Online Ultrasound Education Resources

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Online Ultrasound

Education Resources

V1 December 2021

This document has been provided by the ACEM and EMUGs Collaboration Working Group to assist Clinical Leads
in Ultrasound in developing ED ultrasound training programs. The suggestions outlined are not required for
accreditation for the FACEM Training Program. Due to the variation in size and resources available at sites
throughout Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, the guidance provided in this document may or may not be
appropriate for your site.

Online Ultrasound Education Resources

Organisation/Host Description Access

ASUM (Australasian The CCPU is a credential awarded by the ASUM

Society for Council to medical practitioners who are not education/ccpu-course/
Ultrasound in imaging specialists but who may use ultrasound
Medicine) CCPU as a diagnostic tool at the point of care. The
Course (Certificate in CCPU represents a level of proficiency in image
Clinician Performed acquisition, optimisation, and ultrasound skills
Ultrasound) relevant to the specialty medical area.

Sonoguide: Developed by members of the American College of

Ultrasound Guide Emergency Physicians (ACEP) as a medical training
for Emergency and education tool. Content sections include Basic,
Physicians Advanced and Procedures.

The POCUS Atlas A collection of rare and well captured ultrasound
images for use as educational material. Also
includes an excellent section on critical analysis of
the literature supporting the use of ultrasound.

Core Ultrasound How to use this site:

5 Min Sono Vids: Videos are meant to give you a

basic how-to-do for a specific US exam.

Ultrasound of the Week: These are weekly cases

that start out with a question, then give you an
evidence-based answer.

Ultrasound Podcast: This tab will show you links to

current episodes as well as the USP archive videos

Tools: These are free-to-use tools and tutorials

that Ben Smith created from his mind.

• Clipdeidentifier – Batch anonymize ultrasound


• Sonogif – Remove patient information from your

ultrasound videos, convert videos into mp4 and
gif files ready to be shared on Twitter, works in
your browser and no required download https://

Australasian College for Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Group Online Ultrasound Education Resources 1
December 2021
Sonospot: Topics in Collection of cases, news, lectures and tutorials on
Bedside Ultrasound both basic and advanced ultrasound (e.g. airway,
appendix, testicular).

Dr Laleh Gharahbaghian (Emergency Physician,

Standford University)

Ohio State Excellent comprehensive online resource includes

University ultrasound training curricula for medical students, home
Ultrasound Interest emergency medicine residents and emergency
Group physicians.

Emergency Narrated lectures, tutorial videos, archived cases. http://www.

Ultrasound Teaching

Highland Ultrasound Specifically tailored on nerve blocks and safely

enabling EM practitioners to use them for acute
pain presentations. Content sections include
Blocks, Procedures, Diagnostic, Pain & Addiction
and Procedural Cases.

(textbook) Excellent textbook on POCUS. ACI Health NSW

Introduction to
Bedside Ultrasound book/introduction-to-bedside-
– Volumes 1 & 2. ultrasound-volume-1/id554196012

Dr Matthew Dawson
& Dr Mike Mallin,
University of Utah,

Note: Inclusion here does not signify recommended texts for exam preparations.

Australasian College for Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Group Online Ultrasound Education Resources 2
December 2021
Australasian College for Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Group Australia
34 Jeffcott St Level 2, 431 St Kilda Road
West Melbourne VIC 3003 Melbourne VIC 3004
Australia Australia

t +61 3 9320 0444 e


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