TME RMS-Prospectus 2022-2024

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I Inspire Hope

Character & Nurturing Creativity
Inspiring Excellence, Building
About The Millennium Education Group 2 SCOPE – School Coaching Programme 47
Founder & Chief Executive Foreword 5 Beyond the Boarder Education & School Links 48
Institution Background & History 7 Millennium Global Summer Outreach Programme 49
TME Group Profile 8

A Place to Achieve
Ethos, Aims & Objectives 9 Millennium Clubs and Societies 52
Mission, Values & Vision 10
Building Schools for Today and Tomorrow 13 Learning Beyond the Classroom Initiatives 54

Qualifications, Curriculum& Assessments 14 Facilities & Resources at The Millennium Education 56

The Millennium Early Years Programme - TMEY 15
The Millennium Primary Years Programme - TMPY 16 Admission Procedure & Policies 60
The Millennium Middle Years Programme - TMMY 17 Admission & Eligibility Policy 61
The Millennium Upper Middle Years - TMUMY 18 Assessment & Examination Policy 64
1. International General Certificate for Secondary School Uniform Policy 65
Education - IGCSE Tuition & Fee Policy 66
2. National Secondary School Certificate - SSC 19 Equal Opportunity Policy 68

your Dreams
The Millennium College Years Programme 20 Learner Code of Conduct Policy 69
1. Advanced Subsidiary AS & Advanced A-Level TME Harassment and Bullying Policy 72
2. National High Secondary School Certificate HSSC 21 School Annual Calendar & Holidays 74
International Baccalaureate IB Programme 23
Millennium Institute of Professional Development 25 Achievements & Awards 76

MATRIX Learning Management System - LMS 27 Awards, Achievements & Global Recognition 77
Partnerships, Programmes & Collaborations 78
Extended Learner Development Programme 28
NCC Education Digi Programme 29 General School Information
SDG 2030 Inclusion Programme 30 School Timings & Opening Hours 80 Ensuring
Intel Information Communication Technology 32 Our Roots, Our Network 81
STEM Based Robotics Programme 34 Quality
WWF Green School Programme 36
Microsoft Education Programme 38
Education for
Millennium Chinese Language Programme 40 Every Child's
Millennium German Language Programme 42
Bright Future -
Essential Learner Enrichment Programme 44
TME Art Programme 45 Our
TME Music Programme 45
TME Library & Reading Programme 45
TME Citizenship Programme 46 to Community
TME Counselling Programme 46
Community Engagement Programme 46
School Fitness & Sports Education Programme 47
United Nations Global Action Days 47
The Millennium Education TME is Pakistan’s first upon the respect for the unique learning styles of
Confucius Classroom with 8500 learners learning learners, and an understanding of the needs of an
Mandarin nationwide. TME, ISO 9001:2008 certified, internationally mobile child. The engaging and
is also a member of prestigious German PASCH reflective learning environment of the small-sized
Schools network and teaching German language to classes fosters the development of a child as an
over 1000 learners in collaboration with Goethe enthusiastic lifelong learner.
Institute Germany. It is also a first Intel ICT SFS
Curriculum School. TME is the home to the largest
teacher training and education programme, TME is Pakistan's first WWF Green School; with an
academic excellence and all-round development of agreement with WWF Pakistan to promote all
learners and teachers for over 36 years has been enrolled learners nationwide, as active and
achieved successfully. responsible citizens and green learners thus
promoting greener communities and climate
change education for an eco-friendly and greener
The Millennium Education TME today is beyond planet. TME has also pledged to work towards the
education and schooling; it is changing the national conservation of Snow leopard in Pakistan; therefore,
The Millennium
educational landscape through its award-winning we have officially adopted the Snow leopard
curriculum, beyond the classroom teaching and protection campaign in Pakistan as a green school
learning initiatives, teacher training programs, slogan. We have proudly become the first school
qualifications, results, and achievements, thus system to have 100 percent learners registered as
promoting ‘social change’ and ‘community re- green learners.
engineering’. The foundations of our perspective at
TME are the things we have always stood for:
celebrating diversity, creativity, vitality, and In addition, The Millennium Education School also
excellence that ultimately formed The Millennium won "The International School Award (ISA)", a global
Education one of the leading private institutions of accreditation programme, recognising the
‘Unique’ just about sums up The Millennium
Pakistan. commitment and good practices of schools in
Education TME which is an extension of the Roots
incorporating international awareness and
School System founded in 1988 by Mrs. Riffat
understanding into their classrooms. The
Mushtaq Aizaz-e-Fazeelat. The new generation
We aim to bring out the best in a child mentally, Millennium Education due to its legacy of academic

millennium schools are labelled and founded by her

intellectually, academically, physically, and culturally excellence and all-round development of learners
son Dr. Chaudhry Faisal Mushtaq - Tamgha-e-Imtiaz;
by developing the attitudes, skills, knowledge and over nearly 36 years and has won the fastest 100
recipient of the prestigious national civil award from
Government of Pakistan, who himself is a celebrated values that Millennials of the 21st Century require to growing companies of Pakistan award and 500
strive globally. TME inspires its learners to become Fastest growing companies of Arabia & Gulf region
national educational icon and decorated
successful lifelong learners and responsible global by 'All World Network USA' founded by Harvard
educational counsellor, to help scale education,
citizens with effective promotion of high standards University’s trail blazing and distinguished
learning and teaching as per the aspiration of the
of scholarship and challenge, all members of the Professors.
21st century child; commonly referred as the
‘Millennial Child’. community are encouraged to push past their
potential. The foundation of The Millennium
Education and its instructional practice is based
The Millennium Education is a private independent
Promoting Schools

award-winning and one of the best school systems

in Pakistan providing teaching and learning for 36
years, with the largest K-12 teacher training
Institute, 9150 plus active alumni, with access to
as Global
over 30 educational qualifications and with 8
prestigious examination and qualification boards
Enterprises and
globally. It promotes high standard scholarships,
quality education, responsibility, and citizenship in a Learners as
supportive environment custom-tailored for the
international community. Global
25000 Nationwide Visit us for more info 03
Your School
Be True to Founder & Chief Executive
For over 36 years, we have sponsored educational Through our K-12 Schools and Colleges, we give
change, opportunity, achievement, excellence and learners every opportunity to stretch themselves
excitement across schools, communities, towns and intellectually, academically, and socially. We have an
cities through our learner centered education system. ideal educational environment with beyond the
In the sphere of education, TME remains a place that classroom learning activities that focus on each
dares to be a little different. It is our academic focus student’s individual needs and portfolio development,
and personal attention to each learner that makes us in turn, scaling opportunities for successful university
distinct. For over more than three decades, we have applications, community engagement programs,
sponsored educational change, opportunity, quality, critical thinking, inclusion, equity, and choice.
achievement, excellence, and excitement across
communities through our learner-centered education The Millennium Education environment are a holistic
system. balance of classroom education and beyond the
classroom education. We are confident that the
The Millennium Education is born out of our blazing Millennium experience is perfectly tailored to fit each
passion for the reformation of classroom education community’s personal, academic, physical, social, and
today in all our K-12 Schools and Colleges. We promote cultural needs. I call The Millennium Education a
and refer to the child who studies, as a ‘Millennial’ at “GloCAL” school; Global in Perspective and Local in
our campuses nationwide. TME is an inclusive Access.
institution, styled on the lines of modern educational
systems of international standards, specially designed The Millennium Education’s mission and commitment
to meet the requirements of the child in his early, are to develop the right set of skills, attitudes,
formative years by involving the three Es - Exposure, knowledge, and values within Millennials so that they
Expansion, and Exploration. may confidently meet the global challenges and
uncertainties of the 21st Century.

Dr. Faisal Mushtaq

Founder & CEO
The Millennium Education Group, Pakistan

nHonorary Doctorate Recipients for the year 2021 by University of Hertfordshire, UK

nRecipient of National Civil Award Tamgha-i-Imtiaz
n500 Most Influential Muslims of the World 2014-17
nCounsellor of the Year Award 2014
nBest Educationist of the Year 2015
nBest Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2012 & 2013
nIntel Technology Leadership Award 2009-2014
nMicrosoft Showcase School Award 2014 & 2016
nMember National Society of High School Scholars
nChair CRI - Roots Confucius Classroom Pakistan
nMember WWF Board of Governors Pakistan
nMember CCH Board of Governors Pakistan
nNational Book Ambassador 2015 & 2017

follow me on
cfm_78 05
Background & History
Joy & Creativity The institution was established in April 1988 at 74
Harley Street Rawalpindi by Mrs. Riffat Mushtaq (Aizaz-
e-Fazeelat), a dedicated and committed teacher with
enthusiasm and missionary spirit in the field of
education. She took the challenge of introducing
Home of Love,
modern Methodology of Montessori System. Roots
became the pioneer institution in having introduced
an exclusive Montessori in the twin cities of Rawalpindi
& Islamabad in 1988 and brought awareness about this
method of teaching in Pakistan. The growth of children
in this institution is the success of the “Teaching
Methodology, Curriculum, Faculty & Creativity”. The
phenomenal success and growth behind the
institution are now credited to her son Dr. Faisal
Mushtaq (Tamgha-e-Imtiaz) who has now founded The
Millennium Education Group.

The Millennium Education Schools & Colleges have

gained recognition as an International educational
institution recognized at national as well as Mrs. Riffat Mushtaq
international level commonly labelled as a school of
achievement, excellence, excitement, opportunity and
discovery. TME is a model institution styled on the
modern educational system of International standards
At TME each child is assisted in growing by a system so
especially designed to meet the requirements of the
that he/she feels the thrill of success and finds his own
child in his early, formative years by involving the three
worth and dignity. Mrs. Riffat Mushtaq's roots can be
E's Exposure, Expansion and Exploration.
traced back to her illustrious Grand Father, Late Khan
Mohammad Khan Sahib (MLA) who is commonly
known as the "Sir Sayyed of Kashmir".
Innovated & inspired
The success of The Millennium Education is evident
modern education from the high quality of learners the Institution is
producing as the school offers continuous education
standards with from Early Years to Undergraduate level.

universally acclaimed
academic excellence
Largest number of
purpose built Sustainable
of learners for more & Iconic Campuses

than one quarter of a

The Millennium Education Ethos, Aims
Group & Objectives
The Millennium Education today is much more than a single school system. Through diverse and autonomous
divisions across Pakistan, it caters to the education and training needs of a large and diverse group of learners
and individuals of different ages and socioeconomic backgrounds with its activities also extending beyond The staff and management at The Millennium Education, K-12 Schools and Colleges is committed to providing a high
education. quality of learning experiences. To fulfill “Every Child Matters” agenda, following ethos, aims, and objectives are being
followed at The Millennium Education:

Ensure that all pupils receive their entitlement to a broad,

balanced, and relevant education

Promote the highest possible standards of achievement for

all pupils
Roots Millennium Schools Millennium Care
Over three decades; 36 years of academic excellence; Millennium Care is the Day Care Resource Center of Develop the learner’s self-esteem and self-reliance
Roots Millennium Schools spread nationwide are The Millennium Education available in selected TME
synonymous with 'academic excellence', 'student schools. Young children construct knowledge based Foster an understanding and tolerance of differences,
achievement', 'social entrepreneurship', 'opportunity' on their real-life experiences; they learn by doing. Our including those of race, culture, and religion
and 'discovery' for students, parents, teachers and classrooms are designed to encourage children’s
community. Learners who study here are passionate active exploration with adults, other children, and Encourage respect for the self and others by reinforcing
about their subjects, qualifications and are dedicated materials. positive behaviour
to expanding their knowledge of the world around
them. Teach the value of honesty, truth, and friendship

Provide a happy, calm, and secure environment for learning


Millennium Institute of Professional Development Give pupils the finest opportunities to succeed as citizens in
WORLD SCHOOL MIPD is Pakistan’s leading teacher training and the 21st Century
Future World School professional development institute. It’s a venture
FWS; is the project of Millennium Schools labelled and borne out of over two decades of educational “Each member of the school is valued.” Staff and pupils
founded by Dr. Chaudhry Faisal Mushtaq-Tamgha-i- excellence by TME. All training courses are designed should demonstrate this by showing mutual respect and
Imtiaz. ‘Unique’ just about sums up FWS. It is Pakistan's to promote a conducive learning environment by courtesy towards each another at all times
first concept-based, skill-centric, pedagogy-driven inculcating a drive for excellence.
and technology-enabled iconic schools, state of the We believe that all learners have a right to learn within a
art purpose built campuses, aesthetically set with
numerous facilities for Learners, Teachers and THE LITTLE
Developing safe and secure environment

MILLENNIUM personal qualities Everyone at The Millennium Education is entitled to work in
a quality-learning environment, which promotes high
The Little Millennium expectations for all members of its school community
MILLENNIUM The Millennium Education, accredited as one of the of self-respect,
COLLEGE best Early Years School in the country, offers a fully The Millennium Education encourages everyone to use
I Inspire Hope

Millennium Colleges
equipped early learning approach for children. We
provide four years of Early Years Education starting
self-confidence and their skills and abilities to participate wholeheartedly in all
aspects of a broad and balanced curriculum
Millennium Colleges are the Best College for A and AS
Levels in Pakistan. Millennium Colleges is a private
from reception, Playgroup, Junior Year and Advanced
Year. Our Early Years practice is robust and dynamic
self-discipline by The school actively encourages lifelong learning for pupils,
Independent award winning college group providing
teaching and learning for 36 years, with the largest K-
because observation and meeting of needs are
continual and specific for each learner. Children at promoting a caring staff, parents, and members of the wider community

