Stainless Steel Grade 430

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Stainless Steel: Grade

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Sponsored by Aalco - Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals

May 18 2005

Stainless steel type 1.4016 is also commonly

known as grade 430. Stainless steel 430
combines good corrosion resistance with
good formability and ductility.

Stainless Steel Grades Explained

It is a ferritic, non-hardenable plain Chromium

stainless steel with excellent !nish quality.

Stainless steel 430 also has excellent

resistance to nitric attack, which makes it well
suited to use in chemical applications. The
most popular applications for 430 are in
domestic appliances and decorative trim.

ASTM A240/A240M
Property data given in this document is typical
for bar products covered by EN 10088-3:2005.
ASTM, EN or other standards may cover
products sold. It is reasonable to expect
speci!cations in these standards to be similar
but not necessarily identical to those given in
this datasheet.

Chemical Composition of
Stainless steel 430
Table 1. Typical chemical composition for 430
stainless steel alloys

% 430

C 0-0.08

Mn 0-1.00

Si 0-1.00

P 0-0.04

S 0-0.02

Cr 16-18

Fe Balance

Properties of Stainless steel

Mechanical Properties of Stainless
steel 430
Table 2. Mechanical properties of 430 stainless
steel alloys

Sheet Plate (8 Plate

Bar (up to
(up to 8 - 13.5 (13.5 -
Property 100 mm
mm mm 25 mm
thick) thick) thick)
Tensile 450 - 450 -
430 - 400 - 630
Strength 600 600
630 MPa MPa
(MPa) MPa MPa
Stress 260 Min 240 Min 240 Min 240 Min
0.2% MPa MPa MPa MPa
Elongation20 Min 18 Min 20 Min
20 Min %
(%) % % %

Physical Properties of Stainless Steel 430

Table 3. Physical properties of 430 stainless steel


Property Value

Density 7.75 g/cm3

Melting Point 1425-1510°C

Modulus of Elasticity 200 GPa

Electrical Resistivity 0.60 x 10-6 Ω.m

Thermal Conductivity 23.9 W/m.K at 100°C

Thermal Expansion 10.4 x 10-6/K at 100°C

Alloy Designations
Stainless steel 430 also corresponds to the
following standard designations and

Euronorm UNS BS

1.4016 S43000 430S17

Corrosion Resistance of
Stainless steel 430
Stainless steel 430 has good corrosion
resistance to a large variety of media including
nitric acid and some organic acids. The
corrosion resistance of type 430 is optimal
when it has a highly polished surface. As with
other ferritic grades, resistance to stress
corrosion cracking is very high.

Heat Resistance of Stainless

steel 430
Stainless steel 430 has good resistance to
oxidation in intermittent service to 870°C and
in continuous service to 815°C. After
prolonged heating at 400-600°C, Stainless
steel 430 may become brittle and require

Fabrication of Stainless
steel 430
Fabrication of all stainless steel should be
done only with tools dedicated to stainless
steel materials. Tooling and work surfaces
must be thoroughly cleaned before use. These
precautions are necessary to avoid cross
contamination of stainless steel by easily
corroded metals that may discolour the
surface of the fabricated product.

Cold Working of Stainless

steel 430
Stainless steel 430 is readily cold workable but
is not quite as ductile as 304 stainless. The
advantage of 430 over 304 is that the 430 does
not work harden to the same extent.

Hot Working of Stainless

steel 430
Fabrication methods, like forging, should occur
after uniform heating to 816-1038°C. The
component should then be air cooled to room
temperature and annealed. Grain growth will
occur due to prolonged exposure to forming
temperatures. This should be avoided as
excessive grain growth can cause an ‘orange
peel’ texture on the surface of the material. As
grade 430 is commonly used in aesthetic
applications, surface !nish is extremely

Heat Treatment of Stainless

steel 430
Stainless steel 430 cannot be hardened by
heat treatment.

Annealing is done by heating to 815°C, soaking

for 30minutes per 25mm of thickness, furnace
cooling to 600°C, then quickly air-cooling.

The component will become brittle if slow

cooled from 540-400°C.

Stainless steel 430 is relatively easily
machined. Machining can be enhanced if the
following rules are adhered to:

Cutting edges must be kept sharp. Dull

edges cause excess work hardening.
Cuts should be light but deep enough to
prevent work hardening by riding on the
surface of the material.
Chip breakers should be employed to
assist in ensuring swarf remains clear of
the work
Low thermal conductivity of austenitic
alloys results in heat concentrating at the
cutting edges. This means coolants and
lubricants are necessary and must be
used in large quantities.

Welding of Stainless steel

Stainless steel 430 can be readily welded by all
fusion methods but preheating to 150-200°C is
recommended. Annealing at 790-815°C can
relieve embrittlement of the heat-a#ected

Depending on the application, recommended

!ller rods or electrodes are grades 430, 308L,
309 310, or 312 stainless steels.

Applications of Stainless
steel 430
Stainless steel 430 is typically used in:

Low cost sinks

Decorative trim
White & Brown Goods (washing
machines, dishwashers, cookers)
Stove element supports
Scienti!c apparatus
Flue linings

Supplied Forms
Stainless steel 430 stainless steel is typically
supplied by Aalco as:

Fittings & Flanges

Source: Aalco

For more information on this source please

visit Aalco


This Data is indicative only and must not be

seen as a substitute for the full speci!cation
from which it is drawn. In particular, the
mechanical property requirements vary widely
with temper, product and product dimensions.
The information is based on our present
knowledge and is given in good faith. However,
no liability will be accepted by the Company is
respect of any action taken by any third party
in reliance thereon.

As the products detailed may be used for a

wide variety of purposes and as the Company
has no control over their use; the Company
speci!cally excludes all conditions or
warranties expressed or implied by statute or
otherwise as to dimensions, properties and/or
!tness for any particular purpose.

Any advice given by the Company to any third

party is given for that party’s assistance only
and without liability on the part of the
Company. Any contract between the Company
and a customer will be subject to the
company’s Conditions of Sale. The extent of
the Company’s liabilities to any customer is
clearly set out in those Conditions; a copy of
which is available on request.

This information has been sourced, reviewed

and adapted from materials provided by Aalco
- Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Stockist.

For more information on this source, please

visit Aalco - Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals

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