Igateway Bill User Manual

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Chapter 1 System Description........................................................................

1.1 Overview ................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Product Introduction ............................................................................... 1-1
1.2.1 Product Position ............................................................................. 1-1
1.2.2 System Applications ....................................................................... 1-1
1.2.3 Product Features ........................................................................... 1-3
1.3 Hardware Structure ................................................................................ 1-4
1.3.1 Hardware Configurations ............................................................... 1-4
1.3.2 Functional Principles ...................................................................... 1-6
1.4 Software Architecture ............................................................................. 1-11
1.4.1 Key Terminologies ......................................................................... 1-11
1.4.2 Overall Architecture ....................................................................... 1-12
1.4.3 Service Processes ......................................................................... 1-12
1.5 System Functions ................................................................................... 1-14
1.5.1 Service Functions .......................................................................... 1-14
1.5.2 Operation and Maintenance Function ............................................ 1-15
1.6 Main Technical Parameters .................................................................... 1-16
1.6.1 System Specifications .................................................................... 1-16
1.6.2 Environment Specifications............................................................ 1-16
1.6.3 Reliability Specifications ................................................................ 1-17
Chapter 2 System Installation ........................................................................ 2-1
2.1 Overview ................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Installation Overview .............................................................................. 2-1
2.2.1 Installation Preparations ................................................................ 2-3
2.2.2 System Planning ............................................................................ 2-5
2.3 Installing HP Server Hardware ............................................................... 2-8
2.3.1 Structure of the HP Server ............................................................. 2-8
2.3.2 Installing Cables of the HP Server ................................................. 2-10
2.3.3 Setting the BIOS of the HP Server ................................................. 2-12
2.4 Installing IBM Server Hardware .............................................................. 2-12
2.4.1 Structure of the IBM Server ........................................................... 2-12
2.4.2 Structure of IBM EXP400 ............................................................... 2-15
2.4.3 Installing Cables of the IBM Server................................................ 2-16
2.5 Installing and Configuring the OS on the HP Server .............................. 2-18
2.5.1 Setting the BIOS of the HP Server ................................................. 2-18
2.5.2 Setting the Hard Disks to RAID 5+Hot Spare ................................ 2-19
2.5.3 Initializing the HP Server ................................................................ 2-22
2.5.4 Installing Windows 2000 Server ..................................................... 2-24
2.5.5 Installing Windows 2000 Hot Patches ............................................ 2-25
2.5.6 Creating Disk Partitions ................................................................. 2-26
2.5.7 Configuring IP addresses of the Network Adapters ....................... 2-29
2.6 Installing and Configuring the OS on the IBM Server ............................. 2-31
2.6.1 Setting the BIOS of the IBM Server ............................................... 2-31
2.6.2 Setting the Local Hard Disks to RAID 1 ......................................... 2-32
2.6.3 Installing Windows 2000 Server ..................................................... 2-34
2.6.4 Installing Windows 2000 Hot Patches ............................................ 2-37
2.6.5 Installing Drivers for the IBM Server Hardware.............................. 2-38
2.6.6 Setting the Hard Disks to RAID 5+Hot Spare ................................ 2-44
2.6.7 Creating Disk Partitions ................................................................. 2-49
2.6.8 Configuring IP addresses of the Network Adapters ....................... 2-52
2.7 Installing Billing Interface........................................................................ 2-55
2.7.1 Installing the FTP Server Software ................................................ 2-55
2.7.2 Installing the FTAM Software ......................................................... 2-57
2.7.3 Setting User¡fls right ...................................................................... 2-65
2.8 Installing iGWB Server Software ............................................................ 2-66
2.9 Installing iGWB Client Software ............................................................. 2-70
2.9.1 Installing OS ................................................................................... 2-70
2.9.2 Installing the iGWB Client Software ............................................... 2-70
2.10 Modifying iGWB Factory Defaults ........................................................ 2-72
2.10.1 Changing Computer Name and Workgroup................................. 2-73
2.10.2 Changing IP Address of Network Adapters ................................. 2-74
2.10.3 Changing Administrator Password ............................................... 2-74
2.10.4 Installing iGWB Server Software .................................................. 2-75
2.10.5 Configuring iGWB Server Software ............................................. 2-75
2.11 Checking Installation ............................................................................ 2-75
2.11.1 Checking Hardware Installation ................................................... 2-75
2.11.2 Checking Windows 2000 Server Installation ................................ 2-75
2.11.3 Checking iGWB Server Software ................................................. 2-77
2.11.4 Checking iGWB Client Software .................................................. 2-78
Chapter 3 Parameter Configuration ............................................................... 3-1
3.1 Overview ................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Introduction to Parameter Configuration Console .................................. 3-1
3.2.1 Main window .................................................................................. 3-2
3.2.2 Menu bar ........................................................................................ 3-2
3.2.3 Toolbar ........................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.4 Navigation Tree.............................................................................. 3-5
3.2.5 Sub-windows .................................................................................. 3-5
3.2.6 StatusBar ....................................................................................... 3-5
3.3 Common Operations .............................................................................. 3-6
3.3.1 Logging in to Parameter Configuration Console ............................ 3-6
3.3.2 Locking System.............................................................................. 3-8
3.3.3 Adding Login .................................................................................. 3-9
3.3.4 Logging out Office .......................................................................... 3-10
3.3.5 Changing Password ....................................................................... 3-11
3.3.6 Closing Parameter Configuration Console ..................................... 3-11
3.3.7 Browsing igwb.ini Parameter File................................................... 3-12
3.3.8 Adding Parameter Sections ........................................................... 3-13
3.3.9 Deleting Sections ........................................................................... 3-15
3.3.10 Adding Parameters ...................................................................... 3-15
3.3.11 Deleting Parameters .................................................................... 3-17
3.3.12 Modifying Parameter Value .......................................................... 3-17
3.3.13 Comparing Parameters of Different Offices ................................. 3-18
3.3.14 Saving the Configuration Information ........................................... 3-19
3.3.15 Loading the Parameter Configuration File ................................... 3-19
3.3.16 Obtaining the Configuration Information ...................................... 3-20
3.3.17 Customized Setting ...................................................................... 3-21
3.4 Configuring iGWB Server ....................................................................... 3-22
3.4.1 Updating Bill Format Files .............................................................. 3-22
3.4.2 Configuring the igwb.ini Parameter File ......................................... 3-22
3.4.3 Configuration for a Stand-alone Server ......................................... 3-29
3.4.4 Configuration for a Cluster iGWB System ...................................... 3-31
3.4.5 Modifying Software Watchdog Settings ......................................... 3-39
3.4.6 Port Usage ..................................................................................... 3-40
3.5 Modifying Client Settings ........................................................................ 3-41
3.6 Network Backup Instance ....................................................................... 3-42
3.6.1 Network Backup Instance .............................................................. 3-42
3.6.2 Simplest Backup Configuration ...................................................... 3-44
3.6.3 Configuring Two Backup Tasks ..................................................... 3-45
3.6.4 Configuring Two Backup Tasks with Different User Names and
Passwords .............................................................................................. 3-45
3.6.5 Configuring Defaulted Backup Mode ............................................. 3-46
3.6.6 Configuring Backup Time List ........................................................ 3-47
3.6.7 Configuring the Backup Start Time and End Time ......................... 3-48
3.6.8 Configuring One-off Backup List .................................................... 3-48
3.6.9 Configuring the Operation Check Log ............................................ 3-49
3.6.10 Configuring the Last File Backup ................................................. 3-50
3.6.11 Configuring the Deletion of Source File After Backup.................. 3-51
3.6.12 Configuring the Deletion of the Second Bill Copy Without
Date Directory After Backup ................................................................... 3-51
3.6.13 Configuring the Save Days for Files Under the Destination
Path......................................................................................................... 3-52
3.6.14 Configuring Connection Retry Times When Backup Fails ........... 3-53
3.6.15 Configuring the Source Path for Saving the Status Files ............. 3-53
3.6.16 Backup Precautions ..................................................................... 3-54
Chapter 4 Basic Operations ............................................................................ 4-1
4.1 Overview ................................................................................................ 4-1
4.2 Quick Start .............................................................................................. 4-1
4.2.1 iGWB Client ................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.2 GUI of the CDR Console ................................................................ 4-2
4.2.3 GUI of the Debugging Console ...................................................... 4-7
4.2.4 Introduction to the Online Help ...................................................... 4-10
4.3 Common Operations .............................................................................. 4-12
4.3.1 Starting the iGWB Service ............................................................. 4-12
4.3.2 Stopping the iGWB Service ........................................................... 4-13
4.3.3 Logging in to the CDR Console ..................................................... 4-14
4.3.4 Locking CDR Console .................................................................... 4-15
4.3.5 Logging out of the CDR Console ................................................... 4-16
4.3.6 Resetting iGWB ............................................................................. 4-16
4.3.7 Closing the CDR Console .............................................................. 4-17
4.3.8 Masking Alarm Information ............................................................ 4-17
4.3.9 Customizing the Layout ................................................................. 4-18
4.3.10 Managing Operators .................................................................... 4-20
4.3.11 Managing Offices ......................................................................... 4-30
4.3.12 Customizing the System .............................................................. 4-33
4.3.13 Managing CDRs........................................................................... 4-35
4.3.14 Collecting CDR Statistics ............................................................. 4-44
4.3.15 Managing Performance ................................................................ 4-54
4.3.16 Managing Logs ............................................................................ 4-58
4.3.17 Manual Switchover ....................................................................... 4-64
4.3.18 Auxiliary Upgrade ......................................................................... 4-64
4.3.19 Logging in to the Debugging Console .......................................... 4-65
4.3.20 Exiting the Debugging Console .................................................... 4-66
4.3.21 Managing Debugging Messages ................................................. 4-67
4.3.22 Managing Protocol Messages...................................................... 4-72
4.3.23 Managing Workflow Messages .................................................... 4-74
4.3.24 Printing Trace Messages ............................................................. 4-76
Chapter 5 System Maintenance ...................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Overview ................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Quick Start .............................................................................................. 5-1
5.2.1 Operator Types .............................................................................. 5-1
5.2.2 Directory Structure of the iGWB Server ......................................... 5-1
5.2.3 Directory Structure of the iGWB Client .......................................... 5-7
5.3 Routine Maintenance ............................................................................. 5-8
5.3.1 System Running ............................................................................. 5-8
5.3.2 Hard disk Maintenance .................................................................. 5-10
5.3.3 Operation Maintenance.................................................................. 5-11
5.4 Locating Faults ....................................................................................... 5-12
5.4.1 About Fault Locating Information ................................................... 5-12
5.4.2 Information Provided by the iGWB Software ................................. 5-12
5.4.3 Information Provided by the Operating System ............................. 5-15
5.4.4 Collection of Fault Locating Information ......................................... 5-17
5.5 Common Trace Information and Maintenance ....................................... 5-18
5.5.1 Insufficient Available Space on the Front Save Disk ..................... 5-18
5.5.2 Insufficient Available Space on the Back Save Disk ...................... 5-19
5.5.3 Insufficient Available Space on the Backup Disk ........................... 5-19
5.5.4 Insufficient Available Space on the Front Save Disk for
Switchover .............................................................................................. 5-19
5.5.5 Insufficient Available Space on the Back Save Disk for
Switchover .............................................................................................. 5-19
5.5.6 Incorrect Access Point Type %d .................................................... 5-20
5.5.7 Reading IP Address from MML Server Failed ............................... 5-20
5.5.8 Error Code %d Returned when Registering SOCKET ................... 5-20
5.5.9 Kernel Process Not Running .......................................................... 5-20
5.5.10 Opening the Listening Port Failed................................................ 5-20
5.5.11 Activating Asynchronous Resource Failed .................................. 5-21
5.5.12 Activating Dual System Failed ..................................................... 5-21
5.5.13 Unknown Heartbeat Type (%s) .................................................... 5-21
5.5.14 Creating Heartbeat Link %d Failed .............................................. 5-21
5.5.15 Heartbeat Link %d Interrupted ..................................................... 5-21
5.5.16 Starting the Failover ..................................................................... 5-22
5.5.17 Failover Failed ............................................................................. 5-22
5.5.18 Failover Response End Failed ..................................................... 5-23
5.5.19 Starting the Handover Operation ................................................. 5-23
5.5.20 Activation Failed for Specified Times and Cannot Be
Performed Again ..................................................................................... 5-23
5.6 Handling Common Faults ....................................................................... 5-23
5.6.1 Logging in to CDR console failed................................................... 5-23
5.6.2 Billing System failed to decode ASN.1 bills ................................... 5-24
5.6.3 Serial Port Alarm ............................................................................ 5-25
5.6.4 Bulb Icon Not Displayed ................................................................. 5-25
5.6.5 Exceptional Power-Down of the IBM Disk Array ............................ 5-26
5.6.6 How to Validate Changed Parameters Quickly? ............................ 5-27
5.6.7 Start Sequence for the iGWB Dual System ................................... 5-27
5.6.8 Stop Sequence for the iGWB Dual system .................................... 5-28
5.6.9 BS Not Fetch CDRs for a Long Time ............................................. 5-28
5.6.10 How to Install the iGWB on a Device with Only One Network
Adapter? ................................................................................................. 5-29
5.6.11 How to Install the iGWB on a Device with C:\ Only? .................... 5-30
5.6.12 Process Watch Dog Service Not Found in the Services After
the iGWB Is Uninstalled or Upgraded ..................................................... 5-31
5.6.13 The iGWB Generates a CDR of 3 MB for Only a Few Calls ........ 5-31
5.6.14 Connection Failure during Network Backup................................. 5-32
5.6.15 Filtering ASN.1 CDRs Failed ....................................................... 5-32
5.6.16 Softswitch Always Receives the ¡Network Backup Error¡–
Alarm from the iGWB .............................................................................. 5-33
5.6.17 Reading/Writing StatusFileB Failed When the iGWB Is
Started .................................................................................................... 5-33
5.6.18 Browsing Sorted Bills in the Default Directory Failed ................... 5-34
5.6.19 Unstable Network Connection Between the iGWB and
SoftX3000 ............................................................................................... 5-34
5.6.20 Starting the IBM Server Failed ..................................................... 5-35
5.6.21 How to Install the iGWB and BAM on the Same Device? ............ 5-35
5.7 System Alarms ....................................................................................... 5-36
5.7.1 ALM-3201 Insufficient Disk Space ................................................. 5-38
5.7.2 ALM-3203 BS Not Fetch CDRs for a Long Time ........................... 5-38
5.7.3 ALM-3205 Heartbeat Interruption .................................................. 5-39
5.7.4 ALM-3207 Cluster Switchover ....................................................... 5-39
5.7.5 ALM-3209 Private Network Interruption ......................................... 5-40
5.7.6 ALM-3211 Service Resource Failure ............................................. 5-40
5.7.7 ALM-3213 IP Resource Failure...................................................... 5-40
5.7.8 ALM-3215 Volume Resource Failure ............................................. 5-41
5.7.9 ALM-3217 Hardware Failure .......................................................... 5-41
5.7.10 ALM-3219 Write File Failure ........................................................ 5-42
5.7.11 ALM-3221 Abnormal CDR ........................................................... 5-42
5.7.12 ALM-3223 File Backup Failure ..................................................... 5-42
5.7.13 ALM-3225 Backup Connection Failure ........................................ 5-43
5.7.14 ALM-3227 CPU Busy ................................................................... 5-43
5.7.15 ALM-3229 Insufficient Available Memory ..................................... 5-44
5.7.16 ALM-3231 Unauthorized Client Login .......................................... 5-44
5.7.17 ALM-3233 License Notice ............................................................ 5-44
5.7.18 ALM-3235 Cluster Handover ....................................................... 5-45
5.7.19 ALM-3237 Hardware Failure ........................................................ 5-45
5.7.20 ALM-3239 Software Reset ........................................................... 5-46
5.7.21 ALM-3253 User information Change ........................................... 5-46
5.7.22 ALM-3255 Insufficient Disk Space (major) ................................... 5-47
5.7.23 ALM-3257 Insufficient Available Memory (major) ........................ 5-47
Appendix A CDR Farmat ................................................................................. A-1
A.1 Bill Interface Data between iGWB and U-SYS SoftX3000 ..................... A-1
A.2 U-SYS SoftX3000 iGWB CDR Format (464 Bytes) ............................... A-3
A.2.1 Fixed IN bill .................................................................................... A-3
A.2.2 Fixed Ordinary Detail Bill Format................................................... A-9
A.2.3 Fixed Network Meter Table Bill Format ......................................... A-28
A.2.4 Fixed Network Meter Table Statistics Bill ...................................... A-33
A.2.5 Fixed Network Trunk Occupation Duration Statistics Bill .............. A-35
A.2.6 Fixed Network Statistics Bill of Free Calls ..................................... A-36
A.3 U-SYS SoftX3000 iGWB Bill Format(554 Bytes) ................................... A-37
A.3.1 Fixed IN bill .................................................................................... A-37
A.3.2 Fixed Ordinary Detail Bill Format................................................... A-43
A.3.3 Fixed Network Meter Table Bill Format ......................................... A-60
A.3.4 Fixed Network Meter Table Statistics Bill ...................................... A-65
A.3.5 Fixed Network Trunk Occupation Duration Statistics Bill .............. A-67
A.3.6 Fixed Network Statistics Bill of Free Calls ..................................... A-68
A.4 U-SYS SoftX3000 iGWB CDR Farmat (250 Bytes) ............................... A-69
A.4.1 Fixed IN bill .................................................................................... A-69
A.4.2 Fixed Ordinary Detail Bill Format................................................... A-76
A.4.3 Fixed Network Meter Table Bill Format ......................................... A-104
A.4.4 Fixed Network Meter Table Statistics Bill (statisticsMeterBill) ....... A-112
A.4.5 Fixed Network Trunk Occupation Duration Statistics Bill .............. A-114
A.4.6 Fixed Network Statistics Bill of Free Calls ..................................... A-115
A.5 U-SYS SoftX3000 iGWB CDR Farmat (140 Bytes) ............................... A-117
A.5.1 Fixed IN bill .................................................................................... A-117
A.5.2 Fixed Ordinary Detail Bill Format................................................... A-123
A.5.3 Fixed Network Meter Table Bill Format ......................................... A-136
A.5.4 Fixed Network Meter Table Statistics Bill (statisticsMeterBill) ....... A-141
A.5.5 Fixed Network Trunk Occupation Duration Statistics Bill .............. A-143
A.5.6 Fixed Network Statistics Bill of Free Calls ..................................... A-144
A.6 Add-tables .............................................................................................. A-145
A.6.1 Relation between termination_ code and Q.850 ........................... A-145
A.6.2 Protocol release cause .................................................................. A-148
A.6.3 Caller_did/Callee_did .................................................................... A-153
A.6.4 caller_category .............................................................................. A-156
A.6.5 failure cause code ......................................................................... A-157
A.6.6 supplementary_service_type ......................................................... A-164
Appendix B Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................... B-1

Index .................................................................................................................

U-SYS iGateway Bill

User Manual


Huawei Technologies Proprietary

U-SYS iGateway Bill
User Manual

Manual Version T2-010108-20050620-C-2.32

Product Version V200R002

BOM 31015208

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. provides customers with comprehensive technical support
and service. Please feel free to contact our local office or company headquarters.

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Postal Code: 518129

Website: http://www.huawei.com

Email: support@huawei.com

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Copyright © 2005 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

All Rights Reserved

No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this manual are the property of
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The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every effort has
been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure accuracy of the contents,
but all statements, information, and recommendations in this manual do not
constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

About This Manual

Release Notes

The manual applies to the U-SYS iGateway Bill V200R002 (hereinafter referred to as
the iGWB).


The manual presents the principle, installation, operation, and maintenance of the
product in the following structure.

The manual contains five chapters and two appendixes

z Chapter 1 System Description introduces the iGWB’s networking model,
hardware structure, software structure, functional features, and technical
z Chapter 2 System Installation details two installation processes regarding the
iGWB: the complete installation process and the on-site installation process.
z Chapter 3 Parameter Configuration describes the parameters of the iGWB
server and how to use the parameter configuration console. In addition, it
provides some instances of configuration.
z Chapter 4 Basic Operations presents the basic operations performed on the
iGWB, including system management, service operations, and system
z Chapter 5 System Maintenance introduces the directory structure of the iGWB
system, routine maintenance, fault locating, common Trace messages, fault
handling and alarm messages.
z Appendix A CDR Format introduces the CDR format of U-SYS SoftX3000
z Appendix B Acronyms and Abbreviations lists the full names of the acronyms
and abbreviated used in the manual.

Intended Audience

The manual is intended for the following readers:

z Installation engineers
z Project engineering technicians
z Operation & maintenance specialists

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


The manual uses the following conventions:

I. General conventions

Convention Description
Arial Normal paragraphs are in Arial.

Boldface Headings are in Boldface.

Courier New Terminal Display is in Courier New.

II. GUI conventions

Convention Description

Button names are inside angle brackets. For example, click

the <OK> button.
Window names, menu items, data table and field names
[] are inside square brackets. For example, pop up the [New
User] window.
Multi-level menus are separated by forward slashes. For
example, [File/Create/Folder].

III. Keyboard operation

Format Description
Press the key with the key name inside angle brackets. For
example, <Enter>, <Tab>, <Backspace>, or <A>.

Press the keys concurrently. For example, <Ctrl+Alt+A>

means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.
Press the keys in turn. For example, <Alt, A> means the
<Key1, Key2>
two keys should be pressed in turn.

IV. Mouse operation

Action Description

Press the left button or right button quickly (left button by

Double Click Press the left button twice continuously and quickly.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Action Description

Press and hold the left button and drag it to a certain


V. Symbols

Eye-catching symbols are also used in the manual to highlight the points worthy of
special attention during the operation. They are defined as follows:

Caution Means reader be extremely careful during the operation.

Note Means a complementary description.

Environmental Protection

This product has been designed to comply with the requirements on environmental
protection. For the proper storage, use and disposal of this product, national laws and
regulations must be observed.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 System Description ..................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Product Introduction........................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2.1 Product Position ...................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2.2 System Applications................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2.3 Product Features..................................................................................................... 1-3
1.3 Hardware Structure............................................................................................................ 1-4
1.3.1 Hardware Configurations ........................................................................................ 1-4
1.3.2 Functional Principles ............................................................................................... 1-6
1.4 Software Architecture ...................................................................................................... 1-11
1.4.1 Key Terminologies................................................................................................. 1-11
1.4.2 Overall Architecture............................................................................................... 1-12
1.4.3 Service Processes ................................................................................................ 1-12
1.5 System Functions ............................................................................................................ 1-14
1.5.1 Service Functions.................................................................................................. 1-14
1.5.2 Operation and Maintenance Function ................................................................... 1-15
1.6 Main Technical Parameters ............................................................................................. 1-16
1.6.1 System Specifications ........................................................................................... 1-16
1.6.2 Environment Specifications................................................................................... 1-16
1.6.3 Reliability Specifications........................................................................................ 1-17

Chapter 2 System Installation ...................................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Installation Overview.......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2.1 Installation Preparations.......................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 System Planning ..................................................................................................... 2-5
2.3 Installing HP Server Hardware .......................................................................................... 2-8
2.3.1 Structure of the HP Server ...................................................................................... 2-8
2.3.2 Installing Cables of the HP Server ........................................................................ 2-10
2.3.3 Setting the BIOS of the HP Server........................................................................ 2-12
2.4 Installing IBM Server Hardware ....................................................................................... 2-12
2.4.1 Structure of the IBM Server................................................................................... 2-12
2.4.2 Structure of IBM EXP400 ...................................................................................... 2-15
2.4.3 Installing Cables of the IBM Server....................................................................... 2-16
2.5 Installing and Configuring the OS on the HP Server ....................................................... 2-18
2.5.1 Setting the BIOS of the HP Server........................................................................ 2-18
2.5.2 Setting the Hard Disks to RAID 5+Hot Spare ....................................................... 2-19
2.5.3 Initializing the HP Server....................................................................................... 2-22

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Table of Contents

2.5.4 Installing Windows 2000 Server............................................................................ 2-24

2.5.5 Installing Windows 2000 Hot Patches................................................................... 2-25
2.5.6 Creating Disk Partitions......................................................................................... 2-26
2.5.7 Configuring IP addresses of the Network Adapters .............................................. 2-29
2.6 Installing and Configuring the OS on the IBM Server...................................................... 2-31
2.6.1 Setting the BIOS of the IBM Server ...................................................................... 2-31
2.6.2 Setting the Local Hard Disks to RAID 1 ................................................................ 2-32
2.6.3 Installing Windows 2000 Server............................................................................ 2-34
2.6.4 Installing Windows 2000 Hot Patches................................................................... 2-37
2.6.5 Installing Drivers for the IBM Server Hardware..................................................... 2-38
2.6.6 Setting the Hard Disks to RAID 5+Hot Spare ....................................................... 2-44
2.6.7 Creating Disk Partitions......................................................................................... 2-49
2.6.8 Configuring IP addresses of the Network Adapters .............................................. 2-52
2.7 Installing Billing Interface ................................................................................................. 2-55
2.7.1 Installing the FTP Server Software ....................................................................... 2-55
2.7.2 Installing the FTAM Software ................................................................................ 2-57
2.7.3 Setting User’s right................................................................................................ 2-65
2.8 Installing iGWB Server Software ..................................................................................... 2-66
2.9 Installing iGWB Client Software....................................................................................... 2-70
2.9.1 Installing OS .......................................................................................................... 2-70
2.9.2 Installing the iGWB Client Software ...................................................................... 2-70
2.10 Modifying iGWB Factory Defaults.................................................................................. 2-72
2.10.1 Changing Computer Name and Workgroup........................................................ 2-73
2.10.2 Changing IP Address of Network Adapters ........................................................ 2-74
2.10.3 Changing Administrator Password...................................................................... 2-74
2.10.4 Installing iGWB Server Software......................................................................... 2-75
2.10.5 Configuring iGWB Server Software..................................................................... 2-75
2.11 Checking Installation...................................................................................................... 2-75
2.11.1 Checking Hardware Installation .......................................................................... 2-75
2.11.2 Checking Windows 2000 Server Installation....................................................... 2-75
2.11.3 Checking iGWB Server Software ........................................................................ 2-77
2.11.4 Checking iGWB Client Software ......................................................................... 2-78

Chapter 3 Parameter Configuration............................................................................................. 3-1

3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Introduction to Parameter Configuration Console ............................................................. 3-1
3.2.1 Main window............................................................................................................ 3-2
3.2.2 Menu bar ................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.2.3 Toolbar .................................................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.4 Navigation Tree ....................................................................................................... 3-5
3.2.5 Sub-windows ........................................................................................................... 3-5
3.2.6 StatusBar................................................................................................................. 3-5
3.3 Common Operations.......................................................................................................... 3-6

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3.3.1 Logging in to Parameter Configuration Console ..................................................... 3-6

3.3.2 Locking System ....................................................................................................... 3-8
3.3.3 Adding Login ........................................................................................................... 3-9
3.3.4 Logging out Office ................................................................................................. 3-10
3.3.5 Changing Password .............................................................................................. 3-11
3.3.6 Closing Parameter Configuration Console............................................................ 3-11
3.3.7 Browsing igwb.ini Parameter File.......................................................................... 3-12
3.3.8 Adding Parameter Sections .................................................................................. 3-13
3.3.9 Deleting Sections .................................................................................................. 3-15
3.3.10 Adding Parameters ............................................................................................. 3-15
3.3.11 Deleting Parameters ........................................................................................... 3-17
3.3.12 Modifying Parameter Value................................................................................. 3-17
3.3.13 Comparing Parameters of Different Offices ........................................................ 3-18
3.3.14 Saving the Configuration Information.................................................................. 3-19
3.3.15 Loading the Parameter Configuration File .......................................................... 3-19
3.3.16 Obtaining the Configuration Information ............................................................. 3-20
3.3.17 Customized Setting ............................................................................................. 3-21
3.4 Configuring iGWB Server ................................................................................................ 3-22
3.4.1 Updating Bill Format Files ..................................................................................... 3-22
3.4.2 Configuring the igwb.ini Parameter File ................................................................ 3-22
3.4.3 Configuration for a Stand-alone Server ................................................................ 3-29
3.4.4 Configuration for a Cluster iGWB System............................................................. 3-31
3.4.5 Modifying Software Watchdog Settings ................................................................ 3-39
3.4.6 Port Usage ............................................................................................................ 3-40
3.5 Modifying Client Settings ................................................................................................. 3-41
3.6 Network Backup Instance ................................................................................................ 3-42
3.6.1 Network Backup Instance ..................................................................................... 3-42
3.6.2 Simplest Backup Configuration ............................................................................. 3-44
3.6.3 Configuring Two Backup Tasks ............................................................................ 3-45
3.6.4 Configuring Two Backup Tasks with Different User Names and Passwords ....... 3-45
3.6.5 Configuring Defaulted Backup Mode .................................................................... 3-46
3.6.6 Configuring Backup Time List ............................................................................... 3-47
3.6.7 Configuring the Backup Start Time and End Time................................................ 3-48
3.6.8 Configuring One-off Backup List ........................................................................... 3-48
3.6.9 Configuring the Operation Check Log................................................................... 3-49
3.6.10 Configuring the Last File Backup ........................................................................ 3-50
3.6.11 Configuring the Deletion of Source File After Backup......................................... 3-51
3.6.12 Configuring the Deletion of the Second Bill Copy Without Date Directory After
Backup ........................................................................................................................... 3-51
3.6.13 Configuring the Save Days for Files Under the Destination Path ....................... 3-52
3.6.14 Configuring Connection Retry Times When Backup Fails.................................. 3-53
3.6.15 Configuring the Source Path for Saving the Status Files................................... 3-53

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3.6.16 Backup Precautions ............................................................................................ 3-54

Chapter 4 Basic Operations ......................................................................................................... 4-1

4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.2 Quick Start ......................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 iGWB Client............................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2.2 GUI of the CDR Console......................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.3 GUI of the Debugging Console ............................................................................... 4-7
4.2.4 Introduction to the Online Help.............................................................................. 4-10
4.3 Common Operations........................................................................................................ 4-12
4.3.1 Starting the iGWB Service .................................................................................... 4-12
4.3.2 Stopping the iGWB Service................................................................................... 4-13
4.3.3 Logging in to the CDR Console............................................................................. 4-14
4.3.4 Locking CDR Console........................................................................................... 4-15
4.3.5 Logging out of the CDR Console .......................................................................... 4-16
4.3.6 Resetting iGWB..................................................................................................... 4-16
4.3.7 Closing the CDR Console ..................................................................................... 4-17
4.3.8 Masking Alarm Information ................................................................................... 4-17
4.3.9 Customizing the Layout......................................................................................... 4-18
4.3.10 Managing Operators ........................................................................................... 4-20
4.3.11 Managing Offices ................................................................................................ 4-30
4.3.12 Customizing the System ..................................................................................... 4-33
4.3.13 Managing CDRs .................................................................................................. 4-35
4.3.14 Collecting CDR Statistics .................................................................................... 4-44
4.3.15 Managing Performance....................................................................................... 4-54
4.3.16 Managing Logs.................................................................................................... 4-58
4.3.17 Manual Switchover.............................................................................................. 4-64
4.3.18 Auxiliary Upgrade ................................................................................................ 4-64
4.3.19 Logging in to the Debugging Console................................................................. 4-65
4.3.20 Exiting the Debugging Console........................................................................... 4-66
4.3.21 Managing Debugging Messages......................................................................... 4-67
4.3.22 Managing Protocol Messages............................................................................. 4-72
4.3.23 Managing Workflow Messages ........................................................................... 4-74
4.3.24 Printing Trace Messages .................................................................................... 4-76

Chapter 5 System Maintenance ................................................................................................... 5-1

5.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Quick Start ......................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2.1 Operator Types ....................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2.2 Directory Structure of the iGWB Server .................................................................. 5-1
5.2.3 Directory Structure of the iGWB Client ................................................................... 5-7
5.3 Routine Maintenance......................................................................................................... 5-8
5.3.1 System Running ...................................................................................................... 5-8
5.3.2 Hard disk Maintenance ......................................................................................... 5-10

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5.3.3 Operation Maintenance......................................................................................... 5-11

5.4 Locating Faults................................................................................................................. 5-12
5.4.1 About Fault Locating Information .......................................................................... 5-12
5.4.2 Information Provided by the iGWB Software ........................................................ 5-12
5.4.3 Information Provided by the Operating System .................................................... 5-15
5.4.4 Collection of Fault Locating Information................................................................ 5-17
5.5 Common Trace Information and Maintenance ................................................................ 5-18
5.5.1 Insufficient Available Space on the Front Save Disk ............................................ 5-18
5.5.2 Insufficient Available Space on the Back Save Disk............................................. 5-19
5.5.3 Insufficient Available Space on the Backup Disk .................................................. 5-19
5.5.4 Insufficient Available Space on the Front Save Disk for Switchover .................... 5-19
5.5.5 Insufficient Available Space on the Back Save Disk for Switchover..................... 5-19
5.5.6 Incorrect Access Point Type %d ........................................................................... 5-20
5.5.7 Reading IP Address from MML Server Failed ...................................................... 5-20
5.5.8 Error Code %d Returned when Registering SOCKET.......................................... 5-20
5.5.9 Kernel Process Not Running................................................................................. 5-20
5.5.10 Opening the Listening Port Failed....................................................................... 5-20
5.5.11 Activating Asynchronous Resource Failed ......................................................... 5-21
5.5.12 Activating Dual System Failed ............................................................................ 5-21
5.5.13 Unknown Heartbeat Type (%s) ........................................................................... 5-21
5.5.14 Creating Heartbeat Link %d Failed ..................................................................... 5-21
5.5.15 Heartbeat Link %d Interrupted ............................................................................ 5-21
5.5.16 Starting the Failover ............................................................................................ 5-22
5.5.17 Failover Failed..................................................................................................... 5-22
5.5.18 Failover Response End Failed ............................................................................ 5-23
5.5.19 Starting the Handover Operation ........................................................................ 5-23
5.5.20 Activation Failed for Specified Times and Cannot Be Performed Again............. 5-23
5.6 Handling Common Faults ................................................................................................ 5-23
5.6.1 Logging in to CDR console failed.......................................................................... 5-23
5.6.2 Billing System failed to decode ASN.1 bills .......................................................... 5-24
5.6.3 Serial Port Alarm ................................................................................................... 5-25
5.6.4 Bulb Icon Not Displayed........................................................................................ 5-25
5.6.5 Exceptional Power-Down of the IBM Disk Array................................................... 5-26
5.6.6 How to Validate Changed Parameters Quickly?................................................... 5-27
5.6.7 Start Sequence for the iGWB Dual System .......................................................... 5-27
5.6.8 Stop Sequence for the iGWB Dual system ........................................................... 5-28
5.6.9 BS Not Fetch CDRs for a Long Time .................................................................... 5-28
5.6.10 How to Install the iGWB on a Device with Only One Network Adapter? ............ 5-29
5.6.11 How to Install the iGWB on a Device with C:\ Only?........................................... 5-30
5.6.12 Process Watch Dog Service Not Found in the Services After the iGWB Is
Uninstalled or Upgraded ................................................................................................ 5-31
5.6.13 The iGWB Generates a CDR of 3 MB for Only a Few Calls............................... 5-31

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5.6.14 Connection Failure during Network Backup........................................................ 5-32

5.6.15 Filtering ASN.1 CDRs Failed............................................................................... 5-32
5.6.16 Softswitch Always Receives the “Network Backup Error” Alarm from the iGWB 5-33
5.6.17 Reading/Writing StatusFileB Failed When the iGWB Is Started......................... 5-33
5.6.18 Browsing Sorted Bills in the Default Directory Failed.......................................... 5-34
5.6.19 Unstable Network Connection Between the iGWB and SoftX3000 .................... 5-34
5.6.20 Starting the IBM Server Failed ............................................................................ 5-35
5.6.21 How to Install the iGWB and BAM on the Same Device?................................... 5-35
5.7 System Alarms................................................................................................................. 5-36
5.7.1 ALM-3201 Insufficient Disk Space ........................................................................ 5-38
5.7.2 ALM-3203 BS Not Fetch CDRs for a Long Time .................................................. 5-38
5.7.3 ALM-3205 Heartbeat Interruption.......................................................................... 5-39
5.7.4 ALM-3207 Cluster Switchover............................................................................... 5-39
5.7.5 ALM-3209 Private Network Interruption................................................................ 5-40
5.7.6 ALM-3211 Service Resource Failure .................................................................... 5-40
5.7.7 ALM-3213 IP Resource Failure............................................................................. 5-40
5.7.8 ALM-3215 Volume Resource Failure .................................................................... 5-41
5.7.9 ALM-3217 Hardware Failure ................................................................................. 5-41
5.7.10 ALM-3219 Write File Failure ............................................................................... 5-42
5.7.11 ALM-3221 Abnormal CDR .................................................................................. 5-42
5.7.12 ALM-3223 File Backup Failure............................................................................ 5-42
5.7.13 ALM-3225 Backup Connection Failure ............................................................... 5-43
5.7.14 ALM-3227 CPU Busy .......................................................................................... 5-43
5.7.15 ALM-3229 Insufficient Available Memory............................................................ 5-44
5.7.16 ALM-3231 Unauthorized Client Login ................................................................. 5-44
5.7.17 ALM-3233 License Notice ................................................................................... 5-44
5.7.18 ALM-3235 Cluster Handover............................................................................... 5-45
5.7.19 ALM-3237 Hardware Failure ............................................................................... 5-45
5.7.20 ALM-3239 Software Reset .................................................................................. 5-46
5.7.21 ALM-3253 User information Change................................................................... 5-46
5.7.22 ALM-3255 Insufficient Disk Space (major).......................................................... 5-47
5.7.23 ALM-3257 Insufficient Available Memory (major) ............................................... 5-47

Appendix A CDR Farmat...............................................................................................................A-1

A.1 Bill Interface Data between iGWB and U-SYS SoftX3000................................................A-1
A.2 U-SYS SoftX3000 iGWB CDR Format (464 Bytes) ..........................................................A-3
A.2.1 Fixed IN bill .............................................................................................................A-3
A.2.2 Fixed Ordinary Detail Bill Format............................................................................A-9
A.2.3 Fixed Network Meter Table Bill Format ................................................................A-28
A.2.4 Fixed Network Meter Table Statistics Bill .............................................................A-33
A.2.5 Fixed Network Trunk Occupation Duration Statistics Bill .....................................A-35
A.2.6 Fixed Network Statistics Bill of Free Calls ............................................................A-36
A.3 U-SYS SoftX3000 iGWB Bill Format(554 Bytes) ............................................................A-37

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A.3.1 Fixed IN bill ...........................................................................................................A-37

A.3.2 Fixed Ordinary Detail Bill Format..........................................................................A-43
A.3.3 Fixed Network Meter Table Bill Format ................................................................A-60
A.3.4 Fixed Network Meter Table Statistics Bill .............................................................A-65
A.3.5 Fixed Network Trunk Occupation Duration Statistics Bill .....................................A-67
A.3.6 Fixed Network Statistics Bill of Free Calls ............................................................A-68
A.4 U-SYS SoftX3000 iGWB CDR Farmat (250 Bytes) ........................................................A-69
A.4.1 Fixed IN bill ...........................................................................................................A-69
A.4.2 Fixed Ordinary Detail Bill Format..........................................................................A-76
A.4.3 Fixed Network Meter Table Bill Format ..............................................................A-104
A.4.4 Fixed Network Meter Table Statistics Bill (statisticsMeterBill)............................A-112
A.4.5 Fixed Network Trunk Occupation Duration Statistics Bill ...................................A-114
A.4.6 Fixed Network Statistics Bill of Free Calls ..........................................................A-115
A.5 U-SYS SoftX3000 iGWB CDR Farmat (140 Bytes) ......................................................A-117
A.5.1 Fixed IN bill .........................................................................................................A-117
A.5.2 Fixed Ordinary Detail Bill Format........................................................................A-123
A.5.3 Fixed Network Meter Table Bill Format ..............................................................A-136
A.5.4 Fixed Network Meter Table Statistics Bill (statisticsMeterBill)............................A-141
A.5.5 Fixed Network Trunk Occupation Duration Statistics Bill ...................................A-143
A.5.6 Fixed Network Statistics Bill of Free Calls ..........................................................A-144
A.6 Add-tables .....................................................................................................................A-145
A.6.1 Relation between termination_ code and Q.850 ................................................A-145
A.6.2 Protocol release cause .......................................................................................A-148
A.6.3 Caller_did/Callee_did..........................................................................................A-153
A.6.4 caller_category....................................................................................................A-156
A.6.5 failure cause code...............................................................................................A-157
A.6.6 supplementary_service_type ..............................................................................A-164

Appendix B Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................B-1

Index ................................................................................................................................................ i-1

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 1 System Description

Chapter 1 System Description

1.1 Overview
This chapter introduces the following contents:
z Product Introduction
z Hardware Structure
z Software Architecture
z System Functions
z Main Technical Parameters

1.2 Product Introduction

This section introduces the product position, system application, and product features
of the iGWB.

1.2.1 Product Position

The U-SYS iGateway Bill (hereinafter referred to as the iGWB) is a large-capacity

billing gateway developed by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. With advanced software
and hardware techniques, the iGWB provides powerful CDR storage and conversion
capabilities and supports the interconnection with a billing center through File Transfer
Protocol (FTP) or File Transfer Access Management (FTAM) protocol. The iGWB
cooperates with the SoftX3000 Switch System, and provides a large-capacity CDR
storage medium and billing interface for the SoftX3000.

1.2.2 System Applications

The SoftX3000 is the core of the Next Generation Network (NGN) and resides at the
network control layer of the NGN. The SoftX3000 provides the functions of call control
and connection management of voice, data, and multimedia services based on Internet
Protocol (IP) packet network. For each call, the SoftX3000 must perform the billing
processing in addition to call control, media gateway access control, resource
allocation, protocol processing, routing, and authentication. In other words, the
SoftX3000 must record the call related information, such as the calling number, called
number, answer time, and on-hook time, in a particular format.
The bills (also named original CDRs) generated by the SoftX3000 are buffered in the
memory (usually called CDR pool) of its main processing unit. Limited by the capacity
and security of the CDR pool, however, the original CDRs stored in the CDR pool must
be transferred to a reliable storage medium in time. In addition, the contents and

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 1 System Description

formats of the original CDRs are different from those required by the billing center, so
the CDR files must be pre-processed before being transmitted to the billing center.
The iGWB is the gateway equipment placed between the SoftX3000 and the billing
center, used to implement the CDR receiving, pre-processing, buffering, and billing
interfacing functions. Figure 1-1 shows the position of the iGWB in system networking.


iGWB server
MML N2000/M2000
MML MML Bill collector

Billing center
Local operation
近端操作台 Romote

console console

Figure 1-1 Position of the iGWB in system networking

As shown in Figure 1-1, the external equipment involved in the iGWB networking model
include SoftSwitch system (SoftX3000), billing center, and operation & maintenance

I. SoftX3000

SoftX3000 establishes and controls calls, generates bill files and stores them
temporarily in the bill pool. It connects with iGWB server through a separate network
adapter and sends bill files to the iGWB.

II. Billing Center

Generally, online billing is adopted between the SoftX3000 and the billing center. In this
case, it is a basic function of the iGWB to provide a network interface to the billing
center. The CDR collector, a component of the billing center, has direct communication
with the iGWB. The CDR collector and the iGWB are interconnected through WAN, and
communicate with each other through FTP or FTAM.
z In the case of FTP, the iGWB supports two mode. In the PULL mode, the iGWB
acts as the server, and the CDR collector acts as the client. The CDR collector
collects the CDR file from the iGWB. In the PUSH mode, the iGWB acts as the
client, and the CDR collector acts as the server. The iGWB sends the CDR file to
the billing center.
z In the case of FTAM, the iGWB supports the PULL mode. It acts as the responder,
and the CDR collector acts as the initiator in a way. The CDR collector collects the
CDR file from the iGWB.

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III. Network Management System and CDR Console

The iGWB is one of the equipment managed by the network management system
(NMS), and thus needs to provide a network interface to the NMS. The iGWB includes
server and client. The iGWB client is generally integrated in the NMS. Typically, it is
required to configure a computer in the equipment room to function as a local
maintenance console of the iGWB. A remote maintenance console can be configured
as required. The iGWB provides a separate network adapter for communication with
the NMS.

1.2.3 Product Features

This section describes the product features of the iGWB, including:

z High Reliability
z Multi-access
z Flexible CDR Format Conversion
z Large Capacity

I. High Reliability

1) Dual-system
Because of the special position of the billing system in networking, high reliability of the
iGWB is demanded. To achieve that, the iGWB adopts a dual-system design in both
hardware and software. In addition, the iGWB provides an automatic switchover
protection mechanism between the dual systems to ensure the operation reliability and
service continuity.
2) Data Redundant Backup
Based on the experience of using server and mini computer, it is known that hard disk
sub-system is prone to errors and failures. Therefore, the iGWB adopts RAID5 plus hot
spare. The purpose is to ensure that data will not be lost in the event of a fault occurring
to one of the hard disks.
RAID5 is a disk-striping strategy with a dedicated check disk. Data is allocated on
several disks to improve the read/write speed. Check data is also allocated on several
disks instead of being stored on a dedicated check disk. When one of the disks
becomes faulty, the controller can restore or create the lost data from other disks
without influence on the availability of the data.
RAID5 requires a minimum of three disks. The availability ratio of the disk space is
about (N–1)/N, in which N is the number of the disks in the hard disk array.
Compared with the “RAID5” mode, the “RAID5 + Hotspare” mode adds one disk as the
hot spare disk.
3) Network Backup

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 1 System Description

The iGWB can automatically back up CDR files to another server through WAN or LAN,
to further improve the data security.
4) Auto-control
A monitor module is designed in the software. The monitor module can automatically
start up the iGWB in case of a power failure. The purpose is to ensure the normal
running of the system when unattended.

II. Multi-access

The iGWB can receive and process various call formats simultaneously, store them
separately, and provide to the billing center one by one.

III. Flexible CDR Format Conversion

The billing system of telecom carriers might have special requirements for CDR format.
For example, they might need the iGWB to convert an original CDR in a binary format
to a final CDR in another format such as text format or Abstract Syntax Notation One
(ASN.1) format and abstract particular fields from an original CDR to generate a new
CDR for the billing center. The iGWB provides flexible CDR format configuration and
conversion functions to meet the diversified requirements of telecom carriers.

IV. Large Capacity

The available capacity of the hard disks configured in the iGWB determines its CDR
buffering capability. With greater CDR buffering capability, the iGWB can store more
CDRs on itself and archive fewer CDRs in the billing center, which enhances the
security of CDRs. Currently, the hard disks configured in the iGWB provide a sufficient
valid capacity to store the CDRs that are generated by the SoftX3000 in at least seven
days in the case of maximum subscriber quantity. In addition, the iGWB is scalable in
hard disk capacity.

1.3 Hardware Structure

This section introduces the hardware configuration and functional principle of the

1.3.1 Hardware Configurations

In the SoftX3000, the iGWB and the basic service processing frame are configured in
the same cabinet (integrated configuration cabinet). The related hardware components
include active and standby iGWB servers, core LAN Switches, and an integrated
converter (KVMS), as shown in Figure 1-2.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 1 System Description

(1) Power distribution frame (2) Service processing frame

(3) Integrated converter (4) LAN Switch1
(5) LAN Switch0 (6) BAM
(7) Standby iGWB (8) Active iGWB
Figure 1-2 Cabinet configuration

I. iGWB Server

The iGWB server is the core device of the iGWB system and adopts a dual-system
design. Currently, two HP ProLiant DL380 G3 servers or two IBM X343 servers and
IBM EXP400 disk array are employed. (Because server might be updated, the server
module might be different from the actually delivered server model.) Each server
provides four network adapters: two for communication with the SoftX3000, one for the
billing center, and one for the NMS.
The iGWB server communicates with the SoftX3000 to implement CDR storage, format
conversion, and pre-processing functions.

II. Integrated Converter

The active iGWB, the standby iGWB, and a BAM are configured in the integrated
configuration cabinet. An integrated converter is thus configured in the cabinet, used to
achieve operation control and switch of input and output devices, such as liquid crystal
display (LCD), keyboard, and mouse.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 1 System Description

III. LAN Switch

LAN Switch is the communication channel between the iGWB and the SoftX3000.
Generally, Huawei’s Quidway series products are selected for this purpose. Two LAN
Switches are configured in the integrated configuration cabinet.

IV. Other Equipment

1) Power Supply
The power distribution box in the integrated management cabinet supplies power for
the iGWB. The nominal voltage is –48 V DC.
2) Client
The iGWB also includes a computer as the client. The computer must be installed in the
same LAN as network adapter 0 of the iGWB server. The client is used for equipment
debugging, CDR browse, CDR query, and routine maintenance purposes.

1.3.2 Functional Principles

The SoftX3000 is physically composed of OSTA (Open Standards Telecom

Architecture), the BAM, and the iGWB. Specifically, the OSTA frame is the host, mainly
performing the service processing and resource management functions. The BAM and
iGWB are the background, mainly performing the operation maintenance and bill
management functions.
The physical architecture of the SoftX3000 is shown in Figure 1-3.

FE To billing center

Frame #0

Standby iGWB To billing center

0#LAN Switch
Frame #1
Active iGWB

1#LAN Switch
Frame #2 Background
LAN Switch


Emergency WS
Frame #17

FE: Fast Ethernet (100M) interface 3XFE: 3 FE Ethernet cables WS: workstation
Figure 1-3 Schematic diagram of the physical architecture of the SoftX3000

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 1 System Description

The iGWB adopts a dual-system design. Two servers are operating in the active and
standby mode. Heartbeat link is set up between the servers. Handshake messages are
exchanged between them for each server to monitor the operating status of the other.
Whenever the active server becomes faulty, the standby server automatically becomes
active. The purpose is to ensure the continuity of the provided services. In addition,
each server provides network adapters for communication with the SoftSwitch, the
billing center, and the NMS. Consequently, the system has a dual-plane structure,
which further improves the reliability of the system.
1) If HP ProLiant DL380 G3 server is employed, the network adapters of the iGWB
are shown in Figure 1-4.

To LAN Switch 0 To LAN Switch 1

adapter 1
Network Serial port
adapter 0 and USB port
Network Network
adapter 2 adapter 3

Rear of HP ProLiant
DL380 G3 server

To bill console and NMS To billing center

Figure 1-4 iGWB network adapters (at the rear of the HP server chassis)

2) If IBM X343server is employed, the network adapters of the iGWB are shown in
Figure 1-5.

To LAN Switch 0 To billing center

Rear of IBM X343 server Network

adapter 3
adapter 2
adapter 1 Serial port
and USB port
adapter 0

To bill console and NMS To LAN Switch 1

Figure 1-5 iGWB network adapters (at the rear of the IBM server chassis)

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 1 System Description

I. iGWB Network Adapters

The iGWB server provides four network adapters for communication with outside, as
shown in Figure 1-6. For easy description purposes, we number the network adapters
as shown in Table 1-1.

Figure 1-6 iGWB Network Adapters

Table 1-1 Network adapters of iGWB server

No. Identifier Function

0 Netcard0 to Office LAN Connected to the CDR console and NMS.

Connected to the LAN Switch 0 for

1 Netcard1 to 0#LAN Switch communication with the SoftX3000 on the
active plane.
Connected to the LAN Switch 1 for
communication with the SoftX3000 on the
2 Netcard2 to 1#LAN Switch
standby plane, also functioning as the first
heartbeat path of the dual-system iGWB.

Connected to the billing center, providing a

3 Netcard3 to Billing Center
billing interface.

II. Communicating with the SoftX3000

1) Communications Solution
The SoftX3000 sets the iGWB as Module 1 by default, and then the original of the
SoftX3000 connects with the iGWB and sends the bills to (or

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 1 System Description through the internal dual-plane Ethernet bus and the core LAN Switch by
the FCCU.
The iGWB receives the bills from the SoftX3000 via the sliding window protocol.
2) Virtual IP Technology
Because the iGWB uses the dual-system for redundancy backup and the SoftX3000
can only identify the fixed IP addresses, the iGWB dual-system in the same network
adopts the virtual IP address technology.
The virtual IP address is opposite to the IP address of the operating system. Normally,
the operating system connects with outside based on its self-configured IP address.
The server with the iGWB software can find the network adapter via the iGWB software
according to the original IP address, and then establish the external connection by
binding a virtual IP address on the original IP address. The actual working IP address
configured for igwb.ini is called virtual IP address.
With the virtual IP address technology, the internal working status of the iGWB dual
system can be shielded effectively. So, the interface IP address to the outside is fixed
and unchanged.
If the iGWB uses the standalone system, directly configure the network adapter IP
address for the operating system. The virtual IP is unnecessary.
3) Implementation Mechanism
The iGWB communicates with the host of the SoftX3000 through the network adapter 1
and adapter 2.
z The network adapter 1 of the active/standby iGWB server connects with the LAN
Switch 0 and forms the active plane.
z The network adapter 2 of the active/standby iGWB server connects with the LAN
Switch 1 and forms the standby plane. Also, this path serves as first heartbeat
path of the active/standby iGWB server.
z The two core LAN Switches are interconnected via the cascade cables.
The network adapter 1 of the active/standby iGWB server needs to be set with the
same virtual IP address and is in the same network segment as the active plane of the
host. Similarly, the network adapter 2 of the active/standby iGWB server shall be set
with the same virtual IP address and is in the same network segment as the standby
plane of the host. The virtual IP is realized by the parameter configuration of igwb.ini.
4) Acquiring CDRs from the SoftX3000
The CDR sending process is automatically triggered by the internal timer of the
SoftX3000. The timer monitors the CDRs in the bill pool. If there are CDRs in the bill
pool, they will be sent to the iGWB immediately. The software is set in ms level. So the
process can be considered as real-time sending.
5) Sorting CDRs

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The iGWB eliminates the transmitting overhead of the CDRs sent by the SoftX3000,
consolidates and saves the CDRs in the directory of D:\frontsave\X3KF. The CDRs
are called original CDRs. X3KF is the access point name. The directory name depends
on the APName parameter value in igwb.ini configuration file.
Based on the sorting and conversion conditions, the iGWB sorts and transforms the
original CDRs into the CDRs that we need. This process is called CDR sorting and
conversion. The sorted and converted CDRs are called final CDRs.
CDR sorting is implemented in accordance with the format library. The format library is
in the directory of C:\iGWB\Config\Format. All format libraries for selection are in the
directory of C:\iGWB\Config\SpecialFormat.
Before generating the final CDRs, the iGWB generates a temporary buffering file. Then,
the iGWB generates the formal CDR files based on the trigger conditions (file size or
time interval) configured in igwb.ini.

III. Communicating with the Billing Center

The iGWB server communicates with the billing center by using network adapter 3 for
the billing center to collect CDRs. The communication protocol can be FTP or FTAM.
Normally, the billing center simultaneously logs in to the active and standby iGWB
servers. The active and standby iGWB servers provide different IP addresses to the
billing center.

IV. Communicating with the CDR Console and the NMS

Network adapter 0 is used for connection between the NMS and the bill console,
providing a man-machine interface.
The network adapter 0 of the active/standby iGWB server shall be set with the same
virtual IP address and shall be in the same network segment as the CDR console
(NMS). The virtual IP address is realized via the software configuration.

V. Heartbeat Path

Heartbeat paths are configured between the active and standby iGWB servers to
exchange handshake messages. With the heartbeat paths, each iGWB server can
monitor the operating status of the other and back up the status for future switchover
usage. The status backed up includes CDR sequence number, front disk state, back
disk state, and so on. The system provides two heartbeat paths, which are called the
“private network” inside the system. The first heartbeat path is the LAN that is formed
by network adapter 2. The second heartbeat path passes through serial ports. When
the first heartbeat path is broken, the iGWB servers use the second heartbeat path for

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 1 System Description

1.4 Software Architecture

This section introduces the key terminologies, overall architecture and service process
of the iGWB.

1.4.1 Key Terminologies

This section introduces the key terminologies of the iGWB. Correct understanding of
the key terminologies will facilitate the use and maintenance of the iGWB.

I. Access Point

To access two or more same or different switches, “access point” is used in the design
of the iGWB. Based on the parameter configuration and operation maintenance, one
access point is associated with one ap_proc process. This process realizes the
modules that communicate with the switches and the modules that store and transform
the CDRs.

II. Channel

Channel is a logical concept. A channel refers to the CDR processing modes and
storage directories that match a certain sorting condition. Simply speaking, one
channel is associated with one CDR storage path.

III. Original CDR

The original CDRs refer to the unprocessed CDRs that the iGWB receives from the
switches. The original CDRs are saved in files with a fixed size of 3MB for each in the
iGWB disk. These files are called original CDR files.

IV. Final CDR

The CDRs that have been preprocessed (sorting and format conversion) by the iGWB
are called final CDRs. The final CDRs can be saved as fixed-size or fixed-interval files.
These files are called final CDRs.

V. Format Library

The format library is the core that the iGWB transforms the CDRs. It is associated with
one format conversion module (dynamic link library) and a series of format
configuration files. The format library is designed to make the CDR format dynamically
configurable, but not hard-coded.

VI. Active/Standby

Active/standby is a pair of basic concepts for a cluster system. In a cluster system, if a

node provides external services, its state is called “active”. If a node currently does not
provide external services, its state is called “standby”.

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VII. Primary/Secondary

Primary/secondary is a basic concept for a cluster system. In a cluster system, two

nodes may be peered or not peered. If they are not peered, then they can be defined as
primary or secondary. In this case, one node will be set with highest priority. If this node
runs normally, it has the priority to control the resources of the cluster system.

VIII. Resources

The physical equipment and logical equipment that are shared by the nodes of the
cluster system are called “resources”, such as shared storage media, and virtual IP

1.4.2 Overall Architecture

Overall, the iGWB is a client/server system with multi-processes and multi-threads.

Based on independent services, the iGWB software is set with the thread modules.
Then the thread modules with most related service functions are combined into one
process. So the entire software forms a multi-process and multi-thread architecture.
For the communication modes between processes, the iGWB adopts the client/server
mode (currently, this is the most mature application mode). Specially, the iGWB has
one process as the core process with other processes as sub-processes so that one
process can schedule and monitor the sub-processes of other services.
The overall software architecture of the iGWB is shown in Figure 1-7.

Dual-sy stem process

Access Operation & iGWB

SoftX3000 point Kernel process maintenance Client
process process

iGWB server

Figure 1-7 iGWB software architecture

1.4.3 Service Processes

As shown in Figure 1-7, the iGWB server is composed of a kernel process, a

dual-system process, an access point process, an operation and maintenance process,
and a parameter configuration process. Each process contains several service thread
modules that are relatively independent of each other.

