1 - The Aries Woman - Discover Your Aries Sun Sign
1 - The Aries Woman - Discover Your Aries Sun Sign
1 - The Aries Woman - Discover Your Aries Sun Sign
Jac Borg
Introduction to Astrology
The Aries Woman
The Aries Woman and Romance
The Aries Woman and Compatibility in Love
The Aries Woman and Friendship
Career Choices For The Aries Woman
The Aries Woman and Health
Bonus Resources – YouTube Videos
Astrology has an illustrious history – spanning thousands of years and touching
the lives of people on many continents. It is widely believed that the ancient
tradition of Astrology has its beginnings in Babylon around 3000 BC. Here, as
has so often been the case in human history, man looked upward to the heavens
in an attempt to understand the world and his place in it.
This upward gaze drew the Babylonians to the discovery that it took twelve
lunar cycles, or months, for the sun to make a full rotation. On its' journey the
sun passed through twelve different constellations of stars.
It was noted that the appearance of each of these constellations in the night sky
occurred at the same time every year and coincided with the progress of the
changing seasons. Early astrologers named the twelve constellations
accordingly. For example, the constellation visible during the rainy season was
aptly named Aquarius or “water bearer”. In this way the stars became a way of
recording time, making it possible – even desirable – to consult them on such
matters as when to plant crops or travel.
Perhaps more important from a modern astrological point of view was the desire
set in motion by the Babylonians to understand the relationship between celestial
bodies and earthly events. It was the passage of the sun, moon and planets
through the twelve constellations as they were seen from earth that formed the
basis of the Zodiac, which is Greek for “circle of animals”. The signs of the
Zodiac, or Sun Signs, correspond to the time of year in which the sun was
believed to reside in a given constellation.
Today Astrology makes use of a symbolic Zodiac based on the calendar year
rather than strictly adhering to the movement of the sun. It is divided into twelve
equal parts despite the fact that the sun does not spend equal time in each
Each sign of the Zodiac is influenced by the energy of a ruling planet and is
grouped according to one of the four elements of life|: Earth, Water, Air or Fire.
For example, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are all Earth signs.
Modern Astrology is based on a study of the influence which each of the seven
original planets has on our characters. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn each govern one aspect of the personality. If one knows the
exact date, time and location of their birth, a natal chart can create a detailed,
personal analysis. Thanks to modern software programs, this is a fairly
straightforward procedure. Sun-sign Astrology is a simplified system which
looks at the basic personality profile associated with each of the Zodiac signs.
Today, you would be hard pressed to find a person who is not aware of the signs
of the Zodiac. This invasion of astronomy into popular culture attests to our
thirst for knowledge about ourselves. As the Ancients looked at the position of
the planets to establish a relationship between these and events on earth, so
modern Astrologers examine Sun signs in an effort to understand character.
While the Science of Astronomy maps planetary movements in an exacting way,
the Art of Astrology concerns itself with the interpretation. Thus, Psychology
may actually trace its roots to this ancient tradition. Why do we seem to connect
so seamlessly with some people yet seem always to be at loggerheads with
others? Where should we begin to look for fulfilling work? Who would make a
good partner? A good friend? Familiarizing ourselves with Sun-signs may be a
good place to start on a quest to understand ourselves and those around us.
The Sun's journey through the symbolic Zodiac can be equated to a soul
journeying through life, with each sign representing a stage in it. As the
astrological year begins in March, Aries is the first Sun-sign. It is the “I Am” in
the symbolic life journey – just starting its' trek into consciousness.
Aries is therefore a sign of initiation and possibility. As a spring constellation, it
represents new beginnings. As a neophyte on the journey the Aries individual
can be quite childlike. Everything is new to them so they are very curious, but
also easily frustrated. They want their needs to be fulfilled immediately.
With the Ram as it's symbol, people born under this sign often butt heads with
others. They have a need to be right and don't respond well to criticism - so
watch out - they also have a fiery temper which can often be their downfall!
Aries women are assertive – even aggressive – and have no difficulty asking for
what they want. They are straight forward, so you'll always know where you
stand with an Aries – and they won't tolerate deception from others. Independent
by nature, they always prefer leading to following.
With her fiery energy the Aries woman is the true Alpha-female. She is as strong
and courageous as her male counterparts. She is a spontaneous risk taker who
likes to find herself at the top of the heap.
The Aries woman often finds herself living in the extremes with no middle
ground. She is an assertive leader but this can easily cross the line into
aggression and here she runs into trouble. She is warm-hearted but also very
argumentative. She is extremely loyal but her impulsive nature can set her off
track. She is fiercely independent but also craves commitment.
