LEAF Marque Standard v16.1 Checklist
LEAF Marque Standard v16.1 Checklist
LEAF Marque Standard v16.1 Checklist
1 Checklist
Issued: 1 August 2023 Effective: 1 September 2023
This Checklists aims to support businesses when preparing for their LEAF Marque Audit. It does not replace the LEAF Marque Standard v16.0 which
provides further information on the verification requirements and evidence needed. Further guidance can be found on the LEAF Sustainable Farming
Review and the LEAF Marque Website.
Red text indicates the information which has been either edited or new for the LEAF Marque Standard v16.0 and v16.1.
E– Essential
CP No. Control Point N/A Notes on N/A eligibility
CP No. Control Point N/A Notes on N/A eligibility
Measures are taken to conserve and build up soil organic matter. N/A in some circumstances where growing media other than soil is
2.2 E N/A
2.3 There is an implemented Integrated Nutrient Management Plan. E
2.4 The business is aware of soils, livestock and crops that are prone to trace element deficiencies. E
2.5 (Deleted since v11.0)
There is a long-term cropping plan. N/A in some circumstances where there are perennial crops such
2.6 E N/A as orchard and long-term protected crops and permanent
The risk of soil degradation is assessed prior to operations being carried out to ensure the timing, field conditions, N/A in some circumstances where growing in substrate.
2.7 E N/A
equipment and soil management techniques are appropriate.
2.8 (Deleted since v16.0)
2.9 Recommendations for application of fertilisers (organic or inorganic) are given by competent, qualified persons. E N/A N/A where business does not apply fertilisers.
2.10 Organic and inorganic fertiliser applications are recorded. E N/A N/A where business does not apply fertilisers.
2.11 Operators/contractors are trained in accurate techniques of nutrient application. E N/A N/A where business does not apply nutrients or manure.
2.12 (Deleted since v16.0)
2.13 Control measures are implemented to minimise the loss of nutrients when applying organic matter. E N/A N/A if manure or organic matter not applied.
(Upgraded v16.0) Soil health is measured. N/A in some circumstances where growing media other than soil is
2.14 E N/A
Crop Health and Protection
3.1 There is an implemented Crop Health and Protection Plan. E
3.2 There are strategies to avoid weed, disease and pest resistance to herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. E N/A N/A where PPP's are not applied.
There is a system in place for monitoring and recording pests (including vertebrate), disease, weed levels and beneficial
3.3 E
predatory species. The system is used to decide when to apply plant protection products (PPPs).
3.4 There is a record to justify the use of all crop protection practices. E
The business considers the environmental impact of all crop protection practices, including plant protection product(s)
3.5 E
(PPP), mechanical and cultural practices.
Growth stages, infestation levels and plant protection product type are considered before deciding on the appropriate N/A where PPPs are not applied.
3.6 rate of plant protection product (PPP) used. E N/A
3.7 Steps are taken to minimise damage to beneficial and non-target species. E
3.8 There is a documented procedure to ensure harvest intervals are applied. E N/A N/A where PPPs are not applied.
3.9 Precautions are taken to ensure plant protection product (PPP) use is limited to the area in which it is required. E N/A N/A where PPPs are not applied.
There is a documented and displayed procedure and notification process to alert relevant staff and/or authorities for
3.10 E
dealing with spillages damaging to the environment, people and animals.
3.11 Plant protection product (PPP) applications are recorded. E N/A N/A where PPPs are not applied.
Protection measures are in place where plant protection products (PPPs) are mixed/handled to ensure potential spillage N/A where business does not handle or mix PPPs.
3.12 E N/A
or resulting pollution is prevented from entering water and the local environment.
3.13 Plant protection product (PPP) recommendations are made by competent qualified persons. E N/A N/A where no PPPs are used.
Operators/contractors are trained in the use of plant protection products (PPPs) and participate in continuous N/A where PPPs are not applied.
3.14 E N/A
professional development.
3.15 (Deleted since v16.0)
E– Essential
CP No. Control Point N/A Notes on N/A eligibility
Plant protection products (PPPs) application equipment have test certificates from a nationally-recognised scheme or are N/A where PPPs are not applied.
3.16 E N/A
appropriately maintained and calibrated to ensure safe and reliable operation.
3.17 Plant protection products (PPPs) are stored securely to give protection to the environment and people. E N/A N/A where business does not store PPPs.
3.18 Only plant protection products (PPPs) with approval are used and stored. E N/A N/A where business does not store PPPs.
3.19 Plant protection products (PPPs) are used at the appropriate rate and timing for safe and effective use. E N/A N/A where PPPs are not applied.
(Upgraded v16.0) Adequate precautions are taken to protect neighbouring businesses and the public from agrochemical N/A where agrochemicals are not applied.
3.20 E N/A
application activities.
(New v16.0) Actions are taken to inform neighbouring businesses and the public of agrochemical application activities. N/A where agrochemicals are not applied.
3.21 R N/A
Pollution Control and By-Product Management
4.1 (Deleted since v16.0)
There is an implemented Manure Management Plan that is integrated with the Nutrient Management Plan (see 2.3). N/A if organic material is not produced or used.
