PRONET - Manual Rel23

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Loudspeaker Control Software



1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Welcome to PRONET: the PRONET philosophy ..................................................................... 5
1.1.1 What's New? .................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Contacts ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Credits.................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Installation.................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Software installation.............................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Drivers.................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1 Drivers installation for Windows 7 / 8 (32/64 bit) ......................................................... 6
2.3.2 Drivers installation for Windows XP ............................................................................... 9
2.4 Uninstall ............................................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Updates ............................................................................................................................... 10
2.6 Release notes....................................................................................................................... 10
2.6.1 PRONET Suite END USER License Agreement .............................................................. 10
2.6.2 Technical support ......................................................................................................... 10
3 Working with PRONET ................................................................................................................ 11
3.1 Application windows ........................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Device Tree window ............................................................................................................ 11
3.3 Desktop window and control panels ................................................................................... 14
3.4 Edit panels ........................................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Menu ................................................................................................................................... 15
3.6 Toolbar ................................................................................................................................. 17
3.7 Status bar............................................................................................................................. 17
3.8 Settings ................................................................................................................................ 18
3.9 Save/ Recall Desktop configurations ................................................................................... 19
4 Connecting devices to a network ............................................................................................... 21
4.1 Configuring devices for the network ................................................................................... 21
4.2 Assigning ID ......................................................................................................................... 22
4.3 USB2CAN converter ............................................................................................................. 23
4.4 USB connection ................................................................................................................... 23
4.5 Working online/offline ........................................................................................................ 23
4.5.1 Going online ................................................................................................................. 23
4.5.2 Going offline and using virtual devices ........................................................................ 25
5 Working with devices ................................................................................................................. 26
5.1 Control panels ..................................................................................................................... 26
5.1.1 Processor panel ............................................................................................................ 26
5.1.2 Active loudspeaker panel ............................................................................................. 27
5.1.3 Active subwoofer panel ............................................................................................... 27
5.1.4 QC series panel............................................................................................................ 28
5.2 Setup panels ........................................................................................................................ 29
5.2.1 Processor setup panel .................................................................................................. 29
5.2.2 Active loudspeaker setup panel ................................................................................... 31
5.2.3 QC series setup panel................................................................................................... 32
6 Editing PC240/260 parameters .................................................................................................. 35
6.1 Input page............................................................................................................................ 35

6.1.1 Input Level .................................................................................................................... 36
6.1.2 Input Delay ................................................................................................................... 36
6.1.3 Compressor .................................................................................................................. 37
6.2 Output page......................................................................................................................... 39
6.2.1 Output Level ................................................................................................................. 40
6.2.2 Output Compressor/Limiter......................................................................................... 41
6.2.3 Output Delay ................................................................................................................ 42
6.3 GEQ page ............................................................................................................................. 42
6.4 PEQ page.............................................................................................................................. 44
6.5 DEQ page ............................................................................................................................. 47
6.5.1 How Dynamic Equalization works ................................................................................ 47
6.5.2 Parameters ................................................................................................................... 48
6.6 Output page......................................................................................................................... 50
6.6.1 Crossover section ......................................................................................................... 51
6.6.2 PEQ section .................................................................................................................. 52
6.6.3 Level section ................................................................................................................. 52
6.7 Global page .......................................................................................................................... 53
6.8 RTA page .............................................................................................................................. 54
6.9 SPLM page ........................................................................................................................... 55
6.10 Setup page ....................................................................................................................... 58
6.11 Preset control................................................................................................................... 59
7 Editing Loudspeaker parameters ............................................................................................... 61
7.1 In/Out page ......................................................................................................................... 61
7.1.1 Input Level .................................................................................................................... 62
7.1.2 Input Delay ................................................................................................................... 63
7.1.3 Compressor - limiter .................................................................................................... 64
7.1.4 Output Level Trim ......................................................................................................... 65
7.1.5 HPF / LPF filter.............................................................................................................. 65
7.2 PEQ page.............................................................................................................................. 66
7.3 DEQ page ............................................................................................................................. 69
7.3.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................... 70
7.4 Global page .......................................................................................................................... 71
7.5 Setup page ........................................................................................................................... 72
7.6 Preset control ...................................................................................................................... 73
8 Editing QC amplifier parameters ................................................................................................ 75
8.1 Input page............................................................................................................................ 75
8.1 Output page......................................................................................................................... 75
8.2 In EQ and Out EQ pages....................................................................................................... 76
8.3 DEQ page ............................................................................................................................. 77
8.4 Global page .......................................................................................................................... 77
8.5 Setup page ........................................................................................................................... 78
9 Printing ....................................................................................................................................... 79
10 Working with advanced functions ............................................................................................. 80
10.1 Working with files ............................................................................................................ 80
10.1.1 Load Data from file ....................................................................................................... 80
10.1.2 Save Data to file ........................................................................................................... 80
10.2 Groups and links .............................................................................................................. 81
10.2.1 Create and manage a group. ........................................................................................ 81