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I. Kernel Process

The kernel process is the core of the whole software. It acts as the Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) server for the other processes. It is
responsible for starting, stopping, and monitoring the access point process and the
operation and maintenance process. This process is composed of a message relay
module, a management module, a dual-system monitor module and a dual-system
interface module.

II. Access Point Process

The access point process incorporates the main service functions of the iGWB,
including CDR reception, CDR processing, and CDR storage. The service functions
are integrated to be a network module, a front disk module, a CDR processing module,
and a back disk module. The four modules constitute a CDR processing flow, in which
the service logic is uni-directional and can be cut down, as shown in Figure 1-8. (The
arrows stand for the flow directions of the CDR data.)

SoftX3000 Bill processing flow

Receives bills and uses a particular

Generates and protocol to ensure bill transmission
transmits bills against repetition or loss
Netw ork module

Saves the bills received by network

module to form original bills

Front disk module

Combines and sorts bills as required,

and transmits bills to back disk module

Bill processing module

Saves bills by channel to form final

FTP/FTAM Billing
bills and provides bills to billing center
Back disk module

Figure 1-8 CDR processing flow

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 1 System Description

III. Operation and Maintenance Process

The operation and maintenance process integrates the operability and maintainability
functions of the iGWB. In terms of functionality, the incorporated service modules
include a log module, a backup module, a CDR browse and query module, a
man-machine language (MML) server module, a performance module, and an alarm
module. The modules are relatively independent of each other.

IV. Dual-system Process

It starts and manages kernel process to implement functionality details of the dual

V. Parameter Configuration Process

The parameter configuration process is the parameter configuration module of the

iGWB. The iGWB provides the remote parameter configuration function via the graphic
user interface (GUI) of the parameter configuration console.
Except the parameter configuration process, each of the above processes includes a
management module and a message relay module. The management module is used
to manage and schedule the modules in the process, while the message relay module
is in charge of the communications among processes and message forwarding.

1.5 System Functions

This section introduces the main functions of the iGWB, including service functions and
operation and maintenance functions.

1.5.1 Service Functions

Service functions include the following contents.

I. CDR processing function

The iGWB system sorts the original CDRs as required. The different types of CDRs can
be sorted to different storage directories in accordance with the pre-defined sorting
conditions, for example, sorting by CDR type.

II. Flexible billing interface

The iGWB system can communicate with the billing center through FTP or FTAM. The
iGWB system supports configuring CDR file name, file size, and file generation time.
The iGWB system supports flexibly converting CDR format.

III. Reliable dual-system function

The iGWB system supports automatic switchover and manual switchover of the dual

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 1 System Description

IV. Optimized alarming function

The iGWB system provides a variety of alarms, such as medium space alarm, file
read/write error alarm, dual-system switchover alarm, CDR collection timeout alarm,
and heartbeat interruption alarm.

V. CDR backup over network

The iGWB system can back up the CDRs in real time to another computer over the
network. The purpose is to improve the security of the data.

1.5.2 Operation and Maintenance Function

The iGWB provides the following operation and maintenance functions.

I. User management functions

The system provides functions to add and delete an operator account, and modify and
query operator information.

II. Software management functions

The system provides functions to query information about the software version of the
iGWB server and the client.

III. CDR storage setting functions

What can be set includes storage paths for original CDRs and final CDRs, size of a final
CDR file, generation duration of a final CDR file, and buffer expiration of CDRs.

IV. Routine maintenance functions

1) Log management function

The system provides log browse and query functions. Log of a specified user in
specified time can be queried. The system log can be queried.
2) CDR browse and query function
CDRs can be queried according to CDR type, date, subscriber number, and
conversation duration.
3) Performance monitor function
The system supports monitoring the memory space, hard disk space, and heartbeat
state in real time.
4) Commissioning function
The running status of the system can be displayed in real time.
5) Protocol trace function
The system provides functions to trace message flow inside the system and message
flow between the iGWB and the SoftX3000.

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6) parameter Configuration
The system provides the GUIs to modify the system configuration parameters and
improve the maintainability.

1.6 Main Technical Parameters

This section introduces the main technical parameters of the iGWB, including system
specifications, environment specifications and reliability specifications.

1.6.1 System Specifications

I. HP server

Item Specification
Hard disk capacity 432 GB
CDR processing capability 2300 CDRs/s

Cabinet dimensions (width × depth × height) 600 mm×800 mm×2200 mm

Server weight 60 kg
Server power consumption 800 W

II. IBM server

Item Specification

Hard disk Standard configuration 432 GB

capacity Maximum configuration 730 GB
CDR processing capability 2300 CDRs/s
Cabinet dimensions (width x depth x height) 600 mm×800 mm×2200 mm
Server weight 42 kg
Server power consumption 700 W

1.6.2 Environment Specifications

Item Specification
Nominal voltage -48 V
Power supply
Allowed range -52 V - +40 V

Operating Long-term operation 0°C - +45°C

temperature Short-term operation 5°C - +55°C

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 1 System Description

1.6.3 Reliability Specifications

Item Specification
Mean time between failure (MTBF) 40,000 hours
Mean time to repair (MTTR) 0.25 hours

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 2 System Installation

Chapter 2 System Installation

2.1 Overview
This chapter introduces the system installation and configuration flow to guide you to
complete the relevant operations. It includes the following contents:
z Installation Overview
z Installing HP Server Hardware
z Installing IBM Server Hardware
z Installing and Configuring the OS on the HP Server
z Installing and Configuring the OS on the IBM Server
z Installing Billing Interface
z Installing iGWB Server Software
z Installing iGWB Client Software
z Modifying iGWB Factory Defaults
z Checking Installation

2.2 Installation Overview

This section introduces the installation flow, preparation, and system planning for the
iGWB dual system.

I. Full installtion process of the IGWB

The full installation of the iGWB includes the installation preparation, hardware
installation, server software installation, the client software installation. This section
applies to the following occasions:
z Install and debug of the iGWB before delivery.
z The iGWB crashes for hard disk failure. Rebuild the iGWB system after the hard
disk is replaced.
z The iGWB crashes for virus infection. Rebuild the iGWB system for security
Figure 2-1 shows the full installation process of the iGWB.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 2 System Installation


1 Installation
Installation preparations

Refer to U-SYS
2 Install SoftX3000 Hardware
hardware Installation
Install mechanical devices

install cables

Configure hardware

3 Install iGWB Install and configure

operating system

Install and configure

billing interface

Install and configure

iGWB Server

4 Install iGWB Install and configure

iGWB Client


Figure 2-1 Full installation flow of the iGWB

You do not need to install Microsoft Internet Explorer separately. This software is
installed during the Windows 2000 Server setup process. For details on the full
installation steps of the iGWB, refer to the later sections in this chapter.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 2 System Installation

II. Onsite installation steps

Typically, the iGWB server software is installed and debugged before delivery. For
version matching and deployment purposes, the iGWB server software is uninstalled
after debugging. Therefore, you only need to install and configure the iGWB server at
the site.
Figure 2-2 shows the operation flow. For details on onsite installation, refer to 2.10
Modifying iGWB Factory Defaults.


Check if the operating
system works well

Change computer name Start full installation
and workgroup name process of iGWB

Change IP addresses of
Modify factory network adapters
defaults of iGWB

Change password of
system administrator of
Windows 2000 Server

Install iGWB server software

Change Watchdog settings


Figure 2-2 Onsite installation process of the iGWB Server

2.2.1 Installation Preparations

I. Check server hardware configurations

Check whether the hardware components fully match the checklist. The primary node
or the secondary node follows the same hardware configurations. For upgrade reason,
the actual configurations may not fully match the checklist. In this case, please refer to
the checklist. For details, see below:

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 2 System Installation

1) If HP ProLiant DL380 G3 server is used, each server follows the following basic
configurations. See Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 HP sever basic configurations

Item Configuration details

CPU Two Xeon DP 2.4GHz CPU or higher
Hard disk Five 73 GB hard disks (10000RPM SCSI hard disk)
Memory Four 256 MB
Two 10/1000 MB PCI network adapters.
Network adapter
Two 10/100 MB extended network adapters.
RAID adapter One ServeRAID-4L adapter

2) If IBM x343 sever is used, each server follows the following basic configurations.
See Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 IBM server basic configurations

Item Configuration details

CPU Two Xeon DP 2.4GHz CPU or higher
Two 146 GB hard disks (10000RPM SCSI hard disk)
Hard disk
Five 73 GB hard disks (Exp400 disk array)
Memory 1 GB
Two 10/1000 MB PCI network adapters.
Network adapter
Two 10/1000 MB extended network adapters
RAID adapter One ServeRAID-4L adapter

Each disk array contains five 73 GB hard disks. Each iGWB server controls one disk

II. Check the required software

The same software applies to the two servers. The software varies with the server. For
details, see below:
1) Table 2-3 lists the software required for an HP ProLiant DL380 G3 server.

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Table 2-3 HP server software

Software (CD) Purpose

HP SmartStart installation CD To boot a HP server
Windows 2000 Server installation
To install the operating system (OS) on the
CD, Windows 2000 Service pack 4.0
two nodes.

iGWB application software package To install the iGWB software on the two
installation CD nodes and the work station

Billing interface software installation

To install the Vertel UTS-FTAM software
CD (optional)

2) Table 2-4 lists the software required for an IBM x343 server.

Table 2-4 IBM server software

Software (CD) Purpose

ServeRAID application CD To set a disk partition to “RAID 5+hot spare”
To install the driver for IBM ServeRAID 4Lx
ServeRAID support CD
To install the drivers fro the IBM server
x343 Added Driver and Utility CD
extended network adapters and SCSI.
Windows 2000 Server installation
To install the OS and related software on the
CD, Windows 2000 Service pack 4.0
two nodes.
and SCSI driver included

iGWB application software package To install the iGWB software on the two
installation CD nodes and the work station

Billing interface software installation

To install the Vertel UTS-FTAM software
CD (optional)

2.2.2 System Planning

I. Network planning

The iGWB primary server network planning is listed in Table 2-5. The primary server
name is iGWB0.

Table 2-5 Network planning information of the iGWB primary server

Network adapter Virtual IP

Connected device IP address
identifier address
Netcard0 to Office Connect with the CDR
LAN console and NM interface.

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Network adapter Virtual IP

Connected device IP address
identifier address
Connect with the 0#LAN
Netcard1 to 0#LAN Switch to communicate
Switch with the active plane of the
Connect with the 1#LAN
Switch to communicate
Netcard2 to 1#LAN with the standby plane of
Switch the SoftX3000 and act as
the first heartbeat path of
the iGWB cluster system.
Based on
Netcard3 to Billing Connect with the BC to
the N/A
Center (BC) provide the billing interface.

The iGWB secondary server network planning is listed in Table 2-6. The secondary
server name is iGWB1.

Table 2-6 Network planning information of the iGWB secondary server

Network adapter Virtual IP

Connected device IP address
identifier address
Netcard0 to Office Connect with the CDR
LAN console and NM interface.
Connect with the 0#LAN
Netcard1 to Switch to communicate with
0#LAN Switch the active plane of the

Connect with the 1#LAN

Switch to communicate with
Netcard2 to the standby plane of the
1#LAN Switch SoftX3000 and act as the
first heartbeat path of the
iGWB cluster system.
Based on
Netcard3 to Billing Connect with the BC to
the N/A
Center provide the billing interface.

The IP addresses of the network adapters must be planned depending on the actual
conditions. To plan the IP addresses, follow the principles below:
z The iGWB dual system communicates with other devices through the virtual IP
address. The fixed IP addresses need to be set but make little difference.
z Work with the billing center to decide the fixed IP addresses.
z The fixed IP addresses must be the same as those set in the igwb.ini file.

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z The virtual IP address cannot be set manually. Otherwise, the iGWB cannot be
z The virtual IP address is automatically set by the iGWB when the igwb.ini file is fully

II. User planning

Table 2-7 lists the user planning related to the iGWB.

Table 2-7 User planning

Project Function User name Password

With the most
administrator Administrator igwb
of PC server
The original
password is blank.
iGWB super Manage the Change the
administrator iGWB password after you
log in for the first

Set on the bill Set on the bill

iGWB operator iGWB client user
console. console.
Access the iGWB Set in igwb.ini and Set in igwb.ini and
FTP user from the billing Windows2000 Windows2000
center by FTP. component services. component services.

III. Disk planning

The iGWB employs the Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) technology to
configure the hard disk redundancies in RAID5 + hot spare mode. The iGWB server
software requires that the hard disk is divided into three partitions. The file system is
NTFS. The drive letters for the three partitions are C, D, and E. F is the drive letter of the
CD-ROM drive. The capacity of each partition varies with the type of a server. Fro
details, see below:
1) For an HP ProLiant DL380 G3 server, follow the partition planning in Table 2-8

Table 2-8 HP server disk planning

Name Size Function

Partition C 8 GB Install the OS and the iGWB server software.

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Name Size Function

Partition D 105 GB Store original bills, log files, and status files.
Partition E 105 GB Store final bills and backup files.
Partition F - CD-ROM drive

2) For an IBM X343server, follow the partition planning in Table 2-9.

Table 2-9 IBM server disk planning

Name Size Function

Partition C 146 GB Install the OS and the iGWB server software.

Partition D 105 GB Store original bills, log files, and status files.
Partition E 105 GB Store final bills and backup files.
Partition F - CD-ROM drive

2.3 Installing HP Server Hardware

The iGWB sever hardware is configured in the cabinet of the SoftX3000. The server
hardware is installed together with the hardware of the SoftX3000. This chapter aims at
cable connection details on the iGWB server hardware installation. Before you start,
ensure that the cabinet and the mechanical devices inside the cabinet are installed

For mechanical installation of the iGWB server hardware, refer to HUAWEI U-SYS
SoftX3000 SoftSwitch Hardware Installation Manual.

2.3.1 Structure of the HP Server

I. Front view

Figure 2-3 shows the front view of the HP server.

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1) Hard disk cabin (6 altogether) 2) Floppy disk drive 3) CD-ROM drive

Figure 2-3 Front view of the HP server

A row of indicators are configured on the right of the front panel. See Figure 2-4.

1) Internal state indicator 2) External state indicator 3) NIC1 connection indicator

4) NIC2 connection indicator 5) UID indicator 6) Power switch indicator
Figure 2-4 Indicators on the front panel

II. Back view

Figure 2-5 shows the back view of the HP server.

1) 3#PCI-X extension slot (for 1# network adapter)

2) 2#PCI-X extension slot (for 0# network adapter)
3) 1#PCI-X extension slot 4) COM port 5) ILO port
6) Mouse interface 7) Power socket 8) VHDCI SCSI port
9) Monitor interface 10) USB port
11) NIC connection ports (for 2# and 3# network adapters)
12) Keyboard interface
Figure 2-5 Back view of the HP server

Figure 2-6 shows the indicators configured on the rear panel.

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1) 3# PCI slot hot-swap fault indicator 2) 3# PCI slot hot-swap power indicator
3) 2# PCI slot hot-swap fault indicator 4) 2# PCI slot hot-swap power indicator
5) RJ-45 port indicator 6) RJ-45 port activation indicator
7) UID indicator 8) Power indicator
Figure 2-6 Indicators on the rear panel

2.3.2 Installing Cables of the HP Server

I. Connecting power cables

The input voltage for the HP ProLiant DL380 G3 server is –48V DC. The server uses
the dual redundant power supplies to ensure that the server can keep running normally
when only one power supply is available.
To connect the power cables, ensure that the positive pole of the power terminal of the
server is connected to the grounding terminal of the –48V DC power supply and the
negative pole is connected to the “–48V” end of the power supply.

II. Connecting network cable

The HP ProLiant DL380 G3 server provides four network ports. The network adapters
are set on the back of the HP server cabinet. See Figure 2-7. These ports are
numbered for description purpose. See Table 2-10. Make sure that you follow this table
to connect the network cables.

To LAN Switch 0 To LAN Switch 1

adapter 1
Network COM port
adapter 0 and USB port
Network Network
adapter 2 adapter 3

Rear of HP ProLiant
DL380 G3 server

To bill console and NMS To billing center

Figure 2-7 Network adapters on the back of the HP server cabinet

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Table 2-10 Network adapter numbering plan

Position No. Function

Lower port of the PCI network adapter
Connect with the bill console and
(0#PCI network adapter, numbered 2 0
the NMS interface.
in Figure 2-5)
Connect with 0#LAN Switch to
Upper port of the PCI network adapter
ensure that the iGWB
(1#PCI network adapter, numbered 1 1
communicates with the primary
in Figure 2-5)
plane of the SoftX3000.

Connect with 1#LAN Switch to

ensure that the iGWB
communicates with the secondary
Left port of the integrated network
2 plane of the SoftX3000. This
adapter (left port of 11 in Figure 2-5)
connection serves as the first
heartbeat path of the iGWB dual
Right port of the integrated network Connect with the Billing center to
adapter( right port of 11 Figure 2-5) provide the billing interface.

The numbering principle is: When viewed from the back, the ports are numbered in
sequence from left to right and from the top down.

III. Connecting COM port cable

The COM port cables are used to connect the COM ports of two servers to provide the
second heartbeat connection. Figure 2-5 shows the position of the COM port. The
RS-232 COM port is above the interface of the display.

IV. Connecting C2T cables

The C2T cables are used to connect the servers with the display, the keyboard, and the
mouse. To save space, two iGWB servers share the same display, keyboard, and
mouse, which are switched by a converter. The two servers are connected to the
KVM/LCD converter through the C2T cables.
One end of the C2T cable is connected to the associated port of the server, while the
other end is connected to the associated channel port of the KVM/LCD converter

V. Binding cables

The above cables should be bound together with those in the cabinet. For details, refer
to HUAWEI U-SYS SoftX3000 SoftSwitch Hardware Installation Manual.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 2 System Installation

2.3.3 Setting the BIOS of the HP Server

The basic input/output system (BIOS) setup is important to start a server or install an
OS. For the HP ProLiant DL380 G3 server, follow the steps below to adjust the BIOS

No. Description
Start the server. The system then detects the memory.
When “Press Ctrl+S to Enter Configuration Menu ...”
is displayed at the lower left corner of the screen, you will
find the following message on your screen:
1 Enter BIOS setup Press”F9”key for ROM-Based Setup Utility
Press”F10”key for System Maintenance Menu
Press”F12”key for PXE boot
Press F9 to display the Rom-Based Setup Utility
Select Standard Boot Order(IPL), and then press
Enter to view the startup sequence. See below:
Set startup
2 IPL :2 Flooppy Drive(A:)
sequence IPL :3 Hard Drive C;(See Boot Controller Order)
If CD-ROM is not in line 1, change the sequence with the
arrow keys. Then, press Enter.

3 Save setup Press F10 to save the settings

4 Close BIOS Press F10 to quit the BIOS setup.

2.4 Installing IBM Server Hardware

The iGWB sever hardware is configured in the cabinet of the SoftX3000. The server
hardware is installed together with the hardware of the SoftX3000. This chapter aims at
cable connection details on the iGWB server hardware installation. Before you start,
ensure that the cabinet and the mechanical devices inside the cabinet are installed

For mechanical installation of the iGWB server hardware, refer to HUAWEI U-SYS
SoftX3000 SoftSwitch Hardware Installation Manual.

2.4.1 Structure of the IBM Server

I. Front View

Figure 2-8 shows the front view of the IBM server with a front cover.

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C COM2 (RJ45) and

A CD-ROM B Switches and LEDs
USB port
D 1# Hard drive tray E 2# hard drive tray
Figure 2-8 Front view of the IBM server with front cover

Figure 2-9 shows the switches and LEDs.

A Power switch B Reset button C Critical alarm

D Major alarm LED E Minor alarm LED F Power alarm LED
G 1# disk state LED H 2# disk state LED I main power state
J network card state LED K System ID state LED L ID switch
M NMI switch
Figure 2-9 Switches and LEDs

Figure 2-10 shows the front view of the IBM server with the front cover removed.

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A CD-ROM B Switches and C COM2 (RJ45) and USB port

D 1# Hard drive tray E 1# hard drive tray F 2# Hard drive tray connector
connector conrol level control level
G 2# hard drive tray
Figure 2-10 Front view of IBM server with front cover removed

II. Back view

Figure 2-11 shows the back view of the IBM server.

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A Three half-length 64-bit, 66 MHz PCI extended slots (for installing 3.3 V riser boards)
B 2-port 10/100M Ethernet N RJ45 network adapter 1
C Panel alarm relay DB-15 male connector
D Three full-length 64-bit, 33 MHz PCI add-in slots (for installing 5 V riser boards).
The upper one is used to install the RAID card. The RAID controller provides the SCSI to
connect with the signal cable of the disk array.
The lower two are used to install the network adapters 2 and 3.
E Four-terminal DC input power connector of the DC input power supply module
F Four-terminal DC input power connector of the DC input power supply module
G Secondary power module
H Primary power module
I USB port 1
J COM1 (RJ45)
K PS/2 port. This port can be used to connect with the keyboard or the mouse. It also can
to connect the mouse and the keyboard together with the PS/2 port through a Y-typed
L 2-port 10/100M Ethernet N RJ45 netwrok adapter 0
M External SCSI (Ultra 320 interface)
N External display interface
O USB port 0
Figure 2-11 Back view of the IBM server

2.4.2 Structure of IBM EXP400

Figure 2-12 shows the hot-swap Enclosure Services Module (ESM) on the back of

Figure 2-12 Back view of the IBM EXP400 with ESM

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The IBM EXP400 disk array includes two hot-swap ESMs. The ESM provides the small
computer systems interface (SCSI) and monitors the overall status of the EXP400. The
ESMs include five sets of dual in-line package (DIP) switches

2.4.3 Installing Cables of the IBM Server

I. Connecting power cables

The input voltage for the IBM x343 server is –48V DC. The server uses the dual
redundant power supplies to ensure that the server can keep running normally when
only one power supply is available.
To connect the power cables, ensure that the positive pole of the power terminal of the
server is connected to the grounding terminal of the –48V DC power supply and the
negative pole is connected to the “–48V” end of the power supply

II. Connecting network cables

The IBM x343 server provides four network ports. The network adapters are set on the
back of the IBM server cabinet. See Figure 2-13. These ports are numbered for
description purpose. See Table 2-11. Make sure that you follow this table to connect the
network cables.

To LAN Switch 0 To billing center

Rear of IBM X343 server Network

adapter 3

Network adapter 2
adapter 1 COM port
and USB port
adapter 0

To bill console and NMS To LAN Switch 1

Figure 2-13 Network adapters on the back of the IBM server cabinet

Table 2-11 Network adapters on the back of the cabinet

Position No. Function

Lower port of the integrated
Connect with the bill console and the
network adapter (lower port of I 0
NMS interface.
in Figure 2-11)
Upper port of the integrated Connect with 0#LAN Switch to ensure
network adapter (upper port of I 1 that the iGWB communicates with the
in Figure 2-11) primary plane of the SoftX3000.

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Position No. Function

Connect with 1#LAN Switch to ensure
Lower port of the PCI network
that the iGWB communicates with the
adapter (2#PCI network
2 secondary plane of the SoftX3000. This
adapter, lower port of C in
connection serves as the first heartbeat
Figure 2-11)
path of the iGWB dual system.
Upper port of the PCI network
adapter (3#PCI network Connect with the Billing center to provide
adapter, upper port of C in the billing interface.
Figure 2-11)

The numbering principle is: When viewed from the back, the ports are numbered in
sequence from left to right and from the bottom up.

III. Connecting COM port cable

The COM port cables are used to connect the COM ports of two servers to provide the
second heartbeat connection. Figure 2-11 shows the position J of the COM port.

IV. Connecting C2T cables

The C2T cables are used to connect the servers with the display, the keyboard, and the
mouse. To save space, two iGWB servers share the same display, keyboard, and
mouse, which are switched by a converter. The two servers are connected to the
KVM/LCD converter through the C2T cables.
One end of the C2T cable is connected to the associated port of the server, while the
other end is connected to the associated channel port of the KVM/LCD converter.

V. Connecting Disk Array Cables

Typically, if the IBM servers are used, the iGWB system is configured with two disk
arrays. Each disk array contains five hard disks. Each array is provided with a signal
cable to connect with the iGWB0 and iGWB1
1) On the back of the cabinet, connect the signal cable of the one disk array with the
lower iGWB0, and connect the signal cable of the other disk array with the upper
2) Each server includes two SCSIs. One is on the lower left corner of the backplane
(M in Figure 2-11), and the other is on the external RAID controller, which is
located on the upper middle of the back of the server (D in Figure 2-11). The
correct connection method is: Connect the signal cable of a disk array with the
SCSI of the external RAID controller. Figure 2-14 shows the connection between
the IBM x343 server and the EXP400 disk array.

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Figure 2-14 Connection between IBM X343 server and EXP400 disk array (back)

VI. Binding cables

The above cables should be bound together with those in the cabinet. For details, refer
to HUAWEI U-SYS SoftX3000 SoftSwitch Hardware Installation Manual.

2.5 Installing and Configuring the OS on the HP Server

This section introduces how to install the OS on the primary server. The installation
steps are similar for installing the OS on the primary server and the secondary server.
For reference purpose, different parameters are given for the nodes during the setup
process. This section includes the following contents:
z Setting the BIOS of the HP Server
z Setting the Hard Disks to RAID 5+Hot Spare
z Initializing the HP Server
z Installing Windows 2000 Server
z Installing Windows 2000 Hot Patches
z Creating Disk Partitions
z Configuring IP addresses of the Network Adapters

2.5.1 Setting the BIOS of the HP Server

The basic input/output system (BIOS) setup is important to start a server or install an
OS. For the HP ProLiant DL380 G3 server, follow the steps below to adjust the BIOS

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No. Description
Start the server. The system then detects the memory.
When “Press Ctrl+S to Enter Configuration Menu ...”
is displayed at the lower left corner of the screen, you will
find the following message on your screen:
1 Enter BIOS setup Press”F9”key for ROM-Based Setup Utility
Press”F10”key for System Maintenance Menu
Press”F12”key for PXE boot
Press F9 to display the Rom-Based Setup Utility
Select Standard Boot Order(IPL), and then press
Enter to view the boot order. See below:
2 Set boot order IPL :2 Flooppy Drive(A:)
IPL :3 Hard Drive C;(See Boot Controller Order)
If CD-ROM is not in line 1, change the order with the
arrow keys. Then, press Enter.
3 Save settings Press F10 to save the settings

4 Close BIOS Press F10 to quit the BIOS setup.

2.5.2 Setting the Hard Disks to RAID 5+Hot Spare

Configure the RAID before you install Windows 2000 Server. The HP server includes
five built-in SCSI hard disks. For security purpose, the hard disks employ the “RAID 5 +
Hot Spare” (3+1+1 model) fault tolerance technology. Typically, each server is
configured with five hard disks. Four of these disks are set to RAID 5, while the left is
set to hot spare.
To set the disks to RAID 5 and hot spare, follow the steps below:

No. Step Description

Power on the HP server. Remove any CD in the
Cold start the
1 CD-ROM. Then, start the server. If the server was
previously started, shut down the server and restart it.

The server reads the boot program from the BIOS. Then,
Enter disk array it asks if you want to configure the Integrated Lights-Out
2 configuration (ILO). See below:
menu Integrated Lights-Out press [F8] to configure
Do not set the ILO. Then, the system will continue.

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No. Step Description

The following information is displayed:

Press <F8> to run the Option ROM Configuration for
Arrays Utility
Press <ESC> to skip configuration and continue
Press F8 to run the disk array configuration utility. The
configuration main menu is displayed. See Figure 2-15.

Figure 2-15 Disk array configuration main menu

No. Step Description

1) Select View Logical Drive, and then press Enter.
If the following information is displayed:
Logical Drive # 1, RAID 5, 203.5 GB, OK
It indicates that the system has configured the logical
drives and the hard disks have been set to RAID 5.
Check if logical
You do not need to continue the configuration process.
drives and
3 Press ESC to exit.
RAID 5 are
configured 2) If the following information is displayed:
There are no available logical drives.
Press <ESC> to return to the main menu
It indicates that the system has not yet configured the
logical dives. Then, you must continue with the
configuration process.

If the logical drives were previously configured but not set to RAID 5, select Delete
Logical Drive from the main menu to delete the existing logical drives, and then select
Create Logical Drive to create logical drives. See Figure 2-15.

No. Step Description

Create a Select Create Logical Drive, and then press Enter. The
logical drive RAID configurations interface is displayed. See Figure 2-16.

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Figure 2-16 RAID configurations

There are four areas on the interface:
z In Available Physical Drives, all the available existing physical drives are listed.
z In Raid Configurations, the RAID types are listed.
z In Spare, you can set a hot spare drive.
z In Maximum Boot partition, you set the capacity of the Boot partition.
Press Tab to switch to the next area, and press Space Bar to select the desired

No. Step Description

1) In Available Physical Drives, select the physical
disks to be set to RAID. Each server contains five
disks. Select four as RAID and leave one as hot spare
2) In Raid Configurations, select RAID 5.
3) In Spare, select Use one drive as spare.
4) In Maximum Boot partition, select Enable (8 GB
Set disks to the maximum).
5 “RAID5+hot
5) After you finish, the interface, as shown in Figure 2-17
spare" is displayed. Check your settings, and then press
Enter. The following information is displayed:
You have selected a logical drive with a total
data size of 203.5 GB and RAID 5 fault tolerance.
Press <F8> to save the Configuration
Press <ESC> to cancel
6) Press F8 to save the configurations. Quit the setup
program, and then continue with the server boot

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Figure 2-17 RAID 5 configurations

2.5.3 Initializing the HP Server

No. Step Description

Boot the server Power on the server. Insert the HP SmartStart CD into
1 by using the HP the CD-ROM drive. After the server is started, run the HP
SmartStart CD SmartStart program in the CD.
1) Select the language to use during the SmartStart
process, for example, English.
Select the
2 language and 2) Select the keyboard to be used with this system.
keyboard Select English.

3) After you finish, click Continue.


Agree to the
carefully. Click Agree to continue.

Click the Launch Setup icon to display Launch the

Operating System Setup Wizard. Click Next to
Launch Setup Note:
4 On the wizard interface, the upper part displays the
hardware information, such as server type, ROM
version, and RAM size, and the lower part displays the
PCI device information. The Launch Setup icon is in the
In the Operating System Family (from ROM Based
Setup Utility) dialog box, select Microsoft Windows
5 Select OS
2000 Server from the Select specific operating
system version list. Click Next to continue.
1) In the Boot Partition Size dialog box, select NTFS
from the Select a file system list as the file system
of the server.
Set boot partition
6 2) In the Select Boot Partition Size area, select
Custom to customize the boot partition size. Enter
8192 (8 GB) in the right entry box. Click Next to

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No. Step Description

1) In the Operating System Configuration
Information dialog box, enter the user names in the
User Name entry box. Enter iGWB0 for the primary
server and iGWB1 for the secondary server.
2) In the Organization Name entry box, enter Huawei
Technologies Co., Ltd.
3) In the Product Key entry box, enter the serial
number of the product.
7 Configure OS Note:
The serial number is marked on the cover or the
specifications of the Windows 2000 Server CD delivered
with the product.
4) In the License Type entry box, select Per Server.
Enter the number of Client Licenses, for example,
60 based on the EULA. Click Next to continue.
5) In the SNMP Configuration dialog box, keep the
default settings. Click Next to continue.
In the Web-Enabled System Management Password
Configure Configuration dialog box, set the passwords for
Web-based Administrator, Operator and User of the server. The
system factory defaults are as follows:
8 management z For Administrator, the preset password is igwb.
password z For Operator, the preset password is igwb.
z For User, the preset password is igwb.
After you finish, click Next to continue.
1) In the SmartStart has enough information to install
dialog box, click Continue to begin.
Prepare 2) When the information “Please insert the operating
9 Windows 2000 system CD and click Continue” is displayed, the HP
Server setup SmartStart CD is ejected from the CD-ROM drive
automatically. Remove this CD and insert the
Windows 2000 Server CD in the CD-ROM drive.
Click Continue.
1) SmartStart is now copying the Windows 2000
Server installation files to the local disk.
Please wait.
SmartStart will now configure your system and
Copy installation reboot.
10 files and restart Please remove the operating system CD during
the server reboot.
Copying data files…
2) When the system finishes copying files, the server
automatically reboots. Remove Windows 2000
Server CD and continue with the setup process.

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2.5.4 Installing Windows 2000 Server

After the initialization process is complete, the server reboots automatically to start the
Windows 2000 Server setup process. The installation steps are listed below:

No. Step Description

When the server reboots, the Windows 2000 Installation
1 Copy files window is displayed, and then the system starts copying
When finishing copying files, the system reboots. In the
Windows 2000 Server Setup dialog box, click Next to
Start setup
2 The Installing Devices dialog box is displayed. The
system starts to detect devices such as keyboard, mouse,
video adapter, and network adapter, and install the drivers
for these devices automatically.

In the Computer Name and Administrator Password

dialog box, enter the computer name and administrator
Enter computer password. The factory defaults are as follows:
name and For Computer name, the primary server is iGWB0,
3 z
administrator and the secondary server is iGWB1.
z For Administrator Password, it is preset to igwb.
Click Next to continue.

In the Date And Time Settings dialog box, set the correct
Set date and
4 date and time for the server. Set the time zone depending
on the area you are located. Click Next to continue.
1) In the Workgroup and Computer Domain dialog box,
Configure select No, this computer is not on a network.
workgroup and
5 2) In the Workgroup and Computer Domain dialog box,
domain keep the default value WORKGROUP. Click Next to
Setup is now installing Windows 2000 Server, including
installing Windows 2000 components and the Start menu,
Continue the
6 registering software, saving settings, and deleting
setup process
temporary files. The process takes about 15 minutes.
Then, the server restarts automatically.

1) Log in as Administrator. The HP Installation Utility

window is displayed. The system will automatically
install and configure the HP utility. It takes about 15
Configure minutes.
2) After the utility is installed, the server restarts
automatically. Now, the Windows 2000 Server setup
process is complete.

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2.5.5 Installing Windows 2000 Hot Patches

For security purposes, you need to install the Windows 2000 Server hot patches
released by Microsoft Corporation, such as KB823980, KB824146, KB828741,
KB828749, KB835732, and KB837001.


z For the latest information on the Windows 2000 hot patches, visit the web site of
Microsoft Corporation at http://www.micorsoft.com. The patches given in this
section are for reference only.
z Before you install a Windows 2000 hot patch, ensure that Windows 2000 Service
pack 4 is installed.

No. Step Description

Log in to
After Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Service
Windows 2000
1 Pack4 are installed, the server restarts automatically. Log
Server as
in as administrator.
Double-click Windows2000-KB823980-x86.exe. The
Start KB823980
2 setup wizard is displayed. See Figure 2-18. Click Next to

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Figure 2-18 Windows 2000 KB23980 Setup Wizard

No. Step Description

Agree to
Read the Supplemental EULA carefully. Select I Agree.
3 License
Click Next to continue.
Update your Setup inspects your current configuration and updates
system your system. It takes about 30 seconds.

Complete The setup process is complete. Click Finish to close the

setup wizard.
Install other hot
6 Follow the above steps to install other hot patches.

2.5.6 Creating Disk Partitions

According to 2.2.2 III. “Disk planning”, you can use the Disk Management tool of
Windows 2000 Server to create the disk partitions and set the drive letters. To create a
partition, follow the steps below:

No. Step Description

Start the
Select Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools ->
1 Computer Management to display the Computer
Management window.

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No. Step Description

1) In the left pane, on the navigation tree, select Storage
-> Disk Management. The current partitions of the
server are displayed in the right pane. See
Figure 2-19.
2) Right-click the CD-ROM drive area. Select Change
Change drive Drive Letter and Path from the shortcut menu to
2 letter of display the Change Drive Letter and Paths for (D:)
CD-ROM dialog box.
3) Click Edit. Then, in the Edit Drive Letter or Path
dialog box, assign the drive letter F: to the CD-ROM
drive. Click OK.
4) In the Confirm dialog box, click Yes.

Figure 2-19 Primary Partition

No. Step Description

1) Right-click the Unallocated area of Disk 0. Select
Create Partition from the shortcut menu. The Create
Partition Wizard is displayed. Click Next to continue.
2) In the Select Partition Type dialog box, select
Create Extended partition. Click Next to continue.
3 extended 3) In the Specify Partition Size dialog box, keep the
partition default value, that is, the maximum disk space. Click
Next to continue.
4) In the Completing the Create Partition Wizard
dialog box, verify your settings. Click Finish. Now, the
Unallocated area becomes Free Space.

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No. Step Description

1) Right-click the Free Space area of Disk 0. Select
Create Logical Drive from the shortcut menu. The
Create Partition Wizard is displayed. Click Next to
2) In the Select Partition Type dialog box, Logical
Drive is selected by default. Click Next to continue.
3) In the Specify Partition Size dialog box, In the
Amount of disk space to use entry box, enter
10084. Click Next to continue.
Create logical 4) In the Assign Drive Letter or Path dialog box, assign
drive the drive letter D: to the logical drive. Click Next to
5) In the Format Partition dialog box, select Format
this partition with the following settings. Under this
option, keep the default parameter settings. Then,
select Perform a Quick Format. Click Next to
6) In Completing the Create Partition Wizard, verify
your settings, and then click Finish. The system will
then format D:. See Figure 2-20.
Create another Follow step 4 to create logical drive E:. Allocate all the free
logical drive space of Disk 0 to this logical drive.

Figure 2-20 Disk partitions with D:

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2.5.7 Configuring IP addresses of the Network Adapters

I. Checking the status of all network adapters

Normally, after you install Windows 2000 Server, the system will configure the drivers
for all network adapters automatically.
To check the status of the network adapters, follow the steps below:
1) Choose Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Communications -> Network
and Dial-up Connections. The Network and Dial-Up Connections window is
displayed. See Figure 2-21.

Figure 2-21 Network and Dial-Up Connections

2) In the Network and Dial-up Connections window, check the network connection

The network adapter is properly installed

The icon is (activated) or and runs normally.
The network adapter is not properly
No icon is shown in the window
installed. You need to reinstall the driver.

II. Checking and Reidentifying Network Adapters

When the system installs the drivers for the network adapters, it automatically searches
for the network adapters and marks them as “Local Area Connection”, “Local Area

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Connection 2”, “Local Area Connection 3”, and “Local Area Connection 4” orderly when
installing the driver for the network adapters.
However, the number sequence may be different from the actual physical one. To avoid
misoperation, before configuring the IP addresses of the network adapters, you need to
reidentify the physical relations between the network adapters. See Figure 2-22.

To LAN Switch 0 To LAN Switch 1

adapter 1
Network COM port
adapter 0 and USB port
Network Network
adapter 2 adapter 3

Rear of HP ProLiant
DL380 G3 server

To bill console and NMS To billing center

Figure 2-22 Network adapters on the back of the cabinet of the HP server

To check and reidentify the physical relations between the network adapters, follow the
steps below:

No. Step Description

Pull out all network cables connecting to the network
Pull out adapters. Then, the Local Area Connection icons for all
network cables
network adapters become inactivated .
Connect the network cable of 0# LAN Switch to the
Check a network port of Netcard1. Power on 0# LAN Switch. Then,
2 network
the icon of the network adapter becomes activated .
Right-click to select the icon of the activated network
Rename a
adapter. In the displayed menu, select Rename. It is
3 network
recommended to rename the network card “Netcard1 to
0#LAN Switch”.

Rename the other three network adapters in the same
4 other network

It is recommended to name the other three network adapters “Netcard2 to 1#LAN
Switch”, “Netcard0 to Office LAN”, and “Netcard3 to Billing Center”.

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III. Setting IP Addresses of Network Adapters

To set an IP address of a network adapter, for example, of Netcard0, refer to

2.2.2 I. Network planning and follow the steps below:

No. Step Description

1) On your desktop, right-click the My Network Places
Open the icon, and then select Properties.
1 configuration
window 2) In the popup window, right-click Local Area
Connection to select Properties.

Double-click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP, and then select

Use the following IP address, and enter:
Set IP address,
2 subnet mask, IP address
and gateway Subnet mask
Default gateway (based on your actual configuration)

3 Exit Click OK to exit.

2.6 Installing and Configuring the OS on the IBM Server

This section introduces how to install the OS on the primary server. The installation
steps are similar for installing the OS on the primary server and the secondary server.
For reference purpose, different parameters are given for the nodes during the setup
process. This section includes the following contents:
z Setting the BIOS of the IBM Server
z Setting the Local Hard Disks to RAID 1
z Installing Windows 2000 Server
z Installing Windows 2000 Hot Patches
z Installing Drivers for the IBM Server Hardware
z Setting the Hard Disks to RAID 5+Hot Spare
z Creating Disk Partitions
z Configuring IP addresses of the Network Adapters

2.6.1 Setting the BIOS of the IBM Server

To set the BIOS of the IBM x343 server, follow the steps below:

No. Step Description

Start the server.
Press <ESC> to view diagnostic messages
Enter BIOS
1 Press <F2> to enter SETUP, <F12> Network
After the above information is displayed, press F2 to enter
the BIOS Setup.

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No. Step Description

1) Select Boot, and then press Enter to view the boot
order. See below:
1st Boot Device [ATAPI CD-ROM]
2nd Boot Device [Hard Drive]
2 Set boot order 3rd Boot Device [IBA GE Slot 0348 v1216]

2) Select 1st Boot Device, and then press Enter to

display the drop-down menu. Select ATAPI CD-ROM
with the arrow keys, and then press Enter.
1) Press ESC to return to the Boot main menu. Select
Hard Disk Drives with the arrow keys, and then press
3 Set boot disk
2) Select 1st Hard Disk Drive, and then press Enter to
display the drop-down menu. Select 00.AIC-7902B: 0
ADAPTEC, and then press Enter.
4 Save settings Press F10 to save the settings
5 Close BIOS Press F10 to close the BIOS Setup.


The server cannot be started if the boot disk is not set properly.

2.6.2 Setting the Local Hard Disks to RAID 1

The IBM x343 server includes two 146 GB built-in hard disks. For stability purpose, the
hard disks employ the RAID 1 fault tolerance technology.


z If the RAID 1 is reset, all original data on the hard disks will lose..
z The hard disks are set to RAID 1 before delivery. Generally, you do not need to
change the mode. For security purpose, confirm the configuration on site. For
details, refer to the following step 3.

To set the hard disks to RAID 1, follow the steps below:

No. Step Description

Enter the 1) Start the server.

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No. Step Description

1) Start the server.
1 2) Press Ctrl+A to enter the SCSISelect utility after the
following information is displayed.
<<<Press <Ctrl><A> for SCSISelect(TM) Utility! >>>

1) Select AIC-7902 B at slot 00 04:07:01 with the arrow keys

Configure after the following information is displayed. Then, press
2 Enter.
AIC-7902 A at slot 00 04:07:00
AIC-7902 B at slot 00 04:07:01

2) On the Options interface, select Configure -> View SCSI

Controller Settings, and then press Enter. On the
Configuration interface, set HostRAID to Enabled. Press
ESC to return to the Options interface.
3) Select Configure -> View HostRAID Settings to enter the
configuration main interface. The following information is
ID Type Vendor Product Size Status
0 Hard Drive IBM-ESXS ST3146807LC FN 146GB Free
1 Hard Drive IBM-ESXS ST3146807LC FN 146GB Free
Note that the current statuses of the hard drives are Free.
They becomes Optimal after the configuration.
4) Press C to start creating RAID. In the popup dialog box,
select RAID-1 (Fault Tolerance), and then press Enter.
5) On the RAID-1: Select RAID members interface, move
the arrow keys and press Space bar to select the above
two disks. The selected disks are marked “X”. See below:
ID Vendor Product Size Status
0 IBM-ESXS ST3146807LC FN 146GB Free X
1 IBM-ESXS ST3146807LC FN 146GB Free X
Press Enter.
6) In the RAID-1 Build Option dialog box, select Create new
RAID-1, and then press Enter.
7) In the Assign RAID Name dialog box, enter RAID1, and
then press Enter.
8) Set the array to bootable. See below:
Do you want to make
This array as bootable?
Select Yes, and then press Enter.
9) In the Create Array dialog box, select Yes to create the
array. Press Enter.
10) In the confirmation dialog box, select Yes, and then press
The white process bar indicates the current process. This
process takes about two hours.

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No. Step Description

11) After the RAID is created. Close the SCSISelect Utility.
Then, the system will restart.
1) Press ESC to verify the self-check information after the
IBM logo is displayed.
2) The following information is displayed. The status
becomes Optimal. The RAID 1 is successfully created.
3 Verify
<<<Press <Ctrl><A> for SCSISelect(TM) Utility! >>>
Solt Ch ID LUN Vendor Product Size Bus Status
00 B 0 0 ADAPTEC RAID1 146GB Optimal

2.6.3 Installing Windows 2000 Server

To install Windows 2000 Server, follow the steps below:

No. Step Description

1) Start the server. After the self-test of the system, the
boot interface is displayed. Press F2 to enter the BIOS
2) In the BIOS SETUP UTILITY window, select Boot
1 to the first boot
with the arrow keys.
3) In the Boot menu, set Boot Device Priority. Set
ATAPI CD-ROM to 1st Boot Device. Press F10 to
save and exit.
Boot the 1) Insert the Windows 2000 Server installation CD to the
system by CD-ROM drive.
2 using the
Windows 2000 2) After the system is started, press any key to boot it
Server CD from the CD-ROM.
Select After the system finishes copying files, Setup prepares
3 installation Windows 2000 Server to run on your computer. Press
mode Enter to set up Windows 2000.
Agree to
Read this EULA carefully. If you agree to the EULA, press
4 Windows 2000
F8; otherwise, press ESC to quit the Setup program.
1) The Setup program lists all the existing partitions and
unpartitioned space. Press C to create the partition C:.
Windows 2000 Server will be installed in C:.
2) Enter the maximum capacity of the current disk (about
Create a 140004 MB). Press Enter.
partition and
5 3) Confirm the capacity of C: and press Enter.
continue to
copy files 4) Select NTFS as the file system of the current partition.
See Figure 2-23. Press Enter to continue.
5) Format the partition. Then, the system continues to
copy the installation files. You can check the process
in the middle of the screen.

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Figure 2-23 Select a file system

No Step Description
Run the Setup 1) After finishing copying files, the system reboots
program and automatically.
configure 2) Setup continues the installation and configures the
hardware hardware. This takes about 10 minutes.
Set system
locale, user In the Regional Settings dialog box, set the system
7 locale, and locale, user locale and keyboard layout. Keep the defaults.
keyboard Click Next to continue.

Enter user In the User Information dialog box, enter your name and
information the company name. Click Next to continue.

In the Your Product Key dialog box, enter the product key
Enter product in the Product Key entry box. The product key can be
key found on the CD cover or specifications. Click Next to
In the Licensing Modes dialog box, select Per server.
Select Enter the number of concurrent connections, for example,
licensing mode 60. This number is decided by the EULA. Click Next to
In the Computer Name and Administrator Password
dialog box, enter the computer name and administrator
Enter computer password. The factory defaults are as follows:
name and For Computer name, the primary server is iGWB0,
11 z
administrator and the secondary server is iGWB1.
z For Administrator Password, it is preset to igwb.
Click Next to continue.

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No Step Description
Select In the Windows 2000 Components dialog box, select the
12 Windows 2000 component you want to install. Click Next to continue. See
components Figure 2-24.

Figure 2-24 Windows 2000 Components

No Step Description
In the Date And Time Settings dialog box, set the correct
Set date and
13 date and time for the server. Set the time zone depending
on the area you are located. Click Next to continue.

Setup is now installing Windows 2000 Server, including

installing Windows 2000 components and the Start menu,
Continue the
14 registering software, saving settings, and deleting
setup process
temporary files. The process takes about 15 minutes.
Then, the server restarts automatically.

After Setup finishes configuring the system, the installation

Complete is completed. Remove the Windows 2000 Server
installation installation CD from the CD-ROM drive. Click Finish. The
system will reboot.

Set hard drive

16 to 1st boot Refer to step 1 to set Hard Drive to 1st Boot Device.

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2.6.4 Installing Windows 2000 Hot Patches

For security purposes, you need to install the Windows 2000 Server hot patches
released by Microsoft Corporation, such as KB823980, KB824146, KB828741,
KB828749, KB835732, and KB837001.


z For the latest information on the Windows 2000 hot patches, visit the web site of
Microsoft Corporation at http://www.micorsoft.com. The patches given in this
section are for reference only.
z Before you install a Windows 2000 hot patch, ensure that Windows 2000 Service
pack 4 is installed.

No. Step Description

Log in to
After Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Service
Windows 2000
1 Pack4 are installed, the server restarts automatically. Log
Server as
in as administrator.
Start Double-click Windows2000-KB823980-x86.exe. The
2 KB823980 setup wizard is displayed. See Figure 2-25. Click Next to
setup continue.

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Figure 2-25 Windows 2000 KB23980 Setup Wizard

No. Step Description

Agree to
Read the Supplemental EULA carefully. Select I Agree.
3 License
Click Next to continue.
Update your Setup inspects your current configuration and updates
system your system. It takes about 30 seconds.

Complete The setup process is complete. Click Finish to close the

setup wizard.
Install other hot
6 Follow the above steps to install other hot patches.

2.6.5 Installing Drivers for the IBM Server Hardware

After Windows 2000 Server is installed, you need to install the drivers for the main
board, network adapters, and the RAID controller. To do this, follow the steps below:

I. Installing the driver for the main board

No. Description
1 Insert the x343 Added Driver and Utility CD in the CD-ROM drive.
Go to X:\Documentation Resource CD 3.0 Drivers\E750X. (X for drive
letter of CD-ROM)

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No. Description
3 Double-click infinst_enu_5.1.0.1008.exe to install the driver.
4 The driver is installed. Restart the computer.

II. Installing the drivers for the network adapters

No. Description
On the desktop, right-click My Computer to display the floating menu. On the
menu, click Properties.
2 In the System Properties dialog box, click Hardware. See Figure 2-26.

Figure 2-26 System Properties

No. Description
Click Device Manager. In the Device Manager window, on the navigation
3 tree, the Other devices node lists all the Ethernet controllers and the RAID
controller. See Figure 2-27.

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Figure 2-27 Device Manager

No. Description
Double-click an Ethernet controller. In the Ethernet Controller Properties
dialog box, click the Driver tab.

Click Update Driver. On the Update Device Driver Wizard main interface,
click Next to continue.

In the Install Hardware Device Drivers dialog box, select Search for
suitable driver for my device. Click Next to continue. See Figure 2-28.

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Figure 2-28 Install Hardware Device Drivers

No. Description
In the Locate Driver Files dialog box, select CD-ROM drivers. Insert the
driver CD in the CD-ROM drive. Click Next to continue. See Figure 2-29.

Figure 2-29 Locate Driver Files

No. Description
The wizard searches for the driver in the CD-ROM drive. Then, in the Driver
8 Files Search Results dialog box, the wizard shows the path for the driver, for
example, d:\neti557x.inf. Click Next to continue. See Figure 2-30.

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Figure 2-30 Driver Files Search Results

No. Description
The system starts to install the driver. Then, the system returns to the Update
Device Driver Wizard main interface. Click Finish.

In the Ethernet Controller Properties dialog box, click Close. The driver for
this Ethernet controller is updated.

11 Follow the above steps to install the drivers for other Ethernet controllers.

III. Installing the drivers for the RAID and SCSI controllers

No. Description
Update the driver for the SCSI/RAID HOST Controller. For the update
method, refer to the above steps 5–10, “2.6.5 II. Installing Drivers for the
IBM Server Hardware”. After you finish updating the driver, restart the

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No. Description

After update, the driver becomes Adaptec AIC—7902 HOSTRAID driver.

Install drivers for the following devices. For the update method, refer to the
way to update the driver for a netwrok adapter (the above steps 5–10).

Remove the x343 Added Driver and Utility CD from the CD-ROM drive, and
then insert the Raid Support 7.10 CD.
Update the driver for the RAID Controller. For the update method, refer to
steps 5–10, 2.6.5 II. “Installing Drivers for the IBM Server Hardware”. After
update, the driver name becomes IBM ServeRAID 4Lx Controller.

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No. Description
Ensure that all devices listed in the Device Manager window are installed
with drivers and not in conflict. See below:

2.6.6 Setting the Hard Disks to RAID 5+Hot Spare

For security purpose, the hard disks employ the “RAID 5 + Hot Spare” (3+1+1 model)
fault tolerance technology.

z If the RAID 5 is reset, all original data on the hard disks will lose.
z The hard disks are set to RAID 5 before delivery. Generally, you do not need to
change the mode. For security purpose, confirm the configuration on site. For
details, refer to the following step 3 in “IV. Setting RAID 5+hot spare”.

I. Setting DIP Switches for Disk Arrays

The IBM EXP400 disk array provides the large-capacity SCSI hard disks. Its single bus
or dual bus can support up to 14 Ultra 320 SCSI hard disks. The primary server or the

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secondary server each controls one disk array. Typically, each disk array contains five
disks. Four of the five disks are set to RAID 5, and one set to hot spare.
1) Removing the ESM
Figure 2-31 shows the back view of the ESM in the EXP400 disk array. To set the DIP
switches, remove the ESM from the EXP400.

Figure 2-31 Back view of the ESM

To remove the ESM, follow the steps below:

a) Disconnect the SCSI cables.
b) Unfasten the thumbscrew on the left of the ESM.
c) Pull the thumbscrew slowly. The lever then rotates rightwards with the thumbscrew.
d) Pull the ESM out of the EXP400. See Figure 2-32.

Figure 2-32 Remove the ESM

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2) Set the DIP switches

The EXP400 must be set to the non-shared mode. Here, you need to configure the DIP
switches; otherwise, the server cannot identify the hard disks on the array. To set the
DIP switches, follow the method below:
a) Set 1 on SW4 to ON. The disk array will be set to non-shared.
b) Do not change the positions of other DIP switches.
Figure 2-33 shows that 4 on SW1 is set to the ON position.

Figure 2-33 Positions of ESM DIP switches

3) Insert the ESM

After you finish setting the DIP switches, insert the ESM back in the ESP400. To do this,
follow the steps below:
a) Rotate the lever rightwards to the position shown in Figure 2-32.
b) Insert the ESM in the disk array in place.
c) Rotate the lever leftwards and fasten the thumbscrew.
d) Cover the caps for the DIP switches.
e) Connect the SCSI cables.

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Set the DIP switches on the two ESMs in the same way.

II. Introduction to ServeRAID Manager

The IBM server provides the ServeRAID Manager to manage and configure the disk
array. The ServeRAID Manager is a graphical tool. Figure 2-34 shows its main

Figure 2-34 ServeRAID Manager

III. Installing the ServeRAID Manager

To install the ServeRAID Manager (version 7.10.18), follow the steps below:

No. Description
Insert the ServeRAID App CD in the CD-ROM drive. The autorun interface is

2 In autorun, click Install.

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No. Description
3 In the InstallShield Wizard dialog box, click Next to continue.

In the License Agreement dialog box, read the License Agreement carefully,
4 and then select I accept the terms in the terms in the license agreement.
Click Next to continue.
In the Destination Folder dialog box, keep the default. Click Next to
In the ServeRAID Manager Service dialog box, select Yes, install the
service. Click Next to continue.
7 In the SNMP Support dialog box, select No, and then click Next to continue.
8 In the Ready to Install the Program dialog box, click Install.

9 The installation is completed. Restart the computer.

IV. Setting RAID 5+hot spare

Use the ServeRAID Manager to set RAID5+hot spare.

No. Step Description

Choose Start -> Programs -> ServeRAID Manager ->
1 ServeRAID
ServeRAID Manager to start the ServeRAID Manager.
1) In the window of the ServeRAID Manager, click
Controller 3 RAID controller IBM ServeRAID-4Lx.
See below:

Configure The Physical devices and Logical devices interfaces are

2 RAID5+hot displayed. Also, Controller 3 (IBM ServeRAID-4Lx) is
spare selected. See below:

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No. Step Description

2) Select Actions -> Restore to factory-default
settings. Then, in the popup dialog box, click Yes.

3) Click to create RAID 5+hot spare. In the

Configuration paths dialog box, select Express
configuration for controller 3. Click Next to
continue. See below:

4) Verify the settings, and then click Apply. in the

confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
After you finish, restart the server. In the Computer
Verify the management window, Disk 1 is added to the Disk
configuration management node. The capacity of Disk 1 is about 205
GB. For details, refer to 2.6.7 “Creating Disk Partitions”.

2.6.7 Creating Disk Partitions

Before you create a partition, make sure the driver for the RAID controller is installed;
otherwise, the server cannot identify the disks in the array.

According to 2.2.2 III. Disk planning, you can use the Disk Management tool of
Windows 2000 Server to create the disk partitions and set the drive letters. To create a
partition, follow the steps below:

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No. Step Description

Start the
Select Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools ->
1 Computer Management to display the Computer
Management window.
1) In the left pane, on the navigation tree, select Storage
-> Disk Management. Because the disk is not
partitioned, the Write signature and Upgrade Disk
Wizard dialog box is displayed. Click Cancel to close
it. Then, the current partitions of the server are
displayed in the right pane. See Figure 2-35.
Change drive 2) Right-click the CD-ROM drive area. Select Change
2 letter of Drive Letter and Path from the shortcut menu to
CD-ROM display the Change Drive Letter and Paths for (D:)
dialog box.
3) Click Edit. Then, in the Edit Drive Letter or Path
dialog box, assign the drive letter F: to the CD-ROM
drive. Click OK.
4) In the Confirm dialog box, click Yes.

Figure 2-35 Primary partition

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No. Step Description

1) Right-click the Unknown area of Disk 1. Select Write
signature. Then, Disk 1 becomes Basic.
2) Right-click the Unallocated area of Disk 0. Select
Create Partition from the shortcut menu. The Create
Partition Wizard is displayed. Click Next to continue.
Create 3) In the Select Partition Type dialog box, select
3 extended Extended partition. Click Next to continue.
partition 4) In the Specify Partition Size dialog box, keep the
default value, that is, the maximum disk space. Click
Next to continue.
5) In the Completing the Create Partition Wizard
dialog box, verify your settings. Click Finish. Now, the
Unallocated area becomes Free Space.
1) Right-click the Free Space area of Disk 1. Select
Create Logical Drive from the shortcut menu. The
Create Partition Wizard is displayed. Click Next to
2) In the Select Partition Type dialog box, Logical
Drive is selected by default. Click Next to continue.
3) In the Specify Partition Size dialog box, In the
Amount of disk space to use entry box, enter
10084. Click Next to continue.
Create logical 4) In the Assign Drive Letter or Path dialog box, assign
drive the drive letter D: to the logical drive. Click Next to
5) In the Format Partition dialog box, select Format
this partition with the following settings. Under this
option, keep the default parameter settings. Then,
select Perform a Quick Format. Click Next to
6) In Completing the Create Partition Wizard, verify
your settings, and then click Finish. The system will
then format D:. See Figure 2-36.
Create another Follow step 4 to create logical drive E:. Allocate all the free
logical drive space of Disk 0 to this logical drive.