4.2 E N/A
4.3 Fixed fuel tanks are bunded and potential spillages are prevented from entering watercourses. E N/A N/A where a business does not store fuel.
Equipment and machinery is regularly maintained and calibrated to ensure accurate and efficient application and N/A where business does not use sprayers, fertiliser and
4.4 operation. E N/A muck/manure spreaders, tractors and equipment used for treating
and handling livestock.
4.5 There is a Pollution Risk Assessment that identifies, documents and records all potential pollutants on a map. E
4.6 (Deleted since v15.0)
4.7 (Deleted since v16.0)
4.8 (Upgraded v16.0) There are maps of all drainage for general farm building areas and land. E
4.9 (Deleted since v16.0)
4.10 (New v16.0) There is an annual Waste Audit. R
4.11 (New v16.0) There is an implemented Waste Audit Action Plan. R
Animal Husbandry
5.1 Measures are taken to avoid damage to grassland by livestock and to optimise biodiversity. E N/A N/A if no outdoor livestock production.
5.2 Nesting birds and wildlife are protected when cutting forage. E N/A N/A if forage is not cut.
Organic material, digestate, compost, silage, silage effluent, slurry and solid organic matter are stored according to best N/A in circumstances where organic material, digestate, compost,
5.3 practice. E N/A silage, silage effluent or solid organic matter is not used or stored.
There is adequate safe holding capacity for animal manure and slurry for the requirements of the business. N/A in circumstances where animal manure and slurry is not
5.4 E N/A
5.5 Dirty water and silage effluent are collected and safely recycled. E N/A N/A if no dirty water or silage effluent.
5.6 (Deleted since v16.0)
5.7 There is an implemented Livestock Health Plan. E N/A N/A if business has no livestock.
5.8 There is an annual visit from your vet(s) to discuss animal health strategy and welfare issues. E N/A N/A if business has no livestock.
Animal health and welfare indicators are monitored and used to assess performance on a production cycle basis. N/A if business has no livestock.
5.9 E N/A
5.10 Key staff/contractors are trained in monitoring of animal health and welfare indicators. R N/A N/A if business has no livestock.
5.11 Animal performance indicators are monitored on a production cycle basis. R N/A N/A if business has no livestock.
5.12 (Upgraded v16.0) There is an Animal Feed Audit. E N/A N/A if business has no livestock.
5.13 (Upgraded v16.0) There is an implemented Animal Feed Action Plan. E N/A N/A if business has no livestock.
E– Essential
CP No. Control Point N/A Notes on N/A eligibility
Energy Efficiency
6.1 There is an annual Energy Audit. E
6.2 Energy consumption is monitored. E
6.3 On farm Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are recorded. E
6.4 There is an implemented Energy Action Plan. E
6.5 (New v16.0) A carbon footprinting tool is used. R
Water Management
7.1 There is an implemented Water Management Plan. E
7.2 (Deleted since v15.0)
Applied water use efficiency is measured. N/A when no irrigation is carried out or in some circumstances
7.3 E N/A when measurement is not practical and justified by the business.
(Upgraded v16.0) Applied water use efficiency measurements are analysed, any changes justified, and measurements are N/A when no irrigation is carried out or in some circumstances
7.4 used to plan improvements. E N/A when measurement is not practical and justified by the business.
CP No. Control Point N/A Notes on N/A eligibility
Care is taken to avoid damage or destruction of national/local important ancient monuments and areas of archaeological N/A where there are no ancient monuments and areas of
8.18 E N/A
or historical interest. archaeological or historical interest.
8.19 (Deleted since v16.0)
8.20 Farm management activities are adjusted to avoid areas where birds and/or other species are nesting. E N/A N/A where no nesting species.
8.21 Staff are involved in planning and implementing improvement to habitats and landscape features. R
8.22 (Deleted since v16.0)
8.23 10% or more of the farm/ site land is managed as a habitat area. R
Nesting habitat(s) and food are provided to enhance the habitat for native fauna.Nesting habitat(s) and food are
8.24 E
provided to enhance the habitat for native fauna.
Bees and pollinators are included as key species in the Landscape and Nature Conservation and Enhancement Plan.
8.25 E
8.26 The LEAF Sustainable Farming Review question On-Farm Habitats has been completed. E
(Upgraded v16.0) At least one representative species or habitat, that can be justified in environmental terms, is
8.27 E
monitored on the farm.
(New v16.0) Conversion of natural ecosystems for agricultural use only occurs where there is compliance with national N/A if no history of or current natural forests/ protected areas, or
8.28 and/or global commitments and minimal negative environmental impact. E N/A if natural ecosystems not converted for sole agricultural use since
current ownership or in future plans.
8.29 (New v16.0) Protected and/or high conservation value areas, are protected and managed appropriately. E
Engaging Society
9.1 (Deleted since v15.0)
9.2 (Deleted since v15.0)
9.3 (Deleted since v15.0)
9.4 At least one activity is carried out annually with the intention of engaging local or wider community(ies). E
9.5 The LEAF Sustainable Farming Review data questions on Community Engagement have been completed. E