10.2.2 Group controllers ......................................................................................................... 82
10.3 Security options ............................................................................................................... 83
10.3.1 Using Lock Modes ........................................................................................................ 84
10.4 Firmware Update ............................................................................................................. 85
10.4.1 Processor Update Utility .............................................................................................. 86
10.4.2 CORE PROCESSED speakers and QC-series Update Utility ........................................... 86

1 Introduction
1.1 Welcome to PRONET: the PRONET philosophy
PRONET has been designed by PROEL Research & Development Department to control a network of
multiple devices like active loudspeakers and speaker management processors.
With PRONET you can control each connected device, visualize signal levels, monitor internal status and edit
the parameters of the powerful CORE digital signal processing.
PROEL Research and Development department has designed this application in collaboration with sound
engineers and sound designers, in order to give you an "easy-to-use" tool to manage your audio system. We
are proud to present you a simple and intuitive interface, a reliable connection protocol and a minimal
initial setup ready to manage every live performing, venue or situation.

1.1.1 What's New?

Release 2.3:
- New QC amplifier models added.
- New Axiom Subwoofer models added.
- New "Identify-function" graphic shortcuts added.
- "Preset Recall" options no more available for virtual devices (Offline mode).
- Minor bugs fixed.
Note: The older PC260/PC240 firmware releases 1.0 or 1.1 are not compatible with the Pronet rel.2.3
software or other newer releases. In order to use the new features of Pronet software you must upgrade
the firmware of your PC260/PC240 devices: see “Firmware Update” for a more detailed description of the
update process.

1.2 Contacts
The PRONET home page is at For a help with PRONET or to report bugs, please mail

Proel S.p.A.
Via alla Ruenia 37/43
CAP 64027 Sant'Omero (TE) ITALY
Tel. +39 0861 81241

1.3 Credits
Designed and Programmed by: Research and Development Department of Proel.
Copyright (c) 2015 by Proel S.p.A.
Thank you also to:
- Our beta testers;
- Sound engineers and sound designers who collaborate with us;

2 Installation
Download PRONET software by visiting

2.1 Requirements
Before installing your copy of PRONET, you must verify that your computer meets some minimum
requirements to work. These requirements are:
- Intel Pentium IV (1.8 GHz or higher)
- 1 GB RAM memory
- Screen resolution 1024 X 768 (minimum)
- 40 MB Free Hard disk space
- USB port (2.0 recommended, also 1.1 supported)
- Windows™ O.S - XP (service pack2) / VISTA / 7 / 8
If your computer meets or exceeds these requirements, the software will be installed and operate without
any problem.
Before starting the installation, be sure to not connect any device to the PC until the end of the installation
process. It is also recommended to close all applications currently in use.
Follow the instructions to install the right drivers at the end of the installation process as explained in the
section “Drivers”.
Note that you must be logged on as an administrator to perform the PRONET software installation steps and
to install the required drivers. Please, verify yours authorizations before to proceed with the installation!

