The Inuit Thought of It - Amazing Arctic Innovations

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David MacDonald

: v, :

with David MacDonald

annick press
toronto + new york + Vancouver
© 2007 Alootook Ipellie and David MacDonald (text)
Cover illustration by Julia Bell
Cover and interior design by Sheryl Shapiro
Second printing, November 2008

Annick Press Ltd.

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Cataloging in Publication
Ipellie, Alootook, 1951-
The Inuit thought of it: amazing Arctic innovations /
Alootook Ipellie with David MacDonald.

(We thought of it)

Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-55451-088-7 (bound)
ISBN 978-1-55451-087-0 (pbk.)

1. Inuit—Material culture. 2. Inuit—Intellectual life.

I. MacDonald, David, 1961- II. Title. III. Series.

E99.I7I658 2007 303.48'30899712 C2007-902681-8

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For my daughter, Taina Lee, with love, and to the Ipellie family.

For my parents, with love and gratitude.


A sincere thank-you to expert reader Dr. David Morrison,

Director of Archaeology and History, Canadian Museum of
Civilization, for sharing his insight, profound knowledge,
and clarity.

MAP /10
FOOD /24
The Inuit, My People

magine living in a land where the temperature

stays above freezing for only a couple of months
each year, and where winter temperatures some¬
times drop below -50°C (-58°F). What would it be like
to live in a place where there is 24-hour darkness for
weeks on end every winter, and 24-hour daylight for
much of the summer? There is such a land, and it is
like few places on earth.

Almost no trees grow here, and much of the ground

is permanently frozen. Large areas of the landscape
are nothing but bare rock. You could travel for days
and not see a single sign that humans had ever set
foot here. This land is the Arctic, and my people, the
Inuit, have lived here for hundreds of years.

History of the Inuit

Many archaeologists believe that the ancient ancestors
of today's Inuit may have come to North America
about 20,000 years ago, crossing a land bridge that
once connected Siberia and Alaska. They settled on
the northwestern coast of Alaska. About 1200 years
ago, the direct ancestors of the Inuit began to move
east and gradually spread through the Canadian
Arctic and into Greenland. In some places they would
have met hunters from Viking settlements in Greenland.
After these Viking settlements disappeared about
600 years ago, Inuit were the only people in the
North American Arctic.
Adapting to the Land and the Climate
The first Alaskan Inuit lived on what the land had
to offer. They built houses of sod and driftwood,
and created a variety of hunting tools from the
materials at hand. Seals, walrus, whales, and
caribou provided them with food, clothing, and
materials to make tools. As Inuit moved east, they
brought with them traditional knowledge about
making hunting tools and building sod houses.
But whenever necessary, they adapted traditions
to new living conditions. For example, when drift¬
wood was not available for building a sod house,
they used whalebone instead.

About 500 years ago, when the climate began to

grow colder, many Inuit who lived in coastal areas
of the northern Arctic began to move
south. Whales were not as plentiful in
the south, so Inuit adapted their life¬
style. They relied more on other sources
of food, and began to move their
camps more often in search of good
hunting grounds. Being on the move
meant that Inuit needed temporary
shelters to protect them from the
winter cold. They relied on the igloo,
which was easy to build and could
be constructed anywhere.

A Time of Change
When the first European explorers came to
the Arctic in the 1500s, they did not have
much effect on traditional Inuit culture. But
in the 1800s, European hunters began to
arrive. They came because whale products
and animal furs were in demand back in
Europe. Contact with Europeans, as well as
with missionaries and Canadian government
officials who came in the 1900s, brought
many changes to how Inuit lived. As fewer
people lived a traditional lifestyle, the old
Inuit ways were forgotten by many. But
today, Inuit are working to preserve and
maintain the old traditions so that they are
not lost forever.

The Inuit Spirit of Innovation

Their ability to adapt and make innovations
enabled Inuit to survive in the difficult con¬
ditions of the Arctic. Of the innovations pre¬
sented in this book, which are all from the
period before contact with Europeans, many
are truly amazing. And some of them—such
as the Inuit-style parka, the kayak, and the
double-bladed paddle—are now used around
the world.

Enjoy your journey through the world of

amazing Inuit innovations. I hope this book
will make you interested in learning more
about my people, our culture, and our heritage.

Inuit and Their Ancestors in North America

20,000-30,000 B.C.E. People from Asia first cross a land bridge to Alaska.

1200 C.E. Early ancestors of today’s Inuit move east across the Arctic from Alaska.

1200-1250 Inuit ancestors reach northern Greenland from Canada.

They make contact with the Vikings.

1450 The Vikings disappear from Greenland.

; :

1000-1600 Evidence suggests that Inuit ancestors are using the kayak, dog sled, and
ulu during this time period.

1500-1850 The climate grows much colder. Inuit make changes to their
lifestyle to adapt to new conditions. Trade with Europeans begins.

1850 European whalers bring more trade goods but also disease.

1900 The climate begins to grow warmer.

1920-1930 The fur trade rapidly expands throughout northern Canada. The Royal
Canadian Mounted Police and religious missionaries arrive in the Arctic.

1940-1960 The Canadian government encourages Inuit to live in permanent settlements.

1999 Canada creates a new territory called Nunavut, home to many Inuit.

Inuit in North America around 1600 C.E.

North Pole

Arctic Ocean

Beaufort Sea

Baffin Bay


Labrador Sea

Hudson Bay

Atlantic Ocean

The shaded area on this map shows where Inuit

were living in North America about 400 years ago.





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This map shows all of North America today.


In winter, when the ground was covered with
snow and ice, traditional Inuit often traveled by
a sled called a qamutiik that was pulled by a
team of dogs. Sealskin rope was essential to
making harnesses for the dogs and a whip to
direct the dog team, and for the qamutiik itself.

