2024-SA WahdiniawatiTM
2024-SA WahdiniawatiTM
2024-SA WahdiniawatiTM
2, February 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31933/dijdbm.v5i2
Received: January 26th, 2024, Revised: February 23th, 2024, Publish: March 6th, 2024
Siti Annisa Wahdiniawati1*, Didin Sjarifudin2, Lucy Lidiawati Santioso3, Fitria Ariyani4,
Wenny Desty Febrian5
Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia, siti.annisa.wahdiniawati@undira.ac.id
Universitas Bhayangkara, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia, didin.sjarifudin@dsn.ubharajaya.ac.id
Universitas Insan Cita Indonesia, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia, lucylidiawati@uici.ac.id
Universitas Gajayana, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia, fitriaariyani@unigamalang.ac.id
Wenny Desty Febrian, Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia,
Corresponding Author: siti.annisa.wahdiniawati@undira.ac.id
Abstract: This article aims to present an in-depth analysis of the phenomena, problems, and
shortcomings in implementing talent management, especially in the context of assessment and
psychological test functions. This effort is aimed at increasing understanding of the
complexities and challenges faced by organizations in maximizing optimal utilization of talent.
This article uses a quantitative approach, which looks for the relationship between existing
variables from problems between independent and dependent variables. The population of this
study is several leaders in various Umrah and Hajj Travel companies in Depok and Bekasi,
with maximum questionnaire distribution and collected answers that returned as many as 35
respondents. Then this data will be processed. Data analysis after getting questionnaire answers
returned with data analysis techniques using SPSS 24, by looking for influences between
independent and dependent variables. From the analysis conducted, it can be concluded that
both Assessment and Psychological tests have a significant influence on Talent Management.
This shows the importance of using holistic assessment methods in managing talent within an
organization. Careful assessment of employees not only helps in identifying existing talent but
also allows organizations to develop more effective talent management strategies. It is
recommended from the results of this article that organizations be advised to involve different
types of assessments, including assessments and psychological tests, in their talent
management processes. Thus, they can gain a more holistic understanding of employees and
maximize the potential of existing talent.
The phenomenon of implementing talent management has become the center of
attention for many organizations in various sectors and industries. With increasing global
competition and the complexity of the job market, companies are realizing that their success
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depends heavily on the ability to identify, develop, and retain the best talent (Ramachandran &
Reena, 2020). However, in the process of implementing talent management, there are several
problems and gaps that need to be overcome, especially in terms of assessment and
psychological test functions (Stander et al., 2022). One of the main problems is the gap between
what is measured in the selection process and what is actually required to succeed in the
position (Yesuraja et al., 2020). Too often, tests and evaluation methods only assess technical
or academic skills, while important aspects such as leadership, personality, and cultural values
are often overlooked (Sarmasági, 2021). Employees can be attached if the company provides
opportunities to grow and become top talent that is prepared when employees start working
(Susanto & Rony, 2023).
There are ethical issues that arise related to the psychological aspects of assessment.
For example, some psychological tests may not consider different cultural or linguistic
contexts, which can lead to biases in assessment (Fujii et al., 2023). There are concerns about
data privacy and security when organizations collect and store sensitive information about
employees or prospective employees (Ma\vciulaitis, 2023). Another gap lies in the
organization's ability to manage the data generated by the assessment process. Too often, data
obtained from tests and evaluations are not fully utilized in management decision-making or
individual development (Edelen & Ingwersen, 2018). This could be due to a lack of adequate
systems for analyzing and interpreting data, as well as a lack of skills in integrating this
information into broader talent management strategies (Stander et al., 2022). Assessment plays
an important role in obtaining competent and experienced talents to develop the Company
(Candra Susanto et al., 2023).
To address these issues and gaps, organizations need to adopt a more holistic and
sustainable approach to talent management. This includes integrating comprehensive
assessments covering both technical and non-technical aspects, as well as ensuring that
assessments are carried out with cultural and linguistic diversity in mind (O’Fallon & Garcia,
2023). Organizations need to invest in information technology systems that can help in more
effective data management and analysis, thus enabling them to make better decisions in talent
development and placement (Dunn, 2013). It is important for organizations to develop a culture
that values transparency, ethics, and privacy in the use of assessments and psychological tests,
thus ensuring that their talent management processes are fair and sustainable.
With a holistic approach to talent management, organizations also need to strengthen
communication and employee engagement in the evaluation process. This includes providing
clear and constructive feedback to employees about the results of their assessments, as well as
providing support and resources to assist them in their career development and achievement of
goals (Larkin, 2017). It is important to continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of
assessment methods used in the talent management process (Sandeepanie et al., 2022).
Organizations need to be flexible in adapting their methods according to developments in
science and technology, as well as changes in organizational needs and the job market.
Collaboration with educational institutions and experts in psychology and talent
management can also help organizations improve and improve their evaluation processes
(Echeverría et al., 2022). By leveraging existing knowledge and resources outside the
organization, they can develop more innovative and effective assessment methods (Luhnen et
al., 2021). It is important for organizations to adopt a long-term approach in talent management.