2.2 Software installation

Run the installation program double-clicking on it. This will create a program folder called PRONET (or the
name you have chosen). This folder can be accessed via the Start menu under Programs. The folder contains
shortcut to the program, shortcut to the manual and uninstall.
Note: If you have a software firewall running on your PC, the first time you open PRONET application, or the
first time you goes online and scan the PRONET Network (see “Connecting devices to a network” and
Working online/offline”), probably you will receive a System/Firewall warning regarding an application
called “vscpd.exe”. It is not a virus or a malware, but just a small background application that manages the
PRONET network communication through the USB port. Allow this program to access the network and, if
you can, set the option "Remember my answer and don't ask me again.

2.3 Drivers
The first time you connect a PROEL USB to CAN converter (USB2CAN) or the first time you connect a
PC240/PC260 processor via the USB connection, a “USB2CAN” driver will be requested. Here below we
describe the procedure for installing this driver.

2.3.1 Drivers installation for Windows 7 / 8 (32/64 bit)

You can find the driver files in the default PRONET installation folder:
C:\Program Files\Proel\PRONET\Driver\x86-32bit or C:\Program Files\Proel\PRONET\Driver\x86-64bit
If you have changed the installation folder, you need to specify the new directory path, e.g.
<your installation path>\ PRONET\Driver\x86-32bit or <your installation path>\ PRONET\Driver\x86-64bit
Here below you can find a visual step-by-step guide to install the USB2CAN driver.

Step 1: Connect the USB2CAN converter or the PC240/260 USB connector to the USB port of your PC:
Windows O.S. will detect the new hardware connected and will ask for the drivers.
First of all Windows 7 / 8 will try to download the driver from Window Update repository, skip this
download and proceed with the manual installation of drivers.
Step 2: Open the Control Panel from Start menu and then click to open Device Manager. If you are
prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
Open the list of hardware categories, find the “other devices”/USB2CAN driver that you want to
install/update, and then right-click the name.
Click “Update Driver”, and then follow the instructions. If you are prompted for an administrator password
or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
Step 3: Select the path of the folder driver in the PRONET installation folder.
C:\Program Files\Proel\PRONET\Driver\x86-32bit or C:\Program Files\Proel\PRONET\Driver\x86-64bit
Ignore the Windows warning about the driver publisher.
Step 4: Windows will tell you if the drivers are successfully installed in Windows Device Manager Panel.

Fig.1 Windows 7/8 driver installation: skip obtaining

drivers from Windows Update (STEP 1) Fig.2 Windows 7/8 driver installation: confirm to
skip getting drivers from Windows Update (STEP 1)

Fig.3 Windows7/8 driver installation: just close this

panel (STEP 1)

Fig.4 Windows 7/8 driver installation: update USB2CAN

driver in “Control Panel - Device Manager” (STEP 2)

Fig.5 Windows 7/8 driver installation: browsing for driver software (STEP 3)

Fig.6 Windows 7/8 driver installation: selecting the driver’s path(STEP 3)

Fig.7 Windows 7/8 driver installation: check the right installation for the USB2CAN controller's driver (STEP 4)

2.3.2 Drivers installation for Windows XP
Step 1: Connect the USB2CAN converter to the USB port of your PC, Windows O.S. will detect the new
hardware connected and will ask for the drivers.
Step 2: Select the path of the folder driver in the PRONET installation folder.
When required, skip the Windows Logo warning message and continue the installation of USB2CAN driver.
At the end of the installation Windows will tell you if the drivers are successfully installed in Windows
Device Manager Panel.
Step 3: You can verify the right driver installation for the USB2CAN converter in the Device Manager Panel

Fig.10 Driver path (STEP 2)

Fig.8 Found new hardware (STEP 1)

Fig.9Driver installation (STEP 2)

Fig.11Verify USB2CAN driver installation (STEP 3)

2.4 Uninstall
You can uninstall PRONET either by double-clicking the Uninstall PRONET icon in the PRONET folder group,
or by invoking the Windows Control Panel, double-clicking on Add/Remove Programs, and then choosing
the PRONET item.

