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Tonin-Technical Manager, Raccanello-President, Baccega-Service Manager

The Prefabrication has rationalised and accelerated construction processes in infrastructure realization and industrial and residential construction.
The Prestressing is the best technique to optimize the use of concrete in prefabricated elements and to ensure the best performances.
In both fields the quality of results is closely linked to the quality of adopted technologies, to experience, to continuous research, to innovation and
to experimentation with materials. The best producers of prefabricated and prestressing evolve their operational decisions in close collaboration
with consultants and experts and qualified suppliers.
With experience dating back to 1968, the founders of CONTECsrl have consistently provided their customers a specific technical advice, the study
of ever new and optimal technologies and the implementation of advanced equipment that can ensure maximum profitability for the user.
When Prefabrication and Prestressing call, CONTECsrl gives the best answers and provide the right solutions with its technical and operational staff
of proven experience and professionalism.
Now with CT-Concrete Technologic Group, operating range grows and evolves to meet every needs and solve every problem.

The new and efficient operational staff is always and anywhere available for:
• GGeneral advice
• Technical office, layout and estimates
• Supply of specific equipments and accessories
• General coordination (Main Contractor)
For every problem concerning:
• Prestressing
• Prefabrication
• Lifting and transport
• Specific and accesory tecnica equipments
• General and plan project
CTgroup: a unique and compact reality with a team of technical specialists
ready to examine, fix and give final shape to your problems of Prefabrication
and Prestressing

New MPU Unit

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 2
Experience and innovation.
Founded in 1984 as a technical consulting company, Contec is today a landmark in
building industrialization and in technologies for prefabrication, especially in
development and production of prestressing equipments, a field in which it has
introduced important technological innovations at national and international level.
The specific experience in this field of the three founding partners dates back to
1968 and, thanks to the acquired skills, it has allowed to set the company on the
continuous development of new technologies to ensure total compliance with the
latest requirements of prefabrication. The wide range of products is divided into
different formworks and in various production lines for prefabrication, even if the
true specialization focuses on equipments for prestressing which represents the
reference point for the customers that choose to privilege technology and safety
of use. The development of equipments for prestressing ensures total
competitiveness in the industry and remains a fundamental element for starting
the contacts with customers. The SuperSeleCT patented systems for prestressing
plan, manage, control and store the prestressing data for each individual strand
and are capable of ensuring the identification report of each prestressing line. They
have gained wide acclaim even in international markets and today the new MPU -
Modular Prestressing Power Unit, which represents the third phase of
development in prestressing equipments, meets the demands of any customer in
the world offering the best in terms of technology and safety. This equipment,
unlike the others, has the plus of the modularity, that is the base unit which can be
equipped in different ways and thus meet all customer requirements. As the other
ranges, it especially ensures the control and accuracy of the prestressing force that
must be applied, consistency of performance over time and, above all, safety, a
priority aspect. Always operating in national and international markets, in recent
years, Contec has stepped up its presence abroad and developed a network of
partnerships with other Italian companies. The productive collaborations that we
activated allow us to be flexible and to be able to expand the business, remaining
competitive on the market and, above all, to be able to meet any customer demand
offering customers the best technology and service.
The totality of the acquired experience by the partners in almost fifty years of
constant and specific activity in this area has been steadily transferred to the
technical staff to develop a homogeneous reality that can board the requests
coming from the market and develop the more adequate and complete answers.
The reached professionalism stimulated important companies in the sector to start
a program of participation and cooperation with Contec to respond to international
markets in the appropriate form.
The partners think that maintaining competitiveness and flexibility is necessary to
develop exchange of synergies and this is leading Contec to realize a Network of
Agreement with specialist companies in the industry to ensure rapidity in
responses, innovative technologies, a whole range of products, production speed,
economic and financial structure to give a more appropriate form to new potential.

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 3

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 4
The new business strategy of CONTEC srl, strong of the collaboration with important industrial groups of the sector, with the careful selection of
strategic suppliers, the high professionalism if its staff and employees, the high purposeful and productive flexibility, now allow CONTEC srl to enter
the market with a new and more effective sales, engineering and manufacturing organization to tackle new challenges into new international markets
and continually propose new prefabrication technologies.
CTgroup aims to articulate the technical and commercial answers in the most appropriate formulation to market needs; homogeneity between the
companies of the group, which collects various specialist experiences, through the use of operational synergies, continuous development, and the
total flexibility allows to realize the total response to customer requests.
The headquarters occupies an area of about 1500 square meters, of which 1000 covered, with administrative, commercial and technical offices.
The production is carried out in different production units installed in Italy in a highly productive and entrepreneurial vocation area in Veneto; each
production unit is specialized according to its type and is equipped in a specific way with equipments for the processing and handling:
• assembly at headquarters
• tests with a prestressing pist 35 meters long for tests on prestressing equipments
• hydraulic section equipped in a specialized way
• equipped heavy construction
• manufacturing of formworks department
• production of specialized machines
In CTgroup you can find the quality, the strength and the experience of Made in Italy at its best

