CV Yl Luan

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Yingyue Luna Luan | Curriculum Vitae | Page 1 of 5


Dec 2024 PhD University of Cambridge, Organizational Behavior at Judge Business

(Expected) School. Cambridge, United Kingdom.

2019 MPhil University of Cambridge, Strategy, Marketing & Operations at Judge

Business School. Cambridge, United Kingdom.

2018 MS University of California, Berkeley, Statistics. Berkeley, CA, United States.

2017 BS University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Psychology and Actuarial

Science (Double major). Champaign, IL, United States.


- Human-AI Collaboration; Creativity; Feedback; Computational Social Science


Title: The New Creative Alliance: Investigating the Dynamics of Human-AI Collaboration in
Creative Endeavours
- Committee Members: Prof. David Stillwell, Prof. Yeun Joon Kim, Prof. Andreas Richter, and
Prof. Jochen Menges


Luan, Y. L. and Kim, Y. J. (2022) An integrative model of new product evaluation: a systematic
investigation of perceived novelty and product evaluation in the movie industry. PLoS ONE, 17(3),
- Content analysis of a large sample of 49,835 reviews of 147 movies in the movie industry.
- Selected Media Coverage: The Economist.

Luan, Y. L., Sun, L., Luo, F., and Stillwell, D. J. (2023) Public emotional responses to crisis: The COVID-
19 pandemic in Wuhan and London. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, e12773.
- Sentiment analysis of 1,106,395 Weibo posts in Wuhan and 6,564,014 Twitter tweets in London during
COVID-19 pandemic.


Luan, Y. L., Kim, Y. J., and Zhou, J. The Pivotal Role of Human Creativity in Human-Artificial Intelligence
(AI) Collaboration for Creative Idea Generation. Revise and resubmit at Information System
- 184 observations of human-AI (Midjourney) collaboration in Study 1.
- 306 observations of human-AI (ChatGPT) collaboration in Study 2.
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Luan, Y. L. and Kim, Y. J. Is Helping My Job? The Bright and Dark Sides of Helping-Inclusive HR
Practice for Employee Helping. Under review at Journal of Applied Psychology Special Issue on
Social Impact Research.
- One-year field experiment with multiple data sources (employees, supervisors, and peers) and multiple waves
(3 waves).
- Selected for the Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- Finalist, the OB Division 2024 AOM Meeting Outstanding Practical Implications for Management
Paper Award.

Luan, Y. L. and Kim, Y. J. Feedback Fuel: Promoting Performance with the Right Choice of Social
Comparison and Temporal Feedback. Under review at Journal of Applied Psychology Special Issue
on Social Impact Research.
- Field experiment with 362 employees.

Luan, Y. L. and Kim, Y. J. Breaking it Down: Feedback Structure and Its Effectiveness. Under review at
Scientific Reports.
- Growth curve modeling of over 195,000 online reviews for over 5,000 products.


Luan, Y. L., Sun, L., Kim, Y. J., Wang, J., and Xie, X. The Creative Frontiers: Evaluating AI-AI and
Human-Human Collaboration in Ideation Tasks. Target journal: Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences.
- The last two authors are industry collaborators from Microsoft Research Asia.
- 1,212 creative solutions from AI-AI collaboration and human-human collaboration.

Luan, Y. L., Kim, Y. J., and Zhou, J. Learning from AI or Human? A Comparative Study of Creative
Outputs in Human-AI Collaboration versus Human-Only Conditions Across 10 Rounds of Creativity
Tasks. Target journal: Academy of Management Discoveries Special Research Forum - Creative
Industries: Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Technologies.
- 810 observations of human-AI (in-house built GPT chatbot) collaboration and 810 observations of human-
only ideation.

Luan, Y. L., Sun, L., and Stillwell, D. J. GenAI in Creative Writing: Finding the Optimal Approach. Target
journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- The 2nd Cambridge Creative Writing Competition with over 400 entries.

Luan, Y. L., Kim, Y. J., Baik, S., and Lyu, P. From Machine to Mentor: Examining Human Responses to AI
vs Human Feedback. Target journal: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
- Lab experiment with multiple waves (3 waves).

Luan, Y. L. and Kim, Y. J. “What Do I Want to Do Next?” The Phenomenon of Task Rotation at the
Workplace. Target journal: Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
- Experience sampling study of 163 participants (7 waves).
- Lab experiment using LEGO.

Kim, Y. J. and Luan, Y. L. Navigating Feedback Realities: Task Focus, Perceived Threat, and Fairness in
Solicited vs. Unsolicited Feedback. Target journal: Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Field experiment.

Luan, Y. L. and Kim, Y. J. Exploring Experts’ Approaches to Creativity Evaluation. Data analysis.
- Text analysis of 6,887 critic reviews from 532 movies.
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Luan, Y. L., Kim, Y. J., and Zhou, J. The Pivotal Role of Human Creativity in Human-Artificial Intelligence
(AI) Collaboration for Creative Idea Generation.
- August 2024, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, United States.
- March 2024, The 4th Artificial Intelligence in Management (AIM) Conference, Los Angeles,
California, United States.
- September 2023, Creativity Collaboratorium. London, United Kingdom.

