The document defines admittance, conductance, and susceptance, and their units. It also discusses the admittance triangle for an inductive circuit. Resonance in electric circuits is explained, with expressions derived for series resonant frequency. Impedance, current, and power factor are analyzed for a series resonant circuit.
The document defines admittance, conductance, and susceptance, and their units. It also discusses the admittance triangle for an inductive circuit. Resonance in electric circuits is explained, with expressions derived for series resonant frequency. Impedance, current, and power factor are analyzed for a series resonant circuit.
The document defines admittance, conductance, and susceptance, and their units. It also discusses the admittance triangle for an inductive circuit. Resonance in electric circuits is explained, with expressions derived for series resonant frequency. Impedance, current, and power factor are analyzed for a series resonant circuit.
The document defines admittance, conductance, and susceptance, and their units. It also discusses the admittance triangle for an inductive circuit. Resonance in electric circuits is explained, with expressions derived for series resonant frequency. Impedance, current, and power factor are analyzed for a series resonant circuit.
lagging. Define and state the unit of admittance, conductance f susceptance. Also draw the Power factor of the circuit is given by: admittance triangle for Huctive circuit. cosϕ= ZR = R 2 +(ωL− ωC1 ) 2 R Current Admittance is defined as the reciprocal of flowing in the circuit is given by: I= Z V I= Z V the impedance It is denoted by Y and is o sin(ωt) L Instantaneous real power measured in unit siemens or mho. dissipated in the circuit is: P=I 2 R P= Z V o2 Conductance is defined as the ratio of sin 2 (ωt) L R Average power dissipated in a resistance to the Square of the impedance. cycle is given by:<P>= ∫ 02π/ω dt∫ 02π/ω It is denoted by G and measured in unit Pdt = 2Z 2 ×2π/ωV o2 R ∫ 0 2π/ω siemens. Susceptance is defined as ratio of (1−cos(2ωt))dt<P>=V rms I rms cos(ϕ)(i) the reactance to the square of the No power is dissipated when P = 0 This impedance. It is denoted as B and measured implies cosϕ=0 ϕ=π/2 That is the circuit is in unit Siemens.Admittance triangle for purely inductive or capacitive. Maximum Inductive circuit:GBL inductive power is dissipated when P is maximum.This implies cosϕ=1 ϕ=0 Circuit is purely Defined and state the unit of active, resistive. reactive and apparent power in case of single phase circuit. Draw the power Pure inductive Circuit The circuit which triangle.→ Active Power (P) - It is defined as contains only inductance (L) and not any product of the applied voltage and the other quantities like resistance and active component Of the circuit. It is capacitance in the circuit is called a Pure measured in unit watts or kilowatts. -It is inductive circuit. In this type of circuit, the also called as True or real power t Reactive current lags behind the voltage by an angle Power (@) 2 is defined as product of the of 90 degrees. applied voltage and the reactive Component Series Resonance & Expression for RCL of the comment.. Unit volt-amp reactive occurs in electric circuits due to the (VAR) or kilovolt-amp reactive (KVAR) presence of energy storing elements like Apparent Power (5)i- It is defined as the inductor and capacitor. It is the produ of 1. m.s Value of (V) and current (I) It fundamental concept based on which, the is measured in unit volt- amp. Kilo Volt-amp radio and TV receivers are designed in such (KVA). P= Q = VI sin S= VI watts d VAR VA a way that they should be able to select (VA OTNOI VJ (@s Power Triangle VIRAS only the desired station frequency. There Derive the exprasion for resonant are two types of resonances, namely series frequency and Comment on impedance resonance and parallel resonance. These are current and power factor in case. of series classified based on the network elements resonance circuit Let fr be the resonant that are connected in series or parallel. In Inquency in its at which, x_{t} = x ie (f)2 fr = this chapter, let us discuss about series 1/(2pi * sqrt(LC)) benes resonance HZ -AS 7 resonance. Series Resonance Circuit = R+jx = R+j (XL - XO) but at f= fr, XL=Xc Diagram If the resonance occurs in series &x=0 hence net impedance F=R which is RLC circuit, then it is called as Series purely resistive so Impedance is minimum Resonance. Consider the following series and purely resistive at series resonance. -As RLC circuit, which is represented in phasor impedance is minimum, the current I= V/z is domain. Series Resonance Circuit Here, the maximum. at series resonance. - The power passive elements such as resistor, inductor factor cost = R/# & at f= fr as =R, the power and capacitor are connected in series. This factor is unity & at it's max. at beries entire combination is in series with the input sinusoidal voltage source. Apply KVL Common X-axib. Consider a simple circuit around the loop. V−VR−VL−VC=0 consisting of a pure resistance 'R' ohms connected across a voltage U=Vmsin @t-R ⇒V−IR−I(jXL)−I(−jXC)=0 U-Vmsinwt According to ohm's law R K ⇒V=IR+I(jXL)+I(−jXC) VIRAR Dok //20 i= (Nm) sinnt. Comparing this with standard egn (= I'm sin (w++p) Ri= ⇒V=I[R+j(XL−XC)] Equation 1 The above Imsinut Amp The instantaneous power in equation is in the form of V = IZ. Therefore, a.c circuits can be obtained by taking the impedance Z of series RLC circuit will be product of instantaneous values of current Z=R+j(XL−XC) of voltage P= oxi P= Vinsinuot Imsinat H Vm Active Power Definition: The power which Im. sin²wt. p = Vm Im (1-(oszet) 2 VmI P = is actually consumed or utilised in an AC Vin In 2 The aug value of the fructuating Circuit is called True power or Active power cosine component of double frequency is or Real power. It is measured in kilowatt zero, over one complete cycle. Vm Zm 2 P = (kW) or MW. It is the actual outcomes of Vrms. Troms P=VI Vm Im Watts Dates OR the electrical system which runs the electric Unit 4 circuits or load. Derive the relation between line and phase Admittance Triangle It is formed with values of currents and voltages for conductance 'G' at the X-axis, Susceptance balanced three phase star connected 'B' at the Y-axis, and Admittance 'Y' forming Consider the balanced star-connected load. an angle Φ with Conductance at X-axis. The Fig. Circuit diagram Line voltages, VL = VRY = figure below shows the Admittance triangle. VYB = VBR Line currents, IL= IR = IY = IB Admittance Triangle. From the triangle, tan Phase voltages, Vph=VRN = VYN = VBN Φ = B/G. Phase currents, I ph= IR = IY = IB As path for Reactive Power Definition: The power line current, IL and phase current, Iph is which flows back and forth that means it same, IL = Iph To derive relation between VL moves in both the directions in the circuit or and Vph, let us consider line voltage VL = reacts upon itself, is called Reactive Power. VRY. —— V RY = —— V RN + —— V NY as — The reactive power is measured in kilo volt- — V NY = − —— V YN Hence, —— V RY = — ampere reactive (kVAR) or MVAR. — V RN − —— V YN (i) Similarly, —— V YB = —— V YN − —— V BN (ii) —— V BR Apparent Power Definition: The product of = —— V BN − —— V RN (iii) The phasor root mean square (RMS) value of voltage diagram will give relation between line and current is known as Apparent Power. voltage and phase voltage. Fig. Phasor This power is measured in kVA or MVA. It diagram for resistive load As shown in Fig. has been seen that power is consumed only take phase voltage VRN as reference. The in resistance. A pure inductor and a pure three-phase voltages are displaced by 120 capacitor do not consume any power since from each other. The phasor VRY line in a half cycle whatever power is received voltage is addition of —— V RN and − —— from the source by these components, the V YN, to get − —— V YN, —— V YN is same power is returned to the source. This reversed. Other Subjects: power which returns and flows in both SCOE- Obtain the expression for corrent and BEE End-Sem Notes | Dr. A. N. Sarwade 17 power, when voltage WsVmSinwt is applied The perpendicular is drawn from point A on across purely resistive circuit Also draw the phasor OC representing VL . OB = BC = VL 2 waveform for voltage, corrent & power on Angle between VRN and – VYN is 60 . So AOB = 30 (OC bisects VRN ^ −VYN) From the current.. Unit volt-amp reactive (VAR) or AOB, cos 30 = OB OA = VRY 2 VRN 3 2 = VL 2 kilovolt ampreactive (KVAR Apparent Power Vph VL = 3 Vph Thus, line voltage is 3 times (s) :- It is defined as the produ of 1. m.s the phase voltage and line current and Value of (V) and current (I) It is measured in phase currents are same. Phasor diagram unit volt-amp (VA) or Kilo Volt- amp (KVA). for Inductive load Phasor diagram for P= VI Cos watts G = VI sin VAR S= VI VA Capacitive load