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 5

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 6
The Best Equipment for Prestressing and Precasting:
1. Contec Advice & Assistance
2. New Modular Prestressing Power Unit with
pluricircuit, also electronic. Our machines are the
result of a careful and constant technical research
3. Pretensioning Anchor Grips, Maintenance
equipment and prestressing accessories
4. Pushing Strand Machines
5. Detension systems also synchronized and with
control of the applied load.
A complete range of detension jacks with capacity
from 35 to 1000 tons and stroke from 10 to 100 cm,
with simple and double effect; multiple
prestressing with Sincro4Tp-SuperseleCT system
6. Buckets for concrete casting: Buckets with
electro-hydraulic control, with oil pump unit and
rechargeable batteries; capacity: 1,5-5 mc
7. Trolleys to transport the manufactured products
with 30, 50, 60, 100 tons capacity.
8. Lifting systems for the manufactured products
9. Special Equipment: a complete range of special
machines for every use in precast production
10. Formworks for Precast Elements: Single
formworks and lines for the prefabrication;
“standard CT” system for prestressing lines with a
great flexibility; formworks for three-dimensional
and complex elements; automatized production
stations. Self-reacting formworks: Formworks
with self-reacting structure, with hydraulic
systems for the handling and the transfrmation
for the production in the factory or on site.
Formworks for tile coverings and floor with big
11. Special Equipment for Prestressing Poles
12. Carousel Equipment for Panel and Slabs
13. Formworks Accessories: All components and
accessories offered come from the best
collaboration between CONTEC srl and the most
qualified specialist companies

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 7

1. CONTEC Advice & Assistance
The organizational structure and the experience of CONTEC srl allow to provide customers high-quality technical advice and after-sales service. The
technical staff can provide advice or design for prefabricated elements very interesting for the customer. We can propose design calculations for
precast elements and foundations of the lines of prestressing.
The service is directly carried for of assembly and testing operations after the delivery of our equipment, for maintenance and for any request by the
customer. We are in contact with our customers before, during and after the sale of our equipment.

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2.Prestressing Equipment
During the years it became an important reference in the prefabrication technologies with a constant technical evolution, mostly for the prestressing
equipment. In this field CONTEC srl reached a great specialization and success, also internationally, with important technological innovations. Exactly
to follow with always more carefulness the prestressing field CONTEC srl has, in its own seat, a special 35 m “prestressing line” to make in the factory
all the technical tests on the stressing jacks. This is connected online with the Technical Office for the programming and the test of the new series of
SuperSeleCT stressing jacks. Thanks to the continuous research and innovation that have always characterized it, CONTEC srl is now showing the
evolution of HPE prestressing units that, after many years of success in every market, will be replaced by the new series MPU, based on modular
components that expand the range of design options to meet any market requirements.
2.1 New MPU-Modular Prestressing Power Unit
The New MPU Modular Prestressing Power Units Technical data Sheet SuperSeleCT
are the result of a careful and constant technical research. PRESTRESSING UNIT MPU MPUD MiniHPE
They represent the best evolution in the prestressing field; Standard models MPU11 MPU12÷13 MPU1D MiniHPE
the most complete range of models and machines: Optional models ▬ MPU22÷24 MPU2D ▬
• MODULAR Multiple and different circuits from 1 to 8 ▬ MPU33÷36 MPU3D ▬
• Electronic programmable management with Dynamometrical ▬ MPU44 MPU4D ▬
check of the applied load and prestressing report Touch Screen Panel ▬ ▬ ▲ ▬
• Hydraulic point blockage with temporised circuit Active Hydraulic circuits 1 1÷8 1÷4 1
• Thermometer/oil level and preheat system Pressure to select 1 1÷8 2÷8 1
• Count-hours and running key Jacks to be applied 1 1÷4 1÷4 1
• Automatic return and automatic selection Hydr. timed lock ▲ ▲ ▲ Manual
• Internal regulation valves and fast substitution of grip Electric motor 4kw 5,5kw 5,5kw 1,5kw
• Partial and total Prestressing selection Tension 220/380 50hz ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
• Teleassistence (SuperSeleCT) Other tension Ø Ø Ø Ø
Hydraulic pump Hawe Hawe Hawe Hydroven
The MPUDE Evo-SuperSeleCT new version (Industry 4.0) shall Max. pressure 350bar 350bar 350bar 290bar
submit an innovative solution for the management of Flow rate (1500rpm) 7 l/1’ 9,8 l/1’ 9,8 l/1’ 4,2 /1’
prestressing; an exclusive touch-screen panel allows the Oil tank capacity 120 l. 120 l. 120 l. 7 l.
selection and the easy management of all functions for the Front. rotat. wheels 160mm 160mm 160mm ▬
programming of prestressing. The system, equipped with a Back wheels 380mm 380mm 380mm ▬
proportional valve, makes it possible to manage up to 6 Weight 300kg 350kg 350kg 100kg
pressures for each jack. The software has nr.3 control levels, Electrical board IP55 IP55 IP55 IP55
password-protected, to allow the access and eventually the PLC PLC PLC PLC
change of the operating parameters to empowered people. The Acoustic signal ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
machine is also equipped with an IP address to be added in Blinking light ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
corporate network and with a router to be remotely modified. Protection grid ▲ ▲ ▲ ▬
• Management of simplified calibration Hydraulic oil AGIP OSO AGIP OSO AGIP OSO AGIP OSO
• Digital reading: working pressure (BAR) and load (daN) Suction filter ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
• Stressing blocking in order to obtain the pre-set load Discharge filter ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
• Automatic return in order to obtain the end-stroke of jack Hydraulic manometer ▲ ▲ ▬ ▲
• Dynamometrical system integrated to the stressing jack Digital manometer Ø Ø ▬ ▬
which manages also the hydraulic working of the oil pump Pressure transducer ▬ ▬ ▲ ▬
unit. The check of the force developed by the stressing jack Control manometer ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
is independently from the circuit pressure and then from
Display ▬ ▬ ▲ ▬
the hydraulic efficiency, and guarantees the maximum
precision in every prestressing condition. This system is
Reading on display ▬ ▬ daN+Bar ▬
Check type Bar Bar daN+Bar Bar
integrated in the HPJ stressing jacks and becomes an
important work system, which guarantees the complete Max. pressure valve ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
precision and safety in the prestressing operations. It can Safety valve ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
be integrated with the system of electronical managing and Dynamometer inside ▬ ▬ Ø ▬
programming for the memorization and the data tabulation Total prestressing ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
about the prestressings. Partial prestressing ▬ ▲ ▲ ▬
Manual return ▲ ▲ ▬ ▲
Automatic return ▬ Ø ▲ ▬
Jack aut. selection ▬ Ø ▲ ▬
Protection cover Ø Ø Ø ▬
Trolley Ø Ø Ø ▬
Balancer Ø Ø Ø ▬
Oil preheat ▬ Ø ▲ ▬
SuperSeleCTprogram ▬ ▬ Ø ▬ report ▬ ▬ Ø ▬
Palmtop ▬ ▬ Ø ▬
Radio net managing ▬ ▬ Ø ▬
MiniHPE is a lightweight portable model Teleassistence ▬ ▬ Ø ▬
suitable to perform restore operations with HPC evolution ▬ ▬ Ø ▬
detension on site. Dynamometer Ø Ø Ø Ø
Standard equipment ▲ On request Ø Not possible ▬