2.5 Updates
Check for updates visiting at the Download section.

2.6 Release notes

2.6.1 PRONET Suite END USER License Agreement

This PRONET software ("Software") is owned by Proel S.p.A. Proel S.p.A. hereby grants to the user a non-
exclusive license to use this Software solely with his products. User shall not commercially distribute, sub-
license, resell, or otherwise transfer for any consideration, or reproduce for any such purposes, the
Software or any modification or derivation thereof, either alone or in conjunction with any other products
or programs. Further, the user shall not disassemble, reverse engineer, modify, decompile, or otherwise
abuse the intended purpose under this License Agreement.
This Software is provided to the user "AS IS." Proel S.p.A. assumes no risk if this Software does not function
properly or doesn’t operate error free and Proel S.p.A. makes no warranties, either expressed or implied,
with respect to the Software and/or associated materials provided to the user, including but not limited to
any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Further, Proel S.p.A. shall not be liable
for any claims or damages whatsoever, including property damage, personal injury, intellectual property
infringement, loss of profits, or interruption of business, or for any special, consequential or incidental
damages, however caused, whether arising out of breach of warranty, contract, tort (including negligence),
strict liability, or otherwise.
Proel S.p.A. reserves the right at any time to release a commercial release of the Software or, if released, to
change prices, specifications, features, licensing terms, release dates, general availability or other
characteristics of the commercial release without further notification to the user.

2.6.2 Technical support

Software technical support is provided at the PRONET web site (
Email support is provided as a courtesy and at the discretion of Proel S.p.A.

3 Working with PRONET
In this section of the manual you will find a brief description of PRONET application, its main windows,
resources and tools to start working. For a detailed description of each feature see the following chapters.

3.1 Application windows

Let’s take a little tour of the PRONET graphic interface to learn how to use it and how to use the graphic

Fig.12 Description of PRONET graphic windows.

3.2 Device Tree window

Device tree window display a tree list of devices actually connected to PRONET. Every device is listed as a
leaf of the root and is labeled with its main info:
- device's ID, a unique identifier number for each device (see “Connecting devices to a network” or
“Working online/offline”);
- device type and model;
- device name;
If PRONET works online the root of tree is labeled “NETWORK”: in this case the device tree shows every
recognized device connected in the network and its connection status. If the device is correctly connected it
has a green background label, if it is disconnected it has a red background label and a graphic check sign on
its icon.

Fig.13 Connected device.

Fig.14 Disconnected device

If PRONET works offline, the root of tree is labeled “VIRTUAL” and the device tree window shows virtual
devices you have added to your virtual network. Virtual devices have gray-background labels.

Fig.15 Virtual devices added working offline.

The device tree also shows the presence of “Group Controllers” (see “Groups and links”). They can be added
either online or offline.
When changing PRONET status from Offline to Online the device tree list is cleared and recompiled,
searching every connected device. When changing PRONET status from Online to Offline the device tree list
is cleared. Group controllers, on the contrary, aren’t automatically removed from the tree; they have to be
removed from the menu option.

Fig.16 Example of devices, controllers and group folders for a virtual network.

Fig.17 Example of devices, controllers and group folders for a network of devices.

Devices in the tree list are sorted by their ID or grouped in folders if they are assigned to any group.
A Right-Click of mouse in a device leaf of the tree list opens a contextual menu with some actions available
for the selected device: you can open and close the control panel, identify the device in the network (if the
function is available on the remote hardware, see "Identify" function more over), open the
setup/configuration properties for the device or, if you are working offline, you can add or remove a virtual

Fig.18 Contextual menu for virtual devices (working


Fig.19 Contextual menu for devices (working online).

3.3 Desktop window and control panels
The Desktop window contains the control panel of devices managed by PRONET. Just double-click on the tree
list device label (for a virtual device or a connected device) to open the control panel or use the menu option
Menu→Device→Open Control Panel.
The control panels are compact windows that display main features, configurations and status (protections,
signal/clipping, preset currently used, etc...) of devices in the tree list.

Fig.20 Example of an active loudspeaker control panel.

Fig.21 Examples of a loudspeaker processor control panel.