Derive the exprasion for resonant Define and state the unit of admittance, frequency and comment on impedance, conductance 4 susceptance. Also draw the current and power factor in case of series admittance triangle for inductive resonance circuit Let f_{gamma} be the circuit.Admittance is defined as the resonant frequency in Hz at which, X_{L} = reciprocal of the impedance It is denoted by X_{c} ie 2pi*rfrL = 1/(2pi*frC) benes Y and is measured in unit siemens or mho resonance (fx) ^ 2 = 1/(4pi ^ 2 * Lc) fr = Conductance is defined no the ratio of 1/(2pi * sqrt(LC)) -AS = R+jx = R+j (XL - Xc) resistance to the Square of the impedance. but at f=fr, X_{L} = Xc & x = 0 hence net It is denoted by fr and measured in unit impedance 7 = R which is purely resistive so siemens Susceptance is defined as ratio of Impedance is minimum and purely resistive the wastong to the square of the at series resonance. - As impedance is impedance. It is denoted as B and measured minimum the current I = v / t is maximum at in unit Siemens. * Admittance triangle for series resonance. The power factor coso = Inductive circuit: R/z & at f= fr as Z=e, the power factor is unity & at it's max. at berie's resonance. for Derive the expression for power, when f < fr , it is leading & f > fr , it is lagging. vollage = Vertical is applied across R-L sestes circuit. Als draw the wave five for Derive the EMF equation of single phase voltage, current & power on common x-axis transformer When transformer primary The Vortage & current ajuation for series R- winding is connected across the alternating 1 cirwit is- 6= Vinsiniot i- Tm sin (wet-p).as current supply, the current starts flowing current lage voltage. The power is product through it. This alternating current produces of Instantaneous values of Voltage & alternating flux which links with primary and current p = 10x1 .:: p = Umsinot. I'm sin(t-6) secondary winding and induces an emf of E1 = Vm Im Sinet, sin (wt-6)] Vm Im cost-cos and E2 in it respectively. Magnitude of E1 (2wt-p) Vin I'm cosp 2 1- Vin Im cas (2 wt-4) and E2 can be derived using following 2 Second form is cosine term whose method Let us consider the flux waveform, average value over a Cycle is zero.p av = V m as shown According to the Faraday's law of I m 2 cos phi= V m sqrt 2 , T m sqrt 2 cos phi electromagnetic induction the average emf | P= VI .cos phi Watts. get induced in each turn. Average emf induced in each turn = d dt where, d : be Defined and state the unit of active, the change in flux and dt : be the time reactive and apparent power in case of required for change in flux Now, considering single phase circuit. Draw the power quarter cycle of the flux waveform. d : m triangle.nbears hit it Active power (P): :- It - 0 and dt : T/4 Substituting this in above is defined as product of the applied voltage equation, average emf induced in each turn, and the active component Of the circuit. It d dt = m – 0 T/4 = 4 m T But,Time is measured in unit watts or kilowatts. -It is period, T= 1 f d dt = 4 m 1/f = 4 m f also called as True of real power a Reactive But the flux considered very sinusoidally Power (Q) - It is defined as product of the with time, the emf induced is also sinusoidal applied voltage and the reactive Component in nature. For pure sine wave: Hence, Form greater than single-phase motor for same Factor = RMS value Average value = 1.11 rating. (v) Three-phase motors are self- RMS value of emf induced in each turn, = starting, as the magnetic field produced by Average value 1.11 = 4 m f 1.11 = 4.44 three-phase supply is rotating. But the m f volt Total emf induced in primary magnetic field produced by single-phase winding with N1 number of turns E1 = 4.44 system is pulsating, so most of the single- m f N1 volt. Similarly, emf in induced in the phase motors are not self-starting. secondary winding with N2 turns due to What are the different types of losses mutual induction. E2 = 4.44 m f N2 volt taking place in the transformer? How these Symmetrical System: A three-phase system losses are minimized. State the parts in is said to be symmetrical when voltages of which it takes place. Since, the transformer same frequency in different phases are is a static device and not a rotating equal in magnitude and displaced from one machine, therefore friction and windage another by equal phase angles. (ii) Phase losses are not present. The losses which sequence: A sequence in which three takes