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 10

2.2 New HPJ-Mono Prestressing Jacks
HPJ42 HPJ 52 HPJ 62
The series HPJ mono-stressing jacks are the key Technical data sheet
HPJ 44 HPJ 54 HPJ 64
accessory to improve the use of MPU prestressing Mono Prestressing Jacks
HPJ 46 HPJ 56 HPJ 66
units and ensure the maximum practicality and safety Wire d4-d7mm d6-d8mm ▬
of use thanks to their constructive characteristics. The Plate 2x2-3x3mm 3x3mm ▬
range of stressing jacks is divided in 3 base versions Strand ¼” ¼”- 3/8” 3/8”-1/2”-6/10”
for different loads and available in 3 different strokes. Max. load 60kN 80kN 235kN
The stressing jack is made with ergonomic controls Section 17,29cm2 28,274cm2 71,275cm2
placed in safest position and allow a fast replacement Stroke 20/40/60cm 20/40/60cm 20/40/60cm
of inner grip, without resorting to removal of any Max. pressure 350bar 350bar 350bar
hydraulic and mechanical part. Weight (kg-Stroke 20/40/60) 20/25/30kg 28/32/36kg 40/50/60kg
The SuperSeleCT version has a point with Prestressing speed 6,6/9,25cm/sec 5,65cm/sec 2,29cm/sec
dynamometer control that, thanks to the patented Return speed 6,6/9,25cm/sec 5,65cm/sec 3,64cm/sec
system, allows the highest precision of applied Flex. pipes 2x¼” 2x¼”+1x⅛” 2x¼”+1x⅛”
stressing. Pipe length 400cm 400cm 400cm
Controls 24volt 24volt 24volt
SuperSeleCT program Ø Ø Ø
Ergonomic handgrip ▲ ▲ ▲
Protection on the controls ▲ ▲ ▲
Point blockage with spring ▲ Ø Ø
Hydraulic point blockage ▬ ▲ ▲
Lapped pipes ▲ ▲ ▲
External chromium plating ▲ ▲ ▲
Chromium-plated point ▲ ▲ ▲
Stainless steel point SuperHPJ SuperHPJ SuperHPJ
Total length 110/150/190cm 110/150/190cm 120/160/200cm
Fast grip substitution ▲ ▲ ▲
Stress.grip magnetic extraction ▲ ▲ ▲
Grip dimensions 25x50mm 25x50mm 35x70mm
Anti-rotation device ▬ ▲ ▲
Balancer for suspension Ø Ø Ø
Maintenance kit ▲ ▲ ▲
2x2-3x3mm 3x3mm ¼”
Point/Grips 3/8” 1/2” 6/10”
d4-d7mm d6-d8mm 3/8”
Relaxing barrel Ø Ø Ø
Standard equipment ▲ On request Ø Not possible ▬

2.3 SuperSeleCT System

SuperSeleCT is actually the new prestressing system to programme, manage, check and
memorize the prestressing data for every single prestressed strand, guaranteeing the handle
report of every prestressed line. SuperSeleCT is the result of the continuous evolution of the
company and proves CONTEC srl tendency to be
present in the market in the technologically more advanced group, with
important acknowledgement from the most qualified prefabricators

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 11

3.Prestressing Accessories
A full range of accessories allows to have always available what is necessary to address each problem precompression.

3.1 DEL6CompaCT-Electronic Dynamometer

DEL4/6CompaCT is Electronic dynamometer with digital indicator for direct reading of applied load.
Check instrument with load cell and digital display to read the periodical calibration of the stressing
jacks for the prestressing. The toroidal load cell, equipped with the special elements to allow its
coupling with the different stressing jacks, is connected to a digital instrument to read the load
values applied (selection in daN or kg.); strong bag for the transport; on demand are available
reduction accessories for the use with different strands or for direct application on the line;
Applicable load from 10 to 23.000 daN (max. force 25.000daN) for strands until 6/10”. Before the
delivery the instrument is calibrated with LAT certificated instruments (2° level certificate). The
compactness of the new instruments allows also the application directly on the stressing jack during
the operations of tensioning on the formwork.