Today, dog sled racing is

a popular Arctic sport.

The thick skin of the
bearded seal (see photo
on page 10) was best for
making strong rope. First,
The sled runners (the long
the skin was removed by
pieces that touched the
cutting it into sections.
ground) and the crosspieces
Then it was boiled and
that held the two runners
cut into long strips while
together were most often
still wet. The wet strips
made of wood. These were
Dog Boots were tied between two
tied together with rope in a
To pull a sled all day, the dogs' paws needed large stones and left to
way that allowed each runner
to be in good condition. Their paws were dry into strong rope.
to move slightly up or down
tough, but fheyjcould still get cuts from when traveling over uneven
jagged ice or sharp rocks uncovered by surfaces. Rough ground,
melting snow in springtime. With injured snow, or ice could cause
paws, the dog team could not run as quickly. damage to a sled. Rope
To protect their paws, Inuit often made dog made the sled more flexible
out of seal or caribou skin. so it would last longer.
Traditional Inuit used wood and sometimes walrus tusk
ivory to build the qamutiik. To drill holes in these materials,
they invented a very useful tool called the bow-drill, which
had five parts:
1. the drill stick (vertical piece) was made of wood or
caribou antler
2. the mouthpiece at the top of the drill stick was made
of ivory or hard wood
3. the metal drill bit was at the bottom of the drill stick
4. the bow (horizontal piece) was made of wood or antler
5. the bowstring, which attached the bow to the drill
stick, was made of sealskin
To work the bow-drill, the user moved the bow stick back
and forth with one hand.

A dog sled rests on wooden blocks.

Mud Runners Ivory Runners

Adding mud to the runners allowed In areas of the Arctic where walrus
them to slide more easily over snow could be hunted, traditional Inuit
and ice. With the sled turned sometimes made sled runners
upside down, wet mud was spread from walrus tusk ivory. Ivory is
over the bottom of the runners and very smooth, so ivory runners didn't
carefully smoothed out. Then need the mud-and-ice coating that
mouthfuls of water were squirted made wooden runners so much
onto a piece of polar bear skin, and work. And ivory runners had two
the wet skin was rubbed over the other advantages over mud runners
frozen mud. This left a layer of ice —they didn't easily break off and
on top of the mud, so that the run¬ they didn't melt if left in direct
ners were very smooth and slippery. sunlight, as mud runners some¬
A hunter prepares mud
Mud runners made it easier for times did. runners for his dog sled.
dogs to pull a heavily loaded sled.
The kayak (or qajaq) is a long, narrow boat that is usually at
least 6.5 meters (22 feet) long and 75 centimeters (30 inches)
across at the widest part. A well-made traditional kayak was
strong enough to carry an
adult hunter and a freshly
killed seal to shore. If the
water was not too rough,
sometimes a child would
ride behind the adult,
facing backward.

Like the kayak, the umiak also had a wooden frame

The Frame
Animal skins
were often
The frame of a traditional kayak was made mostly
stretched from driftwood, and sometimes caribou antler and
and dried
caribou bone as well. Sealskin rope and caribou
before use.
sinew were used to join the pieces of the frame
together. The long paddle, which had a blade at
each end, was also made of wood.

The Outer Covering

The waterproof outer layer of the traditional kayak was
made from sealskin. The skins were first put in hot
water, then the hair was quickly scraped off while the
skin was still hot. After scraping, the skins were stored
in a sealskin bag along with some seal fat to keep
them flexible and easy to work with.
When enough skins had been prepared, they were
stretched over the frame and roughly stitched together
to form an outer covering for the kayak. Excess skin
was trimmed away. Tightly knotted sealskin rope held
the skins in place as they dried and hardened to form
a tight covering over the frame.
Next, caribou sinew was used to sew this outer
covering onto the frame. After this, every seam was
rinsed in seawater before one final tight stitching. It
was a good idea to put some old skins inside the frame
of a new kayak to prevent sand from wearing holes in
the outer covering.
When it was time to move from one
coastal camp to another, a much larger
boat called an umiak was used to trans¬
port such things as tents, sealskin and
caribou clothing, cooking equipment, and
tools. An umiak could also carry a number
of Inuit, along with their dogs, at the
same time. Because women usually did
the paddling, the umiak was sometimes
The streamlined shape of the kayak allowed
it to glide easily through the water. called "the women's boat."

An umiak could carry several

When there was wind, a sealskin sail
could be used to help propel the umiak.

Modern Kayaks
Today, kayaks are usually
made from hard plastic,
although the outer cover¬
ing may be fiberglass.
Like traditional Inuit
kayaks, modern kayaks
have a streamlined shape
and are made in different
lengths, depending on the
purpose. Longer kayaks
are steadier on the sea,
WSSj? while shorter kayaks are
easier to handle on lakes
and rivers.
A winter home was important for surviving
freezing Arctic temperatures. But in some
areas, materials for building a warm home
A woman carries
were hard to find. Traditional Inuit in these caribou meat out
of her igloo. The
places built snow homes called igloos (or iglu). entrance was
built below
ground level to
Strong igloos could be made only from snow help keep cold air
from getting in.
that had become hard enough to walk on with¬
out breaking through. An igloo could be built
almost anywhere in the snow-covered Arctic,
even at a hunting camp on sea ice.