12 teacher training Institute, 9150 plus active alumni, Little Millennium are exposed to practical life
with an access to over 30 educational qualifications. exercises, giving them the opportunity to master the
environment and encourage self-care.
& positive
atmosphere 25 Major Cities
of the Country
To promote high quality teaching; developing full Millennium Values Millennium Vision
potential of learners in an enterprising & engaging The values that are broadly shared at The Millennium
Education Schools are not just practiced thoroughly but
environment they also outline the framework within which the School Over the next 8 years The Millennium Education is
strives for excellence in achieving its goals through the destined to develop its role as a leading K-12 Early Years /
School Development Plan SDP. School / College / University thus championing a socially
inclusive approach to participation in education. We
The values that are broadly shared at The Millennium deliver outstanding academic qualifications,
Education are: departments and training programmes at all our
purpose-built campuses. Enabling the learners to be
Millennial Mission Collaborative Engagement between Learners,
n independent thinkers and self-reliant. The Millennium
Education has evolved the ‘ Teaching’ and the ‘Learning’
Teachers, Parents, Staff and Communities.
Statement paradigm with the LEARNER as the common
Mission, Values
denominator, pioneering the development of new
Act with integrity
The Millennium Education aims knowledge, scholarly understanding and professionally
practice curriculum and support the sustainable
Respect others
n development of social eco-systems and the wider
To be a global school committed to meeting community. We are committed to fostering an adaptive
the needs and ambitions of a diverse range of Take responsibility for their actions
n environment through the development of talented,
learners by providing challenging academic highly skilled motivated staff, effective governance,
programs underpinned by globally accredited Building an environment of inclusive growth and
n management, technology enablement and leadership to
qualifications, social diversity, academic respect within and outside the school community. benefit from collaboration and partnerships with other
excellence and entrepreneurial centered institutions/organizations internationally.
For learners to be creative, responsible,
entrepreneurial, skilled individuals fitted for the l The Millennium Education believes in instilling high
modern-day world, committed to the communities aspirations, opportunities and achievements to create a
To bring out the best in a learner; in which they live and work. culture of ‘learning’ that enhances innovation and
intellectually, academically, physically, socially, economic prosperity. In the sphere of College education,
entrepreneurially and culturally, by Millennium College has an edge to be different by
The Millennium Education has implemented United
developing the right attitudes, skills, scaling an environment in which each learner is coached,
Nations actions days as part of school curriculum
knowledge and values amongst the learners. mentored, counseled and provided ample support and
& Vision

and global citizenship agenda committed to the

opportunity to discover themselves; be it in terms of
21st Century United Nations four pillars of
entrepreneurship or in the broader terms of University
applications and acceptances. It is our academic focus
To meet global challenges as Millennials in the and personal attention to each and every learner that
21st century supported by advancements in makes us distinct. High quality teaching and learning at
our school curriculum, teaching, critical 1. Learning to Know The Millennium Education is ensured at all tiers, with an
thinking, school culture and community, unwavering dedication to the development and
2. Learning to Be
learning ecosystem and enabling technology." application of original knowledge and also sharpen
3. Learning to Do
scales of analysis, creative thinking and potential to be a
4. Learning to Live together
convincing contributor of the society. Our inclusive
culture nurtures the individual learner and encourages
As Millennials we prepare our learners to be creative, the fulfillment of his/her potential. At The Millennium
responsible, entrepreneurial, skilled individuals suited for Education, we ensure that every child has equal
the modern day world, transmitting to the communities opportunity to stretch intellectually and socially.
in which we live and work today. Embedding faith in our tireless sincere resolution and
endeavors in anticipation of a formidable future for our

Visit us for more info 11
Building Schools for
Today and Tomorrow
If we look closely and completely at the The
Millennium Education`s Philosophy, we find that at its
heart the skills essential for our learners' future are;
critical thinking that involves understanding both
intended and unintended consequences; systems
thinking that engages linear and nonlinear approaches
to problem solving; and integrated and
interdisciplinary use of knowledge and to address
complex (social and economic) problems. What better
purpose for education than to ensure future
generations have opportunities for living a healthy life
in a healthy school environment. Hence, as an effective
school we provide 21st century teaching and learning
conditions for pupils and teachers, and campuses that
are well cared for and designed to nurture our children.

Within our schools, we believe that the purpose of

education is to provide opportunities for all through

learning to practice stewardship of a healthy
environment and creating just and fair socioeconomic
systems when beginning their journey into practical
lives. TME focuses on learning which strengthens the
capacities of children to act progressively on their own

behalf through the acquisition of relevant knowledge,
useful skills and appropriate attitudes; and which helps
children understand, and helps them create for
themselves and others, a safe, secure and a healthy
Here at TME, we use
Creativity our campuses as a
living, learning
We feel that it’s our responsibility to provide facilities
that promote physical learning environment in which
formal learning occurs and which ranges from
relatively modern and well-equipped buildings to
open-air gathering places as the quality of school

& Collaboration laboratory where

learners are able to
practice these skills
facilities seems to have an indirect effect on learning,
an effect that is hard to measure.

Engr. Mrs. Anna Faisal

as they develop Executive Director
Visit us for more info
them The Millennium Education Group
The Millennium Early
Years Programme
TMEY, an approved centre for ‘Early Childhood Education’
provides an environment which inspires love for learning
and promotes cognitive, emotional and independent
development of each child. TMEY is a home of love, joy,

Qualifications, and creativity where young millennials feel safe, happy,

valued and respected. Academic Structure for Early
Education programme is comprised of four level i.e.
Reception, Playgroup, Junior Year & Advanced Year.

Curriculum & Curriculum

We have a well-structured, scientifically designed
curriculum with an aim that each child is gifted. We just
Our Learning Environment
Learners at TMEY have access to a high quality, carefully
planned environment that encourages learners to be

need to find “how”? We prepare children for reading with confident and independent individuals who welcome
a multi-sensory approach including rigorous floppy’s challenge. We provide opportunities that inspire learners
phonics programme and language experiences. We have to discover awe and wonder of the world around them.
fully trained Early Years practitioners and staff. Moreover,
our methodology to achieve ELGs is based on a sequence
The Millennium Education Department of International Qualifications, Curriculum & Physical Facilities to Cater Daily Learning
of carefully planned topics that build skills, knowledge
Assessments aspires to provide excellent services in terms of academics and in helping the and independence. 1. Air-conditioned, spacious and equipped classrooms
child learn in an innovative way where he/she can achieve excellence in all aspects of life.
2. Multiple Intelligence(s) enabled Activity Center;
The Early Learning Goals (ELGs) having EPL, Mathematical and Sensory areas to work
Throughout the Early Years, we work towards learners’ with scientific apparatus, Music Center, Kitchen Lab,
achieving ELGs by focusing on following areas Puppetry theater and storytelling corner
3. Interactive Outdoor Play Area
Personal, Social and Emotional development
Language and Literacy English
n 4. Portfolio Based Assessment
Language and Literacy Urdu
Basic Mathematical Concepts
n Parent Partnership
World Around US (Through Thematic Learning)
n We produce a ‘Learning Journey’ throughout the year that
n records each learner’s learning and achievements during
Health, Hygiene and Safety
n school. We greatly value parents’ input and believe in

I Q C A Expressive Art and Design

n working together for our learners’ wellbeing. Parents are
regarded as members of Early years school community
who contribute to their child's progress by observations
We are passionate about delivering a curriculum that is
International Qualifications Curriculum Assessments of activities and achievements at home and are always
engaging, creative and challenging for all the learners. A
welcome to exchange knowledge with academic staff
Comprehensive Quality education is Ensured by a continuous Reform, improve, balance of play based and Practitioner- led learning is
phased curriculum redesign and developer
during meetings.
international standard ensured through used in the environment towards achievement of early
curricula with globally benchmarking, enrichment plan through the centralized
recognised teaching innovation, feedback, curricula development, assessment framework learning goals.
strategies, pedagogies and and international best reforms, capacity, and that encompasses each
resources for supporting practices in all areas of growing global and every aspect of child Visit us for more info
and ensuring engaged teaching and learning. expectations to support development and
learning environment. student centered learning. progression. 15
The Millennium
The Millennium
Primary Years Middle Years
Programme Programme
The Millennium Primary Years Programme forms a part of The Millennium Middle Years Programme offers
International Education for learners between 6 to 10 years continuous education through Grade VI, VII and VIII.
of age, offering routes that candidates can follow from the Middle Years is the most comprehensive and unique
post-kindergarten stage to university entrance. The TMPY elementary school qualification; thus, preparing
has been developed by experts who are subject leads Millennials for their National and International
from the Department of International Qualifications, examinations offered through Pearson Edexcel or the
Curriculum and Assessments. It is designed on the same University of Cambridge International examinations UK or
lines as the QCA department of the UK and Wales. Our FBISE/BISE Matric examination.
programme has been bench marked against international
curricula. Appropriate and relevant internationally, The About the Qualificaftions; offer the last year of this Middle Years’ Programme for
Millennium Primary Year Programme has been designed Our in-house developed worksheets are meant to give learners of age 11-14 years. Grade VII checkpoint learners
The average age level for this qualification is 11-14 years,
to be culturally sensitive. maximum learning in minimum time. Our subject are promoted to Grade VIII checkpoint and avail the full
as the curriculum framework offered by The Millennium
experts in departments formulate profound teaching academic year for a better preparation required to enter
Middle Years Programme is designed for educational
and assessment resources appropriate for efficient Cambridge IGCSE level.
About the Qualification: success for learners of that age group.
comprehension of concepts. Learners are given
TME Primary Years Programme promotes an enquiry-
maximum exposure, locally and internationally via
based approach, developing learners’ confidence, Cambridge Checkpoint tests are designed for learners
inclusion of international boards such as Edexcel Based on curriculum of English, Science, Mathematics,
creativity and intellectual engagement. Learners are who are beginning courses leading to Cambridge IGCSE
iPrimary. Teaching strategies and resources support History, Geography, Social Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu,
taught using a broad range of activities that promote or Cambridge O Level Examinations in English,
and ensure an engaged learning environment which this programme aims to stimulate the minds of our
experience, reflection and improvement. A continous Mathematics, and Science. Grade VIII Millennials appear in
enhances the child’s knowledge, skills, attitude and learners to prepare for the challenging study years
assessment system is followed from Grades 1 to 3. At the Secondary Checkpoint Test May Series and attempt
values. coming ahead. The knowledge and skills developed in
Grade 4 and 5 a proper, centralized examination system is CAIE papers that are externally marked using Cambridge
TMMYP can ensure a smooth transition from secondary to
introduced. Millennium provision also includes first-class Checkpoint scores. At the end of the Checkpoint Exam,
higher national/international qualifications.
support for teachers through publications, online Edexcel iPrimary each learner receives a statement of achievement and a
resources, training, workshops and professional Pearson is the world’s leading learning company and diagnostic feedback report. These exams are optional, and
the UK’s largest awarding body. Pearson Edexcel About the Curriculum: learners register for the mentioned subjects with the
development which are later followed by monitoring of
teaching standards. iPrimary is a complete, six-years programme taught in Exposure and engagement during ages 11 years – 14 consent of their parents. Moreover, this does not affect
The Millennium Primary Years Programme. The years, gives learners an indispensable intellectual toolkit. those learners who do not qualify for this exam. They take
curriculum is designed to ensure that key skills are TME Subject-based syllabus allows for much more than their internal exams for Grade VIII at campus level.
About the Curriculum:
properly embedded and that learners are secure in the transmission of knowledge necessary for further study
The TMPY curriculum frameworks reflect the learning or work. They promote meaningful engagement in real-
their understanding of the concepts. We do our best Cambridge Checkpoint`s are offered in;
targets for each year group and provide comprehensive world problems and help develop high-level skills that
at stimulating the capability of children and achieving
learning objectives. The learning objectives provide a learners can apply in unfamiliar situations. We aim to
a dynamic state of development.
structure for teaching and learning and a reference encourage creativity, provoke reflection and promote life- English
against which learners’ ability and understanding can be long learning in our learners. The Millennium Education’s Mathematics
checked. Our primary curriculum develops skills in ten Middle Years Programme is centered on close interaction Science
subjects including English, Mathematics and Science. It is between parents and school community.
a comprehensive, thematic, creative curriculum, with a
clear process of learning and specific learning goals for
Cambridge Checkpoint
every subject. It also develops international mindedness
Visit us for more info The Millennium Education introduced Grade VIII as an Visit us Visit
for more
us forinfo
more info
and encourages personal learning. extension of Cambridge Checkpoint Grades VI and VII to
The Millennium
The Millennium
Upper Middle Years Upper Middle Years
Programme Programme
(O / IGCSE Level) (Secondary School Certificate SSC)
At The Millennium Education, learners are encouraged to National Secondary School Certificate (SSC) is the
study a wide range of subjects at IGCSE level, at the same recognized qualification in Pakistan based on the
time. In order to follow a broad and balanced curriculum, textbooks and curricula prepared by Education
many learners take courses from each of the IGCSE Department Government of the Punjab and approved by
groups. IGCSE qualification provides a foundation for the Federal Government for implementation at national
level. The Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary
higher level courses, such as AS and A Levels, the
Education (FBISE) Islamabad established under FBISE ACT
Advanced International Certificate of Education, the North 1975 is an autonomous body of the Ministry of Education,
American Advanced Placement Programme and the Trainings and Standards in Higher Education. The Millennium Education Matric Acceptance &
International Baccalaureate. Recognition

It is empowered with administrative and financial Matric qualification is acceptable and acts as a gateway
What is Cambridge IGCSE Programme? authority to organize, regulate, develop and control for acquiring National or International education in
The Cambridge International General Certificate of Intermediate and Secondary Education in general and Colleges and Universities in the country or abroad.
Secondary Education (IGCSE) is one of the most conduct examinations in the institutions affiliated with it.
recognized qualifications around the world that caters to The resulting qualification provides a foundation for How is SSC taught at The Millennium Education
different levels of ability with a choice between core and higher level courses, such as FSC, BSC or 'A' and 'AS' levels.
extended papers in many subjects.
The Millennium Education Colleges offer only science
About the Curriculum combination (Computer Science group and Biology
Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) is parents and report cards are sent home after sessional group) at SSC level. The prescribed course of Matric is
Federal board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
progressive and flexible, helping schools develop and term exams. The marks and subjects comments are taught through textbooks approved by Punjab textbook
Islamabad and Board of Intermediate and Secondary
successful learners. Curricula and qualifications are uploaded on LMS (Learning Management System). Parent Board Lahore and National Book Foundation Islamabad. In
Education Rawalpindi has offered a flexible course of
designed to support high-quality educational Teacher Meeting is held twice in each term and four times study that gives candidates option to choose subjects of order to prepare the learners for the tough national
in an academic year. After analyzing the results of 1st their choice whilst providing them with a broad competition at SSC level, 60% of Grade 9th syllabus is
performance, developing successful learners and
mock exam and two-year performance School Principal knowledge based on lifelong skills. covered in Grade 8 The rest of the syllabus for Grade 9 is
supporting the economic performance of countries where
and subject teachers decide to get the child registered for covered in the first term whereas; second term of Grade 9
CAIE works at national level. is reserved for complete revision testing and rectification
core or extended curriculum in CAIE external examination.
About TME Examination, Assessment & Progression by repeated evaluation system. This is done to provide
International General Certificate for Secondary Education System marks-oriented practice to the learners for SSC Part 1.
(IGCSE) is the world’s most popular international IBCC Equivalence:
Matric SSC is usually taught as a three-year course starting
qualification for 14- to 16-year-olds, attracting over 900 The government of Pakistan recognizes Cambridge from Grade 8 at The Millennium Education Schools and The SSC Part 2 classes commence in May and 35% of
000 subject entries every year from 140 countries. qualifications and provides equivalence to local system of Colleges for learners aged 13 to 16 years. Monthly syllabus is covered before the summer break. The
education in order to ensure smooth progression for assessment is a regular part of high school. Send-ups remaining of the syllabus is covered by October and the
learners who choose to pursue their education in exams are taken every year in the month of remaining months prior to the Part 2 board examinations
How is Cambridge IGCSE taught?
Pakistan. November/December. Final examinations are taken in the are dedicated to revision testing and rectification by
Internal assessments take place throughout the course of month of March/April each year by FBISE and BISE on their repeated evaluation system. This practice has ensured a
three years and gives options to the learners including said patterns. After completion of SSC, a learner qualifies remarkable result aggregate of 90% A's and A* in the SSC
written, oral, coursework and practical assessments. The The government body responsible for issuing equivalence for Higher Secondary School Certification. examinations for Millennials and gives them a
learner’s academic progress is assessed through, conversion is the Inter Board Committee of Chairman
competitive edge.
sessional, terminals, mock exams, oral and listening tests, IBCC ( Cambridge O Level and
practical exercises, home assignments, projects and Cambridge IGCSE are equated to the local Secondary
written examinations. The progress is then recorded by School Certificate (SSC) and Cambridge International A
Visit us for more info
Levels to the Higher Secondary School certificate (HSSC).
the administration. The result folder is reviewed by 19
The Millennium
The Millennium
College Years College Years
Programme Programme
(AS & A Level) (High Secondary
The Millennium Education Colleges are synonymous with School Certificate HSSC)
excellence. Learners at TME Colleges are provided with
numerous exciting opportunities to display their abilities,
skills and to think critically, analytically and creatively National High Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) is the
throughout their academic tenure. Experienced faculty recognized qualification in Pakistan based on the text
and counselors, give guidance to learners for their bright books and curricula prepared by Education Department,
future. Government of the Punjab and approved by the Federal
Government for implementation at national level.