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Figure 2-36 Disk partitions with D:

2.6.8 Configuring IP addresses of the Network Adapters

I. Checking the status of all network adapters

Normally, after you install Windows 2000 Server, the system will configure the drivers
for all network adapters automatically.
To check the status of the network adapters, follow the steps below:
1) Choose Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Communications -> Network
and Dial-up Connections. The Network and Dial-Up Connections window is
displayed. See Figure 2-21.

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Figure 2-37 Network and Dial-Up Connections

2) In the Network and Dial-up Connections window, check the network connection

The network adapter is properly installed

The icon is (activated) or and runs normally.
The network adapter is not properly
No icon is shown in the window
installed. You need to reinstall the driver.

II. Checking and Reidentifying Network Adapters

When the system installs the drivers for the network adapters, it automatically searches
for the network adapters and marks them as “Local Area Connection”, “Local Area
Connection 2”, “Local Area Connection 3”, and “Local Area Connection 4” orderly when
installing the driver for the network adapters.
However, the number sequence may be different from the actual physical one. To avoid
misoperation, before configuring the IP addresses of the network adapters, you need to
reidentify the physical relations between the network adapters. See Figure 2-38.

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To LAN Switch 0 To billing center

Rear of IBM X343 server Network

adapter 3

Network adapter 2
adapter 1 COM port
and USB port
adapter 0

To bill console and NMS To LAN Switch 1

Figure 2-38 Network adapters on the back of the cabinet of the IBM server

To check and reidentify the physical relations between the network adapters, follow the
steps below:

No. Step Description

Pull out all network cables connecting to the network
Pull out adapters. Then, the Local Area Connection icons for all
network cables
network adapters become inactivated .

Connect the network cable of 0# LAN Switch to the

Check a network port of Netcard1. Power on 0# LAN Switch. Then,
2 network
the icon of the network adapter becomes activated .
Right-click to select the icon of the activated network
Rename a
adapter. In the displayed menu, select Rename. It is
3 network
recommended to rename the network card “Netcard1 to
0#LAN Switch”.
Rename the other three network adapters in the same
4 other network

It is recommended to name the other three network adapters “Netcard2 to 1#LAN
Switch”, “Netcard0 to Office LAN”, and “Netcard3 to Billing Center”.

III. Setting IP Addresses of Network Adapters

To set an IP address of a network adapter, for example, of Netcard0, refer to

2.2.2 I. “Network planning” and follow the steps below:

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No. Step Description

1) On your desktop, right-click the My Network Places
Open the icon, and then select Properties.
1 configuration
window 2) In the popup window, right-click Local Area
Connection to select Properties.

Double-click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP, and then select

Use the following IP address, and enter:
Set IP address,
2 subnet mask, IP address
and gateway Subnet mask
Default gateway (based on your actual configuration)

3 Exit Click OK to exit.

2.7 Installing Billing Interface

This section introduces how to install and configure the billing interface. The iGWB
supports the FTP and FTAM online billing interfaces. You do not need to install the two
types of interfaces. Based on the actual configuration, you can select one of them.

The FTP server software is installed during the Windows 2000 Server setup process.
You do not need to install it again. But you need to configure it. If you use the FTAM
interface, the FTAM software must be installed and configured.

2.7.1 Installing the FTP Server Software

If the iGWB provides an FTP interface to the billing center, the FTP server software
must be installed and configured on the two nodes. Typically, the FTP server software is
installed during the OS setup process. If the FTP server software is not installed, you
need to install it now.

I. Installing the FTP server software

No. Step Description

Insert Insert the Windows 2000 Server installation CD in the
installation CD CD-ROM drive
Choose Start -> Setting -> Control Panel to open
Add Control Panel. In Control Panel, double-click Add and
components Remove Programs to add the Windows 2000

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No. Step Description

In the displayed dialog box, select Internet Information
3 Install IIS
Services [IIS].
4 The system copies and installs the components.

II. Setting FTP Parameters

To set the FTP user and the directory open to the billing center, follow the steps below:

No. Step Description

Open FTP Choose Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools ->
1 configuration Internet Service Manager to open the Internet
window Information Services window. See Figure 2-39.

Figure 2-39 FTP configuration window

No. Step Description

1) Right-click Default FTP Site. Click Properties from
the shortcut menu to display the Default FTP Site
Properties dialog box.
2) Click the Security Accounts tab. Uncheck Allow
Configure FTP only Anonymous Connections. See Figure 2-40.
parameters 3) Create the directory E:\backsave\second on the
4) Click the Home Directory tab. Click Browse. Set
E:\backsave\second to home, Readable, and
writable. Set the directory list style to UNIX. Click OK

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Figure 2-40 FTP site properties

2.7.2 Installing the FTAM Software

The iGWB uses the Vertel UTS-FTAM 7.2 software. This software includes the
UTS-NetLink 5.2 protocol stack software and the UTS-FTAM 7.2 application software.

I. Applying for licenses

The UTS-NetLink 5.2 software and the UTS-FTAM 7.2 software are two separate CDs.
Each requires a license. It may take 24 hours to apply for a License. So, submit your
application in advance. The application flow is indicated as follows:

No. Step Description

Obtain MAC
addresses of Run C:\ipconfig /all in MS-DOS mode on the two nodes to
network obtain the MAC addresses of the network adapters
Fill in
3 application Fill in the License application form. See Figure 2-41.

Send the MAC addresses with the application form to

Send license@vertel.com or tekview@sh163b.sta.net.cn. The
3 application licenses can be granted in 24 hours. Use a Huawei email
by email address and indicate that the licenses are applied for the
UTS-Netlink services.

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No. Step Description

Kevin Zhou
Tel: 86-21-63502288-835(ext)
Fax: 86-21-63517185
Contact Mobile Phone: 86-13501652285
4 Tekview if Tekview Technologies Co., Ltd.
necessary Room 1608, Haitong Securities Tower,
No.689 Guangdong Rd,
Shanghai 200001, P.R.C
Email: zzh@tekview.com
Receive the licenses by email. Below is a license sample
granted by Vertel:
SERVER snaylm 00065B24A878
VENDOR vertellm
INCREMENT UTSftam vertellm 1.9999 30-jul-2002 4
F3A2A3EB13BA ck=129 \

Obtain INCREMENT UTS-TCP vertellm 5.9999 30-jul-2002

5 uncounted C51951682126 \
HOSTID=00065B24A878 ck=129 SN=200003150434
INCREMENT UTS-LAN vertellm 5.9999 30-jul-2002
uncounted 807A7126DB50 \
HOSTID=00065B24A878 ck=129 SN=200003150434
The first four lines are the license for UTS_FTAM. The last
four lines are the license for UTS_FTAM. Replace snaylm
with the host name. For detailed usage of the License, refer
to the later section.

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License Application Form

Company Date

Contact Telephone
Development Validity
Software Version Platform Quantity address/Ho
version/Running version period
st ID

Note: To obtain the license in time, please fill in all the fields above.

Temporary license validity period

Permanent license

Comment from the Order

Fulfillment Department, SCMD

Comment from the Market

Technology Office, R&D

User's Acceptance
Filled by Report
Huawei Not signed
signing date

Yes No
Technical attachment
Attached Remarks
Bill of Material Attached

Technical problems

Signature of engineer

Figure 2-41 Sample of license application form


z To apply for a license, contact Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd for technical support.
z One MAC address corresponds to one license. Do not send two or more MAC
addresses of a server to the vendor.

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II. Installing UTS-NetLink

No. Step Description

Insert the UTS-NetLink 5.2 installation CD into the CD-ROM
1 drive. Double-click Setup.exe. In the Welcome dialog box,
click Next to continue.
Agree to
In the Software License Agreement dialog box, click Yes to
2 license
In the Choose Destination Location dialog box, keep the
default installation folder C:\Program File\Vertel
3 installation
UTS-NetLink or click Browse to select a different folder. See
Figure 2-42. Click Next to continue.

Figure 2-42 Select installation folder

No. Step Description

Select program In the Select Program Folder, keep the default. Click
folder Next to continue.

In the Start Coping Files dialog box, click Next to start

6 Copy files
copying files.
1) In the UTS-NetLink Configuration dialog box, click
Next. The Configuration Applet dialog box is
Configure displayed. See Figure 2-43.
2) Configure the parameters like NSAP. Keep the
defaults. Click OK to continue.

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Figure 2-43 UTS-NetLink configuration

No. Step Description

1) Open Control Panel. Double-click the Vertel
UTS-NetLink icon to modify or view the above
2) Click OK to display the Network Configuration
Confirm dialog box.
8 UTS-NetLink
configuration 3) Click Next to configure the network components.
Then, the Setup Complete dialog box is displayed.
See Figure 2-44.
4) Select No, I will restart my computer later. Click
Update license Copy the UTS_NetLink license file to the license.dat file in
file C:\Program Files\Vertel UTS-NetLink\etc. Save and exit.

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Figure 2-44 Setup complete

III. Installing UTS-FTAM

No. Step Description

1) Insert the UTS-FTAM 7.2 installation CD in the
CD-ROM drive. Double-click Setup.exe.
1 Launch Setup
2) In the InstallShield Wizard dialog box, click Next to
Select In the InstallShield Wizard dialog box, select the
2 installation installation folder. Click Browse to select a different folder.
folder See Figure 2-45. Click Next to continue.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 2 System Installation

Figure 2-45 Select installation folder

No. Step Description

In the InstallShield Wizard dialog box, select Typical.
3 installation
Click Next to continue.
Select program In the InstallShield Wizard dialog box, Keep the default
folder folder UTS_FTAM 72 DEV. Click Next to continue.
Confirm In the InstallShield Wizard dialog box, verify your
settings settings. Click Next to continue.
In the InstallShield Wizard dialog box, Setup copies files
6 Copy files
Select file In the install services dialog box, keep the defaults. See
paths Figure 2-46. Click OK to continue.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 2 System Installation

Figure 2-46 Select file paths

No. Step Description

Complete In the InstallShield Wizard dialog box, select No, I will
setup restart my computer later. Click Finish.
1) Create license.dat in the C:\UTS_FTAM\Flexlm\
directory and copy the license of UTS_FTAM 7.2 to
the license.dat file. Save the file and exit.
2) Right-click My Computer, click Properties from the
shortcut menu. In the System Properties dialog box,
click the Advanced tab.
9 3) Click Environment Variables to view if the
LM_LICENSE_FILE variable is in System Variables.
If the variable does not exist, create
LM_LICENSE_FILE. The value of this variable is that
of the licenses save paths of UTS_NetLink and
4) Restart your computer to enable the variable.

If you keep the default installation paths during the setup processes, the values are
“C:\Program Files\Vertel UTS-NetLink\etc\license.dat;C:\UTS_FTAM\flexlm\
license.dat”. The two paths are separated by a semi-colon (;).

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IV. Configuring FTAM parameters

The iGWB is the FTAM responder, and you do not need to configure it. The bill collector
of the billing center is the FTAM initiator. The collector must be configured.
The responder passes the (NSAP) information to the initiator and configures the NSAP

2.7.3 Setting User’s right

For security purpose, to collect bills from the iGWB, you need to enter the correct user
name and password. This section introduces how to set user name, password, and
access right.

No. Step Description

Select Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools ->
Run user
Computer Management -> Local Users and Groups to
1 management
display the Computer Management window. See
Figure 2-47.

Figure 2-47 User management

No. Step Description

1) In the Computer Management window, in the left
pane, right-click Users under Local Users and
Groups on the navigation tree to display the shortcut
menu. Select New User.
Create a user 2) In the New User dialog box, enter a user name,
2 password and confirm the password. Select
and password
Password never expires. See Figure 2-48. Click

3) Close the Computer Management window.

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The user name and password you enter in Figure 2-48 must be the same as those in
2.7.2 IV. “Configuring FTAM parameters”. Anonymous login is not allowed; otherwise,
the billing center cannot get access to the iGWB server by FTP.

Figure 2-48 Create new user

2.8 Installing iGWB Server Software

This chapter introduces how to install the iGWB server software on the two nodes. The
installation steps are the same. To install the iGWB server software on the primary
server, follow the steps below:

No. Step Description

Power on and boot the server. When Windows 2000
1 Boot the server Server is started, insert the iGWB installation CD in the
CD-ROM drive.
Double-click Setup.exe. I the Choose Setup Language
Choose setup
2 dialog box, select U.S. English. See Figure 2-49. Click OK
to continue.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 2 System Installation

Figure 2-49 Choose Setup Language

No. Step Description

Enter Welcome
3 In the Welcome dialog box, click Next to continue.
dialog box

Accept License In the Software License Agreement dialog box, read the
Agreement License Agreement carefully. Click Yes to continue.

Enter user In the User Information dialog box, enter your name and
information company. Click Next to continue.
In the Select Program Folder dialog box, enter a folder
Select program
6 name or use the default. See Figure 2-50. Click Next to

Figure 2-50 Select Program Folder

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No. Step Description

Choose In the Choose Destination Location dialog box, keep
7 destination the default folder or click Browse to select a different
location folder. Click Next to continue.

In the Start Copying Files dialog box, verify your

8 Start copying files settings. Click Back to modify the settings. Click Next
to continue.
In the Automatic Login Setting dialog box, enter
WORKGROUP in the Domain entry box,
Set automatic
9 Administrator in the User entry box, and igwb in the
Password entry box. Select Enable automatic login.
Click OK to continue. See Figure 2-51.

Figure 2-51 Automatic Login Setting


For security purpose, ensure that you select Enable automatic login. This ensures
that Windows can reboot and log in automatically in case of sudden power cut,
misoperation, or CPU overload.

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No. Step Description

Complete In the Setup Complete dialog box, click Finish. See
setup Figure 2-52.

Figure 2-52 Setup Complete


z In Figure 2-52, for a primary setup of the iGWB, do not select Config the file
igwb.ini and Start iGateway Bill. Directly click Finish. Y can manually modify the
format library file and configure the igwb.ini file. for the iGWB update, if you use the
default format library and keep the parameters set in igwb.ini, you can select
Config the file igwb.ini and Start iGateway Bill, and then click Finish to complete
the setup process. The server is then directly started.
z After the iGWB Server software is installed, use the integrated switcher to switch the
I/O to the secondary server. Repeat steps 2–10 to install the software on the
secondary node.

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2.9 Installing iGWB Client Software

The iGWB Client software can run in Windows 98 or Windows 2000 on a PC. You need
to install and configure the iGWB Client software and the OS..

2.9.1 Installing OS

To install an OS, refer to its installation guide.

2.9.2 Installing the iGWB Client Software

No. Step Description

Copy the Client directory to any directory on your local
1 Copy files
computer (recommended).
Double-click Setup.exe in the above directory or the
Choose setup installation CD. In the Choose Setup Language dialog
language box, click U.S. English. See Figure 2-53. Click OK to

Figure 2-53 Choose Setup Language

No. Step Description

Enter Welcome
3 In the Welcome dialog box, click Next to continue.
dialog box

Accept License In the Software License Agreement dialog box, read the
Agreement License Agreement carefully. Click Yes to continue.
Enter user In the User Information dialog box, enter your name and
information company. Click Next to continue.
Select program In the Select Program Folder dialog box, enter a folder
folder name. See Figure 2-54. Click Next to continue.

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Figure 2-54 Select Program Folder

No. Step Description

Choose In the Choose Destination Location dialog box, keep the
7 destination default folder or click Browse to select a different folder.
location See Figure 2-55. Click Next to continue.

Figure 2-55 Choose Destination Location

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No. Step Description

Start copying In the Start Copying Files dialog box, verify your settings.
files Click Back to modify the settings. Click Next to continue.
9 In the Setup Complete dialog box, click Finish.

You need to configure the iGWB after installing the iGWB Server and Client software.
For details, refer to Chapter 3.

2.10 Modifying iGWB Factory Defaults

Except the iGWB Server software, all other software has been installed with some key
parameters preset before delivery. The values of the preset parameters are the factory
defaults of the iGWB. See Table 2-12.

Table 2-12 iGWB factory defaults

Preset item Preset value Modify or not

Primary server: iGWB0
Computer name To be determined
Secondary server: iGWB1
Workgroup name WORKGROUP To be determined
Primary server:
IP addresses of
Secondary server: To be determined
Virtual IP address:

Primary server:

IP addresses of
Secondary server: To be determined
Virtual IP address:

Primary server:

IP addresses of
Secondary server: To be determined
Virtual IP address:

IP addresses of Primary server:

To be determined
Netcard3 Secondary server:
administrator igwb Modify

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If you choose to install the iGWB Server software on site, you need to modify the iGWB
factory defaults before installation.
To set the IP addresses of the network adapters, refer to 2.10.2 Changing IP Address
of Network Adapters. To change the floating IP address, refer to Chaper 3 “Parameter

2.10.1 Changing Computer Name and Workgroup

No. Step Description

On the desktop of Windows 2000 Server, right-click My
Open System Computer. Click Properties from the shortcut menu. In
Properties the System Properties dialog box, click the Network
Identification tab.
In the System Properties dialog box, click Properties to
Change display the Identification Changes dialog box. Enter the
computer computer name, for example, iGWB0 in the Computer
name and name entry box, and enter the workgroup name, for
workgroup example, SWITCH in the WorkGroup entry box. See
Figure 2-56. Click OK to continue.
1) In the Network Identification dialog box, click OK to
Restart the continue.
computer 2) In the Network Identification dialog box, click OK to
restart your computer to enable your settings.

Figure 2-56 Identification Changes

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2.10.2 Changing IP Address of Network Adapters

Change the IP addresses of network adapters based on your actual configuration. For
details, refer to 2.5.7 III. “Setting IP Addresses of Network Adapters”.

2.10.3 Changing Administrator Password

No. Step Description

On the desktop, right-click My Computer. Select Manage
1 from the shortcut menu. The Computer Management
dialog box is displayed.

In the Computer Management window, select System

Display local
Tools -> Local Users and Groups on the navigation tree.
2 users and
All defined users are listed in the right pane. See
Figure 2-57.

Figure 2-57 Computer Management

No. Step Description

Windows In the right pane, right-click Administrator. Select Set
administrator Password from the shortcut menu.

In the Set Password dialog box, enter a new password.

4 Set password
Click OK.

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No. Step Description

Confirm In the Local Users and Groups dialog box, click OK. See
change Figure 2-58.

Figure 2-58 Local Users and Groups

2.10.4 Installing iGWB Server Software

For details on how to install the iGWB Server software, refer to 2.8 “Installing iGWB
Server Software”.

2.10.5 Configuring iGWB Server Software

For details on how to configure the iGWB server software, refer to Chapter 3.

2.11 Checking Installation

Check whether the software and hardware are properly installed, including cables, and
the OS, the iGWB Server software, and the iGWB Client software.

2.11.1 Checking Hardware Installation

Check whether the hardware is properly installed, including the HP or IBM servers and
the SoftX3000. For details, refer to HUAWEI U-SYS SoftX3000 SoftSwitch Hardware
Installation Manual

2.11.2 Checking Windows 2000 Server Installation

I. Check the version of the service pack

The required patch is Windows 2000 Service Pack 4.

To check if the required service pack is installed, follow the steps below:

No. Step Description

On the desktop, right-click My Computer. Click
Open System
1 Properties from the shortcut menu. The System
Properties dialog box is displayed. See Figure 2-59.

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No. Step Description

Check version Click the General tab to check the version. The correct
of service pack version is Service Pack 4.

Figure 2-59 System Properties

If the version is not Service Pack 4, check your installation CD.

II. Check IE version

The IE version is not restricted. You can use the IE version that came with the Windows
2000 Server installation CD.

III. Check the automatic login function

For security purpose, Windows 2000 Server should be set in automatic login mode.
This ensures that Windows can reboot and log in automatically in case of sudden
power cut, misoperation, or CPU overload.
To check the automatic login function, follow the steps below:

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No. Step Description

Open the Shut
On the desktop, choose Start -> Shut Down. In the Shut
1 Down Windows dialog box, select Restart from the
drop-down list. Click OK. See Figure 2-60.
dialog box

Log in
2 Windows logs in as Administrator automatically.

Figure 2-60 Shut Down Windows

If the system asks you to Press Ctrl+Alt+Del after Windows restarts, if indicates that
Windows fails to log in automatically. You need to modify the settings..

2.11.3 Checking iGWB Server Software

No. Step Description

1) Switch the I/O to the primary server. Check the bulb in
Check working
1 the status area. If the bulb is lit , it indicates that the
primary server is properly configured and works well.
2) Switch over the iGWB manually. Switch the I/O to the
secondary server. Check the bulb in the status area. If
the bulb is lit in five minutes, it indicates that the
standby server is properly configured correctly. Then,
switch the I/O to the primary server. Check the bulb
again. If the bulb is not lit, it indicates that both of the
two nodes are properly configured and works well.

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No. Step Description

3) If an exception occurs during the start process, check
the trace files in C:\iGWB\trace, and then correct the
configuration file accordingly. If the iGWB does not
work well, you are recommended to reinstall the iGWB
Server software.
1) Point to Start -> Programs -> iGateway Bill V200
Server. The components of the iGWB Server software
are displayed on a menu
Check iGWB
2) The iGWB Server software includes the following
2 Server
z Start iGateway Bill
z Stop iGateway Bill
z Uninstall System
Check Log in to the bill console. On the menu, select Help ->
3 software About iGWB. In the About iGWB Server dialog box, you
version can view the iGWB version.

You can view the version of the iGWB only when you log in successfully.

2.11.4 Checking iGWB Client Software

You can check whether all the iGWB Client software components are properly installed
by pointing to Start -> Programs -> iGateway Bill V200 Client.
The iGWB Client software includes the following components:
z Help
z iGWB Client
z Parameter Configuration
z Uninstall System

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 3 Parameter Configuration

Chapter 3 Parameter Configuration

3.1 Overview
You can configure the iGWB Server and Client after the setup processes are complete.
This chapter introduces how to configure the iGWB on the parameter configuration
console and provides you with the configuration examples. It includes the following
z Introduction to Parameter Configuration Console
z Common Operations
z Configuring iGWB Server
z Modifying Client Settings
z Network Backup Instance

3.2 Introduction to Parameter Configuration Console

On the parameter configuration console, you can modify and maintain the igwb.ini file
(stored in the C:\iGWB\Config\ini directory of the iGWB server) of the
primary/secondary server remotely, and you can compare the system parameters
among different office directions. The parameter configuration console is a graphic user
interface (GUI), as shown in Figure 3-1.

1.Main window 2.Menu bar 3.Toolbar

4.Navigation tree 5.Sub-window 6.Status bar

Figure 3-1 Interface of parameter configuration console

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3.2.1 Main window

The main window includes all elements, such as the topic, menu bar, toolbar,
navigation tree, and status bar.

3.2.2 Menu bar

Menus are the entry to all functions and features of the parameter configuration console.
In terms of the functionality, the console sets the System, View, Tree Nodes, Operation,
and Help menus. The menu bar of the console changes dynamically. Different
operation menus are available in different states. For details, refer to
Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Menu bar

Menu Sub-menu Function

Relogin To log out and log in as another user.

To add a new user account for login

Addlogin without logging out from the current
user account.
Log out the parameter configuration
LogoutOffice:office 1's name console from the login office. "Office 1"
is the office you first logged in.

Log out the parameter configuration

System console of the other office. When you
log in to the other office, the submenu
LogoutOffice:office 2's name "LogoutOffice: disconnection" changes
into "LogoutOffice: office 2". Here,
"office 2" is the name of the other office
you have logged in.
Lock System To lock the system.

Change Password Change the config user password.

Exit To exit the system.
To view the parameter configuration
View parameter config info

View ToolBar To show/hide the tool bar.

StatusBar To show/hide the status bar.
Split Windows To split the current window.

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Menu Sub-menu Function

To shrink the directory structure of the
navigation tree.
To expand the directory structure of the
navigation tree.
Save the
To save the current configuration
config info

Save the
current To save the current configuration
config info information as
Load config
Office: office To load the configuration information
info from
1's name from the local file.
local file

Get the
current info To get the current information again.

Get the last To get the last configuration

config info information.

Get the base To get the basic configuration

config info information.
Save the
To save the current configuration
Operation information.
config info
Save the
current info
To save the current configuration
Load current information as.
config info
from local
Office: office
2's name Get the
current info To get the current information again.

Get the last To get the last configuration

config info information.

Get the base To get the basic configuration

config info information
Save the
To save the current configuration
config info

Save All Save all current parameter information.

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Menu Sub-menu Function

Open the help system, and help topics
Help Topics regarding the parameter configuration
Help console are displayed.

Display the version information of the

About ParaCfg
parameter configuration console.

3.2.3 Toolbar

The toolbar contains some shortcut icons for the frequently used menus shown as
Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Shortcut buttons of the parameter configuration console

Shortcut Matched menu option Function

Relogin To log out and log in to as another user.

After logging in one office, log in to the

parameter configuration console of
another office. You can press F2 to do

Save All Save all current parameter information.

Log out the parameter configuration

Logout console from the login office. "Office 1" is
the office you first logged in.
Log out the parameter configuration
Logout console from the login office. "Office 2" is
the office you second logged in.
When you do not use the debugging
Lock System console, you can lock the system. You
can also do this by pressing F12.
Expand all nodes under the igwb.ini

Collapse all nodes under the igwb.ini


Exit the parameter configuration


Help Display the help information.

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3.2.4 Navigation Tree

The navigation tree shows the information of parameters in igwb.ini. The parameters
are arranged in different sections. The node in the first layer indicates the igwb.ini,
those in the second layer indicate parameter sections, and those in the third layer
indicate parameters, as shown in Figure 3-2.

File name


Figure 3-2 Structure of the navigation tree of the parameter configuration console

3.2.5 Sub-windows

Sub-windows include one on the upper right corner, and one on the upper right corner.
The sub-window on the upper right corner is displayed after you selecting the
parameter section in the navigation tree, and shows the parameter values under the
selected node. The one on the lower right corner is displayed after you selecting the
parameter domain in the navigation tree, and shows the details of the selected

3.2.6 StatusBar

The status bar shows the IP address, network connection status, login user name,
current parameter section of the iGWB server connected with the iGWB Client.

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3.3 Common Operations

On the GUI parameter configuration console, you can easily add, delete, or modify the
igwb.ini parameter configuration file on the system server. The default setup folder of
this file is C:\iGWB\Config\ini.

3.3.1 Logging in to Parameter Configuration Console

I. Task Description

To log in to the parameter configuration console and configure the igwb.ini file.

II. Prerequisites

The cfg_proc.exe has been started.

III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

Double-click the ParaCfg.exe file ,in the Bin directory of the iGWB
client, or select Start ->Programs ->iGateway Bill V200 Client
->Parameter Configuration to start the Parameter Configuration Console.
The "Login" dialog box is displayed.

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No. Operation Description

Click Office Management to open the Office Management dialog box.

In the dialog box, enter the office parameters, including office name, IP
address, and type. Click Set to add it to the list box. Click Save to complete
this operation. The system will back to the User login dialog box.
Enter the correct user name and password. Select the office to be managed.
Click OK.

IV. Description for User login interface parameters

Parameter Operation Example

Mandatory This is the user name that the operator
uses to log in to the iGWB parameter configuration
User name admin
console. The default value is the system
administrator “admin”.

Mandatory The password of the operator’s

account. The initial password is blank. The
password of the system administrator is at least 8
Password -
digits, with letters and numbers mixed. The
password of a normal operator is at least 6 digits,
with letters and numbers mixed.
Mandatory This refers to the office name of the
Office iGWB server that is maintained by the parameter Shenzhen
configuration console.
Mandatory For the parameter configuration
console, the office IP can be configured with the
actual IP address of any network adapter on the
IP address
iGWB server. When the iGWB client and server are
installed on the same server, you can configure the
IP address with

Optional The proxy function that the NMS provides

Gateway -
the network elements.

Optional Configure the IP address if you use the

Gateway IP

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Only two types of operators can do operation tasks on the Parameter Configuration
z The system operator admin
z The config operator.

V. Description for Parameters on the Office Management Interface

Parameter Description Example

Mandatory Office refers to the iGWB server offices
Office maintained by the CDR console. Set an office Beijing
before logging in to the Client.
Mandatory For the parameter configuration
console, the office IP can be configured with the
actual IP address of any network adapter on the
iGWB server. When the iGWB client and server are
installed on the same server, you can configure the
IP address with

Type Mandatory Select the office type to be added. iGWB

3.3.2 Locking System

I. Task Description

Lock the parameter configuration console to avoid unauthorized operations.

II. Prerequisites


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III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface, select System ->Lock System, or click in the

toolbar, or press F2, and the Lock System dialog box is displayed.

If you want to return to the current system, enter the original password and
click OK.
If you want to re-login the system, click Relogin and click OK in the popup
confirmation dialog box.

3.3.3 Adding Login

I. Task Description

Log in to the parameter configuration consoles of two different offices at the same time
to compare their parameter information.

II. Prerequisites

The operator has logged in the parameter configuration console of office 1.

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III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

On the CDR console, select System ->AddLogin, or click on the toolbar.

The Add Login dialog box is displayed.

Enter the correct user name and password, select the office to be managed,
2 and click OK. You can log in to the parameter configuration console of the
other office.

3.3.4 Logging out Office

I. Task Description

Log out the office.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation Procedure

No Operation Description
On the main interface, select System ->LogoutOffice: office name, or click
and . The system asks you whether to log out. Here, indicates the
office you first logged in, and indicates to log out the office you logged in

2 Confirm it, and then the system will close all windows of the current office.

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3.3.5 Changing Password

I. Task Description

Log in the parameter configuration console to change your password.

II. Prerequisites

Log in as admin or the config operator.

III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface, select System ->Change Password and the
Password dialog box is displayed.

2 Enter a new password in New Password and Confirm Password. Click OK.

You can only change the config password of the current office.

3.3.6 Closing Parameter Configuration Console

I. Task Description

To close the parameter configuration console after you finish the operation tasks.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

Select System ->Exit, or click . A dialog box is displayed, asking you for

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No. Operation Description

2 Click Yes, and you can exit the console immediately.

3.3.7 Browsing igwb.ini Parameter File

I. Task Description

To browse the igwb.ini information on the iGWB Client in real time.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

On the Parameter Configuration Console, select View ->Realtime Browse
Parameter Configuration Information.
Select different parameters on the left navigation tree, the current
configuration information is displayed on the right view window in real time.

The upper-right pane is open when you select a corresponding parameter

section on the left navigation tree. This pane displays the value information
for the parameter under the selected node on the tree. The lower-right pane
is open when you select a parameter domain on the left navigation tree. This
lower pane displays the detailed information of the selected current
parameter for your reference.

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Refer to 3.4.2 Configuring the igwb.ini Parameter File or Parameter Configuration
Console ->Parameter Configuration Management ->Browse igwb.ini Parameter
of the online help system.

3.3.8 Adding Parameter Sections

I. Task Description

To add new parameter sections to igwb.ini.

II. Prerequisites

Log in as admin or the config operator.

III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface, right-click the igwb.ini node or a node in second layer.
Select Add Section, and the Add Section dialog box is displayed.

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No. Operation Description

The "Add Section" dialog box is displayed.

Select the parameter section you want to add, and click OK. After
confirmation, the added parameter section appears in the navigation tree as
a node.

Select Operation ->Office: office name ->Save The Current Config Info.
The current parameter configuration information is submitted to the server.
4 Restart the iGWB server to validate the addition.

If the iGWB server is started for the first time, you can activate the PWD service to
enable the parameters modified. When you log in to the CDR console, you can
complete this operation by selecting Operation ->Reset iGWB on the console or
manually reset the server process.

IV. Parameters on the Add Section Interface

Parameter Description
AccessPoint Access point parameter

AgentAlarm Alarm related parameter

Alarm Alarm related parameter
BackupTask Backup related parameter

CdrStat CDR statistic parameter

Channel- Disk related parameter
DiskFile Disk related parameter

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Parameter Description
Kernel Kernel process
License License related parameter
Link Heartbeat link parameter
Log Log related parameter
OM Operation and maintenance parameter
Perf Performance related parameter
Resource Dual-system resource parameter

3.3.9 Deleting Sections

I. Task Description

To delete parameter sections in igwb.ini.

II. Prerequisites

Log in as admin or the config operator.

III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface, right-click the igwb.ini node or a node in second layer.
1 Select Delete Section. In the popup dialog box, click Yes to confirm the
Select Operation ->Office: office name ->Save The Current Config Info.
The current parameter configuration information is submitted to the server.
3 Restart the iGWB server to validate the deletion.

3.3.10 Adding Parameters

I. Task Description

To add parameters to igwb.ini.

II. Prerequisites

Log in as admin or the config operator.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 3 Parameter Configuration

III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface, right-click the node in second layer or in third layer.
The following shortcut menu is displayed. Select Add Parameter, and the
Add Parameter dialog box is displayed.

The Add Parameter dialog box is displayed.

Select the parameter you want to add, and click OK. After confirmation, the
added parameter appears in the navigation tree as a node.
For example, add the parameter UserName under the parameter ‘s section
[Backup Task2].

Select Operation ->Office: office name ->Save The Current Config Info.
The current parameter configuration information is submitted to the server.

4 Restart the iGWB server to validate the addition/deletion.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 3 Parameter Configuration

3.3.11 Deleting Parameters

I. Task Description

To delete parameters in igwb.ini.

II. Prerequisites

Log in as admin or the config operator.

III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface, right-click the node in second layer or in third layer.
The following shortcut menu is displayed. Select Delete Parameter. In the
popup dialog box, click Yes to confirm the deletion. The selected parameter
node is deleted.
Select Operation ->Office: office name ->Save The Current Config Info.
The current parameter configuration information is submitted to the server.
3 Restart the iGWB server to validate the addition/deletion.

3.3.12 Modifying Parameter Value

I. Task Description

To change the value of a parameter in igwb.ini.

II. Prerequisites

Log in as admin or the config operator.

III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface, select the parameter node in the third layer you want
1 to modify. The sub-window in the right part shows the parameter values
under your selected node.

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No. Operation Description

Double-click the parameter value, and you can select or edit the parameter
values of your login office, such as the ServerNo under Common. The right
lower sub-window displays the detailed description of this parameter.

Select Operation ->Office: office name ->Save The Current Config Info.
The current parameter configuration information is submitted to the server.
4 Restart the iGWB server to validate your modifications.

The parameters in igwb.ini are essentially important. Do not modify the parameters at
will. And, the modified parameters can become valid only after restarting the iGWB

3.3.13 Comparing Parameters of Different Offices

I. Task Description

To compare the parameter configurations of two offices.

On the parameter configuration console, you can log in two offices at the same time.
This helps to compare their parameter configurations for maintenance purpose..

II. Prerequisites

Log in as admin or the config operator.

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III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

Log in to the parameter configuration console of the first office. Then, log in to
office 1, as described in 3.3.1 .

Log in to the parameter configuration console of the second office. Then, log
in to office 2, as described in 3.3.3 .

After login, the configuration information of both offices is displayed in the

3 sub-window simultaneously. The system operator can compare the
parameter information of different offices.

3.3.14 Saving the Configuration Information

I. Task Description

To save the current configuration information.

II. Prerequisites

Log in as admin or the config operator.

III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface, select Operation ->Office: office name ->Save The
Current Config Info As.
Select the path and file name, and click Save. The current configuration
information is saved to your local disk.

3.3.15 Loading the Parameter Configuration File

I. Task Description

To update the current configuration information.

You can load the configuration information from your local disk or other storage

II. Prerequisites


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III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface, select Operation ->Office: office name ->Load
Config Info From Local File.

2 And select the file. The configuration information is obtained from the file.

3.3.16 Obtaining the Configuration Information

I. Task Description

To obtain the parameter configuration information.

This task involves three topics:
z Re-obtaining the current configuration file
z Obtaining the configuration file of last operation

z Obtaining the delivery configuration file

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation Procedure

Re-obtaining the current configuration file

No. Operation Description

On the main interface, select Operation ->Office: office name ->Get The
1 Current Config Info Again to obtain the configuration information from the

Obtaining the configuration file of last operation

No. Operation Description

On the main interface, select Operation ->Office: office name ->Get The
1 Last Config Info to obtain the configuration information submitted last time
from the server.

Obtaining the delivery configuration file

No. Operation Description

On the main interface, select Operation ->Office: office name ->Get The
Base Config Info to obtain the delivery configuration file of the server.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 3 Parameter Configuration

3.3.17 Customized Setting

I. Task Description

To customize the display style of the parameter configuration console as desired.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation Procedure

No. Operation Description

On the parameter configuration console, select View, and then
z Select View Parameter Config Info to browse the parameter
z Select ToolBar. If there is a check mark "√" before the ToolBar option,
1 the toolbar is shown. Otherwise, it is hidden.
z Select StatusBar. If there is a check mark "√" before the StatusBar
option, the status bar is shown. Otherwise, it is hidden.
z Select Split Window to split the display proportion of the navigation tree
on the left side and parameter display window on the right.
On the parameter configuration console, select Tree Nodes, and then
2 z Select Shrink to collapse all nodes under the igwb.ini node.
z Select Expand to expand all nodes under the igwb.ini node.

You can save some common settings for next time use. In this case, you need not reset
after login again.

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3.4 Configuring iGWB Server

This section introduces how to configure the iGWB server after you understand the
basic functions of the parameter configuration console.

3.4.1 Updating Bill Format Files

After the iGWB server software is installed, on the primary/secondary server, the bill
format files must be updated. The following description takes the default iGWB server
setup folder C:\iGWB as an example.

No. Installation steps Brief description

Delete all the files in the

1 Deleting files
C:\iGWB\Config\format directory.
Copy all the files in the
Recopying format library
2 C:\iGWB\Config\SpecialFormat\format_v3r3
directory to the C:\iGWB\Config\ini directory.

Configure the format library file based on the requirements of the actual office. For
details, refer to Deployment Guide.

3.4.2 Configuring the igwb.ini Parameter File

You need to configure the parameters after the primary/secondary iGWB server
software is installed. The configuration file on the server is igwb.ini, and its default path
is C:\iGWB\Config\ini.

z Generally, it is not recommended to modify the igwb.ini file directly. Use the
parameter configuration console to modify the parameters. For detailed operation,
refer to 3.3 “Common Operations”.
z If you edit the igwb.ini file, do not choose Save As when saving the file, otherwise
the extension name might be changed into a different name, such as “.txt”, and the
iGWB probably cannot be started.

Main parameters of the iGWB are described below. Unless otherwise specified, use the
defaults for the Optional configuration items. For the Mandatory items, modify them

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 3 Parameter Configuration

based on the on-site situations. The following parameter description is given based on
a cluster system, which differs from that of a standalone system.

I. Common parameters

The [Common] field defines the common parameters for the various processes at the
iGWB V200 server. Table 3-3 shows the parameter configuration.

Table 3-3 Configuration of common parameters

Configuration Recommended
Configuration description
item value
Mandatory,used to set the number of access
APCount points. If the iGWB server is installed in 1
theSoftX3000, the value is 1.
Mandatory, used to set the active (0) or
standby (1) state for the iGWB server.
According to the installation requirement, the
ServerNo 0
server installed in the lower position of the
rack is the active one, while the one in the
upper position is the standby one

Mandatory, used to set whether the current

system is a dual system. The default value is
ClusterMode 1, indicating that the current system is a dual 1
system. The value 0 indicates that it is a single

II. Access point parameters

The [AccessPoint1] field defines the access point features. Table 3-4 shows the
parameter configuration.

Table 3-4 Configuration of access point parameters

Configuration Recommended
Configuration description
item value
Mandatory, used to set the type of the
access point. The parameter value: 0-128,
APType 5
1-MSC, 2-STP, 3-PS, 5-SOFTX or iPAT. For
SoftX3000, it is 5.

Mandatory, used to set the name of the

access point. For SoftX3000, it is ”X3KF”. It is
not recommended to change the value,
because the value change can result in the
interaction between the bill save directory
and the switches.

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Configuration Recommended
Configuration description
item value
Mandatory, used to set the IP address of the
local active network port connected to the
SoftX3000 Server. Its value is the same as
that of Virtual IP of [Resource2].
Mandatory, used to set the local active
LocalPortToEx network port connected to the 9900

Optional This parameter sets the secondary

local IP connected with the soft switch
LocalIpToExBak system. Its value is the same as that of the
Virtual IP of [Resource3] under Shared
Resource Parameters.

LocalPortToExB Optional This parameter sets the secondary

ak local port connected with the SoftX3000
Mandatory, used to set the size of an original
BillRecSize 460
bill record. Use the default value.

Optional, used to set whether the back disk

file is saved in two copies. 0 indicates “not
SaveSecond 1
saved”, and 1 means “saved”. Use the default
Optional, used to set whether to send the
BinAlarmSend binary alarm. 0 indicates “not send”, and 1 1
means “send”. Use the default value.

III. MML server parameters

The [MML] field defines the network parameters for the communication between iGWB
server and client. Table 3-5 shows the parameter configuration.

Table 3-5 Configuration of MML parameters

Configuration item Configuration description Recommended value

Mandatory, used to set the IP
address of iGWB server for
connecting with iGWB client.
The default value is
The IP address is also the, which should
LocalIpToMMLClient virtual IP address of the iGWB
be configured based on
for connecting with the network
the on-site requirements
management system (the same
as Virtual IP of [Resource1] to
be mentioned below).

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IV. Dual-system parameters

The [Cluster] field defines the parameters for the running of the iGWB servers in
dual-system mode. Table 3-6 shows the parameter configuration.

Table 3-6 Configuration of dual-system parameters

Configuration Recommen
Configuration description
item ded value
Optional, used to set whether the hard disk
array is shared between the dual systems. The
value 0 indicates the non-shared mode; the 0
other values mean the shared mode. Use the
default value.
Optional, used to set the heartbeat timeout
HeartBeatBroken duration, in seconds, of the dual systems. Use 300
the default value.
Mandatory, used to set the number of heartbeat
links. In normal cases, the iGWB has two
HeartBeatCount 2
heartbeat links. One uses the network, and the
other uses serial port. Use the default value.
Mandatory This parameter sets the number of
the resource (Virtual IP) shared by the dual
systems. The iGWB needs at least three Virtual
IP addresses. One is used to connect the OMC
or CDR console the second is used to connect
ResourceCount 3
with the network port of the main plane of the
SoftX3000, the third is used to connect with the
network port of the secondary plane of the
SoftX3000. For some special situations, you
may need to configure the fourth virtual IP.

V. Heartbeat link parameters

The [Link1] and [Link2] fields define the features of the two heartbeat links between the
dual systems of the iGWB. [Link1] is used to set the parameters of the first heartbeat
link (private network). [Link2] is used to set the parameters of the second heartbeat link
(serial port). The parameters of the links are not exactly the same. Generally, the
default values are used for the link parameters. Table 3-7shows the parameter

Table 3-7 Configuration of heartbeat link parameters

Configuration Recommended
Configuration description
item value
Mandatory, used to set the type of the
heartbeat link. UDP indicates the adoption of Link1: UDP
UDP/IP (private network). COM indicates the Link2: COM
serial port.

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Configuration Recommended
Configuration description
item value
Optional, used to set the name of the Link1:
heartbeat link. UDP_LINK is recommended for UDP_LINK
Name the private network heartbeat link. COM_LINK
is recommended for the serial port heartbeat Link2:
link. COM_LINK

Optional, used to set the serial port number

used when the heartbeat link adopts serial
port. The available values include 1 (COM1)
and 2 (COM2). Because the HP server is 1 for HP server,
configured only with COM1, the value here 2 for IBM server.
must be “1”. Also, for an IBM x343server,
because it is only configured with COM2, the
value must be set to “2”.

Actual IP address
Mandatory, used to set the local IP address
of the local
LocalIP for communication use when the heartbeat link
network adapter
adopts UDP.
Actual IP address
Mandatory, used to set the peer IP address
of the peer
PeerIP for communication use when the heartbeat link
network adapter
adopts UDP.

VI. Shared resource parameters

The [Resource1], [Resource2], and [Resource3] fields define the shared resources of
the dual systems, usually the virtual IP addresses shared by the dual systems.
Supposing the Resource Count in [Cluster] is set to N, the [Resource1], [Resource2] to
[ResourceN] come into being.
The iGWB requires three virtual IP addresses, which has parameters with the same
meanings.Table 3-8 shows the parameter configuration.

Table 3-8 Configuration of shared resource parameters

Configuration description Recommended value
Mandatory, used to set the resource
ResType type. The resources are all assigned IP
with IP.
Resource1: IP _OMC
Mandatory, used to set the resource
ResName Resource2: IP_PLANE1
Resource3: IP_PLANE2

Modify the IP address of

Mandatory, used to set the local the network adapter
original IP address. based on the igwb.ini
configuration file.

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Configuration description Recommended value
Resource1: Set as
Mandatory, used to set the virtual IP required.
address. Resource2:

Mandatory, used to set the mask of


Optional This parameter is for

“resource group number”. When the
value is 0, it means the resource is
not grouped. If the value is positive, it
refers to “resource group number”.
SwitchGroup The switchover (for dual planes) 0
occurs only when all the resources in
the group are expired. If the value is
negative, it means the resource is
expired, and the system alarms only
other than switchover.

VII. Network backup parameters

The [NetBackup], [BackupTask1], and [BackupTask2] fields define the parameters

related to network backup. These fields are optional and configured only in the case of
network backup. Table 3-9 shows the parameter configuration.

Table 3-9 Configuration of network backup parameters

Configuration Recommended
Configuration description
item value
Conditionally mandatory, used to
UserName specify the logon username when -
network backup is adopted.
Mandatory, used to specify the IP
address of the remote host when network
DestHostIP -
backup is adopted. If it is set to “local”, it
indicates local backup.
Mandatory, used to set the IP address Be set according
LocalIP (virtual IP address) of the local network to the actual
adapter connected to the OMC. situations.
Conditionally mandatory, used to
define the password for logging on to the
Password -
network backup server. It is used
together with UserName.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 3 Parameter Configuration

Configuration Recommended
Configuration description
item value
Mandatory, used to set the number of
backup tasks. An access point can have Be set according
several backup tasks to back up the to the actual
original bills and the final bills by channel. backup
Each channel requires independent situations.
backup tasks.

Optional, indicates the storage days of

FileSaveDays the source files. (The default vaule-0; 0
Max.-180; 0-not deleting.)
Optional, indicates the storage days of
files in the destination path. If the
DestFilesSaveDays parameter is set greater than 365, use 0
365. If the parameter is set 0, indicating
not deleting.
Mandatory, used to specify the path to
the source file to be backed up. An
access point can have several backup Be set according
tasks to back up the original bills and the to the actual
final bills by channel. Each channel backup
requires independent backup tasks. The situations.
SourceDir values vary with different
backup tasks.
Conditionally mandatory, used to
specify the destination backup path. It
can be an FTP virtual directory when
network backup mode is adopted. An Be set according
access point can have several backup to the actual
tasks to back up the original bills and the backup
final bills by channel. Each channel situations.
requires independent backup tasks. The
DestDir values vary with different backup

Optional Set the password in plain code

when network backup is used. Also, set
BeforeEncode to 1. Do not change
these two items manually after the
BeforeEncode 1
settings. When started, the iGWB will
automatically encrypt the plain-code
password and change the value of
BeforeEncode into 0.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 3 Parameter Configuration

z For each parameter, if you have configured them in [Backup TaskN] (N for backup
task number), these values in [Backup TaskN] are typical. If not, refer to those set in
the [NetBackup] section.
z For the network backup, the source directories are composed of 1-directories
storing date directories and 2-direct directories storing bill files. Other directories
cannot be backed up.
z For network backup configuration instances, refer to 3.6 Network Backup Instance.

3.4.3 Configuration for a Stand-alone Server

After the iGWB server is installed, the configuration parameters must be modified
based on the actual requirements of the installation site, otherwise the server cannot
run normally. This section shows the instance of setting the single-host mode from the
aspects of networking, IP address setting rules and configuration file contents.

I. Networking in stand-alone mode

Figure 3-3 shows the networking of the iGWB working in stand-alone mode.

Network Network
To Office

adapter 2 网卡2
adapter 0 LAN
1# LAN Switch
SoftX3000 iGW
Switch 0 Network Network
adapter 1 adapter 3
网卡3 网卡1

BC: Billing Center iGWB: iGateway Bill

Figure 3-3 Networking in stand-alone mode

II. Configuration of IP Addresses of the Network Adapters

When the iGWB operates in stand-alone mode, you do not need to configure the virtual
IP for the network adapters. Table 3-10 describes the IP address configuration of
network adapters.

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Table 3-10 IP address configuration

Network adapter
Peer device iGWB IP Remarks
Used to connect
Office LAN and
To bill console and communicate with
Netcard 0
NMS interface. WS. Determine the
IP address according
to actual conditions.
To 0# LAN Switch.
Determine the IP
Communicate with
Netcard 1 address according to
SoftX3000 active
actual conditions.

To 1#LAN Switch to
Determine the IP
communicate with
Netcard 2 address according to
the standby plane of
actual conditions.
the SoftX3000.

To the billing center. Determine the IP

Netcard 3 Provide the billing address according to
interface. actual conditions.

III. Configuration of igwb.ini

;Configuration for single running server

;As a configuration template of iGWB, this INI file supposes iGWB's IP addresses are as follows:
;Network Adapter iGWB OrigIP
APCount = 1 ;Accesspoint count
ServerNo = 0 ;Server No., 0-Primary, 1-Secondary
ClusterMode =0 ;Flag of cluster or not, 1-cluster mode, 0-single-host mode

;Configuration of accesspoint 1, which means fix network in general.

APType = 5 ;Accesspoint type, 0-128, 1-MSC, 2-STP, 3-PS, 5-SOFTX,iPAT
APName =X3KF ;Accesspoint name, need no modification
LocalIpToEx = ;iGWB's IP to connect the mobile network exchange(VirtualIP of Resource2)
LocalPortToEx =9900 ;iGWB's port binded with LocalIpToEx
LocalIpToExBak = ;iGWB's secondary IP to connect the mobile network exchange(VirtualIP of
LocalPortToExBak =9900 ;iGWB's port binded with LocalIpToExBak
BillRecSize = 460 ;Original bill record size(Bytes)

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SaveSecond = 1 ;Flag of offering the second copy of final bill files, 0-no, 1-yes
BinAlarmSend = 1 ;Send binary alarm
MpuWindowSize = 300

LocalIpToMMLClient = ;iGWB's IP to connect client(VirtualIP of Resource1)

After the server software is installed, the parameters that must be modified are marked
in bold type in the configuration instance. These parameters include:
z ClusterMode under [Common] is set to 0.
z LocalIpToEx under [AccessPoint1] is set to the actual fixed IP of network adapter 1.
z LocalIpToExBak under [AccessPoint1] is set to the actual fixed IP of network
adapter 2.
z LocalIpToMMLClient under [MML] is set to the actual fixed IP of network adapter 0.

3.4.4 Configuration for a Cluster iGWB System

After the iGWB server is installed, the configuration parameters must be modified
based on the actual requirements of the installation site, otherwise the server cannot
run normally. This section shows you a configuration instance in cluster mode by
introducing networking, IP address configuration principle, and the configuration file.

I. Networking Diagram

The networking for a cluster iGWB is shown in Figure 3-4.

Network Network
adapter 2 adapter 0 To Office LAN

iGWB 1

Network Network
1# LAN Switch adapter 1 adapter 3
0# LAN Switch Network Network
adapter 2 adapter 0 To Office LAN

iGWB 0

Network Network
adapter 1 adapter 3

Figure 3-4 Networking in cluster mode

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II. Configuration of IP Addresses of Network Adapters

For a cluster iGWB system, the network adapters must be configured with virtual IP
addresses. The IP addresses shown in Figure 3-4 are described in Table 3-11.

Table 3-11 IP address planning for a cluster iGWB system

Computer Name Peer device Fixed IP Virtual IP
Netcard0 to console and
Office LAN the NMS
To 0#LAN
Switch to
Netcard1 to
e with the
0#LAN Switch
active plane
of the

To 1#LAN
Switch to
Primary e with the
server standby
plane of the
Netcard2 to SoftX3000a
1#LAN Switch nd act as the
link of the

To the billing
center to Configur
Netcard3 to
provide a e as N/A
Billing Center
billing required

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 3 Parameter Configuration

Computer Name Peer device Fixed IP Virtual IP
To the CDR
Netcard0 to console and
Office LAN the NMS
To 0#LAN
Switch to
Netcard1 to
e with the
0#LAN Switch
active plane
of the

To 1#LAN
Switch to
Secondary e with the
server standby
plane of the
Netcard2 to SoftX3000
1#LAN Switch and act as
the first
link of the
To the billing
center to Configur
Netcard3 to
provide a e as N/A
Billing Center
billing required

III. Content of the igwb.ini Configuration Files

When the iGWB runs in cluster mode, you need to configure the “igwb.ini” files for both
The configuration content for the two iGWB severs is different.
1) Configuration of the primary iGWB
;Configuration of primary iGWB(iGWB 0)
;As a configuration template of iGWB, this INI file supposes iGWB's IP addresses are as follows:
;Network Adapter iGWB0 OrigIP iGWB1 OrigIP Virtual IP


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APCount = 1 ;Accesspoint count

ServerNo = 0 ;Server No., 0-Primary, 1-Secondary
ClusterMode =1 ;Flag of cluster or not,1-cluster mode, 0-single-host mode

;Configuration of accesspoint 1, which means fix network in general.

APType = 5 ;Accesspoint type, 0-128, 1-MSC, 2-STP, 3-PS, 5-SOFTX,iPAT
APName =X3KF ;Accesspoint name, need no modification
LocalIpToEx = ;iGWB's IP to connect the mobile network exchange(VirtualIP of Resource2)
LocalPortToEx = 9900 ;iGWB's port binded with LocalIpToEx
LocalIpToExBak = ;iGWB's secondary IP to connect the mobile network exchange(VirtualIP of Resource3)
LocalPortToExBak =9900 ;iGWB's port binded with LocalIpToExBak
BillRecSize =460 ;Original bill record size(Bytes)
SaveSecond = 1 ;Flag of offering the second copy of final bill files, 0-no, 1-yes
BinAlarmSend =1 ;Flag of sending binary alarm, 0-no,1-yes
MpuWindowSize = 300

LocalIpToMMLClient = ;iGWB's IP to connect client(VirtualIP of Resource1)

InstallShareDiskArray = 0 ;Flag of using sharing disk array, 0-no, 1-yes
HeartBeatBroken = 300 ;Heartbeat link broken interval(seconds)
HeartBeatCount = 2 ;Heartbeat link count
ResourceCount = 3 ;Resource count

;Configuration of heartbeat link1

Type = UDP Heartbeat link type, UDP-private network, COM-serial communication port
Name = UDP_LINK ;Heartbeat link name
LocalIP = ;Local heartbeat IP(IP of local NIC2)
PeerIP = ;Peer heartbeat IP(IP of peer NIC2)

;Configuration of heartbeat link2

Type = COM Heartbeat link type, UDP-private network, COM-serial communication port
Name = COM_LINK ;Heartbeat link name
Port = 1 ;Port No., 1-COM1, 2-COM2

;Configuration of resource1
ResType = IP ;resource type, IP-virtual IP

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ResName = IP_OMC ;resource name

OrginalIP = ;original IP, IP of NIC0
VirtualIP = ;virtual IP
VirtualMask = 255.255.0..0 ;subnet mask of virtual IP
SwitchGroup = -1

;Configuration of resource2
ResType = IP ;resource type, IP-virtual IP
ResName = IP_PLANE2 ;resource name, to connect OMC or Client
OrginalIP = ;original IP, IP of NIC1
VirtualIP = ;virtual IP
VirtualMask = ;subnet mask of virtual IP

;Configuration of resource3
ResType = IP ;resource type, IP-virtual IP
ResName = IP_PLANE2 ;resource name
OrginalIP = ;original IP, IP of NIC2
VirtualIP = ;virtual IP
VirtualMask = ;subnet mask of virtual IP
SwitchGroup = 1

;Configuration of backup parameters

UserName = anonymous ;FTP user name
DestHostIP = ;Destination host IP address
LocalIP = ;Local host IP address
Password= ;FTP user password
BeforeEncode = 1 ;Flag of indicating whether the password is encoded, 0 means yes, 1 means no
BackupTaskCount=1 ;Total number of backup tasks

;Configuration of BackupTask 1
SourceDir=d:/frontsave/X3KF ;Source files' directory
DestDir=/backup/X3KFBak ;Destination directory

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After the server software is installed, the bold parameters in the configuration instance
must be modified:
z The LocalIpToMMLClient in [MML] must be set to the virtual IP of the connected
NMS according to the actual conditions.
z The VirtualIP in [Resource1] must be set to the virtual IP of the connected NMS
according to the actual conditions.
z The OrginalIP in [Resource1], [Resource2], and [Resource3] are the fixed IP
addresses of the network adapters. Use the default settings in the igwb.ini file or
modify according to the actual conditions.
z The Port in [Link2] is set to 1 for HP servers, 2 for IBM servers.

2) Configuration of the secondary iGWB

;Configuration of Secondary iGWB(iGWB 1)

;As a configuration template of iGWB, this INI file supposes iGWB's IP addresses are as follows:
;Network Adapter iGWB0 OrigIP iGWB1 OrigIP Virtual IP

APCount = 1 ;Accesspoint count
ServerNo =1 ;Server No., 0-Primary, 1-Secondary
ClusterMode =1 ;Flag of cluster or not, 1-cluster mode, 0-single-host mode

;Configuration of accesspoint 1, which means fix network in general.