Luan, Y. L. and Kim, Y. J. Is Helping My Job? The Bright and Dark Sides of Helping-Inclusive HR
Practice for Employee Helping.
- August 2024, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, United States.
- Selected for the Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
- Finalist, the OB Division 2024 AOM Meeting Outstanding Practical Implications for
Management Paper Award
- December 2022, 19th Annual Cambridge Judge Business School Winter Doctoral Conference.
Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Best Paper Award
- June 2021, Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference. Virtual.

Luan, Y. L. and Kim, Y. J. Exploring Experts’ Approaches to Creativity Evaluation.

- August 2023, Symposium ‘Creative or Not Creative? Differences in Criteria for Creativity
Evaluation’ at AOM Annual Meeting. Boston, United States.
- June 2023, The 5th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics.
Sevilla, Spain.

Luan, Y. L., Kim, Y. J., and Chung, M. J. Unpacking the Power of Feedback: Investigating the Structure of
Effective Feedback.
- September 2023, Symposium ‘In the Eye of the Beholder: Advancing Feedback Research with a
Focus on Perceptions’ at AOM Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts, United States.

Luan, Y. L. and Kim, Y. J. Feedback Fuel: Priming Performance with the Right Blend of Social and
Temporal Cues.
- September 2023, Symposium ‘A Multilevel Perspective on Feedback Research: Examining
Feedback Exchange and the Role of Contextual Factors’ at AOM Annual Meeting. Boston,
Massachusetts, United States.

Luan, Y. L. and Kim, Y. J. An Integrative Model of New Product Evaluation: A Systematic Investigation of
Perceived Novelty and Product Evaluation in the Movie Industry.
- May 2023, Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference. London, United Kingdom.
- August 2021, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Virtual.
- April 2021, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference. Virtual.
- February 2021, 22nd Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

Luan, Y. L. and Kim, Y. J. “What Do I Want to Do Next?” The Phenomenon of Task Rotation at the
- May 2023, The 21st European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress.
Katowice, Poland.
- November 2022, London OB Research Day. London, United Kingdom.
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Luan, Y. L., Kim, Y. J., and Richter, A.W. The Roles of Temporal Focus and Novelty in Product
- August 2022, Symposium ‘Unpacking the Relationship between Subjective Time and Creativity’ at
AOM Annual Meeting. Seattle, Massachusetts, United States. (co-organized with Louisa Fink and
Andreas Richter).

Kim, Y. J., Baik, S. Y., Toh, S. M., and Luan, Y. L. Leadership by Gender Stereotypes: Systematic
Examinations of Culture and Gender of Leaders.
- August 2020, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Virtual.
- The winner of the Faculty Transnational Research Award in the division of the Gender
and Diversity in Organizations

Kim, Y. J., Toh, S. M., and Luan, Y. L. The Imprinting Perspective on the Origins of Leadership.
- August 2020, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Virtual.


2024 Best Paper at Academy of Management Annual Proceeding

2024 Finalist, the OB Division 2024 AOM Meeting Outstanding Practical Implications for
Management Paper Award
2024 CJBS Dean’s Research Excellence Prize (GBP 10,337)
2023 Tony Cowling Foundation Award (GBP 10,000 under PI: Prof Yeun Joon Kim)
2023 Kmind Academic Award (GBP 20,000)
2022-2023 Cambridge Business School PhD Exceptional Teaching Award
2022 Best Paper Award at the 19th Annual Cambridge Judge Business School Winter Doctoral
2022 Participant Payment Awards from Cambridge Judge Business School (GBP 10,000)
2020 The Winner of the Faculty Transnational Research Award from Academy of Management
Annual Meeting (the Division of the Gender and Diversity in Organizations)
2019-2024 CJBS PhD Scholarship from Cambridge Judge Business School
2019-2022 Wolfson College - Cambridge Judge Business School PhD Studentship (GBP 30,000)
2017 Magna Cum Laude and Distinction Actuarial Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-
2017 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) “Honorable Mention”
2017 Leadership Certificate, Illinois Leadership Center
2014-2017 Dean’s List, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


2022 Organizational Behavior (Undergraduate), Cambridge Judge Business School, Guest

Lecturer, 4/5
2022-2024 Organizational Behavior (EMBA), Cambridge Judge Business School, Class Coordinator
(Teaching Assistant), 4.7/5
2019-2023 Management Science (MBA), Cambridge Judge Business School, Teaching Assistant, 4/5


Conference Reviewer: The Academy of Management Annual Meeting

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Academic Membership: Academy of Management, The Society for Industrial and Organizational


Software: Proficient in R, Python, SPSS, Qualtrics, Zotero

Experience with SQL, MPlus, STATA, HTML, LaTex, EndNote

Language: Chinese (Native), English (Fluent), French (Basic), Spanish (Basic)


David Stillwell
Professor of Computational Social Science
Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

Yeun Joon Kim

Associate Professor in Organisational Behaviour
Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

Andreas Richter
Professor of Organisational Behaviour
Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

Jing Zhou
Mary Gibbs Jones Professor of Management and Psychology – Organizational Behavior
Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University

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