About Cambridge AS & A -Level gateway for acquiring National or International education
It is empowered with administrative and financial in Colleges and Universities in the country or abroad.
GCE Advanced (A) Level is one of the most recognized authority to organize, regulate, develop and control
qualifications around the world. For over 50 years, Intermediate and Secondary Education in general and
Cambridge International A Level Pakistan have been conduct examinations in the institutions affiliated with it. How is HSSC taught at The Millennium Education?
accepted as proof of academic ability for entry to The resulting qualification provides a foundation for The Millennium Education offers only science
universities and institutes of higher education while higher level courses such as FSC, BSC or 'A' and 'AS' levels. combination (Computer Science group and Biology
Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level represents the first half of group) at HSSC level. The prescribed course of
a full A Levels course and gives learners the opportunity Intermediate from text books approved by Punjab Text
to study a broader range of subjects without committing About the Curriculum Book Board Lahore and National Book Foundation
to a full A level. Islamabad are taught. In order to prepare the learners for
Federal board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
Generally, learners progress to AS and A Levels in the Where are AS & A Levels accepted and recognized? Islamabad and Board of Intermediate and Secondary the tough national competition at HSSC level, 60% of
academic year following their IGCSE, MYP and Matric Cambridge International A Level is a “gold standard” Education Rawalpindi has offered a flexible course of Grade 12th syllabus is covered in Grade 11th. The rest of
result. The CAIE board is the main body to offer qualification, High A and AS Level grades are key to study that gives candidates option to choose subjects of the syllabus for Grade 12th is covered in the first term
International AS and A Levels. admission for all the world’s top universities. and almost their choice whilst providing them with a broad whereas; second term of Grade 12th is reserved for
all the top universities in Pakistan; good grades at A Level knowledge based on lifelong skills. complete revision testing and rectification by repeated
can result in up to one full year of advanced standing or evaluation system. This is done to provide marks oriented
About Cambridge Assessment International practice to the learners for HSSC Part 1.
credit at Universities in USA, Canada or Pakistan: AS Level
Examinations CAIE carries half the weight-age of an A Level and is typically About TME College Examination, Assessment &
Cambridge AS Level examinations are usually taken at the awarded half the credit value, This is a general guide. To Progression System
The HSSC Part 2 classes commence in May and 35% of
age 17 years and Cambridge A Level examinations at age find out the exact number of A and AS Levels and grades Intermediate HSSC is usually taught as a two year course
syllabus is covered before the summer break. The
18 years. Cambridge A-Level courses take two years to required for further study it is advisable to contact the starting from Grade 10 at The Millennium Education
remaining of the syllabus is covered by October and the
complete with exams taken at the end. Cambridge AS dedicated TME 'AS' & 'A' level admission advisors. Colleges for learners aged 17 to 18 years. Monthly
remaining months prior to the Part 2 board examinations
Level examinations are taken after a year either as part of assessment is a regular part of college. Send-up exams are
are dedicated to revision testing and rectification by
the A Level course, or as a qualification. Alternatively, the taken every year in the month of November/December.
repeated evaluation system. This practice has ensured a
A Level qualification will be taken at the end of a two-year Final examinations are taken in the month of March/April
remarkable result aggregate of 90% A's and A* in the
course. Examinations are held in June and November each year by FBISE and BISE on their said patterns. After
HSSC examinations for the Millennium learners and gives
each year with results issued in August and February completion of HSSC a learner qualifies for University
them a competitive edge.
respectively. It is mandatory for all learners to be Education.
registered with TME Colleges before taking the A level
examination. Learners must enter for AS and A Levels
through a TME College. The Millennium Education Intermediate Acceptance &
Visit us for more info
Intermediate qualification is acceptable and acts as a Visit us for more info 21
10 IB
REASONS International
Baccalaureate IB
Why the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) encourages The Millennium Educations is a candidate school for the
International Baccalaureate Qualification. Our schools are
leaners to become creative, critical and reflective? pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are
schools that share a common philosophy, a commitment
to high quality, challenging, international education that
The Millennium Education believes is important for our
learners. As a result of this process, our parents and
Become a life-long learner Train yourself to: learners are confident that our IB Programme has: n
The IB Middle Years Programme, for learners aged 11
norganize and plan your work meet deadlines
Learn ‘how to learn’ using communication, nconcentrate
to 16, provides a framework of academic challenge
research, self-management, collaboration nbounce back that encourages learners to embrace and understand
and critical thinking skills. npersist Commitment to the IB philosophy with a focus on
the connections between traditional subjects and the
nthink positively
international mindedness. A rigorous, comprehensive real world, and become critical and reflective
curriculum encouraging learner curiosity and inquiry. thinkers.
Learn by doing and Teachers, leaders, and staff are trained for the IB
The IB Diploma Programme, for learners aged 16 to
Subjects are not taught in programme and philosophy. School leadership and
experiencing 19, is an academically challenging and balanced
isolation administrative structures inculcates its mission and
Through the MYP community project you programme of education with final examinations that
learn to service the community and connect You are encouraged to make connections support the IB programme. prepares learners for success at university and
what you learn in the classroom to "real life". between subjects.
A comprehensive plan for implementation and
n beyond.
sustainability of the IB programme. IB Career-related Programme, for learners aged 16 to
The MYP encourages It empowers you to Share the mission and commitment of the IB to
n 19, is the latest offering from IB. The CP incorporates
critical thinking develop your talents quality international education. the vision and educational principles of the IB
It teaches you to analyse and evaluate Feel empowered to prove what you know Play an active and supporting role in the worldwide
n Programmes into a unique offering specifically
issues, generate novel ideas and consider and earn the MYP certicate or MYP course and community of IB schools. designed for learners who wish to engage in career
new perspectives. results. related learning.
Share their knowledge and experience in the
development of the IB programmes.
It prepares you for Are committed to the professional development of
n The Millennium International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary
Explore global challenges Years Programme is a curriculum framework designed for
The MYP helps you increase your
future education teachers.
Prepare yourself for the IB Diploma
learners aged 3 to 12. It prepares learners for the
understanding of the world by exploring
globally signicant ideas and issues. Programme or IB Career-related Certicate intellectual challenges of education and their future
delivered by IB World Schools globally. IB Qualification being carried out at The Millennium careers, focusing on the holistic development of the
Education enables our learners to become life-long whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in
learners, learn by doing and experiencing, encourages the world outside. By choosing to implement the PYP, we
It encourages critical thinking, explore global challenges, learn for develop learners’ academic, social and emotional
Learn for understanding international mindedness understanding, train them to be organized and plan their wellbeing, focusing on international-mindedness and
Not just to memorize facts or topics and strong personal values. The PYP nurtures independent
The MYP helps you critically appreciate your work within given deadlines, encourages them to make
prepare for exams.
own culture and personal history, as well connections between subjects, empowers them to learning skills, encouraging every learner to take
as the values and traditions of others.
develop their talents, prepares them for future education responsibility for their learning.
and encourages international mindedness.

The IB Primary Years Programme, for learners aged 3

to 12, focuses on the development of the child as an
inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world n Visit us for more info
outside. 23
When you Empower a
Teacher; you Empower a International
Generation Development
Millennium Institute of Professional Development - MIPD
is Pakistan's leading professional development institute
for the academics and corporate staff.

Established since 1988, it's a venture borne out of over

two decades of educational excellence by Pakistan's
leading educational system, The Millennium Education.
Our training initiatives interest public and private school
teachers, national education offices, school administrative
and leadership staff, student counselors, Mid-career
professionals and Early Years practitioners.

MIPD has carefully designed a training framework to build

upon the capacity of academic staff, predominantly in the
realm of academics through series of contemporary
training programmes. The department aims to transform
Schools Leaders into specialists of new trends in 21st
century education and develop them to learn unlearn and
relearn, within their respective domains. teacher into a 'reflective practitioner' who is a 'thinker'
and a 'learner'. MIPD training programmes are designed
by a core faculty of National and Internationally
For innovations in the field of education, school leaders accredited trainers, training partners and educational
need to think for a bigger picture, for this they need to specialists.
open up and collaborate with other leaders in their field
and the community to create a vision for the future. The
Millennium Education TME personifies the legacy of MIPD believe in going digital. The Millennium Education
achieving excellence through top down approach. School are Microsoft showcasing schools who make use of
leaders are significant agents of change who prepare technology and latest training resources to impact
learners and communities to thrive in an evolving world. training in a comfortable and a professional environment.
Our training programmes are synchronized with face to
face and online session.Our training facilities are
One of the guiding principles of MIPD is to transform a equipped with modern audio & video equipment. This
includes MMP and high-end multimedia.

Cambridge CAIE Certified We at MIPD, design and deliver cutting edge training
1500 Teachers and Practioners
resources to help participants learn effectively. So they
can develop new knowledge and enduring concepts that
Our Teachers’ Motto is - “EVERY CHILD, EVERY CHANCE & EVERY DAY” shape both personal professional development.

Visit us for more info 25
Technology will never replace great teachers, but
technology in the hands of a great teacher can be
George Couros
Millennium Learning
System - LMS
Millennium Learning Management System, an integrated
Management System

learning management solution that provides course

management, mobile learning and support for system-
wide communication. Matrix enables our students,
parents and teachers to engage with learning materials
Millennium Learning

and their campus community for the classroom and


With Matrix, students can digitally submit homework,

assignments, review grades, participate in interactive
discussions, receive announcements and feedback, view
timetable, attendance, course status, date sheets, fee Bill
and more. As a parent, you are able to view your child’s
academic & administrative activity within the platform.

MATRIX-Connecting Classroom provides a learning digital library or a data bank which the students can use
ecosystem that fosters collaboration and communication and can get assistance from it in the long run.
between both teacher-student and peer to peer
interactions on the platform.
There’s are different Modules in the MATRIX e.g NOTICES:
All-important updates and campus events are informed
Connecting Classrooms has been carefully designed to via Matrix so parents can remain up to date and ensure
seamlessly blend the most refined e-Learning technology that their child participates in the activities.
with time-tested conventional training methods.

MATRIX provide parents an overview of the child’s

Connecting Classroom in MATRIX-App has been carefully performance ,the assessments, diary, classwork module
design so they are aware at all times and ensure that their provides run time information regarding the student’s
child remains connected with the teaching faculty current progress which gives a better understanding to
anytime, anywhere, and on any device. the parents of areas where the child needs improvement.
Parents can schedule the meeting with the teachers to
seek guidance and address any apprehensions they may
Other than continuous connectivity the module continues have.
to keep the archive of the entire subjects and topics
which have been discussed. A student can access them at
any point in time to get a quick reference and what points LMS isn’t just a simple way to say Learning Management
were specifically guided by the teacher. It serves as a System. It is a way to simplify Teaching and Learning by
connecting all the digital tools Teachers use in one simple

Digitalizing Millennials Visit us for more info 27
Education Digi
NCC Education, originally a division of the National
Computing School, was first established as an IT initiative
by the British Government in 1966. NCC Education started
offering IT qualifications in 1976 and from 1997
developed its higher education portfolio to include
Business, English language and Foundation level
qualifications. In 1997, NCC Education was incorporated
as an awarding body of British qualifications. Today, NCC
Education is an internationally recognised UK awarding
body in Computing and Business, with a strong global
presence, offering qualifications in more than 48

About NCC Education’s Digi programmes

NCC Education’s Digi programmes provide a
comprehensive Primary and Secondary Computing
The function of curriculum up to and including Key Stage 4 of the UK

schooling system. This curriculum package from NCC

education is to teach Education includes Learner and Teacher Books for each
stage of the programme, access to additional online
one to think enrichment activities, qualification specifications, sample
and past assessment papers, prepare to teach induction The direction in

intensively and to and dedicated programme support for your centre or

think critically.
institution. The programmes have been designed to meet
the needs of UK and international Learners and are
suitable for both children and adult learners. NCC
which education
Intelligence plus Education Digi programmes are offered in a variety of
settings and across different delivery timeframes. starts a man will
character – that is
the goal of true
The NCC Education’s Digi Programmes reflect the
increasing global demand for high quality Computer
determine his
Science education. Lessons provide a strong focus on
education. digital literacy, online safety, content creation and coding
using multiple programming languages, helping to
future in life
inspire the next generation of digital innovators. On
completion of each programme (i.e. all books for that
Martin Luther King, Jr. programme ) learners can be entered for formal Plato
assessment leading to certification by NCC Education.