Walls and Window Insulation and Entrance

An igloo was built by first carving out rect¬ Once the igloo's dome was built, family members would
angular snow blocks about 10 centimeters help make it windproof. On the outside, they filled in
(4 inches) thick. Next, these blocks were the cracks between the blocks with loose snow. For
arranged in a circle to form the base of the even more insulation from the cold, the outside of the
igloo. A second layer of blocks was then whole igloo was then packed with an extra layer of
stacked on top of the first. These blocks were more loose snow. Finally, an entrance tunnel was
angled inward so that, as the igloo was built carved, usually just under ground level to keep cold
upward, the blocks would form a dome. air from getting inside. A small porch of snow blocks
When completed, the snow dome was strong was then built over this entrance tunnel to provide
enough for an adult to climb on top without more protection against freezing winds. An opening in
falling through. A block of lake ice was used the roof of the porch allowed cold air to escape before
as a window to let light inside. it had a chance to enter the dome of the igloo.
Community Igloo
Whenever a group of Inuit families stayed
in one camp for the whole winter, they
would build a qaggiq. This was an igloo
large enough to hold all members of the
camp during group gatherings.

Seal-Oil Lamp
In some places, Inuit were able to find soap¬
stone. This soft stone was easy to carve into
a bowl that could be used for a seal-oil lamp
(qulliq). One end of a wick made from moss
was dipped into the bowl of seal oil. When the
other end was lit, the lamp provided light and
heat inside an igloo or a skin tent.

When the igloos melted in the spring, Inuit returned to their summer
camp and went back to living in tents made from caribou skin and seal¬
skin. These shelters were used during spring, summer, and autumn.

Sleeping Bag
Sleeping bags were
made from caribou skin.
Traditional Inuit used a bow-drill (see
They were sometimes
page 13), with the drill bit removed, or other
large enough for two or
similar inventions to produce fire. The drill
more people, which was
stick was rotated quickly while it was pushed
warmer than sleeping
down upon. This created friction, which
alone. Inside the igloo,
produced enough heat to start a flame.
Inuit made a snow
While a lit qulliq could not be placed too
platform and covered
close to a snow wall, its heat actually helped
it with twigs and then
to strengthen an igloo. The heat from the
layers of thick animal
qulliq and the body heat of the Inuit in the
skins before placing the
igloo created a thin layer of melted snow on
sleeping bag on top.
the inside of the wall. When the Inuit extin¬
guished the lamp and went to sleep, this layer
would freeze, making the walls even stronger.

Even the beds are

made from ice in
this ice hotel in
Kiruna, Sweden.

Building with Snow

and Ice Today
Today, buildings made from
snow, ice, or both are popular at
winter festivals in countries such
as Canada, Sweden, and Norway.
In the Arctic, animals provided
the only materials available for
making clothes. Traditional inuit
used animal skins and fur to
create warm clothing that
helped them to survive in the
harsh Arctic climate.

Clothing Parka
Inuit sometimes used a marine
The traditional winter parka, called a qulittaq, was essential for pro¬
mammal's inside parts, such
tecting the upper body from dangerously cold temperatures. Parkas
as the bladder or intestines,
were made from the skin of caribou hunted in the autumn, when their
to make waterproof clothing.
fur was starting to get thick for winter. Thicker fur made a warmer
When hunting on the ocean,
parka, but winter caribou fur was too heavy to wear comfortably.
traditional Inuit wore a type
of jacket that could be tied
around the opening of the
kayak. This kept the hunter's
whole body dry.

This waterproof
coat is made from
whale intestines.

Baby-Carrying Parka
Inuit mothers used a special belt to
carry a baby on their back. When
going outdoors, mothers also wore
an amaut, a parka with an extra-
large hood. The mother's body heat
kept the baby warm, and the
hood's fur trim helped to keep out
cold winds. This clever design
allowed a mother to carry her baby
while leaving her hands free to do
Walrus intestine was also an excellent waterproof material. To help
dry the intestine, air was blown inside to inflate it, as seen here.
other things.
Bird-Skin Parkas
In areas where caribou were scarce, Inuit would
make parkas from the skin and feathers of water
birds such as ducks or loons. The Inuit shown at
left are wearing duck-skin parkas.

These winter boots are made from caribou skin.

Inuit boots, called kamiik, were
traditionally made from pieces
of sealskin sewn together with
caribou sinew. Both the sealskin
and the sinew were kept wet
while the boots were being
sewn. When they dried, the
seams tightened and became
Winter boots were made
from caribou skin or the skins
of seals that had the thickest
fur. Light and dark furs were
Parkas Today sewn together to make striped
patterns. Girls' and women's
boots traditionally had horizontal
stripes from the ankle to the top
of the boot. Boys' and men's
boots had vertical stripes (as in
artificial fur for the photo above).
the traditional For summer, boots were
rn parkas are made from sealskin with the fur
aosely, allowing scraped off so they wouldn't be
e worn under¬ too warm.
still leaving
yer of warm
lnuit children learned traditional games and
pastimes from their elders. Often these forms of
entertainment helped young people develop the
skills and strength they would need as adults.

Sports and Games

Outdoor games were popular in summer, and in winter
when the weather permitted. Both old and young, males
and females, joined in the fun. Over time, some tradi¬
tional lnuit games became similar to sports such as
baseball and soccer. There is even an lnuit form of
football, called ajuttaq.
Winters are long and dark in the Arctic. To pass
the time, lnuit traditionally gathered together to take
part in a variety of contests. Along with different kinds
of wrestling, contests might include such favorites as
the "toe jump" and the "finger pull." All the activities
required strength and endurance.

Today, lnuit gather every other year to compete

in the Arctic Winter Games. This contestant is
competing in the "toe jump."
It's not surprising that this game is
known as the "two-foot high kick."
Bone Games
Inugait (shown above) are seal flipper bones used to play
a traditional Inuit storytelling game. Each bone represented
something different, such as part of an igloo, an adult or
child, a dog sled, or a caribou. The bones were kept in a
bag made from sealskin or the hollowed-out feet of a
water bird (also pictured). In one variation of this game,
adults would tell a story and then children would use a
string with a loop to pull out of the bag the bones repre¬
senting characters in the story.

An Inuit woman uses shapes made from

string to illustrate a story.

String Games and Storytelling

Inuit legends and stories told about history and
about the challenges of life in the Arctic, and
offered lessons on how to be a good person.
The stories might be accompanied by a string
game called ajaraat, similar to "cat's cradle."
The string was used to create shapes that
represented characters in the stories.

Making dolls is an ancient Inuit tradition. Fathers usually
carved the dolls from driftwood. Using scraps of animal skin
and fur, mothers helped their daughters make clothing for the
dolls. In this way, young girls learned the skills of cutting and
sewing skins and fur. When she was older, a girl would need
these skills to make clothing for her family.
A hunter might attach his daughter's dolls to his kayak
or sled as good luck charms to help make sure the hunt was
successful. The dolls also encouraged the hunter by remind¬
ing him of his children, who were waiting for him to return
with food for the family.
Traditional Inuit depended almost entirely on
animals for food, so hunters needed effective
hunting tools. They crafted a variety of tools
for hunting different animals. By carefully
observing each kind of animal, they discovered
the best way to hunt it.
Today, Inuit hunters use rifles. But, like traditional
Inuit, they still hunt for seals at breathing holes.

This hunter has caught a beluga

whale by using a harpoon with a
sealskin float called an avataq.

A hunter prepares to throw his harpoon.


Parts of a Harpoon Hunting with a Harpoon

• IH
The harpoon was used for hunting sea mammals The hunter held on to the long
such as whales and seals. A traditional harpoon used shaft when preparing to throw
for hunting on the sea had five parts: the harpoon from his kayak.
1. The long shaft was the main part of the harpoon When the harpoon hit the animal,
and was usually made of wood. the harpoon head on the fore¬
2. The fore-shaft was shorter than the long shaft, shaft stuck into the animal's body.
and was attached to the top of it. It was usually made The long shaft then separated
Modern whale- of ivory or antler. from the fore-shaft. The wooden
3. The harpoon head was often made from bone, and long shaft would float so the
are often launched
from a cannon on was attached to the end of the fore-shaft. The tip of the hunter would not lose it. The float
a ship. head had a sharp point or blade to pierce the animal. prevented a dead animal from
4. A long length of line, made from seal¬ sinking to the bottom of the sea.
skin, attached the harpoon head to the float.
5. The float, called an avataq, was made
from the complete skin of a single seal, filled
with air and plugged with a piece of ivory.
Hunting Seals
When the sea is covered with ice,
seals come to the surface to breathe
at holes in the ice. These breathing
holes are excellent places to hunt
seals—something Inuit learned from
watching polar bears catch seals. A
group of hunters looked for an area
where there were several breathing
holes. Each hunter would wait, with
a harpoon ready, at one of the holes.
It was important to sit quietly with¬
out moving, sometimes for hours
Fishing Spear and Fishing Weir at a time, so as not to scare away
To catch fish, traditional Inuit developed a special kind any seals.
of spear called a kakivak. A kakivak was made by
attaching two pieces of caribou antler to the end of a
long wooden pole. These pieces of antler were shaped
into two prongs that grabbed onto the fish. A long spike
between the prongs speared the fish. When used skill¬
fully, the kakivak pulled a fish out of the water on the
first try.
Inuit also used fishing methods found in other cultures.
These included using a line with a hook at the end, and
fishing nets, along with building weirs. Weirs are stone
walls that direct fish to shallow water where they are
easier to catch. In some places, Inuit used weirs that
had been built long before by their ancestors.
An Inuit fishes through a hole in the ice.
A kakivak can be seen lying on the snow.

Inuksuk Inunnguat
An Inuksuk (plural: Some Inuksuit were built in the shape of a person. These were called Inunnguat (plural;
Inuksuit) is a pile of singular, Inunnguaq), which means "pretend Inuit."They were sometimes used to help
stones that served hunt caribou.
as a guide for Inuit Traditional hunters knew the paths that caribou took when they migrated from
travelers. A traditional place to place. Where one of these paths was near a lake, the hunters would build
Inuit might build an several Inunnguat on either side of the path. When the caribou herd spotted the
Inuksuk to offer Inunnguat, they thought the stone figures were real hunters and ran away—toward the
directions or to give lake. The real Inuit would then jump out from hiding and wave their arms, which made
information about the caribou stampede
good places to hunt into the water. Hunters
caribou. A hunter holding spears waited
might build a in kayaks on the lake.
temporary Inuksuk Caribou are much
to mark the place slower in water, so
he has stored his they were easier to
caribou meat. hunt. The hunters on
land used spears or
bows and arrows.
Traditional Inuit never knew when the next successful hunt
would be, so it was important to safely store whatever food
was on hand. Cold weather preserved food in the way that
refrigerators and freezers do today, and Inuit developed
methods for storing food during warmer months.

Raw Meat
For traditional Inuit,
eating raw meat had
two benefits: none of
the meat's vitamins
were destroyed during
cooking, and Inuit did
not have to use up
In the Arctic world of the Inuit,
valuable seal oil as
most cooking took place during
a cooking fuel. Raw
the summer, when campfires
meat was easy to
could be made from driftwood
prepare and provided
and brush. But in the winter,
nutrients that helped
heating fuel was scarce and
keep people healthy
Inuit had to rely on precious seal
enough to survive in
oil to burn in a qulliq (seal oil
the harsh Arctic land.
lamp; see page 17). A burning
qulliq was the only source of
heat and light inside the igloo
during the cold, dark months of
A young Arctic
the year. Cooking with seal oil
hunter enjoys a
nutritious snack of took a long time and was done
raw seal eyeball. only when there was plenty of
the oil on hand. Meat and fish
were boiled in a soapstone pot
over the qulliq.

