Economy C5
Economy C5
Economy C5
There are 546 marine fishing villages situated along the coast
of Andhra Pradesh
Important Acts
AP state Constituted in 2020 under Andhra Pradesh
Aquaculture State Aquaculture Development Authority Act,
Development 2020
(APSADA) CM is the Chairmen
Facilitate farmers with supply of quality feeds Fishing 9- to utilize long coastline of 974 km
Harbors- 9
ANDHRA Andhra Pradesh Aquaculture Seed (Quality In addition of modernisation of FH at Vizag (
Control) Rules 2020 Vizag 151 cr)
CONTROL) Quality seeds in the state to reduce crop kakinada Upgradation of Kakinada FH under
ACT, 2006 losses & yield healthy crops sagarmala scheme for 48 cr
Andhra Pradesh University at west godavari district Rythu Bharosa To promote innovative & advanced
University Act,
Kendras technologies in fisheries sectors
2020 Generating , adequate skilled & qualified in the ● 731 VFA in secretariats
area of fisheries & aquaculture
E-crop (e-fish) Remunerative prices for their produce,
access to insurance, credit support etc.,
Important scheme & programmes
155251 Dedicated integrated call center
Diesel Oil @9 per liter ,ceiling limit-For 10 active months
subsidy ● 3000 liters of mechanized boat
RAS Promoting Recirculatory Aquaculture
● 300 liters for motorized boat
Systems (RAS) to maintain quality
water and avoid polluted water sources
boats at source through smart cards
Fish Andhra 2000 fish andhra retail stores established
YSR From 15th April to 14 june , conserving fishy
Initiative and linked to the 26 aqua hubs.
Matsyakara wealth & fish production
From 2019 relief enhanced to 10 K from 4K Registration of Aquaculture
Fishers Training & extension , publication maintenance Coastal Aquaculture Under CAA Act & rules 2005 within
Development & ex gratia payments for deceased during Authority (CAA) distance of 2 KM from High Tide Line
programme fishing - 10 Cr 2022-23 ● Seas,, creeks , backwater ,
Central Under Pradhan mantri matsya sampada Comes under the purview of CAA
Assistance to yojana (PMMSSY)
state 2 ha Water spread DLC recommends to state level
Development Activities like area committee & further to CAA
programmes ● Open sea cage culture
CASDP ● Cage culture in reservoirs
● Seaweed culture Capital Expenditure
● Boats & nets , Bio toilets
RIDF 12 Cr for 2022-23 for approved ongoing projects
Under PMSSY 2022-23 GoI sanctioned 18 ● Additional shore based facilities, fish
projects 26 aqua feed farms, approach roads, integrated
labs labs & other fish projects
● Introduction
○ AP Registration of Horticulture Nurseries
(Regulation) Act 2010
● Productivity enhancement & export potential Productivity Enhancement & export Potential
● Strategy for development AP stood first in ● Oil palm ,papaya , Lime , Cacao,
● Achievements of 2022-23 productivity of ● Tomato , coconut , chilies
● Post Harvest Infrastructure
● Programmes for Holistic development of Horticulture Area 17.95 Lakh Hectares
○ PMKSY Fruits - largest Contributing 15.6 % of the total countries
○ MIDH producer in the fruit production
○ RKVY country
○ EXternally Aided Projects Goal
■ APIIATP -World Bank Crop From traditional agricultural crops to
■ APILIP -JICA Diversification commercial horticultural crops to an
● Introduction of new crops extent of 65796 Ha.,
● Dr YSR Thotabadi
Additional 1.50 Lakh Ha., Under Micro irrigation
● Critical Gaps Identified in Implementation
Food Essential part food & nutritional security in the Micro irrigation For efficient & effective utilization of water
security country & fertilizers
Agro Of AP is conducive for growing a variety of Agri Promotion like Collection centers & Solar
climatic fruits, vegetables , coconut, cashew & coco infrastructure cold rooms under MIDH
conditions etc
Modern Adopting , such as protected cultivation
Farmer By AP govt & identified horticulture sector as technologies ● Poly houses & Shade Net Houses
centric one of the growth engines For cultivating of high value flowers &
programmes vegetables for high returns
The scheme Throughout the year in the State enabling Aim To implement major activities of horticulture
sector in Non-SHM districts (integrated ● Water Resource Development
● achieving 4% annual growth in the irrigation & nodal agency
agriculture sector Agriculture
Transformation Objective: to improve the productivity of
MIDH Projects under Integrated Vegetable Project) horticulture crops near Ayacut area
Production which not covered in MIDH ● In all 12 Districts except Guntur
The subsidy
Compon Horticulture Infrastructure fund / Post harvest proposed for the Project period 7 years (2017 to 2024-25
ents infrastructure ,area expansion, cold rooms, components is
protected cultivation are being implemented 75% of the unit Components such as
● Area expansion of Banana,cocoa
FPO”s 2022-23, covered 263 FPO”s towards & cashew
promotional , Integrated Pack houses , ● Permanent pandals,IPM,INM
Collection centers, Transport vehicles other ● Formation & strengthening of
infrastructure facilities & Marketing etc., FPO’s etc
Rythu Bazars established in 1999 with an objective of direct
sale of vegetables by the farmers without intermediaries and to
provide quality vegetables to consumers at reasonable prices
100 Rythu At present, functioning in the state Direct Purchase Enabled in the Market yards were
Bazars Platform farmers can sell produce directly
through e-Nam
101 Rythu functioning in the State with temporary/
Bazars semi-permanent structures Bio-Digesters To convert waste into useful compost
Estate officer Rythu Bazar is managed by an Estate Financing against 75 of produce stored in godowns (ceiling
officer with supporting staff. % value Rs. 2 Lakhs per farmer, no interest upto
180 days)
Estate officer A committee consisting of Estate Officer
+ and two to three progressive farmers fixes Efforts are made to strengthen and expand Rythu Bandhu
2 or 3 Farmers the prices of vegetables in the Rythu Bazars Pathakam (RBP) by covering large number of small and
every day marginal farmers and to expand the range of produce (from
mere Paddy to various other produce such as other cereals,
prices are fixed @25% above wholesale prices and @25% millets, grams, oil seeds etc) during the current year
below the local retail prices
51 New RB”s To propose for establishment in the state AP Farmers Registered Special Purpose Vehicle
under under worth rs 49.60 cr E-Vikraya Corporation to implement the platform in june
construction Limited (APFEVCL) 2021