3.2 Pretensioning Anchor Grips

CONTEC srl sells and distributes anchorage material for prestressing. Since more than 40 years our anchorage material has been used and
appreciated all over the world for its safety, duration and seal even in the worst use conditions. CONTEC srl, with a pluriannual and exclusive
specific experience in this field, produces all the anchorage components with advances technologies and strict check procedures to guarantee
the best performances. The range includes all the accessories for strand and plait, in open version, in automatic and union type. The choice of
material, the working care, the modern technologies used and the continuous check in every production phase are since always a synonymous
of maximum reliability and safety during use. CONTEC srl always guarantees availability, assistance, consultancy and accessories for use. It is
recommended to use the open anchorage in the stressing jack side and the automatic anchorage in the opposite side, to guarantee the maximum
safety during the prestressing operation. To increase duration and safety, we recommend using the automatic anchorages for the plait, mostly
in prestressing pists for small beams, vineyard piles, bottoms, etc.

Open grip Automatic grip Double Ended Joint

d5-6 d5-6 d5-6
Wire or Strand (code “C Type”) 2x2,25 2x2,25 2x2,25
3/8” 1/2” 6/10” 3/8” 1/2” 6/10” 3/8” 1/2” 6/10”
3x2,25 3x2,25 3x2,25
3x3mm 3x3mm 3x3mm
Diam.barrels(mm) 24 35 44 50 24 35 44 50 25 35 44 50
Lenght barrels (mm) 24 36 47 57 66 76 97 103 118 157 198 210
Max load (kN) 48 80 167 246 48 80 167 246 48 80 167 246 dist. 25 35 45 50 25 35 45 50 25 35 45 50

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 12

3.3 Ultrasonic Cleaning Equipment & Antiscuff
The cleaning and the maintenance of the anchorage material are
fundamental for the complete and reliable seal during their use.
CONTEC srl has studied and realized ULTRASONIC-CT18, a specific
cleaning equipment with ultrasounds for the cleaning and the
maintenance of the anchorage wedges for the prestressing moulds.
Thanks to the treatment in automatic cycle, the cleaning of the
wedges and of their relative fittings is very simple and always
ensures the maximum reliability and safety in the use of the whole
anchorage material, increasing its duration.
Bearing structure in stainless steel that supports a tank destined to
the washing in warm detergent solution, activated by the
Building characteristics: tank made in AISI 304 stainless steel,
thickness 20/10 mm., with TIG-welding specially pickled; tank
bottom tipped towards the discharge; discharge valve in chromium-
platet brass; insulation of the heated areas; heating with stainless
resistance (1x900 Watt.); temperature control (thermostat with
probe); group with ultrasounds piezoelectric (300/600 W., 25 kHz),
composed by 1 transducer on the bottom of the tank and 1
generator separated with power variator; external fairing with plates
easy to remove, made of glazed stainless steel, thickness 10/10 mm;
manual cover in stainless steel, provided with a hand grip; realization
according to the CE european standards; feeling tension: 230V 1
ph+T; internal tank dimensions: 250 x 200 x 350 h. mm. Aprox; tank
dimensions: 450 x 696 x 900 h. mm. aprox.; removable basket in 3
sections; tank capacity 18 lt
The Specific antiscuff Reag-CT increases the life of the grips and the safety in use; antiscuff spray is easy to use with great efficacy.

3.5 Specific Shear for Strands

The shears CUT-CT are used, thanks to its practicality, to cut strands along the prestressing lines, during the strands laying and the
dismantling of the line. The machines are completely self-contained and can be connected to the normal wire net in 220 Volt; they
are made of an high speed electric motor on which an high pressure hydraulic pump is keyed; the pump sets directly on a hydraulic
jacks which controls the cutter sliding and the head shape allows its use also in reduced spaces.
Shear for strand CUT4 CUT6
Strands 1/4” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 6/10”
Motor power 1100W 1150W
Voltage 220V 220V
Revolutions rpm 10.000 14.000
Max. force 12000daN 30000daN
Max. pressure 700bar 700bar
Simple effect ▲ ▲
Weight (kg) 14,8kg 14,8kg
Dimensions 52x12x13cm 48x14x24cm
Standard equipment ▲

3.6 Wedges Release Machine

SBLOC-CT is a specific equipment to
release the anchorage wedges from
the strand pieces after the
dismantling from the prestressing
line. The equipment is made of a
hydraulic group controlled with a
pump unit complete with tank,
motor-pump group, and lever
control, overload cutout. Its firmness
and its easiness in use give the
possibility to carry it close to the
anchorage heads. The series normal
outfit includes special reductions for
plait and strand till 6/10”.
Waterproof electrical board,
complete with outlet for the
connection to the portable SBLOC/P
equipment (if requested). Available
in single or double version.

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 13

4. Pushing Strand Machines
The Pushing-strand machines SPIT-CT help and automate the strand laying along the production lines. Our equipment for the pushing of the strands
on the prestressing lines can be used interchangeably for 3/8”, ½” or 6/10” strands, and they can be arranged in 3 principle versions:
The first SPIT.V is the base model and generally the most used to insert the strands inside the armour cages already wrapped and placed on the line.
The second SPIT.VA is usually used with very long prestressing lines (over 100m) because it can be installed along the line and used together with
the basic version to push very long strands. The structure is lower opened and whwn the strand is pushed, it can be deposited on the bottom, in
order to allow the passage of the next strands.
The third version SPIT.VP allows to programme the quantity and the length of the strands to pull; the machine pulls and cuts as planned in automatic
sequence; the use of this equipment requires a working procedure that allows a collecting channel of the strands.
The BIS supplement can be applied in SPIT/V version and it is convenient to reduce the laying times working with to operators because while the 1st
operator, after placing a strand he comes back to the machine, the 2nd operator can start with another strand, in order to have an almost continuous
cycle. Special Equipment are available on request for automatic line or wires.