Visit us for more info 29
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 like gender inequality, local poverty, racism, and many others,
objectives – negotiated and agreed to by world governments while empowering learners to start making the difference they
in 2015 – to end extreme poverty, achieve decent work for all, want to see in their communities. We collaborate with many
promote justice, peace and prosperity, and protect the natural local communities and schools while working on the
environment from human-caused harms. Schools and teachers achievement of SDGs and our students make visits to the
are in a unique position to educate the future generation of schools as part of the projects carried on.
community leaders, consumers, voters and citizens on the
world’s biggest challenges and to inspire them to take action Morning Assemblies
today. More than half of the population of our planet is
Millennium learners are being taught that United Nations
currently under the age of 30 – the biggest generation of
observances contribute to the achievement of the purposes of
young people the world has ever seen. Schools and teachers
the UN Charter and promote awareness of and action on
have a tremendous opportunity to empower billions of young
important political, social, cultural, humanitarian or human
people to become leaders and pioneer a movement for a
rights issues which are directly aligned with Sustainable
better and more sustainable future.
Development Goals.

As one of the leading educational institutes of our country, we

School and College Clubs and Societies
have incorporated SDGs into our school life and curriculum as
Millennium Clubs and Societies have been set up keeping in
an important part. We aim to achieve this through five main
mind the Sustainable Development Goals. The clubs and
societies focusing on the SDGs reside within the broader
thematic areas of SDGs such as Environment, Community
School Curriculum Service, Arts, Languages, Governance, Leadership and
Our school curriculum is based on Sustainable Development Entrepreneurship societies.
Goals. Our curriculum focuses on the seventeen SDGs
throughout the primary years and lower secondary years. It
The Millennium Education Citizenship Curriculum
aims to ensure our learners develop the knowledge, skills,
The Millennium Education Citizenship Curriculum aims to
values and attitudes to flourish in practical life, learning and
provide a coherent structure to the achievement of Sustainable
teaching environments, and to appreciate their place in the
Development Goals in our schools.
community and at the same time advocate for action and the
attainment of the SDGs in a holistic, integrated manner in our
Contributing to our national
School Projects commitment for United Nations
We conduct global projects directly aligned to Sustainable Sustainable Development Goals;
Development Goals. Through our projects, we give learners the SDG 2030.
apparatus necessary to handle complex local and global issues

SDG 2030
Inclusion Programme PEACE, JUSTICE AND

17 Goals to Transform our World 31

Intel Information
(ICT) Programme Building Skills for Innovation

Approach: Regular and continuous professional development has

Digital Literacy Creates Opportunities
enabled the schools’ shift to a student-focused learning
for Learners in Pakistan Engage schools to help build teacher capacity and
Scaling Digital support staff through in-service professional
development to enable teachers to involve ICT
approach. Changes in the assessment strategies placed
more emphasis on pupil self-assessment and meeting
The Millennium Institute of Professional Development targets set through shared rubrics. As a result, learners
entered into an MoU with Intel Pakistan to collaborate on
curriculum development and teacher training in March
Literacy & readily in all subject areas to promote best ICT
curriculum in Pakistan
have a better understanding of what is expected and
what the next steps will be. Learning has become more
2009. A project office was established at the TME Head
Office under the authority of the Department of Fostering Critical Embed ICT within the curriculum through Intel & TME
Schools ICT Curriculum Development Process
exciting, relevant, and fun. ICT curriculum of Pakistani
school enables students to utilize technology to access a
International Qualifications, Curriculum, and Assessments
(DIQCA) and consisted of four ICT subject specialists as
well as curriculum research officers from TME Schools and
Thinking and Deliver resources and infrastructure to allow teachers
to become familiar with ICT and learn how to
wide range of information and to enable them to unleash
their creativity.
integrate it into school offering ICT curriculum
Intel making TME the best ICT curriculum in Pakistan
through their tremendous efforts.
Collaboration to Empower subject leaders to expand their resources
n The learners are becoming Digital Natives and are more
with reference to ICT productive 21st-century learners; they are self-evaluators,

In an effort to support education, advocacy, and prepare learners problem solvers, critical thinkers, and collaborators who
use technology as a medium of learning.

for the 21st

technology access Intel joined hands with one of the The Millennium Education renewed its vision of ICT in
largest school systems in Pakistan, The Millennium Education and recognized how it could contribute to the
The school now demonstrates the true top class ICT
Education to drive systemic education transformation objectives they have for the schools’ development.
curriculum in the Education paradigm; That learning to
and prepare teachers and learners for the needs of the
Century. Through the project office, the school developed a
framework, based on Intel Teach Skills for Success course,
access and analyze ‘Information’ for the purposes of
‘Communication’ using ‘Technology’ equals the skills for
to brainstorm ideas for content, curriculum, and activity
success in the Knowledge Economy.

Visit us for more info 33
Robotics The Millennium Education is supporting approaches to
learning that are recognized as the strengths of STEM
education while providing a dual framework of STEM
and Robotics for teachers to address this combined
agenda for learner development. This dual focus is

Programme about engaging, encouraging and inspiring our

learners in Science, Technology, Engineering,
Mathematics and Robotics as a part of their education
which will open the doors to exciting and fulfilling
future careers and life opportunities.

The Millennium Education is the first school to introduce

Promoting essential workplace

Our foundation for STEM_R is for our learners to

Robotics and STEM education programme across TME engage in activities in ways that promote learning
campuses in Pakistan. Science, Technology, Engineering and related to Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) are at the heart of a technological Mathematics, but through focused instruction in
paradigm shift in the way education is viewed in the context of Robotics to drive STEM learning. Experienced
the needs and impositions of life and work in the 21st Century.
skills in youth ages 8-14

Electronic and mechatronic engineers are hired to

Being one of the Best Robotics schools in Islamabad, TME deliver the STEM-Robotics curriculum content in
offers its learners the opportunity to participate in robotic Classrooms.
programs (Millennium Robotics Programme) throughout the
Why Robotics?

Millennials choosing the robotics track will experience the Actively become involved in your own learning

opportunity to build an autonomous Lego Mindstorms NXT process.

robot and program the robot. R²C members will work in teams Building engineering and science intuition.
to solve missions based on the yearly challenge. The R²C
Programme Challenge presents youth with real-world issues For developing interests in math and scientific

and challenges them to come up with solutions. Participants of technology.

the R²C programme will learn robotic engineering principles Strengthening research and problem-solving skills,
while enjoying a fun, creative, hands-on learning experience on as well as reading, writing, presentation and
an individual basis. If TME is to be at the forefront of this creativity skills.
perspective, we must be a leader in nurturing and developing Visit us for more info
our young learners with STEM talent. 35
WWF Pakistan is running a Green School Certification
model, with the objective to engage learners and
teachers of private and government schools in a
structured Annual Awareness Programme to foster a
sense of individual responsibility and accountability in
future generations of Pakistan towards nature
conservation. TME has signed a legal agreement with
the WWF in order to promote environmental education
and awareness all across the campuses nationwide.
Learners studying in The Millennium Education all
across are "Green Students". The Green School
Programme at TME plays an important role in ensuring
the future sustainability of environmental resources of
Pakistan, by bringing a positive change in the attitude
of Pakistan’s young people and helps in promoting a
more mature, environmentally conscious generation.

The Programme at TME is planned for the whole year
to give students regular insight into the eco-dynamics, Inculcate a habit of giving.
and the overall environmental challenges faced at Through this network, TME expands upon mutual
global and regional level; to broaden learner’s scope as opportunities to learn and implement new and
a responsible custodian of valuable natural resources, better ways to conserve and serve the
and to consequently instill civic responsibility in them. environment. We have global vision when it

comes to conservation, but we hold true to local
perspective and needs while accomplishing our
The objectives of the Programme are to
Enable the learners to generate an insight into the
eco dynamics and the overall challenges to the

Green ecosystem. TME Green Student Benefits

Broaden learners’ scope as a responsible custodian
n The WWF TME Green School Programme provides
of valuable natural resources. learners an opportunity to be Ambassadors for WWF-
Inculcate and foster civic responsibility in learners.

Give opportunity to learners to become an official
Ambassador of WWF Pakistan and solicit support Opportunities to participate in several Green
of their parents and families membership for activities throughout the year.
conservation of natural resources of Pakistan. Green Students get an edge over other learners, as

Develop a sense of responsibility of reducing our
n they receive WWF-Pakistan’s certificates.
ecological footprint. Green Students obtain WWF-Pakistan’s other
school-oriented activities for free including
Spellathon and Eco Internship.
Green Students receive privileges of WWF-
We can’t just Pakistan’s Individual Members, including discounts
on Panda Products and at WWF-Pakistan’s Retail
consume our way to Partner outlets.
Registered learners get Green School exclusive
a more sustainable paraphernalia, including a Green Student badge
and membership card exclusively designed for

world. Green Student.

Visit us for more info Green School Jennifer Nini Award 37
The Millennium Education is recognized globally as the
Microsoft Show Case School for the last consecutive
four years and the only Microsoft Mentor School since
2010 in Pakistan. TME Schools have a strong and
strategical association with Microsoft for becoming
truly innovative by bridging the gap between
technology and teaching. In continuation of Microsoft The Millennium Education promotes Microsoft
initiative; Microsoft Partners in Learning offers a range Innovative Educator Experts which is a global
of professional development programmes to bridge community of educators passionate about using
the gap between technology skills and innovative technology to improve learners outcomes. Each year,
teaching. Microsoft selects visionary educators to be part of this
exclusive global community who are paving the way
Microsoft Education Programme being carried out at for their peers to share ideas, try new approaches and
The Millennium Education provides full curriculum for learn from each other and fortunately leadership from
teaching technology courses and learning tools that The Millennium Education are active part of this global
help learners achieve success. It enables us to offer community hence benefiting our system through our
training not only on fundamental technology skills but technology integration into classrooms. The
also technical courses for our learners who are Millennium Education is provided with the insider
interested in pursuing a career in IT after graduation. access to Microsoft strategies and technologies,
Millennium Microsoft Education Programme has the Leadership professional development opportunities,
following salient features; Recognition as a Global Leader in Education via Social
Media and other Microsoft Channels.

The Microsoft Education Programme delivers a

Microsoft Education Programme at The Millennium
complete learning and teaching framework
Education provides a number of resources to help
developed specifically for use in an academic
learners developers continue growing and developing
their knowledge of technology and the skills they need
The Microsoft Online Learning curriculum
n to jump-start a career.
provides unlimited access for more than 400
courses. Today’s learners are tomorrow’s workforce, and at The
E-reference provides digital access for Millennium
n Millennium Educadtion, we are committed to creating
educators to more than 600 technology books, a world where our learner has the opportunity to
searchable by topic, technology and subject. receive a quality education. Technology in the
classroom is not the end goal for TME, in fact enabling
Ready-to-use, customized lesson plans include

learning everywhere is the goal. School has invested in
links to relevant Microsoft Online Learning and
technology integrations in the classroom initiative to
free demos and videos.
ensure that communities have the benefit of using ICT
The Millennium Education Microsoft Digital
n by introducing tablets integrated with Microsoft
Literacy curriculum provides essential computing Windows and Apps for the learners.
skills for learners new to computing.

Education The Teaching with Technology Curriculum is

online learning that helps millennial educators
integrate Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) into their practice.

It enables Millennial educators to validate that
they have the global educator technology literacy
competencies needed to provide a rich, custom
learning experience for learners.

500+ Innovative Education

Expert Teachers across
Visit us for more info Microsoft our schools 39
Promoting cultural, social, business and educational opportunities
between China & Pakistan for the benefit of our future generations

Henan Normal University and The Millennium

Education, Pakistan with a view to promote cultural middle school learners’ cognitive development. It aims
relationship between the two nations and to forge to stimulate learners’ multiple intelligence. The best
cooperation between the two organizations is Chinese language course in Pakistan employs various
promoting Chinese and Urdu Language for the benefit learning approaches including pictures, activities,
of both Pakistan and China. Under the agreement, the exercises, songs, and stories that center on the same Learning Chinese Language as part
Promotion of Chinese language & Culture and topic so as to promote primary school and middle of the Millennium Confucius Classroom
establishment of Millennium Confucius Classroom school students’ multi-intellectual development.
across Pakistan, is the common visionary goal of The Besides, it combines testing and teaching.
Millennium Education, Pakistan.The Millennium
Confucius Classroom school curriculum and teaching Chinese Paradise Grade 3 learning with testing” through the design of
initiative have now created a vista of opportunities for
Youth Chinese Test (YCT) I Grade 4 appropriate teaching content and exercise.
the youth on both sides of the border. Chinese
Youth Chinese Test (YCT) II Grade 5
Language teaching through school curriculum is the
common denominator that can play a key role in
unifying the youth of two nations. The Chinese
Learning is Youth Chinese Test (YCT) III
Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi - HSK I
Grade 6
Grade 7
TME Chinese Language Department has organized
various initiatives, events, seminars, symposiums,
Language Programme initiative at The Millennium Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi - HSK II Grade 8 parents' days, language days, open days, media briefs,
Education has created magic and ripples across
Pakistani academia, intellectuals, think tanks, media,
a treasure dignitaries' visits and year of diplomatic relationship
ceremonies in support of Pak China Friendship during
Based on the syllabus of YCT (Youth Chinese Test) and
civil society, government offices, and diplomatic
circles; permits TME offering best chinese language
that will HSK(Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi), our best Chinese
Language Institute in Pakistan accomplishes the goals
the last many academic years. TME believes that
through language, we shall be able to scale our
course in Pakistan ; where nearly 8500 students are friendship and regional interests to a new aura of
studying Chinese Language as full time course of their
school curriculum from Grade 3 till Grade 8.
follow its of “stimulating teaching with testing” and “promoting
friendship and partnership and shall provide Pakistani
and Chinese Youth to look at each other for

Millennium Confucius Classroom is offering

owner educational, travel, tourism, culture, trade, and
entrepreneurial and opportunities.
professional and integrated Chinese language
teaching, which provides a scientific curriculum and everywhere
effective teaching methods. The course is designed in
accordance with the acquisition and study rules of
Chinese as a second language, with careful
Chinese Proverb
Visit us for more info
consideration of the features of primary school and 41
Openness to
cultural diversity
and tolerance towards
other people's
distinctiveness are
mutually exclusive

IGCSE learners can be prepared to take the International

Goethe German Language Exam after one academic year.

Learners of AS and A level are taught A-1 in one year hence

students can take their A-1 level and B-1 Level exams

accordingly. German is taught through various innovative
and creative techniques to make the learning fun and
activity based. After A-level with German Language B-2
certification students can apply for scholarship in Germany.

German Currently more than 3000 learners are studying German

Language and more than 500 learners have attained 100%
pass percentage in FIT-1, FIT-2 and B1 examination

conducted by examiners of Goethe Institute.

Further “Schools: Partners for the future” initiative aims to

provide learners from different countries and communities

with the opportunity to build up a strong bond and to
familiarize them with the German education system by
participating in integrated German lessons in its schools.

The Millennium Education is one of the First Pasch-Schools major cities across 28 different TME campuses at Islamabad, IGCSE, AS and A2 learners. The German teachers take extra
and home to the best German Language schools in Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, Nowshera, Mardan, Attock Kamra, lessons for the IGCSE learners apart from their scheduled
Pakistan. TME and Goethe Institute Pakistan signed a Sargodha, Mirpur, Sialkot, Jhelum, Karachi, Lahore, lessons and prepare them for the International German
Memorandum of Understanding – “Schools: Partners for the Abbottabad & Peshawar. During the German Language Language Exam in one Year.
future”; for building up a network to awaken learners’ Programme, learners study the first level of the language
interest and enthusiasm for modern-day Germany and framework which is FIT-1. This level is taught over a period
German society. of two years and take their first exam of FIT-1 at the end of
the second year. The exams are conducted by the Goethe
German Language Programme for Middle Year
(Grade 6, 7 and 8)
TME Department of German Language is offering German
Institute examiners.

German Language Programme for Upper Middle Years

Learners Studying German Language
language programme as part of the curriculum in the and College Years: IGCSE and A Levels.
Nationwide as part of PASCH Partner
Middle Years (Grade 6 to Grade 8) and it is offered in 13 German language is offered as an optional subject to the School Programme Visit us for more info 43
TME Art Programme
All learners use art as a means of exploring and embracing the
creativity within. It acts as a medium of expressing ideas, solving
problems, encourages aesthetic development and poses
intellectual demands to learners. Learners are encouraged to
explore a variety of materials and craft skills during school hours
to explore their creative and artsy skills. The value placed on
learners’ artwork may be seen in the care with which it is
displayed around the school.

The Millennium Education Art Programme allows self-expression

and fine motor development in learners from an early stage.
Involvement in the arts is associated with gains in math, reading,
cognitive ability, critical thinking and verbal skills. Learning arts
and crafts has successfully proven to improve motivation,
concentration, confidence, and teamwork amongst learners.

TME Music Programme

At The Millennium Education learners are encouraged to develop
the skills of listening and performing, by being introduced to a
variety of songs, musical instruments, sound and music. Schools
Music Curriculum framework and implementation resources are
intended to support, promote and inspire the growth of all
learners as artistic learners as they journey towards becoming
creative, artistically literate adults and citizens who will truly
enrich their own lives and the lives of future communities.

This approach differs from other instructional approaches that

allot equal time to every subject. Perhaps the basic reason that
every child must have an education in music is that music is a
part of the fabric of our society.

Essential TME Library & Reading Programme

The Millennium Education Libraries intend to provide welcoming
and inclusive environments which are central to each school.
They actively support teaching and learning within the school,
filled with books and resources, both paper-based and digital, to
encourage learners to develop reading skills by opening access
to resources that support the development of independent

learning and foster love and enjoyment of reading in all its forms.
At The Millennium Education, we ensure that learners master
reading fundamentals. Our Library and Reading Programme
produces learners with better standardized test scores in reading
and stronger literacy skills. At TME, Library Staff is trained
annually and they work closely and proactively with teachers to
provide professional services and facilities in support of learning
across the whole school.
Visit us for more info 45
TME Citizenship Programme School Fitness & Sports Education Programme
The Millennium Education’s Citizenship Programme enables Millennium Schools Fitness & Sports Education Programme
learners to make their own decisions and to take responsibilities focuses on physical and mental fitness, skills, movement, dance,
of their own lives and communities. As a subject at The recreation, health, games and sport plus the appropriate values
Millennium Education, citizenship has a power to motivate and and knowledge of each.
educate young people into becoming thoughtful, active citizens
who engage with, and participate in public life. It makes a significant contribution to the all-round harmonious
development of the mind and body. Physical activity is vital to
Through citizenship education, learners: the holistic development of young people, fostering their
Explore questions about democracy, justice, inequality, how
n physical, social and emotional health. The benefits of sport reach
we are governed and organized. beyond the impact on physical well-being and the value of the
educational benefits of sport should not be under-estimated.
Learn to work together to create solutions that try to address
These initiatives are fundamental to a child's wellbeing. Together,
challenges facing neighbourhoods and wider communities.
parents, teachers and learners are creating health promoting
Develop political literacy to make a positive contribution to
n changes at school through these Programmes.
society as informed and responsible citizens.

TME Counselling Programme United Nations Global Action Days

The Millennium Education is committed to improving learner The Millennium Education Annual Activity Calendar clearly
achievement through personal outreach and mentoring. The highlights and celebrates the UN action days at our schools.
mission of our Counseling Programme is to support the Special arrangements and presentations are made during
development of learner competencies in the academic, morning assemblies and the school environment is transformed
personal/social, and career domains, ensuring that learners into a make-belief environment to support the action day
achieve success and are prepared to be productive members of through art, activity, engagement and creativity.
society. Our counsellors work with learners on all grade levels to
ensure a smooth transition from one grade level to the next. Millennium learners are being taught that United Nations
observances contribute to the achievement of the purposes of
Our school counsellors work collaboratively with parents, the UN Charter and promote awareness of and action on
teachers and learners to address adjustment concerns, peer important political, social, cultural, humanitarian or human rights
relations and academic advisement to help prepare learners for issues. They provide useful means for the promotion of
high school. Career exploration and peer relations are important international and national action and stimulate interest in United
components of the guidance programme. Nations activities and programmes.

Community Engagement Programme Scope - School Coaching Programme

The Millennium Education Community Engagement Programme SCOPE-School Coaching Programme was launched by TME in
aims to provide learners with an opportunity to apply academic collaboration with Abbas Husain, Director of a team of master
learning to real human needs and to make the knowledge trainers who work together to uplift the level of education in
gained usable in one’s thinking beyond the situation in which the Pakistan. Abbas Husain along with his team has launched many
learning occurred. TME Community Engagement Programme is new programs in TME under the umbrella of his initiative SCOPE
mandatory at IGCSE/SSC level because it; Community Engagement Program which not only helped
teachers to become professionals but groomed them as leaders
Provides learners with opportunities to help the school, local,
n in their field.
and international communities.
Develops an awareness to make a positive difference in the
n Under the SCOPE School Coaching Programme, Abbas Husain
life of others & encourages responsible citizenship by has delivered numerous thought-provoking counseling &
increasing learners understanding of the world. coaching session to the parental community, faculty and staff of
TME. He addressed the community on a thought-provoking
Allows the learners to discover new skills, talents, and
session on ‘Factors affecting self-esteem and self-confidence
amongst students’, Parenting Millennials Today.
Millennium Global
Summer Outreach
previously-unattainable placements a reality. The vision
behind his institution focuses on excellence in academics,
perfect SAT scores, Ivy acceptances, extracurricular activities

Beyond the Border

that promote leadership, entrepreneurship, environmental
sustainability and youth empowerment.

Education & School Links At The Millennium Education Schools & Colleges, learners
are taught to dream, to aspire for heights of excellence and
build their lives on the belief “Sharing is the essence of
human relationship”.
Teaches learners to develop the ability to interact with greater diversity &
expands one’s awareness of both the world as well as one’s relationship with it We aim to teach the essential values of humanity, and these
dreams turn into reality when Millennials break all world
records and score top positions in the world in all National
The Millennium Education Beyond Borders is a unique and many others. Our learners have gone on numerous
and International Examinations - attain perfect scores in
exchange programme which offers an alternative to programmes like:
SAT-II 2400/2400, receive admission offers in the top
traditional academic study abroad and provides
national & international universities with full scholarship in
learners with short-term, rich cultural learning
CWMUN Dubai 2021
n The Millennium Education College is proud to be a launch the disciplines of physics, social sciences, arts, technology
experiences through immersion in the target cultures.
Model United Nations Rome Italy February 2020
n pad for its learners’ success in winning placements at and engineering programmes at world top universities
leading summer schools. An exciting world promising including MIT, Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, Princeton, Harvard,
Benefits HAMBURG MUN Germany 2020 January
adventure, learning and new experiences awaits the Columbia, Yale, Cornell, Dartmouth, NYU, Hongkong
Learning about the target culture through
n Harvard MUN, New York and Boston USA 2019
n Millennials who receive acceptances from Oxford, University, Mount Holyoke College, Reed College, Welsley
interaction with the people in a variety of social, Media Winter Programme - North Western
n Cambridge and all the eight IV leagues including Harvard, College, Boston University, Bilkent University, Stetson
cultural, service and academic settings. University Doha 2019 Yale, Columbia, Dartmouth, Princeton, Cornell, UPENN and University, Drake University, University of Rhode Island,
Awareness of the social, cultural, political and
n Brown. Amherst, LSE, UCL, Kings College, Warwick, Manchester,
CWMUN, UN Headquarters USA 2019
environmental issues of the host country. Agha Khan University, GIK, LUMS, IBA, UET and many more.
Participation in leadership learning opportunities
Explore Turkey 2019
Millennial Naeem Tariq Mehmood from Future World
during the exchange visit to gain cultural Media Winter Programme - North Western
n College Flagship Campus, H-11, Islamabad attended As a National Guidance Counsellor and Student University
competencies. University Doha 2018 summer program of Introduction to Human Evolution at Applications Sponsor, CEO Dr. Chaudhry Faisal Mushtaq
CWMUN - UN Headquarters - 2018
n Harvard University. works very closely with each learner and he takes pride and
Every year our learners from different campuses honor in announcing that his learners across Pakistan have
The Oxford Institute - Summer School 2018
nationwide get the opportunity to visit various won scholarships in excess of $85 million over the last 10
Another 3 brilliant Millennials Sohaib Nashit AS Level, Anza
countries on different agendas like recreational visits, World Scholars Cup - Malaysia 2018
n academic years, which is testament to The Millennium
Tariq AS Level, Fatima Saeed and aadia Ahmed IGCSE joined
educational and cultural exchange programme in Bilgi University - Istanbul 2018
n Education commitment to their career choices and
Yale for summers. Abdul Sami attended summer program at
America, Dubai, India, Singapore, Turkey, Malaysia, university application support.
Media Winter Programme - North Western
n University of John Hopkins. Raina Paul, Anza Tariq, Fiza
China, Japan, Germany, Spain, Italy, England, Sri Lanka University Doha 2018 Maqbool, Ayla Ehsan Qureshi and Nabiah Ehsan Qureshi
worth of need and merit

Diversity & Cross

CWMUN - UN Headquarters USA - 2017

Urumqi - China Trip 2016

attended summer program at Oxford University.

Dr. Chaudhry Faisal Mushtaq TI, Chief Executive The

based scholarships earned
by college graduates globally
over the last 10 years
Tokyo Trip 2015
n Millennium Education Group and the National Guidance
Cultural Learning Counsellor has played a vital role in making these
SC UOL Study & Beyond Border Tour to India 2014
Perfection is

Learning with
not attainable,

for Life Skills

but if we chase
perfection we
can catch

Life Style;
Vince Lombardi
The Millennium
College Years
1. Debating and Declamation Society

2. Sports and Games Club
3. Environment and WWF Club
4. STEM and Robotics Club

and Societies
5. Dramatics, Art and Music Society
6. Fashion and Photography Society
7. The Millennial Entrepreneurial

Providing greater opportunities to learn with fun and develop 8. Library and Reading Society
9. Languages and Culture Society
new and valuable skills by experiencing holistic learning.
10. Social Action, Community Service
and Volunteerism Society
Learners need a respite from their rewarding and insightful Opportunities to learn
tough study schedules. This is experiences and also provides 11. United Nations Girl Up Society
necessary to re-invigorate their them with a platform where they the values of teamwork, 12. 4H Youth Club
energies and for overall holistic can relate to other learners from individual and group 13. Pakistan Red Crescent Society
development. The Millennium other schools near or far. Apart
Education Clubs and Societies from rewarding experiences, it responsibility, physical The Millennium 14. Adventure and Outdoor Club
manage wide range of both co- enhances their existing skills and strength and endurance, Early Years 15. Law and Mooting Society
curricular and extracurricular talents and allows the opportunity
activities. All that learners have to to learn new and interesting skills
competition, diversity, 1. Sporty Athletes Club 16. Microsoft Society

do is choose an area of interest and and talents which keeps them fit and a sense of culture 2. Nature’s Creatures Club 17. Digital Entrepreneurship Society
register for the clubs and societies whether mentally, physically or
accordingly. The school encourages spiritually and out of trouble.
and community. 3. Music Maestro Club
4. Artsy Artist Club
the learners to self-manage these
societies and provides the required 5. Avid Readers Club
resources and guidance.

Learners’ engagement in the Clubs

and Societies enables them to have

The Millennium
& Middle Years
1. Debating and Declamation Club
2. Sports and Games Club
3. Environment and WWF Club
4. STEM and Robotics Club
5. Reading and Book Club
6. Dramatics, Arts and Music Club
7. Digital Entrepreneurship Club
Visit us for more info 8. Languages Club
Channelizing Artistic 9. Pakistan Red Crescent Club & Creative Synergies
Beyond The Classroom
Learning Initiative
Encompassing attributes and experiences that influence
experiential learning in and out of the classroom

At The Millennium Education, learning outside the

classroom and its impact on child development has
found wide-ranging benefits for our students. By
experiencing the world beyond the classroom, our
young students attain higher level of knowledge and
skills, improve their physical health and increase their
motor skills, socialize and interact in new and different
ways with their peers and adults, show improved
attention and enhanced self-concept and self-esteem,
and better mental well-being, change their
environmental behaviour and their values and
Our Curriculum for Excellence challenges our campuses
and communities to develop children and young Some of the learning beyond the classroom
We at The Millennium Education aim to support our
people as responsible citizens who: initiatives are;
campuses in promoting diversity and equality through
all aspects of planned learning. Diversity is about UN Global Action Days
recognizing and valuing difference, where everyone is Show respect for others
respected for who they are. Equality is about creating a Understand different beliefs and cultures
n Morning Assemblies

fairer society, where everyone can take part and where Are developing informed, ethical views of complex
n Road Safety Campaigns
everyone has the opportunity to be all they can be. issues.
Drama Festivals

School and College Elections and Oath Taking

School Innovative Campaigns

Truck Art

Books on Wheels

Bake Sale Activities


The Birds of Pakistan


Millennium Schools Oral Health Awareness

Milk matters for Kids

Millennial Model United Nations


Millennial Olympiads

School Educational Trips


Mehfil-e-Milad un Nabi
n 55
The Millennium Education has the best educational infrastructure and
learning resources for the benefit of the students Purpose Built
The resources and facilities at the Millennium Schools provide ideal
learning opportunities to students and teachers. The state of the art TME has purpose built campuses
purpose-built campuses and a sound infrastructural background is of nationwide, carefully developed
critical emphasis in our schools. considering the needs of 21st
century child with a planned
infrastructure which creates an
It has specialized areas developed in accordance with the
inspiring and comfortable
developmental needs of the children. Some of the roots facilities
environment for your child.
include Study Skills Exploration Room, Music & Movement Room, Art,
Craft & Activity Studio Room, Nap & Restroom, Indoor hot & cold
Facilities &
children Swimming Pool, Play area & In-house Activity Gym, Purpose-
built campus auditorium, Dramatics & Performing Arts room, Budding
Scientist room, Early years multi gym activity center, Reggio Emilia early
learning center, Early Years exercise of practical life room, Early Years
scientific apparatus room, Health & Nutrition room, Hot & Healthy meal
cafeteria, Library & learning resource center, Listening & language
development room, Indoor gaming room, ICT & e-Learning room,
Learning resource centre & Peer and parental council facilities.
Swimming Pools
The Millennium Education has
Our classrooms are learning studios international standard
where each student’s learning is swimming pools across it's
personalized and made interactive with different schools. Swimming
technological integration of Smart Pools are fully equipped with
boards and comfortable furniture. filtration and cleaning system to
keep the water clean and
bacteria free.

Libraries &
Resource Centres
We have well-established and
modern libraries with quick and easy
Internet access. It carries more than
8000 books on a variety of subjects
and topics.
Visit us for more info

ICT & e-Learning Sports Facilities
Labs Our purpose-built campuses
have basketball courts, FIFA
We have well equipped
Certified football, futsal and
Computer Labs in our all
cricket grounds for both girls
campuses with highly qualified
and boys.
and trained teaching faculty.
Our curriculum’s pedagogy
integrates web-based research
for class projects and

Indoor Gaming
Indoor gaming facilities give
our learners a break from their
Robotics Lab academic pursuits. Learners
enjoy billiards, carom, chess,
Our Robotics Labs are table tennis table, etc.
equipped with an advanced set
of equipment as per TME
Robotics Curriculum to
facilitate critical thinking and
problem solving.

Art & Music Studio

The schools' well equipped art
rooms & music studios provide
the environment where
learners are encouraged to
showcase their creativity
through different medium of
Organic and Science Labs
Go Green Café TME has well equipped and
updated science laboratories
Millennium Cafés cater to the with equipment, apparatus,
nutritional needs of both learners and chemicals and required
teachers. Quality, quantity, and prices instruments for Biology, Physics
of food are closely monitored and and Chemistry experiments to
maintained by the school facilitate hands-on learning
Visit us for more info administration. experience. 59
Admission & Eligibility Policy
Parents/guardians are requested to fully acquaint themselves Issuance of Student Admission Slip 'SAS-001'
with the criteria and procedure for admissions. The parents All parent/guardian responsible for guaranteeing payment of
admitting the child/children will deem to have agreed to abide School Tuition & Fee will read and sign an undertaking for
by this criteria and procedure of The Millennium Education compliance with the School's Rules and Policies as outlined in
rules pertaining to admissions. No appeal shall lie against it. the _____ 'Admission Form Pack AFP-001'. The School reserves
the right to revise and make alterations to its rules and policies
STUDENT REGISTRATION FORM 'SRF-001' at any point in time without any prior notice. The Millennium
All prospective candidates/ learners seeking admission are Education shall provide a 'Student Admission slip SAS-001' or
required to fill 'Student Registration Form SRF-001' to confirm admission to any learner if the parent/guardian has
register themselves, however, registration does not guarantee submitted (4 recent passport size colored photographs of the
admission which is subject to the candidate's clearing learner, learners` Form 'B' Copy and/or Copy of Original Birth
'Admission Assessment Test AAT-001' and/or a subsequent Certificate, Copy of both Parents/Guardians CNIC (Pakistani
interview as per the TME admission policy and rules. For more Nationals Only), Copy of last 2 pages of passport of the
details on 'Admission and Eligibility Policy AEP-001' and criteria parents/guardians (Foreign Nationals Only), Previous Original
please ask the admissions advisor by calling on +92 51 111- School Leaving Certificate & Copies of your child last School
111-193 or by visiting Report and Certificates) and duly signed the documents
included in the 'Admission Form Pack AFP-001' at the time of
All prospective learners seeking admission must qualify the
TME 'Admission Assessment Test AAT-001' and/or an interview.
Moreover, the prospective learners must obtain a school THE MILLENNIUM EARLY YEARS PROGRAMME – TMEY
leaving certificate or the progress and promotion report from Reception, Play Group, Junior Year & Advanced Year (2 years to
the previous school/college to be eligible for admission in the 5 years plus)
next grade. The assessments are general in nature and are
aimed to better evaluate the learners` suitability for the Children are admitted in the Early Years on the first come first
recommended grade and are only aimed to understand serve basis as seats are limited; however, admission in Early
learner academic needs and areas of strength and study Years is open throughout the year to fill in any vacancy.
support. The assessment shall be based on the general
understanding and knowledge of the subject level for the
A child can be admitted from the age of 2 years plus to 5 years
grade he/she is seeking admission for. As a result of admission
plus. Admission will be granted, subject to clearing informal

assessment/test and/or interview, where the learner is not
interview with the section head / coordinator / school head.
found suitable for the admission into the grade for which
admission is being sought, and then the possibility of Reception Play Group Junior Year Advanced Year
accepting him/her in any other grade will not be considered 2 Years Plus 3 Years Plus 4 Years Plus 5 Years Plus
unless the learner is re-registered and re-assessed for the

particular grade. Moreover, TME reserves the right to accept or For Early Years an informal assessment is conducted combined
refuse registration or admission without assigning any reason. with an interview with the Parents/Guardian. Generally, the
For inter board transfers, learners are expected to obtain a 'No reading ability of the child, vocabulary and recognition of
Objection Certificate' from the previous Board within Pakistan. words, concepts of colours and numbers is assessed. The
confidence and development of motor skills and appearance
Payment of Fees of the child is also taken into consideration how the child sits,

& Policies
walks and talks.
On acceptance, the learner is issued a 'Fee Bill'. Tuition and fee
is payable in Pak Rupees for the full academic year or 12
calendar months (including June to August period). The Tuition At the time of admission, an appointment is given for the
& fee is payable in advance on a bi-monthly basis or for parents to meet with the Head of the Early Years section. The
external examination classes on four-monthly basis, through child is assessed in an informal environment separately.
the specified branches.
Both the parents must be present at the time of interview,
Visit us for more info 61
Admission & Eligibility Policy Admission & Eligibility Policy
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR ADMISSION TMUMY MYP 1. Full scholarship is awarded to a student securing 8 A* or 8
(Grade 1 to 5) Learners will be administered test in English, Mathematics,
All learners and applications for admissions into class 9th, 10th Sciences and/or Urdu in order to evaluate their academic 2. 50% scholarship is awarded to a student securing 7 A's in
The learners will be assessed in 4 subjects: English, Urdu, & 11th can apply for admission in 'O' Level & IGCSE Level study abilities besides taking into account their previous academic 'O' or 'IGCSE' level
Mathematics and/or Science besides taking into account the programmes. record before being granted admission into the International
previous academic record. The pass percentage is 70% or Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme at The Millennium GENERAL ADMISSION RULES:
above. Duration of each paper is approx 45 minutes. A break of Education.
Learners will be administered test in English, Mathematics, 1. Application for admission is taken on the prescribed
10 minutes is given between each paper as notified in Sciences and/or Urdu to evaluate their academic abilities school form Admission Form Pack AFP-001.
Admission Assessment Card AAC-001' and more besides taking into account their previous academic record ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR ADMISSION
comprehensively on the 'Admission Assessment Test AAT-001'. before being granted admission into the 'O' level or IGCSE THE MILLENNIUM UPPER MIDDLE YEARS - TMUMY (Grade 9 2. The grade or level for which the student is to be assessed
Scheme of studies at TME. to 10) is determined according to his/her age at the time of the
For the written test, the learner should come properly Matriculation - Secondary School Certificate SSC 'Admission Assessment Test AAT-001' and not according to
equipped with the required stationery, i.e. pencil, eraser, the age put down at registration.
sharpener and ruler. 3. A candidate can be rejected without being given a test if
The learner will be tested in 5 subjects" i.e., English,
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Computers. undue pressure is applied or if unfair means are restored
The 'Admission Assessment Test AAT-001' is not set from any I Admission is subject to securing 70% pass percentage in to for the acquisition of admission.
specific textbooks or syllabi but is of a general multiple-choice all the subjects.
II 4. In all cases merit is the criterion for admission.
questionnaire designed to test the aptitude of the child or his For class IX and X Registration Return Copy should be
/her academic ability. provided from the previous school. 5. The Admission Assessment Tests are not set from any
specific textbooks or syllabus but are of a general design
Learners coming from schools affiliated with Examination
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR ADMISSION to assess the aptitude of the child.
Board other than Punjab or Federal have to provide NOC
All new learners admitted in our system in class 9th , 10th
THE MILLENNIUM MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAMME - TMMY from the respective board. 6. The assessments are not shown to anyone; only results are
&11th have to follow the following scheme of studies.
(Grade 6 to 8 / Cambridge Checkpoint) Original School Leaving Certificate SLC from a registered
n communicated with the parents / guardian through
and recognized institute should be provided failing which 'Admission Assessment Card AAC-001'.
The Millennium Education offers 3 years 'O' level & IGCSE
n the school does not take responsibility for registration of
1. The learner will be assessed in 4 subjects: English, Urdu, 7. A candidate caught cheating during the test will be
programme, depending upon the learner's academic the learner with the local examination board.
Mathematics and/or Science besides taking into account rejected.
the previous academic record. The pass percentage is 70% background and subject to acceptance on the desired
programme by the Admissions and Academic Advisor or ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR ADMISSION 8. A candidate rejected once will be given another chance in
or above. Duration of each paper is approx. 45 minutes. A
School Head. the same year. However, such a learner may apply again
break of 10 minutes is given between each paper as THE MILLENNIUM COLLEGE YEARS - TMCY
the following year. If rejected in the second attempt,
notified in ‘Admission Assessment Card AAC-001' and TME offer O levels / IGCSE through the Cambridge and
n AS & A Levels he/she cannot apply to TME the third time.
more comprehensively on the 'Admission Assessment Test Edexcel Board UK. (Please re-confirm with the local
AAT-001' campus for more details). 9. The decision of the school/college cannot be challenged
Cambridge AS Level examinations are usually taken at the age
in any way and will be absolutely final.
nAfter completing 'O' level / IGCSE Scheme of studies, 17 years and Cambridge A Level examinations at age 18 years.
2. For the written test, the learner should come properly 10. Scholarships for AS & A Levels are offered as per AS & A
learners are eligible for entry into all colleges / A level.
equipped with the required stationery, i.e pencil, eraser, Level Scholarship Policy.
A minimum of 5 passes is required in 'O' levels or 'IGCSE'
sharpener and ruler. Keeping in view the basic requirement of sound academic
level examinations to be eligible for admissions into the
base and ability to understand a wide range of subjects,
AS level programme at TME.
The 'Admission Assessment Test AAT-001' is not set from any spanning the 'O' Level & IGCSE course to a duration of 3 (NOTE: The Millennium Education does not offer scholarships
years is unavoidable. Any shortcuts to this schedule will For learners from Matric stream, a minimum of overall 'A'
n for 'O” Levels or IGCSE course of studies or any other tier of its
specific textbooks or syllabi but is a general multiple-choice grade or 70% marks are required to be eligible for
questionnaire designed to test the aptitude of the child or his invariably carry the risk of your child ending up in lower education system other than AS & A Levels; subject to
grades in the first stage. admission into the AS Level programme at TME. availability
/her academic ability.
nlearners have already taken IGCSEs or 'O' Levels from The
Millennium Education then they will find many of the
academic skills they have already learnt relevant and
beneficial to AS level study at TME.
Assessment & Examination Policy School Uniform Policy
Develops thinking and analytical skills which will go a long way Gives learners a sense of belonging & creates an identity for No jewelry, ornaments, and accessories should be worn at
in helping advanced studies The Millennium Education Schools in the community any time.

No make-up or nail polish should be worn.

Continuous Assessment at The Millennium Education is the The Millennium Education School Uniform policy was
educational policy in which learners are examined developed by the School Board in accordance with policy and
continuously over most of the duration of their education, the guidelines on dress standards for learners. The wearing of
Uniform Guidelines Policy for Boys
results of which are taken into account after leaving school. school uniform is supported strongly by the TME community
The Millennium Education is using internationally and is a symbol of pride in the school. There is an expectation The Millennium Schools blazers/jackets/cardigans should
benchmarked tests, giving parents extra trust in the feedback that learners will comply with the dress requirements and that be worn at all times during winter.
they receive. In Grade I to III, pupils are continuously valuable school time will not need to be diverted to following
monitored to assess performance and behaviour. These up on breaches of school uniform policy. The Millennium Schools belt, badge, and computerized ID

assessments are detailed in “Progress Reports cards”, which are card must be worn at all times.
sent to parents twice a year. Monthly progress reports are sent Our careful selection of RMS school uniform contributes to the Trousers should be standard school trousers in cut and
home to keep the parents fully informed about their child’s health and safety of our students when engaged in school material.
development. For Grade I – III, on the basis of class activities. RMS School Uniform reflects school community
assignments, monthly progress reports are sent to the parents. standards and expectations. No fancy shirt and trouser are allowed other than
These reports are retained in the school. In classes IV to X, regulation design.
assessment is via class tests, sessionals, a terminal and final
Response to learners who do not wear uniform is appropriate. Shirts should be worn tucked in.
They are clarified, agreed upon by the school community and
Ties should be worn down to the waist.
documented. Response is fair and consistent. We don't prevent
Final Examination shows the entire year’s work and learners from continued participation in essential curriculum Plain school socks should be worn. Shoes should be
performance of the child in the class room. Promotions and activities except where exclusion is necessary for reasons of polished and flat in style. They should have no visible
selections are at the discretion of the School Head whose their own pace and remain engaged by pursuing more safety. In this situation, alternative educational activities are markings.
decision is considered as final. A learner who has failed in a challenging work as they pass out of the basics. In this sense, provided. It is the responsibility of the School Head to ensure
class twice may be withdrawn from the school. The School the standards for such learners stretch to help each of them that the school uniform policy is followed collaboratively with Hair should be neat, clean and of acceptable length. Hair
Head can recommend withdrawal if a learner’s performance is maximize potential. Because success is defined on an absolute the school community. may not cut in any fancy style or be coloured, streaked or
detected to be weak. Report cards sent to the Parents/ and individualized basis, learners cannot be satisfied with their be tied.
Guardians are not to be retained by them according to achievements relative to others; they are encouraged to seek
Uniform Guidelines Policy for Girls Earrings and jewellery are not permitted.
assessment & examination Policy of Millennium Education their own course and take responsibility for their learning.
System – also they are returned duly signed to evince that the The Millennium Schools blazers should be worn at all times
n No cap, hat, and bandana are allowed at any time.
report cards have been seen. At TME, there is increased self-awareness for learners who, during winter.
through assessment, come to understand their proficiencies
The Millennium Schools sash, badge, and computerized ID
n Review the following link to have further detail about TME &
At TME there is a sharp awareness of the need to keep the and knowledge gaps. Time and again, we encounter evidence
card must be worn at all times. FWS School Uniform;
parents fully informed of the progress of their children and of that self-awareness understanding of how one feels, thinks,
the various developments, which take place. It is understood and learns is one of the most significant factors in professional Girls Kameez / Shirts should be the regulation design and
that it is through Parents / Teacher contact that firm and personal success. The more continuously we assess our should be worn at the knee level.
relationships and understandings are established. As such, learners, the more knowledge they gain about themselves guidelines-policy/
regular Parent/Teacher meetings are held in the school what it takes for them to master something, how they can No fancy kameez and shalwar are allowed other than

whereby parents are given an opportunity to come and meet approach problems differently, what their blind spots are, and regulation design.
the teachers to discuss progress and other matters pertaining how to eliminate them. The Millennium Education assessments T-Shirts with visible slogans should not be worn under
to the welfare of the students. School circulars are issued provide early indicators of the likely performance of learners, shirts.
accordingly. something that is of great help to them.
Shoes should be polished and flat in style (no high heels).
They should have no visible markings.
TME Assessment & Examination Policy provides students with
a constant stream of opportunities to prove their mastery of Hair should be well kept in a moderate style without
material and sends the message that everyone can succeed if streaks or other colors. Styles are not allowed. Shoulder
Visit us for more info Visit us for more info
given enough time and practice. This reduces the anxiety and length hair should be tied back off the face or held in a
finality around testing and heightens the emphasis on the black band.
learning itself. Advanced learners progress through material at
Tuition & Fee Policy Tuition & Fee Policy
Provision is made for continuous growth in social and The security Deposit is refunded in full at the time of the
n In an event of student inter branch or city transfer, the
emotional development through balanced programmes withdrawal of the learner or Request for school Leaving security fee shall NOT be transferred to the region
Certificate RSLC-001 after completion of studies or responsible, however there is no admission, registration
All learners, parents and guardians must observe the following otherwise provided that the learner has paid all his/her and/or security charge in an event of inter branch or
rules and regulation as outlined in this Policy Note regarding dues and the school has no justifiable claim outstanding. intercity school transfer within The Millennium Education
Tuition and Fees. Nationwide.
Fee Bills are issued latest by 25th of the month and sent
home through learner It is the responsibility of the parents There will be no concession or fee waiver for the period
Tuition and Fee, payable in Pak Rupees, for the Academic year to inquire from the school’s office if they have not received that a child may have stayed away from the school, due to
is as follows. the fee bill by the 5th of the billing months. All due are illness, social commitments, visit abroad or for any reason.
paid directly to the The Millennium Education Schools
If the school is closed due to emergency war, epidemic,
A one-time Registration and Admission Fee (non-
specified branch of a local bank. The payment due date
floods, and earthquake or for any other reason on
refundable) will be paid by all new students in full at the and the fee bill validity date is marked on the fee bill, and
National, Provisional, District or AJK State Government
time of admission. Security fee is payable at the time of late-fee is collected by the bank at the time of payment.
order for any length of time, parent / guardians shall pay
admission and is refundable at the time of withdrawal. the fees with regularity by the 10th. The salaries to the
Annual Resource Charge for the academic year will be NOTE: The late payment charges will not be waived nor teaching staff, Faculty, administrative and support staff
paid in full prior to admission irrespective of joining date. reduced in any circumstances etc. Have to be paid during the closed period.
Student ID Card, Learning Management System,
Montessori School Bag, School Badge and Prospectus shall There is late payment charge to be levied on fee bill by the
Registration fee, admission fee, annual Resource Charges
n bank if the fee is late by the Due date as specified on the
be payable at the time of admission.
are non-refundable under any circumstance. For learners fee bill.
The Annual Resource Charge, Learning Management
leaving mid-term, balance payment of tuition fee is not
System (LMS) Charges and School Computerized student Late payment charges
refundable. No refunds for any payments will be made if
ID Card shall be charged annually.
learner is suspended on disciplinary grounds or the
The Tuition & Fee will be payable on bi-monthly basis in
learner is found in breach of the student code of conduct,
fee policy are all subject to review from time to time due Rs.100/- per day after expiration of due date till the validity
advance for all tiers except examination classes. and parent or guardian will be liable for property as per
to inflationary pressure are subject to increase without date.
The Tuition & Fee for examination year classes of ‘0’ Level,
n prior notice at any time. the student disciplinary procedure and /or as determined
IGCSE, AS & A Levels, and all external Examination by the school management.
programmers shall be paid on Four monthly basis as per Tuition & Fee bills are normally issued with a “DUE DATE” of
n Rs. 500/- for issuance of new fee bill after the expiration of the
the following schedule. 10 days. After the expiry of “DUE DATE” the fee Bill can be For returning learners, all previous dues including any fine
n validity date plus the late payment charge.
deposited with the late payment fine which is charged on must have been cleared. Non-payment or underpayment
a daily basis, till the expiry of “VALIDITY DATE” which is of dues may result in suspension of enrolment, refusal to
First Payment: September - December For further details, kindly go through the “Tuition and Fee
normally 5 days from the expiry of the “DUE DATE”. After CIE/Edexcel international exam registration, refusal to re-
Policy” on our website:
Second Payment : January - April the expiry of the validity date the fee bill shall not be register and/or withholding of learner records.
Third Payment: May - August accepted at the local branch of the bank. The New fee bill
All dues must be cleared before the Mid Term / Annual
will only be issued with an additional fine of Rs. 500/- per
Examination to appear in assessment / paper. The
fee bill plus the late payment charge incurred till that day.
For all Admission the monthly Tuition Fee cut-off date is
n Millennium Education reserves the right to hold learner’s
20th of every calendar month. The monthly tuition fee for Learners whose fees remain payable after the expiry of
n progress reports, transcripts, examination entries, school
the current period shall be charged to all new admission “DUE/VALIDITY DATE” are issued a periodic reminder and leaving and other certificates if the dues have not been
fee bills issued before or on 20th of every calendar month. ultimately the “Final Reminder”, thereafter which the cleared.
learner`s name will be struck off the school roll and
The Millennium Education fee for the full year or 12
n All parents and guardians responsible for guaranteeing
outstanding name adjusted against security deposit and a
calendar months (which includes May to August Period) is payment of school dues will read and sign an undertaking
re-admission charge shall be levied.
to be paid in full for all existing and graduating learners. for compliance with the TME policies as outlined in the
(Monthly Lab, ICT, Computer Charges, Robotics and Parents / Guardians defaulting on fee payment, run the risk
n TME Prospectus and Admission Form Pack. The school
Language Charges are also applicable for the full year or of making their children /wards liable being struck off the reserves the right to revise and make alterations to its
12 calendar months including May to August Period). school roll. The security deposit of learner is adjusted policies, and fees at any point in time WITHOUT further
against the unpaid Tuition & Fee balance. In such cases, re- notice.
Monthly Tuition Fee, Admission fee, Security, Annual
n Visit us for more info
admission is subject to vacancy and repayment of both
Resource Charge, Registration fee, ID Card Charge, All fees must be paid in full as cleared funds by the Due
the admission fee and security deposit at the prevailing
Prospectus, year Book, School Bag, school badge or date as specified on the fee bill. Thereafter, late payment
ICT/Lab charge and all other charges as per the tuition & charges shall be lived by the designated bank as per the
Tuition & fee policy. 67
Millennium TME Learner Code of
Equal Opportunity Policy Conduct Policy
Offers equal opportunities regardless of race, culture, gender The utmost priority of our institution is the safety and towards any learner, teacher or member of administration
orientation, academic ability, physical ability or social class wellbeing of our learners. The Millennium Education has a clear and management
and formal Learner Code of Conduct policy. Being an
Social, racial or any other form of harassment is dealt with
We acknowledge that members of the school come from international institution, we hope to foster an environment
strictly. Exemplify the high standards of personal and pro-
diverse cultural, racial and socio-economic backgrounds and where all learners feel supported, listened to, and safe.
social behaviour in respect of other learners. Develop and
we endeavour to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect in maintain positive relationships in Campus. Learner must
order to help to promote our school and a society in which Aim of the Policy work as part of a team to ensure happy and stimulating
there is social, religious and racial harmony. As a school, we This policy agreement aims to clarify TME position on learners’ environment.
accept that there are gender inequalities in our society which conduct and explain the processes and procedures associated
impose limits, particularly on girls' expectations and behaviour, Misuse, misappropriation, theft or damage of The
with managing and sanctioning learners’ conduct in ways
so we constantly examine our curriculum, procedures and Millennium Education campus property.
which uphold the professional integrity of those working in
materials for gender bias or inequality. TME schools and TME (the company) in its endeavours to TME Learner action, likely to cause injury or to impair
provide international standards of education. In the event of a Health and safety procedures.
Equal Opportunity Policy of Roots Millennium Schools serious breach, criminal misconduct, or where it is believed
TME Learner action, likely to cause injury or to impair
aims to: that the health, safety or welfare of others may be jeopardized
electrical, gas and fire safety procedures.
by the continuing presence of a learner they will be suspended
Offer equal opportunities regardless of race, culture,
or withdrawn from the campus admissions register TME Learner failure to respect rights of others to freedom
gender orientation, academic ability, physical ability or immediately. of belief and freedom of speech or expression.
On acceptance to the school all parents receives
n TME Learner behavior which brings the Institution into
Provide an environment free from social or cultural
n information detailing the School’s Behavior Code. This TME Expectation from Learners disrepute. E.g. such conduct as abusive, anti-social or
prejudice for all members of our school community. information will be available in languages other than In relation to the core activity of teaching and learning, discourteous behaviour, political or social activism in
English as appropriate to the school community. Learners are expected to: Campus premises or outside, inconsiderate noise or
Achieve an environment in which members of the school
community is respected as individuals and in which the parking, disregard of the campus parking code, causing
The school makes reasonable effort to ensure that
n Adopt a diligent and co-operative approach to all aspects
varied experiences of the community enriches the life of litter and especially criminal damage to private property,
meetings are accessible and convenient for all and take of academic life
the school. showing disrespect to campus signs or vehicles.
into account particular needs and requirements, e.g.
Accept responsibility in creating a supportive Millennial
physical access, child care and interpreter support. TME Learner disruption of, or improper interference with,
TME Equal Opportunities is the responsibility of the whole
n educational community
school community and is reflected throughout the the academic, administrative, sporting, social or other
organization of the school. activities of the campus.
The school includes in its annual report to parents, information
concerning the arrangements made for the admission of TME Learner Code of Conduct Learner must act as per TME ethos and act in ways that
All staff, governors, parents/guardians and pupils are
Special pupils; the steps taken to prevent disabled pupils from Throughout their period of study with The Millennium promote positive behaviour in their classrooms and
involved in developing, implementing and monitoring the
being treated less favourably than other pupils; the facilities Education, Learners are expected to abide by the Learner Code around campus premises.
equal opportunities policy and practice.
provided to assist access to the school by disabled pupils. of Conduct which is based upon respect for individuals,
Obstruction of, or improper interference within the
All staff, governors, parents/guardians and pupils
n Progress in this area is documented in the School’s Action Plan. teachers, management, race, culture, religion, background,
campus functionality, duties or activities of any TME
regardless of race, ethnicity, disability, gender and socio- The school recognises its need to celebrate the diversity that property and the environment. The following actions, whether
Learner, member of staff, or visitor of the Institution.
economic background, are welcome and is encouraged to exists within its community and ensures that all have the occurring in campus premises or elsewhere, are examples of
participate in the life of the school. opportunity to respond to the expectations and challenges of conduct which is not acceptable to The Millennium Education Misuse or unauthorized use of The Millennium Education
the curriculum. It is our school policy to incorporate a balanced and may lead to instigation of formal learner disciplinary Campus premises.
Statements of equal opportunity policy are printed in all
view of the world through a multi-cultural approach, to procedures:
relevant school documentation e.g., school prospectus, Learner found violating The Millennium Education Campus
recognise that our pupils are world citizens who will meet a
vision statement, policies and in the staff handbook. TME Learners Conduct which constitutes a criminal offence
n study regime / time table.
wide variety of cultures throughout their lives, to evaluate our
e.g. assault, theft, fraud, deceit, deception or dishonesty.
All governors, staff and pupils receive training in relevant
n practice to ensure that it is not at the expense of indigenous Learner found not wearing The Millennium Education
aspects of equal opportunities to ensure their ability to cultures and to allow children equal access to opportunities Plagiarism, Violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening,
n authorized uniform. Learner must always show respect to
actively support this policy. according to equal opportunity policy which will equip them abusing, intimidating or offensive behaviour or language the teachers, faculty members, members of The
for adult life and to achieve challenging expectations
TME Learner Code of TME Learner Code of
Conduct Policy Conduct Policy
Millennium Education school administration and institute has the final authority to expel, dismiss, suspend
management or reprimand the learner.
Learner must not interfere in the functioning of The
n No learner or employee (current or former) is allowed to
Millennium Education morning assembly presentations share any defamatory, offensive or derogatory content
and national anthem. against the employer, campus, institution management or
its stakeholders on social and digital media platforms,
Learner must not cheat in examinations, assignments,
microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking,
assessments or in course work. Any form of plagiarism
and social curation, and wikis, Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn,
shall be dealt with firmly.
Reddit, Pinterest, Instagram and any other social media
Learner must respect the property of other people and
n platform.
that of The Millennium Education campus and its
Disciplinary Action Against
Learner must not bring illegal substances onto The
Millennium Education premises including drugs or Violation of Learner Code of Conduct
alcohol. Behavior that contradicts The Millennium Education ‘Learner
Code of Conduct’ will be dealt through the ‘Learner Disciplinary
Smoking is strictly prohibited within The Millennium
Procedure’. Any misconduct will be regarded as a breach of the
Education campus buildings, premises and parking areas ‘Learner Code of Conduct’ and will be subject to firm action by
and is dealt with firmly. A breach to the smoking policy the campus administration/ Principal, which may lead to fine/
may lead to withdrawal from the admissions register Learner must abide by the IT & digital Code of Practice as
n will be entertained by the campus office during the withdrawal/ expulsion/ suspension / fine depending upon the
without further notice well as campus Library Code of Practice. regular school hours. All Learners must bring along their breach of conduct.
Learner must not bring The Millennium Education campus
own personal items once they enter campus premises in
Learner must be punctual, latecomers will be fined and any
reputation into disrepute by posting or publishing any the morning.
leave of absence (except in case of sickness) must be Write to Us
defamatory or derogatory content on social or digital given in advance in writing to the campus Principal or All notebooks used by the learner must be with school
n In case the learners’ feels they need to report certain incidents
media either in or off campus premises. Learner must otherwise the Learner shall be subject to ‘Learner monogram, standard authorized notebooks. They are to and are not heard at campus level, they may register all
abide by reasonable instructions issued by a member of disciplinary procedure’. be kept neat and labelled correctly. complaints or queries regarding harassment, bully,
The Millennium Education campus management or inappropriate behaviour or misconduct across the institution
administration. No Learner will leave campus premises during school
n Learner must compulsorily take part in all co-curricular and
hours without the permission of the Branch extra-curricular activities organized by the campus. These by writing to:
Mobile phones are not allowed and are strictly forbidden
n Head/Principal. TME learner must possess civility and good are especially designed for the overall educational needs Please note that all complaints must be made from the
within The Millennium Education campus premises and manners, honesty and truthfulness, and personal and personality development of each child. personal email address of the learner i.e. complaints cannot be
buildings. In case of violation of school rules Mobile discipline as important TME learner attributes. made on behalf of other learners, or on social media platforms,
phones will be taken into custody by the campus Each learner is entitled to a copy of the campus Rules and
n or from anonymous or third-party accounts. We would like to
administration /Principal and a penalty will be imposed. n
No expensive jewellery, watches, electronic devices Learner Code of Conduct giving information about the assure our learners that all complaints will be treated with
including laptops or iPods, pencil cases, stationery items, ethos, values and rules of the campus. Each learner is utmost confidentiality and privacy.
Female Learner must not wear heels, jewellery, bangles,
n lunch boxes are allowed to be brought to campus. expected to read and be compliant with, the campus Every learner has a right to be heard and if anyone has any
nail polish, earrings, fancy accessories and other Campus management & administration will not be Rules and learner Code of Conduct. Furthermore, parents concern (academic, non-academic or social), he/she must
ornaments within The Millennium Education campus responsible for the loss of these articles. must accept that the campus reserves the right to monitor report to his/her immediate Headmistress / Coordinator /
premises. Male Learner must not wear cap, hat, email communications and internet use for the purpose of
Large amount of money (beyond reasonable requirement)
n Counsellor or Principal with the guarantee that they will be
unauthorized belt, bandana, boots and other fancy ensuring compliance with the campus Rules and Learner
should not be brought to the campus. The campus will not heard and their concerns shall be addressed with utmost
accessories within The Millennium Education campus Code of Conduct.
be responsible for any loss of clothes, books, money or confidentiality.
any other personal property or items. TME learner must abstain from reckless and malicious
Individuals (Learner) bringing vehicles, cars, motorcycles
n allegations against other TME learners, teachers or campus
onto campus premises must observe parking and speed Exchange of video DVD, CD, video games, audiocassettes,
administrative staff.
restrictions and drive with care and consideration for magazines books or any such gift item is strictly
Visit us for more info
others. prohibited. No parcels, lunch boxes, books, stationery etc nIn an attempt of disciplinary action, the Head of the
TME Harassment & Bullying Policy TME Harassment & Bullying Policy
The Millennium Education is committed to provide a safe faculty), school administration, school leadership, and
environment for all its learners and employees, free from custodial staff.
discrimination of any kind and any form of harassment. As per
our learner and staff well-being and code of conduct policy we Harrasment:
have a formal and fair Harassment and Bullying policy. TME has
The policy recognizes the need for all of us to be aware that
a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment in the
harassment can happen at any time. At TME, we recognise that
institute, treats all incidents seriously and promptly
harassment in any form might take place and so we proactively
investigates all allegations of harassment. Any
seek to guard against it. Consequently, in TME we advocate a
learner/employee found to have harassed another will face
whole-school, proactive approach in dealing with any and all
disciplinary action. All complaints of harassment should be
forms of harassment as soon as they become evident. This
reported to and will be taken seriously and treated with
policy also sets precedents for preventing harassment from
respect and in confidence. No one will be victimised for
making such a complaint.