The ulu, a traditional knife used by women, was one
of the most useful tools ever invented in the Arctic.
It was very effective for cutting frozen meat or fish.
The curved shape of the blade and the position of
the handle made it possible to use the strength of
the muscles in the shoulder, arm, wrist, and hand
to cut through frozen food.
The ulu was also used to cut seal and caribou
skins to make clothes. By holding on to both sides
of the blade, the user had better control when cutting.
The skins were always cut on the inner, scraped side
and not on the fur side to prevent any of the fur from
accidentally being cut off.
Whale meat dries
on wooden racks.

Food Preservation
In winter, the freezing of food kept it from
going bad. But in summer, food had to be
preserved in other ways to make it last
longer. These ways included drying or
storage in a sealskin bag.

Drying Food
Drying meat prevented it from going bad in
warm weather. The quicker the meat dried, the
safer it was to eat later. To help speed up the
drying, all blood was drained from the meat.
Next, the meat was cut into strips and hung
on wooden racks to dry in the sunshine. After
a day or two, the meat was ready to take down
and store for later. Inuit women cut up a beluga whale.

bags were
sealed and

Storing Food in Sealskin

Vleat and fish were sometimes preserved by storing
Lhem in an airtight sealskin bag with some seal blubber
ail. The bag was buried and covered with rocks so
animals could not dig it up. This method could pre¬
serve food from summer until it froze in winter.
Food stored high aboveground was safe from
hungry animals, including the sled dogs.

During times of starvation, old skins would sometimes become the last source of nutrients
for traditional inuit. In an emergency, skins were boiled to soften them so they could be
eaten. At these desperate times, hungry husky dogs often gnawed at their sealskin harnesses.
Traditional Inuit had no doctors or modern medicines to help
them treat injuries and diseases. Instead, they developed their
own remedies, using whatever was available in the Arctic.

Treating Frostbite
inuit always needed to be careful in the intense cold of Arctic winters.
Skin that is exposed to freezing temperatures for too long may develop
a condition called frostbite, which can cause permanent damage.
To treat frostbite, Inuit held a warm hand over the affected area or
soaked it in salt water or in cool urine. It was important to use a liquid that
was not too hot, as this could cause more damage to the skin. Another
remedy was to use dog droppings, wrapped in caribou skin and cloth, and
then warmed by a fire before being applied to the frostbitten skin.

Inuit women
harvest wild

Frostbite has damaged this hunter's nose.

Wild cran¬
berries grow
in parts of
the Arctic.

Treating Cuts and Scrapes

To treat cuts, scrapes, and other wounds,
Inuit used materials they had at hand.
Melted snow, freshwater algae, and even
human urine could be used to safely clean
open wounds. It was important to avoid
getting salty sea water into a cut, as this
could cause infection.
Once the wound had been cleaned,
fat from a seal, caribou, or bird—such as
Sore Throat Remedies an owl—was held against it to stop the
There were several traditional remedies that Inuit used to bleeding. Then a thin slice of seal or
treat a sore throat. They might eat raw or boiled cranberries, caribou meat was laid on the cut for a few
or chew some fat from a bearded seal and swallow the juice. days to help it heal.
Another treatment was to gargle with salt water, a remedy To help close a wound, Inuit tradition¬
that doctors still recommend today. Sometimes the breast ally used chewed gum from a pine tree or
meat of a ptarmigan—a medium-sized bird with feathered the insides of lice found in codfish. These
feet—was placed on the neck before bedtime. sticky substances helped to keep the
wound closed, much like stitches do.
Snow Goggles
Sunlight reflected off snow or ice can
cause a temporary but painful blindness
called "snow blindness." Today, skiers
use tinted goggles to protect their eyes.
But long before these were invented,
traditional Inuit found a way to prevent
snow blindness—with snow goggles made
from wood, antler, or ivory. The goggles
had a thin slit over each eye. These slits
were large enough to see through, but
Traditional Inuit they protected the eyes by preventing
snow goggles
too much light from passing through.
protected the
eyes from snow

Mosquito Repellent
Swarms of mosquitoes were a big problem in summer.
Even on the warmest days, hunters wore their parkas
with the hoods up to keep from being bitten. Each
hunter carried a small piece of caribou skin, like a
handkerchief, to wave mosquitoes away.
Mosquitoes do not like smoke, so hunters would
stay close to the campfire. They kept their dogs nearby
too, as mosquitoes could take enough blood from a
dog to kill it. At night, the dogs slept with the hunters
inside tents that kept mosquitoes out.

Death Customs
Inuit in different areas of the Arctic had different customs related to
death. Because much of the Arctic is rocky or permanently frozen, the
dead were not buried. The body was left uncovered, or it might be
covered with driftwood or a pile of rocks (as shown here).
Sometimes the body was placed inside a circle of small stones.
Tools belonging to the dead person were placed with the body. If some
of these tools could not be spared, miniature copies were used instead.
Today, Inuit communities enjoy all the modern conveniences and the latest
in technology. Some new technologies provide innovative ways of preserving
and sharing Inuit traditions.