Governed by fire, the Aries woman is extremely passionate. She has a strong sex
drive which demands immediate satisfaction. She is a great lover but is often
guilty of confusing lust with love. But her biggest problem in love relationships
is likely to be her impulsive nature. Quite frankly, she doesn't think before she
acts. This often gets her into situations which she doesn't know how to handle.
An Aries woman may then be seen fleeing the scene dramatically with little, if
any, explanation!
An Aries woman craves excitement, enjoying the thrill of the chase but
becoming easily bored when the newness of a romance fades. Relationships need
to be kept exciting. With her high expectations she lives in somewhat of a
fantasy world and is always seeking the ideal. A potentially successful
relationship may be foiled because she is not patient enough to see it through a
rough patch - setting off instead in search of something better.
The “I” which defines Aries can cause problems in a relationship. An Aries
woman requires a great deal of personal space and freedom but doesn't like to
concede this to others. Her self-centeredness may result in possessiveness and
the need for commitment. The problem is that she is impatient and may want to
commit too early. Without a commitment forthcoming she may decide to move
on. And then quickly jump into another relationship!
Our Aries woman lacks objectivity and her heart is often broken unnecessarily
because she doesn't learn from her mistakes. She has a trusting nature, and at the
end of the day the Aries woman is strangely optimistic – always assuming things
will turn out just the way she wants them and intensely disappointed if they
This vulnerable side of her nature is kept well hidden, for the most-part, behind a
brave exterior. Underlying this boldness may lie a deep-rooted insecurity which
tends to rear its' ugly head in love relationships. Our strong Aries woman
actually needs lots of praise and acknowledgment!
As a general rule people are most compatible with those whose signs share the
same element as their own. This is because they have a similar approach to life.
Aries is a fire sign as are Leo and Sagittarius. People whose signs are driven by
the fire element have a creative spark. They like to generate new possibilities
and have an undying enthusiasm for life.
Air signs also work well with fire – metaphorically speaking, air is essential to
keeping a flame alive. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are also keen innovators,
although they prefer discussion to action. As both can extinguish fire, signs
directed by earth and water could pose a challenge.
The earth signs – Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn – adopt a practical approach to
life whereas the water signs – Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are directed by
emotion and a sensitive nature.
So, although the world has seen successful relationships between people of every
possible combination among the signs, some are clearly better bets than others.
Here is how our Aries woman may fare with the other signs in terms of
The insecurity which she experiences in her love relationships spills over into
her friendships. She often needs reassurance, and flattery will get you
everywhere with your Aries friend. She is very loyal and courageous. The Aries
woman has no problem sticking up for her friends – even if it is the unpopular
thing to do.
She is open and honest, of course, but she is direct in her speech and you will
need to develop a thick skin while you get to know her. She often speaks before
she thinks and unwittingly hurts the feelings of those closest to her.
She can be moody and short-tempered. If things don't go her way she can erupt
in a temper tantrum and you won't see it coming! This might be a good time to
give her some space, which she likes. And don't be too available – with her
friends, as in love, the Aries woman likes a good chase!
The basic job requirement for an Aries woman can be summed up best in one
word – EXCITING! She cannot tolerate boredom, so routine work has no place
in her life. Although she likes money, it is not the most important factor in
deciding on a career.
That said, Aries women are extravagant and like to spend without planning. If
not careful, money could end up being more of a factor than she would like and
she could end up having to compromise on the ideal job.
A born leader, she doesn't take orders easily and would be better off in a
supervisory position. Her strength lies in conception and initiation so she
belongs where she can come up with ideas and have someone else see them
through before she gets bored. This ability to create often assures her a place in
one of the arts.
The Aries woman has a great need for personal freedom so she would make an
ideal entrepreneur or salesperson. Either would provide the challenge which she
needs. Ruled by Mars, she is a warrior and would make an excellent
spokesperson for any cause which she is passionate about.
As Mars is a masculine planet of action the energy which infuses her sign often
attracts the Aries woman to traditional male jobs such as building and
engineering. Anything which requires wearing a uniform may also appeal to her
– she would make an excellent firefighter, member of the military or a police
force. Fiercely competitive by nature, Aries woman often make exceptional
athletes and /or coaches.
As a warrior, the Aries woman is no stranger to injury. She is a risk taker who
loves excitement so the Ram is often accident prone – her act first and think later
attitude is not restricted to the intellectual realm.
Aries is known to rule the head and brain, so those born under this sign may be
prone to headaches, even migraines, as well as neuralgia and sunstroke. Stomach
issues and nervous disorders are also not uncommon.
The Aries woman has a great store of energy to work off. If she is unable to do
so her anger and frustration can manifest itself as depression.
Here are some interesting videos related to the Aries woman: