Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Course Specifications
Managerial Economic
Spring- 2023
Basic Information
Course Title: Managerial Economic
Course Code: ECO-408
Course Description:
This course provides an overview of economic tools and analytic approaches available to the
manager for business decision making. It includes such topics as pricing, forecasting, demand
analysis, production and cost analysis, and macroeconomic policy as it affects the business
Course Objectives are: The purpose of this course is to apply micro economic concepts and
techniques in evaluating business decisions taken by firms.
Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of Managerial Economic, students should be able to
Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:
Recommended books: 1. • Douglas, E. J., Managerial Economics, Prentice
Hall, (1990).
2. • Hirschey, M. Managerial Economics, (10th edition)
U.S.A. Thomson South-Western, (2003).
Reference Books: 1.
• Hirschey, M. and J.L. Pappas; Fundamentals of
Managerial Economics, Dryden Press, (1998).
2. • Kent P, and P Young., Managerial Economics:
Economic Tools for Today’s Decision Makers.,
(4th Edition) Pearson (2003).
3. • Keat, P., and P., Young, Managerial Economics,
MacMillan, (1992).
4. • Koutsoyiannis, A., Modern Microeconomics,
MacMillan, (1979).
5. • Mansfield E., (1998), Manageral Economics,
Theory, Application and Cases. W. W. Nortion &
6. • Michael R., Baye (2000) Managerial Economics
and Business Strategy, McGraw Hills.
7. • Pappas, James, Brigham Eugene F and Hirschey
Mark., (latest edition), Managerial Economics,
Dryden Press, Chicago.
8. • Salvatore, D. Managerial Economics, McGraw
Hill, (2001).
Facilities Required for Teaching and Learning
Grading Criteria
Letter Grade Percentage Marks
A 80 -100
B 65-79.99 GOOD
C 50-64.99
D 40-49.99 PASS
Instructor Responsibilities:
In keeping with the format of this class, I see myself as your immediate
supervisor. In that sense, I plan to mentor each of you so that you learn how to
make the best decisions possible, to understand and apply key marketing
concepts, and to prepare you to become productive employees upon graduation.
I will do my best to help each of you grow into the best marketer you choose to
become. Thus, besides class time, where I will often put you on the spot, I expect
there will be many times we will communicate outside of class, and I will do my
best to help you in a timely fashion.
Student Responsibilities:
You are expected to arrive to class on time, professionally dressed, and
prepared for the day. You should be fully prepared to discuss and debate the
course material assigned for that date. You are expected to participate at all
levels and offer objective praise and criticism of your classmates’ analyses and
conclusions. This course is not for the meek or timid. You must contribute to a
greater understanding of Consumer Behavior. This course is a combination of
doing (homework), thinking, and discussing.
Useful Tools / Advice:
This course is time and labor intensive. Be certain to schedule enough time in your
weekly planning to accommodate.
You need to have good access to the Web and an e-mail account.
Please always do your best work.
It is expected that all work you submit for a grade in this class be original and prepared
for this class only.
I am always willing to see my students and will go out of my way to schedule meetings.
Please make sure that if you make an appointment that you keep it.
Finally, as will quickly become apparent, e-mail is by far the easiest and most reliable
method to reach me.
Contact Details:
Aisha Saleem Lecturer,
Lyallpur Business School,
Faculty of Economics & Management
GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Office Hours Monday &Friday 8:00 to 04:00 PM