From the Past to the Present

Most of the amazing innovations described in this book
were developed by traditional Inuit to help them survive and
stay healthy in the harsh conditions of the Arctic. Hunting
was an essential skill because animals provided traditional
Inuit with the most basic necessities of life—not just food
and clothing, but also hunting tools, materials for dog sleds
and kayaks, summer shelters, and heating fuel, to name just
a few. Survival depended on successful hunting.
For Inuit today, life is quite different. Instead of living
in igloos and tents, we have modern heated homes with
electricity. And we no longer depend on Arctic animals for These students use a computer to write
in the traditional Inuktitut language.
survival; food, clothes, medicine, and all the conveniences
of modern life can be purchased from stores. For transporta¬
tion we use cars, snowmobiles, and motorboats rather than
dog sleds and kayaks. Old and young alike enjoy many of
the forms of entertainment that are probably in your home,
such as TVs, MP3 players, CD and DVD players, and computer
and video games.
In today's Inuit communities, people enjoy
modern conveniences such as electrical power,
heated buildings, and motorboats.
Modern Life and Inuit Culture
Traditional Inuit showed their unique ability
to adapt to their surroundings in such useful
innovations as the kayak, the double-bladed
paddle, and the parka. These inventions
were so successful that they are now used
around the world. Today, Inuit show the
same spirit of innovation in the ways in
which we work to preserve our traditional
culture while living a modern lifestyle.
Many Inuit children go to modern
schools where they learn in the traditional
language of Inuktitut. Some Inuit still include
traditional foods such as caribou and fish in
their diet, but hunters now use modern hunt¬
ing technology in combination with traditional
knowledge of the best ways and places to
hunt. Inuit have developed websites in
Inuktitut, and in other languages to share
our Inuit culture—both traditional and modern
—with communities around the world. And
as the future brings even more changes, my
people will continue to innovate and adapt, to Snowmobiles are a useful form of transportation
move ahead with the times while preserving in the Arctic. Along with traditional Inuit sports,
modern sports such as hockey are popular.
and strengthening the traditions of our past.

Some Inuit Communities Today



(USA) X fcrise Fiords. Ilulissat
r^Pond Inlet VjiftSi*

f Icjjaluit




Further Reading
Corriveau, Danielle. The Inuit of Canada. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications, 2001.

Love, Ann, and Jane Drake. The Kids Book of the Far North. Toronto: Kids Can Press, 2000.

Reynolds, Jan. Frozen Land: Vanishing Cultures. New York: Harcourt, 1993.

Shemie, Bonnie. Houses of snow, skin and bones. Toronto: Tundra Books, 1989.

Tookoome, Simon, and Sheldon Oberman. The Shaman's Nephew: A Life in the Far North. Markham, ON:
Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.

Wallace, Mary. The Inuksuk Book. Toronto: Maple Tree Press, 1999.

Williams, Suzanne M. The Inuit. New York: Scholastic, 2003.

Yue, Charlotte and David. The Igloo. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1988.

A Note on the Symbols Used in This Book

On each page of this book, you'll find symbols called syllables that are part of the Inuktitut language. This is
the traditional language of many Inuit, and it is still spoken today. Books and websites for Inuit often use this
form of Inuktitut, while others use Inuktitut written using the letters of the English alphabet.
Inuktitut symbols are not the same as letters. In English, each letter stands for a sound, and letters are
combined to make a syllable. In Inuktitut, each symbol stands for a whole syllable. The chart below shows the
symbols used in Inuktitut and their matching spellings in the English alphabet.

A A i ii > i> u uu <1 < a aa °H° h

A A pi pii > > pu puu < < pa paa < P
n h ti tii D i) tu tuu C C ta taa c t
p p ki kii d d ku kuu b b ka kaa b
r r gi gii J j gu guu L L ga gaa L
r f mi mii J j mu muu L L ma maa L
cr 6" ni nii _o -6 nu nuu Q_ Q_ na naa n
V ? si sii J su suu s s sa saa s s
c~ c~ li lii _D _b lu luu C_ c_ la laa 1
F h ji jii J ju juu V ja jaa V
A A vi vii > > vu vuu < < va vaa <? V

n. n. ri rii ? ? ru ruu q q ra raa s r

SP T qi qii ^d sd qu quu s'b qa qaa Sb
ngi ngii ^J °-j ngu nguu u nga ngaa °v.
nngi nngii °\J “>• j nngu nnguu “’•i nnga nngaa nng