APType = 5 ;Accesspoint type, 0-128, 1-MSC, 2-STP, 3-PS, 5-SOFTX,iPAT
APName =X3KF ;Accesspoint name, need no modification
LocalIpToEx = ;iGWB's IP to connect the mobile network exchange(VirtualIP of Resource2)
LocalPortToEx =9900 ;iGWB's port binded with LocalIpToEx
LocalIpToExBak = ;iGWB's secondary IP to connect the mobile network exchange(VirtualIP of Resource3)
LocalPortToExBak =9900 ;iGWB's port binded with LocalIpToExBak
BillRecSize = 460 ;Original bill record size(Bytes)
SaveSecond = 1 ;Flag of offering the second copy of final bill files, 0-no, 1-yes
BinAlarmSend =1 ;Send binary alarm
MpuWindowSize = 300

LocalIpToMMLClient = ;iGWB's IP to connect client(VirtualIP of Resource1)

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InstallShareDiskArray = 0 ;Flag of using sharing disk array, 0-no, 1-yes
HeartBeatBroken = 300 ;Heartbeat link broken interval(seconds)
HeartBeatCount = 2 ;Heartbeat link count
ResourceCount =3 ;Resource count

;Configuration of heartbeat link1

Type = UDP ;Heartbeat link type, UDP-private network, COM-serial communication port
Name = UDP_LINK ;Heartbeat link name
LocalIP = ;Local heartbeat IP(IP of local NIC2))
PeerIP = ;Peer heartbeat IP(IP of peer NIC2)

;Configuration of heartbeat link2

Type = COM ;Heartbeat link type, UDP-private network, COM-serial communication port
Name = COM_LINK ;Heartbeat link name
Port = 1 ;Port No., 1-COM1, 2-COM2

;Configuration of resource1
ResType = IP ;resource type, IP-virtual IP
ResName = IP_OMCr ;resource name, to connect SoftX3000
OrginalIP = ;original IP, IP of NIC0
VirtualIP = ;virtual IP
VirtualMask = ;subnet mask of virtual IP
SwitchGroup = -1
;Configuration of resource2
ResType = IP ;resource type, IP-virtual IP
ResName = IP_PLANE1 ;resource name, to connect OMC or Client
OrginalIP = ;original IP, IP of NIC1
VirtualIP = ;virtual IP
VirtualMask = ;subnet mask of virtual IP
SwitchGroup = 1
;Configuration of resource3
ResType = IP ;resource type, IP-virtual IP
ResName = IP_PLANE2 ;resource name
OrginalIP = ;original IP, IP of NIC2
VirtualIP = ;virtual IP
VirtualMask = ;subnet mask of virtual IP

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SwitchGroup = 1

;Configuration of backup parameters

UserName = anonymous ;FTP user name
DestHostIP = ;Destination host IP address
LocalIP = ;Local host IP address
Password= ;FTP user password
BeforeEncode = 1 ;Flag of indicating whether the password is encoded, 0 means yes, 1 means no
BackupTaskCount=1 ;Total number of backup tasks
;Configuration of BackupTask 1
SourceDir=d:/frontsave/X3KF ;Source files' directory
DestDir=/backup/X3KFBak ;Destination directory

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After the server software is installed, the bold parameters in the configuration instance
must be modified:
z The ServerNo in [Common] must be set to standby node 1.
z The LocalIpToMMLClient in [MML] must be set to the virtual IP of the connected
NMS according to the actual conditions.
z The LocalIP in [Link1] must be set to the IP of network adapter 2 of the standby
z The PeerIP in [Link1] must be set to the IP of network adapter 2 of the active iGWB.
z The VirtualIP in [Resource1] must be set to the virtual IP of the connected NMS
according to the actual conditions.
z The VirtualIP of [Resource1], [Resource2], and [Resource3] must be set to the
fixed IP of network adapters 0, 1, and 2 of the standby iGWB.
z The Port in [Link2] is set to 1 for HP servers, 2 for IBM servers.

3.4.5 Modifying Software Watchdog Settings

After the iGWB server software is configured, you need to modify the software
watchdog settings and start the related service. The operation steps are indicated

No. Brief description
1) Switch the I/O to the primary server. Select Start
->Programs ->Administrative Tools ->Services.
Opening The Services window is displayed.
1 setting dialog 2) Right-click the Process Watch Dog Service icon.
box From the shortcut menu, select Properties. The
Process Watch Dog Service Properties dialog box
is displayed.
Make sure that “Automatic” is set in the Startup type box.
2 Click Start to start the service. Figure 3-5 shows the
startup type
properties after the modification.

Switch the I/O to the secondary server. Perform the same
3 secondary
setting operations.

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Figure 3-5 Process Watch Dog Service Properties

Now, the installation and configuration of the iGWB server software are completed.

3.4.6 Port Usage

The common ports and their functions are listed below.

I. Ports sued by iGWB

Table 3-12 lists the ports used by iGWB while iGWB runs normally.

Table 3-12 Ports sued by iGWB

Port Type Function

21 TCP FTP server (control channel)
20 TCP FTP server (data channel)
137 UDP NetBIOS name service
138 UDP NetBIOS datagram service
139 UDP NetBIOS session service

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Port Type Function

162 UDP 162 SNMP

II. Ports used by application

Table 3-13 lists the ports used by the application while iGWB runs normally.

Table 3-13 Ports used by the application

Port Parameters modified in

Type Function
No. the configuration file
The maintenance port open
6000 TCP [MML]LocalPortToCM
to the client

The alarm port open to the

6001 TCP [MML]LocalPortToAR

The performance statistics

6002 TCP [MML]LocalPortToPF
port open to the NMS

The debugging port open to

6007 TCP [MML] LocalPortToRD
the client

The parameter configuration

6010 TCP [MML]LocalPortToCS
port open to the client
The synchronization
6099 TCP configuration port open to the [MML]LocalPortToSynConf
The port that iGWBV300
6100 TCP [MML]LocalPortToAlarmBox
opens to the alarm box
The slide window port that
9900 TCP iGWBV300 opens to
oEx LocalPortToExBak
The communication port
9999 TCP [Common]LocalPortToMsg
between internal processes

3.5 Modifying Client Settings

The client uses two ports: a maintenance port and a debugging port. By default, the
maintenance port number is 6000, and the debugging port number is 6007. Use the
default values.
The client software supports the port configurations. You can open the configuration file
uiconfig.ini on the system directory (C:\Winnt\uiconfig.ini) to modify the configuration
items under [PORT] as follows:

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z MAINTAINPORT is the configuration item of the maintenance port. DEBUGPORT is
the configuration item of the debugging port. And CONFIGPORT is the
configuration item of the parameter configuration port.
z Make sure that the configuration of the MAINTAINPORT port must be the same as
that of the corresponding port of the server. For server configuration, refer to the
value of LocalPortToCM under [MML] in the igwb.ini configuration file.

3.6 Network Backup Instance

Network backup is an important function of the iGWB. This chapter provides you with
some network backup instances for reference. The following parameters are all out of
the configuration file of igwb.ini. This chapter mainly introduces the following contents:
z Network backup instance
z Description for backup parameters
z Backup precautions

3.6.1 Network Backup Instance

I. Task Description

This section provides a full-process operation instance about the complete network
backup parameter configuration.

II. Operation Steps

Set up the FTP server on the backup destination device and starts it.
1) Set up the FTP server in the Windows 2000 operating system:
No. Operation Steps
Run Start ->Programs ->Administrative Tools ->Internet Service
Manager to create a FTP site.
Click New FTP Site Guide to configure the parameters. The IP address is
2 configured with the local IP address; TCP port is 21. Then, distribute the FTP
main directory with read & write authority.

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No. Operation Steps

After the FTP is created, configure other parameters in the Open Site
3 Property window. Disable anonymous connection. Add a FTP user account.
Select Unix for catalog list style. Use the default values for other options.

After the configuration is complete, log on to the FTP site. Check if the site
4 can be logged in, written, accessed, and operated by the added user
If login is successful, the site is writable, and files and catalog can be
accessed, then the FTP server is set up successfully.

For details on installation and configuration of the FTP server, refer to Chapter 5, Part II
Equipment Installation of this manual.

2) Log in to the parameter configuration console to configure the network backup

No. Operation steps
Run cfg_proc.exe before you log in to the parameter configuration console.
Select Start ->Programs ->iGateway Bill V200 Client ->Parameter
Configuration from the Client to start the User Login dialog box of the
parameter configuration console.
Enter the correct use name and password and select the office to be
managed. Click OK to log in to the parameter configuration console.
Select the parameter section NetBackUp, change or add the parameters
3 DestHostIP, LocalIP, UserName, PassWord, BeforeEnCode, and
BackUpTaskCount based on the fact.

Select the parameter section BackUpTask1, and then configure the items
SourceDir and DestDir (in UNIX path format) based on the fact.
For example:
UserName=case insensitive, use network backup login user name
DestHostIP= ; Backup destination IP
LocalIP= ; Backup local IP
4 Password= Use network backup login user password (case sensitive)
BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes
the password after started. Then, the value becomes 0. If the password is
changed, set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.BackupTaskCount=1 ;
Total number of backup tasks
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; Source path for the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path for the backup task

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No. Operation steps

(Optional) If there are two or backup tasks, you can add the parameter
section [BackUpTaskN] (N for sequence number of the backup task) to the
parameter configuration console. Then add and configure SourceDir and
DestDir based on the fact.

Other network backup parameters are optional or configured by default. Click

6 Operation ->Office: Office Name ->Save The Current Config Info to
submit the current parameter configuration information to the server.

3) Reset the iGWB server to activate the changed configuration parameters.

No. Operation steps
Run the iGWB server process, and then log in to the CDR console.
Double-click Frame.exe in the Bin directory on the iGWB client or click Start
->Programs ->iGateway Bill V200 Client ->iGWB Client to open the CDR
console interface.

2 On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation ->Reset iGWB.
3 In the popup dialog box, click Yes to reset the iGWB server process.

4) Open the debugging console to view the network backup process of a single task.
No. Operation Steps
Make sure the debugging process runs normally on the iGWB Client before
logging in to it. Double-click debugws.exe in the installation directory Bin of
the iGWB or select Operation ->Debug on the main interface of the iGWB
Client to start the login dialog box of the debugging console.

Enter the correct user name and password. Select the office to be managed.
Click OK to log in to the debugging console.

Select the menu item Debug ->Browse Debug Message or click on the
3 tool bar to display the Debuginfo window. In the Debuginfo window, you
can view the real-time debugging information and the related message on
backup success.

5) Check if the backup is succeeded and correct in the destination path.

3.6.2 Simplest Backup Configuration

I. Task Description

To configure the simplest backup task.

II. Configuration Instance


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BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the password
after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. If the password is changed,
set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task

3.6.3 Configuring Two Backup Tasks

I. Task Description

To configure two backup tasks with the same user name and password.

II. Configuration Instance

BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the password
after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. If the password is changed,
set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=2 ; Total number of backup tasks
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task
[BackupTask2] ; The second backup task
SourceDir=E:/backsave/Second/X3KF/in ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/in ; Destination path of the backup task

3.6.4 Configuring Two Backup Tasks with Different User Names and

I. Task Description

To configure two backup tasks with different user names and passwords.

II. Configuration Instance

BackupTaskCount=2 ; Total number of backup tasks

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[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task

Password= BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes
the password after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. If the password
is changed, set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task
[BackupTask2] ; The second backup task
BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the
password after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. If the password is
changed, set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
SourceDir=E:/backsave/Second/X3KF/in ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/in ; Destination path of the backup task

Both Defaulted Backup Mode and 5.3.14 Configuring the Source path of the
Status File Backup belong to the configuration of different auto-backup modes.

3.6.5 Configuring Defaulted Backup Mode

I. Task Description

To configure the default backup mode: back up the files every 10 minutes.
The backup mode is controlled by the following two parameters (values given by
SearchFilesInterval =300 ; The search interval (by second) when the backup module
backs up the files
ReConnectInterval = 300 ; The time interval (by second) when the FTP Server is

II. Configuration Instance


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BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the password
after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. if the password is changed,
set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
SearchFilesInterval =300 ; The search interval (in seconds) when the backup
module backs up the files
ReConnectInterval = 300 ; The time interval (by second) when the FTP Server
is reconnected
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task

3.6.6 Configuring Backup Time List

I. Task Description

To set the backup time list.

The daily listed time is backed up. If there is no listed time, the system will wait.
The backup is controlled by the parameter backup_list_time=HH:MM:SS,HH:MM:SS.
The format is hour:minute:second. Different time is separated by comma. This
parameter is optional. If you configure this parameter, then the backup mode will have
the highest priority.

II. Configuration Instance

BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the password
after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. if the password is changed,
set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
backup_list_time=HH:MM:SS,HH:MM:SS ; Hour:minute:second
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task

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3.6.7 Configuring the Backup Start Time and End Time

I. Task Description

To set the backup start time and end time. Backup only runs during this period.
The backup is controlled by the following two parameters (values are given by default).
These parameters are optional. The backup priority is lower than that of backing up
time list.
backup_begin_time=00:00 ; Backup task start time. The format is MM:SS.
backup_end_time = 23:59 ; Backup task end time. The format is MM:SS.

II. Configuration Instance

BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes
the password after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. if the password
is changed, set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
backup_begin_time=00:00 ; Backup task start time. The format is MM:SS.
backup_end_time = 23:59 ; Backup end time. The format is MM:SS.
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task

3.6.8 Configuring One-off Backup List

I. Task Description

One-off backup list indicates that the time point is deleted after the files are backed up
at this time point, and the related configuration items in igwb.ini are also removed. The
backup is controlled by the following parameter:
once_bk_list_time = YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS, YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS. The format
is year-month-day hour:minute:second. Different time is separated by comma. This
parameter is optional. The backup priority is lower than that of configuring the backup
start time and end time.

II. Configuration Instance


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BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the password
after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. if the password is changed,
set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
once_bk_list_time = YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS ; The format is year-month-day
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task

3.6.9 Configuring the Operation Check Log

I. Task Description

To record each backup process and add up them all to the specific directory (or remote
PC) next day.
This task is controlled by the following three parameters (values are given by default):
CheckLabel = ; Mark labels for all the backup tasks in the backup check log
CheckLogDestDir = ; Set the destination path
CheckLogEnable = 0 ; Start the backup check log function or not (0-disabled;

II. Configuration Instance

BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the password
after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. if the password is changed,
set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task
CheckLabel =1 ; Mark labels for all the backup tasks in the backup
check log function.
CheckLogDestDir =/Check ; Set the destination path

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CheckLogEnable = 1 ; Start the backup check log function or not (0-disabled;


The backup check log is created in the 1 directory of the defaulted backup status file
directory every day, and the contents will be added up to the specific directory
CheckLogDestDir next day. The file format is given as follows:
Upload Time File Name Size (B) Label No. Source File Directory Destination File
20050117094607 b00001.dat 15 1 e:\backsave\CC08\detail/20040117
20050117094707 b00002.dat 15 1 e:\backsave\CC08\detail/20040117
20050117094708 b00004.dat 15 1 e:\backsave\CC08\detail/20040117
3 45 20050117094607 20050117094708 d:\other\backup/1 /backup/file

3.6.10 Configuring the Last File Backup

I. Task Description

To back up the last file in the backup source directory.

For a Windows platform, it means that you can backup the last file in the directory of
d:\frontsave when it is generated. It is unnecessary to wait till the last file is closed
(This is because the size is restricted before the file in the directory of frontsave of the
front save disk is closed.) The configuration is controlled by the following parameters
(values are given by default):
BackupLastFile = 0 ; Flag of backing up the last file (0-no; 1-yes)
This parameter can be used together with other parameters.

II. Configuration Instance

Password= BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB
encodes the password after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. if the
password is changed, set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task
BackupLastFile = 0 ; Flag of backing up the last file (0-no; 1-yes)

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3.6.11 Configuring the Deletion of Source File After Backup

I. Task Description

To delete the source file after it is successfully backed up.

The configuration is controlled by the following parameter (by default):
DelAfterBak = 0 ; Flag of deleting the source file after backup (0-no; 1-yes)
This parameter can be used together with other parameters.

II. Configuration Instance

BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the password
after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. if the password is changed,
set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task
DelAfterBak = 0 ; Flag of deleting the source file after backup (0-no;

3.6.12 Configuring the Deletion of the Second Bill Copy Without Date
Directory After Backup

I. Task Description

To delete the files in the second directory of the back save disk (Windows
The configuration is controlled by the following parameter:
FileSaveDays = 0 ;#ave days for the source file (0-Default; Max.=180). 0 means “Not

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z This parameter is only applicable to the second bill copy without date directories. In
addition, only the files in the directory are deleted, but the directory is not deleted.
z If the source directory is backed up before it is deleted, because it is backed up by
two backup tasks, you must configure the same FilePoolID for the directory to
prevent it being deleted by one task before the other task backs up it.
z This parameter can be used together with other parameters. In addition, SourceDir
must be in the directory of Second.

II. Configuration Instance

BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the password
after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. if the password is changed,
set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task
FileSaveDays = 0 ; Save days for the source file (0-Default; Max.=180).
0 means “Not delete”.

3.6.13 Configuring the Save Days for Files Under the Destination Path

I. Task Description

To delete the files in the specific directories of DestDir.

The configuration is controlled by the following parameter:
DestFilesSaveDays = 0 ; save days for the files under the destination path. If it is
configured with more than 365 days, the value is 365; if it is configured with 0, then the
files should not be deleted.
This parameter can be used together with other parameters.

II. Configuration Instance


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BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the password
after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. if the password is changed,
set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
SourceDir=E:/backsave/second/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task
DestFilesSaveDays = 0 ; save days for the files under the destination path.
If it is configured with more than 365 days, the value is 365; if it is configured
with 0, then the files should not be deleted.

3.6.14 Configuring Connection Retry Times When Backup Fails

I. Task Description

When a file fails to be backed up, you can configure the retry time within a backup cycle.
The configuration is controlled by the following parameter:
BackupRetryTimes = 2 ; connection retry times when backup fails (0-5)
This parameter can be used together with other parameters.

II. Configuration Instance

BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the password
after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. if the password is changed,
set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
BackupRetryTimes = 2 ; Connection retry times when backup fails (0-5)
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task

3.6.15 Configuring the Source Path for Saving the Status Files

I. Task Description

To configure the path for saving the status files.

The configuration is controlled by the following parameter:

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d:\StatusFile\Status ; Source path for saving the Windows status files

II. Configuration Instance

BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the password
after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. if the password is changed,
set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
StatusBackupSrcDir=d:\StatusFile\Status ; Save path for the status file of
the backup module
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
SourceDir=E:/backsave/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/detail ; Destination path of the backup task

3.6.16 Backup Precautions

I. Setting the Local Backup Function

The backup function of the iGWB includes network backup function and local backup
function. For local backup function, configure DestHostIP=Local. Other configuration
is the same as that of the network backup function.

II. Setting the Backup FTP

If the iGWB provides the network backup function, it must be configured with the FTP
server. This is because the iGWB is the Client of the FTP server in backup. Note:
Backup can be succeeded only if the full path for DestDir is configured for some FTP
servers, for example, for the FTP Server-U, if D:\backup is set as the FTP directory,
then you should follow the following settings for DestDir: DestDir = d:\backup\detail.

III. Setting the Backup Source Path

When you configure the backup source path and the backup destination path, note that
the source path can be configured to the second-level directory only. If you want to
backup the file e:\backsave\detail\200040115\b000000001.dat, the path
e:\backsave\detail is the shortest path that can be configured to backup the file, or you
can configure the path e:\backsave\detail\200040115.
Setting the Cluster Backup
For a cluster iGWB, it is not allowed to backup the same primary/secondary path for
each other. For example, it is not allowed to backup the bills in the directory of

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frontsave or backsave both in the primary server and the secondary server. This
causes a great deal of duplicate backup.
1) Configuration for the primary iGWB server
BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the password
after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. if the password is changed,
set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
SourceDir=E:/backsave/Second/X3KF/detail ; source path of the backup task
DestDir=/X3KF/detail ; Destination path of the backup task

The FTP directory of DestDir is configured with E:\backsave\Second of the secondary

2) Configuration for the secondary iGWB server

BeforeEncode=1 ; 1 is set for the first time. The iGWB encodes the password
after it is started. Then, the value becomes 0. if the password is changed,
set it to 1 and reset the iGWB.
BackupTaskCount=1 ; Total number of backup tasks
[BackupTask1] ; The first backup task
SourceDir=E:/backsave/Second/X3KF/detail ; Source path of the backup task
DestDir=/X3KF/detail ; Destination path of the backup task

The FTP directory of DestDir is configured with E:\backsave\Second of the primary

Such configuration causes the abnormal backup trace file.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 4 Basic Operations

Chapter 4 Basic Operations

4.1 Overview
This chapter introduces the basic operations on the iGWB client and includes the
following contents:
z Quick Start
z Common Operations

4.2 Quick Start

This section introduces the iGWB client interfaces and guides you to use the online
help system, to get familiar with the iGWB quickly.

4.2.1 iGWB Client

The iGWB client consists of the CDR console, system debugging console, and the
parameter configuration console. Their functions, access methods, and related
reference chapters are indicated below.

System Parameter
No. CDR console debugging configuration
console console
Through the Through the
system parameter
The CDR console is the
debugging configuration
maintenance console of
console, you can console, you can
the iGWB system. You
query the system modify and maintain
can execute various
debugging the igwb.ini file of
operations through the
messages, the iGWB system,
Function CDR console, including
protocol trace and compare system
Description CDR querying and
messages, and parameters of
browsing, CDR statistics,
service workflow different office
system performance
trace messages, directions from
monitoring, log
to monitor the remote. It makes it
management, user
running of the easier for you to
management, and so on.
system in real operate and maintain
time. the system.

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System Parameter
No. CDR console debugging configuration
console console
Double-click Double-click
Double-click Frame.exe debugws.exe in
in the Bin directory ParaCfg.exe in the
the Bin directory Bin directory under
under the installation under the
directory of the iGWB the installation
installation directory of the iGWB
Entry 1 Client. directory of the Client.
iGWB Client.

On the main
interface of the Select Start ->
Select Start -> CDR console, programs ->
Programs -> iGateway select Services iGateway Bill V200
Entry 2 -> Debug, or click
Bill V200 Client -> CDR Client -> Parameter
Console. the shortcut Configuration
button in the Console.

Basic operations on the parameter configuration console have been introduced in
Chapter 3. This chapter introduces common operations on the CDR console and the
system debugging console.

4.2.2 GUI of the CDR Console

The CDR console enables you to maintain the iGWB system. You can perform such
operations as CDR querying, system performance monitoring, log management and
user management. The CDR console is a graphic user interface (GUI) as shown in
Figure 4-1. It consists of a main window, a menu bar, a toolbar, a navigator tree, a
sub-window, and a status bar.

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1. Main window 2. Menu bar 3. Toolbar

4. Navigator tree 5. Sub-window 6. Status bar
Figure 4-1 Main interface of the CDR console

I. Main window

The main window contains all elements of the CDR console interface, including the title,
menu bar, toolbar, navigator tree, and status bar.

II. Menu bar

The menus are the entry to all functions and features of the CDR console. The CDR
console provides the following main menus according to the menu functions: System,
View, Operation, Security, Window and Help. The menus of CDR console are dynamic,
and different operation menu options are provided in different modes. For example, if
the Client is in the “state query” mode, you will see the State Query menu item.
Table 4-1 lists all the menus on the main window of the CDR console.

Table 4-1 Menus on the CDR console GUI

Menu Sub-menu Function

To log out the current user and log in as another
System Relogin
To log out the current user and end the current
To lock the CDR console when it is not used. The
Lock System
shortcut key is F12.
To set the offices managed by the CDR console.

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Menu Sub-menu Function

System To set the wait time for locking the system and the
Customize timeout time of the system.
Exit To quit the CDR console.

To show or hide the navigator tree. The shortcut

Navigator Tree
key is F2.
Toolbar To show or hide the toolbar.
Status Bar To show or hide the status bar.
To refresh the navigator tree and display new
CDR files. The shortcut key is F5.
Debug To enter the system debugging mode.
State Query To enter the state query mode.
To set the conditions for collecting CDR statistics
CDR Stat.
for further analysis.
To manually switch over the active and standby
iGWB servers.
Upgrade To execute auxiliary upgrade of the system.
Reset iGWB To restart the iGWB server.
To convert the temporary CDR files in the temp
Trigger File
Operation directory on the back save disk into the CDR files
under the Final bill directory.
To enter the operator management mode.
Log Browse To view the operation logs and system logs.
License To validate the license of the system.
Alarm Mask To mask some or all of the alarm messages of the
Management iGWB system.
Cascade To cascade all windows.
Tile To tile all windows.
Arrange Icons To arrange all window icons.
Close All To close all windows.
Help Topics To open the help.
About iGWB To display the version of the CDR console.

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III. Toolbar

The toolbar provides shortcuts to the frequently performed operations. On the toolbar,
the shortcut icons vary with the current mode. Table 4-2 lists the shortcut icons on the

Table 4-2 Toolbar on the CDR console GUI

Related menu
Shortcut Function

Relogin To log out and log in as another user.

Office To set the offices managed by the CDR

Management console.

To log out the current user and end the current


Lock System To lock the CDR console when it is not used.

Navigator Tree To show or hide the navigator tree.

Debug To enter the system debugging mode.

Help Topics To open the help.

IV. Navigator tree

The navigator tree is composed of tabs, each of which contains the information of an
access point. It displays the CDR storage mode in the server. See Figure 4-2.
1) Under Original Bill, the CDRs are displayed by date. The corresponding CDR file
is *.bil.
2) Under Final Bill, the bill types (also called “channel”) supported by the system are
displayed. Under each channel node, the final bills are displayed by date. The
corresponding CDR file is *.dat. The channels are determined by the format

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access point name

original CDR file
final CDR file


AccessPoint1 AccessPoint2

Figure 4-2 Bill storing mode

The SoftX3000 supports the following channels, including “in”, “detail”, “meter”,
“meter_stat”, “trunk_stat”, “free”, “alarm”, and “Fail”. In deployment, you need to
configure the channels based on the actual configuration. The bill formats include:
z in: intelligent bill
z detail: CDR
z meter: call meter bill
z meter_stat: call meter statistical bill
z trunk_stat: trunk statistical bill
z free: free statistical bill
z alarm: alarm bill
z Fail: failure bill

The final bill channel is determined by the distribution type selected by the user while
installing the server.

V. Sub-window

The sub-window is displayed after you select a menu or click a shortcut icon, to
implement the specific function.

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VI. Status bar

The status bar shows the IP address of the iGWB server connecting to the client.

4.2.3 GUI of the Debugging Console

You can switch the CDR console to the system debugging console to view the system
debugging information, protocol trace information, and the workflow trace information.
With these data, you can monitor the system running in real time. The debugging
console is a GUI as shown in Figure 4-3. The interface consists of a menu bar, a toolbar,
a main window, a sub-window, and a status bar. You can customize the layout of the
debugging console.


1. Main window 2. Menu bar 3. Toolbar

4. Sub-window 5. Status bar -
Figure 4-3 Interface of the debugging console

I. Main window

Main window includes all the elements on the debugging console GUI: title, menu bar,
toolbar, and status bar.

II. Menu bar

Menu provides entries to all functions and features of the iGWB debugging console.
The debugging console provides the following main menus according to the menu
functions: System, View, Debug, Protocol, Workflow, Window, and Help. Table 4-3 lists
all the menus on the main window of the debugging console.

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Table 4-3 Menus on the debugging console GUI

Menu Sub-menu Function

To log out the current user and log in as
another user.

To set different colors for the debugging

Set Debug Colors
information based on the debugging level.
System To switch to the CDR console from the
Open iGWB Client
debugging console.

To print the current debugging


Exit To exit the debugging console.

Toolbar To show or hide the toolbar.
Status bar To show or hide the status bar.
To browse the running state of each
Browse Debug Message
module of the iGWB server in real time.

To save the running state of each module

Save Debug Message
Debug of the iGWB server in real time.
List Mask Level Query the mask debug information.
Level Set the conditions for masking debugging
Set Mask Level
Browse Protocol To browse the messages between the
Message iGWB and the switch in real time.
To save the messages between the iGWB
Save Protocol Message
and the switch in real time.
To browse the service messages among
Browse Workflow
modules and processes on the iGWB
server in real time.
To save the service messages among
Save Workflow Message modules and processes on the iGWB
server in real time.
Window Cascade To cascade all windows.
Tile Horizontally To tile all windows horizontally.
Tile Vertically To tile all windows vertically.
Arrange Icons To arrange all window icons.
Minimize All To minimize all the opened windows.
To clear all the information in the current
To clear all the information in all opened
Clear All

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Menu Sub-menu Function

Close To close the current window.
Close All To close all windows.
To open the online help system. Help
Help Topics topics regarding the debugging console
Help are displayed.

To display the version information of the

About iGWB
iGWB debugging console.

III. Toolbar

The toolbar provides shortcuts to the frequently performed operations. Table 4-4 lists
the shortcut icons on the toolbar.

Table 4-4 Toolbar on the debugging console GUI

Shortcut Related menu option Function

To log out the current user and log in as
another user.
To browse the running state of each
Browse Debug Message
module of the iGWB server in real time.

Browse Protocol To browse the messages between the

Message iGWB and the switch in real time.
To browse the service messages among
Browse Workflow
modules and processes on the iGWB
server in real time.

Exit To exit the debugging console.

To set different colors for the debugging

Set Debug Colors
information based on the debugging level.

Open iGWB Local To switch to the CDR console from the

Manager debugging console.

To print the current debugging


To open the online help system. Help

Help topics regarding the debugging console
are displayed.

IV. Sub-window

The sub-window is displayed after you select a menu or click a shortcut icon, to
implement the specific function.

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V. Status bar

The status bar shows the IP address and network connection status of the iGWB server
connected with the client.

4.2.4 Introduction to the Online Help

The online help system provided by the iGWB Client is shown in Figure 4-4. You can
obtain the help information of relevant topics easily.

Figure 4-4 iGWB online help system

I. Functions and features of the online help system

The iGWB online help system provides the following functions:

z Activate the online help from the interface.
z Find a topic from the Content tab of the online help.
z Shift from one topic to anther.
z Find a topic by using the index and searching function.
1) Functions

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z Describing the software interface, parameters and configuration principles in

z Guiding you to complete operations and maintenance tasks.
2) Features
z Easy access: You can access the online help system from any dialog box.
z Navigation through contents and indexes
z Full text searching
3) Accessing the online help system from a dialog box
You can find the help information of the related topic directly from a dialog box. To do so,
press F1, or click Help on the dialog box. Wherein, a dialog box refers to a graphic
interface through which you input information into the system, which contains no menu
items in general.

II. Description of the help window

The online help system includes a navigator pane (on the left of the window) and a topic
pane (on the right of the window).
There are three tabs in the navigator pane: Contents, Index and Search. You can find
the desired help topic conveniently.
The topic pane details the information of a topic. It also includes some links to relevant

III. Using the online help system

The basic operations in the online help system include:

1) Find a topic through the navigator tree
You can find a desired topic by using the navigator tree on the Contents tab. The
navigator tree is designed according to operators’ habits in routine operations and
2) Find a topic through the Index and Search functions
You can find a topic by entering a key word in the Index tab. The online help system will
list all the topics whose titles contain the key word.
Similarly, you can find a topic by entering a key word in the Search tab. The online help
system will list all the topics whose contents (full text) contain the key word.

IV. Relations between the online help system and the user manual

The contents of the online help system are independent from that of the user manual.
z To help users to retrieve and search related information, the online help system
includes the following two parts of the user manual: Overview and Acronyms
and Abbreviations.
z The online help system describes in detail basic operations and alarm messages
of the iGWB system.

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z The user manual describes the product features and functions, system installation,
common tasks, system maintenance, configuration instances and CDR formats.
Table 4-5 lists about the differences between the online help and the user manual of the

Table 4-5 A comparison between the online help and the user manual

iGWB online help system iGWB user manual

How to use the online help -
Quick Start Chapter 1 System Description
- Chapter 2 System Installation
CDR console
Chapter 4 Basic Operations
System debugging console
Parameter configuration console Chapter 3 Parameter Configuration
Alarm message
Routine maintenance

Troubleshooting and common Trace

Chapter 5 System Maintenance

Collections of maintenance experience

- Appendix A CDR Format

Appendix B Acronyms and

Acronyms and abbreviations

4.3 Common Operations

This section introduces common operations in the iGWB system.

4.3.1 Starting the iGWB Service

I. Task description

To stop the iGWB server process

II. Prerequisites

The iGWB server is installed and the parameters in the igwb.ini file are correctly

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III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the iGWB server, select Start -> Programs -> iGateway Bill V200
Server -> Start iGWB.

2 On the lower-right corner of the OS desktop, the bulb icon is on in the

status area. Now, the iGWB server is running normally.

Only if the iGWB Server works well, the iGWB Client can connect with it.

4.3.2 Stopping the iGWB Service

I. Task description

To stop the iGWB server process

II. Prerequisites

z The iGWB server is running normally.

z Before stopping the iGWB server, stop the Process Watch Dog Service (PWD)
service on the active server.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the iGWB server, select Start -> Programs -> iGateway Bill V200
Server -> Stop iGWB.
On the lower-right corner of the screen, you can see the bulb icon becomes
gray and then disappears from the status area.


z If the PWD service is running, the iGWB server will automatically restart again, and

the bulb icon will be on again.

z Perform this operation with caution.

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4.3.3 Logging in to the CDR Console

I. Task description

To log in to the iGWB server from the client, to perform routine management and
The iGWB client is composed of the CDR console, system debugging console, and the
parameter configuration console. The following takes the CDR console as an example.

II. Prerequisites

z The iGWB server process is running, and the bulb icon is on in the status area.

z No conflicts occur among ports.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

Double-click Frame.exe in the Bin directory under the installation directory of
the iGWB Client, or select Start\Programs\iGateway Bill V200 Client\iGWB
Client. Then the Login dialog box is displayed.

In the Login dialog box, enter the correct user name, password, and set the
2 office to be managed. Then click OK. If the login is successful, the main
interface of the CDR console is displayed.

IV. Parameter descirption

Parameter Description Example

Mandatory This is your user name used to log in to
User name the iGWB CDR console. The default value is admin

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Parameter Description Example

Mandatory It is your password. The default value is
null. It is recommended that the password of the
Password administrator be an alphanumeric string of at least -
8 digits, and that of an operator be an alphanumeric
string of at least 6 digits.
Mandatory This refers to the name of the office
managed by the CDR console. You need to
Office name Shenzhen
configure the office before logging in to the client.
For details, refer to 4.3.11 Managing Office.

Mandatory It is the IP address used by the iGWB

server to connect with the iGWB client (or the
Office IP
NMS). It must be consistent with the
LocalIpToMMLClient value under the MML
configuration item in the igwb.ini file.

Use Optional It is to enable the proxy function provided

Gateway by the network management system (NMS).
Optional It is the IP address of the gateway.
Gateway IP
Configure it if you use the gateway.

z The default user name and password of the iGWB client are “admin” and null
respectively. You need to change the password of the administrator immediately.
z Configure the office direction before you log in to the client.
z Hereinafter, the identifier “-” in a table means an example is omitted.

4.3.4 Locking CDR Console

I. Task description

To lock the iGWB client to avoid unauthorized operations.

II. Prerequisites


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III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select System -> Lock System
or click on the toolbar (or press F12) to display the Lock System dialog

z To return to the current system, enter your password in the Lock System
dialog box, and then click OK.
z To relog in to the system, click Relogin in the Lock System dialog box. In
the dialog box that pops up, click OK to confirm your operation.

4.3.5 Logging out of the CDR Console

I. Task description

To log out of the system.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select System -> Log Out or click
on the toolbar. Then the system asks you to confirm.
After you confirm your operation, the system closes all windows of the CDR

4.3.6 Resetting iGWB

I. Task description

To restart the iGWB Server process.

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II. Prerequisites

You have logged in to the Client as the administrator or an operation with the manual
switchover operation right.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

1 On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> Reset iGWB.
2 In the Warning dialog box, click Yes to restart the iGWB server process.


If you restart the iGWB server process, the CDR console will be disconnected from the
iGWB server. Therefore, perform this operation with caution.

4.3.7 Closing the CDR Console

I. Task description

To close the CDR console.

II. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select System -> Exit. A dialog
box is displayed, prompting you to confirm your operation.

2 Click Yes to close the CDR console.

4.3.8 Masking Alarm Information

I. Task description

To mask some or all of the alarm messages in the iGWB system.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to manage alarms.

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III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Alarm Mask.
The Alarm mask dialog box is displayed.

Select the alarm messages to be masked, and then click OK. You can also
2 select all of the alarm messages by selecting the All alarm checkbox on the

3 A prompt box pops up, indicating success. Click OK to finish this operation.

4.3.9 Customizing the Layout

I. Task description

To customize the layout of the CDR console as desired.

II. Prerequisites


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III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the CDR console, select View. Then select

1 z Navigator Tree (r press F2) to show or hide the navigator tree.

z ToolBar to show or hide the toolbar.
z StatusBar to show or hide the status bar.
On the CDR Console, select Window. Then select
z Cascade to display all opened windows in a cascading manner.
2 z Tile to tile all the opened windows orderly on the lower right part of the
main interface.
z Arrange Icons to arrange the icons of all opened windows.
z Close All to close all the opened sub-windows.

Once you customize the layout of the CDR console, the layout will be saved and you
need not customize it again.

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4.3.10 Managing Operators

I. Brief Introduction

The iGWB system has two types of users with different authorities.
z Administrator is automatically generated during system
installation. Its user name is "admin" and default password is null.
It has all the authorities.
Task z Operator is created by the administrator or another operator
description authorized to create operators. Its user name and authorities are
allocated by the creator, and can be changed by the administrator
Through operator management, you can control the authorities of all
operators to avoid unauthorized operations.
On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security ->
Entry Operator Management. The Operator Management window is

nt Interface

II. Function Description

This section introduces the following contents:

z Adding an Operator
z Deleting an Operator
z Modifying an Operator
z Querying an Operator
z Setting Authority
z Setting Operation Time Range
z Saving Operator Information
z Printing Operator Information
z Disconnecting an Operator

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When you add, delete, or change an operator, the iGWB automatically creates the
alarms related to the update of the user information.

Adding an Operator

I. Task description

To add an operator.
After the Client software is installed, the system automatically creates the administrator
named “admin”. It is the only administrator in the system and cannot be deleted. Other
operators are added manually.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to create new


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Operator
1 Management to display the Operator Management window. Then the User
menu is added on the menu bar of the main interface.

Select User -> Add or click in the Operator Management window to

display the Add Operator dialog box.

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No. Operation Description

Enter all fields, and then click OK. View the Operator Management window,
and you can find that the new operator has been added.

IV. Parameter Description

Parameter Description Example

Name Mandatory Enter the full name of the new operator Zhangshan
Description Optional Describe the new operator Operator
Optional Determine the operator type. The value is
Authority Normal User
“Normal”, unchangeable.

Region Optional The geographical location of the operator. Europe

Mandatory Enter the login password of the
Password operator. Note: The password must be an Z123456
alphanumeric string of no less than six digits.

Mandatory Enter the login password of the

Confirm Z123456
operator again.
Mandatory The maximum number of sessions that
Sessions the operator can log in to the server at the sme time. 30
The value ranges from 1 to 30.
Mandatory The validity period of the operator’s
password. The default value for the administrator is 30
date (day)
30 days.

When you enter the name, description, and regional information for an operator, ensure
that no spaces are contained.

Deleting an Operator

I. Task description

To delete an operator.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to delete operators.

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III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Operator
1 Management to display the Operator Management window. Then the User
menu is added on the menu bar of the main interface.
Select the operator to be deleted in the list. Select User -> Delete or click the
button in the Operator Management window.

3 Click Yes in the popup dialog box, and click to refresh the user list. You
can find that the selected operator has been deleted.

Modifying an Operator

I. Task description

To modify the account of an operator.

II. Prerequisites

z The administrator can modify the description and password of itself or any
z An operator can only modify its own description and password.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Operator
1 Management to display the Operator Management window. Then the User
menu is added on the menu bar of the main interface.

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No. Operation Description

Select the operator to be modified in the list. Select User -> Modify or click
in the Operator Management window to display the Modify Operator
Property dialog box.

z The administrator can modify all information except the name and
3 z An operator can modify all information except the name.
After modification, click OK.

Querying an Operator

I. Task description

To find all the operators that meet the preset conditions.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to query users.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Operator
1 Management to display the Operator Management window. Then the User
menu is added on the menu bar of the main interface.

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No. Operation Description

Select User -> Query Operator, or click in the Operator Management

window. The Query Operator dialog box is then displayed.

Set the query conditions (for instance, query all online operators), and then
click OK. All operators that meet the query conditions are displayed in the list
3 of the Operator Management window.
If no operator is online at present, the system prompts “no query result”.

IV. Parameter description

Parameter Description Example

Optional Enter the full name of the operator to be
Name admin

Optional Enter the operator description to be

Description Administrator
Mandatory Select the operator type to be queried,
including all operators, super operators and
Type Administrator
normal operators. The default value is all

Mandatory Select the operator status to be

Status queried, including all status, online, and offline. Online
The default status is all status.

Region Optional Enter the operator’s region to be queried. Shenzhen

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Parameter Description Example

Optional Select the operator authority to be
queried, including operator management, log
Authority function, CDR querying and browsing, query Log function
system, manual switch, alarm function and CDR

Setting Authority

I. Task description

To set the operation authority of an operator.

The authority is set as command group.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to manage


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Operator
1 Management to display the Operator Management window. Then the User
menu is added on the menu bar of the main interface.

Select User -> Set Authority Group, or click in the Operator

Management window. The Set Command Group Authority dialog box is

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No. Operation Description

Select the name of the operator.
z Add authority: Select the command groups you want to add in All
Command Group and click Add. Then the command groups appear in
Selected Command Group. Then click Set to allocate the authority to
3 the operator.
z Delete authority: Select the command groups you want to delete in
Selected Command Group and click Delete. The selected command
groups will disappear from Selected Command Group. Click Set to
remove the authority from the operator.

Setting Operation Time Range

I. Task description

To set the period for an operator to use the iGWB system.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to manage


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Operator
1 Management to display the Operator Management window. Then the User
menu is added on the menu bar of the main interface.

Select User -> Set Time Range, or click in the Operator Management
window. The Set the Time Range of Operators dialog box is then

Select the operator name, time range mode, start time and end time, and
then click OK.

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Saving Operator Information

I. Task description

To save an operator’s information.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to manage


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Operator
1 Management to display the Operator Management window. Then the User
menu is added on the menu bar of the main interface.

Select User -> Save or click in the Operator Management window to

display the Save Operators Information dialog box.

In the dialog box, select Save all operators or Only save selected
operators as required. Enter the file name to which the information is saved,
or click Browse to select another existing path. Then click OK to save the
operator’s information.

IV. Parameter description

Parameter Description Example

Save the information of all operators
Save all
listed in the Operator Management -

Only save Save the information of selected

selected operators listed in the Operator -
operators Management window.

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Parameter Description Example

Mandatory Enter manually or click If you enter Operator, the
Browse to select the path and file operator’s information will be
Path name to save the operator’s saved as
information. The default path is C:\iGWB_CLIENT\Bin\oper
C:\iGWB_CLIENT\Bin. ator.txt.

Printing Operator Information

I. Task description

To print the information of all or selected operators.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to manage


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Operator
1 Management to display the Operator Management window. Then the User
menu is added on the menu bar of the main interface.

2 Select User -> Print or click in the Operator Management window to

display the Print dialog box.
3 Set print parameters, and then click OK to print the operator information.

Disconnecting an Operator

I. Task description

To disconnect an online operator.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to manage


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Operator
1 Management to display the Operator Management window. Then the User
menu is added on the menu bar of the main interface.

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No. Operation Description

Select an online operator to be disconnected in the Operator Management

Select User -> Disconnect or click in the Operator Management

3 window. When the confirmation dialog box is displayed, click Yes to
disconnect the selected operator.


You cannot disconnect the administrator.

4.3.11 Managing Offices

I. Brief Introduction

Office refers to the iGWB server offices maintained by the CDR

Task console. The office management is used to set the IP address of an
description office. The system allows you to set the IP addresses of multiple
offices so that you can select any of them to maintain from the client.

In the CDR console, select System -> Office Management or click

on the toolbar to display the Office Management dialog box.

nt Interface

II. Function Description

This part introduces the following contents:

z Adding an Office
z Deleting an Office
z Modifying an Office

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Adding an Office

I. Task description

To add an office maintained by the CDR console.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation description

Obtain the IP address of the office to be added, that is, the IP address used
1 by the iGWB server to connect with the iGWB client (or the NMS).
Define the office name.

2 In the CDR console, select System -> Office Management or click on

the toolbar to display the Office Management dialog box.

3 Enter the following parameters: office, IP address and office type.

Click Set, and then the office information will be listed in the list box. After
confirmation, click Save to add the office.

IV. Parameter Description

Parameter Description Example

Mandatory Office refers to the name of the iGWB
Office server offices maintained by the CDR console. You Beijing
need to set an office before logging in to the Client.

Mandatory Enter the IP address used by the

iGWB server to connect with the iGWB client (or
IP the NMS). It must be consistent with the
LocalIpToMMLClient value under MML in the
igwb.ini file.
Mandatory Select the type of the office to be
Type iGWB


You must set an office when you run the client for the first time. Otherwise, the client
cannot connect with the iGWB server. Specifically, when the User Login dialog box is
displayed in the CDR console, click Office Management to set the office in the Office
Management dialog box before you log in.

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Deleting an Office

I. Task description

To delete an office that is no longer maintained by the CDR console.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

1 Determine the IP address and name of the office to be deleted.

2 In the CDR console, select System -> Office Management or click on

the toolbar to display the Office Management dialog box.
Select the office to be deleted, and then click Delete. After confirmation, click
Save to delete the office.

Modifying an Office

I. Task description

To modify the information of an office maintained by the CDR console.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

1 In the CDR console, select System -> Office Management or click on

the toolbar to display the Office Management dialog box.

Select the office to be modified in the list box and enter the new office
information in the dialog box.
Click Set, and then the new office information is listed in the list box. After
confirmation, click Save to modify the office information.

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4.3.12 Customizing the System

I. Brief Introduction

Customize the timeout time and lock time of the iGWB Client.
In the CDR console, click System -> System Customize to display
the System Customize dialog box.


II. Function Description

This part introduces the following contents:

z Customizing Timeout Setting
z Customizing Lock Time

Customizing Timeout Setting

I. Task description

To set the timeout time of the client.

Timeout time refers to the maximum interval for the client to receive a result from the
server after it submits a command.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

In the CDR console, click System -> System Customize to display the
System Customize dialog box.
Select the checkbox before Timeout Setting (20 – 600s). Enter the time
value, and then click OK.

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The timeout value ranges from 20 seconds to 600 seconds.

Customizing Lock Time

I. Task description

To set whether to lock the CDR console after a specified idle time.
Once the client is locked, you have to enter the password to unlock it.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

In the CDR console, click System -> System Customize to display the
System Customize dialog box.
Set the idle time (in minutes) before the system is locked and click OK. The
2 value ranges from 0 to 1440 minutes. If it is set to 0, the system will never be

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4.3.13 Managing CDRs

I. Brief Introduction

CDR management includes a series of important functions, including

browsing, querying, printing, saving CDRs and manually outputting
CDR files.
Log in to the CDR console. The left pane shows the navigator tree
that is divided into several tab pages based on access points (for
example, the “X3KF” node shown in the following figure). The
navigator tree displays the CDR storage mode in the server.


II. Function Description

This section introduces the following contents:

z Browsing CDRs by Type
z Browsing CDRs by Format
z Browsing CDRs by Multiple Conditions
z Saving CDR Information
z Printing a CDR
z Outputting a Final Bill Manually

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Browsing CDRs by Type

I. Task description

To browse the generated CDRs by type.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to browse CDRs.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

Log in to the CDR console. The left pane shows the navigator tree that is
divided into several Tab pages based on access points (for example, the
“X3KF” node shown in the following figure.), The navigator tree displays the
CDR storage mode in the server.
Right-click the sub-window and you will see the following options on the
shortcut menu:
z Select Refresh to obtain the latest CDR information from the iGWB
z Select Up to open the upper level directory list
1 z Select Back to open the previous directory.
z Select Bill Query to query the CDR files by format.
z Select Bill Browse to display the content of a selected CDR.
z Select Backup CDR to back up the selected CDRs manually on the
iGWB server.
z Select Del CDR to delete the selected CDRs manually. However, the
CDRs in the current-date directory cannot be deleted (Generally, the
CDRs are deleted in the server.)
z Select Find to set the specified querying conditions, such as name, type
or size to find the CDRs.
Select Bill Browse or click a CDR file to display the Choose Bill Format for
File Browsing dialog box.

Select a bill format. For iPAT9830, PTT Bill is the only bill format at present.

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No. Operation Description

Click OK and the Bill Info menu is added to the menu bar of the CDR
console. The Browse Original Bill window pops up and displays all bills in
this format.

If the bills are displayed on more than one page, right-click the current page
and select Next page/Previous page or click and to view other
pages. In addition, you can enter the page number you want to browse in the
box, and then click . The system will directly jump to this
page. Each page displays 50 records.

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No. Operation Description

z Click to save the queried bills.

z Click to print the queried bills.

z Double-click a bill record or click to display the Bill Detailed

Information dialog box.

The bill detailed information varies with the CDR types. Click OK to close the
dialog box.

The example only describes the operations against CDRs. The operations against final
bills are similar.

Browsing CDRs by Format

I. Task description

To browse CDRs by format.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to browse CDRs.

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III. Operation procedure

No. Operation description

On the main interface of the CDR console, double-click a date under
1 Original Bill of the navigator tree in the left pane to display the Original Bill
Right-click the bill list window and select Bill Query from the shortcut menu
to display the Choose Format for Bill Browsing dialog box.

Select the bill format to be queried and then click Next to display the Set
Query Condition dialog box.

The query conditions displayed will vary with the CDR formats. Set the query
conditions, and click OK to display the Bill Query window.

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No. Operation description

If the bills are displayed on more than one page, right-click the current page
and select Next page/Previous page or click and to view other
pages. In addition, you can enter the page number you want to browse in the
box, and then click . The system will directly jump to this
page. Each page displays 50 records.

z Click to save the queried bills.

z Click to print the queried bills.

z Double-click a bill record or click to display the Bill Detailed

Information dialog box.

z Click to refresh the bill information.

The example only describes the operations against CDRs. The operations against final
bills are similar.

Browsing CDRs by Multiple Conditions

I. Task description

To find CDR records based on multiple conditions like CDR name, type, size, modifying
date and creating date.

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II. Prerequisites

z You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to browse

z Only CDRs in the CDR list can be browsed.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, double-click a date under
1 Original Bill of the navigator tree in the left pane to display the Original Bill
Right-click the CDR list window and select Find from the shortcut menu to
display the Find dialog box.

3 Enter the content of the CDR you want to find in Content.

Enter the search type in Field, including Name, Type, Size, Modifying Date,
and Creating Date.

Enter the filed matching condition in Matching, including Entire Filed, Field
Head, and Part of Field.
Click Find First to display the first CDR matching the conditions:
z If the first CDR is found, you can click Find Next to display the next CDR
6 matching the conditions.
z If no CDR is found, a dialog box is displayed, prompting “Search
completes, no search items found”. After confirmation, lick OK to return to
the Find dialog box
7 Click Close to close the Find dialog box.

The example only describes the operations against CDRs. The operations against final
bills are similar.

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Saving CDR Information

I. Task description

To save all or selected CDRs on the iGWB Client in text format.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to manage CDRs.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

1 Browse or find the CDRs as required.
On the main interface of the CDR console, select Bill Info -> Save, or click
in the Bill Browse or Bill Query window. Then the Save Bill
Information dialog box is displayed.

Select Save bills of the current page or Only save selected bills as
3 required. Enter the name and the path of the destination file, or select an
existing path by clicking Browse. Click OK to save the CDRs

Printing a CDR

I. Task description

To print the CDRs that you have browsed or queried.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to manage CDRs.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

1 Browse or query the CDRs as required.

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No. Operation Description

In the CDR list window, select the CDRs to be printed. Then select Bill Info
2 -> Print or click in the toolbar of the Bill Browse window to display the
Print window.
3 Set print parameters to print the selected CDRs.

Select Bill Info -> Print Preview to preview the CDRs before printing. Select Bill Info
-> Print Setting to set the font of the CDRs to be printed.

Outputting a Final Bill Manually

I. Task description

This function is to convert the temporary files on the back save disk to final bill files
under the corresponding channel directory.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator with the manual switchover
operation right.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

1 On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> Output CDR.
A dialog box is displayed, prompting that the operation is successful. Click
OK to close the dialog box.


In general, temporary bill files on the front save disk are output automatically to the
back save disk according to the file size and output interval parameters set in the
igwb.ini file. Therefore, manual outputting of bill files is only performed to check
whether final bill files are output successfully.

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4.3.14 Collecting CDR Statistics

I. Brief Introduction

CDR statistics is a major function provided by the iGWB system. The

Task user can set CDR statistic conditions to collect and analyze CDR
description statistics. You can perform the statistics operations for CDRs of
multiple access points.

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> CDR
Stat. to display the CDR Stat. dialog box.


II. Function Description

This part introduces the following contents:

z Adding a Statistic Item
z Deleting a Statistic Item
z Editing a Statistic Item
z Adding a Statistic Subitem
z Deleting a Statistic Subitem
z Editing a Statistic Subitem
z Submitting Statistic Information
z Browsing Statistic Result

Adding a Statistic Item

I. Task description

To define multiple statistic items for an access point and each represents a CDR
category. You may define the name for a statistic item.

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II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to collect CDR


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> CDR Stat..
1 The CdrStat menu is added to the menu bar. The CDR Stat. window is then

Select and right-click an access point node in the navigator tree, and select
Add from the shortcut menu or click on the toolbar.

The Add statistic child item dialog box is displayed.

Enter a name for the statistic item, for example, "Statistic Item by CDR type",
4 and click OK. The new statistic item will appear in the navigator tree as a


Up to 10 statistic items can be added to each access point. Each statistic item may
contain up to 10 sub-items and two layers of nodes.

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Deleting a Statistic Item

I. Task description

To delete a statistic item.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to collect CDR


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> CDR Stat..
1 The CdrStat menu is added to the menu bar. The CDR Stat. window is then

In the CDR Stat. dialog box, select and right-click the statistic items to be
deleted, and select Delete from the shortcut menu or click on the toolbar.
3 In the popup dialog box, click Yes to confirm your operation.

Editing a Statistic Item

I. Task description

To edit a statistic item.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to collect CDR


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> CDR Stat..
1 The CdrStat menu is added to the menu bar. The CDR Stat. window is then

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No. Operation Description

Select and right-click the statistic item to be modified, and select Edit from
the shortcut menu. The Edit dialog box pops up.

3 Enter a name for the new statistic item and click OK to finish the operation.

Adding a Statistic Subitem

I. Task description

To add a statistic subitem to a statistic item.

Each subitem represents a CDR statistic format. Up to 10 subitems can be added to
each statistic item. The system counts the number of CDRs of a specific format based
on the corresponding statistic subitem.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to collect CDR


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> CDR Stat..
1 The CdrStat menu is added to the menu bar. The CDR Stat. window is then

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No. Operation Description

Select and right-click a statistic item node in the navigator tree, and select
Add from the shortcut menu or click on the toolbar.

The Add Statistic Subitem dialog box is displayed.

Enter the name of the statistic subitem and click OK. The new statistic
subitem will appear in the navigator tree as a node.

Deleting a Statistic Subitem

I. Task description

To delete a statistic subitem.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to collect CDR


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III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> CDR Stat..
1 The CdrStat menu is added to the menu bar. The CDR Stat. window is then
Select and right-click the statistic subitems to be deleted, and select Delete
from the shortcut menu or click on the toolbar.

3 In the popup dialog box, click Yes to confirm your operation.

Editing a Statistic Subitem

I. Task description

To edit a statistic subitem.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to collect CDR


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> CDR Stat..
1 The CdrStat menu is added to the menu bar. The CDR Stat. window is then

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No. Operation Description

Select and right-click a statistical subitem node, and select Set Expression
from the shortcut menu to display the Set Expression dialog box.

Configure the CDR format parameters and click OK.

The statistical expression varies with product version, so the statistical conditions
should be set accordingly.

Submitting Statistic Information

I. Task description

To submit the current statistic information to the server to validate it.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to collect CDR


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> CDR Stat..
1 The CdrStat menu is added to the menu bar. The CDR Stat. window is then

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No. Operation Description

Right-click the statistic information tree, and select Commit. The current
statistic information is submitted to the server.

After the statistic information is submitted, the server does not start the statistics task
immediately. Instead, it starts the statistics task at 2:00 a.m. each day by default.

Browsing Statistic Result

I. Task description

To browse the CDR statistic result.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to collect CDR


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> CDR Stat..
1 The CdrStat menu is added to the menu bar. The CDR Stat. window is then

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No. Operation Description

Select and right-click a statistic item node, and select Stat. from the shortcut

The Set Stat. Period dialog box is displayed. Set the statistic period (year,
month or day), and then click OK. The CDR Stat. window will display the
detailed statistic result.

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No. Operation Description

You can select the style in which the statistic result is displayed.

z Select CdrStat. -> Result -> Detail, or click , and the statistic result
are displayed in a pure data list.

z Select CdrStat -> Result -> Bar, or click , and the statistic result are
displayed in a histogram.

z Select CdrStat -> Result -> Pie, or click , and the statistic result are
displayed in a pie diagram.

5 Select CdrStat -> Save Result or click to save the statistic result.

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4.3.15 Managing Performance

I. Brief Introduction

To know about the current running status of iGWB, such as CPU

usage, disk space usage, and heartbeat state by monitoring the
performance of the system.

On the main interface of the CDR console, click Operation -> State
Query to display the State Query dialog box.


II. Parameter Description

Parameter Description
It indicates the state of the active/standby server. If the server
Primary/Secondary runs normally, the corresponding green indicator flashes. 0
State represents the active node, and 1 represents the standby
It indicates the working state of the heartbeat links. There are
two values displayed in the "n/m" format. Where, m indicates
the total number of heartbeat links (generally m=2) and n
indicates the number of normal heartbeat links. Only when
Heartbeat State m=n and both values are not 0 is the heartbeat abnormal.
Otherwise, the heartbeat is abnormal.
To ensure the reliable running of the system, check the
abnormal heartbeat links and restore them in time.
The CPU1 usage of the dual-system. Currently, the iGWB can
CPU1 Usage (%) display two CPU usages at most. If only one CPU is
configured, then - is used to replace the second CPU usage.

The CPU2 usage of the dual-system. Currently, the iGWB can

CPU2 Usage (%) display two CPU usages at most. If only one CPU is
configured, then - is used to replace the second CPU usage.

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Parameter Description
Indicates the storage space for CDRs. There are two values
Front Disk Space displayed in the "n/m" format. Where, m indicates the total
(MB) space of the disk in MB, and n indicates the available space in

Indicates the storage space for final bills. There are two values
Back Disk Space displayed in the "n/m" format. Where, m indicates the total
(MB) space of the disk in MB, and n indicates the available space in

Indicates the current physical memory usage. There are two

Physical MEM values displayed in the "n/m" format. Where, m indicates the
(MB) total size of the physical memory in MB, and n indicates the
available size in MB.

