Specially, to the teachers of grade 12 at Tabunoc
National High School who generously spared their time to facilitate and support the
distribution of survey questionnaires for this study. Their cooperation and assistance were
invaluable in gathering important data and insights for this research project.
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