This means not only focusing on talent recruitment and selection, but also on their development
and retention. By providing opportunities for continuous career growth and development,
organizations can build a culture where talent feels valued and motivated to make maximum
contributions (Thapa, 2023). Talent management is used by management to formulate talent
mapping in a company (Parmenas et al., 2021). Succession planning is an integral part of a
talent management program that creates high-quality employees (Susanto, Sawitri, et al.,
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2023). This article aims to present an in-depth analysis of the phenomena, problems, and
shortcomings in implementing talent management, especially in the context of assessment and
psychological test functions. This effort is aimed at increasing understanding of the
complexities and challenges faced by organizations in maximizing optimal utilization of talent.
Figure 1. Framework
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This article uses a quantitative approach, which looks for the relationship between
existing variables from problems between independent and dependent variables. The
population of this study is several leaders in various Umrah and Hajj Travel companies in
Depok and Bekasi, with maximum questionnaire distribution and collected answers that
returned as many as 35 respondents. Then this data will be processed. Data analysis after
getting questionnaire answers returned with data analysis techniques using SPSS 24, by looking
for influences between independent and dependent variables.
From the table above, it can be seen that for each statement on the Assessment variable
(X1), all instruments can be considered valid, because the resulting r value is much greater than
the table r value available for N = 35, which is 0.324.
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From the table above, it can be seen that for each statement on the Psychotest variable
(X2), all instruments can be considered valid, since the resulting r value is much greater than
the r value of the table available for N = 35, which is 0.324.
From the table above, it can be seen that for each statement on the Psychotest variable
(Y), all instruments can be considered valid, since the resulting r value is much greater than the
r value of the table available for N = 35, which is 0.324.
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From the table above, to test the reliability of the Assessment variable (X1) with a table
r value of 0.324, and the resulting Alpha value of 0.949, it can be concluded that r alpha is
positive and greater than 0.324 (0.949 > 0.324), so that research instruments regarding the
Assessment variable (X1) can be considered reliable.
From the table above, to test the reliability of the Psychotest variable (X2) with a table r
value of 0.324, and the resulting Alpha value of 0.962, it can be concluded that the alpha r is
positive and greater than 0.324 (0.962 > 0.324), so that the research instrument on the
Psychotest variable (X2) can be considered reliable.
From the table above, to test the reliability of the Talent Management variable (Y) with
the table r value of 0.324, while Cronbach's Alpha value is 0.896. Thus, it can be concluded
that the alpha r value is positive and greater than 0.324 (0.896 > 0.324), indicating that the
research instrument regarding the Talent Management variable (Y) can be considered reliable.
From the table above, the Durbin-Watson value = 1.951. At the significance level of 5%
with N = 35, k = 2, obtained dL = 1.343 and dU = 1.583. Since the value of DW = 1.951 is in
the range dU < d < 4-dU, which is 1.583 < 1.951 < 2.049, it can be concluded that there is no
positive autocorrelation.
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Tabel 9. Coefficientsa
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 4,361 2,532 1,723 ,095
1 Assesment (X1) ,344 ,083 ,344 4,140 ,000
Psikotest (X2) ,650 ,082 ,659 7,948 ,000
a. Dependent Variable: Talent Management (Y)
Source: SPSS Calculation Results 24.00, 2023
Based on the results of the SPSS output in the coefficients 9 table, it can be identified that
the regression equation is as follows:
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research from (Chethana &; Noronha, 2023) states Employees feel that their skills and abilities
are considered inferior, so organizations end up losing talented and skilled staff to competitors.
In addition, there is no procedure that overcomes the lack of knowledge and ability so that they
can perform their work successfully.
The results of the analysis showed that the two independent variables, namely
Assessment (X1) and Psychological Test (X2), had a significant influence on the dependent
variable, namely Talent Management (Y). The calculated value for Assessment (X 1) is 4,140,
while the table t value for samples with size n = 35 is 2,030. This shows that the tcount value
exceeds the t-value of the table, so it can be concluded that there is a significant influence
between Assessment (X1) and Talent Management (Y). In other words, the results of the
assessment assessment are proven to have a positive effect on talent management in the
Similarly, the results of the analysis show that the Psychological test (X2) also has a
significant influence on Talent Management (Y). The calculated value for the Psychotest (X 2)
is 4.299, while the table t value for n = 35 is 2.068. With a calculated value greater than the
table t value, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, indicating that the Psychological test (X2)
partially affects Talent Management (Y). Thus, psychological test results have also been shown
to make a significant contribution to talent management in organizations.
Both of these findings affirm the importance of thorough employee assessment in the
context of talent management. By using assessment tools such as assessments and
psychological tests, organizations can identify and develop existing talent more effectively,
thereby improving overall organizational performance. Therefore, in managing talent, it is
important for organizations to pay attention not only to the technical skills of employees, but
also aspects of personality and motivation that affect their performance and contribution to the
company's success
From the analysis conducted, it can be concluded that both Assessment and
Psychological tests have a significant influence on Talent Management. This shows the
importance of using holistic assessment methods in managing talent within an organization.
Careful assessment of employees not only helps in identifying existing talent, but also allows
organizations to develop more effective talent management strategies.
It is recommended from the results of this article that organizations be advised to involve
different types of assessments, including assessments and psychological tests, in their talent
management processes. Thus, they can gain a more holistic understanding of employees and
maximize the potential of existing talent.
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Chethana, K. M., & Noronha, S. D. (2023). Impact of Talent Management Practices in Higher
Educational Institutions. International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social
Church, A. H., Fleck, C. R., Foster, G. C., Levine, R. C., Lopez, F. J., & Rotolo, C. T. (2016).
Does purpose matter? The stability of personality assessments in organization
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