III. Function Description

This part introduces the following contents:

z Querying System Performance Status
z Setting State Query Properties
z Clearing State Information

Querying System Performance Status

I. Task description

To query the running state of the iGWB server, including CPU usage, heartbeat state,
and disk space usage.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to query system


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> State Query.
1 The State Query dialog box is displayed, and the State Query menu is
added to the menu bar of the CDR console.
The state information for the current server is displayed in the State Query
dialog box.

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No. Operation Description

Double-click a record to display the State Detailed Information dialog box.
You can see all the detailed information in real time.

4 Click OK to close the State Detailed Information dialog box.

IV. Parameter Description

Parameter Description
CPU1 Used /CPU2
Indicate the CPU usage of the dual-system.

Physical MEM Indicate the memory usage.

Indicate the state of the active/standby server. If the
active/standby server runs normally, the corresponding green
indicator flashes.

Indicate the working state of the heartbeat links. There are two
Heartbeat State
indicators -- total and active.
Indicate the CDR storage space, including two indicators –
Front Disk Space
total and active.

Indicate the final bill storage space, including two indicators –

Back Disk Space
total and available.

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Setting State Query Properties

I. Task description

To set the state query properties, including the state refreshing period and whether to
save the state query result.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to query system


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> State Query.
1 The State Query dialog box is displayed, and the State Query menu is
added to the menu bar of the CDR console.

Select State -> Setting Properties or click in the State Query dialog box
to display the Setting Prosperities dialog box.

3 Set the two parameters (Save Status and Time Span) as required.

IV. Parameter Description

Parameter Description Example

It means whether to save the state information in the
Save State Query window to the StatsInfo.txt file under the
Status installation directory of the Client. Select Open to save
the information. Otherwise, select Close.

It refers to the interval when the server state information

Time Span is refreshed. The time span ranges from 0 second to 600 5

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Clearing State Information

I. Task description

To clear the state information manually.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to query system


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> State Query.
1 The State Query dialog box is displayed, and the State Query menu is
added to the menu bar of the CDR console.

2 Select State Query -> Clear, or click in the State Query dialog box. The
displayed status information is then cleared.

4.3.16 Managing Logs

I. Brief Introduction

The system provides both operation logs and system logs to help
Task you locate problems. One log file is created daily, named as the date
description plus log as its extension. Each log file is saved for 30 days and then

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Log
Browse to display the LogView dialog box.

Log View

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II. Function Description

This part introduces the following contents:

z Browsing Log
z Saving Log
z Clearing Log
z Printing Log

Browsing Logs

I. Task description

To browse operation logs and system logs.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to browse logs.

z The administrator can browse the system log and the operation logs of all the
z The operators with log browsing authority can browse their own operation logs, but
they cannot browse the system log or other operator’s logs.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Log Browse to
1 display the LogView window. The Log menu is added to the menu bar of the
CDR console.

Select Log -> Browse Log or click in the LogView window, and the Set
Log Browse Property dialog box is displayed.

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No. Operation Description

Enter the log browse conditions. Select the user name and log type, and set
3 the start time and end time for log browsing. Then, click OK. The logs
meeting the conditions are displayed in the LogView window.

Double-click a log entry, or select it and press Enter, to view the detailed
information of it.

In the Detailed Information of Log window, click Next to view the next log
entry, and click Previous to view the previous log entry.

IV. Parameters in the Set Log Browse Property Interface

Parameter Description Example

The object that generates logs. Its drop-down
list includes "All Users" and each user created.
“All users” refer to all created users. If you log in
User name All users
as administrator, you can select a created user
or “all users”; if you log in as an operator, your
own user name is selected by default.

Including "System Log" and "Operation Log". A

system log records the running process of
LogType Operation Log
software modules. An operation log records the
operations of users.
Start time/End time indicates the time range in 50
which a log is created. End:

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V. Parameters in Detailed Information of Log Interface

Parameter Description Example

The sequence number of a log. 8

For an operation log, the actual user name is

User name displayed. admin
For a system log, - is displayed.
Date The date when the operation is performed.

Operation The IP address of the iGWB server that sends
Place the operation command.
For an operation log, - is displayed.
Log Source -
For a system log, the module ID is displayed.

For a system log,

the operation
The operations performed by the user, which command is "-".
Operation are recorded by the program. Only an For an operation
Command operation log has an operation command; a log, the operation
system has not. command is the
actual operation,
such as “LST OP”.
Including the position (office) where the Query the
command is executed and the command information of an
string. operator.

Operation Command execution result. "SUC" means

Result success. "FAIL" means failure.
"SYS" refers to system log. "OPER" refers to
LogType OPRT
operation log.

Saving Logs

I. Task description

To save all of or selected logs to the Client in text format for future reference.

II. Prerequisites

z Only the administrator can save the system logs and the operation logs for all
z The operators with log operation authority can browse their own operation logs but
cannot save the system logs.

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III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Log Browse to
1 display the LogView window. The Log menu is then added to the menu bar
of the CDR console.

Select Log -> Save to File, or click on the toolbar in the LogView
window. The Save Log Information dialog box is displayed

Select Save All Log Record or Only Save Selected Log Record as
3 required. Enter the destination file name to save the log records, or select an
existing path by clicking Browse. Click OK to save the log records

IV. Parameter Description

Parameter Description Example

Save All Log
Save all logs found. -

Only Save
Save the selected log records found
Selected Log -
as required.

Mandatory Manually enter or select

If you enter 20040702, then
the save path and log file name by
the log is saved in the
Path clicking Browse. The default save
path is C:\iGWB_Client\Bin of the
0702.txt file.

The iGWB system creates the log files everyday. The logs created are saved in the
D:\other\log directory of the iGWB server.

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Clearing Logs

I. Task description

To clear the log records that are no longer needed.

II. Prerequisites

z The administrator can clear the system logs and the operation logs for all
z The operators with log operation authority can only clear their own operation logs
but cannot clear the system logs.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Log Browse to
1 display the LogView window. The Log menu is then added to the menu bar
of the CDR console.

2 Select Log -> Clear or click in the LogView window to clear all log
records in the LogView window.

Printing Logs

I. Task description

To print the selected log records for future reference.

II. Prerequisites

z The administrator can print the system logs and the operation logs for all
z The operators with log operation authority can only print their own operation logs
but cannot print the system logs.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Security -> Log Browse to
1 display the LogView window. The Log menu is then added to the menu bar
of the CDR console.

2 Select Log -> Print or click in the LogView window.

The Print dialog box is displayed. Set the print parameters as required and
click OK to print the logs.

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Click in the LogView window to preview the logs before printing.

4.3.17 Manual Switchover

I. Task description

To switch over the active/standby iGWB server manually.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator or an operator authorized to perform

switchover manually.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> Manual
A confirmation dialog box pops up. Click Yes to check the status of the bulb
2 icon in the status bar. The standby server is activated, and the bulb flashes.
The active server is deactivated, and the bulb grays out.


If the switchover is successful, the server will be disconnected with the CDR console.
Therefore, perform this operation with caution.

4.3.18 Auxiliary Upgrade

I. Task description

To prepare for upgrading the server software (for examle, combine all CDRs, or stop
receiving CDRs).
Only perform auxiliary upgrade in the following cases:
z The interface between the iGWB and the switch changes. In other words, the bill
format changes, such as the CDR length.
z The interface between the iGWB and the billing center changes. In other words,
the CDR format or CDR file format changes.

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In both cases, you need to reconfigure the igwb.ini file. In addition, you need to delete
the system status file. Otherwise, the serial number of CDR files still increses.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface of the CDR console, select Operation -> Auxiliary
Click Yes in the popup dialog box to start auxiliary upgrade for the iGWB


z After you perform auxiliary upgrade, the system no longer receives CDRs, which
may cause CDR loss. Therefore, perform this operation with caution. In case of
indeliberate operation, restart the iGWB program.
z In auxiliary upgrade, determine whether to delete the system state files according to
the installation guide to the specific version.

4.3.19 Logging in to the Debugging Console

I. Task description

To log in to the debugging console.

Through the debugging console, you can know about the current running state of the

II. Prerequisites

The iGWB server process is running normally.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

Double-click the debugws.exe file in the Bin directory of the iGWB client to
display the User Login Dialog box.

Enter the user name, password, and the office to be managed. Then the
debugging console GUI is displayed.

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z You can also select Operation -> Debug on the main interface of the CDR console

or click on the toolbar to enter the system debugging console.

z After you log out, click on the toolbar to log in as another operator.

4.3.20 Exiting the Debugging Console

I. Task description

To exit the system debugging console.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

Select System -> Exit, or click . A dialog box is displayed, asking you for
2 Click Yes, and you can exit the debugging console immediately.

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4.3.21 Managing Debugging Messages

I. Brief Introduction

Debugging message refers to the running state information of each

Task module of the server, which is displayed by level. You can browse the
description information in real time. The debugging information can be used in

Select Debug -> Browse Debug Message, or click on the

Entry toolbar. The DebugInfo window pops up, displaying the debugging
messages in real time.


II. Parameters in Debuginfo Interface

Parameter Description Example

Currently normal. The
Debug Displaying debugging messages in real
sequence number of
Content time.
the file is 6.

Displaying the level of debugging

messages. The debugging messages of
Debug Level Major
different levels are displayed in different

Debug Displaying the module of the debugging

Information information.

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III. Function Description

This part introduces the following contents:

z Browsing Debug Message
z Saving Debug Message
z Masking the Debug Level
z Setting Debug Colors

Browsing Debug Messages

I. Task description

To browse the running state information of each module of the iGWB server in real time.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

Select Debug -> Browse Debug Message, or click on the toolbar. The
DebugInfo window pops up, displaying the debugging messages in real
time. The debugging messages are displayed in different colors according to
different levels.

Right-click in the debugging information window and select:

2 z Refresh to clear all messages in the window.

z No Scrolling to stop scrolling the messages in the window. In this case,
is activated, and you can print the messages.

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Saving Debug Messages

I. Task description

To save the current debugging information.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

Select Debug -> Save Debug Message to enable the save function (then
you can see a “√“ mark before Save Debug Message. The Please select
save path dialog box is displayed.

The default path is C:\iGWB_Client, and the default file name is

D_20040717180106_DB.txt. Click Save.

Masking the Debug Level

I. Task description

To set the level of debugging messages to be masked.

Note that the information masked is not deleted.
z List Mask Level
z Set Mask Level
z Delete Mask Level

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II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator.

III. Operation procedure

1) List Mask Level

No. Operation Description
1 Select Debug -> Mask Level -> List Mask Level.

The Result of Query window pops up, displaying the mask level.

2) Set Mask Level

No. Operation Description
1 Select Debug -> Mask Level -> Set Mask Level.
The Add Mask Conditions dialog box pops up.

Select a mask level: Urgent, Important, Normal, and Minor.

Click OK, the confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Yes, and the
debugging information of the selected level is masked.

3) Delete Mask Level

No. Operation Description
1 Select Debug -> Mask Level -> List Mask Level.

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No. Operation Description

The Result of Query window is displayed.

Right-click in the window and select:

z Delete Selected Condition to delete a selected mask level. In the popup
3 dialog box, click Yes to confirm your operation.
z Delete All Conditions to delete all mask levels. In the popup dialog box,
click Yes to confirm your operation.
z Refresh to refresh the list of mask levels.

Setting Debug Colors

I. Task description

To set the display color of each other of debugging messages.

II. Prerequisites


III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

Select System -> Set Debug Colors, or click . The Set Debug Colors
dialog box is displayed.

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No. Operation Description

Set the color for each level. Click Restore to Default if you want to restore to
the default settings. Click OK to finish setting.

4.3.22 Managing Protocol Messages

I. Brief Introduction

The protocol trace information refers to the message information

between the iGWB and the switch. You can browse the protocol trace
information in real time. This is helpful for troubleshooting.

Select Protocol -> Browse Protocol Message, or click . The

Entry ProtocolTrace window pops up, displaying the protocol trace
information in real time.

ace GUI

II. Parameter Description

Parameter Description Example

Msg The party sending the protocol messages, usually
Sender the iGWB or switch (SoftX3000).

Msg The party receiving the protocol messages,

Module 1
Receiver usually the iGWB or switch (SoftX3000).

The unique ID of the protocol message frame. 0

Msg Type The type of the protocol message. Saving CDRs.

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Parameter Description Example

The total length
Protocol of a CDR is 205,
Trace The contents of the protocol message. and the
Content sequence
number is 46.

III. Function Description

This part introduces the following contents:

z Browsing Protocol Message
z Saving Protocol Message

Browsing Protocol Messages

I. Task description

To browse the messages between the iGWB and the switch, to help troubleshooting.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

Select Protocol -> Browse Protocol Message, or click . The

1 ProtocolTrace window pops up, displaying the protocol trace information in
real time.
Right-click in the ProtocolTrace window and select:
z Refresh to clear all information in the window. Then the system will
2 display new debugging information.
z No Scrolling to stop scrolling the messages in the window. In this case,
is activated, and you can print the messages.

Saving Protocol Messages

I. Task description

To save the current protocol trace information.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator.

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III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

Select Protocol -> Save Protocol Message to enable the save function
1 (then you can see a “√“ mark before Save Protocol Message. The Please
select save path dialog box is displayed.
The default path is C:\iGWB_Client, and the default file name is
D_20040717172622_PT.txt. Click Save.

4.3.23 Managing Workflow Messages

I. Brief Introduction

The workflow information refers to the service messages between

the iGWB and the switch. You can browse the workflow messages
in real time. This is helpful for troubleshooting.

Select Workflow -> Browse Workflow Message, or click . The

Entry Workflow window pops up, displaying the workflow information in
real time.


II. Parameter Description

Parameter Description Example

Each process of the iGWB server has a process
ID (PID). The workflow message contains the PID PT_OM
of the sender.
Each module in a process of the iGWB server has
a module ID (MID). The workflow message MT_COLAGENT
contains the MID of the sender.

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Parameter Description Example

Each process of the iGWB server has a PID. The
workflow message contains the PID of the PT_KERNEL
Each module in a process of the iGWB server has
an MID. The workflow message contains the MID
of the receiver.

APP Type The type of the workflow message. 0

MML Each MML client has one allocated ID as its
Client No. unique identifier.

It is the IP address of the MML Client.
Client IP
It is the command code for the internal
CMD Code 220
communication structure of the iGWB.

Len of It is the size of the data in the communication

Data frame of the workflow message.

III. Function Description

This part introduces the following contents:

z Browsing Workflow Message
z Saving Workflow Message

Browsing Workflow Messages

I. Task description

To browse the service messages among modules and processes at the server.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

1 Select Workflow -> Browse Workflow Message, or click . The

Workflow window pops up, displaying the workflow information in real time.

Right-click in the Workflow window and select:

z Refresh to clear all the information in the window. Then the system
2 displays new workflow trace messages.
z No Scrolling to stop scrolling the messages in the window. In this case,
is activated, and you can print the messages.

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Saving Workflow Messages

I. Task description

To save the current workflow trace messages.

II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

Select Workflow -> Save Workflow Message to enable the save function
1 (then you can see a “√“ mark before Save Workflow Message. The Please
select save path dialog box is displayed.
The default path is C:\iGWB_Client, and the default file name is
D_20040717173210_WF.txt. Click Save.

4.3.24 Printing Trace Messages

I. Task description

To print the debugging information, protocol trace information, and workflow


II. Prerequisites

You have logged in as the administrator.

III. Operation procedure

No. Operation Description

On the main interface, select the information type you want print. For
1 example, to print the debugging information, click to display the
DebugInfo window.
Right-click in the DebugInfo window, and select No Scrolling. The
messages stop scrolling, and is activated.

3 Click to display the Print dialog box. Set the parameters, and click Print.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

Chapter 5 System Maintenance

5.1 Overview
This chapter mainly introduces the following contents:
z Quick Start
z Routine Maintenance
z Locating Faults
z Common Trace Information and Maintenance
z Handling Common Faults
z System Alarms

5.2 Quick Start

This section introduces the operator types and the directory structure of the iGWB

5.2.1 Operator Types

There are two types of operators in the iGWB system. They have different authorities.
See Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Operator description

Type Description
The super operator is automatically created when the iGWB
Super operator
system is installed and has the highest authority.
A normal operator is created by the super operator or other
operators authorized to create a normal operator. The name and
Normal operator
authority of a normal operator are allocated by its creator and
can be changed by the super operator after the creation.

5.2.2 Directory Structure of the iGWB Server

If you select all the default directories (or paths) when installing the iGWB server, the
directory structure of the iGWB server will be as follows after the installation.

I. Directory structure of the iGWB server software

1) Description of the directory structure

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File path Description

Store the executable files of all processes, all
configuration files, and the trace file.
C:\iGWB\Tools Store the auto-login setup tools of the system.
C:\iGWB\Config Store all the iGWB configuration files.
C:\iGWB\Config\alarm Store all the alarm configuration files.
C:\iGWB\Config\license Store the system license file.
Store the configuration file of the CDR format in

Store the system parameter configuration file

C:\iGWB\Config\mml Store the iGWB operation command table.
Store the Chinese and English resource data to
support the bilingual operation interface.

C:\iGWB\Config\cdr_filter Store the parameter files for CDR filtering.

C:\iGWB\Config\security Store the strategy files for the security tools

Store the trace file that contains the critical tracing

C:\iGWB\trace or failure information recorded during the running
process of the iGWB system.
Store the configuration file for some special CDR
formats. If you want to use a special CDR format,
you should copy the corresponding configuration
file to the directory of C:\iGWB\Config\Format.

2) Description of main files

File path Description
The executable file of the dual-system

The executable file of the access point


C:\iGWB\knl_proc.exe The executable file of the kernel process.

The executable file of the operation
maintenance process.

The executable file of the parameter

configuration process.

The executable file of the Process Watch

Dog program

The executable file that shows the bulb icon

on the iGWB server manually.

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File path Description

The executable file that stops the processes
of the iGWB server.
C:\iGWB\UnInstall.exe The uninstaller of the iGWB server.

The dynamic link library (DLL) of the format

The file describes the version of the
softswitch matching the format library, CDR
C:\iGWB\Config\Format\Readme.txt length, final bill length, number of channels,
bill format type, and key parameter
The license file, issued by Huawei
Technologies Co., Ltd.

The Chinese and English resource file.
The alarm configuration file. This file
configures the relevant alarm parameters,
such as levels.
Five MML command tables used by the MML
This file sets the key parameters like the
running modes and external interfaces.
The matched strategy file of the system
The matched strategy file for the security
customization tool.
C:\iGWB\trace\knl_proc_trace.txt The trace file for the Kernel process.
The trace file for the operation maintenance

The trace file for the parameter configuration


The trace file for the access point process.

For the access process, there may be
multiple processes (N as the access point

C:\iGWB\trace\cls_proc_trace.txt The trace file for the dual-system process.

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II. Directory structure of CDR files

1) Description of the directory structure

File path Description
The CDRs are first saved in the directory of d:\frontsave based on
d:\frontsave the access points, such as X3KF, and then saved by date under
each access point respectively.
Normally, the final bills are saved in the directory of e:\backsave in
The first copy is saved in the directory of
e:\backsave\"AccessPointName"\"ChannelName"\"date" by
access point, then by channel, and then by date.
e:\backsave The second copy is saved in the directory of
Different from the first copy, the second will not be saved
separately by date in the channels. Generally, the directory is open
to the billing system and must be deleted after the real-time bills
are collected by the billing system. No bills shall be accumulated in
this directory.


Access Point Name

original CDR file

original CDR file

original CDR file

original CDR file

Figure 5-1 Storage directory of original CDRs

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E:\backsave E:\backsave

Access Point Name Second

channel 1 Access Point Name

date channel 1

final CDR file final CDR file

… … …
final CDR file final CDR file

date channel N

final CDR file final CDR file

… … …
final CDR file final CDR file

channel N


final CDR file

final CDR file


final CDR file

final CDR file

Figure 5-2 Structure of storage directory of final CDRs

2) Description of main files.

File path Description
TheSoftX3000system sends the bills to the iGWB
periodically. After receiving the bills, the iGWB adds
the bill contents to the CDR files until the file size is
beyond the given size (usually, 3M). Then, the iGWB
creates a new CDR file and repeats the above
d:\frontsave\”AccessPointNa operation.
b*.bil The name of a CDR file is b*.bil. Where, “*” is a serial
number ranging from 0000000001 to 9999999999 at
each access point. For example, b0000000009.bil in
the directory of d:\frontsave\X3KF\20040314 is the
ninth CDR file generated out of the access point of
X3KF with generation date 03-14-2004.

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File path Description

When generating the CDRs, the iGWB converts the
received bill information and adds it to the final bill
files until the file size is beyond the given size
(usually, 1M). Then, the iGWB changes bill files and
repeats the above operation.
The file name of a final bill is b*.dat. Where, “*” is a
serial number ranging from 0000000001 to
99999999 for each channel name. For example,
d:\backsave\”AccessPointN b00000009.dat in the directory of
ame”\”ChannelName”\”date” e:\backsave\X3KF\detail\20040314 is the ninth
\b*.dat final bill in detail format generated out of the access
point of X3KF with generation date 03-14-2005.
z The generated bill file varies with the types to be
z In the bill storage directory, “AccessPointName”
is set by [AccessPoint%d]/APName in the
iGWB parameter configuration file igwb.ini.

III. Other common directory structures

1) Description of the directory structure

File path Description
d:\other Store the alarm, log and status files.
d:\other\alam Store the history alarm information

d:\other\log Store the log file.

d:\other\mml Store the operator information.
d:\other\perf Store the performance status information.
Store the system status file. This directory
includes two subdirectories: the subdirectory
named after the access point, such as X3KF
and the Status subdirectory.

Store the system status file independent to

d:\StatusFile\Status specific access points, such as the status file
of the backup module.
Store the system status file corresponding to
d:\StatusFile\”access point”
a certain access point.

Store the communication status file between

d:\StatusFile\”access point”\network
the access point and the softswitch.

Store the front/back save disk status file of

d:\StatusFile\”access point”\save
the access point.

e:\ StatusFileB The backup of the d:\StatusFile directory.

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2) Description of main files.

File path Description
The log file. The prefix of the log file is the
generation date, for example, 20040420.log.
The status file of the backup module.
d:\StatusFile\”access The communication status file between the
point”\status.dat access point and the softswitch.
The front save disk status file of the access
d:\StatusFile\”access point”\save\ point. For example, X3KF_FS_MAIN.stf is
X3KF_FS_MAIN.stf the front save disk status file of the access
point of X3KF.
The back save disk status file. “*” is the
channel number. For example,
d:\StatusFile\”access point”\save\
X3KF_BS_00_MAIN.stf is the back save disk
status file of Channel0 of the access point of

5.2.3 Directory Structure of the iGWB Client

The default installation directory of the iGWB Client software is c:\igwb_Client. This
directory contains two subdirectories: Bin and Data. The Bin directory stores the
executable files and DLL files; the Data directory stores the Client data files and help

I. Description of the directory structure

Directory Description
C:\iGWB_Client\bin Store the executable files and DLL files.
C:\iGWB_Client\data Store the Clien data files and help files.

II. Description of main files.

File path Description

The Client parameter configuration file. It
specifies the configuration of the Client
C:\WINNT\UICONFIG.ini maintenance port and the debugging port.
Generally, it is unnecessary to change the file
The executable file of the Client CDR console. It
can be run directly.
The executable file of the Client debugging
console. It can be run directly.

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File path Description

The executable file of the Client parameter
configuration console. It can be run directly.

5.3 Routine Maintenance

Basically, the routine maintenance ensures that the equipment runs securely, stably
and reliably for a long term. The routine maintenance includes: system running, hard
disk maintenance and operation maintenance.

5.3.1 System Running

Table 5-2 Routine maintenance for system running

Operation guide Reference standard
For an active dual-system
node, all processes must be in
In Windows 2000, start running status.
Windows Task Manager. For an inactive node, only the
Click the Processes tab. In the cls_proc.exe and cfg_proc.exe
Checking the
Processes tab, check whether processes are running.
running status of
the cls_proc.exe, ap_proc.exe, The number of the
the processes
knl_proc.exe, and ap_proc.exe processes on an
om_proc.exe processes are active node should be the
running. same as the APCount value
set in the [Common]
configuration item in igwb.ini.

This operation is applicable to

the dual-system hardware
configuration but not to a
Start the iGWB maintenance single-system office.
console. Select
Checking the In “2/2”, the denominator
Operation/State Query to
dual-system indicates the total number of
check the heartbeat state. The
heartbeat state the heartbeat links and the
normal heartbeat state should
be displayed as “2/2”. numerator indicates the
number of the currently
available heartbeat links. The
two numbers should be equal.
The iGWB can receive the
Checking the CDR generated for this call
Make a call on the switch and
CDR receiving from the switch. You can
send the CDR to the iGWB.
status of the browse this CDR on the CDR
iGWB from the Check the generated CDR console.
switch from the iGWB Client.
The CDR data is correct
without loss or duplicate.

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Operation guide Reference standard
For “AccessPointName”, refer
to the settings of
item in igwb.ini. If there are
several access points, check
Log in to the iGWB. Start the them one by one.
Windows Explorer and go to
Checking the “PathName” directories refer to
the directory of
CDR collection all the subdirectories in the
status of the directory of
billing system E:\backsave\second\"Acces
e" to check if there are bill files
accumulated beyond a day. sPointName", except the
“default” subdirectory.
Corresponding to different
types of final bills, there may
be one or more directories.
Check them one by one.

This operation is applicable to

Log in to the active server of the iGWB on a Windows
the iGWB dual system and platform with dual-system
Checking the file check whether the disk drives hardware configuration.
system status D and E on the disk array can If the disk array is not shared,
be accessed and whether the both active and inactive nodes
access authority is writable. can access the disk drives D
and E.

After the final bills are

generated, start the backup
function in accordance with the The log records the backup
Checking the bill destination path and source details.
backup status path of the configured backup The backed-up bills are saved
task, and then check the log in the destination path.
information or the destination

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5.3.2 Hard disk Maintenance

Table 5-3 Routine maintenance of hard disk

Maintenance task Operation guide Reference standard

Start the Windows Explorer.
Right-click the disk C icon. From the
shortcut menu, select Sharing, and
Log in to the iGWB the Sharing window is displayed.
and check whether Click Permissions. Check whether
the security authority administrator is added with the
Checking access set on disk drives C, complete control authority. If not
authority to hard disk D, and E is correct. added, add the Administrator and
For a dual system, set it with the complete control
check both of the authority.
devices. Follow the same operations on disk
drives D and E.
Repeat the above steps on the
standby device.
On the maintenance console, disk
space is displayed as "n/m", where
m represents the total capacity in
MB, and the numerator n indicates
the usable space in MB.
When the available disk space is
less than 15% of the total disk
Open the iGWB
space, the system generates an
urgent alarm “Medium space is
console, and select
insufficient” (the minimum space) by
Checking hard disk Operation/State
space Query to query the
free space on the When the available disk space is
front disk and back less than 5% of the total disk space,
disk. the system generates a critical alarm
“Available hard disk space is too
low” (the minimum switchover
space) by default. For the dual
system with the non-sharing hard
disk array, the systems will be
switched over; for a single system,
the iGWB will no longer receive bills.
Check whether the hard disk status
Check whether the
indicator on the disk array is normal.
Checking hard disk disk array of the
If the indicator is red, it indicates that
faults iGWB server is
the hard disk is faulty and must be
running well.

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5.3.3 Operation Maintenance

Table 5-4 Routine maintenance for system operations

Maintenance task Operation guide Reference standard

Start the maintenance
console. Browse the If a CDR cannot be resolved, the
Browsing CDRs CDRs to check iGWB maintenance console will
whether there are prompt the error.
incorrect CDRs.
Execute this operation on both
nodes of the iGWB dual system.
Each file in the Trace directory
Log in to the iGWB.
corresponds to a process.
Check whether the
Checking trace Analyze them according to the
latest contents of the
information actual situation since not all the
files in the Trace
directory are normal. content in the trace files are
abnormal. For details, refer to “5.5
Common Trace Information and

Open the DebugInfo window on

the debugging console and check
whether there is abnormal output
Open the ProtocolTrac window
and check whether there are CDR
reception and exception alarms.
Start the iGWB
debugging console. Open the Workflow window on
Checking debugging the debugging console and check
Check whether the
information and whether there is abnormal output
output debugging
checking exception information.
information is normal
and whether there are Note: The outputs in the
exception alarms. DebugInfo window will be
refreshed frequently when the
traffic reaches a certain extent.
Then, it is hard to check the
information or perform other
operations. So, follow the above
operations when applicable, for
example, when the traffic is light.

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Maintenance task Operation guide Reference standard

Manually switch over the iGWB
Detect whether the standby
In the iGWB dual device can be activated in five
system, it is required minutes.
to test whether the Manually switch over the iGWB
Switchover test active and standby server again. Detect whether the
devices can be active device can be activated
normally switched and the standby device can be
over. deactivated accordingly.
Note: The switchover test may
influence the normal system
running. Do not use it frequently.

5.4 Locating Faults

This chapter introduces how to locate and handle faults in the iGWB system, including:
z About Fault Locating Information
z Information Provided by the iGWB
z Information Provided by the Operating System
z Collection of Fault Locating Information
z Common Trace Information and Maintenance
z Handling Common Faults

5.4.1 About Fault Locating Information

The iGWB fault-locating information includes:

z The information provided by the device maintenance and fault locating interfaces
of the iGWB software, such as trace information, parameter configurations, and
z Fault locating methods provided by the operating system, including some
commonly-used commands, such as ifconfig/ipconfig, netstat, and ping.

5.4.2 Information Provided by the iGWB Software

I. Trace information

The trace information is provided for the experienced technical support specialists and
maintenance personnel. It is the most important fault-locating information. Each trace
message has the following format:
Trace generation time the module writing the trace trace contents

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Trace records the important debugging information during system running. A trace
record does not always indicate an exception. Usually, the system generates more
trace records when it starts and exits than when it is running normally.
The iGWB includes five processes: dual-system process (cls_proc.exe), kernel
process (knl_proc.exe), access point process (ap_proc.exe), operation and
maintenance process (om_proc.exe), and parameter configuration process
(cfg_proc.exe). During the system running, each the dual-system process, kernel
process, operation and maintenance process, and parameter configuration process
has only one process instance, but the access point process can start one or more
process instances based on the parameter configuration. Each process instance of the
iGWB creates a trace file. The dual-system process, kernel process, operation and
maintenance process, and parameter configuration process all follow the trace name
format below:
For example, the trace file name of the operation and maintenance process is
Because the access point process may have several process instances, the access
point ID is added in the trace file name for identification. The specific format is as
For example, the trace file name of the first access point is ap_proc1_trace.txt.
In addition, the size of each trace file is limited to 6 MB. If the trace file exceeds this limit,
the program will change its extension from “txt” to “tmp” and create a new trace file.
All trace files of the iGWB are stored in the trace directory under the installation
directory (C:\Igwb by default).

C:\iGWB\trace\knl_proc_trace.txt Trace file for the Kernel process

Trace file for the operation and maintenance
Trace file for the parameter and configuration
Trace file for the access point process. This
C:\iGWB\trace\ap_procN_trace.txt process may include two or more process
instances (N for access point ID).

C:\iGWB\trace\cls_proc_trace.txt Trace file for the dual-system process

II. Configuration information

Most faults result from parameter configuration errors. Therefore, the technical support
specialists and maintenance personnel need to analyze both parameter configuration

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files and trace information to find out the faults. The iGWB configuration information
includes parameter configuration information and CDR format configuration
information. The parameter configuration information is stored in \config\ini\igwb.ini
under the installation directory. Currently, this is the only parameter configuration file.
The bill format configuration information is stored in \config\format under the
installation directory.

III. Bill files

Many alarms in the iGWB are related to bill exceptions. Therefore, you need to analyze
the CDR file and the final bill file to locate the problems.
The CDR files are stored in D:\Frontsave and the final bill files are stored in

IV. Logs

The log information mainly records the operations performed on the maintenance
console. It is of little use to fault locating.
The log files are stored in D:\Other\Log. One log file is created daily, named the creating
date with "log" as its extension. A log will be stored for one month by default and will be
automatically deleted when expired.

V. State query

The state query function mainly contributes to the routine maintenance, but it is of little
use to fault locating.
On the maintenance terminal, you can query the current running state of the iGWB.
Table 5-5 lists the states available for querying.

Table 5-5 Common running states of the iGWB

State Description
Active/standby node 0 is for the active node and 1for the standby node.

Heartbeat state is displayed as "n/m", where the

denominator m indicates the total number of the heartbeat
links. Usually, two heartbeat links are configured (m=2). The
numerator n indicates the number of the current normal
heartbeat links. If n is equal to 0, the heartbeat is abnormal;
Heartbeat state otherwise, the heartbeat is normal.
If n is not equal to 0 and m is not equal to n, it indicates that
part of the heartbeat links is faulty. To ensure the reliable
running of the system, check the heartbeat links and recover
the faulty link.

Currently, the iGWB can display two CPU usages at most. If

CPU usage (%) only one CPU is configured on the hardware, then the
second is displayed as "-”.

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State Description
Currently, you can query the total space and usable space of
the front save disk and the back save disk in the format
Disk space (MB) “n/m”. Where, the denominator m indicates the total space of
the disk in MB and the numerator n indicates the usable
space of the disk in MB.
It indicates the current physical memory usage in the format
“n/m”. Where, the denominator m indicates the total size of
Physical MEM (MB)
the physical memory in MB and the numerator n indicates
the usable size of the physical memory in MB.

On the iGWB Client, select Operation/State Query to start the state query function. In
the State Query window, click the Setting Properties shortcut icon. The Setting
Properties dialog box is displayed. Set the Save Status to “Open”, and the status
information will be saved in the StatsInfo.txt file under the installation directory of the
maintenance terminal.

5.4.3 Information Provided by the Operating System

The operating system provides the following information:

I. IP address

To acquire the IP address information, run ipconfig -all.

II. Network connection state

To acquire the current network connection state, run netstat –na.

To dump the outputs for future reference, run netstat –na > 20041105.txt. It is
recommended that you name the dump file according to the operation date, for
example, “20041115” indicates that the operation was performed on Nov. 15, 2004.

III. System log

To obtain the system log, start the Event Viewer. This tool provides application logs,
security logs and system logs, as shown in Figure 5-3.

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Figure 5-3 Dumping system log through the Event Viewer

IV. Process running status

To check whether the processes of the iGWB are running, start the Windows Task
Manager and click the Processes tab, as shown in Figure 5-4.

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Figure 5-4 Checking process status with Windows Task Manager

z On a Windows platform, only the cls_proc.exe process and the cfg_proc.exe
process are running at the inactive node; the cls_proc.exe, knl_proc.exe,
om_proc.exe, and ap_proc.exe processes are all running at the active node.
z Check whether a process is running. In addition, check whether the process ID (PID)
remains unchanged by querying it repeatedly. Because the monitor process may
start the exceptional process frequently when an exception occurs. This results in
the existence of the process with its PID increasing constantly. .

5.4.4 Collection of Fault Locating Information

The collection of fault locating information depends on the system running status and
the fault type. The following section describes the required information based on the
fault type.

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I. Interface communication fault

These faults occur on the interface between the iGWB and the SoftX3000 or the billing
system. To remove such a fault, you need the following information:
z The parameter configuration file igwb.ini
z All the trace files
z IP address configuration and network connection state of the operating system

II. Bill exceptions

Bill exceptions may occur when you browse the bills or receive a complaint from a
subscriber. To remove such a fault, you need the following information:
z The parameter configuration file igwb.ini
z Bill format configuration files (all files in \Config\format under the installation
z The CDR and final bill of the exception

III. Start failure

Start failure includes various exceptions occurring during the start process of the iGWB.
To remove such a fault, you need the following information:
z The parameter configuration file igwb.ini
z Bill format configuration files (all files in \config\format under the installation
z All the trace files
z IP address configuration of the operating system

IV. Hardware faults

To locate hardware fault, check application logs and system logs in the Event Viewer. In
addition, you need to check the indicator of the disk array. If the indicator is red, it
indicates that the hard disk is damaged.

5.5 Common Trace Information and Maintenance

When running, the iGWB records the important running or fault information in the
specific trace files in C:\Igwb\Trace.
The common trace information and related maintenance methods are described as

5.5.1 Insufficient Available Space on the Front Save Disk

Open the file C:\Igwb\Config\Igwb.ini. Check the FrontSaveRootDir and

MinDiskAlarmRoom configuration items under [DiskFile]. Confirm the disk space for
CDRs (namely, front save disk bills) and the minimum space, and then check the
available space on the corresponding disk. If the available disk space is insufficient, it is

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recommended to reduce the value for DiskFile/DeadLineOfAutoDel, or delete some

bill files before the current date.
If the two parameters are not configured, the default values for them are the size of
D:\frontsave and 15% of the total disk space respectively.

5.5.2 Insufficient Available Space on the Back Save Disk

Open the C:\Igwb\Config\Igwb.ini file. Check the BackSaveRootDir and

MinDiskAlarmRoom configuration items under [DiskFile]. Confirm the disk space for
the final bills (back save disk bills) and the minimum space, and then check the
available space on the corresponding disk. If the available disk space is insufficient, it is
recommended to reduce the value for DiskFile/DeadLineOfAutoDel, or delete some
bill files before the current date.
If the two parameters are not configured, the default values for them are the size of
E:\backsave and 15% of the total disk space respectively.

5.5.3 Insufficient Available Space on the Backup Disk

Open the file C:\Igwb\Config\Igwb.ini. Check the parameter MinBakDeviceRoom

under [NetBackup] and [BackupTask*] (“*” represents the specific backup task
number). Then check the available space on the corresponding disk. If the disk space is
insufficient, it is recommended to replace the backup medium.
The value for MinBakDeviceRoom is 50 MB by default.

5.5.4 Insufficient Available Space on the Front Save Disk for Switchover

Open the file C:\Igwb\Config\Igwb.ini. Check the parameters FrontSaveRootDir and

MinDiskHandoverRoom under [DiskFile]. Confirm the disk space for the CDRs (front
save disk bills) and the minimum switchover space. Check the available space on the
corresponding disk. If the available disk space is insufficient, it is recommended to
reduce the value for DiskFile/DeadLineOfAutoDel, or delete some bill files before the
current date temporarily.
If the two parameters are not configured, the default values for them are the size of
D:\frontsave and 5% of the total disk space respectively.

5.5.5 Insufficient Available Space on the Back Save Disk for Switchover

Open the file C:\Igwb\Config\Igwb.ini. Check the BackSaveRootDir and

MinDiskAlarmRoom configuration parameters under the [DiskFile] configuration item.
Confirm the disk space for the final bills (back save disk bills) and the minimum
switchover space and then check the available space on the corresponding disk. If the
available disk space is insufficient, it is recommended to reduce the value for

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DiskFile/DeadLineOfAutoDel, or delete some bill files before the current date

If the two parameters are not configured, the default values for them are the size of
E:\backsave and 5% of the total disk space respectively.

5.5.6 Incorrect Access Point Type %d

Open the file C:\Igwb\Config\Igwb.ini. Check whether the APType parameter under
[AccessPointN] is correct. If the configuration is incorrect, you must correct the
AccessPointN is the parameter relating to a specific access point. N is the ID of the
access point, ranging from 1 to m. Where, m is the value of the APCount parameter
under [Common].
APType refers to the type of the access point and must be entered correctly.
Specifically, 0 is for 128, 1 for MSC, 2 for STP, 3 for PS, and 5 for SOFTX, iPAT.

5.5.7 Reading IP Address from MML Server Failed

Open the file C:\Igwb\Config\Igwb.ini. Check whether the MML parameter under the
[LocalIpToMMLClient] is correct. If the configuration is incorrect, you must correct the
LocalIpToMMLClient refers to the local IP address of the MML server that connects
with the MML Client (the iGWB Client). In other words, it is the IP address by which the
iGWB connects with the network management system.

5.5.8 Error Code %d Returned when Registering SOCKET

It is probable that the kernel process is not running. Check whether the kernel process
is running. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to display the Windows Task Manager window, and
click the Processes tab to see whether the kernel process (knl_proc.exe) exists. If the
process is not running, it is recommended to restart the iGWB Server process.

5.5.9 Kernel Process Not Running

For the cause and solution, refer to 5.5.8 .

5.5.10 Opening the Listening Port Failed

Open the file C:\Igwb\Config\Igwb.ini. Check whether the IP address and the port
number of the MML server under [MML] are correct. If not, correct the settings.
LocalIpToMMLClient refers to the local IP address of the MML server that connects
with the MML Client (the iGWB Client). In other words, it is the IP address by which the
iGWB connects with the network management system.

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LocalPortToCM refers to the MML maintenance port of the MML server. Its default
value is 6000.
LocalPortToAR refers to the MML alarm report port of the MML server. Its default value
is 6001.
LocalPortToRD refers to the MML debugging port of the MML server. Its default value
is 6007.

5.5.11 Activating Asynchronous Resource Failed

The asynchronous resource refers to the knl_proc.exe process. If the activation fails,
open the trace\knl_proc_trace.txt file to locate the cause of the failure. In addition, an
activation failure of the knl_proc.exe process may also be caused by its sub-processes
(ap_proc.exe and om_proc.exe). Therefore, also check ap_proc_trace.txt and
om_proc_trace.txt. For the specific methods, refer to 5.5.1 to 5.5.10 .

5.5.12 Activating Dual System Failed

The dual-system activation failure is caused by the activation failure of the

asynchronous resource. For the method of locating an activation failure of the
asynchronous resource, refer to 5.5.11 .

5.5.13 Unknown Heartbeat Type (%s)

Open the C:\Igwb\Config\Igwb.ini file. Check whether the Type parameter under the
[LinkN] is correct. If not, correct the setting.
The Type parameter indicates the types of the heartbeat links. It can be set to UDP or
COM. UDP represents a private network link; COM represents a serial port link. Any
other setting is incorrect.

5.5.14 Creating Heartbeat Link %d Failed

Check whether the heartbeat name and heartbeat type are correct. If the heartbeat
type is UDP, the LocalIp and PeerIp parameters must be correctly configured; if the
heartbeat type is COM, the Port parameter under [Link2] in the igwb.ini file must be
correctly configured.
Generally, such an error occurs when an inexistent local IP address or port number is

5.5.15 Heartbeat Link %d Interrupted

According to heartbeat name and heartbeat type, check whether the hardware
connection is normal among the network ports or serial ports for heartbeat transmission
between the dual systems, whether the IP address is set correctly, and whether the
peer end is running.

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Generally, such an error occurs because the peer is not running or the two ends are not
reachable from each other.

5.5.16 Starting the Failover

This message indicates that the local iGWB is faulty and switchover must be performed.
The switchover cause codes are described in Table 5-6.

Table 5-6 Switchover causes

cause code
Writing file failed, which is probably caused by insufficient disk

Front save disk space is insufficient. This means the available disk
1 space for CDRs is less than the minimum switchover space (5% of
the total disk space by default).

Back save disk space insufficient. This means the available disk
2 space for the final bills is less than the minimum switchover space
(5% of the total disk space by default).
Asynchronous resource failed. This indicates the knl_proc process
3 failed. For specific troubleshooting methods, refer to the trace
information in 3.6.11.
Activating the cls_proc.exe process failed. This is probably caused
by asynchronous resource activation failure or resource creation
failure. Such failure should be located according to the specific
trace information.
Resource failure. Resource failure includes virtual IP resource
5 failure, volume resource failure, and service failure. Refer to the
trace information for further troubleshooting.
A hard disk in the disk array is damaged. Replace the damaged

5.5.17 Failover Failed

The fault is probably caused by two reasons. One is that when the local iGWB is faulty
and the iGWB is about to perform the Failover operation, the local iGWB detects that all
heartbeats are interrupted. The other cause is when the peer end receives the Failover
command, it fails to activate itself.
This fault occurs on the local iGWB. So, check if the peer is running and remove the
faults on the peer end.

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5.5.18 Failover Response End Failed

This fault results from the following cause: the local iGWB attempts to activate itself
when it receives the Failover command, but it fails.
Check other specific trace information to locate the activation failure.

5.5.19 Starting the Handover Operation

This fault occurs when:

z The active server is initializing in the asynchronous mode, no matter whether the
standby server is active.
z One end receives a Handover command from its peer when you perform
switchover manually.
z Both ends are not active and free of fault. When one end finds that the time since
last activation is larger than that of its peer, it triggers this operation. If the time is
equal on the two ends, the active server triggers this operation.
z The local end is free of fault but its peer is faulty.

5.5.20 Activation Failed for Specified Times and Cannot Be Performed Again

The activation fails several times (3 by default) on the local iGWB, so the local end
temporarily stops the activation attempts and enters the FAILDOWN state. The local
iGWB is back to the normal state after an hour and starts the activation operation again.
The process is repeated until the heartbeat links become normal again.

5.6 Handling Common Faults

5.6.1 Logging in to CDR console failed

Title Description
Reference level 

Related fault None

Symptom Logging in to the CDR console failed
1) The iGWB is not running.
If you enter the correct username and password to log in to
Cause and solution the CDR console but the system prompts “Connecting the
server failed, relogin?”, it indicates that the iGWB is not
running or running abnormally. In this case, start or restart
the iGWB and log in to the CDR console again.

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Title Description
2) Network fault occurs.
When you work on the CDR console, for example, browse
the bills or log information, if the system displays a prompt
as shown in the following figure, it indicates that the network
is faulty. In this case, check the network connectivity, or quit
the Client and reconnect the network.

3) The iGWB is switched over.

When you work on the CDR console, if the iGWB is switched
over, the connection between the Client and the Server will
be interrupted until you log in to the iGWB again after the

5.6.2 Billing System failed to decode ASN.1 bills

Title Description
Reference level 

Related problem None

The billing system feeds back that decoding the ASN.1 bills
received from the iGWB failed. However, no exception is
found when you check the back save disk bill file with the
Symptom same name in the equipment room.
View the bills collected in the billing system with UltraEdit
and you may find the content 0D 0A.

Many causes may result in the above fault. A common cause

is that the Billing System collects the bills in a wrong FTP
mode. When collecting the ASN.1 bill files, the binary mode
of FTP must be used. However, most operating systems use
the text mode of FTP by default.
Cause and solution
So, if the fault occurs, change the FTP mode used in the
Billing System and collect the bill files again.
For the bills in binary format, if the billing system uses the
wrong FTP mode when collecting the bills, the fault will
occur, too. Follow the same solution as above.

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5.6.3 Serial Port Alarm

Title Description
Reference level 

Related Problem none

The iGWB reports that the heartbeat of the serial port is
interrupted. Check whether it is correct for the hardware
connection of the iGWB dual system and the cables of the
serial port.
Many causes may result in the alarm. The most possible
causes and solutions are listed below:
1) The hardware is configured for a single system, but
the software is configured for a dual system.
2) If there is only one PC or server for the iGWB, then set
the parameters [Common]/NoCluster
(V200R002B01) and [Common]/ClusterMode
(V200R002B02) in the C:\iGWB\Config\ini\igwb.ini
file to 1 and 0 respectively.
Cause and solution
3) The cables of the serial port are not connected. If so,
connect the cables and reset the iGWB program.
4) Serial port configuration for some special server
types. In C:\iGWB\Config\ini\igwb.ini, COM1 of the
server is defaulted as the second heartbeat link.
However, the IBM X343server only has one serial port
COM2. So, if the iGWB hardware is IBM X343server,
you must change the parameter [Link2]/port from 1 to
2 in C:\iGWB\Config\ini\igwb.ini, and then rest the
iGWB program.

5.6.4 Bulb Icon Not Displayed

Title Description
Reference level 

Related problem None

The bulb icon of the iGWB is not displayed in the status
area on the Taskbar at the lower right corner of the screen,
Symptom but operators can log in to the iGWB from the maintenance
console. In addition, operations like bill browsing are all

The iGWB is activated depending on the PWD service.

Thus, when the PWD service starts the iGWB application,
the main interface of the Windows operating system is
Cause and solution probably not ready so that the bulb icon of the cls_proc
process cannot be displayed.
In this case, run c:\igwb\showicon.exe, the indicator icon
will then be displayed.

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5.6.5 Exceptional Power-Down of the IBM Disk Array

Title Description
Reference level 

Related problem 5.6.20 Starting the IBM Server Failed

The IBM disk array is powered on again after power-down
but the server stops in the BOIS boot phase. And the
system displays the following prompt.


Exceptional power-down results in the inconsistency

between the configuration of the disk array and that of the
RAID card.
To solve the problem, follow the steps below:
1) Press Ctrl+I to enter the BOIS program
Mini_Configuration of the ServerRaid, and then the
main menu is displayed.
View controller status
View configuration
Advanced function
Select Advanced function.
2) Enter the Advanced function to display the
Restore to factory default setting
Copy the configuration from drivers to the
Cause and solution Configuration Bios Settings
View controller and PCI information
Select Copy the configuration from drivers to the
3) Then, the following is displayed at the upper right
corner of the screen:
Copy the configuration from drivers to the
controller (Y/N)
Enter Y.
4) Then “Processing...” is displayed on the screen for
about one minute. Then “Status 0000h” is displayed,
which means the processing is complete.
Quit the submenu and the main menu, and then the
system prompts you to press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart
the system.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

5.6.6 How to Validate Changed Parameters Quickly?

Title Description
Reference level 

Related problem none

Activate the iGWB parameters with the simplest operation
after they are changed/added by the operator.

After changing/adding the parameters, you must reset the

iGWB to activate them. There is a simple operation. But
before using this operation, you must have the PWD
service activated.
1) Open C:\iGWB\Config\ini\igwb.ini and change/add the
Cause and solution required parameters.
2) Save C:\iGWB\Config\ini\igwb.ini.
3) Run C:\iGWB\KillCluster.exe to quit the iGWB
program. But under the monitor of the PWD service,
the iGWB is reset again.
The changed/added software parameters are activated.

5.6.7 Start Sequence for the iGWB Dual System

Title Description
Reference level 

5.6.5 Exceptional Power-Down of the IBM Disk Array

Related fault
5.6.8 Stop Sequence for the iGWB Dual system

Symptom None
The correct start sequence for the dual system is as
1) Start the disk arrays (If there are two disk arrays, start
them in either sequence).
Cause and solution
2) Start the active iGWB PC server. Wait for 3 – 5

3) Start the standby iGWB PC server.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

5.6.8 Stop Sequence for the iGWB Dual system

Title Description
Reference level 

5.6.5 Exceptional Power-Down of the IBM Disk Array

Related problem
5.6.7 Start Sequence for the iGWB Dual System

Symptom None

The correct stop sequence is as follows:

1) Stop the standby iGWB small device/PC server.

2) Stop the active iGWB small device/PC server.

Cause and solution
3) Stop the disk arrays (If there are two disk arrays, stop
them in either sequence).
Always stop the iGWB program first, and then stop the
operating system. Do not cut the power supply when the
operating system is running.

5.6.9 BS Not Fetch CDRs for a Long Time

Title Description
Reference level 

Related problem none

The iGWB frequently reports that the billing system has not
fetched the CDRs for long.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

Title Description
The iGWB reports the above alarm when bills are
accumulated in the directory of e:\backsave\Second.
If the office is not cut over yet (that is, the iGWB has not
interconnected with the billing system), the alarm is
normal. Otherwise, check the alarm parameter in the
detailed alarm description. This parameter indicates the
channel where the bills are accumulated. Then check the
directory corresponding to the channel, to see whether bills
are accumulated. If yes, check if the link between the
iGWB and the billing system is interrupted, or confirm with
the billing system whether the bill-collecting frequency is
too low.
In addition, for some product lines, though the iGWB sorts
Cause and solution several channels, the billing system only needs the bills
under the specific channels. So, the billing system will not
collect the bills under other channels. For example, when
applied in the wireless packet domain, the iGWB
generates bills like S-CDR, G-CDR, and M-CDR. However,
S-CDRs are used for billing while G-CDRs and M-CDRs
are not. In this case, configure the related software
parameters to stop the iGWB generating the second bill
copy in the corresponding channels where G-CDRs and
M-CDRs are generated. For example, if the G-CDR
channel number is 2, then configure as follows:
In Channel1-2, 1 indicates the access point ID and 2
indicates the channel number.

5.6.10 How to Install the iGWB on a Device with Only One Network Adapter?

Title Description
Reference level 

Related fault 5.6.11 How to Install the iGWB on a Device with C:\ Only?
When the iGWB is to be installed on a device with only one
network adapter/IP address, but it is required to configure
Symptom two links for the communications between the iGWB and
the switch, how to solve the problem of insufficient IP
In some cases, two lines are required on the iGWB to
communicate with the switch. For a device with a single IP
Cause and solution address, you can configure some software parameters to
solve the problem:
1) Set the parameter [Common]/ClusterMode to 0.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

Title Description

2) Configure [AccessPoint1]/LocalIpToE as the local

IP address, for example,

3) Set [AccessPoint1]/LocalIpToExBak to

5.6.11 How to Install the iGWB on a Device with C:\ Only?

Title Description
Reference level 

5.6.10 How to Install the iGWB on a Device with Only One

Related fault
Network Adapter

The iGWB software cannot be started when the iGWB is

installed on a device with C:\ only.

For a Windows platform, the iGWB basically requires the

operating system to have three logical drives C:\, D:\, and
E:\. If there is only C:\, configure the file
C:\iGWB\Config\ini\igwb.ini as follows:
QBTmpResult = c:\other\querybrowse

LogRootDir = c:\other\log
Cause and solution ArchiveDir = c:\other\log_archive

AlarmHistoryPath = c:\other\alarm

PerfRootDir = c:\other\perf

BackupStatusFile = c:\StatusFile\Status

PersistUser = c:\other\mml
DownLoadSoft = c:\other\dld_soft

CdrStatRootDir = c:\other\cdrstat

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

5.6.12 Process Watch Dog Service Not Found in the Services After the iGWB
Is Uninstalled or Upgraded

Title Description
Reference level 

Related fault None

When the new iGWB is installed after the old version is
Symptom uninstalled, the Process Watch Dog Service cannot be
found in the Services Manager.

This is a defect of the release. Because the PWD service

has been stopped manually before the old iGWB is
uninstalled and the new iGWB is installed before the
service window is closed, this causes the PWD service
Cause and solution cannot be installed. To avoid this problem, close the
service window before you install the new version of the
Note: This problem has been solved in the new iGWB
version released after April 27, 2004.

5.6.13 The iGWB Generates a CDR of 3 MB for Only a Few Calls

Title Description
Reference level 

Related fault None

The iGWB generates a 3 MB-sized CDR file for one or two
calls, but only one or two CDRs are found at the Client.

This is normal. The iGWB provides 3 MB-sized space to

store the bill files when receiving an CDR. This bill file is
empty at first, and then overwritten until valid data exceeds
Cause and solution 3 MB. Then, the iGWB creates another 3 MB-sized file.
Such a file is closed when you stop the iGWB or the bill
spans two days. In this case, the invalid excessive data will
be cut and the CDR becomes smaller too.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

5.6.14 Connection Failure during Network Backup

Title Description
Reference level 

Related fault 5.5.16 Starting the Failover

The iGWB reports the alarm “Network connect fail”
repeatedly and the alarm cannot be cleared. The setting of
the FTP server is correct, but the backup fails. The backup
data configured in the igwb.ini file is shown as follows:
Symptom DestHostIP = ;Destination host IP
LocalIP = ;Local host IP address
BackupTaskCount=1 ;Total number of backup tasks
If the password is in plain text, change the value of
BeforeEncode from 0 to 1, and then restart the iGWB.
When backing up the network, if the password is
configured in plain text for the first time, the value of
BeforeEncode must be set to 1. The iGWB will
Cause and solution
automatically encrypt the password into cipher text when it
is running, and the value of BeforeEncode will be
automatically changed to 0. After this, it is not necessary to
configure the password and BeforeEncode parameters

5.6.15 Filtering ASN.1 CDRs Failed

Title Description
Reference level 

Related fault None

Symptom Filtering ASN.1 CDRs failed.
This is because the cdr_filter.ini file is created manually.
However, the file extension is hidden by default. So, after
the system automatically adds the extension .txt to the file,
the file name becomes cdr_filter.ini.txt. This results in field
filtering error.
Cause and solution
Solution: If the cdr_filter.ini file is created manually, open
My Computer and select View\Folder options. Then
select the View tab and uncheck Hide file extensions for
known file types. Then create the cdr_filter.ini file. Or
use the default cdr_filter.ini file after the iGWB is installed.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

5.6.16 Softswitch Always Receives the “Network Backup Error” Alarm from
the iGWB

Title Description
Reference level 

Related fault 5.6.14 Connection Failure

The bills can be collected normally after the iGWB is
installed and the file igwb.ini is configured, but a critical
Symptom alarm of “Network backup error” is reported every five
minutes on Softswitch. Network backup is not required on
View the configuration file igwb.ini. In [NetBackup], the
value of BackupTaskCount is 1 and some other backup
parameters are also wrongly configured. Currently, the
Cause and solution
office does not need network backup, so set the parameter
[NetBackup]/BackupTaskCount to 0. The problem is
solved after the iGWB is restarted.

5.6.17 Reading/Writing StatusFileB Failed When the iGWB Is Started

Title Description
Reference level 

Related fault 5.6.11 How to Install the iGWB on a Device with C:\ Only?

The bulb icon is not on after the iGWB is installed. Check

Symptom the trace file and find there are records regarding
StatusFileB reading and writing failure.
Check the device and find there are drives C:\ and D:\ but
no E:\ on the device. However, the iGWB writes the backup
status file and back save disk bills to E:\ by default.
Solution: Add drive E:\. In Computer Management
window, select Disk Management, and add a logical disk.
Cause and solution
Or configure the following parameters in the
C:\iGWB\Config\ini\igwb.ini file:
BackSaveRootDir = d:\backsave
BakStatusRootDir = d:\StatusFileB
StatusBackupSrcDir = d:\StatusFile\Status

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

5.6.18 Browsing Sorted Bills in the Default Directory Failed

Title Description
Reference level 

Related fault None

Symptom None
The bills of invalid types are sorted to the default directory.
These bills are useless to the office. Therefore, it is
meaningless to display these bills.
Cause and solution
Generally, it is abnormal that the default directory contains
any bills. Therefore, contact the R&D personnel
immediately to check if there is any problem.

5.6.19 Unstable Network Connection Between the iGWB and SoftX3000

Title Description
Reference level 

Related fault None

Ping the IP address of SoftX3000 ( on the
iGWB. It is found that the connection is unstable. Then run
ipconfig on the iGWB. It is found that its virtual IP is
unstable, too.

