Stainless Steel Grade 410 (UNS S41000)
Stainless Steel Grade 410 (UNS S41000)
Stainless Steel Grade 410 (UNS S41000)
Chemical Formula
Fe, <0.15% C, 11.513.5% Cr, >0.75% Ni, <1.0% Mn, <1.0% Si, <0.04% P, <0.03% S
Topics Covered
Key Properties
Mechanical Properties
Physical Properties
Grade Specification Comparison
Possible Alternative Grades
Corrosion Resistance
Heat Resistance
Heat Treatment
Grade 410 stainless steels are generalpurpose martensitic stainless steels containing
11.5% chromium, which provide good corrosion resistance properties. However, the
corrosion resistance of grade 410 steels can be further enhanced by a series of
processes such as hardening, tempering and polishing. Quenching and tempering can
harden grade 410 steels. They are generally used for applications involving mild
corrosion, heat resistance and high strength.
Martensitic stainless steels are fabricated using techniques that require final heat
treatment. These grades are less resistant to corrosion when compared to that of
austenitic grades. Their operating temperatures are often affected by their loss of
strength at high temperatures, due to overtempering and loss of ductility at subzero
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Stainless Steel - Grade 410 (UNS S41000)
Key Properties
The properties displayed below are applicable to bar products of ASTM A276. Other
products such as forgings, wire and plate may not have similar properties.
The compositional ranges of grade 410 stainless steels are displayed below.
Table 1 Composition ranges of grade 410 stainless steels
Grade C Mn Si P S Cr Ni
min. 11.5
410 0.75
max. 0.15 1 1 0.04 0.03 13.5
Mechanical Properties
The typical mechanical properties of grade 410 stainless steels are listed in the following
Table 2 Mechanical properties of grade 410 stainless steels
* Annealed properties of cold finished bar, which pertain to Condition A of ASTM A276.
# Tempering of grade 410 steels should be avoided at temperatures of 425600 °C, owing
to associated low impact resistance.
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Stainless Steel - Grade 410 (UNS S41000)
Physical Properties
The physical properties of grade 410 stainless steels in the annealed condition are
tabulated below:
Table 3 Physical properties of annealed grade 410 stainless steels
Mean Coefficient of Thermal
Elastic Thermal Expansion Conductivity Specific Heat Electrical
Grade Modulus (μm/m/°C) (W/m.K) 0100 °C Resistivity
(GPa) 0100 0315 0538 at 100 at 500 (J/kg.K) (nΩ.m)
°C °C °C °C °C
410 7800 200 9.9 11 11.5 24.9 28.7 460 570
Grade Specification Comparison
Grade comparisons of 410 stainless steels are outlined in the following table:
Table 4 Grade specifications of 410 grade stainless steels
Old British Euronorm
Grade UNS No Swedish SS Japanese JIS
BS En No Name
410 S41000 410S21 56A 1.4006 X12Cr13 2302 SUS 410
Possible Alternative Grades
The table below provides the suitable alternative grades to 410 stainless steels:
Table 5 Possible alternative grades to 410 grade stainless steels
Grade Reasons for choosing the grade
High machinability is required, and the lower corrosion resistance of 416 is
A higher hardened strength or hardness than can be obtained from 410 is
A higher hardened strength or hardness than can be obtained even from
420 is needed.
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Stainless Steel - Grade 410 (UNS S41000)
Corrosion Resistance
Grade 410 stainless steels are resistant to hot gases, steam, food, mild acids and
alkalies, fresh water and dry air. These steels obtain maximum corrosion and heat
resistance through hardening. However, grade 410 steels are less corrosion resistant
than austenitic grades and grade 430 ferritic alloys containing 17% chromium. Smooth
surface finish offers improved performance of steels.
Heat Resistance
Grade 410 steels have good scaling resistance at temperatures of up to 650 °C.
However, the mechanical properties of the material will tend to reduce at temperatures
ranging from 400 to 580 °C.
Heat Treatment
Annealing Grade 410 steels can be fully annealed at temperatures from 815 to 900 °C,
followed by slow furnace cooling and aircooling. Process annealing of grade 410 steels
can be carried out at temperatures ranging from 650 to 760 °C and aircooled.
Hardening – Hardening of grade 410 steels can be performed at 925 to 1010 °C, followed
by air and oil quenching. Heavy sections of grade 410 need to be oil quenched.
Tempering, to enhance the mechanical properties and hardness of grade 410 steels,
follows this process. It is not recommended to perform tempering at temperatures from
400 to 580 °C.
Grade 410 steels can be welded using all conventional welding techniques, but the
materials should preheated at 150 to 260 °C followed by postweld annealing treatment,
to mitigate cracking. Grade 410 welding rods are recommended for tempering and post
hardening. In the "as welded" conditions, grade 309 filler rods can be used to achieve a
ductile joint.
According to AS 1554.6 standards, grade 309 electrodes or rods are preferred for
welding 410 steels.
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Stainless Steel - Grade 410 (UNS S41000)
Grade 410 steels can be easily machined in highly tempered or annealed conditions.
However, it is hard to machine grade 410 steels if they are hardened above 30HRC. Free
machining grade 416 is the best alternative.
Grade 410 stainless steels find applications in the following:
Bolts, screws, bushings and nuts
Petroleum fractionating structures
Shafts, pumps and valves
Mine ladder rungs
Gas turbines
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