Technical data sheet SPIT.V SPIT.VA SPIT.VP

Strands 3/8”-1/2”-6/10” 3/8”-1/2”-6/10” 3/8”-1/2”-6/10”
Standard ▲ ▬ ▬
Opening System Lower ▬ ▲
Programmable System ▬ ▬ ▲
Rollers/channels 4/3 4/3 4/3
Electric motor 2,2 kw 2,2 kw 2,2 kw
Radiocontrol Autec or Rem Autec or Rem Autec or Rem
Doubleradiocontr. Ø Ø Ø
Security sensor ▲ ▲ ▲
Fix wheels d38 cm. d38 cm. d38 cm.
Rotating wheels d16 cm. d16 cm. d16 cm.
Count-meters ▬ ▬ ▲
Q.tity programming ▬ ▬ ▲
Board control ▲ ▲ ▲
Remote control ▲ ▲ ▲
Automatism ▬ ▬ ▲

Max. push 280 daN 280 daN 280 daN

Tension Volt/Hz 220-380/50 220-380/50 220-380/50
Speed 10-80m/1’ 10-80m/1’ 10-80m/1’
Blinking light ▲ ▲ ▲
Acoustic signal ▲ ▲ ▲
Stabilizers ▲ ▲ ▲
Inverter ▲ ▲ ▲
Aut. Shear SuperCut Ø ▬ ▲
External Shear Cut6 Ø Ø Ø
Standard equip. ▲
On request Ø
Not possible ▬

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 14

5. Detensioning and Multistressing Systems
Thanks to the complete and extensive experience acquired in many years of activity, CONTEC srl alcan present a complete range of equipment for
detensioning and multi stressing systems with automatic electronic control, proven reliability and operational safety.

5.1 Hydraulic Detensioning Pump Unit

Our pumps are built with components of great reliability and they are available in different versions according to the requirements of use; we always
recommend to use equipment with check valves to guarantee the maximum safety in every phase of use. The manual controls with levers ensure a
safe and immediate control in the maneuver.

Technical data sheet

Electric motor kW 4 5,5 5,5 11
Tension 220/380 Volt - 50 Hz
Radial hydr. pump Hawe
Gear Hydraulic pump ▬ ▬ ▬ ▲
Max. pressure 330bar
Flow rate l/1’ 1500rpm 7 8,4 8,4 20
Oil tank capacity lt. 200 300 300 600
Ant. rotat.Wheels 160mm ▲ ▲ ▲ ▬
Back wheels d380mm ▲ ▲ ▲ ▬
Weight kg 200 240 250 350
Electric board IP55
Exit nr. 3/8” 4 4 4 4
Simple effect ▲ ▲ ▬ ▬
Double effect ▬ ▬ ▲ ▲
Safety valves Ø Ø Ø Ø
Pipes h.p. 3/8” Ø Ø Ø Ø
Pipes h.p. ¼” Ø Ø Ø Ø
Supplem. distr. d.e. ▬ ▬ ▲ ▲
Aut. semi-coupling Ø Ø Ø Ø
Flow distributor ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Carter ▬ ▲ ▲ ▲
Acoustic temp. signal ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Blinking light ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
« SincroSystem » ▬ ▬ Ø Ø
Standard equipment ▲
On request Ø
Not possible ▬

5.2 Multistressing system with Dynamometric Control

In the prestressing production lines for Hollowcore floor panels, it is possible to install an apparatus for simultaneously tensioning strands with
automatic control of the race and the applied load.
Total loads applied from 1000 to 6000 kN, stroke until 200cm.

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 15

5.3. Sincro4TP-Electronic Detensioning System SuperSelCT 10
SINCRO4TP-SuperSeleCT allows the detensioning in prestressing installations with four jacks, in a safe and simultaneous way. It assures the
movement of the anchorage crosspiece in a regular and aligned way, even with loads that are not in barycentre axis with the structure. The system
is based on a control unit with a synchronization group and on four jacks with double effect for the detensioning appropriately equipped. It allows
the safe total control of the four jack simultaneous and synchronized stroke, and also the control of the applied load, the memorization and the
printing of the report, according to the prerogatives of the patented system SuperSeleCT.
SINCRO4TP-SuperSeleCTallows the prestressing in an automatic and simultaneous way and assures the maximum safety of the workers.
The system is equipped with special devices to read the applied load on each one of the four detensioning jacks and allows to see on a special
SuperSeleCT display all information of the system. The SINCRO4 simplified version allows the synchronized movement without programming and
recording of loads.
4 4TP
Simultaneous multiple first
▲ Ø
Final single prestressing ▲ Ø
Single first prestressing ▬ ▲
Simultaneous final multiple
▬ ▲
Fixed oil pump unit ▬ ▲
Oil pump unit on wheels ▲ ▬
Metallic housing ▲ ▲
Protection cover ▲ ▬
Oil tank 300lt 600lt
Exit with 4 lines ▲ ▲
Aut./manual selection ▲ ▲
Distr. with 4 levers/manual ▲ ▲
Suppl. distr. with 2 levers ▲ ▲
Managing microprocessor ▲ ▲