place in a transformer are of two voltages will achieve their positive types (i) Iron losses or core losses (constant maximum values is called phase sequence. losses), [takes place in transformer (iii) Balanced load: The load is said to be magnetic core] (ii) Copper losses (variable balanced when loads in each phase are losses). [Takes place in transformer copper equal in magnitude and identical in nature. windings] (i) Iron Losses These losses occurs (iii) UnBalanced load: The load is said to be due to the alternating flux in the balanced when loads in each phase are not transformer core. These losses consist of : equal in magnitude and identical in nature (a) Hysteresis loss, (b) Eddy current loss. These losses remains constant at any load . State the advantages of three phase ac condition. (a) Hysteresis Loss : When system over single phase ac system. Ans: transformer core is subjected to a magnetic There are several reasons why three-phase field, the molecules in the material are system is superior to single-phase system. forced to get aligned in the direction of (i) The rating of three-phase motor and applied magnetic field. If the applied three-phase transformer are about 150% magnetic field is alternating in nature then, greater than single-phase motor or the molecules are forced to change the transformer with a similar frame size. (ii) directions with the same frequency of The power delivered by a single-phase applied magnetic field. But the molecules system pulsates. The power falls to zero, are very much reluctant to change their three times during each cycle. The power direction. Hence, some energy is required in delivered by a three-phase circuit pulsates order to change their direction as per the also, but it never falls to zero. So in three- applied alternating magnetic field. This loss phase system, power delivered to the load of energy is called as hysteresis loss. It is is same at any instant. This produces dissipated in the form of heat. It is given by superior operating characteristics for three- empirical formula asHysteresis loss, Ph = B phase system. (iii) To transmit certain 1.6 max f v watt where, : stenmitz amount of power at a given voltage over a constant, Bmax: maximum flux density in given distance, threephase transmission line the core. f : frequency of alternating flux v : requires less amount of copper than single- be the volume of core material. (b) Eddy phase line. This reduces the cost of material Current Losses: Due to the linking of required, hence, becomes economical. (iv) alternating flux to transformer core, emf get Power factor of three-phase motor is induced in the transformer core. It gives rise to circulating, current in the core. These 'bilateral'. Network comprised of pure circulating currents are called as eddy resistance is bilateral one. Unilateral currents. Now the every path of circulating Network: If characteristic or behavior of the current in the core has some resistance circuit depends on direction of current which causes the loss of energy. The total through one or more elements it is called loss of energy due to the total eddy current 'Unilateral Network'. A diode allows flow of is called as eddy current loss. It is also current only in one direction when it is dissipated in the from of heat. It is also forward biased, circuit consisting of diode is given by an empirical formula. Eddy current unilateral one. (3) Active Network: If loss Pe=Ke B 2 max f 2 t 2 v watt Where, Ke : electric circuit contains at least single constant depends on the resistivity of core energy source, it is called 'Active network'. material Bmax: maximum flux density, f : It may be either voltage or current source. frequency of alternating flux t : thickness of Passive Network: A circuit in absence of an the lamination of the core, v : volume of energy source containing only passive core material The flux density in the core elements is called 'Passive network'. remains practically constant from no load to (4)Lumped Network: If all the network full load as well as supply frequency also elements are physically separable, such a remains constant therefore iron losses are network is called 'lumpednetwork'. Most of also called as constant losses. (i) Copper the electrical networks are lumped in Losses These losses occurs in the primary nature. Distributed Network: A network in and secondary windings due to resistance of which elements are not physically separable primary and secondary winding. Let I1 and is known as 'distributednetwork'. As I2 : the primary and secondary current. R1 resistance inductance and capacitance of a and R2 : the primary and secondary winding transmission line are uniformly distributed resistance. Hence, Total copper loss = I 2 1 over its length, it is a 'distributed network'. R1 + I 2 2 R2 Derive the EMF equation of single phase Unit 5 Transform fig. Sinusoidal flux. Let, fux pm= Max. value of flux N₁ = No. of pri. wodg Explain following types of Electrical turns N₂ = No. of see. wdg turns f = Networks. 