Cause: On the commissioning site, the virtual IP of the

Operation and Maintenance Console (OMC) is set to (which is already set as the IP address for
heartbeat). However, there is no network cable to connect
the two nodes of the dual system for heartbeat. This makes
the IP address invalid. In this case, the iGWB
Cause and solution restarts repeatedly and its virtual IP is not
validated. Therefore, no IP address on the iGWB is in the
same subnet as (the IP of the softswitch) and
thus the connection between the iGWB and SoftX3000.
Solution: Connect the network cable for heartbeat of the
dual system correctly. Connect the network cable with the
first network adapter of the OMC correctly.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

5.6.20 Starting the IBM Server Failed

Title Description
Reference level 

Related fault 5.6.5 Exceptional Power-Down of the IBM Disk Array

On the commissioning site, connect the IBM Server X343
and disk array EXP300 cables, and then power on. In the
BOIS boot phase, an exception is prompted on the IBM
Server X343:
Symptom Time-out failure during SCSI Inquiry command!
Rescanning for SCSI devices.....
Based on this prompt, press Ctrl+I to enter the RAID card
settings interface, and then select the View configuration
menu. The system prompts “No logical device found”.
The most possible cause is the Small Computer Systems
Interface (SCSI) cable between the IBM Server X343 and
the EXP300 is not connected to the right interface on the
IBM Server. As shown in the following figure, the SCSI
cable is often connected to the interface H, but the correct
interface is C.

Cause and solution

To solve the problem, power down first. Connect the SCSI

cable to the right interface. Then restart the server.

5.6.21 How to Install the iGWB and BAM on the Same Device?

Title Description
Reference level 

Related fault None

Sometimes, it is required to install the Back Administration
Module (BAM) of the SoftX3000 or MsoftX3000 on the
same device as the iGWB. Though it is not recommended,
the following introduces how to do so.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

Title Description
Add the following parameters under [MML] in the igwb.ini
file on the sever.
LocalPortToCM = 6000
LocalPortToAR = 6001
LocalPortToRD = 6007
LocalPortToAlarmBox = 6100
LocalPortToPF = 6002
LocalPortToSynConf = 6099
All the values above are default values that will conflict with
the BAM. You need to change the values to avoid port

Revise C:\winnt\UICONFIG.ini (please confirm the actual

path if the system directory is not C:\winnt) on the Client.
Cause and solution MAINTAINPORT=6000 Change this port to the same port
of LocalPortToCM on the server.
DEBUGPORT=6007 Change this port to the same port of
LocalPortToRD on the server.

The following values have been tested in the lab.

In the igwb.ini file:
LocalPortToCM = 6216
LocalPortToAR = 6217
LocalPortToRD = 6224
LocalPortToAlarmBox = 6316
LocalPortToPF = 6218
LocalPortToSynConf = 6299
In the UICONFIG.ini file:

5.7 System Alarms

This chapter introduces the internal alarms of the iGWB. The alarms are listed in
Table 5-7.

Table 5-7 System alarms

Alarm Alarm
Index Alarm NMS category
type level

ALM-3201 Insufficient Disk Space Fault Critical Software system

BS Not Fetch Bills for a

ALM-3203 Fault Major Software system
Long Time

ALM-3205 Heartbeat Interruption Fault Critical Software system

ALM-3207 Cluster Switchover Fault Critical Software system

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

Alarm Alarm
Index Alarm NMS category
type level
Private Network
ALM-3209 Fault Critical Software system
Service Resource
ALM-3211 Fault Critical Software system

ALM-3213 IP Resource Failure Fault Critical Software system

Volume Resource
ALM-3215 Fault Critical Software system

ALM-3217 Hard disk Failure Fault Critical Software system

ALM-3219 Write File Failure Event Critical Software system

ALM-3221 Abnormal CDR Event Critical Software system

ALM-3223 File Backup Failure Event Critical Software system

Backup Connection
ALM-3225 Fault Critical Software system

ALM-3227 CPU Busy Fault Critical Software system

Insufficient Available
ALM-3229 Fault Critical Software system

Unauthorized Client
ALM-3231 Event Major Software system

ALM-3233 License Notice Event Major Software system

ALM-3235 Cluster Handover Event Major Software system

ALM-3237 Hardware Failure Fault Critical Software system

ALM-3239 Software Reset Event Major Software system

User Information
ALM-3253 Event Major Software system

Insufficient Disk Space

ALM-3255 Fault Major Software system

Insufficient Available
ALM-3257 Fault Major Software system
Memory (major)

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

5.7.1 ALM-3201 Insufficient Disk Space

Title Description
The disk space for storing CDRs, final bills, or backup files
Alarm description
is lower than the minimum space.
Alarm parameter Disk type: 0-Front save; 1-Back save; 2-Backup disk
z For a dual system, it may cause active/standby
Impact on system
z For a single system, the bills cannot be saved so that
they may be lost or not backed up.
System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
The disk space is insufficient to store CDRs, final bills, or
Possible cause
backup files.

According to the alarm parameter, find the specific disk

Solution and then delete expired bills, or reduce the time for storing

5.7.2 ALM-3203 BS Not Fetch CDRs for a Long Time

Title Description
Alarm description The billing center has not fetched the bills for long.
Alarm parameter Channel No.: Channel ID, access point ID.

Impact on system None

System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
Possible cause Connecting with the billing system failed.
z Check whether the connection between the iGWB and
the billing system.
z Check whether FTP or FTAM runs normally.
z Check whether the billing system runs normally.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

5.7.3 ALM-3205 Heartbeat Interruption

Title Description
In the dual system, the private network and serial ports
Alarm description used for heartbeat have not received any signal from the
peer end for long.

Alarm parameter None

Impact on system None
System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
The private network and serial ports for heartbeat of the
Possible cause
dual system are not connected well.
z Check whether both nodes of the dual system are
z Check if the cable between the serial ports is correctly
Solution connected.
z Check if the private network cable is correctly
z Check if the IP addresses are correctly set.

5.7.4 ALM-3207 Cluster Switchover

Title Description
Alarm description The active server runs abnormally.
Alarm parameter None
Impact on system None

System response None

z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
Possible cause The active server runs abnormally.
Check whether there are some concurrent/subsequent
alarms. Then remove the fault in time.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

5.7.5 ALM-3209 Private Network Interruption

Title Description
The two nodes of the dual system cannot communicate
Alarm description
with each other through the private network for heartbeat.
Alarm parameter 0-Private network 1; 1-Private network 2.
Heartbeat No.: It may result in synchronization or
Impact on system
switchover failure.

System response None

z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
The two nodes of the dual system cannot communicate
Possible cause
with each other through the private network for heartbeat.
z Check the private network and IP addresses.
z Check if the network cables are correctly connected.

5.7.6 ALM-3211 Service Resource Failure

Title Description
Alarm description The FTP or FTAM service does not run.
Alarm parameter Service resource No.: 0-FTP service; 1-FTAM service

Impact on system The billing system cannot fetch the bills.

System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
Possible cause The FTP or FTAM service runs abnormally.
Solution Check the related service and restart it.

5.7.7 ALM-3213 IP Resource Failure

Title Description
The active server cannot use a virtual IP of the dual
Alarm description

Alarm parameter IP resource No.: Virtual IP No.

It may cause communication failure with the billing system,
Impact on system
the softswitch, and the NMS console.
System response None

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

Title Description
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
The active server cannot use a virtual IP of the dual
Possible cause

Check whether the network adapter bound with the IP

address is disabled or the network cable is unplugged.

5.7.8 ALM-3215 Volume Resource Failure

Title Description
The active server detects that some volume resource for
Alarm description
bill storage is not available.
Alarm parameter Volume No.: 0-Front save; 1-Back save.
Impact on system CDRs or final bills may not be stored.
System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
The active server detects that some volume resource for
Possible cause
bill storage is not available.

Locate the volume based on the alarm parameter and

check whether the data line of the disk is connected well.

5.7.9 ALM-3217 Hardware Failure

Title Description
Alarm description The system detects an I/O read/write error on a hard disk.

Alarm parameter Slot No.: slot number for the hardware

Impact on system Bills cannot be saved and may be lost.
System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
Possible cause I/O read/write error occurs on a hard disk.

Locate the specific hard disk based on the alarm

parameter and replace it immediately.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

5.7.10 ALM-3219 Write File Failure

Title Description
Alarm description The iGWB cannot store CDRs, final bills or backup bills.

Bill type: 0-CDR; 1-Final; 2-Backup

Alarm parameter File name: Channel ID, the name of the bill file failed to be

Impact on system Bills may be lost.

System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
Possible cause The iGWB cannot store CDRs, final bills or backup bills.

Based on the alarm parameter, check whether there is no

Solution remaining space on the corresponding disk and whether
the directory is writable.

5.7.11 ALM-3221 Abnormal CDR

Title Description
Alarm description The iGWB detects some abnormal CDR.
Error type: Channel ID, error type (0-Length of CDR;
Alarm parameter
1-Enoding; 2-Decoding; 3-CDR type; 4-Duplicate CDR)
Impact on system None
System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
Possible cause Bill length or decoding error.
z Check if the length of the bill (for fixed-length bills) or
the ASN.1 description is correct.

5.7.12 ALM-3223 File Backup Failure

Title Description
Alarm description The iGWB detects a bill backup failure.

Alarm parameter Backup ID: the sequence number of the backup task
Impact on system None
System response None

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

Title Description
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
z The write authority is not given to the operator, or the
Possible cause directory name is incorrect.
z The available space on the FTP disk is insufficient.
z Check if the operator has write authority or if the
directory name is correct.
z Locate the disk based on the alarm parameter. Delete
expired bill files or reduce the time for storing bills.

5.7.13 ALM-3225 Backup Connection Failure

Title Description
Alarm description The iGWB fails to connect with the destination device.
Alarm parameter Backup ID: the sequence number of the backup task
Impact on system None

System response None

z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
Possible cause The iGWB cannot connect with the destination device.
z Check whether the iGWB can connect with the
destination device.
z Check whether the backup parameters in the igwb.ini
file are all correct.

5.7.14 ALM-3227 CPU Busy

Title Description
Alarm description The iGWB detects that the CPU usage is too high.
Alarm parameter None
Impact on system None
System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
Possible cause Several programs are running simultaneously.
Solution Stop some of the programs.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

5.7.15 ALM-3229 Insufficient Available Memory

Title Description
Alarm description The iGWB detects that the memory is insufficient.
Alarm parameter None
Impact on system None
System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
Possible cause Several programs are running simultaneously.
Solution Stop some of the programs.

5.7.16 ALM-3231 Unauthorized Client Login

Title Description
Alarm description The Client attempted unauthorized login for several times.
z Error type: 0-Too many login failures; 1-Login during
Alarm parameter unauthorized period.
z Login information: User IP, user name.
Impact on system None
System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
z The Client failed to log in for several times.
Possible cause z The Client attempted to log in during unauthorized
Find the IP address and unauthorized user name from the
iGWB log, and stop the unauthorized login.

5.7.17 ALM-3233 License Notice

Title Description
Alarm description The License is about to expire or is illegal.
Alarm type: 0-Invalid License; 1-Temporary License
Alarm parameter expired.
Alarm description: The detailed causes of the alarm.
The bill service functions of the iGWB cannot be used if the
Impact on system
License is illegal or the temporary License expires.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

Title Description
The iGWB cannot start the access point process to
System response
process the bills.
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
z The current License is unauthorized.
Possible cause z The validity time of the temporary License is less than
seven days.

Solution Apply for a valid License.

5.7.18 ALM-3235 Cluster Handover

Title Description
Alarm description The operator executes switchover manually.
Alarm parameter None
Impact on system None
The system automatically switched from the active server
System response
to the standby server.

z Child alarm: None

Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None

The operator executes switchover manually on the service

Possible cause
Solution None

5.7.19 ALM-3237 Hardware Failure

Title Description
Some hardware of the iGWB, such as a disk, CPU, fan, or
Alarm description
power module, is faulty.

Hardware ID: 1-Disk; 2-Temperature; 3-Fan; 4-Power

Alarm parameter

z Disk failure can cause bill storage failure.

z Overhigh temperature of the CPU can cause
switchover (in a dual system) or system crash (in a
single system).
Impact on system
z Fan failure can cause overhigh temperature of the
z Power module failure can cause the iGWB failure and
bill loss.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Chapter 5 System Maintenance

Title Description
In a dual system, the iGWB automatically switches over
System response
the nodes.
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
z Hardware failure
z Overhigh temperature of the CPU
Possible cause
z Fan failure
z Power module failure
z Find the specific faulty hardware based on the alarm
Solution z If the temperature of CPU is overhigh, stop other
z Replace the faulty hardware.

5.7.20 ALM-3239 Software Reset

Title Description
Alarm description The iGWB is restarted.
z Cause value: 0-System-triggered switchover;
1-Operator-made switchover.
Alarm parameter
z Operator: The operator that resets the iGWB is “_” by
Impact on system None
System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
z The operator restarts the iGWB.
Possible cause z The operator executes the killcluster.exe program.
z Switchover is performed in the dual system.
Solution None

5.7.21 ALM-3253 User information Change

Title Description
The operator adds, deletes, or modifies the user
Alarm description

z Update type: 0-Add; 1-Delete; 2-Modify.

Alarm parameter
z Update detail: Update operating IP, updated user name.

Impact on system None

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Title Description
System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
Possible cause None
Solution None

5.7.22 ALM-3255 Insufficient Disk Space (major)

Title Description
The disk space for storing CDRs, final bills or backup bills
Alarm description
is lower than the minimum value.
Medium type: 0-Front save; 1-Back save; 2-Backup
Alarm parameter
Impact on system It may trigger the alarm for insufficient disk space.

System response None

z Child alarm: None

Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None

The medium space that stores CDRs, final bills or backup

Possible cause
bills is lower than the minimum value.
According to the alarm parameter, locate the specific disk.
Delete expired bills, or reduce the time for storing bills.

5.7.23 ALM-3257 Insufficient Available Memory (major)

Title Description
Alarm description The memory is lower than the minimum value
Alarm parameter None
Impact on system None
System response None
z Child alarm: None
Correlative alarms
z Parent alarm: None
Possible cause Several programs are running simultaneously.
Solution Stop some of the programs.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Appendix A CDR Farmat

A.1 Bill Interface Data between iGWB and U-SYS SoftX3000

According to the switch bill format definition, this article introduces the NGN standards
and requirements and redefinines the unified NGN bill format. Table A-1 lists the bill
interface data between the iGWB V2 and the U-SYS SoftX3000.

Table A-1 U-SYS SoftX3000 bill interface data

Original bill Default

Product Version bytes (header final bill remarks
csn not included) bytes
This is the oldest
version. It is
SoftX3000 V300R001 156 140 (CDR) stable and not
developped any

This is the
current main
V300R002 246 250 (CDR) version and no

Versions This is the

earlier than over-TR4A
460 464 (CDR)
V300R003B version and used
01D026 by some offices.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Original bill Default

Product Version bytes (header final bill remarks
csn not included) bytes
This version has
been in use
since May, 2005.
it is now tested in
some offices.
The primary
server uses the
compressed bill
format. The bill
format is
including the
basic part and
Versions the variable part.
later than The variable part
590 554 CDR)
V300R003B cosnists of
01D027 several
matchable field
sets. A field set is
decided by the
parameter set on
the primary
server. However,
the network
module of the
iGWB uses the
590-byte format.
Other field sets
are filled with

z It is recommended that the final bill version be consistent with the commissioning
z The CDR formats change frequently, so this format is for reference only.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

A.2 U-SYS SoftX3000 iGWB CDR Format (464 Bytes)

A.2.1 Fixed IN bill

Field Offset Remark
Equal to the serial number in GB standard, but
csn 4 0 the system adopts the internal serial number.
Refer to the last 4 bytes in bill.
11: fixed network bill
net_type 1 4
22: mobile network bill

bill_type 1 5 0x03: IN call record

Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly, it is only a kind of checking mode, this
check_sum 1 6
field is not available in GB standard and
occupies one byte.

It is always 0, indicating a single record

reserved when intelligent bill integrates with
ordinary bill, therefore, it overlaps with charging
0.5 7 record indicator and is different from that in GB
standard. It uses one byte together with validity
flag and reserved bit, and this indicator uses the
lower 4 bits in this byte.

It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

0.125 7.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Spared 0.375 7.625 Spared bit

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Indicating that which fields are available in bill, 0
for this field is not available in bill, 1 for this field
is available in bill. This field is used for the
realization of ACR program in INAP operation,
and is useless to the user. This field is not
available in GB standard. Each field flag
occupies a bit, as shown below:
Caller number address indicator flag, 0 for not
indicated, 1 for indicated, the same hereafter.
caller number flag
location number address indicator flag
charging category indicator flag
charging mode indicator flag
partial record indicator flag
location number indicator flag
called number address indicator flag
called number flag
destination number address indicator flag
Intelligent destination number flag
Bill Related 4 8 charging number address information flag
charging number flag
incoming trunk indicator flag
outgoing trunk indicator flag
answering time flag
call end time flag
conversation duration flag
call charging flag
traffic type flag
release cause flag
indicator flag
call subscriber category flag
bearer capability flag
final service flag
tariff adjustment flag
premium flag
transparent charging flag
with other 4 bits reserved

Record type 1 12 0x03: IN record

Charging Used for AC operation in INAP, ranging 1-127.
Record 2 13 This field is not available in GB standard and is
Indicator useless for the user.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Charging It is the same as the category field of charging
2 15
Category rate in GB standard, ranging 1~1000.
Equal to the charging/free of charge identifier in
1 17 GB standard, 0 for free of charge, 1 for
The same as the partial record indicator field in
GB standard.
For the bill with overlong conversation duration,
it is allowed to split the conversation into
multiple bills to record the call case, and the
1 18 values are as follows:
0 for single bill
1 for the first bill of this call
2 for the intermediate part bill of this call
3 for the last bill of this call
It is the same as the meanings of caller number
address nature indicator in GB standard, and is
Caller a repetition of address nature indicator in caller
number number description. The actual meanings are
address 1 19 as follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number , 4 for
international valid number

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
It includes 2 fields: calling number address
nature indicator and caller number, which is
inherited from AC operation number
description. Only the address nature and
number content are useful to the user. The
specific meanings are as follows:
Address nature indicator: 7 bits, in which, 0 for
spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for spared,
3 for domestic valid number , 4 for international
valid number
Odd/even indicator: 1 bit, 0 for address
information is even, 1 for address information is
mask indicator: 2 bits, 0 for provided by the
subscriber and not checked, 1 for provided by
number 14 20
the user, checked and passed, 2 for provided by
the user, checked to be faulty, 3 for provided by
the network
Address presentation restriction indicator: 2
bits, 0 for presentation allowed and 1 for
presentation restricted
Numbering plan indicator: 3 bits, 0 for spared, 1
for ISDN number plan, 3 for data number plan, 4
for subscriber telex number plan
Caller number incomplete indicator: 1 bit, 0 for
complete number, 1 for incomplete number
Number length: 5 bits
Spared: 3 bits
Content of number: 11 bytes, BCD code

It is the same as the called number address

nature indicator in GB standard, and is
location arepetition of address nature in called number
Address description. The actual meanings are as
1 34 follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number, 4 for
international valid number

number 14 35 Refer to the caller number description
It is the same as the called number address
nature indicator in GB standard, and is
Called arepetition of address nature in called number
number description. The actual meanings are as
address 1 49 follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number, 4 for
international valid number

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Refer to the caller number description, but mask
indicator and address presentation restriction
number 14 50
indicator are not contained, and the 4 bits
occupied by these 2 fields are spared bit.
It is the same as the translation number address
nature indicator in GB standard, and is a
Destination repetition of address nature in destination
number number description. The actual meanings are
address 1 64 as follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number, 4 for
international valid number

number 14 65 Refer to the called number description.
Equal to the charge party ID indicator in GB
1 79 standard. Refer to GB standard for the
The same as the charge number address
1 80 nature indicator. Refer to GB standard for
specific meanings.

charging 11 81 BCD code

trunk_group It is the same as the incoming trunk group

2 92
_in identifier.

trunk_group It is the same as the outgoing trunk group

2 94
_out identifier.

Equal to the answering time and time field in GB

standard, but not to the accuracy of 100mm. It is
ans_time 6 96 in the YYMMDDHHMMSS format, these 6 bytes
record year, month, day, hour, minute, second
in the BCD form in order.
Equal to the conversation end time and time
field in GB standard, but not to the accuracy of
6 102 100mm. It is in the YYMMDDHHMMSS format,
n end time
these 6 bytes record year, month, day, hour,
minute, second in the BCD form in order.
The duration of this IN conversation recorded
conversatio by SoftX3000, expressed with long interger, the
4 108
n_time unit is equal to IN charging precision 10ms of

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
4 112 The same as international charge field.
n charge
The same as the traffic type field in GB
standard. At present, only local call, national
Traffic type 0.5 116
originated call and international originated call
are used. Refer to GB standard.
Equal to the conversation end cause in GB
Release standard. At present, only caller onhook, called
0.5 116.5
cause onhook and abnormal end are used. Refer to
GB standard.

1.5 117 The same as that in GB standard.

Identifier 0.5 118.5 This field is invalid and will not be used.
It includes selection type and selection value.
The meanings are as follows:
Selection type occupies one byte, and is not
Bearer available in GB standard, and is useless to the
3 119
capability subscriber.
Selection value is equal to the bearer service in
GB standard, and is fixed at 1 and in character
form. Refer to GB standard for it.
Equal to the teleservice in GB standard. The
value is fixed at 1, refer to GB standard for it. If
no other location fields are added, actually only
Service type 0.5 122 one byte will be occupied.
Service type occupies 4 bits and uses the lower
4 bits in the byte, and 4 bits are spared.

Spared 0.5 - -
Equal to the charge adjustment coefficient in
GB standard. The structure in character form is
shown as follows:
Tariff 4 123
Charge adjustment ratio: occupies 2 bytes
Charge adjustment type: occupies 2 bytes, refer
to GB standard for the meanings.

Equal to IN premium in GB standard, but only

Premium 4 127 premium value is included, excluding premium

20 131 -

RxFlux 4 151 -
TxFlux 4 155 -

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Caller side
gateway/ 4 159 -
terminal IP

Caller side
gateway/ 4 163 -
terminal IP

Caller side
soft switch
4 167 -
IP address
Called side
soft switch
4 171 -
IP address

Reserve 289 175 -
Total length
of 464 -

A.2.2 Fixed Ordinary Detail Bill Format

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill generated after
csn 4 0
switch is started, expressed in long integer
11: fixed network bill
net_type 1 4
22: mobile network bill

Call type of this ticket record

0x01: Detailed ticket
bill_type 1 5 0x55: Failed call ticket (Incomplete call watch
0xFF: Warn ticket
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly, it is only a kind of checking mode,
check_sum 1 6
this field is not available in GB standard and
occupies one byte.

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Indicating that this bill is a single record, and
is also a record of a certain time segment in a
long bill, the values are:
0: single record
0.5 7 1: the first part of record
2: the intermediate part of record
3: the last part of record
4: single record for multi-record bill
It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1,
0.125 7.5 indicating invalid, equal to the record validity
indicator in GB standard.

Indicating that whether the clock is modified

during the call process (such as whether the
0.125 7.625 host time has been modified via BAM) 0 for
YES, 1 for NO. Now the value of this field is
fixed to 1 (NO) in SoftX3000V2.

free_indicat 0 for free of charge; 1 for charging (at present

0.125 7.75
or the default is free call attempt)

call_attempt 0 for free call attempt; 1 for charged call

0.125 7.875
_indicator attempt

0.125 8 0 for no complaint; 1 for complaint

cama_indica 0 for non-centralized charging; 1 for

0.125 8.125
tor centralized charging

0.125 8.25 0 for non-credit call; 1 for credit call

spared 0.125 8.375 spared bit

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
0: free of charge
1: charging the calling party
2: charging the called party
3: charging the destination address number
(used in IN)
4: third party charged, which can be divided
into case 11, 12, 13 and 14
9: charging incoming trunk
0.5 8.5 10: charging outgoing trunk
11: charging calling party (third party
12: charging called party (third party charged)
13: charging incoming trunk (third party
14: charging outgoing trunk (third party
15: no charging
Indicating the start time of answering, the
format is: YYMMDDHHMMSS,binary
MM: 1-12 (binary)
ans_time 6 9
DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
Indicating the time of conversation end, the
format is: YYMMDDHHMMSS,binary
YY:00-99 (binary)
MM: 1-12 (binary)
end_time 6 15
DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
the duration of this conversation recorded by
4 21 switch, expressed with long integer , the unit
is 10 ms.

caller_dnset 2 25 Caller number network identifier

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
the caller number address nature:
caller_addre 0: subscriber number, caller number = local
ss_nature number
1: spared
number 1 27
address 2: domestic valid number, caller number = toll
nature area code + local number
indicator 3: international number, caller number
=country code + toll area code + local number

Caller number, expressed with compressed

10 28 BCD code, and the surplus bits are filled with
called_dnset 2 38 Called subscriber network identifier
Called address nature:
0: subscriber number, called number = local
1: spared
1 40 2: domestic valid number, called number =toll
area code + local number
3: international number, called number
=country code + toll area code + local
Called number, indicating the called number
called_num occurred at network side, compressed with
10 41
ber compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits
are filled with “0xF”.
Indicating Centrex group number of charging
centrex_gro object, ranging 0-65535, in the case of
2 51
up_number non-Centrex group subscriber, the value is
Indicating the short number of caller within
caller_ctx_n the Centrex group, expressed with BCD
5 53
umber code, if this field is not available, each bit
should be filled with “0xF”.

Indicating the short number of called party

called_ctx_n within the Centrex group, expressed with
5 58
umber BCD code, if this field is not available, each
bit should be filled with “0xF”.
The group number of incoming trunk, ranging
2 63 0-65535, if this call is not via incoming trunk,
then it is expressed with 0xFFFF.

The group number of outgoing trunk, ranging

2 65 0-65535, if this call is not via outgoing trunk,
then it is expressed with OxFFFF

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Equipment type of the calling party in local
caller_did 1 67 office
For detailed description,pls refer Appendix 3.
Equipment type of the called party in local
called_did 1 68 office, ranging 0-255
For detailed description,pls refer Appendix 3.

caller_categ refer detailed caller_category description in

1 69
ory Appendix 4.

1: Intra-office
2: Incoming to office
3: Outgoing from office
4: Tandem
5: Domestic to international
6: International to domestic
7: International to international
call_type 0.5 70
8: Supplementary service
1. intra-office
2: incoming office
3. outgoing office
4: tandem
5: new service
spare 0.5 70.5 Spare bits
0: local office
1: local
2: local toll
3: national toll
4: international toll
5: new service
gsvn 1 71 6: PABX Call
14: local CENTREX
15: Intra office National Toll
16: Intra office International Toll
17 Local collect toll
18 National collect toll
19 Unknown

1 72 refer Appendix 5 for the detailed description.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
spared1 0.25 73
0:Up round
1:Down round
round_mode 0.25 73.25
2:Mid round
3:No round

0: caller party release; 1: called party release;

0.5 73.5 2: inter release 3: peer caller release 4: peer
called release

Description of the supplementary services

SS Calling called during the call
SS during 7 74
the call Note: The explanation of this field is not
defined in GB standard, use 0 temporarily.

charging_ca The charging case value of this call,

2 81
se determined by the host charging setup data

rate 2 83 Charging unit price. The unit: cent

Receiving the number of charging pulse from
pulse_count 4 85
the senior office
The fee (including premium) calculated
fee 4 89 according to the host charging data. The unit:

2 93 Connected number network identifier
Connected number address nature
0: subscriber number, connected number =
local number
1. spared
address_nat 1 95
ure 2: national valid number, connected number =
toll area code + local number
3: international number, connected number =
country code+ toll area code + local number

The connected number refers to the actual

connection number of this call, mainly
displaying the information, expressed in
compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits
connected_ are filled by “0xF”. In normal cases, the
10 96
number connected number is equal to the called
number, and the exceptional case is: call
transfer of the called subscriber, the
connected number is the actual connection
number after the transfer.

2 106 Charge number network identifier

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
0: subscriber number, charging number =
local number
1: spared
2: national valid number, charging number =
toll area code + local number
3: international number, charging number =
country code+ toll area code + local number
4: account card, A card
5: account card, B card
6: account card, C card
1 108 7: account card, D card
8: VISA card
9: CTX group number
10: CTX intra-group extension number
11: Bank 1
12: Bank 2
13: Bank 3
14: Bank 4
15: Reserved
255: NULL

Describing various kinds of subscriber

number, card number, account in the
10 109 compressed BCD mode (including Centrex
group number), the surplus bits are filled with

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
1: circuit mode, 64Kbps unrestricted, 8KHZ
structured bearer service
2: circuit mode, 64Kbps, 8KHZ structured
bearer voice, including 100, 101, 102 and 103
3: circuit mode, 64Kbps, 8KHZ structured
bearer 3.1KHZ voice
4: packet mode, ISDN virtual call, permanent
virtual circuit service is accessed by the
subscriber provided by the B channel
5: subscriber signaling bearer service
7: circuit mode, 2X64Kbps unrestricted,
8KHZ structured bearer service type
8: circuit mode, 6X64Kbps unrestricted,
8KHZ structured bearer service type
bearer_servi 9: circuit mode, 24X64Kbps unrestricted,
1 119 8KHZ structured bearer service type
10: circuit mode, 30X64Kbps unrestricted,
8KHZ structured bearer service type
11: : packet voice service
12: : packet video service
13: : fax service14: : MODEM service100:
voice, analog subscriber calls analog
101: voice, analog subscriber calls digit
102: voice, digit subscriber calls analog
103: voice, digit subscriber calls digit
255: unknown
Others: spared
0: spared
1: 3.1K telecom service
2: 7Khz telecom service
3: category-4 fax
teleservice 1 120 4: intelligent subscriber telegraph
5: videotex
6: mixed telecom service
7: 7Khz image
15: Unknown
Others: spared

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
CLI_rec_flux How many bytes have caller been
4 121
_H received?High 4 bytes

CLI_rec_flux How many bytes have caller been received?

4 125
_L Low 4 bytes

Address of
Caller GK or 4 129 -

Address of
Caller GW 4 133 -
or Terminal
Address of
Callee GK or 4 137 If it cannot be obtained, omit it.

Address of
Callee GW 4 141 -
or Terminal
typedef enum CODEC_ID_ENUM
/* ITUT codec defition below */
indication */
64 kbit/s A-law */
code_type 1 145 2+SM_ITUT_CODEC_ID_OFFSET, /* G.711
64 kbit/s Mu-law */
56 kbit/s A-law */
56 kbit/s Mu-law */
(SB-ADPCM 64K) */
(SB-ADPCM 56K) */

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
(SB-ADPCM 48K) */
G.723.1 */
G.723.1 Annex A (silence suppression) */
G.726 (ADPCM) */
G.727 (Embedded ADPCM) */
G.728 */
G.729 (CS-ACELP) */
G.729 A Annex A(silence suppression) */
G.729 W Annex B(silence suppression) */
G.729 Annex A W Annex B(silence
suppression) */
H.261(Video codec)*/
H.262(Video codec, ITU Name for MPEG2)*/
H.263(High performance codec)*/
/* ETSI(3GPP) codec definition below */
Full Rate (13.0 kBit/s) */
Half Rate (5.6 kBit/s) */
Enhanced Full Rate (12.2 kBit/s) */

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate */
Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate */
Adaptive Multi-Rate */
Adaptive Multi-Rate 2 */
Enhanced Full Rate (7.4 kBit/s) */
Enhanced Full Rate (6.7 kBit/s) */
/* IETF defintion below */
rate: 8000 */
SM_CODEC_ID_DVI4_16000 =
rate: 16000 */
channels */
channel */
SM_CODEC_ID_DVI4_11025 =
clock rate: 11025 */
SM_CODEC_ID_DVI4_22050 =
clock rate: 22050 */
/* NULL value definition */

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Number of switched UUS1 segments (64
UUS1 count 1 146
bytes/ segment)

Number of switched UUS2 segments (64

UUS2 count 1 147
bytes/ segment)

Number of switched UUS3 segments (64

UUS3 count 1 148
bytes/ segment)

remainder 1 149 -
CallerSrc 2 150 Caller Source
CalledSrc 2 152 Called Source
5 154 Payer Short Number
0: no indication
1: G.711 64 kbit/s A-law
2: G.711 64 kbit/s Mu-law
3: G.711 56 kbit/s A-law
4: G.711 56 kbit/s Mu-law
5: G.722 (SB-ADPCM 64K)
6: G.722 (SB-ADPCM 56K)
7: G.722 (SB-ADPCM 48K)
8: G.723.1
9: G.723.1 Annex A (silence suppression)
10: G.726 (ADPCM)
11: G.727 (Embedded ADPCM)
12: G.728
code_type_ 13: G.729 (CS-ACELP)
1 159
14: G.729 A Annex A (silence suppression)
15: G.729 W Annex B (silence suppression)
16: G.729 Annex A W Annex B(silence
17: H.261(Video codec)
18: H.262(Video codec, ITU Name for
19: H.263(High performance codec)
20: MPEG4 audio
21: MPEG4 video
100: GSM Full Rate
101: GSM Half Rate
102: GSM Enhanced Full Rate
103: Full Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
104: Half Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate
105: UMTS Adaptive Multi-Rate
106: UMTS Adaptive Multi-Rate 2
107: TDMA Enhanced Full Rate
108: Enhanced Full Rate
150: 1016
151: clock rate: 8000
152: clock rate: 16000
153: LPC
154: L16 2 channels
155: L16 1 channel
156: QCELP
157: MPA
158: DVI4, clock rate: 11025
159: DVI4, clock rate: 22050
160: T38
161: Adaptive Multi-Rate
255: NULL
MaxBitRate 2 160 () Maximum bit rate in KB

spared3 4 162 -
pps_flag:1 0.125 166 pps: call flag: 0: Non-PPS call; 1: PPS call
0.125 166.125 NP service call flag: 0: non-NP call; 1: NP call
charging_m Meter, CDR, and meter & CDR: 0: Meter; 1:
0.25 166.25
ethod:2 CDR; 2: Meter & CDR
incomplete_ Call watdh type - caller, called, both:: 0: No
call_watch_t 0.25 166.5 watch; 1: Watch caller; 2: Watch called; 3:
ype:2 Watch both

caller_ISDN Caller ISDN flag0: Terminal access non

0.125 166.75
_access:1 ISDN; 2: Terminal access is ISDN

called_ISDN Called ISDN flag0: Terminal access non

0.125 166.875
_access:1 ISDN; 2: Terminal access is ISDN

ISUP_indica All-way ISUP call indication: ISUP not all way;

0.125 167
tion:1 1: ISUP all way

Number of B chunnels. Use Occupied B

B_num:5 0.625 167.125
chunnels[1–30] for N*64K

spared4:2 0.25 167.75 -

caller_seize Caller seizure duration (Datatype: long, Unit:
4 168
_duration 10ms)

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
called_seize Called seizure duration (Datatype: long, Unit:
4 172
_duration 10ms)
Dialed number (Datatype: packed BCD,
dial_number 12 176
right-padded with "0xF")

1 188 Module number which caller belongs to

1 189 Module number which called belongs to

2 190 Caller port number

2 192 Called port number

called_categ The same as Caller Category

1 194
ory above-metioned

For detailed description,lease refer to
ary_service 1 195
Appendix 6.

balance 4 196 Balance of prepaid subscriber

OPC 4 200 Originating Point Code
DPC 4 204 Destination Point Code

2 208 -
When it is a long tima call,the partial bill’s
Partial_counter increases by degrees from
Partial_coun 01.when it is larger than 99, Partial_counter
1 210 will increases by degrees from 00 again.
When it is not a long time call, the single bill’s
Partial_counter is 01.

TMG Circuits Seizure Time, the format is:

YY: 0-99 (binary)
MM: 1-12 (binary)
TMG_Circuit DD: 1-31 (binary)
s _seizure 6 211
_time HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
(If the field is entirely FF, then it is displayed
as 00.)

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
TMG circuits release time, the format is:
YY: 0-99 (binary)
s _release MM: 1-12 (binary)
_time 6 217
DD: 1-31 (binary)
(for Brazil) HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

0: DDD,DDI, local Calls; 1: DDC and DLC

Billed_party 1 223
( Colected Calls ); 2: No billed calls

caller_numb Caller number before number changing,

er_before_c 10 224 expressed with compressed BCD code, and
hange the surplus bits are filled with “0xF”

Called number before number changing,

called_num indicating the called number occurred at
ber_before_ 10 234 network side, compressed with compressed
change BCD code, and the surplus bits are filled with

Connected 0-call forwarded, 1-redirect number,

0.25 244
number type 2,3-reserved

spare 0.75 244.25 -

To capture the delay from the time Call
2 245 Proceeding has sent to the caller to the time
connect is received from the callee

Indicating the time of receiving or sending

setup message, the format is:
YY: 00-99(binary)
Start Date
and Time of 6 247 MM: 1-12 (binary)
Call Setup DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH: 0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
The duration from receiving or sending setup
message to the call is released by receiving
Call setup or sending of release message to/from the
4 253 other end, expressed with long integer.
expressed with long integer , the unit is 10

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Field Offset Remark
Release cause according to the VOIP
We can fill this field like the following,
Actual value of protocol: H248
Actual value of protocol + 1000: MGCP
IP release
2 257 Actual value of protocol + 2000: SIP
Actual value of protocol + 3000: H323 release
Actual value of protocol + 3100: H323 extend
release reason
Please refer Appendix 2 for the detail.

Ingress Name of caller gateway.[According to

Media 32 259 pre-defined in the used signaling such as
Gateway ID H.248,MGCP,H.323,SIP]
1 291 -

16 292 Trunk group name of the ingress TG
Route ID

Occupied Occupied Time Slot number in corresponding

1 308
Time Slot trunk group of the ingress TG.

Egress Name of caller gateway.[According to

Media 32 309 pre-defined in the used signaling such as
Gateway ID H.248,MGCP,H.323,SIP]
1 341 -

16 342 Trunk group name of the egress TG
Route ID

Occupied Occupied Time Slot number in corresponding

1 358
Time Slot trunk group of the egress TG.

1 359 Packetization time, the unit is millisecond.
n time

VAD indicator
VAD 0.125 360 0: No
1: Yes

CNG indicator
CNG 0.125 360.125 0: No
1: Yes

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Field Offset Remark
1 – A rate
2 – B rate
Call Charge
0.375 360.25 3 – C rate
4 – D rate
5 – Spare

Spared 0.375 360.625 Reserved.

2 361 Identifier of the caller number prefix
2 363 Identifier of the callee number prefix
0 -Pre Paid
1- Post Paid
2- Mass Calling
3- Voting Service
4- Internet Call Waiting
5 -ACC Service
6 -FPH Service
Service ID 0.75 365 7- VPN Service
8 -AD Service
9- IP Centrex
10 -UC ICW
11 -UC SMS
13 –UC IM
other value - Reserved

0.25 365.75 0:PRI, 1:BRI, 2,3: Reserved.
0: Non Standard
1: Video Mode
2: Audio Mode
1 366 3: Application Mode
4: Data Mode
5: Encryption Mode
255: Unknown

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Field Offset Remark
Equipment type of caller, such as Phone,
FAX, Modem, PC , IAD , AG etc.
0:IAD ,
equipment 1 367 2:TG
type 3:UMG
Calling FAX
20 368 It’s reserved.
Called FAX
20 388 It’s reserved.
2 408 It’s reserved.
data rate
H248 can support it. The number of the lost
Packet loss 2 410
packets. It’s reserved for other protocols now.
Switch ID 6 412 -
0: speech
1: spare
2: 64 kbit/s unrestricted
3: 3.1 kHz audio
4: reserved for alternate speech (service
2)/64 kbit/s unrestricted (service 1)
PSTN/ISDN 5: reserved for alternate 64 kbit/s unrestricted
1 418 (service 1)/speech (service 2)
6: 64 kbit/s preferred
7: 2 × 64 kbit/s unrestricted
8: 384 kbit/s unrestricted
9: 1536 kbit/s unrestricted
10: 1920 kbit/s unrestricted
11~255: spare

0: Caller number
ISUP charge 1: Callee number
number 1 419
indicator 2: Connected number
3~255: spare
Caller sent
bytes, high 4
How many bytes have caller been sent?High
bytes. 4 420
4 bytes

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Caller sent
bytes, low 4
How many bytes have caller been sent? Low
bytes. 4 424
4 bytes

bytes, high 4 How many bytes have called been
4 428
bytes. received?High 4 bytes

bytes, low 4 How many bytes have called been received?
4 432
bytes. Low 4 bytes
Called sent
bytes, hith 4
How many bytes have called been sent?High
bytes. 4 436
4 bytes
Called sent
bytes, low 4
How many bytes have called been sent? Low
bytes. 4 440
4 bytes
The MCE parameter can be set to one of the
four values:
0: : NULL (invalid value)
MCE 0.25 444 1: : call-by-call selection
2: : preselected
3: : call-by-call selection of preselected
reserve 0.75 444.25 Digits reserved
Spare 19 445 spare
Total Length 464 -

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

A.2.3 Fixed Network Meter Table Bill Format

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of the bills generated after
csn 4 0 the switch is started, expressed with long

net_type 1 4 11: fixed network bill22: mobile network bill

Call type of this ticket record
bill_type 1 5
0xF0: meter table bill

Used for checking whether the bill is saved

correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 6
provided in the GB standard, occupying one

Indicating whether the bill is an independent

record or it is a time segment record in the long
bill, the values are:
partial_recor 0: single record
0.5 7
1: the first part of the record
2: the middle part of the record
3: the last part of the record

It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

0.125 7.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Charge 0: subscriber 1: incoming trunk 2: outgoing

0.25 7.625
object trunk

Spared 0.125 7.875 -

Number of The number of the meter tables. It is currently
1 8
meter tables 20.

Indicating the date and time when the meter

table is generated, the format is:
Date and YY:00-99 (binary)
time of MM: 1-12(binary)
6 9
meter table
DD: 1-31(binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

Dnset 2 15 Number network identifier

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Field Offset Remark
Number address nature:
0: subscriber number, number = local number
1: spared
1 17 2: national valid number, number = toll area
code + local number
3: international number, number = country code
+ toll area code + local number

The subscriber number, expressed in

Number 10 18 compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits are
filled with “0xF”.
The charge objects are the trunk number and
Trunk group
2 28 the trunk group number in the case of the
outgoing trunk.
Module The number of the module that the subscriber
1 30
number or the trunk group belongs to
The equipment type of the subscriber meter
table: value range (0-255)
Equipment type of the user or trunk. Such as
H.323, SIP, ISUP, etc.

DID_SS= 01

DID_ST= 02

DID_AT2= 04
Subscriber DID_AT4= 05
equipment 1 31 DID_AT0= 06
DID_EM4= 07
DID_DT= 09
DID_V5X= 12
DID_V5TK= 13


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Field Offset Remark
DID_NO7= 19
DID_CT0= 20



DID_MC2= 33

DID_LPV5= 37
DID_LPN7= 38


DID_CK2= 43
DID_CK3= 44
DID_RSA_0= 45
DID_RSA_1= 46
DID_RSU_0= 47
DID_RSU_1= 48

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
DID_iDT= 56
DID_V5ST= 57

DID_VDM = 72,
DID_VFB = 73,
DID_COCK = 74,
DID_DT5 = 75,
DID_DTT = 76,
DID_RSD5 = 77,
DID_ST32 = 78,
DID_DTMF32 = 79,
DID_PWX = 80,
DID_DIN = 82,
DID_AIT = 83,
DID_ASB = 84,
DID_AIN = 85,
DID_SCCP = 87,
DID_TCAP = 88,
DID_iCLI = 89,
DID_iCLD = 90,
DID_RSP = 91,
DID_ESC = 107,

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Field Offset Remark
DID_ESL = 114, /* iNET_Ephone
DID_ITC = 115, /* iNET_Ephone
DID_EDCN = 116,
DID_BICC_AAL1 = 117,
DID_SIP = 118,
DID_H323 = 119,
DID_BPC = 120,
DID_SDM = 121,
DID_PVM = 122,
DID_BSSAP = 123,
DID_ECT= 124,
DID_ECI= 125,
DID_RAB= 126 ,
DID_BICC_AAL2 = 128,
DID_SIPSL = 130,
DID_H323SL = 131,

Equipment The equipment sequence of the subscriber

sequence 2 32 within the module
number 0-65534, 65535 is a void value

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 34
last meter table bill is generated (same below)

Call times of The call number accumulated on the table since

meter table 2 38 the last meter table bill is generated (same
1 below)
Value of
meter table 4 40 -

Call times of
meter table 2 44 -

Value of
meter table 4 46 -
Call times of
meter table 2 -

There are totally 20 meter tables, and the detailed description will be omitted.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
CallerSrc 2 154 Caller Source
CalledSrc 2 156 Called Source
5 158 Caller Short Number

Identifier of One attribute of the user, it shows when the

1 163
bill time user’s bill should be sent to bill center

Spared 300 164 -

Total length 464 -

A.2.4 Fixed Network Meter Table Statistics Bill

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of the bills generated after
csn 4 0 the switch is started, expressed with long
net_type 1 4 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill

bill_type 1 5 0xF1: meter table statistics bill

Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 6
provided in the GB standard, occupying one
Indicating whether the bill is an independent
record or it is a time segment record in the long
bill, the values are:
partial_recor 0: single record
0.5 7
1: the first part of the record
2: the middle part of the record
3: the last part of the record

0.125 It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

7.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Spared 0.375 7.625 -

Number of The number of the meter tables. It is currently
1 8
meter tables 20.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Indicating the date and time when the meter
table is generated, the format is:
YY:00-99 (binary)
Date and
time of bill 6 9 MM: 1-12 (binary)
generation DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

Module The number of the module generating the meter

1 15
number table statistics bills, with the value range: 1-240

The call type. The values:

1: local office statistics
2: incoming office statistics
3: outgoing office statistics
Call type 1 16
4: tandem statistics
Others: invalid
Note: It indicates the statistics type of this meter
table bill.

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 17
last meter table bill is generated (same below)
Call times of The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 21 the last meter table bill is generated (same
1 below)

Value of
meter table 4 23 -

Call times of
meter table 2 27 -
Value of
meter table 4 29 -

Call times of
meter table -

There are totally 20 meter tables, and the detailed description will be omitted.
Total length 137 -

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

A.2.5 Fixed Network Trunk Occupation Duration Statistics Bill

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of the bills generated after
csn 4 0 the switch is started, expressed with long

net_type 1 4 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill

bill_type 1 5 0xF2: trunk occupation duration statistics bill
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 6
provided in the GB standard, occupying one

Spared 0.5 7 -
It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating
0.125 7.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Spared 1.375 7.625 -

Indicating the date and time when the trunk
occupation duration statistics bill is generated,
the format is: YYMMDDHHMMSS
YY:00-99 (binary)
Date and
time of bill 6 9 MM: 1-12 (binary)
generation DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
The number of the module generating the trunk
1 15 occupation duration statistics bills, with the
value range of 1-240
Spared 1 16 -
The charge objects are the trunk number and
Trunk group
2 17 the trunk group number in the case of the
outgoing trunk.
conversatio 4 19 expressed with long integer , the unit is 10 ms.
n duration

2 23 -
call times

conversatio 4 25 expressed with long integer , the unit is 10 ms.
n duration

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Tandem call
2 29 -

conversatio 4 31 expressed with long integer , the unit is 10 ms.
n duration

2 35 -
call times

Total length 37 -

A.2.6 Fixed Network Statistics Bill of Free Calls

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of the bills generated after
csn 4 0 the switch is started, expressed with long

net_type 1 4 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill

bill_type 1 5 0xF3: statistics bill of free calls
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 6
provided in the GB standard, occupying one

Spared 0.5 7 -
It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating
0.125 7.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Spared 1.375 7.625 -

Indicating the date and time when the meter
table is generated, the format is:
YY:00-99 (binary)
Date and
time of bill 6 9 MM: 1-12 (binary)
generation DD: 1-31(binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
The number of the module generating the meter
1 15 table statistics bills, with the value range of

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Spared 1 16 -

Statistics The statistics value of free call duration since

value of free 4 17 the last free call statistics bill is generated
call duration expressed with long integer , the unit is 10 ms.

The statistics value of free call times since the
value of free 2 21
last free call statistics bill is generated
call times

Total length 23 -

A.3 U-SYS SoftX3000 iGWB Bill Format(554 Bytes)

A.3.1 Fixed IN bill

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill, expressed in long
csn 4 0
length 2 4 Bill length,count from next field(net_type).
11: fixed network bill
net_type 1 6
22: mobile network bill
bill_type 1 7 C0x03: IN record
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly, it is only a kind of checking mode, this
check_sum 1 8
field is not available in GB standard and
occupies one byte.

It is always 0,indicating a single record reserved

when intelligent bill integrates with ordinary bill,
therefore, it overlaps with charging record
0.5 9 indicator and is different from that in GB
standard. It uses one byte together with validity
flag and reserved bit, and this indicator uses the
lower 4 bits in this byte.
It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating
0.125 9.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

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Field Offset Remark
Spared 0.375 9.625 Spared bit
Indicating that which fields are available in bill, 0
for this field is not available in bill, 1 for this field
is available in bill. This field is used for the
realization of ACR program in INAP operation,
and is useless to the user. This field is not
available in GB standard. Each field flag
occupies a bit, as shown below:
Caller number address indicator flag, 0 for not
indicated, 1 for indicated, the same hereafter.
caller number flag
location number address indicator flag
charging category indicator flag
charging mode indicator flag
partial record indicator flag
location number indicator flag
called number address indicator flag
called number flag
destination number address indicator flag
destination number flag
Intelligent Bill
4 10 charging number address information flag
Related Flag
charging number flag
incoming trunk indicator flag
outgoing trunk indicator flag
answering time flag
call end time flag
conversation duration flag
call charging flag
traffic type flag
release cause flag
indicator flag
call subscriber category flag
bearer capability flag
final service flag
tariff adjustment flag
premium flag
transparent charging flag
with other 4 bits reserved

Record type 1 14 0x03: IN record

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Charging Used for AC operation in INAP, ranging 1-127.
Record 2 15 This field is not available in GB standard and is
Indicator useless for the user.
Charging It is the same as the category field of charging
2 17
Category rate in GB standard, ranging 1~1000.
Equal to the charging/free of charge identifier in
1 19 GB standard, 0 for free of charge, 1 for
The same as the partial record indicator field in
GB standard.
For the bill with overlong conversation duration,
it is allowed to split the conversation into
multiple bills to record the call case, and the
1 20 values are as follows:
0 for single bill
1 for the first bill of this call
2 for the intermediate part bill of this call
3 for the last bill of this call

It is the same as the meanings of caller number

address nature indicator in GB standard, and is
Caller a repetition of address nature indicator in caller
number number description. The actual meanings are
address 1 21 as follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number , 4 for
international valid number

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Field Offset Remark
It includes 2 fields: calling number address
nature indicator and caller number, which is
inherited from AC operation number
description. Only the address nature and
number content are useful to the user. The
specific meanings are as follows:
Address nature indicator: 7 bits, in which, 0 for
spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for spared,
3 for domestic valid number , 4 for international
valid number
Odd/even indicator: 1 bit, 0 for address
information is even, 1 for address information is
mask indicator: 2 bits, 0 for provided by the
subscriber and not checked, 1 for provided by
number 14 22
the user, checked and passed, 2 for provided by
the user, checked to be faulty, 3 for provided by
the network
Address presentation restriction indicator: 2
bits, 0 for presentation allowed and 1 for
presentation restricted
Numbering plan indicator: 3 bits, 0 for spared, 1
for ISDN number plan, 3 for data number plan, 4
for subscriber telex number plan
Caller number incomplete indicator: 1 bit, 0 for
complete number, 1 for incomplete number
Number length: 5 bits
Spared: 3 bits
Content of number: 11 bytes, BCD code

It is the same as the called number address

nature indicator in GB standard, and is a
location repetition of address nature in called number
Address description. The actual meanings are as
1 36 follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number, 4 for
international valid number
number 14 37 Refer to the caller number description
It is the same as the called number address
nature indicator in GB standard, and is a
Called repetition of address nature in called number
number description. The actual meanings are as
address 1 51 follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number, 4 for
international valid number

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Refer to the caller number description, but mask
indicator and address presentation restriction
number 14 52
indicator are not contained, and the 4 bits
occupied by these 2 fields are spared bit.

It is the same as the translation number address

nature indicator in GB standard, and is a
Destination repetition of address nature in destination
number number description. The actual meanings are
address 1 66 as follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number, 4 for
international valid number

number 14 67 Refer to the called number description.
Equal to the charge party ID indicator in GB
1 81 standard. Refer to GB standard for the

The same as the charge number address
1 82 nature indicator. Refer to GB standard for
specific meanings.

charging 11 83 BCD code
trunk_group_ It is the same as the incoming trunk group
2 94
in identifier.
trunk_group_ It is the same as the outgoing trunk group
2 96
out identifier.
Equal to the answering time and time field in GB
standard, but not to the accuracy of 100mm. It is
ans_time 6 98 in the YYMMDDHHMMSS format, these 6 bytes
record year, month, day, hour, minute, second in
the BCD form in order.
Equal to the conversation end time and time
field in GB standard, but not to the accuracy of
6 104 100mm. It is in the YYMMDDHHMMSS format,
end time
these 6 bytes record year, month, day, hour,
minute, second in the BCD form in order.
The duration of this IN conversation recorded by
conversation SoftX3000, expressed with long interger, the
4 110
_time unit is equal to IN charging precision 10ms of

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
4 114 The same as international charge field.
The same as the traffic type field in GB
standard. At present, only local call, national
Traffic type 0.5 118
originated call and international originated call
are used. Refer to GB standard.
Equal to the conversation end cause in GB
Release standard. At present, only caller onhook, called
0.5 118.5
cause onhook and abnormal end are used. Refer to
GB standard.
1.5 119 For detailed description,pls refer Appendix 5.
Identifier 0.5 120.5 This field is invalid and will not be used.
It includes selection type and selection value.
The meanings are as follows:
Selection type occupies one byte, and is not
Bearer available in GB standard, and is useless to the
3 121
capability subscriber.
Selection value is equal to the bearer service in
GB standard, and is fixed at 1 and in character
form. Refer to GB standard for it.

Equal to the teleservice in GB standard. The

value is fixed at 1, refer to GB standard for it. If
no other location fields are added, actually only
Service type 0.5 124 one byte will be occupied.
Service type occupies 4 bits and uses the lower
4 bits in the byte, and 4 bits are spared.
Spared 0.5 - -
Equal to the charge adjustment coefficient in GB
standard. The structure in character form is
shown as follows:
Tariff 4 125
Charge adjustment ratio: occupies 2 bytes
Charge adjustment type: occupies 2 bytes, refer
to GB standard for the meanings.

Equal to IN premium in GB standard, but only

Premium 4 129 premium value is included, excluding premium
20 133 -

RxFlux 4 153 -
TxFlux 4 157 -

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Caller side
gateway/ 4 161 -
terminal IP

Caller side
gateway/ 4 165 -
terminal IP

Caller side
soft switch
4 169 -
equipment IP

Called side
soft switch
4 173 -
equipment IP
1 177 module number which generates the bill
The unified number of bill generated after
Local csn 4 178 current module is started, expressed in long

Reserve 18 182 Reserve

Total length
of - 200 -

A.3.2 Fixed Ordinary Detail Bill Format

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill, expressed in long
csn 4 0

length 2 4 Bill length,count from next field(net_type).

11: fixed network bill
net_type 1 6
22: mobile network bill

0x01: Detailed ticket

bill_type 1 7 0xFF: Warn ticket
0x55: Failed call ticket

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly, it is only a kind of checking mode, this
check_sum 1 8
field is not available in GB standard and
occupies one byte.
Indicating that this bill is a single record, and is
also a record of a certain time segment in a long
bill, the values are:
0: single record
0.5 9 1: the first part of record
2: the intermediate part of record
3: the last part of record
4: single record for multi-record bill
It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating
0.125 9.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Indicating that whether the clock is modified

during the call process (such as whether the
0.125 9.625 host time has been modified via BAM) 0 for
YES, 1 for NO. Now the value of this field is
fixed to 1 (NO) in SoftX3000V2.

0 for free of charge; 1 for charging (at present

free_indicator 0.125 9.75
the default is free call attempt)

0.125 9.875 0 for free call attempt; 1 for charged call attempt

0.125 10 0 for no complaint; 1 for complaint

cama_indicat 10.12 0 for non-centralized charging; 1 for centralized

or 5 charging

0.125 10.25 0 for non-credit call; 1 for credit call

CNG indicator
CNG 0.125 0: No
1: Yes

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Field Offset Remark
0: free of charge
1: charging the calling party
2: charging the called party
3: charging the destination address number
(used in IN)
4: 11,12,13,14
third party charged, which can be divided into
case 11, 12, 13 and 14
0.5 10.5 9: charging incoming trunk
10: charging outgoing trunk
11: charging calling party (third party charged)
12: charging called party (third party charged)
13: charging incoming trunk (third party
14: charging outgoing trunk (third party
15: no charging

Indicating the start time of answering, the format

MM: 1-12 (binary)
ans_time 6 11
DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

Indicating the time of conversation end, the

format is: YYMMDDHHMMSS,binary
YY:00-99 (binary)
MM: 1-12 (binary)
end_time 6 17
DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

the duration of this conversation recorded by

4 23 switch, expressed with long integer , the unit is
10 ms.
caller_dnset 2 27 Caller number network identifier

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
the caller number address nature:
caller_addres 0: subscriber number, caller number = local
s_nature number
1: spared
number 1 29
address 2: domestic valid number, caller number = toll
nature area code + local number
indicator 3: international number, caller number =country
code + toll area code + local number
Caller number, expressed with compressed
10 30 BCD code, and the surplus bits are filled with

called_dnset 2 40 Called subscriber network identifier

Called address nature:
0: subscriber number, called number = local
called_addre 1: spared
1 42
ss_nature 2: domestic valid number, called number =toll
area code + local number
3: international number, called number =country
code + toll area code + local number
Called number, indicating the called number
called_numb occurred at network side, compressed with
10 43
er compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits are
filled with “0xF”.
Indicating Centrex group number of charging
centrex_grou object, ranging 0-65535, in the case of
2 53
p_number non-Centrex group subscriber, the value is
Indicating the short number of caller within the
caller_ctx_nu Centrex group, expressed with BCD code, if this
5 55
mber field is not available, each bit should be filled
with “0xF”.