Potentiometers ▲

Pump with pistons Hawe Hawe

Capacity 8,4 l/1’ 8,4 l/1’
Max pressure 400bar 400bar
Operating pressure 360bar 360bar
Control manometer ▲ ▲
Electrical motor 5,5kw 5,5kw
Voltage 380V 380V
IP65 electical board ▲ ▲
Blinking light ▲ ▲
Acoustic signal ▲ ▲
Pushbutton ▲ ▲
Safety valves ▲ ▲
H.P. flex. tubes ▲ ▲
Read on the display:
Jack stroke ▲cm ▲cm
Single load ▬ ▲kN
Total load ▬ ▲kN
Barycentre height ▬ ▲cm
Jack pressure ▬ ▲bar
Max. load STOP ▬ ▲
Max. pressure STOP ▬ ▲
Min. load STOP ▬ ▲
Palmtop connection ▬ ▲
Download ▬ ▲
Report printing ▬ ▲
Jacks with double effet ▲ ▲
Anti-rotation of the stem ▲ ▲
Strain gauge protection ▲ ▲
Pressure transducers ▬ ▲
Hydraulic collars ▲ ▲
Monolithic crosspiece ▲ ▲
SuperSeleCT programme ▬ ▲
Standard equipment ▲
On request Ø

Not possible ▬

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 16

5.4 Hydraulic Detensioning Jacks
Our Detensioning Jacks HRJ in special edition for Prestressing lines are made in simple
or double effect with max. capacity from 350 to 10.000kN and with useful stroke from
12 to 100 cm; all jacks has extra safety stroke of 5cm; they are manufactured in
Mannesman pipe without welding (Fe 510 certified), bottom with strong thickness,
plated and ground stem; gaskets for high pressures, guide rings in synthetic material,
external scraper ring, eyebolt to lift, distance rings with inner rubber surface and
blockage screws for manual movement; at request the spacer rings with centralised
hydraulic system are available for safe movement. Jacks can be equipped with special
safety blockage valves with piloted control, to guarantee the immediate stop in case of
breakage of the feeding pipes. Max. pressure 360bar. All the jacks with double effect
are equipped with special safety blockage valves with piloted control, fixed with flange,
to guarantee the immediate stop in case of breakage of the feeding pipes; the same
valves are also available as an option for single-acting cylinders. The double-acting jacks
can be used with the SuperSeleCT Sincro4TP System. 11
Single or double

Distance ring

Diameter Bore

Weight with
Oil capacity

Useful area
Max Power




KN cm mm Lt. Kg mm mm mm Sq. cm bar
15/20/25 440/490/540 1.7/2.2/2.8 47/54/61
Se 150 120 100 113.09 309.5
350 30/35/40 590/640/690 3.3/3.9/4.5 67/75/82
20/30/40 430/530/630 2.2/3.3/4.5 68/82/96
De 150 120 100 113.09 309.5
50/60/70 730/830/930 5.6/6.7/7.9 109/123/137
15/20/25 340/390/440 2.3/3.1/3.9 60/69/78
Se 170 140 120 153.93 324.8
30/40/60 490/590/790 4.6/6.1/9.2 87/105/141
20/30/40 530/630/730 3.1/4.6/6.1 96/114/132/150
De 170 140 110 153.93 324.8
50/60/70/90 830/930/1030/1230 7.7/9.2/10.8/13.8 168/186/222
15/20/25 340/390/440 3.8/5.1/6.4 92/106/119
Se 210 180 165 254.46 294.7
30/35/40 490/540/590 7.9/9.3/10.2 133/147/160
20/30/40 525/625/725 5.1/7.6/10.2 143/170/197
De 210 180 120 254.46 294.7
50/60/70 825/925/1025 12.2/14.7/17 224/251/278
15/20/25 340/390/440 4.7/6.3/7.9 84/96/108
Se 245 200 190 314.20 318.8
30/35/40 490/540/590 9.5/11/12.6 121/133/145
20/25/30/40 505/555/605/705 6.3/7.9/9.4/12,6 129/163/196/231
De 245 200 150 314.20 318.8
50/60/70/90 805/905/1005/1205 15.7/18.9/22/28.3 264/298/331/389
15/20/25 370/420/470 6.2/8.3/10.4 198/222/246
Se 295 250 240 490.87 346.3
30/35/40 520/570/620 12.5/14.6/16.6 270/294/318
20/30/40 505/605/705 8.3/12.5/16.6 237/340/401
De 295 250 200 490.87 346.3
50/60/70 805/905/1005 20.8/24.9/29 462/523/584
15/20/25 380/430/480 9.2/12.3/15.4 240/271/303
Se 320 280 270 615.80 324.8
30/35/40 530/580/630 18.5/21.5/24.6 334/366/398
20/30/40 540/640/740 12.3/18.5/24.6 319/380/441
De 320 280 240 615.80 324.8
50/60/70 840/940/1040 30.8/37/43.1 502/563/624
15/20/25 390/440/490 12/16/20 320/361/402
Se 365 320 310 804.24 310.8
30/35/40 540/590/640 24/28/32 443/484/525
20/30/40 530/630/730 16/24/32 556/588/620
De 365 320 280 804.24 310.8
50/60/70 830/930/1030 40.2/48/56 652/684/716
15/20/25 390/440/490 14.5/19.3/24 390/440/490
Se 403 350 340 962.11 311.8
30/40/60 540/640/840 28.9/38.5/57.8 540/641/841
15/20/30/40 475/525/625/725 14.4/19.2/28.9/38.5 635/653/694/753/
De 405 350 300 962.11 311.8
50/60/70/90 825/925/1025/1225 48.1/57.8/67.3/86.6 817/858/899
15/20/25 390/440/490 14.9/19.8/24.8 418/471/525/
Se 417 355 345 989.8 323.3
30/40/50 540/640/740 29.8/39.6/49.5 579/686/793
20/30/40 545/645/745 19.8/29.7/39.6 585/691/799
De 417 355 310 989.8 323.3
45/60/70 795/945/1045 44.6/59.4/69.3 852/1013/1120
15/20/25 395/445/495 18/24/30 504/568/606
Se 455 390 380 1194.5 334.8
30/35/40 545/595/645 36/42/48 695/759/823
20/30/40 540/640/740 23.9/35.8/47.8 664/791/919
De 455 390 350 1194.5 334.8
50/60/70 840/940/1040 69.7/71.7/83.6 1046/1174/1302
15/20/25/ 430/480/530 21.8/29/36 676/755/833
Se 505 430 415 1452.2 344.3
30/40/60 580/680/880 43/58/87.1 912/1132/1383
30/40/50 610/710/810 43.6/58/72 975/1289/368
De 505 430 360 1452.2 344.3
60/70/90 910/1010/1210 87/101.7/130.7 1525/1682/1997
10/15/20/25 380/430/480/530 17.3/26/34.7/43.3 721/817/911/1006
Se 555 470 460 1734.9 345.9
30/35/40/50 580/630/680/780 52/60.7/69.3/86.7 1101/1196/1291/1481
20/30/40 550/650/750 34.7/52/69.4 1044/1234/1424
De 561 470 400 1734.9 345.9
50/60/70 850/950/1050 86.7/104/121.4 1614/1804/1994
15/20/25 450/500/550 29,4/39.2/49 1015/1128/1241
Se 605 500 480 1963.5 346.3
30/35/40 600/650/700 58.9/68.7/78.5 1354/1467/1579
20/30/40 490/590/690 39.3/59/78.5 1241/1467/1692
De 605 500 420 1963.5 346.3
50/60/70 790/890/990 98.2/117.8/137.4 1918/2144/2369
10/15/20 400/450/500 22.9/34,3/45.8/57.2 985/1108/1231/1354
Se 635 540 530 2290.2 349.3
25/30/40 550/600/700 68.7/80.1/91.6 1477/1600/1724
20/30/40/ 510/610/710 45.8/68.7/91.6 1403/1650/1896
De 635 540 450 2290.2 349.3
50/60/70 810/910/1010 114.5/137.4/160.3 2142/2389/2635
10.000 Se 15 480 42.4 1483 708 600 590 2827.4 353.4