1) Linear and Non Linear frequency of the supply Voltage E = RMS network (2Unilateral and Bilateral Value of the pai. induced emf E2= RMS network) (3) Active and Passive network Value of see. induced emf. from Faraday's (4) Lumped and Distributed Network Ans: law of electromagnetic induction the avg. (1) Linear Network: A network in which emp induced in each turn is proportional to values of the circuit elements (resistance, the aug. rate" of change of Aux .: Aug. emf inductance and capacitance) remain perturn = Aug·rate of change of flox = do . at constant, irrespective of change in voltage Now L db change in-flox Time required for or current, is known as 'linear network'. change in flux consider , to cycle of flex Ohm's law is applicable to such network. 4fthm wh/seo. Aeg. amf per turn = 4fhm Non Linear Network:On the other hand, if volts. e As form factor Rigs Valve Aug. Value values of the circuit elements change with RMS = 1-11 X Avg. Value RMS Value of change in voltage or current, such a induced emf per-turn = 1-11 x 4fom for pri network is called 'Non-linear network'. & sea wdg, No. of turns are N, & N2 .. Rige Ohm's law is not applicable to such a value of Induced emf for primary & network. (2) Bilateral Network: If secondary E₁ = 4.44.fom N, Volts £2 = 4+44- characteristics or behavior of the circuit is from N₂ Volts independent of direction of current through various elements, such a network is called F K, and K₂ are the RTC of a conducting junction or node in an electric circuit, sum material at tic 4 to°c respectively. prove of incoming currents is equal to sum of that, ∞₂ = 4. 1+2, (t2-ti) R2= R, [i+α, (t₂-ti)] outgoing currents. i.e. at any node, ∑ Where Rif2, are resistance and RTC at tic & Incoming Currents= ∑ Outgoing Currents R₂ is resistance at tec If the same resistance Explanation : Consider a node as shown in is cooled from ±2 to tic & if d2 is RTC at t2°c Fig. Fig. Four branches meet at junction or then R₁ = R₂ [1+ de (+, -+1)] Divide eg by R2 node A. By KCL, I 2 + I4 = I 1 + I3 where I2 R2 @ As (+α₁ (+2-+1) Divide em by Ry to and I4 are incoming currents while I1 and I3 VIRA 120 R2 1+x9 (+1-+1) equating eqh4@ are outgoing currents. Kirchhoff's Voltage 1+α₁ (tanti) s K₁ (t₁-ti) = 1+ 42(4-2) 1 1+22(t₁- Law (KVL) Statement : In any electrical tz) = 1 - 1 - alpha_{2}(t_{1} - t_{2}) 1+xa (+1- network, algebraic sum of voltage drops +2) (alpha_{2}(t_{1} - t_{2}))/(1 + across various elements around any closed alpha_{2}(t_{1} - t_{2})) alpha_{2}(t_{2} - loop or mesh is equal to algebraic sum of t_{1}) 1+da (+1-42) <₁ (t₂-t₁) = L2 , 1+de (t₁- e.m.f.s in that loop. ∑IR=∑E In other words, kz) alpha_{2} = alpha_{1}/(1 + if we trace any closed path or loop in an alpha_{1}(t_{2} - t_{1})) =25/27 proved electrical network an algebraic sum of branch voltages is always zero. ∑V=0 Sign What is phase sequence & state it's any Convention: Direction of current through a two applicatios ans) The sequence in which circuit element decides polarity of voltage. the voltages in three phases reach their Current always flows from higher potential maximum positive values is called phase to lower potentialWhile tracing a closed sequence. Generally the phase sequence is path, from positively marked terminal of R - Y - B Application- 1.To determine resistor to negatively marked terminal then direction of rotathon of ae motors 2.To it indicates potential drop. This is shown in study parallel operation of alternators. Fig. (a). (a) Potential drop If circuit path is state the relation between- 1 phase traced from negatively marked terminal to Voltage & line voltage. 