Indicating the short number of called party

called_ctx_nu within the Centrex group, expressed with BCD
5 60
mber code, if this field is not available, each bit should
be filled with “0xF”.
The group number of incoming trunk, ranging
2 65 0-65535, if this call is not via incoming trunk,
then it is expressed with 0xFFFF.
The group number of outgoing trunk, ranging
2 67 0-65535, if this call is not via outgoing trunk,
then it is expressed with OxFFFF

caller_did 1 69 For detailed description,pls refer Appendix 2.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Equipment type of the called party in local office,
called_did 1 70 ranging 0-255
For detailed description,pls refer Appendix 2.

1 71 For detailed description,pls refer Appendix 5.
1: Intra-office
2: Incoming to office
3: Outgoing from office
4: Tandem
call_type 0.5 72
5: Domestic to international
6: International to domestic
7: International to international
8: Supplementary service

Connected 0-call forwarded, 1-redirect number,

0.25 72.5
number type 2,3-reserved

0.25 72.75 0:PRI, 1:BRI, 2,3: Reserved.

0: local office
1: local
2: local toll
3: national toll
gsvn 1 73 4: international toll
5: new service
6: PABX Call
14: local CENTREX
15: Intra office National Toll
16: Intra office International Toll
1 74 refer Appendix 3 for the detailed description.
VAD indicator
VAD 0.125 75 0: No
1: Yes
1 – A rate
2 – B rate
Call Charge 75.12
0.375 3 – C rate
Amount 5
4 – D rate
5 – Spare

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
0: caller party release; 1: called party release;
0.5 75.5 2: inter release 3: peer caller release 4: peer
called release

CallerSrc 2 76 -

CalledSrc 2 78 -
1 80 The same as Caller Category above-metioned
For detailed description,lease refer to Appendix
y_service_typ 2 81

charging_cas The charging case value of this call, determined

2 83
e by the host charging setup data

rate 2 85 Charging unit price. The unit: cent

Receiving the number of charging pulse from
pulse_count 4 87
the senior office
The fee (including premium) calculated
fee 4 91 according to the host charging data. The unit:

2 95 Connected number network identifier
Connected number address nature
0: subscriber number, connected number =
local number
1. spared
ddress_natur 1 97
e 2: national valid number, connected number =
toll area code + local number
3: international number, connected number =
country code+ toll area code + local number

The connected number refers to the actual

connection number of this call, mainly
displaying the information, expressed in
compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits are
10 98 filled by “0xF”. In normal cases, the connected
number is equal to the called number, and the
exceptional case is: call transfer of the called
subscriber, the connected number is the actual
connection number after the transfer.
charge_dnset 2 108 Charge number network identifier

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
0: subscriber number, charging number = local
1: spared
2: national valid number, charging number = toll
area code + local number
3: international number, charging number =
country code+ toll area code + local number
4: account card, A card
5: account card, B card
6: account card, C card
1 110 7: account card, D card
8: VISA card
9: CTX group number
10: CTX intra-group extension number
11: Bank 1
12: Bank 2
13: Bank 3
14: Bank 4
15: Reserved
255: NULL
Describing various kinds of subscriber number,
charge_numb card number, account in the compressed BCD
10 111
er mode (including Centrex group number), the
surplus bits are filled with “0xF”.

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
1: circuit mode, 64Kbps unrestricted, 8KHZ
structured bearer service
2: circuit mode, 64Kbps, 8KHZ structured
bearer voice, including 100, 101, 102 and 103
3: circuit mode, 64Kbps, 8KHZ structured
bearer 3.1KHZ voice
4: packet mode, ISDN virtual call, permanent
virtual circuit service is accessed by the
subscriber provided by the B channel
5: subscriber signaling bearer service
7: circuit mode, 2X64Kbps unrestricted, 8KHZ
structured bearer service type
8: circuit mode, 6X64Kbps unrestricted, 8KHZ
structured bearer service type
9: circuit mode, 24X64Kbps unrestricted, 8KHZ
1 121 structured bearer service type
10: circuit mode, 30X64Kbps unrestricted,
8KHZ structured bearer service type
11:packet voice service
12:packet video service
13:fax service
14:modem service
100: voice, analog subscriber calls analog
101: voice, analog subscriber calls digit
102: voice, digit subscriber calls analog
103: voice, digit subscriber calls digit subscriber
255: unknown
Others: spared
0: Non Standard
1: Video Mode
2: Audio Mode
Bearer Mode 1 122 3: Application Mode
4: Data Mode
5: Encryption Mode
255: Unknown

pps_flag:1 0.125 123 0: Non-PPS call; 1: PPS call

0.125 25123 0: non-NP call; 1: NP call

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
charging_met 123.2 0: Meter table; 1: Detailed ticket; 2:Detailed and
hod:2 5 Meter table

0: No watch; 1: Watch caller; 2: Watch called; 3:
all_watch_typ 0.25 123.5
Watch both
caller_ISDN_ 123.7 0: Terminal access non ISDN; 1: Terminal
access:1 5 access is ISDN
called_ISDN_ 123.8 0: Terminal access non ISDN; 1: Terminal
access:1 75 access is ISDN
0.125 124 0: ISUP not all way; 1: ISUP all way
B_num:5 0.625 Occupied B chunnels[1~30]
Caller_CLIR_ 124.7
0.125 caller CLIR flag: 0:FALSE; 1:TRUE
flag 5
Spared2 0.125
Dialed number, expressed with compressed
dial_number 16 125 BCD code, and the surplus bits are filled with

1 141 Module number which caller belongs to

1 142 Module number which called belongs to

2 143
When it is a long tima call,the partial bill’s
Partial_counter increases by degrees from
Partial_count 01.when it is larger than 99, Partial_counter will
1 145 increases by degrees from 00 again.
When it is not a long time call, the single bill’s
Partial_counter is 01.
0: DDD,DDI, local Calls; 1: DDC and DLC
Billed_party 1 146
( Colected Calls ); 2: No billed calls

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
0 -Pre Paid
1- Post Paid
2- Mass Calling
3- Voting Service
4- Internet Call Waiting
5 -ACC Service
6 -FPH Service
Service ID 0.75 147 7- VPN Service
8 -AD Service
9- IP Centrex
10 -UC ICW
11 -UC SMS
13 –UC IM
other value - Reserved

147.7 1: call-by-call selection
MCE 0.25
5 2: preselected
3: call-by-call selection of preselected carrier
Release cause according to the VOIP protocol.
We can fill this field like the following,
Actual value of protocol: H248
Actual value of protocol + 1000: MGCP
IP release Actual value of protocol + 2000: SIP
2 148
Actual value of protocol + 3000: H323 release
Actual value of protocol + 3100: H323 extend
release reason
Please refer Appendix 2 for the detail.

Equipment type of caller, such as Phone, FAX,

Modem, PC , IAD , AG etc.
0:IAD ,
equipment 1 150 2:TG
type 3:UMG
0 no indication
code_type 1 151
1 G.711 64kbit/s A-law

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
2 G.711 64 kbit/s Mu-law
3 G.711 56kbit/s A-law
4 G.711 56kbit/s Mu-law
5 G.722 (SB-ADPCM 64K)
6 G.722 (SB-ADPCM 56K)
7 G.722 (SB-ADPCM 48K)
8 G.723.1
9 G.723.1 Annex A
10 G.726 (ADPCM)
11 G.727 (Embedded ADPCM)
12 G.728
13 G.729 (CS-ACELP)
14 G.729 A Annex A
15 G.729 W Annex B
16 G.729 Annex A W Annex B
17 H.261(Video codec)
18 H.262
20 MPEG4 audio
21 MPEG4 video
19 H.263(High performance codec)
100 GSM Full Rate (13.0 kBit/s)
101 GSM Half Rate (5.6 kBit/s)
102 GSM Enhanced F-Rate 12.2kbps
103 Full Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate
104 Half Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate
105 UMTS Adaptive Multi-Rate
106 UMTS Adaptive Multi-Rate 2
107 TDMA Enhanced F-Rate 7.4kbps
108 Enhanced Full Rate (6.7kbps)
150 1016
151 clock rate:8000
152 clock rate:16000
153 LPC
154 L16 2 channels
155 L16 1 channel
157 MPA
158 DVI4,clock rate:11025
159 DVI4,clock rate:22050
255 NULL code

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
160 T.38
161 Adaptive Multi-Rate
255 NULL

2 152 Same as code_type

MaxBitRate 2 153 -
4 155 -
1 159 module number which generates the bill
The unified number of bill generated after
Local csn 4 160 current module is started, expressed in long

Spare 36 164 reserve

CLI_rec_flux How many bytes have caller been
4 200
_H received?High 4 bytes
CLI_rec_flux How many bytes have caller been received?
4 204
_L Low 4 bytes
CLI_snt_flux_ How many bytes have caller been sent?High 4
4 208
H bytes
CLI_snt_flux_ How many bytes have caller been sent? Low 4
4 212
L bytes
CLD_rec_flux How many bytes have called been
4 216
_H received?High 4 bytes
CLD_rec_flux How many bytes have called been received?
4 220
_L Low 4 bytes
CLD_snt_flux How many bytes have called been sent?High 4
4 224
_H bytes
CLD_snt_flux How many bytes have called been sent? Low 4
4 228
_L bytes
Address of
Caller GK or 4 232 -

Address of
Caller GW or 4 236 -

Address of
Callee GK or 4 240 -

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Address of
Callee GW or 4 244 -
callerRoamIP 4 248 -
4 252 -
0:No roam
1.Local roam
callerRoamM 2.Roam within current province
0.5 256
ode 3.National roam
4.International roam
5.Other Roam

0:No roam
1.Local roam
calledRoamM 2.Roam within current province
0.5 256.5
ode 3.National roam
4.International roam
5.Other Roam

caller_numbe Caller number before number changing,

r_before_cha 10 257 expressed with compressed BCD code, and the
nge surplus bits are filled with “0xF”
Called number before number changing,
called_numb indicating the called number occurred at
er_before_ch 10 267 network side, compressed with compressed
ange BCD code, and the surplus bits are filled with
Ingress Name of caller gateway.[According to
Media 32 277 pre-defined in the used signaling such as
Gateway ID H.248,MGCP,H.323,SIP]
Name of called gateway.[According to
Egress Media
32 309 pre-defined in the used signaling such as
Gateway ID

caller_seize_ Caller seizure duration (Datatype: long, Unit:

4 341
duration 10ms)

called_seize_ Called seizure duration (Datatype: long, Unit:

4 345
duration 10ms

OPC 4 349 Originating Point Code

DPC 4 353 Destination Point Code

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
TMG Circuits Seizure Time, the format is:
YY: 0-99(binary)
TMG_Circuits MM: 1-12(binary)
_seizure 6 357
DD: 1-31(binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

TMG circuits release time, the format is:

YY: 0-99(binary)
TMG_Circuits MM: 1-12(binary)
_release 6 363
DD: 1-31(binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

Indicating the time of receiving or sending setup

message, the format is:
YY: 00-99(binary)
Start Date
and Time of 6 369 MM: 1-12 (binary)
Call Setup DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH: 0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
The duration from receiving or sending setup
message to the call is released by receiving or
Call setup sending of release message to/from the other
4 375 end, expressed with long integer.
expressed with long integer , the unit is 10 ms.
16 379 Trunk group name of the ingress TG
Route ID
16 395 Trunk group name of the egress TG
Route ID
Switch ID 6 411 -
1 417 -
expressed with compressed BCD code, and the
CAC 3 418
surplus bits are filled with “0xF”

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
5 421 -

balance 4 426 Balance of prepaid subscriber

1 430 -

Ingress Occupied Time Slot number in corresponding

occupied 1 431 trunk group of the ingress TG.
Time Slot

Egress Media
Gateway 1 432 -
Occupied Time Slot number in corresponding
occupied 1 433
trunk group of the egress TG.
Time Slot

Caller Time
1 434 -

Called Time
1 435 -

2 436 -

2 438 -

Traffic 2 440 Identifier of the caller number prefix
Dispersion ID

Traffic 2 442 Identifier of the callee number prefix
Dispersion ID
Description of the supplementary services
SS Calling called during the call
SS during the 7 444
call Note: The explanation of this field is not defined
in GB standard, use 0 temporarily.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
0: spared
1: 3.1K telecom service
2: 7Khz telecom service
3: category-4 fax
teleservice 1 451 4: intelligent subscriber telegraph
5: videotex
6: mixed telecom service
7: 7Khz image
15: Unknown
Others: spared
Number of switched UUS1 segments (64 bytes/
UUS1 count 1 452
Number of switched UUS2 segments (64 bytes/
UUS2 count 1 453
Number of switched UUS3 segments (64 bytes/
UUS3 count 1 454
To capture the delay from the time Call
2 455 Proceeding has sent to the caller to the time
connect is received from the callee

1 457 Packetization time, the unit is millisecond.

2 458 It’s reserved.
data rate
H248 can support it. The number of the lost
Packet loss 2 460
packets. It’s reserved for other protocols now.

0: speech
1: spare
2: 64 kbit/s unrestricted
3: 3.1 kHz audio
4: reserved for alternate speech (service 2)/64
kbit/s unrestricted (service 1)
PSTN/ISDN 5: reserved for alternate 64 kbit/s unrestricted
1 462 (service 1)/speech (service 2)
6: 64 kbit/s preferred
7: 2 × 64 kbit/s unrestricted
8: 384 kbit/s unrestricted
9: 1536 kbit/s unrestricted
10: 1920 kbit/s unrestricted
11~255: spare

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
0: Caller number
ISUP charge 1: Callee number
number 1 463
indicator 2: Connected number
3~255: spare

2 464 local dnset for original called number
original called number address nature:
0: subscriber number, original called number =
local number
1: spared
ddress_natur 1 466
e 2: national valid number, original called number
= toll area code + local number
3: international number, original called number
=country code + toll area code + local number

original called number, expressed with

org_number 10 467 compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits are
filled with “0xF”
2 477 local dnset for redirecting number
redirecting number address nature:
0: subscriber number, redirecting number =
local number
1: spared
ddress_natur 1 479
e 2: national valid number, redirecting number =
toll area code + local number
3: international number, redirecting number
=country code + toll area code + local number

redirecting number, expressed with

10 480 compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits are
filled with “0xF”

Return route number from SHLR in SHLR Mon

4 490 service, expressed with compressed BCD code,
and the surplus bits are filled with “0xF”

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Return operation from SHLR in SHLR Mon
0x19:Both MON user
0x1a:Both not MON,default caller
0x1b:Caller MON,callee common
0x1c:Callee common,drop back
SHLR_MON_ 0x1d:Caller MON,default caller
1 494
0x1e:Callee MON,caller common
0x1f:Both common user
0x20:Caller MON over max call
0x21:Callee MON over max call
0x22:SHLR error config
The surplus bits are filled with “0xF”
reserved 59 495 -

Total Length - 554 -

A.3.3 Fixed Network Meter Table Bill Format

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill, expressed in long
csn 4 0
length 2 4 Bill length,count from next field(net_type).
net_type 1 6 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill
bill_type 1 7 0xF0: Meter table ticket
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 8
provided in the GB standard, occupying one

Indicating whether the bill is an independent

record or it is a time segment record in the long
bill, the values are:
partial_recor 0: single record
0.5 9
1: the first part of the record
2: the middle part of the record
3: the last part of the record

It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

0.125 9.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Charge 0: subscriber 1: incoming trunk 2: outgoing
0.25 9.625
object trunk

Spared 0.125 9.875 -

Number of The number of the meter tables. It is currently
1 10
meter tables 20.

Indicating the date and time when the meter

table is generated, the format is:
Date and YY:00-99 (binary)
time of meter MM: 1-12(binary)
6 11
DD: 1-31(binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

Dnset 2 17 Number network identifier

Number address nature:
0: subscriber number, number = local number
1: spared
1 19 2: national valid number, number = toll area
code + local number
3: international number, number = country code
+ toll area code + local number

The subscriber number, expressed in

Number 10 20 compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits
are filled with “0xF”.
The charge objects are the trunk number and
Trunk group
2 30 the trunk group number in the case of the
outgoing trunk.
Module The number of the module that the subscriber
1 32
number or the trunk group belongs to
The equipment type of the subscriber meter
table: value range (0-255)
IGWB should display the corresponding ENUM
Name for the value received.
Equipment type of the user or trunk. Such as
H.323, SIP, ISUP, etc.
equipment 1 33
type DID_CON= 00
DID_SS= 01
DID_ST= 02
DID_AT2= 04

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
DID_AT4= 05
DID_AT0= 06
DID_EM4= 07
DID_DT= 09
DID_V5X= 12
DID_V5TK= 13
DID_NO7= 19
DID_CT0= 20
DID_MC2= 33
DID_LPV5= 37
DID_LPN7= 38
DID_CK2= 43
DID_CK3= 44

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
DID_RSA_0= 45
DID_RSA_1= 46
DID_RSU_0= 47
DID_RSU_1= 48
DID_iDT= 56
DID_V5ST= 57
DID_VDM = 72,
DID_VFB = 73,
DID_COCK = 74,
DID_DT5 = 75,
DID_DTT = 76,
DID_RSD5 = 77,
DID_ST32 = 78,
DID_DTMF32 = 79,
DID_PWX = 80,
DID_DIN = 82,
DID_AIT = 83,
DID_ASB = 84,

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
DID_AIN = 85,
DID_SCCP = 87,
DID_TCAP = 88,
DID_iCLI = 89,
DID_iCLD = 90,
DID_RSP = 91,
DID_ESC = 107,
DID_ESL = 114, /* iNET_Ephone
DID_ITC = 115, /* iNET_Ephone
DID_EDCN = 116,
DID_BICC_AAL1 = 117,
DID_H323_TRUNK = 119,
DID_BPC = 120,
DID_SDM = 121,
DID_PVM = 122,
DID_BSSAP = 123,
DID_ECT= 124,
DID_ECI= 125,
DID_RAB= 126 ,
DID_BICC_AAL2 = 128,
DID_H323_TERMINAL = 131,

Equipment The equipment sequence of the subscriber

sequence 2 34 within the module
number 0-65534, 65535 is a void value
Value of The value accumulated on the table since the
4 36
meter table 1 last meter table bill is generated (same below)
The call number accumulated on the table
Call times of
2 40 since the last meter table bill is generated
meter table 1
(same below)

Value of
4 42 -
meter table 2

Call times of
2 46 -
meter table 2

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Value of
meter table 3 4 48 -

Call times of
2 52 -
meter table 3
There are totally 20 meter tables, and the detailed description will be omitted.
CallerSrc 2 156 -
CalledSrc 2 158 -
5 160 -
Identifier of One attribute of the user, it shows when the
1 165
bill time user’s bill should be sent to bill center
The unified number of bill generated after
Local csn 4 166 current module is started, expressed in long

Spared 30 170 -
Total length - 200 -

A.3.4 Fixed Network Meter Table Statistics Bill

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill, expressed in long
csn 4 0
length 2 4 Bill length,count from next field(net_type).

net_type 1 6 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill

bill_type 1 7 0xF1: meter table statistics bill
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 8
provided in the GB standard, occupying one

Indicating whether the bill is an independent

record or it is a time segment record in the long
bill, the values are:
partial_recor 0: single record
0.5 9
1: the first part of the record
2: the middle part of the record
3: the last part of the record

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating
0.125 9.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.
Spared 0.375 9.625 -
Number of The number of the meter tables. It is currently
1 10
meter tables 20.

Indicating the date and time when the meter

table is generated, the format is:
YY:00-99 (binary)
Date and
time of bill 6 11 MM: 1-12 (binary)
generation DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
The number of the module generating the
1 17 meter table statistics bills, with the value range:

The call type. The values:

1: local office statistics
2: incoming office statistics
3: outgoing office statistics
Call type 1 18
4: tandem statistics
Others: invalid
Note: It indicates the statistics type of this
meter table bill.

Value of The value accumulated on the table since the

4 19
meter table 1 last meter table bill is generated (same below)

The call number accumulated on the table

Call times of
2 23 since the last meter table bill is generated
meter table 1
(same below)

Value of
4 25 -
meter table 2

Call times of
2 29 -
meter table 2

Value of
4 31 -
meter table 3

Call times of
- 35 -
meter table 3

There are totally 20 meter tables, and the detailed description will be omitted.

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill generated after
Local csn 4 139 current module is started, expressed in long
Total length - 143 -

A.3.5 Fixed Network Trunk Occupation Duration Statistics Bill

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill, expressed in long
csn 4 0
length 2 4 Bill length,count from next field(net_type).

net_type 1 6 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill

bill_type 1 7 0xF2: trunk occupation duration statistics bill
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 8
provided in the GB standard, occupying one

Spared 0.5 9 -
It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating
0.125 9.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Spared 1.375 9.625 -

Indicating the date and time when the trunk
occupation duration statistics bill is generated,
the format is: YYMMDDHHMMSS
YY:00-99 (binary)
Date and
time of bill 6 11 MM: 1-12 (binary)
generation DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
The number of the module generating the trunk
1 17 occupation duration statistics bills, with the
value range of 1-240
Spared 1 18 -
The charge objects are the trunk number and
Trunk group
2 19 the trunk group number in the case of the
outgoing trunk.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
conversation 4 21 expressed with long integer , the unit is 10 ms.
Incoming call
2 25 -
conversation 4 27 expressed with long integer , the unit is 10 ms.

Tandem call
2 31

conversation 4 33 expressed with long integer , the unit is 10 ms.

Outgoing call
2 37 -

The unified number of bill generated after

Local csn 4 39 current module is started, expressed in long
Total length - 43 -

A.3.6 Fixed Network Statistics Bill of Free Calls

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill, expressed in long
csn 4 0
length 2 4 Bill length,count from next field(net_type).

net_type 1 6 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill

bill_type 1 7 0xF3: statistics bill of free calls
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 8
provided in the GB standard, occupying one

Spared 0.5 9 -
It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating
0.125 9.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Spared 1.375 9.625 -

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Indicating the date and time when the meter
table is generated, the format is:
YY:00-99 (binary)
Date and
time of bill 6 11 MM: 1-12 (binary)
generation DD: 1-31(binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
The number of the module generating the
1 17 meter table statistics bills, with the value range
of 1-240

Spared 1 18

Statistics The statistics value of free call duration since

value of free 4 19 the last free call statistics bill is generated
call duration expressed with long integer , the unit is 10 ms.

The statistics value of free call times since the
value of free 2 23
last free call statistics bill is generated
call times
The unified number of bill generated after
Local csn 4 25 current module is started, expressed in long

Total length - 29 -

A.4 U-SYS SoftX3000 iGWB CDR Farmat (250 Bytes)

A.4.1 Fixed IN bill

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill, expressed in long
csn 4 0

11: fixed network bill

net_type 1 4
22: mobile network bill

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Call type of this ticket record
0x01: OVSV3R002 Detailed ticket
0x02: DBO call record
0x03: IN record
0x05: TAX record
0xF0: Meter table ticket
bill_type 1 5 0xF1: Meter table statistics
0xF2: Trunk duration statistics
0xF3: Free call statistics
0xF4: SCCP meter table ticket
0xFF: Warn ticket
0x55: Failed call ticket (Incomplete call watch
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly, it is only a kind of checking mode, this
check_sum 1 6
field is not available in GB standard and
occupies one byte.

It is always 0, indicating a single record

reserved when intelligent bill integrates with
ordinary bill, therefore, it overlaps with charging
0.5 7 record indicator and is different from that in GB
standard. It uses one byte together with validity
flag and reserved bit, and this indicator uses the
lower 4 bits in this byte.

It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

0.125 7.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Spared 0.375 7.625 Spared bit

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Indicating that which fields are available in bill, 0
for this field is not available in bill, 1 for this field
is available in bill. This field is used for the
realization of ACR program in INAP operation,
and is useless to the user. This field is not
available in GB standard. Each field flag
occupies a bit, as shown below:
Caller number address indicator flag, 0 for not
indicated, 1 for indicated, the same hereafter.
caller number flag
location number address indicator flag
charging category indicator flag
charging mode indicator flag
partial record indicator flag
location number indicator flag
called number address indicator flag
called number flag
destination number address indicator flag
Intelligent destination number flag
Bill Related 4 8 charging number address information flag
charging number flag
incoming trunk indicator flag
outgoing trunk indicator flag
answering time flag
call end time flag
conversation duration flag
call charging flag
traffic type flag
release cause flag
indicator flag
call subscriber category flag
bearer capability flag
final service flag
tariff adjustment flag
premium flag
transparent charging flag
with other 4 bits reserved
Record type 1 12 0x03: IN record
Charging Used for AC operation in INAP, ranging 1-127.
Record 2 13 This field is not available in GB standard and is
Indicator useless for the user.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Charging It is the same as the category field of charging
2 15
Category rate in GB standard, ranging 1~1000.

Equal to the charging/free of charge identifier in

1 17 GB standard, 0 for free of charge, 1 for
The same as the partial record indicator field in
GB standard.
For the bill with overlong conversation duration,
it is allowed to split the conversation into
multiple bills to record the call case, and the
1 18 values are as follows:
0 for single bill
1 for the first bill of this call
2 for the intermediate part bill of this call
3 for the last bill of this call
It is the same as the meanings of caller number
address nature indicator in GB standard, and is
Caller a repetition of address nature indicator in caller
number number description. The actual meanings are
address 1 19 as follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number , 4 for
international valid number

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
It includes 2 fields: calling number address
nature indicator and caller number, which is
inherited from AC operation number
description. Only the address nature and
number content are useful to the user. The
specific meanings are as follows:
Address nature indicator: 7 bits, in which, 0 for
spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for spared,
3 for domestic valid number , 4 for international
valid number
Odd/even indicator: 1 bit, 0 for address
information is even, 1 for address information is
mask indicator: 2 bits, 0 for provided by the
subscriber and not checked, 1 for provided by
number 14 20
the user, checked and passed, 2 for provided by
the user, checked to be faulty, 3 for provided by
the network
Address presentation restriction indicator: 2
bits, 0 for presentation allowed and 1 for
presentation restricted
Numbering plan indicator: 3 bits, 0 for spared, 1
for ISDN number plan, 3 for data number plan, 4
for subscriber telex number plan
Caller number incomplete indicator: 1 bit, 0 for
complete number, 1 for incomplete number
Number length: 5 bits
Spared: 3 bits
Content of number: 11 bytes, BCD code

It is the same as the called number address

nature indicator in GB standard, and is a
location repetition of address nature in called number
Address description. The actual meanings are as
1 34 follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number, 4 for
international valid number
number 14 35 Refer to the caller number description
It is the same as the called number address
nature indicator in GB standard, and is a
Called repetition of address nature in called number
number description. The actual meanings are as
address 1 49 follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number, 4 for
international valid number

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Refer to the caller number description, but mask
indicator and address presentation restriction
number 14 50
indicator are not contained, and the 4 bits
occupied by these 2 fields are spared bit.

It is the same as the translation number address

nature indicator in GB standard, and is a
Destination repetition of address nature in destination
number number description. The actual meanings are
address 1 64 as follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number, 4 for
international valid number

number 14 65 Refer to the called number description.
Equal to the charge party ID indicator in GB
1 79 standard. Refer to GB standard for the

The same as the charge number address
1 80 nature indicator. Refer to GB standard for
specific meanings.

charging 11 81 BCD code
trunk_group It is the same as the incoming trunk group
2 92
_in identifier.
trunk_group It is the same as the outgoing trunk group
2 94
_out identifier.
Equal to the answering time and time field in GB
standard, but not to the accuracy of 100mm. It is
ans_time 6 96 in the YYMMDDHHMMSS format, these 6 bytes
record year, month, day, hour, minute, second
in the character form in order.
Equal to the conversation end time and time
field in GB standard, but not to the accuracy of
6 102 100mm. It is in the YYMMDDHHMMSS format,
n end time
these 6 bytes record year, month, day, hour,
minute, second in the character form in order.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
4-byte BCD code, with the format as
HHHMMSST, in which the meanings are as
conversatio HHH: 0-255 (hour(s))
4 108
MM : 0-59 (minute(s))
SS : 0-59 (second(s))
T : 0-9 (100 mm)

4 112 The same as international charge field.
n charge
The same as the traffic type field in GB
standard. At present, only local call, national
Traffic type 0.5 116
originated call and international originated call
are used. Refer to GB standard.
Equal to the conversation end cause in GB
Release standard. At present, only caller onhook, called
0.5 116.5
cause onhook and abnormal end are used. Refer to
GB standard.

1.5 117
ory The same as that in GB standard.

Identifier 0.5 118.5 This field is invalid and will not be used.
It includes selection type and selection value.
The meanings are as follows:
Selection type occupies one byte, and is not
Bearer available in GB standard, and is useless to the
3 119
capability subscriber.
Selection value is equal to the bearer service in
GB standard, and is fixed at 1 and in character
form. Refer to GB standard for it.
Equal to the teleservice in GB standard. The
value is fixed at 1, refer to GB standard for it. If
no other location fields are added, actually only
Service type 0.5 122 one byte will be occupied.
Service type occupies 4 bits and uses the lower
4 bits in the byte, and 4 bits are spared.

Spared 0.5 122.5

Equal to the charge adjustment coefficient in

GB standard. The structure in character form is
shown as follows:
Tariff 4 123
Charge adjustment ratio: occupies 2 bytes
Charge adjustment type: occupies 2 bytes, refer
to GB standard for the meanings.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Equal to IN premium in GB standard, but only
Premium 4 127 premium value is included, excluding premium
20 131

RxFlux 4 151

TxFlux 4 155

Caller side
gateway/ 4 159
terminal IP

Caller side
gateway/ 4 163
terminal IP

Caller side
soft switch
4 167
IP address
Called side
soft switch
4 171
IP address

Reserved 75 175

Total length : 250 Bytes

A.4.2 Fixed Ordinary Detail Bill Format

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill, expressed in long
csn 4 0
11: fixed network bill
net_type 1 4
22: mobile network bill

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Call type of this ticket record
0x01: OVSV3R002 Detailed ticket
0x02: DBO call record
0x03: IN record
0x05: TAX record
0xF0: Meter table ticket
bill_type 1 5 0xF1: Meter table statistics
0xF2: Trunk duration statistics
0xF3: Free call statistics
0xF4: SCCP meter table ticket
0xFF: Warn ticket
0x55: Failed call ticket (Incomplete call watch
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly, it is only a kind of checking mode, this
check_sum 1 6
field is not available in GB standard and
occupies one byte.
Indicating that this bill is a single record, and is
also a record of a certain time segment in a long
bill, the values are:
0: single record
0.5 7 1: the first part of record
2: the intermidiate part of record
3: the last part of record
4: single record for multi-record bill

It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

0.125 7.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.
Indicating that whether the clock is modified
clock_indica during the call process (such as whether the
0.125 7.625
tor host time has been modified via BAM) 0 for
YES, 1 for NO.

free_indicat 0 for free of charge; 1 for charging (at present

0.125 7.75
or the default is free call attempt)

0.125 7.875 0 for free call attempt; 1 for charged call attempt

0.125 8 0 for no complaint; 1 for complaint

cama_indica 0 for non-centralized charging; 1 for centralized

0.125 8.125
tor charging

0.125 8.25 0 for non-credit call; 1 for credit call

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Spared 0.125 8.375 spared bit
0: free of charge
1: charging the calling party
2: charging the called party
3:charging the destination address number
(used in IN)
4:third party charged, which can be divided into
case 11, 12, 13 and 14
charge_part 9: charging incoming trunk
0.5 8.5
10:charging outgoing trunk
11:charging calling party (third party charged)
12:charging called party (third party charged)
13:charging incoming trunk (third party
14:charging outgoing trunk (third party charged)
15:no charging

Indicating the start time of answering, the

MM: 1-12 (binary)
ans_time 6 9
DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

Indicating the time of conversation end, the

YY:00-99 (binary)
MM: 1-12 (binary)
end_time 6 15
DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary

the duration of this conversation recorded by

4 21 switch, expressed with long integer, the unit is
10 ms.

caller_dnset 2 25 Caller number network identifier

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
the caller number address nature:
caller_addre 0:subscriber number, caller number = local
ss_nature number
Caller 1:spared
number 1 27
address 2:domestic valid number, caller number = toll
nature area code + local number
indicator 3:international number, caller number =country
code + toll area code + local number
Caller number, expressed with compressed
10 28 BCD code, and the surplus bits are filled with

called_dnset 2 38 Called subscriber network identifier

Called address nature:
0:subscriber number, called number = local
called_addr 1:spared
1 40
ess_nature 2:domestic valid number, called number =toll
area code + local number
3:international number, called number =country
code + toll area code + local number
Called number, indicating the called number
called_num occurred at network side, compressed with
10 41
ber compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits are
filled with “0xF”.
Indicating Centrex group number of charging
centrex_gro object, ranging 0-65535, in the case of
2 51
up_number non-Centrex group subscriber, the value is
Indicating the short number of caller within the
caller_ctx_n Centrex group, expressed with BCD code, if this
5 53
umber field is not available, each bit should be filled
with “0xF”.

Indicating the short number of called party

called_ctx_n within the Centrex group, expressed with BCD
5 58
umber code, if this field is not available, each bit should
be filled with “0xF”.
The group number of incoming trunk, ranging
2 63 0-65535, if this call is not via incoming trunk,
then it is expressed with 0xFFFF.
The group number of outgoing trunk, ranging
2 65 0-65535, if this call is not via outgoing trunk,
then it is expressed with OxFFFF

caller_did 1 67 Equipment type of the calling party in local office

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
0: CON
1: SS
2: ST
3: DSL
4: AT2
5: AT4
6: AT0
7: EM4
8: MTK
9: DT
10: TUP
11: ISUP
12: V5X
13: V5TK
14: V5PCM
15: PRA
16: PHI
17: DTMF
18: MFC
19: N07
20: CT0
21: TSS
22: TST
23: ETS
24: DMC
25: MPU
26: EMA
27: NOD
28: NET
29: SIG
30: TKD
31: TCI
32: CHD
33: MC2
34: OPT
35: ALM
36: MEM
37: LPV5
38: LPN7
39: LPRA

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
40: LPHI
41: OLE
42: CLK
43: CK2
44: CK3
45: RSA0
46: RSA1
47: RSU0
48: RSU1
49: DTR
50: SEL
51: SLT
52: SPT
53: AVM
54: DCN
55: DIU
56: iDT
57: V5ST
58: V5DSL
59: V5PRA
60: V5PHI
61: TSI
63: RDT
64: LPMC2
65: V5DCN
66: CKS
67: DRV IN
68: FSK
69: CONF
70: OTM
71: HSL
72: VDM
73: VFB
74: COCK
75: DT5
76: DTT
77: RSD5
78: ST32
79: DTMF32

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
80: PWX
82: DIN
83: AIT
84: ASB
85: AIN
87: SCCP
88: TCAP
89: iCLI
90: iCLD
91: RSP
107: ESC
114: ESL
115: ITC
116: EDCN
117: BICC AAL1
118: SIP
119: H323
120: BPC
121: SDM
122: PVM
123: BSSAP
124: ECT
125: ECI
126: RAB
128: BICC AAL2
129: BICC IP
130: SIPSL
131: H323SL
called_did 1 68 Equipment type of the called party in local office

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
00: unknown caller category
01: operator in French
02: operator in English
03: operator in German
04: operator in Russian
05: operator in Spanish
06: operator, the language adopted after the
negotiation of both parties
07: operator, the language adopted after the
negotiation of both parties
08: operator, the language adopted after the
negotiation of both parties
09: domestic operator
0A: ordinary subscriber (toll-toll, toll– local)
caller_categ 0B: priority subscriber (toll-toll, toll-local,
1 69 local-local)
0C: data call (speech band data)
0D: test call
0E: spared
0F: collect call
10—BF: spared
E0—EF: national spared
F0: ordinary FPH (local-toll)
F1: ordinary periodic subscriber (local-toll)
F2: ordinary immediate subscriber table
F3: ordinary immediate printer (local-toll)
F4: prior FPH (local-toll)
F5: prior periodic subscriber (local-toll)
F8: ordinary local subscriber (local-local, used
by the local office)
1. intra-office
2: incoming office
call_type 0.5 70
3. outgoing office
4: tandem
5: new service
Spare 0.5 70.5 Spare bits

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
0: local office
1: local
2: local toll
3: national toll
4: international toll
gsvn 1 71 5: new service
6: PABX Call
14: local CENTREX
15: Intra office National Toll
16: Intra office International Toll
17: Local collect toll
18: National collect toll
failure cause code
1 72 12: NS_NO_DISTURB

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
61: NO_CR
62: NO_CCB

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
145: BUSY

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
202: NO_ECP

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Field Offset Remark

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
254: BUTT

Spared 0.25 73

0: Up round
1: Down round
round_mode 0.25 73.25
2: Mid round
3: No round

0: caller party release; 1: called party release;

0.5 73.5 2: inter release 3: peer caller release 4:peer
called release
Description of the supplementary services
Calling SS called during the call
during the 7 74
call Note: The explanation of this field is not defined
in GB standard, use 0 temporarily.
charging_ca The charging case value of this call, determined
2 81
se by the host charging setup data
rate 2 83 Charging unit price. The unit: minute
Receiving the number of charging pulse from
pulse_count 4 85
the senior office

The fee (including premium) calculated

fee 4 89 according to the host charging data. The unit:
2 93 Connected number network identifier
Connected number address nature
0: subscriber number, connected number =
local number
1. spared
address_nat 1 95
ure 2: national valid number, connected number =
toll area code + local number
3: international number, connected number =
country code+ toll area code + local number

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
The connected number refers to the actual
connection number of this call, mainly
displaying the information, expressed in
compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits are
10 96 filled by “0xF”. In normal cases, the connected
number is equal to the called number, and the
exceptional case is: call transfer of the called
subscriber, the connected number is the actual
connection number after the transfer.
2 106 Charge number network identifier
The values indicating the charging number
address nature:
0: subscriber number, charging number = local
1: spared
2: national valid number, charging number = toll
area code + local number
3: international number, charging number =
country code+ toll area code + local number
4: account card, A card
5: account card, B card
1 108 6: account card, C card
7: account card, D card
8: VISA card
9: CTX group number
10: CTX intra-group extension number
11: Bank 1
12: Bank 2
13: Bank 3
14: Bank 4
15: Reserved
255: NULL

Describing various kinds of subscriber number,

charge_num card number, account in the compressed BCD
10 109
ber mode (including Centrex group number), the
surplus bits are filled with “0xF”.

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
1: circuit mode, 64Kbps unrestricted, 8KHZ
structured bearer service
2: circuit mode, 64Kbps, 8KHZ structured
bearer voice, including 100, 101, 102 and 103
3: circuit mode, 64Kbps, 8KHZ structured
bearer 3.1KHZ voice
4: packet mode, ISDN virtual call, permanent
virtual circuit service is accessed by the
subscriber provided by the B channel
5: subscriber signaling bearer service
7: circuit mode, 2X64Kbps unrestricted, 8KHZ
structured bearer service type
8: circuit mode, 6X64Kbps unrestricted, 8KHZ
structured bearer service type
9: circuit mode, 24X64Kbps unrestricted, 8KHZ
1 119 structured bearer service type
10: circuit mode, 30X64Kbps unrestricted,
8KHZ structured bearer service type
11: packet voice service
12: packet video service
13: fax service
14: modem service
100: voice, analog subscriber calls analog
101: voice, analog subscriber calls digit
102: voice, digit subscriber calls analog
103: voice, digit subscriber calls digit subscriber
255: unknown
Others: spared
0: spared
1: 3.1K telecom service
2: 7Khz telecom service
3: category-4 fax
teleservice 1 120 4: intelligent subscriber telegraph
5: videotex
6: mixed telecom service
7: 7Khz image
15: unknown
Others: spared

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
RxFlux 4 121 How many bytes have been received?
TxFlux 4 125 How many bytes have been sent?
Address of
Caller GK or 4 129

Address of
Caller GW 4 133
or Terminal

Address of
Callee GK or 4 137 If it cannot be obtained, omit it.
Address of
Callee GW 4 141
or Terminal

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
ITUT codec defition below
0: no indication
1: G.711 64 kbit/s A-law
2: G.711 64 kbit/s Mu-law
3: G.711 56 kbit/s A-law
4: G.711 56 kbit/s Mu-law
5: G.722 (SB-ADPCM 64K)
6: G.722 (SB-ADPCM 56K)
7: G.722 (SB-ADPCM 48K)
8: G.723.1
9: G.723.1 Annex A (silence suppression)
10: G.726 (ADPCM)
11: G.727 (Embedded ADPCM)
12: G.728
13: G.729 (CS-ACELP)
14: G.729 A Annex A(silence suppression)
15: G.729 W Annex B(silence suppression)
16: G.729 Annex A W Annex B(silence
17: H.261(Video codec)
18: H.262(Video codec, ITU Name for MPEG2)
19: H.263(High performance codec)
CodeType 1 145 ETSI(3GPP) codec definition below
100: GSM Full Rate (13.0 kBit/s)
101: GSM Half Rate (5.6 kBit/s)
102: GSM Enhanced Full Rate (12.2 kBit/s)
103: Full Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate
104: Half Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate
105: UMTS Adaptive Multi-Rate
106: UMTS Adaptive Multi-Rate 2
107: TDMA Enhanced Full Rate (7.4 kBit/s)
108: Enhanced Full Rate (6.7 kBit/s)

IETF defintion below

150: 1016
151: clock rate: 8000
152: clock rate: 16000
153: LPC
154: L16 2 channels
155: L16 1 channel
156: QCELP
157: MPA
158: DVI4, clock rate: 11025
159: DVI4, clock rate: 22050
160: T.38
Number of switched UUS1 segments (64 bytes/
UUS1 count 1 146
Number of switched UUS2 segments (64 bytes/
UUS2 count 1 147

Number of switched UUS3 segments (64 bytes/

UUS3 count 1 148

Reserved 1 149
CallerSrc 2 150 Caller Source
CalledSrc 2 152 Called Source

5 154 Short number of payer

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
0: no indication
1: G.711 64 kbit/s A-law
2: G.711 64 kbit/s Mu-law
3: G.711 56 kbit/s A-law
4: G.711 56 kbit/s Mu-law
5: G.722 (SB-ADPCM 64K)
6: G.722 (SB-ADPCM 56K)
7: G.722 (SB-ADPCM 48K)
8: G.723.1
9: G.723.1 Annex A (silence suppression)
10: G.726 (ADPCM)
11: G.727 (Embedded ADPCM)
12: G.728
13: G.729 (CS-ACELP)
14: G.729 A Annex A (silence suppression)
15: G.729 W Annex B (silence suppression)
16: G.729 Annex A W Annex B(silence
17: H.261(Video codec)
Code type 18: H.262(Video codec, ITU Name for MPEG2)
1 159
video 19: H.263(High performance codec)
20: MPEG4 audio
21: MPEG4 video
100: GSM Full Rate
101: GSM Half Rate
102: GSM Enhanced Full Rate
103: Full Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate
104: Half Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate
105: UMTS Adaptive Multi-Rate
106: UMTS Adaptive Multi-Rate 2
107: TDMA Enhanced Full Rate
108: Enhanced Full Rate
150: 1016
151: clock rate: 8000
152: clock rate: 16000
153: LPC
154: L16 2 channels
155: L16 1 channel
156: QCELP
157: MPA

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
158: DVI4, clock rate: 11025
159: DVI4, clock rate: 22050
160: T38
161: Adaptive Multi-Rate
255: NULL

Max Bit Rate 2 160 Max Bit Rate(Unit: k bit )

Reserved 4 162
pps_flag 0.125 166 0: Non-PPS call; 1: PPS call

np_call_flag 0.125 0: non-NP call; 1: NP call
charging_m 166.2 0: Meter table; 1: Detailed ticket; 2:Detailed and
ethod 5 Meter table

0: No watch; 1: Watch caller; 2: Watch called; 3:
call_watch_t 0.25 166.5
Watch both
caller_ISDN 166.7 0: Terminal access non ISDN; 1: Terminal
_access 5 access is ISDN
called_ISDN 166.8 0: Terminal access non ISDN; 1: Terminal
_access 75 access is ISDN
0.125 167 0: ISUP not all way; 1: ISUP all way
B_number 0.625 Occupied B chunnels[1~30]
Spared 0.25
caller_seize Caller seizure duration (Datatype: long, Unit:
4 168
_duration 10ms)
called_seize Called seizure duration (Datatype: long, Unit:
4 172
_duration 10ms)
Dialed number (Datatype: packed BCD,
dial_number 12 176
right-padded with "0xF")
1 188 Module number which caller belongs to
1 189 Module number which called belongs to
2 190
2 192

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
1 194 The same as Caller Category above-metioned
0: Register abbreviated dialing
1: Use abbreviated dialing
2: Cancel abbreviated dialing
3: Cancel all abbreviated dialing
4: Check abbreviated dialing
5: Register hot line
6: Use hot line
7: Cancel hot line
8: Register wakeup call
9: Use wakeup call
10: Cancel wakeup call
11: Register absent subscriber
12: Use absent subscriber
13: Cancel absent subscriber
14: Register do not dsturb
15: Use do not disturb
16: Cancel do not disturb
17: Check do not disturb
ary_service 1 195 18: Register outgoing call barring
_type 19: Cancel outgoing call barring
20: Check outgoing call barring
21: Use malicious call trace
22: Register auto-redial
23: Use auto-redial
24: Cancel auto-redial
25: Register call forwarding unconditionally
26: Use call forwarding unconditionally (CFU)
27: Cancel call forwarding unconditionally
28: Check call forwarding unconditionally (CFU)
29: Register call forwarding on busy (CFB)
30: Use call forwarding on busy (CFB)
31: Cancel call forwarding on busy (CFB)
32: Check call forwarding on busy (CFB)
33: Register call forwarding on no reply (CFNR)
34: Use call forwarding on no reply (CFNR)
35: Cancel call forwarding on no reply (CFNR)

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
36: Check call forwarding on no reply (CFNR)
37: Register time call forwarding (CFT)
38: Use time call forwarding (CFT)
39: Cancel time call forwarding (CFT)
40: Check time call forwarding (CFT)
41: Register call forwarding offline (CFO)
42: Use call forwarding offline (CFO)
43: Cancel call forwarding offline (CFO)
44: Check call forwarding offline (CFO)
45: Register call waiting
46: Use call waiting
47: Cancel call waiting
48: Register calling back on busy
49: Use calling back on busy
50: Cancel calling back on busy
51: Use three parties communication
52: Use conference
53: Use designated picking up
54: Use call pickup for all
55: Use caller hooking
56: Use called hooking
57: Use CLIP
58: Register CLIR
59: Cancel CLIR
60: Check CLIR
61: Register number barring
62: Used number barring
63: Cancel number barring
64: Cancel all number barring
65: Check number barring
66: Register secretary station
67: Use secretary station
68: Cancel secretary station
69: Check secretary station
70: Register secretary service
71: Use secretary service
72: Cancel secretary service
73: Check secretary service
74: Register immediate hot line
75: Use immediate hot line

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
76: Cancel immediate hot line
77: Register remote CFU
78: Cancel remote CFU
79: Register remote CFB
80: Cancel remote CFB
81: Register remote CFNR
82: Cancel remote CFNR
83: Register remote CFT
84: Cancel remote CFT
85: Register remote CFO
86: Cancel remote CFO
87: Modify password
88: Register COLR
89: Cancel COLR
90: Check COLR
91: CFB to voice mailb
92: CFNR to voice mail
93: Add voltage MWN
94: Register AOCE
95: Cancel AOCE
96: Special line call
97: Insert trunk
98: Supervision trunk
99: Disconnect trunk
100: Present CLI temply
101: Restrict CLI temply
102: Hooking transfer
103: Operate by password
104: Clear conference participant
105: Register conference list
106: Use conference list
107: Cancel conference list
108: Receive coming conference
109: Reject coming conference
110: Register split auto conference
111: Register add auto conference
112: Register isolate auto conference
113: Register reattach auto conference
114: Register drop auto conference
115: Register console

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
116: Cancel console
117: Urgent out
118: Register room state
119: Register mini bar
120: Prefix of CTX internal
121: CLI test
122: Start ATME test
123: End ATME test
124: Special DN test
125: Intelligent
126: Intelligent route control
127: register DN call allow
128: Cancel DN call allow
129: Active DNCOA table
130: Deactive DNCOA table
131: Active DN call barring
132: Deactive DN call barring
133: Center maintain DN
134: Special function DN
135: Service mode1 access code
136: Service mode2 access code
137: Service mode3 access code
138: Service mode4 access code
139: Cancel all registered new service
140: DN display
141: Tone record
142: Play tone
143: Centrex card call
144: Centrex card modipwd
145: Register floating work area
146: Check floating work area
147: Cancel floating work area
148: Floating work area calling
149: Inter PLMN
150: Local PLMN
151: Other PLMN
154: Voice mailbox
155: Assist request mode

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
156: Ip server DN
157: Toll semiauto service
158: International toll semiauto service
159: MCU
160: Inter DDD
161: Inter IDD
162: Block CNAM
163: Unblock CNAM
164: Block CID
165: Unblock CID
166: Apply CCW
167: Register normal BTB
168: Cancel normal BTB
169: Register duplex BTB
170: Cancel duplex BTB
171: Register PBXCFU
172: Check PBXCFU
173: Cancel PBXCFU
174: Register PBXCFNR
175: Check PBXCFNR
176: Cancel PBXCFNR
177: Register PBXCFB
178: Check PBXCFB
179: Cancel PBXCFB
180: Register MWI
181: Cancel MWI
182: Register CWCFNR
183: Check CWCFNR
184: Cancel CWCFNR
185: Modify super password
186: Register CFU to centrex attendant
187: Check CFU to centrex attendant
188: Cancel CFU to centrex attendant
189: Register CFU to mailbox
190: Check CFU to mailbox
191: Cancel CFU to mailbox
192: Register CFB to mailbox
193: Check CFB to mailbox
194: Cancel CFB to mailbox
195: Register CFNR to mailbox

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
196: Check CFNR to mailbox
197: Cancel CFNR to mailbox
198: Register CFS
199: Use CFS
200: Cancel CFS
201: Register CFS CLID
202: Cancel CFS CLID
203: Register CFS TOD
204: Cancel CFS TOD
205: Register CFS DOW
206: Cancel CFS DOW
207: Activate CFS entry
208: Cancel CFS entry
209: Deactivate CFS entry
210: Query CFS information
211: Register SCA CLID
212: Use SCA CLID
213: Cancel SCA CLID
214: Register SCA TOD
215: Use SCA TOD
216: Cancel SCA TOD
217: Register SCA DOW
218: Use SCA DOW
219: Cancel SCA DOW
220: Activate SCA entry
221: Cancel SCA entry
222: Deactivate SCA entry
223: Query SCA information
224: Register SCR CLID
225: Use SCR CLID
226: Cancel SCR CLID
227: Register SCR TOD
228: Use SCR TOD
229: Cancel SCR TOD
230: Register SCR DOW
231: Use SCR DOW
232: Cancel SCR DOW
233: Activate SCR entry
234: Cancel SCR entry
235: Deactivate SCR entry

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
236: Query SCR information
237: Use password call
238: Use outgoing call prompt
239: Register SCA
240: Use SCA
241: Cancel SCA
242: Register SCR
243: Use SCR
244: Cancel SCR
245: Register IDD call in barring
246: Use IDD call in barring
247: Check IDD call in barring
248: Cancel IDD call in barring

balance 4 196 Balance of prepaid subscriber

OPC 4 200 Originating Point Code
DPC 4 204 Destination Point Code

2 208
When it is a long tima call,the partial bill’s
Partial_counter increases by degrees from
Partial_coun 01.when it is larger than 99, Partial_counter will
1 210 increases by degrees from 00 again.
When it is not a long time call, the single bill’s
Partial_counter is 01.

TMG Circuits Seizure Time, the format is:

YY: 0-99 (binary)
TMG_Circuit MM: 1-12 (binary)
s _seizure 6 211
DD: 1-31(binary)
HH: 0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
TMG circuits release time, the format is:
YY: 0-99 (binary)
TMG_Circuit MM: 1-12 (binary)
s _release 6 217
DD: 1-31(binary)
HH: 0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

0: DDD,DDI, local Calls; 1: DDC and DLC

Billed_party 1 223
( Colected Calls ); 2: No billed calls

Reserved 26 224
Total length : 250 Bytes

A.4.3 Fixed Network Meter Table Bill Format

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill, expressed in long
csn 4 0
net_type 1 4 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill

Call type of this ticket record

0x01: OVSV3R002 Detailed ticket
0x02: DBO call record
0x03: IN record
0x05: TAX record
0xF0: Meter table ticket
bill_type 1 5 0xF1: Meter table statistics
0xF2: Trunk duration statistics
0xF3: Free call statistics
0xF4: SCCP meter table ticket
0xFF: Warn ticket
0x55: Failed call ticket (Incomplete call watch
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 6
provided in the GB standard, occupying one

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Indicating whether the bill is an independent
record or it is a time segment record in the long
bill, the values are:
partial_recor 0: single record
0.5 7
1: the first part of the record
2: the middle part of the record
3: the last part of the record

It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

0.125 7.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Charge 0: subscriber 1: incoming trunk 2: outgoing

0.25 7.625
object trunk

Spared 0.125 7.875

Number of The number of the meter tables. It is currently

1 8
meter tables 20.
Indicating the date and time when the meter
table is generated, the format is:
Date and YY:00-99 (binary)
time of MM: 1-12(binary)
6 9
meter table
DD: 1-31(binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

Dnset 2 15 Number network identifier

Number address nature:
0: subscriber number, number = local number
1: spared
1 17 2: national valid number, number = toll area
code + local number
3: international number, number = country code
+ toll area code + local number
The subscriber number, expressed in
Number 10 18 compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits are
filled with “0xF”.
The charge objects are the trunk number and
Trunk group
2 28 the trunk group number in the case of the
outgoing trunk.

Module The number of the module that the subscriber

1 30
number or the trunk group belongs to

Subscriber 1 31 The equipment type of the subscriber meter

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
equipment table: value range (0-255)
type 0: CON
1: SS
2: ST
3: DSL
4: AT2
5: AT4
6: AT0
7: EM4
8: MTK
9: DT
10: TUP
11: ISUP
12: V5X
13: V5TK
14: V5PCM
15: PRA
16: PHI
17: DTMF
18: MFC
19: N07
20: CT0
21: TSS
22: TST
23: ETS
24: DMC
25: MPU
26: EMA
27: NOD
28: NET
29: SIG
30: TKD
31: TCI
32: CHD
33: MC2
34: OPT
35: ALM
36: MEM
37: LPV5
38: LPN7
39: LPRA

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
40: LPHI
41: OLE
42: CLK
43: CK2
44: CK3
45: RSA0
46: RSA1
47: RSU0
48: RSU1
49: DTR
50: SEL
51: SLT
52: SPT
53: AVM
54: DCN
55: DIU
56: iDT
57: V5ST
58: V5DSL
59: V5PRA
60: V5PHI
61: TSI
63: RDT
64: LPMC2
65: V5DCN
66: CKS
67: DRV IN
68: FSK
69: CONF
70: OTM
71: HSL
72: VDM
73: VFB
74: COCK
75: DT5
76: DTT
77: RSD5
78: ST32
79: DTMF32
80: PWX

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
82: DIN
83: AIT
84: ASB
85: AIN
87: SCCP
88: TCAP
89: iCLI
90: iCLD
91: RSP
107: ESC
114: ESL
115: ITC
116: EDCN
117: BICC AAL1
118: SIP
119: H323
120: BPC
121: SDM
122: PVM
123: BSSAP
124: ECT
125: ECI
126: RAB
128: BICC AAL2
129: BICC IP
130: SIPSL
131: H323SL

Equipment The equipment sequence of the subscriber

sequence 2 32 within the module
number 0-65534, 65535 is a void value

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 34
last meter table bill is generated
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 38
the last meter table bill is generated

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 40
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 44
the last meter table bill is generated
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 46
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 50
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 52
last meter table bill is generated
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 56
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 58
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 62
the last meter table bill is generated
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 64
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 68
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 70
last meter table bill is generated
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 74
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 76
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 80
the last meter table bill is generated

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 82
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 86
the last meter table bill is generated
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 88
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 92
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 94
last meter table bill is generated
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 98
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 100
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 104
the last meter table bill is generated
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 106
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 110
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 112
last meter table bill is generated
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 116
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 118
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 122
the last meter table bill is generated

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 124
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 128
the last meter table bill is generated
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 130
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 134
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 136
last meter table bill is generated
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 140
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 142
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 146
the last meter table bill is generated
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 148
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 152
the last meter table bill is generated

CallerSrc 2 154 Caller Source

CalledSrc 2 156 Called Source
5 158 Short number of caller
reserved 87 163
Total length : 250 Bytes

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

A.4.4 Fixed Network Meter Table Statistics Bill (statisticsMeterBill)

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill, expressed in long
csn 4 0

net_type 1 4 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill

Call type of this ticket record
0x01: OVSV3R002 Detailed ticket
0x02: DBO call record
0x03: IN record
0x05: TAX record
0xF0: Meter table ticket
bill_type 1 5 0xF1: Meter table statistics
0xF2: Trunk duration statistics
0xF3: Free call statistics
0xF4: SCCP meter table ticket
0xFF: Warn ticket
0x55: Failed call ticket (Incomplete call watch

Used for checking whether the bill is saved

correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 6
provided in the GB standard, occupying one
Indicating whether the bill is an independent
record or it is a time segment record in the long
bill, the values are:
partial_recor 0: single record
0.5 7
1: the first part of the record
2: the middle part of the record
3: the last part of the record
It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating
0.125 7.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Spared 0.375 7.625

Number of The number of the meter tables. It is currently
1 8
meter tables 20.

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Indicating the date and time when the meter
table is generated, the format is:
YY:00-99 (binary)
Date and
time of bill 6 9 MM: 1-12 (binary)
generation DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

Module The number of the module generating the meter

1 15
number table statistics bills, with the value range: 1-240

The call type. The values:

1: local office statistics
2: incoming office statistics
3: outgoing office statistics
Call type 1 16
4: tandem statistics
Others: invalid
Note: It indicates the statistics type of this meter
table bill.