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 17

6. Concrete Casting Service: Buckets and Trolley
Buckets type “BE-System" servo-controlled to cast concrete, with box shape, with rounded borders and various capacity. Tank and inferior
longitudinal mouth with a single shell with baffle in Hardox HB400 anti-wear steel. Hydraulic opening system, composed with a hydraulic oil pump
unit, with electrical feeling and charge accumulators (truck type), couple of hydraulic jacks with double effect, with blockage valve. Hook on a
horizontally pivoted traverse, control push-button with 5 m. of cable. Setting of the oil pump unit and of the electrical board in waterproof box and
in a protected position, with covering carter. On request different sizes, double mouth and hooks different from the standard ones.
Technical data sheet BE15 BE25 BE30 BE35 BE42 BE50
Tank capacity (m3) 1,5 2,5 3 3,5 4,2 5
Weight (kg) 1100 1300 1370 1400 1500 1730
Electric-Hydraulic pump ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Nr. 2 Batteries ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Tension 12Volt ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Discarge width 20cm ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Discarge width 40cm Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø
Automatic Battery charger Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø
Pendant push-button ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Tank material Hardox 400 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Eye hook fixed ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Tilting hook Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø
Radiocontrol Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø
Other dimension/ capacity Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø
Trolley to transport Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø
Emergency hydr. pump Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø
Manually operated of opening Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø
Electric Vibration System
Standard Equip. ▲
On request Ø

Special Motorized Trolley for Buckets

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 18

7. Transport Trolleys for Precast Elements
CTM is a complete range of trolleys for the transport of precast elements; capacity 30, 50, 60 tons.
Trolleys are made in welded carpentry, fifth wheel to bear the load of to steered industrial type with lubricators; tow rudder with type approved towing eye and
suspension spring; front and rear trolleys with double axle; superelastic self-sealing pneumatics in full rubber, with 3 sectors with anti-abrasion treads, intermediate
coat in elastic amortizing rubber, internal heel with high elastic mod with safety hook to the rim, external diameter ca. 690 or 790 mm, width ca. 235 cm, disk with
plate base with lateral detachable rings, axle shafts (without brake) with studs in square bar.
• Code CTM50TB: couple of trolleys for transport with a total max. capacity of 50 tons, composed with anterior steered trolley with double nearer axle, superior fifth
wheel to bear the load and superior traverse; frame for connection between the trolleys for the unladen tow of rear trolley; posterior fix trolley with double nearer
axle complete with superior traverse (width 235 cm), to bear the load
• Code CTM15+15 or CTM30+30: couple of trolleys with each one a max. capacity of 15 or 30 tons, composed with couple of frame in rugged welded carpentry
and each one equipped with a structure in welded beams with 2 axes with single wheels; every trolleys (front and rear) is equipped with superior traverses bearing
the loading floor on the fifth wheel capacity 15/30 tons with lubricators, steered axle on the fifth wheel with lubricators; fix posterior axle; Power Steering device
(standard equipment in CTM30+30, option on require for CTM15+15) in the rear trolley controlled by a hydraulic pump unit, fed by a couple of batteries (truck type);
installation in a protected box; hydraulic power group with tank, electrical motor, pump; board of electrical feeding in a protected box; control with push-button
panel with 2 buttons and 5m feeding cable; automatic equipment to recharge the batteries; on request equipment to fix the precast to be applied with bolts and
nuts on the bearing traverse
• Code CTM50TT: trolley with max. total capacity of 50 tons, composed with: front steered trolley with double nearer axle; rudder for telescopic connection for the
axle base of the trolleys, which can be regulated between ca. 8 m and ca. 12 m., realized in a box-type structure, welded with coupling pivots of the extractable
elements. Total length of the equipment from 11 to 17 m; rear fix trolley with double nearer axle
• Code CTM70P: specific equipment for the transport of prefabricated panels inside the plants, with max. Total capacity of 70 tons and load uniformly distributed on
the expected support points with limit 6.000kg per wheel and max. speed 5km/hour, front steered trolley with industrial bearings fifth wheel, fix rear trolley with
nearer double axle and oscillating with balancers on pivot with bearings.
• Code CTM100R: specific trolley for panels with electric motors and wheels on rails