c* &i &ii A &u &UU A &a &aa &

Cover top, Snow Goggles ©Canadian Museum of National Wildlife Refuge; 8 middle, Keith 15 bottom, ©Wally McNamee/CORBIS; 20 bottom,
Civilization, IX-C-2846, photo Ross Taylor, image Morehouse, Division of Public Affairs; 10, Mike ©Lowell Georgia/CORBIS; 22 top, ©Staffan
number S89-1832; 17 right, Sleeping Bag Spindler; 11 bottom, Scott Schliebe, Division of Widstrand/CORBIS; 24 top left, ©Staffan
©Canadian Museum of Civilization, IV-C-3192, Public Affairs; 12 left background, 21 top back¬ Widstrand/CORBIS; 24 bottom, ©Staffan
image number D2004-06629; 19 right, Boots ground, Greg Weiler, Division of Public Affairs; Widstrand/CORBIS; 28 bottom, ©Alison
©Canadian Museum of Civilization, IV-C-2916 a, b, 21 bottom background, Yukon Delta National Wright/CORBIS; 29, ©Wolfgang Kaehler/CORBIS
image number S96-05817; 21 top, Bone Game Wildlife Refuge; 18 top background, Arctic
©Canadian Museum of Civilization, IV-C-4625, National Wildlife Refuge; 24 bottom background, 23 bottom, Art by Tim Yearington
image number S95-21340; 21 bottom, Dolls Luther Goldman, Division of Public Affairs; 25 far
©Canadian Museum of Civilization, IV-B-756 a-c, right background, 27 left bottom, Anne Morkill,
image number S95-25043 Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. All Selected Bibliography
courtesy U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The following reference sources were particularly
Cover middle, ©iStockphoto Inc./Miha Urbanija; helpful.
3, back cover third, ©iStockphoto Inc./ChoiceGraphX; 5 left top, Richard S. Finnie/Library and Archives
5 right top, 14 bottom background, 20 top, 27 Canada/e002342733; 5 left bottom, ©Library and For the timeline:
background, back cover second background, Archives Canada. Reproduced with the permission Aboriginal Innovations in Arts, Science and
©iStockphoto Inc./Gregor Kervina; 5 left middle, of Library and Archives Canada. Richard Technology: A Public Education Initiative of
back cover top, ©iStockphoto Inc./Shaun Lowe; Harrington/Richard Harrington fonds/Accession Lakehead University, The Lakehead University
6 top, 7 top, ©iStockphoto Inc./Matthias Frhr. v. 1976-086 NPC/PA-114686; 6 bottom left, ©Library Native Student Association and the Department
Sohlern; 6 top left, ©iStockphoto Inc./John and Archives Canada. Reproduced with the permis¬ of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Thunder
Pitcher; 7 top right, ©iStockphoto Inc./Roman sion of Library and Archives Canada. Richard Bay: Lakehead University, 2002. http://www.
Krochuk; 11 top, ©iStockphoto Inc./Vera Bogaerts; Harrington/Richard Harrington fonds/Accession
12 right, ©iStockphoto Inc./Eric Coia; 12 left, 1976-086 NPC/PA-114706; 13 top, back cover Canadian Museum of Civilization website:
©iStockphoto Inc./Roman Krochuk; 13 top back¬ second, ©Library and Archives Canada.
ground, 15 background, 18 bottom background, Reproduced with the permission of Library and McGhee, Robert. Canadian Arctic Prehistory. Toronto:
back cover third background, ©iStockphoto Archives Canada. Richard Harrington/Richard Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1978.
Inc./Dmitry Goygel-Sokol; 16 middle left back¬ Harrington fonds/Accession 1976-086 NPC/PA- Morrison, David, and Georges-Hebert Germain. Inuit:
ground, back cover fourth background, 146785; 13 bottom, ©Library and Archives Canada. Glimpses of an Arctic Past. Illustrations by Frederic
©iStockphoto Inc./Simon Edwin; 16 bottom, Reproduced with the permission of Library and Back. Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1995.
25 main background, ©iStockphoto Inc./Annette Archives Canada. Charles Gimpel/Charles Gimpel
Diekmann; 17 bottom, ©iStockphoto Inc./Elisa fonds/e004922696; 14 bottom, Library and For the maps:
Locci; 19 right background, 22 bottom back¬ Archives Canada/PA-042120; 15 top, R.S. Canada: Inuit Identity Population by 2001 Census
ground, ©iStockphoto Inc./Carmen Martinez Finnie/Library and Archives Canada/PA-100751; Subdivision. Geography Division, Statistics Canada,
Bands; 19 bottom left, ©iStockphoto Inc./Josef 16 top, ©Library and Archives Canada. Reproduced 2002.
Volavka; 22 bottom, ©iStockphoto Inc./Chris with the permission of Library and Archives Map of North America by Tourizm Maps © 2003
Overgaard; 23 right, 29 background, ©iStock Canada. Richard Harrington/Richard Harrington
photo Inc./Zastavkin; 26 left bottom, ©iStockphoto fonds/Accession 1976-086 NPC/PA-114707; north-america.htm
Inc./Chris Hill; 27 left top, ©iStockphoto Inc./Maartje 16 middle left, ©Library and Archives Canada. Map of Nunavut Communities. Natural Resources
van Caspel Reproduced with the permission of Library and Canada:
Archives Canada. Richard Harrington/Richard index.html
Cover bottom, ©B & C Alexander/; Harrington fonds/Accession 1976-086 NPC/PA- McGhee, Robert. Canadian Arctic Prehistory. Toronto:
27 right, ©B & C Alexander/; 114656; 17 left, ©Health Canada. Reproduced with Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1978.
28 top, ©B & C Alexander/ the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Statistics Canada. 2007. 2006 Community Profiles.
Government Services Canada (2006). Library and 2006 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no.
4, Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition/Frank H. Nowell, Archives Canada/Department of National Health 92-591-XWE. Ottawa. Released March 13, 2007.
LC-USZ62-101171; 7 bottom right, LOT 11453-1, no. and Welfare fonds/R227-213-1E/Accession 1997-
53; 8 bottom, Edward S. Curtis Collection, LC- 309 NPC/e002394409; 18 middle right. National data/profiles/community/lndex.cfm?Lang=E
USZ62-46892; 12-13 main background, LC-USZ62- Film Board of Canada. Phototheque/Library and (accessed June 14, 2007).