11) phase current & positively marked terminal, then it indicates line current is case of balanced kel delta potential rise. This is shown in Fig. (b) (b) connected 3-ph load. Using above relations, Potential rise Consider a network shown Tabtain the expressions for 3p active power below. Using KVL, ∑V=0 -I R1- I R2 + V=0, and 3-ph reactive power. For Delta V=I(R1+R2) I= (V/(R1+R2)) connected balanced load, phase voltage | State & explain Superposition theorem. V_{1} = V*rho*b And Line current and phase Statement: In any linear, bilateral network current relation is, I_{1} = sqrt(3) * Iph containing atleast two energy sources, the power consumed in each phase in single current flowing through a particular branch phase power given by P ph =VphIph cos phi is the algebraic sum of the currents flowing Total power, p= Line Voltage P = SP*rho*h through that branch when each source is P= 9 Vph Iph costP = 3V_{L} * I_{L}/V_{3} * considered separately and remaining cos phi = sqrt(5) * sqrt(3) * V_{1} * sources are replaced by their respective T_{L}/(sqrt(3)) * cos phi P = sqrt(3) * internal resistances. Explanation: Consider a V_{1}*I_{L} * cos phi Workw Reactive Power network shown in Fig. (a). The current (I) is, Q = sqrt(3) * sqrt(L) * I * sin phi VAR or through R2 is to be estimated using KVAR Superposition theorem Consider voltage Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) Statement: source V1 acting alone. Make other voltage Algebraic sum of currents meeting at any source inactive i.e. replace it by it's internal junction point in an electric circuit is always resistance. As internal resistance of an ideal zero. i.e. ∑I=0 In other words, at any voltage source is zero, it is replaced by short circuit. Circuit will be as shown in Fig. across Thevenin's equivalent circuit and find (b).The current through R2 is I’. Fig. (b) Now current through it. consider second voltage source V2 is acting Unit 6 alone. Replace first voltage source V1 by short circuit. Circuit will be as shown in Fig. Resistivity of the material: Ri depends on (c).The current through R2 is I’’ Fig. (c) I’ and type and nature (resistivity) of the material I’’ can be calculated by using KVL or branch current method. Hence the current flowing Derive an expression for insulation through R2 when both the sources are resistance of a single core cable. To find the acting is… I=I’+I” resistance offered by insulating material (Ri) of a single core cable having length ‘l’ State & explain Thevenin's Theorem. meters to flow of leakage current, cross Statement: Any linear, bilateral network section of the cable is considered as shown containing energy sources and circuit in figure. Due to finite insulation resistance elements can be replaced by an equivalent of the insulating material used, some circuit containing a voltage source VThand a leakage current flows from the conductor in series resistance RTh or Req across the radialy outward direction. Therefore, to terminals under consideration. Value of obtain the expression for Ri , a small section voltage source VThis equal to the open- with thickness as "dr" at a distance of “r" circuit voltage across the terminals under meters from the centre of the cable is consideration while RTh or Req is the considered. Where, R1 = Radius of equivalent resistance measured between conductor, R2 = Radius of cable including the same terminals replacing all the energy conductor and insulator Length offered by sources by their internal resistances. insulation layer = dr, Cross-sectional area = Explanation:By using this theorem current 2πrl The resistance offered by small section flowing through any particular circuit is dRi = dr 2πrl The total insulation element can be calculated. Consider linear resistance Ri can be obtained by integrating bilateral network as shown in figure. The "dRi " over the entire radius of insulating current (IL) through branch AB carrying material i.e. from R1 and R2 . Ri = R1 R2 resistance RL is to be determined using dRi = R1 R2 dr 2πrl = 2πl R1 R2 Thevenin’s Theorem. How to apply dr r = 2πl [loge r] R2 R1 Ri = 2πl [loge R2 Thevenin's theorem to calculate IL? (i) – loge R1] = 2πl ln R2 R1 Ω Ri = Remove the circuit element (RL) under 2πl loge R2 R1 Ω consideration from the network. (ii) Find the value of open-circuit voltage across those Explain the construction of Lead acid terminals. This is nothing but Thevenin's battery with neat diagram The lead-acid voltage source (VTH). (iii) Find the cell essentially contains following elements: equivalent resistance between the same 1. Plates The plates, which are actually terminals replacing all energy sources by electrodes are a) Anode: Lead Peroxide their internal resistances. Ideal voltage (PbO2) of Chocolate brown colour b) sources are replaced by short circuit, while Cathode: Spongy Lead (Pb) with slate grey ideal current sources are replaced by open colour 2. Electrolyte: Aqueous solution of circuit. This resistance is RThor Req. (iv) Sulphuric acid (H2SO4). 