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 4 17
last meter table bill is generated (same below)
Call times of The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 21 the last meter table bill is generated (same
1 below)

Value of
meter table 4 23

Call times of
meter table 2 27
Value of
meter table 4 29

Call times of
meter table 2 33

There are totally 20 meter tables, and the detailed description will be omitted.
Total length : 137 Bytes

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

A.4.5 Fixed Network Trunk Occupation Duration Statistics Bill

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill, expressed in long
csn 4 0

net_type 1 4 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill

Call type of this ticket record
0x01: OVSV3R002 Detailed ticket
0x02: DBO call record
0x03: IN record
0x05: TAX record
0xF0: Meter table ticket
bill_type 1 5 0xF1: Meter table statistics
0xF2: Trunk duration statistics
0xF3: Free call statistics
0xF4: SCCP meter table ticket
0xFF: Warn ticket
0x55: Failed call ticket (Incomplete call watch

Used for checking whether the bill is saved

correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 6
provided in the GB standard, occupying one

Spared 0.5 7

It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

0.125 7.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Spared 1.375 7.625

Indicating the date and time when the trunk

occupation duration statistics bill is generated,
the format is: YYMMDDHHMMSS
YY:00-99 (binary)
Date and
time of bill 6 9 MM: 1-12 (binary)
generation DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
The number of the module generating the trunk
1 15 occupation duration statistics bills, with the
value range of 1-240

Spared 1 16

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
The charge objects are the trunk number and
Trunk group
2 17 the trunk group number in the case of the
outgoing trunk.

conversatio 4 19 expressed with long integer, the unit is 10 ms.
n duration
2 23
call times
conversatio 4 25 expressed with long integer, the unit is 10 ms.
n duration

Tandem call
2 29

conversatio 4 31 expressed with long integer, the unit is 10 ms.
n duration

2 35
call times

Total length : 37 Bytes

A.4.6 Fixed Network Statistics Bill of Free Calls

Field Offset Remark
The unified number of bill, expressed in long
csn 4 0
net_type 1 4 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill
Call type of this ticket record
0x01: OVSV3R002 Detailed ticket
0x02: DBO call record
0x03: IN record
0x05: TAX record
0xF0: Meter table ticket
bill_type 1 5 0xF1: Meter table statistics
0xF2: Trunk duration statistics
0xF3: Free call statistics
0xF4: SCCP meter table ticket
0xFF: Warn ticket
0x55: Failed call ticket (Incomplete call watch

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 6
provided in the GB standard, occupying one

Spared 0.5 7

It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

0.125 7.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Spared 1.375 7.625

Indicating the date and time when the meter

table is generated, the format is:
YY:00-99 (binary)
Date and
time of bill 6 9 MM: 1-12 (binary)
generation DD: 1-31(binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
The number of the module generating the meter
1 15 table statistics bills, with the value range of

Spared 1 16

The statistics value of free call duration since
value of free 4 17
the last free call statistics bill is generated
call duration

The statistics value of free call times since the
value of free 2 21
last free call statistics bill is generated
call times

Total length : 23 Bytes

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

A.5 U-SYS SoftX3000 iGWB CDR Farmat (140 Bytes)

A.5.1 Fixed IN bill

Field Offset Remark
11: fixed network bill
net_type 1 0
22: mobile network bill
Equal to the record type in GB standard, which
occupies a byte. Refer to the national standard
for the meanings.
0x01: PSTN/ISDN/CTX call record
0x02: DBO call record (not available in China)
0x03: IN call record
0x04: ISDN/CTX record
bill_type 1 1
0x05: record generated by TAX (not available in
0xF0: meter table bill
0xF1: meter table statistics bill
0xF2: trunk duration statistics bill
0xF3: free call statistics bill
0xFF: alarm bill

Used for checking whether the bill is saved

correctly, it is only a kind of checking mode, this
check_sum 1 2
field is not available in GB standard and
occupies one byte.
It is always 0,indicating a single record reserved
when intelligent bill integrates with ordinary bill,
therefore, it overlaps with charging record
0.5 3 indicator and is different from that in GB
standard. It uses one byte together with validity
flag and reserved bit, and this indicator uses the
lower 4 bits in this byte.

It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

0.125 3.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.
Spared 0.375 3.625 Spared bit

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Indicating that which fields are available in bill, 0
for this field is not available in bill, 1 for this field
is available in bill. This field is used for the
realization of ACR program in INAP operation,
and is useless to the user. This field is not
available in GB standard. Each field flag
occupies a bit, as shown below:
Caller number address indicator flag, 0 for not
indicated, 1 for indicated, the same hereafter.
caller number flag
location number address indicator flag
charging category indicator flag
charging mode indicator flag
partial record indicator flag
location number indicator flag
called number address indicator flag
called number flag
destination number address indicator flag
Intelligent destination number flag
Bill Related 4 4 charging number address information flag
charging number flag
incoming trunk indicator flag
outgoing trunk indicator flag
answering time flag
call end time flag
conversation duration flag
call charging flag
traffic type flag
release cause flag
indicator flag
call subscriber category flag
bearer capability flag
final service flag
tariff adjustment flag
premium flag
transparent charging flag
with other 4 bits reserved
he same as that in GB standard. Refer to GB
Record type 1 8
Charging Used for AC operation in INAP, ranging 1-127.
Record 2 9 This field is not available in GB standard and is
Indicator useless for the user.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Charging It is the same as the category field of charging
2 11
Category rate in GB standard, ranging 1~1000.

Equal to the charging/free of charge identifier in

1 13 GB standard, 0 for free of charge, 1 for
The same as the partial record indicator field in
GB standard.
For the bill with overlong conversation duration,
it is allowed to split the conversation into
multiple bills to record the call case, and the
1 14 values are as follows:
0 for single bill
1 for the first bill of this call
2 for the intermediate part bill of this call
3 for the last bill of this call
It is the same as the meanings of caller number
address nature indicator in GB standard, and is
Caller a repetition of address nature indicator in caller
number number description. The actual meanings are
address 1 15 as follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number , 4 for
international valid number

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
It includes 2 fields: calling number address
nature indicator and caller number, which is
inherited from AC operation number
description. Only the address nature and
number content are useful to the user. The
specific meanings are as follows:
Address nature indicator: 7 bits, in which, 0 for
spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for spared,
3 for domestic valid number , 4 for international
valid number
Odd/even indicator: 1 bit, 0 for address
information is even, 1 for address information is
mask indicator: 2 bits, 0 for provided by the
subscriber and not checked, 1 for provided by
number 14 19
the user, checked and passed, 2 for provided by
the user, checked to be faulty, 3 for provided by
the network
Address presentation restriction indicator: 2
bits, 0 for presentation allowed and 1 for
presentation restricted
Numbering plan indicator: 3 bits, 0 for spared, 1
for ISDN number plan, 3 for data number plan, 4
for subscriber telex number plan
Caller number incomplete indicator: 1 bit, 0 for
complete number, 1 for incomplete number
Number length: 5 bits
Spared: 3 bits
Content of number: 11 bytes, BCD code

It is the same as the called number address

nature indicator in GB standard, and is a
Called repetition of address nature in called number
number description. The actual meanings are as
address 1 30 follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number, 4 for
international valid number
Refer to the caller number description, but mask
indicator and address presentation restriction
number 14 31
indicator are not contained, and the 4 bits
occupied by these 2 fields are spared bit.

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
It is the same as the translation number address
nature indicator in GB standard, and is a
Destination repetition of address nature in destination
number number description. The actual meanings are
address 1 45 as follows:
indicator 0 for spared, 1 for subscriber number, 2 for
spared, 3 for domestic valid number, 4 for
international valid number
number 14 46 Refer to the called number description.
Equal to the charge party ID indicator in GB
1 60 standard. Refer to GB standard for the

The same as the charge number address
1 61 nature indicator. Refer to GB standard for
specific meanings.
charging 11 62 BCD code

trunk_group It is the same as the incoming trunk group

2 73
_in identifier.

trunk_group It is the same as the outgoing trunk group

2 75
_out identifier.

Equal to the answering time and time field in GB

standard, but not to the accuracy of 100mm. It is
ans_time 6 77 in the YYMMDDHHMMSS format, these 6 bytes
record year, month, day, hour, minute, second
in the character form in order.
Equal to the conversation end time and time
field in GB standard, but not to the accuracy of
6 83 100mm. It is in the YYMMDDHHMMSS format,
n end time
these 6 bytes record year, month, day, hour,
minute, second in the character form in order.

4-byte BCD code, with the format as

HHHMMSST, in which the meanings are as
conversatio HHH: 0-255 (hour(s))
4 89
MM : 0-59 (minute(s))
SS : 0-59 (second(s))
T : 0-9 (100 mm)

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
4 93 The same as international charge field.
n charge
The same as the traffic type field in GB
standard. At present, only local call, national
Traffic type 0.5 97
originated call and international originated call
are used. Refer to GB standard.
Equal to the conversation end cause in GB
Release standard. At present, only caller onhook, called
0.5 97.5
cause onhook and abnormal end are used. Refer to
GB standard.

1.5 98
ory The same as that in GB standard.

Identifier 0.5 99.5 This field is invalid and will not be used.
It includes selection type and selection value.
The meanings are as follows:
Selection type occupies one byte, and is not
Bearer available in GB standard, and is useless to the
3 100
capability subscriber.
Selection value is equal to the bearer service in
GB standard, and is fixed at 1 and in character
form. Refer to GB standard for it.
Equal to the teleservice in GB standard. The
value is fixed at 1, refer to GB standard for it. If
no other location fields are added, actually only
Service type 0.5 103 one byte will be occupied.
Service type occupies 4 bits and uses the lower
4 bits in the byte, and 4 bits are spared.

Spared 0.5

Equal to the charge adjustment coefficient in

GB standard. The structure in character form is
shown as follows:
Tariff 4 104
Charge adjustment ratio: occupies 2 bytes
Charge adjustment type: occupies 2 bytes, refer
to GB standard for the meanings.

Equal to IN premium in GB standard, but only

Premium 4 108 premium value is included, excluding premium
20 112

RxFlux 4 132

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark

TxFlux 4 136

Caller side
gateway/ 4 140
terminal IP
Caller side
gateway/ 4 144
terminal IP
Caller side
soft switch
4 148
IP address

Called side
soft switch
4 152
IP address

A.5.2 Fixed Ordinary Detail Bill Format

Field Offset Remark
11: fixed network bill
net_type 1 0
22: mobile network bill
Equal to the record type in GB standard, which
occupies a byte, refer to GB for the meanings.
0x01: PSTN/ISDN/CTX call record
0x02: DBO call record (not available in China)
0x03: IN call record
0x04: ISDN/CTX record
bill_type 1 1 0x05: record generated by TAX (not available in
0xF0: meter table bill
0xF1: meter table bill
0xF2: trunk duration statistics bill
0xF3: free call statistics bill
0xFF: alarm bill

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly, it is only a kind of checking mode, this
check_sum 1 2
field is not available in GB standard and
occupies one byte.

Indicating that this bill is a single record, and is

also a record of a certain time segment in a long
bill, the values are:
partial_recor 0: single record
0.5 3
1: the first part of record
2: the intermidiate part of record
3: the last part of record

It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

0.125 3.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.
Indicating that whether the clock is modified
clock_indica during the call process (such as whether the
0.125 3.625
tor host time has been modified via BAM) 0 for
YES, 1 for NO.

free_indicat 0 for free of charge; 1 for charging (at present

0.125 3.75
or the default is free call attempt)

0.125 3.875 0 for free call attempt; 1 for charged call attempt

0.125 4 0 for no complaint; 1 for complaint

cama_indica 0 for non-centralized charging; 1 for centralized

0.125 4.125
tor charging

0.125 4.25 0 for non-credit call; 1 for credit call

spared 0.125 4.375 spared bit

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
0: free of charge
1: charging the calling party
2: charging the called party
3:charging the destination address number
(used in IN)
4:third party charged, which can be divided into
case 11, 12, 13 and 14
charge_part 9: charging incoming trunk
0.5 4.5
10:charging outgoing trunk
11:charging calling party (third party charged)
12:charging called party (third party charged)
13:charging incoming trunk (third party
14:charging outgoing trunk (third party charged)
15:no charging

Indicating the start time of answering, the

MM: 1-12 (binary)
ans_time 6 5
DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

Indicating the time of conversation end, the

YY:00-99 (binary)
MM: 1-12 (binary)
end_time 6 11
DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary

conversatio the duration of this conversation recorded by

4 17
n_time switch, expressed with long integer

caller_dnset 1 21 Caller number network identifier

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
the caller number address nature:
caller_addre 0: subscriber number, caller number = local
ss_nature number
Caller 1: spared
number 1 22
address 2: domestic valid number, caller number = toll
nature area code + local number
indicator 3: international number, caller number =country
code + toll area code + local number
Caller number, expressed with compressed
10 23 BCD code, and the surplus bits are filled with

called_dnset 1 33 Called subscriber network identifier

Called address nature:
0: subscriber number, called number = local
called_addr 1: spared
1 34
ess_nature 2: domestic valid number, called number =toll
area code + local number
3: international number, called number =country
code + toll area code + local number
Called number, indicating the called number
called_num occurred at network side, compressed with
10 35
ber compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits are
filled with “0xF”.
Indicating Centrex group number of charging
centrex_gro object, ranging 0-65535, in the case of
2 45
up_number non-Centrex group subscriber, the value is
Indicating the short number of caller within the
caller_ctx_n Centrex group, expressed with BCD code, if this
5 47
umber field is not available, each bit should be filled
with “0xF”.

Indicating the short number of called party

called_ctx_n within the Centrex group, expressed with BCD
5 52
umber code, if this field is not available, each bit should
be filled with “0xF”.
The group number of incoming trunk, ranging
2 57 0-65535, if this call is not via incoming trunk,
then it is expressed with 0xFFFF.
The group number of outgoing trunk, ranging
2 59 0-65535, if this call is not via outgoing trunk,
then it is expressed with OxFFFF

caller_did 1 61 Equipment type of the calling party in local office

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
0: CON
1: SS
2: ST
3: DSL
4: AT2
5: AT4
6: AT0
7: EM4
8: MTK
9: DT
10: TUP
11: ISUP
12: V5X
13: V5TK
14: V5PCM
15: PRA
16: PHI
17: DTMF
18: MFC
19: N07
20: CT0
21: TSS
22: TST
23: ETS
24: DMC
25: MPU
26: EMA
27: NOD
28: NET
29: SIG
30: TKD
31: TCI
32: CHD
33: MC2
34: OPT
35: ALM
36: MEM
37: LPV5
38: LPN7
39: LPRA

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
40: LPHI
41: OLE
42: CLK
43: CK2
44: CK3
45: RSA0
46: RSA1
47: RSU0
48: RSU1
49: DTR
50: SEL
51: SLT
52: SPT
53: AVM
54: DCN
55: DIU
56: iDT
57: V5ST
58: V5DSL
59: V5PRA
60: V5PHI
61: TSI
63: RDT
64: LPMC2
65: V5DCN
66: CKS
67: DRV IN
68: FSK
69: CONF
70: OTM
71: HSL
72: VDM
73: VFB
74: COCK
75: DT5
76: DTT
77: RSD5
78: ST32
79: DTMF32

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
80: PWX
82: DIN
83: AIT
84: ASB
85: AIN
87: SCCP
88: TCAP
89: iCLI
90: iCLD
91: RSP
107: ESC
114: ESL
115: ITC
116: EDCN
117: BICC AAL1
118: SIP
119: H323
120: BPC
121: SDM
122: PVM
123: BSSAP
124: ECT
125: ECI
126: RAB
128: BICC AAL2
129: BICC IP
130: SIPSL
131: H323SL
called_did 1 62 Equipment type of the called party in local office

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
00: unknown caller category
01: operator in French
02: operator in English
03: operator in German
04: operator in Russian
05: operator in Spanish
06: operator, the language adopted after the
negotiation of both parties (Chinese)
07: operator, the language adopted after the
negotiation of both parties
08: operator, the language adopted after the
negotiation of both parties (Japanese)
09: domestic operator
0A: ordinary subscriber (toll-toll, toll– local)
caller_categ 0B: priority subscriber (toll-toll, toll-local,
1 63 local-local)
0C: data call (speech band data)
0D: test call
0E: spared
0F: collect call
10—BF: spared
E0—EF: national spared
F0: ordinary FPH (local-toll)
F1: ordinary periodic subscriber (local-toll)
F2: ordinary immediate subscriber table
F3: ordinary immediate printer (local-toll)
F4: prior FPH (local-toll)
F5: prior periodic subscriber (local-toll)
F8: ordinary local subscriber (local-local, used
by the local office)
1. intra-office
2: incoming office
call_type 0.5 64
3. outgoing office
4: tandem
5: new service

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
0: local office
1: local
2: local toll
gsvn 0.5 64.5 3: national toll
4: international toll
5: new service
14: local CENTREX
15: Intra office National Toll

1 65 failure cause code

spared1 0.5 66

terminating_ 0: caller off-hook; 1: called off-hook;

0.5 66.5
reason 2: abnormal end

Description of the supplementary services

Calling SS called during the call
during the 7 67
call Note: The explanation of this field is not defined
in GB standard, use 0 temporarily.

charging_ca The charging case value of this call, determined

2 74
se by the host charging setup data

rate 2 76 Charging unit price. The unit: minute

Receiving the number of charging pulse from
pulse_count 4 78
the senior office
The fee (including premium) calculated
fee 4 82 according to the host charging data. The unit:

1 86
dnset Connected number network identifier

Connected number address nature

0: subscriber number, connected number =
local number
1. spared
address_nat 1 87
ure 2: national valid number, connected number =
toll area code + local number
3: international number, connected number =
country code+ toll area code + local number

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
The connected number refers to the actual
connection number of this call, mainly
displaying the information, expressed in
compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits are
10 88 filled by “0xF”. In normal cases, the connected
number is equal to the called number, and the
exceptional case is: call transfer of the called
subscriber, the connected number is the actual
connection number after the transfer.
1 98 Charge number network identifier
The values indicating the charging number
address nature:
0: subscriber number, charging number = local
1: spared
2: national valid number, charging number = toll
area code + local number
3: international number, charging number =
country code+ toll area code + local number
4: account card, A card
5: account card, B card
charge_addr 6: account card, C card
1 99
ess_nature 7: account card, D card
8: VISA card
9: CTX group number
10: CTX intra-group extension number
12: account of Industrial and Commercial Bank
of China
13: account of Bank of Construction
14: account of Bank of China
15: account of Communication Bank of China
16: account of Agricultural Bank of China
others: spared

Describing various kinds of subscriber number,

charge_num card number, account in the compressed BCD
10 100
ber mode (including Centrex group number), the
surplus bits are filled with “0xF”.

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
1: circuit mode, 64Kbps unrestricted, 8KHZ
structured bearer service
2: circuit mode, 64Kbps, 8KHZ structured
bearer voice, including 100, 101, 102 and 103
3: circuit mode, 64Kbps, 8KHZ structured
bearer 3.1KHZ voice
4: packet mode, ISDN virtual call, permanent
virtual circuit service is accessed by the
subscriber provided by the B channel
5: subscriber signaling bearer service
7: circuit mode, 2X64Kbps unrestricted, 8KHZ
structured bearer service type
8: circuit mode, 6X64Kbps unrestricted, 8KHZ
structured bearer service type
9: circuit mode, 24X64Kbps unrestricted, 8KHZ
1 110 structured bearer service type
10: circuit mode, 30X64Kbps unrestricted,
8KHZ structured bearer service type
11: packet voice service
12: packet video service
13: fax service
14: modem service
100: voice, analog subscriber calls analog
101: voice, analog subscriber calls digit
102: voice, digit subscriber calls analog
103: voice, digit subscriber calls digit subscriber
255: unknown
Others: spared
0: spared
1: 3.1K telecom service
2: 7Khz telecom service
3: category-4 fax
teleservice 1 111 4: intelligent subscriber telegraph
5: videotex
6: mixed telecom service
7: 7Khz image
15: unknown
Others: spared

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
RxFlux 4 112 How many bytes have been received?
TxFlux 4 116 How many bytes have been sent?
Address of
Caller GK or 4 120

Address of
Caller GW 4 124
or Terminal

Address of
Callee GK or 4 128
Address of
Callee GW 4 132
or Terminal

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
ITUT codec defition below
0: no indication
1: G.711 64 kbit/s A-law
2: G.711 64 kbit/s Mu-law
3: G.711 56 kbit/s A-law
4: G.711 56 kbit/s Mu-law
5: G.722 (SB-ADPCM 64K)
6: G.722 (SB-ADPCM 56K)
7: G.722 (SB-ADPCM 48K)
8: G.723.1
9: G.723.1 Annex A (silence suppression)
10: G.726 (ADPCM)
11: G.727 (Embedded ADPCM)
12: G.728
13: G.729 (CS-ACELP)
14: G.729 A Annex A(silence suppression)
15: G.729 W Annex B(silence suppression)
16: G.729 Annex A W Annex B(silence
17: H.261(Video codec)
18: H.262(Video codec, ITU Name for MPEG2)
19: H.263(High performance codec)
CodeType 1 136 ETSI(3GPP) codec definition below
100: GSM Full Rate (13.0 kBit/s)
101: GSM Half Rate (5.6 kBit/s)
102: GSM Enhanced Full Rate (12.2 kBit/s)
103: Full Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate
104: Half Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate
105: UMTS Adaptive Multi-Rate
106: UMTS Adaptive Multi-Rate 2
107: TDMA Enhanced Full Rate (7.4 kBit/s)
108: Enhanced Full Rate (6.7 kBit/s)

IETF defintion below

150: 1016
151: clock rate: 8000
152: clock rate: 16000
153: LPC
154: L16 2 channels
155: L16 1 channel
156: QCELP
157: MPA
158: DVI4, clock rate: 11025
159: DVI4, clock rate: 22050
160: T.38
Number of switched UUS1 segments (64 bytes/
UUS1 count 1 137
Number of switched UUS2 segments (64 bytes/
UUS2 count 1 138

Number of switched UUS3 segments (64 bytes/

UUS3 count 1 139

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User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

A.5.3 Fixed Network Meter Table Bill Format

Field Offset Remark
Csn 4 0 Sequence of cdr
It is equal to the record type in GB standard,
occupying one byte. Refer to GB standard for
the meaning.
0x01: call records of PSTN/ISDN/CTX
0x02: call records of DBO (not provided
0x03: call records of IN
bill_type 1 4 0x04: records of ISDN/CTX
0x05: records generated by TAX (not provided
0xF0: meter table bill
0xF1: meter table statistics bill
0xF2: trunk occupation duration statistics bill
0xF3: statistics bill of free calls
0xFF: alarm bill

Used for checking whether the bill is saved

correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 5
provided in the GB standard, occupying one

Indicating whether the bill is an independent

record or it is a time segment record in the long
bill, the values are:
partial_recor 0: single record
0.5 6
1: the first part of the record
2: the middle part of the record
3: the last part of the record

It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

0.125 6.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Charge 0: subscriber 1: incoming trunk 2: outgoing

0.25 6.625
object trunk

Spared 0.125 6.875

Number of The number of the meter tables. It is currently

1 7
meter tables 20.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Indicating the date and time when the meter
table is generated, the format is:
Date and YY:00-99 (binary)
time of MM: 1-12(binary)
6 8
meter table
DD: 1-31(binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

Dnset 1 14 Number network identifier

Number address nature:
0: subscriber number, number = local number
1: spared
1 15 2: national valid number, number = toll area
code + local number
3: international number, number = country code
+ toll area code + local number

The subscriber number, expressed in

Number 10 16 compressed BCD code, and the surplus bits are
filled with “0xF”.
The charge objects are the trunk number and
Trunk group
2 26 the trunk group number in the case of the
outgoing trunk.
Module The number of the module that the subscriber
1 28
number or the trunk group belongs to
The equipment type of the subscriber meter
equipment 1 29
table: value range (0-255)

Equipment The equipment sequence of the subscriber

sequence 2 30 within the module
number 0-65534, 65535 is a void value
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 32
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 34
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 36
last meter table bill is generated

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 38
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 40
last meter table bill is generated
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 42
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 44
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 46
the last meter table bill is generated
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 48
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 50
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 52
last meter table bill is generated
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 54
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 56
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 58
the last meter table bill is generated
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 60
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 62
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 64
last meter table bill is generated

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 66
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 68
last meter table bill is generated
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 70
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 72
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 74
the last meter table bill is generated
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 76
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 78
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 80
last meter table bill is generated
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 82
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 84
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 86
the last meter table bill is generated
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 88
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 90
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 92
last meter table bill is generated

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 94
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 96
last meter table bill is generated
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 98
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 100
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 102
the last meter table bill is generated
Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 104
last meter table bill is generated

Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 106
the last meter table bill is generated

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 108
last meter table bill is generated
Call times of
The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 110
the last meter table bill is generated

reserved 6 112

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

A.5.4 Fixed Network Meter Table Statistics Bill (statisticsMeterBill)

Field Offset Remark
net_type 1 0 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill

It is equal to the record type in GB standard,

occupying one byte. Refer to GB standard for
the meaning.
0x01: call records of PSTN/ISDN/CTX
0x02: call records of DBO (not provided
0x03: call records of IN
bill_type 1 1 0x04: records of ISDN/CTX
0x05: records generated by TAX (not provided
0xF0: meter table bill
0xF1: meter table statistics bill
0xF2: trunk occupation duration statistics bill
0xF3: statistics bill of free calls
0xFF: alarm bill

Used for checking whether the bill is saved

correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 2
provided in the GB standard, occupying one
Indicating whether the bill is an independent
record or it is a time segment record in the long
bill, the values are:
partial_recor 0: single record
0.5 3
1: the first part of the record
2: the middle part of the record
3: the last part of the record
It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating
0.125 3.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Spared 0.375 3.625

Number of The number of the meter tables. It is currently

1 4
meter tables 20.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Indicating the date and time when the meter
table is generated, the format is:
YY:00-99 (binary)
Date and
time of bill 6 5 MM: 1-12 (binary)
generation DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)

Module The number of the module generating the meter

1 11
number table statistics bills, with the value range: 1-240

The call type. The values:

1: local office statistics
2: incoming office statistics
3: outgoing office statistics
Call type 1 12
4: tandem statistics
Others: invalid
Note: It indicates the statistics type of this meter
table bill.

Value of
The value accumulated on the table since the
meter table 2 13
last meter table bill is generated (same below)
Call times of The call number accumulated on the table since
meter table 2 15 the last meter table bill is generated (same
1 below)

Value of
meter table 2 17

Call times of
meter table 2 19
Value of
meter table 2 21

Call times of
meter table 2 23

There are totally 20 meter tables, and the detailed description will be omitted.

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

A.5.5 Fixed Network Trunk Occupation Duration Statistics Bill

Field Offset Remark
net_type 1 0 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill
It is equal to the record type in GB standard,
occupying one byte. Refer to GB standard for
the meaning.
0x01: call records of PSTN/ISDN/CTX
0x02: call records of DBO (not provided
0x03: call records of IN
bill_type 1 1 0x04: records of ISDN/CTX
0x05: records generated by TAX (not provided
0xF0: meter table bill
0xF1: meter table statistics bill
0xF2: trunk occupation duration statistics bill
0xF3: statistics bill of free calls
0xFF: alarm bill

Used for checking whether the bill is saved

correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 2
provided in the GB standard, occupying one

Spared 0.5 3

It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

0.125 3.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Spared 1.375 3.625

Indicating the date and time when the trunk

occupation duration statistics bill is generated,
the format is: YYMMDDHHMMSS
YY:00-99 (binary)
Date and
time of bill 6 5 MM: 1-12 (binary)
generation DD: 1-31 (binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
The number of the module generating the trunk
1 11 occupation duration statistics bills, with the
value range of 1-240

Spared 1 12

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
The charge objects are the trunk number and
Trunk group
2 13 the trunk group number in the case of the
outgoing trunk.

The conversation duration is calculated in the
conversatio 4 15
unit of seconds.
n duration
2 19
call times
conversatio 4 21
n duration

Tandem call
2 25

conversatio 4 27
n duration

2 31
call times

A.5.6 Fixed Network Statistics Bill of Free Calls

Field Offset Remark
net_type 1 0 11: fixed network bill 22: mobile network bill
It is equal to the record type in GB standard,
occupying one byte. Refer to GB standard for
the meaning.
0x01: call records of PSTN/ISDN/CTX
0x02: call records of DBO (not provided
0x03: call records of IN
bill_type 1 1 0x04: records of ISDN/CTX
0x05: records generated by TAX (not provided
0xF0: meter table bill
0xF1: meter table statistics bill
0xF2: trunk occupation duration statistics bill
0xF3: statistics bill of free calls
0xFF: alarm bill

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Field Offset Remark
Used for checking whether the bill is saved
correctly. It is only a kind of check method, not
check_sum 1 2
provided in the GB standard, occupying one

Spared 0.5 3

It is always 0, indicating valid; it is 1, indicating

0.125 3.5 invalid, equal to the record validity indicator in
GB standard.

Spared 1.375 3.625

Indicating the date and time when the meter

table is generated, the format is:
YY:00-99 (binary)
Date and
time of bill 6 5 MM: 1-12 (binary)
generation DD: 1-31(binary)
HH:0-23 (binary)
MM: 0-59 (binary)
SS: 0-59 (binary)
The number of the module generating the meter
1 11 table statistics bills, with the value range of

Spared 1 12

The statistics value of free call duration since
value of free 4 13
the last free call statistics bill is generated
call duration

The statistics value of free call times since the
value of free 2 17
last free call statistics bill is generated
call times

A.6 Add-tables
A.6.1 Relation between termination_ code and Q.850

Internal Cause Q.850 cause

Value Description Value Description

26 CV_CALL_BARRING 21 Call rejected



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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Internal Cause Q.850 cause

Value Description Value Description




47 unavailable,


66 CV_NO_CONFO Switching
42 equipment


230 CV_RECOVERY_OF_TIME_OUT timer expiry

Invalid number
28 (address

19 from user (user
147 CV_NO_ACKNOWLEGE alerted)


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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Internal Cause Q.850 cause

Value Description Value Description

No user


Normal call
1 (unassigned)
129 CV_UNALOC_CODE number

22 CV_COCK_FAILURE Requested
AVAILABLE available
83 CV_NO_ACIRCUIT 34 circuit/channel




17 User busy



Others Other Internal Cause Values 31

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

A.6.2 Protocol release cause

I. H248

Reason Value Reason Description

400 Bad Request
401 Protocol Error
402 Unauthorized
403 Syntax Error in Transaction
406 Version Not Supported
410 Incorrect identifier
411 The transaction refers to an unknown ContextId
412 No ContextIDs available
421 Unknown action or illegal combination of actions

422 Syntax Error in Action

430 Unknown TerminationID
431 No TerminationID matched a wildcard

432 Out of TerminationIDs or No TerminationID available

433 TerminationID is already in a Context
440 Unsupported or unknown Package

441 Missing RemoteDescriptor

442 Syntax Error in Command
443 Unsupported or Unknown Command
444 Unsupported or Unknown Descriptor
445 Unsupported or Unknown Property
446 Unsupported or Unknown Parameter

447 Descriptor not legal in this command

448 Descriptor appears twice in a command
450 No such property in this package

451 No such event in this package

452 No such signal in this package
453 No such statistic in this package
454 No such parameter value in this package
455 Parameter illegal in this Descriptor

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Reason Value Reason Description

456 Parameter or Property appears twice in this Descriptor
471 Implied Add for Multiplex failure
500 Internal Gateway Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Not ready.
503 Service Unavailable
504 Command Received from unauthorized entity
505 Command Received before Restart Response
510 Insufficient resources
512 Media Gateway unequipped to detect requested Event
513 Media Gateway unequipped to generate requested Signals
514 Media Gateway cannot send the specified announcement
515 Unsupported Media Type

517 Unsupported or invalid mode

518 Event buffer full
519 Out of space to store digit map

520 Media Gateway does not have a digit map

521 Termination is "ServiceChangeing"
526 Insufficient bandwidth
529 Internal hardware failure
530 Temporary Network failure
531 Permanent Network failure
581 Does Not Exist


Reason Value Reason Description

1000+0 Endpoint state is nominal
1000+100 The transaction is currently being executed
1000+200 The requested transaction was executed normally
1000+250 The connection was deleted
1000+400 The transaction could not be executed, due to a transient error

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Reason Value Reason Description

1000+401 The phone is already off hook
1000+402 The phone is already on hook
The transaction could not be executed, because the endpoint
does not have sufficient resources at this time
1000+404 Insufficient bandwidth at this time
The transaction could not be executed, because the endpoint is
The transaction could not be executed, because the endpoint is
not ready
The transaction could not be executed, because the endpoint
does not have sufficient resources
The transaction could not be executed, because a protocol error
was detected
The transaction could not be executed, because the command
contained an unrecognized extension
The transaction could not be executed, because the gateway is
not equipped to detect one of the requested events
The transaction could not be executed, because the gateway is
not equipped to generate one of the requested signals
The transaction could not be executed, because the gateway
cannot send the specified announcement
1000+515 The transaction refers to an incorrect connection-id

1000+516 The transaction refers to an unknown call-id

1000+517 Unsupported or invalid mode
1000+518 Unsupported or unknown package

1000+519 Endpoint does not have a digit map

The transaction could not be executed, because the endpoint is

1000+521 Endpoint redirected to another Call Agent

1000+522 No such event or signal
1000+523 Unknown action or illegal combination of actions
1000+524 Internal inconsistency in LocalConnectionOptions
1000+525 Unknown extension in LocalConnectionOptions
1000+526 Insufficient bandwidth
1000+527 Missing RemoteConnectionDescriptor
1000+528 Incompatible protocol version

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Reason Value Reason Description

1000+529 Internal hardware failure
1000+530 CAS signaling protocol error
1000+531 failure of a grouping of trunks
1000+900 Endpoint malfunctioning
1000+901 Endpoint taken out of service
1000+902 Loss of lower layer connectivity


Reason Value Reason Description

2000+400 Bad Request
2000+401 Unauthorized
2000+402 Payment Required
2000+403 Forbidden

2000+404 Not Found

2000+405 Method Not Allowed
2000+406 Not Acceptable

2000+407 Proxy Authentication Required

2000+408 Request Timeout
2000+409 Conflict
2000+410 Gone
2000+411 Length Required
2000+413 Request Entity Too Large
2000+414 Request-URI Too Long
2000+415 Unsupported Media Type
2000+420 Bad Extension

2000+480 Temporarily Unavailable

2000+481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist
2000+482 Loop Detected
2000+483 Too Many Hops
2000+484 Address Incomplete
2000+485 Ambiguous

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Reason Value Reason Description

2000+486 Busy Here
2000+500 Server Internal Error
2000+501 Not Implemented
2000+502 Bad Gateway
2000+503 Service Unavailable
2000+504 Gateway Time-out
2000+505 Version Not Supported
2000+600 Busy Everywhere
2000+603 Decline
2000+604 Does Not Exist Anywhere
2000+606 Not Acceptable

IV. H323

Reason Value Reason Description

3000+0 No Bandwidth
3000+1 Gatekeeper Resources

3000+2 Unreachable Destination

3000+3 Destination Rejection
3000+4 Invalid Revision
3000+5 No Permission
3000+6 Unreachable Gatekeeper
3000+7 Gateway Resources
3000+8 Bad Format Address
3000+9 Adaptive Busy
3000+10 In Conf

3000+11 Undefined Reason

3100+0 Facility Call Deflection
3100+1 Security Denied
3100+2 Called Party Not Registered
3100+3 Caller Not Registered
3100+4 New Connection Needed

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Reason Value Reason Description

3100+5 Non Standard Reason
3100+6 Replace With Conference Invite
3100+7 Generic Data Reason
3100+8 Needed Feature Not Supported
3100+9 Tunneled Signaling Rejected

A.6.3 Caller_did/Callee_did

Value Item
0 DID_CON= 00
1 DID_SS= 01
2 DID_ST= 02
3 DID_DSL= 03

4 DID_AT2= 04
5 DID_AT4= 05
6 DID_AT0= 06

7 DID_EM4= 07
8 DID_MTK= 08
9 DID_DT= 09
10 DID_TUP= 10
11 DID_ISUP=11
12 DID_V5X= 12
13 DID_V5TK= 13
14 DID_V5PCM= 14
15 DID_PRA= 15

16 DID_PHI= 16
17 DID_DTMF=17
18 DID_MFC= 18
19 DID_NO7= 19
20 DID_CT0= 20
21 DID_TSS= 21
22 DID_TST= 22

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Value Item
23 DID_ETS= 23
24 DID_DMC= 24
25 DID_MPU= 25
26 DID_EMA= 26
27 DID_NOD= 27
28 DID_NET= 28
29 DID_SIG= 29
30 DID_TKD= 30
31 DID_TCI= 31
32 DID_CHD= 32
33 DID_MC2= 33
34 DID_OPT= 34
35 DID_ALM= 35

36 DID_MEM= 36
37 DID_LPV5= 37
38 DID_LPN7= 38

39 DID_LPRA=39
40 DID_LPHI=40
41 DID_OLE= 41
42 DID_CLK= 42
43 DID_CK2= 43
44 DID_CK3= 44
45 DID_RSA_0= 45
46 DID_RSA_1= 46
47 DID_RSU_0= 47
48 DID_RSU_1= 48
49 DID_DTR= 49
50 DID_SEL= 50
51 DID_SLT= 51
52 DID_SPT= 52
53 DID_AVM= 53
54 DID_DCN= 54

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Value Item
55 DID_DIU= 55
56 DID_iDT= 56
57 DID_V5ST= 57
58 DID_V5DSL=58
59 DID_V5PRA=59
60 DID_V5PHI=60
61 DID_TSI= 61
63 DID_RDT= 63
64 DID_LPMC2=64
65 DID_V5DCN=65
66 DID_CKS= 66
67 DID_DRV_IN=67

68 DID_FSK= 68
69 DID_CONF= 69
70 DID_OTM= 70

71 DID_HSL= 71
72 DID_VDM = 72,
73 DID_VFB = 73,
74 DID_COCK = 74,
75 DID_DT5 = 75,
76 DID_DTT = 76,
77 DID_RSD5 = 77,
78 DID_ST32 = 78,
79 DID_DTMF32 = 79,
80 DID_PWX = 80,
81 DID_SPTIN = 81
82 DID_DIN = 82,
83 DID_AIT = 83,
84 DID_ASB = 84,
85 DID_AIN = 85,
86 DID_MEMIN = 86,

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

Value Item
87 DID_SCCP = 87,
88 DID_TCAP = 88,
89 DID_iCLI = 89,
90 DID_iCLD = 90,
91 DID_RSP = 91,
107 DID_ESC = 107,
114 DID_ESL = 114, /* iNET_Ephone
115 DID_ITC = 115, /* iNET_Ephone
116 DID_EDCN = 116,
117 DID_BICC_AAL1 = 117,
118 DID_SIP = 118,
119 DID_H323 = 119,
120 DID_BPC = 120,

121 DID_SDM = 121,

122 DID_PVM = 122,
123 DID_BSSAP = 123,

124 DID_ECT = 124,

125 DID_ECI = 125,
126 DID_RAB = 126 ,
127 DID_BICC_SAAL1 = 127,
128 DID_BICC_AAL2 = 128,
129 DID_BICC_IP= 129,
130 DID_SIPSL = 130,
131 DID_H323SL = 131,

A.6.4 caller_category

value Item
00 unknown caller category
01 operator in French
02 operator in English

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

value Item
03 operator in German
04 operator in Russian
05 operator in Spanish
operator, the language adopted after the negotiation of both
operator, the language adopted after the negotiation of both
operator, the language adopted after the negotiation of both
09 domestic operator
0A ordinary subscriber (toll-toll, toll- local)
0B priority subscriber (toll-toll, toll-local, local-local)
0C data call (speech band data)

0D test call
0E spared
10-BF spared

E0-EF national spared

F0 ordinary FPH (local-toll)
F1 ordinary periodic subscriber (local-toll)

F2 ordinary immediate subscriber table (local-toll)

F3 ordinary immediate printer (local-toll)
F4 prior FPH (local-toll)

F5 prior periodic subscriber (local-toll)

F8 ordinary local subscriber (local-local, used by the local office)
According to table 2 to map the inner category to outer category

A.6.5 failure cause code

No failure cause code


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No failure cause code




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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

No failure cause code



61 NO_CR

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

No failure cause code




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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

No failure cause code







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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

No failure cause code

145 BUSY





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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

No failure cause code

202 NO_ECP



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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

No failure cause code

254 BUTT


A.6.6 supplementary_service_type

No supplementary_service_type
0 Register abbreviated dialing
1 Use abbreviated dialing
2 Cancel abbreviated dialing
3 Cancel all abbreviated dialing
4 Check abbreviated dialing
5 Register hot line
6 Use hot line

7 Cancel hot line

8 Register wakeup call
9 Use wakeup call
10 Cancel wakeup call
11 Register absent subscriber
12 Use absent subscriber
13 Cancel absent subscriber

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No supplementary_service_type
14 Register do not dsturb
15 Use do not disturb
16 Cancel do not disturb
17 Check do not disturb
18 Register outgoing call barring
19 Cancel outgoing call barring
20 Check outgoing call barring
21 Use malicious call trace
22 Register auto-redial
23 Use auto-redial
24 Cancel auto-redial
25 Register call forwarding unconditionally (CFU)
26 Use call forwarding unconditionally (CFU)

27 Cancel call forwarding unconditionally (CFU)

28 Check call forwarding unconditionally (CFU)
29 Register call forwarding on busy (CFB)

30 Use call forwarding on busy (CFB)

31 Cancel call forwarding on busy (CFB)
32 Check call forwarding on busy (CFB)
33 Register call forwarding on no reply (CFNR)
34 Use call forwarding on no reply (CFNR)
35 Cancel call forwarding on no reply (CFNR)
36 Check call forwarding on no reply (CFNR)
37 Register time call forwarding (CFT)
38 Use time call forwarding (CFT)
39 Cancel time call forwarding (CFT)
40 Check time call forwarding (CFT)
41 Register call forwarding offline (CFO)
42 Use call forwarding offline (CFO)
43 Cancel call forwarding offline (CFO)
44 Check call forwarding offline (CFO)
45 Register call waiting

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No supplementary_service_type
46 Use call waiting
47 Cancel call waiting
48 Register calling back on busy
49 Use calling back on busy
50 Cancel calling back on busy
51 Use three parties communication
52 Use conference
53 Use designated picking up
54 Use call pickup for all
55 Use caller hooking
56 Use called hooking
57 Use CLIP
58 Register CLIR

59 Cancel CLIR
60 Check CLIR
61 Register number barring

62 Used number barring

63 Cancel number barring
64 Cancel all number barring
65 Check number barring
66 Register secretary station
67 Use secretary station
68 Cancel secretary station
69 Check secretary station
70 Register secretary service
71 Use secretary service
72 Cancel secretary service
73 Check secretary service
74 Register immediate hot line
75 Use immediate hot line
76 Cancel immediate hot line
77 Register remote CFU

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

No supplementary_service_type
78 Cancel remote CFU
79 Register remote CFB
80 Cancel remote CFB
81 Register remote CFNR
82 Cancel remote CFNR
83 Register remote CFT
84 Cancel remote CFT
85 Register remote CFO
86 Cancel remote CFO
87 Modify password
88 Register COLR
89 Cancel COLR
90 Check COLR

91 CFB to voice mailb

92 FNR to voice mail
93 Add voltage MWN

94 Register AOCE
95 Cancel AOCE
96 Special line call
97 Insert trunk
98 Supervision trunk
99 Disconnect trunk
100 Present CLI temply
101 Restrict CLI temply
102 Hooking transfer
103 Operate by password
104 Clear conference participant
105 Register conference list
106 Use conference list
107 Cancel conference list
108 Receive coming conference
109 Reject coming conference

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No supplementary_service_type
110 Register split auto conference
111 Register add auto conference
112 Register isolate auto conference
113 Register reattach auto conference
114 Register drop auto conference
115 Register console
116 Cancel console
117 Urgent out
118 Register room state
119 Register mini bar
120 Prefix of CTX internal
121 CLI test
122 Start ATME test

123 End ATME test

124 Special DN test
125 Intelligent

126 Intelligent route control

127 register DN call allow
128 Cancel DN call allow
129 Active DNCOA table
130 Deactive DNCOA table
131 Active DN call barring
132 Deactive DN call barring
133 Center maintain DN
134 Special function DN
135 Service mode1 access code
136 Service mode2 access code
137 Service mode3 access code
138 Service mode4 access code
139 Cancel all registered new service
140 DN display
141 Tone record

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No supplementary_service_type
142 Play tone
143 Centrex card call
144 Centrex card modipwd
145 Register floating work area
146 Check floating work area
147 Cancel floating work area
148 Floating work area calling
149 Inter PLMN
150 Local PLMN
151 Other PLMN
154 Voice mailbox

155 Assist request mode

156 Ip server DN
157 Toll semiauto service

158 International toll semiauto service

159 MCU
160 Inter DDD
161 Inter IDD
162 Block CNAM
163 Unblock CNAM
164 Block CID
165 Unblock CID
166 Apply CCW
167 Register normal BTB
168 Cancel normal BTB
169 Register duplex BTB
170 Cancel duplex BTB
171 Register PBXCFU
172 Check PBXCFU
173 Cancel PBXCFU

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

No supplementary_service_type
174 Register PBXCFNR
175 Check PBXCFNR
176 Cancel PBXCFNR
177 Register PBXCFB
178 Check PBXCFB
179 Cancel PBXCFB
180 Register MWI
181 Cancel MWI
182 Register CWCFNR
183 Check CWCFNR
184 Cancel CWCFNR
185 Modify super password
186 Register CFU to centrex attendant

187 Check CFU to centrex attendant

188 Cancel CFU to centrex attendant
189 Register CFU to mailbox

190 Check CFU to mailbox

191 Cancel CFU to mailbox
192 Register CFB to mailbox
193 Check CFB to mailbox
194 Cancel CFB to mailbox
195 Register CFNR to mailbox
196 Check CFNR to mailbox
197 Cancel CFNR to mailbox
198 Register CFS
199 Use CFS
200 Cancel CFS
201 Register CFS CLID
202 Cancel CFS CLID
203 Register CFS TOD
204 Cancel CFS TOD
205 Register CFS DOW

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

No supplementary_service_type
206 Cancel CFS DOW
207 Activate CFS entry
208 Cancel CFS entry
209 Deactivate CFS entry
210 Query CFS information
211 Register SCA CLID
212 Use SCA CLID
213 Cancel SCA CLID
214 Register SCA TOD
215 Use SCA TOD
216 Cancel SCA TOD
217 Register SCA DOW
218 Use SCA DOW

219 Cancel SCA DOW

220 Activate SCA entry
221 Cancel SCA entry

222 Deactivate SCA entry

223 Query SCA information
224 Register SCR CLID
225 Use SCR CLID
226 Cancel SCR CLID
227 Register SCR TOD
228 Use SCR TOD
229 Cancel SCR TOD
230 Register SCR DOW
231 Use SCR DOW
232 Cancel SCR DOW
233 Activate SCR entry
234 Cancel SCR entry
235 Deactivate SCR entry
236 Query SCR information
237 Use password call

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

No supplementary_service_type
238 Use outgoing call prompt
239 Register SCA
240 Use SCA
241 Cancel SCA
242 Register SCR
243 Use SCR
244 Cancel SCR
245 Register IDD call in barring
246 Use IDD call in barring
247 Check IDD call in barring
248 Cancel IDD call in barring
255 Cancel call waiting org
256 Reg auth call one time mode

257 Reg auth call manual mode

258 Cancel auth call manual mode
259 Reg PW call barring

260 Use PW call barring

261 Cancel PW call barring
262 Remote Reg PW call barring
263 Remote cancel PW call barring
264 Reg CCS
265 Use CCS
266 Cancel CCS
267 Use OCM
268 Use ICM
269 Use CFIO
270 Use CFGO
271 Use call park
272 Use call hold
273 Use CTIO
274 Use CTGO
275 Reg DRG

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix A CDR Farmat

No supplementary_service_type
276 Use DRG
277 Cancel DRG
278 Use BRGIN
279 Use EBO
281 Reg SCW
282 Use SCW
283 Cancel SCW
284 Use CDR
285 Reg CDR
286 Use MCT
287 Use QUERYFEE180

289 Reg MCT

290 Cancel MCT


295 Use CLIR

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix B Acronyms and Abbreviations

Appendix B Acronyms and Abbreviations

AP Access Point

BAM Back Administration Module
BIOS Basic Input/Output System
BC Billing Center

CDR Call Detail Record

FE Fast Ethernet
FTAM File Transfer Access Management
FTP File Transfer Protocol

GMT Greenwich Mean Time

iGWB iGateway Bill
IP Internet Protocol

LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LAN Local Area Network

MAC Media Access Control

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Appendix B Acronyms and Abbreviations

MML Man Machine Language

MSC Mobile Switching Center
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTTR Mean Time to Repair

NSAP Network layer Service Access Point

OMC Operation & Maintenance Center

PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
PSAP Presentation layer Service Access Point

QoS Quality of Service

RAID Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks

SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface
SMUI System Management Unit
STP Signaling Transfer Point

TCP Transfer Control Protocol
TSAP Transport layer Service Access Point

UDP User Datagram Protocol

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Index


routine maintenance, 1-6

A save, 1-10
a stand-alone server CDR console
networking in stand alone mode, 3-28 CDR query, 4-2
about ParaCfg, 3-4 log management, 4-2
access point, 5-20 performance monitor, 4-2
access point process, 1-13 user management, 4-2
AccessPointName, 5-6 changing password, 3-10
active/standby node, 5-14 channel number, 5-7
adding parameters, 3-15 client, 1-6
adding sections, 3-12 CDR console, 4-1
asynchronous resource, 5-21 debug console, 4-1
parameter configration, 4-1
B common operation
back save disk, 5-7 auxiliary upgrade, 4-64
backup precautions change password, 3-1, 3-6
set the backup FTP, 3-52 close CDR console, 4-17
set the backup source path, 3-52 collect CDR statistics, 4-44
set the local backup function, 3-52 customize the layout, 4-18
BAM, 1-6 customize the system, 4-33
basic operation exit, 3-1, 3-6
common operation, 4-12 exit debug console, 4-66
quick start, 4-1 lock system, 3-1, 3-6
billing system, 5-4 locking CDR console, 4-15
browse CDRs logging into CDR console, 4-14
by multiple condition, 4-35, 4-40 logging into debugging console, 4-65
by type, 4-35, 4-36 logging out CDR console, 4-16
browse CDRS logout Office, 3-1, 3-6
by format, 4-35, 4-38 manage CDRs, 4-35
bulb icon, 5-2 manage debugging message, 4-67
manage logs, 4-58
C manage offce, 4-15, 4-30

cascade cables, 1-9 manage operator, 4-20

CDR manage performance, 4-54

browse, 1-6, 1-10 manage protocol message, 4-72

print, 1-10 manage workfiow message, 4-74

quary, 1-10 manual switchover, 4-64

query, 1-6 mask alarm information, 4-17

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Index

print trace message, 4-76 five MML command tables, 5-3

relogin, 3-1, 3-6 front save disk, 5-7
reset iGWB, 4-16 FrontSaveRootDir, 5-19
stop server process, 4-13 functional principles, 1-6
Comparing Parameters of Different Offices, 3-18 functions
configuration of the primary iGWB, 3-32 conversion, 1-5
configuration of the secondary iGWB, 3-34 pre-processing, 1-5
configure two backup tasks, 3-43 storage, 1-5
critical tracing, 5-2
customization, 5-3 H
customize the system handling common faults
customizing lock time, 4-33, 4-34 billing system failed, 5-23
customizing timeout set, 4-33 browsing short bill failed, 5-23
customized setting, 3-20 BS not fetch CDRs, 5-23
bulb lcon not displayed, 5-23
D connection failure, 5-23
deleting parameters, 3-16 dog service not found, 5-23
deleting sections, 3-14 error alarm, 5-23
dual-plane structure, 1-7 exceptional power down, 5-23
dual-system, 1-5 filtering ASN1 CDRs failed, 5-23
the active server, 1-7 logging into CDR console failed, 5-23
the standby server, 1-7 serial port alarm, 5-23
dual-system process, 1-14, 5-2 start sequence, 5-23
stop sequence, 5-23
E hard disk array, 5-10

executable file hardware

CDR console, 5-7 iGWB servers, 1-4

debugging console, 5-7 KVMS, 1-4

parameter console, 5-7 LAN switch, 1-4

exit, 4-4 hardware structure, 1-4

external connection, 1-9 heartbeat link, 1-7, 5-21

external interfaces, 5-3 help topics, 3-4

highest authority, 5-1
failure information, 5-2 igwb.ini parameter
fault locating information access point, 3-12, 3-21
bill exceptions, 5-17 common, 3-12, 3-21
communication fault, 5-17 dual system parameter, 3-12, 3-21
hardware faults, 5-17 heartbeat link, 3-12, 3-21
start faults, 5-17 network backup, 3-12, 3-21
final bills, 5-4 server parameter, 3-12, 3-21

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Index

shared resource, 3-12, 3-21 logging out office, 3-9

implementation mechanism, 1-9 login interface parameters
Information getway, 3-7
connection state, 5-12, 5-15 getway IP, 3-7
IP address, 5-12, 5-15 IP address, 3-7
running state, 5-12, 5-15 office, 3-7
system log, 5-12, 5-15 password, 3-7
input and output devices user name, 3-7
keyboard, 1-5 login office
LCD, 1-5 office 1, 3-2
mouse, 1-5 office 2, 3-2
IP address logs
original IP address, 1-9 browse, 4-59
virtual IP address, 1-9 clear, 4-59, 4-63
print, 4-59, 4-63
K save, 4-59, 4-61

kernel process, 1-13

key terminologie M
access point, 1-11 manage alarms, 4-17
active/standby, 1-11 manage CDRs
channel, 1-11 browse, 4-35, 4-36
final CDR, 1-11 output a final bill, 4-35, 4-43
format library, 1-11 print, 4-35, 4-42
original CDR, 1-11 save, 4-35, 4-42
resource, 1-11 manage office
add, 4-30
L delete, 4-30, 4-31

LCD, 1-5 modify, 4-30, 4-32

license, 5-3 manage operator

loading an parameter configuration, 3-19 add, 4-20

LocalIp, 5-21 delete, 4-22

LocalIpToMMLClient, 5-20 modify, 4-22

LocalPortToAR, 5-21 print information, 4-28

LocalPortToCM, 5-21 query, 4-23

LocalPortToRD, 5-21 save information, 4-27

log set authority, 4-25

browse, 1-15 set time, 4-26

clear, 1-15 menus

log in, 3-2 CDR stat, 4-4

log out, 3-2 debug, 4-4

print, 1-15 lock system, 4-3

save, 1-15 logout, 4-3

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

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U-SYS iGateway Bill Index

navigation tree, 4-4 network backup instance

office management, 4-3 configure one-off backup list, 3-40
refresh, 4-4 network backup instance
relogin, 4-3 configure the save day, 3-40
reset iGWB, 4-4 network plan list, 2-5, 2-6
state query, 4-4 network segment, 1-9
status bar, 4-4 NMS, 1-5
switch, 4-4
system customize, 4-4 O
toolbar, 4-4 obtaining configuration parameter, 3-19
trigger, 4-4 office 1's
upgrade, 4-4 get, 3-3
MinDiskAlarmRoom, 5-19 save, 3-3
MML, 5-20 save as, 3-3
modifying parameter value, 3-17 online help, 4-10
modifying software watchdog settings operation and maintence, 1-14
configure secondary server, 3-37 operation command table, 5-2
decide startup type, 3-37 operation maintenance
open set dialog box, 3-37 browsing CDRs, 5-11
checking debugging informaion, 5-11
N checking exception alarms, 5-11
navigation pane checking trace informaion, 5-11
content, 4-11 switchover test, 5-11
index, 4-11 optimized alarming function
search, 4-11 a variety of alarms, 1-15
navigation tree error alarm, 1-15
file name, 3-5 heartbeat interruption alarm, 1-15
parameter, 3-5 medium space alarm, 1-15
parameter section, 3-5 switchover alarm, 1-15
navigator tree, 4-5 time out alarm, 1-15
network backup, 1-3 OSTA, 1-6
network backup instance
backup precaution, 3-40 P
configure check log, 3-40 parameter configuration, 1-14, 3-1
configure defaulted backup mode, 3-40 PeerIp, 5-21
configure the deletion, 3-40 port
configure the last file, 3-40 debugging port, 5-7
configure two backup task, 3-40 maintence port, 5-7
network backup instance Port Usage, 3-38
simplest backup configuration, 3-40 port used by application, 3-38
network backup instance port used by IGWB, 3-38
configure backup time list, 3-40 power supply, 1-6

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Index

process edit, 4-44, 4-49

access point process, 5-2 submit, 4-44, 4-50
dual-system process, 5-2 sub-windows, 3-5
kernel process, 5-2 switched over, 5-24
operation maintenance process, 5-2 system alarms
parameter configueration process, 5-2 abnomal CDR, 5-36
process watch dog, 5-2 backup connection failure, 5-36
protacol message BS not fetch CDRs for a long time, 5-36
browse, 4-73 cluster handover, 5-36
save, 4-73 cluster switchover, 5-36
protocol CPU busy, 5-36
FTAM, 1-2 file backup failure, 5-36
FTP, 1-2 hardware failure, 5-36
proxy function, 4-15 heartbeat interruption, 5-36
insufficient available memory, 5-36
R insufficient disk space, 5-36

RAID5, 1-3 IP resource failure, 5-36

registering socket, 5-20 license notice, 5-36

routine maintenance private network interruption, 5-36

hard disk maintenance, 5-8 service resource failure, 5-36

operation maintenance, 5-8 software reset, 5-36

system running, 5-8 unauthorized client login, 5-36

running modes, 5-3 user information change, 5-36

volume resource failure, 5-36
S write file failure, 5-36
system performance status
saving an parameter configuration file, 3-18
clear, 4-55, 4-58
simplest backup configuration, 3-42
query, 4-55
sliding window protocol, 1-9
set, 4-55, 4-57
softswitch, 5-7
system running
sorting CDRs
bill backup status, 5-8
consolidates, 1-9
CDR collection status of the billing system, 5-8
saves, 1-9
CDR receiving status of the iGWB, 5-8
standalone system, 1-9
dual-system heartbeat state, 5-8
state query, 5-14
running status of the process, 5-8
statistic item
System/Exit, 4-17
add, 4-44
delete, 4-44, 4-46
edit, 4-44, 4-46
statistic subitem technical support, 5-13
add, 4-46 toolbar
browse, 4-44, 4-51 about, 3-4
delete, 4-44, 4-48 addlogin, 3-4

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

User Manual
U-SYS iGateway Bill Index

exit, 3-4 bin, 5-7

expand, 3-4 data, 5-7
lock system, 3-4 types of operators
login, 3-4 nomal operator, 5-1
logout, 3-4 super operator, 5-1
relogin, 3-4
save all, 3-4 V
shrink, 3-4 V DC., 1-6
trace information Virtual IP, 1-9
content, 5-12
generation time, 5-12 W
module writing, 5-12
WAN, 1-2
tree node
warning dialog box, 4-17
expand, 3-3
workflow message
shink, 3-3
browse, 4-75
two subdirectories
save, 4-75, 4-76


Huawei Technologies Proprietary


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