133487; 13 middle, Edward S. Curtis Collection, LC- Archives Canada/PA-146508; 19 middle left, The Eskimo-Aleut Family Map. The Tower of Babel:
USZ62-107284; 14 top, Edward S. Curtis Collection, National Film Board of Canada. Phototheque/ An International Etymological Database Project:
LC-USZ62-107287; 14 middle, Edward S. Curtis Library and Archives Canada/PA-145968; 21 middle,
Collection, LC-USZ62-107323; 15 middle right, ©Library and Archives Canada. Reproduced with Where the Inuit Live—The Arctic. National Atlas
Edward S. Curtis Collection, LC-USZ62-89845; the permission of Library and Archives Canada. Information Service, Canada Centre for Mapping,
15 middle left, LC-USZ62-103527; 16 middle right, Richard Harrington/Richard Harrington foods/ Natural Resources Canada.
back cover fourth, Frank E. Kleinschmidt, LC- Accession 1976-086 NPC/PA-114667; 22 middle
USZ62-135985; 17 top, Edward S. Curtis, photogra¬ background, George Simpson McTavish/Library For the Inuktitut language chart:
pher, LC-USZ62-101338; 18 top, Edward S. Curtis and Archives Canada/C-022942; 23 middle, Nortext, Nunacom Character Combination Chart:
Collection, LC-USZ62-89847; 18 middle left, LOT ©Library and Archives Canada. Reproduced with
11453-6, no. 6; 18 bottom, LC-USZ62-68745; 19 top the permission of Library and Archives Canada. Timwi, The syllabary used to write Inuktitut
left, Edward S. Curtis Collection, LC-USZ62-130414; Richard Harrington/Richard Harrington fonds/ (titirausiq nutaaq):
20 middle, LC-USZ62-133489; 22 middle, Edward Accession 1976-086 NPC/PA-112088; 23 left, wiki/lmage: Inuktitut.png
5, Curtis Collection, LC-USZ62-13912; 23 left back¬ ©Library and Archives Canada. Reproduced with
ground, LC-USZ62-112765; 24 top right, LOT 11453- the permission of Library and Archives Canada. As reference material can be difficult to find on the
3, no. 7; 25 top right, Edward S. Curtis Collection, Richard Harrington/Richard Harrington fonds/ subject, some sources consulted for the Medicine
LC-USZ62-101258; 25 middle right, Edward S. Accession 1976-086 NPC/PA-114695; 26 right, and Healing chapter:
Curtis Collection, LOT 12330; 25 bottom right, LOT ©Library and Archives Canada. Reproduced with Avataq Cultural Institute. Traditional Medicine
11453-5, no. 6; 25 left, Edward S. Curtis Collection, the permission of Library and Archives Canada. Project, Interim Report. Montreal: September 28,
LC-USZ62-116541; 26 left top, Edward S. Curtis Richard Harrington/Richard Harrington fonds/ 1983.
Collection, LC-USZ62-67382. All courtesy Library of Accession 1976-086 N PC/PA-114728; 27 left Ootoova, llisapi, et al. Perspectives on Traditional
Congress, Prints & Photographs Division. middle, ©Library and Archives Canada. Health. Interviewing Inuit Elders 5. Edited by
Reproduced with the permission of Library and Michele Therrien and Frederic Laugrand. Iqaluit:
5 right bottom, 17 top background, 28 bottom Archives Canada. Richard Harrington/Richard Nunavut Arctic College, 2001.
background, back cover top background, Arctic Harrington fonds/Accession 1976-086 NPC/
National Wildlife Refuge; 8 top, Yukon Delta PA-129886
A G qulittaq, 18
activities, 20-21 games, 20 qulliq, 17, 24
ajuttaq, 20 goggles, 27
Alaska, 6, 7, 9 Greenland, 6, 9, 29 R
amaut, 18 raw meat, 24
Arctic fun, 20-21 H rope, 12
avataq, 22 harpoon, 22
healing, 26-27 S
B history of the Inuit, 6 scrapes, 26
baby-carrying parka, 18 homes, 16-17 sea mammals, 22, 23
bird-skin parkas, 19 hunting, 7, 22-23 seal hunting, 7, 22, 23
bone games, 21 seal oil, 17, 24, 25
boots, 19 1 sealskin, 12,13,14,15,17,19, 21,
bow-drill, 13,17 ice homes, 16-17 22, 24, 25
burial, 27 igloos, 16-17 shelter, 16-17
iglu, 16-17 sled runners, 12,13
C insulation, 16 sleeping bag, 17
caribou antler, 13,14, 23 inugait, 21 snow blindness, 27
caribou hunting, 7, 23 Inuit communities, 29 snow goggles, 27
caribou sinew, 14,19 Inuksuk, 23 snow homes, 16-17
caribou skin, 12,17,18,19, 24, 26, Inuktitut, 29 soapstone, 17
27 Inunnguat, 23 sore throat remedies, 26
climate, 7 ivory runners, 13 spears, 23
clothing, 18-19 sports, 20
community igloo, 17 K starvation, 25
contests, 20 kakivak, 23 storytelling, 21
cooking, 24 kamiik, 19 string games, 21
cuts and scrapes, 26 kayak, 14-15
knives, 24 T
D technology, 28-29
death customs, 27 M timeline, 9
dog boots, 12 maps, 10-11, 29
dog sleds, 12-13 meat, 24, 25 U
dolls, 21 medicine, 26-27 ulu, 24
drying food, 25 modern life, 29 umiak, 15
mosquito repellent, 27
E mud runners, 13 V
European contact, 8 Viking settlements, 6
F new technologies, 28-29 W
fish, 25 Nunavut, 9, 29 walls of igloo, 16
fishing spear, 23 waterproof clothing, 18
fishing weir, 23 P weirs, 23
food, 24-25 parka, 18 windows, 16
food preservation, 25 preservation of food, 25 "the women's boat," 15
food storage, 25 ptarmigan, 26 wounds, 26
football, 20
frame of kayak, 14 Q
frostbite, 26 qaggiq, 17
fun, 20-21 qajaq, 14-15
qamutiik, 12-13
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-• A - .Ul .
For hundreds of years me inuir usea
their ingenuity to make their home
in one of the harshest environments
on earth—the Arctic.

The Inuit Thought of It explores more than

40 ideas crucial to that survival. From items
still familiar to us today (like kayaks and
parkas) to inventive concepts that shaped
their lives (including bone games and the
iconic Inuksuk), celebrate the creativity of
a remarkably resourceful people.

“... an inspiring reference for Inuit children

and ... illuminating for everyone else.”
—Quill & Quire

Alootook Ipellie is an Inuit artist, writer, and poet

who contributes regularly to the Nunatsiaq
News. Born and raised on Baffin Island in the
Canadian Arctic, he now lives in Ottawa.

David MacDonald is a freelance editor and the

author of several educational books for young
readers. He lives in Toronto.


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