3. Separators: The Replace the given network across terminals separators are used to separate positive and under consideration by Thevenin's negative plates, preventing them to come in equivalent circuit, which is Thevenin's contact with each other. These are made of voltage source in series with an equivalent either specially treated wood or perforated resistance. (v) Reconnect original element rubber. The common separator is wood, since it is the cheapest of all separators. 4. equations. As their name suggests, lithium- Container The container is made of ion batteries are all about the movement of vulcanized rubber, or glass. Glass containers lithium ions: the ions move one way when are normally used for light duty work and the battery charges (when it's absorbing rubber container for portable work. Entire power); they move the opposite way when assembly of plates along with the solution is the battery discharges (when it's supplying placed in the container. 5. Bottom Blocks power): Charging During charging, lithium These are fitted at the bottom of the ions flow from the positive electrode to the container to prevent short circuiting of cell negative electrode through the electrolyte. due to the active material fallen from the Electrons also flow from the positive plates. 6. Plate connector Separate electrode to the negative electrode, but connectors are used to connect all positive take the longer path around the outer plates to one bar and negative plates to circuit. The electrons and ions Applications another common bar 7. Cover with vent 1. Used in automobiles for starting and Plug The covers are generally of vulcanized lighting 2. Used in generating stations and rubber. A hole is provided for pouring the Substations to operate protective devices electrolyte and this can be closed by a and emergency lighting 3. Used Un- screwed cap. The cap is provided with interrupted Power Supply minute holes for gases to escape. This is Fully charged battery The various also known as ‘Vent Cap’. The function of indications of fully charged battery are a) the vent cap is to allow the escape of the Voltage b) Specific Gravity of Electrolyte c) gases. Applications 1. Used in automobiles Colour of the electrodes d) Gassing Voltage: for starting and lighting 2. Used in When the cell is fully charged its terminal generating stations and Substations to potential will be approximately 2.6 operate protective devices and emergency voltsSpecific Gravity: When the cell is fully lighting 3. Used Un-interrupted Power 4. charged, the specific gravity of the Used in Emergency Lighting 5. Used in electrolyte will be approximately 1.21. telephone exchange When the cell is fully discharged its value Explain construction working of Lithium falls to 1.17. Colour of Electrodes: When the Ion battery. The lithium ion battery was cell is fully charged, the lead sulphate anode introduced in the early 1990s. This batteries gets converted into lead per oxide (PbO2) consist of largely four main components: dark chocolate brown in colour and lead cathode, anode, electrolyte, and separator. sulphate cathode gets converted into lead a) Cathode: A Positive electrode is made (Pb), grey in colour. It is considered one of with Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LiCoO2) has a the best tests for ascertaining the condition current collector made of thin aluminum of a battery Gassing: When the cell is fully foil. b) Anode: A negative electrode made charged, the hydrogen and oxygen gases with specialty carbon has current collector are liberated at the cathode and anode of thin copper foil. c) Separator: It is a fine respectively, so liberation of gases porous polymer film. d) Electrolyte: Lithium (hydrogen and oxygen), known as gassing, salt in an organic solvent. Electrolyte is on the electrodes indicates that the cells are selected in such a way that there should be fully charged. an effective transport of Li-ion to the cathode during discharge. Type of conductivity is ionic in nature rather than electronic. Explain working of Lithium Ion battery along with charging and discharging Click on the below links