Technical data sheet
50TB 15+15 30+30 50TT 50P 100R
Capacity (tons) 50 15+15 30+30 50 50 50+50
Weight (kg) 3300 3900 5600 5000 7000 3000
Trolley 2 2 2 2 ▬ 2
Load platform (m) ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ 10x2,5 ▬
Load fifth wheel ▬ 2 2 ▬ ▬ Ø
Steered fifth wheel 1 2 2 1 1 ▬
Draft rudder 1 2 2 1 1 ▬
Extensible frame 8-12m ▬ ▬ ▬ ▲ ▬ ▬
Extensible frame 12-16m ▬ ▬ ▬ Ø ▬ ▬
Special pneumatics ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▬
Steel wheels with groove ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▲
Sliding on floor ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▬
Sliding on rails ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▲
Wheels number 4+4 4+4 4+4 4+4 4+4 4+4
Trestles for loading Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø
Hydraulic rear control ▬ Ø ▲ Ø ▬ ▬
Radiocontrol Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø
Electric motors ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ 4+4
Standard equip. ▲
On request Ø
Not possible ▬

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 19

8. Lifting Equipment
Lifting systems for every problem:
With trestle or with caisson, self-centering, with hight capacity, changeable length, with hydraulic grip systems or other equipment.

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9. Special Equipment
Our professionalism and experience gained in many years of service in the field of prefabrication allow us to meet any production requirement with
specific equipment to solve problems of transport and casting service in prefabrication plants.

Machine for cleaning and oiling of formworks Machine for cleaning and oiling Bucket for fork-lift

Special equipment for Prestressing Poles Lines Special Equipment for Prestressing Poles Lines

Motorized equipment for laying tarps of infulation

Motorized Dispenser of Concrete

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 21

10. Formworks
The long experience since 1970 allowed to face up several typologies of formworks and prestressing equipment and represents a technical knowledge
that allows CONTEC srl to meet with care and efficacy any sector issue, developing customized and technologically advanced solutions.

10.1 Special Formworks for casting on site

10.2 Formworks for Precast Pillars


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10.3 Formworks for Staircase

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10.4 Formworks for Precast Elements

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10.5 Prestressing Anchor&Detensioning System
The anchorage system for the prestressing is the decisive element to ensure the security and reliability in all use conditions.
Contec srl has always favored the construction of structures with large size in order to ensure stability of systems over time and depending on use
conditions. Detensioning equipments, always complete with suitable safety devices, are generally equipped with jacks at double effect that better
ensure the control during the handling. The control systems can be implemented with SuperSeleCT or SINCRO4-TP (see section 2.3 or 5.3) to
continuously monitoring the state of facilities.

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 26

10.6 Contec Standard Prestressing Lines for Beams 18

At the basis of CONTEC srl’s experience there is the Standard System: an original and simple production system in line for beams that is based on a
lower platform arranged to receive formworks with different configuration and ensure a very high flexibility; the system, steadily updated by CONTEC
srl, has been widely copied and reproduced by many competitors, and this is a guarantee of its validity, effectiveness and productivity.


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10.7 Self-Reacting Lines

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10.8 Bridge Beams Formworks

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10.9 Formworks for Panels and 3Dimensional elements

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11. Carrousel Equipment for Panels and Slabs
The network of technical and commercial collaboration and the choice of qualified primary suppliers allow CONTEC srl to partecipate with experience,
technology, efficacy and quality also in field of highly automated carrousel plants to meet the challenges of new markets.

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12. Special Equipment for Prestressing Poles for Vineyards and orchards
CONTEC srl has developed a
specific technology for the
production systems of prestressed
poles bound to vineyards and
orchards with a full range of
equipment in order to meet any
production requirement to ensure
the best quality of product:
Prestressing, formworks,
machines for earthwork, cut and
smoothing machines, cleaning
and oiling machines.

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13. Formworks Accessories
We have a wide range of accessories for formwork gaskets, magnetic strips, magnetic locking devices, pneumatic vibrators fixed and sliding, vibration
power systems to meet every need of prefabrication. All offered components and accessories come from a collaboration between CONTEC srl and
the most qualified specialist companies.

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Some illustrations in this document were kindly provided by other companies operating in partnership with CTgroup.
All information contained in this document is provided for information purposes only and CONTEC srl reserves the right to alter equipment and
specifications based on possible evolution of the product and/or market conditions at the time of the definition of the order


Prestressing Expert since 1968
35010 Carmignano di Brenta (Padova) Italy - Viale Industria e Artigianato 26c Tel.0039 0499431317

CONTECsrl PubliDEP2019.01 Pag. 36

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