Anyone can be a victim of sexual harassment, regardless of

Aim of the Policy
their sex and of the sex of the harasser. TME recognises that
The aim of this policy is to ensure that all TME learners and sexual harassment may also occur between learners/employee
employees are able to learn in a supportive (conducive) of the same sex. Anyone, including learners and staff members’
environment that is physically and psychologically safe (i.e. all who sexually harasses another will be reprimanded in
TME learners and employees) can learn and work without fear accordance with this internal policy.
of being bullied). It is also the aim of this policy to define, in
clear terms, the expectations that teachers and other
employees have of being valued and supported in their work,
such that they too have a physically and psychologically safe
environment for working.

This policy outlines what all Millennium schools and colleges

are expected to do to prevent/ deal with all forms of
harassment and bullying.
addressed with utmost confidentiality. Harassment Complaint the learner feels is not catered by the campus appropriately,
In all of our schools and colleges, we aim to adopt anti- Cell is set up by the school / college principal where the learner can directly email to student confidentiality portal.
harassment and bullying strategies and intervention complaints of abuse or any other forms of harassment can be All complaints must be made from the personal email address
procedures in order to: lodged. Formal verbal or written complaint could be lodged on of the learner/employee i.e. complaints cannot be made on
this Harassment complaint cell, as a first and preliminary step. behalf of other learners/employees, or on social media
Resolution through counselling can take place at this first step. platforms, or from anonymous or third-party accounts. We
To ensure all learners, staff, and school administration treat
The primary purpose of specialized office or cell is to facilitate would like to assure learners/employees that all complaints
each other with courtesy and respect.
the policy implementation in letter and spirit. will be treated with utmost confidentiality and privacy.
To avoid behavior at the campus that may create an
atmosphere of hostility or intimidation. Any complaint against the school management, the learner
Prevent harassment and bullying from taking place and
n can directly email to student confidentiality portal. For complete policy inclusive of bullying, cyber bullying and
where necessary to act upon complaints of harassment false allegations, please refer to our website at:
promptly and fairly. 1.6 WRITE TO US
Reassure and support who experience harassment or
TME Harassment Complaint Cell TME has a dedicated email address which learners/employees
bullying. Every learner/employee has a right to be heard and if anyone can contact to lodge any complaints or queries regarding
has any concern (academic, non-academic or social), he/she harassment, bully, inappropriate behavior or misconduct
must report to his/her immediate across the institution on student- Visit us for more info
The expectations laid out in this policy apply to all working and Headmistress/Coordinator/Counsellor or Principal with the Any complaint which
learning in TME: learners, teachers (full time and visiting guarantee that they will be heard and their concerns shall be
Millennium Annual
Academic Calendar
Where Imagination Grows
& Holidays
Ensures strategic efforts towards
quality assurance, curriculum
research and innovation.
Every year the Department of Communications, Marketing and
Outreach (DCMO) & Department of International Qualification, Future World School, Islamabad Greenwich Campus, Islamabad

Curriculum and Assessment (DIQCA) publishes an annual “Millennium

Annual Activity Calendar”, clearly highlighting and celebrating the UN
Action days, academic timelines, external and internal competitions,
International, National, Regional and Religious action days at our

Learners of The Millennium Education avail their summer vacations in

the month of June, July & Mid-August. The Academic Year starts from
August to May every year. Winter Vacation is availed in the month of
December, that is from mid-December onwards till the first week of
January. The second term starts from January to May every year.
Learners are entitled to all the gazetted holidays approved as per the
Government of Pakistan.
Future World School, Rawalpindi

Every Thursday of the Week - Meet & Greet

Parents and guardians may visit the School Head should they wish to
discuss the progress and development of their child on every working
Thursday between 12:00 noon to 03:00 pm.

Every Wednesday of the Week - Stay & Play

Sports & games are from 02:00 pm to 04:00 pm. (Sports Kit– Official /
Compulsory), students may wish to stay after school hours till 04:00 pm Oxbridge Campus, Islamabad One World Campus, Islamabad
and benefit from special physical, games and sports activities and
coaching in presence of a dedicated Sports Training Instructor at School
/ Campus on every Wednesday between 02:00 pm to 04:00 pm.

Last Saturday of the Every Month - Millennium Open Day

Theme is allocated to every last Saturday of the month for the
celebration of Open Day. Participation of all students, teachers, and
Principal / School Head is compulsory. As at TME, we celebrate last
Saturday of the month as the “Millennium Open Day”.

Future World School, Lahore

Visit us for more info 75
Awards, Achievements
Achievements & Global Recognition
& Awards n
Prestigious and pioneering Ed-TECH Educational
Technology Award 2022 from President Dr Arif Alvi
at a ceremony hosted by the Rawalpindi Chamber
of Commerce & Industry (RCCI) at Aiwan-e-Sadr

Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award for

the year 2021 & 2022

The Millennium Education has achieved 500 Most Influential Muslims of the World Award
academic excellence and all-round development for 3 consecutive years
Changing the National of learners for over 36 years. It's a great pride and National Civil Award of 'Tamgha-i-Imtiaz, TI' by the
honour for The Millennium Education
education landscape Community nationwide as TME has
President of Pakistan in recognition of his
outstanding services in the n field of education,
through our award consecutively being awarded with numerous
prestigious awards like winner of "Arabia 500
youth and promotion of Chinese Language

winning curriculum, Award" from All World Networks at Abu Dhabi,

United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and
Best Educationist of the Year 2014 Award by the
Rawalpindi n Chamber of Commerce & Industry
teacher training many more. All these achievements are true
outcomes of untiring efforts and blazing passion
Young CEO Excellence Award' and 'Education
Industry n Excellence Award' by the Global Media
programmes, of the dynamic CEO of The Millennium Education
Links GML Pakistan
Group Dr. Chaudhry Faisal Mushtaq who has
qualifications, results been working hard day and night to get the best The prestigious 'Accomplished Leader Award' by
out of every opportunity. ABI, USA
and achievements
1st Global HR Excellence Award Appreciation and
Leadership Award' by Intel Education Pakistan

'Leadership Excellence Award' by KFC Pakistan


'Achievement Excellence Award 2009' by the

Rawalpindi n Chambers of Commerce & Industry
RCCI, Pakistan

‘The Indus Entrepreneurship Award' by the Indus n

Entrepreneurs TIE, Pakistan Chapter

'Brand of the Year Award 2010 & 2011' by the Brands

Foundation, Pakistan

Environmental Excellence Awards 2010' by the

Ministry of n Environment

Best Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2010 & 2011


All World Network USA PK-100 winner in 2012 and

2013 and Arabia 500 winner in 2012

RCCI Gold Award 2013 by the Rawalpindi Chamber

of Commerce & Industry

Programmes &
Partnerships and collaborations are the mechanism
for designing comprehensive strategies that strengthen
learners, faculty and community

The Millennium Education has got into many partnerships and collaborations with
local and international organizations to expand and foster industry academic linkages
and bring in new educational opportunities offering diverse career pathways for its

Further, TME also signed Memorandum of Understanding with different organizations

across industry for promoting academia linkages, corporate collaborations, and
professional development. TME launched Corporate Employee Education Benefit
Programme through MOUs where both organizations mutually agreed to enhance
cooperation in many areas including offering privileged discounts, arranging
internships, orientations on entrepreneurship, trainings and giving practical exposure
of theoretical knowledge. The Millennium Education has a global vision and holds true
to local perspective and needs while accomplishing its vision.

Telenor, Pakistan
n TiE Islamabad Chapter
n Islamabad Stock Exchange – ISE
It is the supreme Cambridge Assessment International Education CAIE
n Coca Cola Pakistan
n Nayatel

art of the teacher Pearson Edexcel International Examinations, UK

n China Radio International
n NESCOM – National Engineering and Scientific
to awaken joy in University of London International Degree
Hanan Normal University
Oil and Gas Corporation Limited
WWF Pakistan
creative British Council: Registered British Council Attached
Pakistan International Airlines - PIA
Comsats University Islamabad
Center for Exmainations
expression & Microsoft Showcase School
Maroof International Hospital
National Highways and Motorway Police

Knowledge Platform
knowledge International School Award – ISA
Pakistan Alliance for Girls Education (PAGE)

Pakistan Telecommunications Company Limited –

Goethe Institute Pakistan
PTCL Group
INTEL Education Pakistan
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Islamabad AJK

School Timings
At The Millennium Education, ample opportunities and
facilities are provided to Millennials for holistic growth
The Millennium Education is committed towards academic excellence, character building and
discipline. Developing a sense of punctuality is an integral part of the school's character-building
process and discipline. Punjab
Learners are required to reach the school at least 10 minutes before the school starts. The school gates
will be closed as soon as the school starts. Learners will not be given entry after that and all late comers
will be sent back. We expect 100% attendance from all our learners: there is a definite link between an
excellent level of attendance and high achievement. Latecomers not only interrupt and disturb the
whole class but also miss an important part of the school day.

TME believes in technology integration and advancement in result of which biometric attendance
system is installed in all the campuses nationwide for all the students and staff.

TME School Timings are updated on the Learning Management System Matrix App class wise. For
more details, please check schedule of your child on LMS:
50 25 25,000+
Purpose Built Major Cities Learners
Visit us for more info Campuses
Contact us
The Millennium Education
Head Office:
No. 80, Street No. 1, NPF Society
Sector E-11/4, Islamabad 44000

UAN: +92 51 111 111 193

Tel No: +92 51 2375201-6
Fax No: +92 51 2375208


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