Chemistry Section A+B
Chemistry Section A+B
Chemistry Section A+B
a) Why H2 and 02 do not react at room temperature ? Write the rate equation
for the reaction A2 + 3B2 - 2C, if the overall order of the reaction is zero. b) For a
reaction : 2NH3 (g) --Pt-- N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) , rate is given by ,,,,,Rate = k
(i) Write the order and molecularity of this reaction.
(ii) Write the unit of k
c) Write two differences between order and molecularity of a reaction.
d) What are ambidentate ligands? Give an example.
e) What happens when Glucose reacts with Bromine water?
f) How do you explain the absence of aldehyde group in the pentaacetate of D-
g) Write the hybridization state of central atom of the following co-ordination
complexes along with their magnetic properties.
[Cu(NH3)4]2- and [Ni(CO)4]
h) [NiCl4]2– is paramagnetic while [Ni(CO)4] is diamagnetic though both are
tetrahedral. Why?
i) Classify the following as addition and condensation polymers: Terylene, Bakelite,
Polyvinyl chloride, Polythene.