Fig. 22 Examples of a QC Series amplifier control panel.

See “Working with devices” and “Control panels” for a more detailed description of control panels.

3.4 Edit panels
The Edit panels give you the access to the CORE processing blocks.
There are different types of edit panels for active full-range loudspeakers, active subwoofers and processors,
but they are based on the same processing algorithms.
To open an edit panel just click on the “Edit” button in the control panel of the selected device or use the
menu option Menu→Device→Edit Device.
For a complete description of the pages in the Edit panels and for a complete description of the parameters
of DSP processing blocks see “Editing Processor parameters” and “Editing Loudspeaker parameters”.

Fig.23 Example of an edit panel.

3.5 Menu

Fig.24 PRONET Menu.

The menu-bar allows you to manage many functions such as setting devices, going online or offline, loading
and saving files, use the help and so on. There are some keyboard shortcuts that are displayed next to the
menu item labels, which can help you to save time!

File menu
Load Data from file (Ctrl+L): loads saved data from a file in the hard disk of the computer (or any removable
support) to the current setup of the selected device.
Save Data to file (Ctrl+S): saves the current data of a device into a file in the hard disk of the computer or in
any other removable support.

Load Desktop: loads a saved desktop file to current desktop window.

Save Desktop: saves current desktop graphic setup to a file in your hard disk (or any removable support).

Settings (Ctrl+G): opens the Settings panel for modifying PRONET options.

Print (Ctrl+P): prints current data for selected devices.

Preview: previews the printing data for selected devices.
Print setup: sets printer options.

Exit (Alt+F4): Quits the application.

Connection menu
Online (Ctrl+O): goes Online.
Offline (Ctrl+N): goes Offline.
Rescan (Ctrl+R): rescans the network and re-creates the device tree (available only if PRONET is Online).

Device menu
Add virtual device: adds a virtual device to the device tree (available only if PRONET is Offline).
Remove virtual device: removes the selected virtual device from the device tree (available only if PRONET is
Clear all virtual devices: removes all virtual devices from the device tree (available only if PRONET is Offline).

Open control panel: opens the control panel of the selected device in the device tree.
Close control panel: closes the control panel of the selected device in the device tree.
Manage device control panels (Ctrl+C): opens a special panel to manage (open or close) control panel of
multiple devices.
Device info: gets main information about the selected device.
Identify device (Ctrl+I): on Axiom active loudspeakers and QC amplifiers you can easily identify a device in
the network or in a cluster using the Identify command; a LED starts flashing for about 5 seconds (refer to the
user manual of each device for details).

Edit device properties (Ctrl+E): opens the edit interface for the selected device (see “Edit panels”). The
device control panel has to be already open in the desktop window.
Modify device setup (Ctrl+M): opens the setup interface for the selected device (see “Setup panels”). The
device control panel has to be already open in the desktop window.

Groups menu
Refer to “Working with advanced functions” and “Groups and links” for more information.
Group settings: opens a manager interface for groups.
Open group: opens the control panel for each device assigned to the same group of the selected device (‘Not
assigned group’ is taken as a group assignment for this action).
Close group: closes the control panel (if open) for each device assigned to the same group of the selected
device (‘Not assigned’ group is taken as a group assignment for this action).
Enable link (Ctrl+K): opens the settings page for the link option.
Add group control: adds a group controller.
Remove group control: removes the selected group controller.

Window menu
Manages the position and the selection of control panels in the desktop window.

Help menu
Open the “About...” info panel or the PRONET’s help file.

3.6 Toolbar

Fig.25 PRONET Toolbar.

Toolbar provides you shortcuts to some useful operations.

3.7 Status bar

Fig.26 PRONET Status Bar.

Status bar displays some useful information:

- Connection status (online/offline)
- Edit mode (available in future releases or for factory’s advanced settings)
- Lock level of the system (Not Enabled / Lock level if enabled)

- Group Link status (Active / Not active)

3.8 Settings
In “Settings” panel you can set some options for PRONET usage.

Fig.27 Settings panel for PRONET's properties.

Start application settings:sets if the application starts online or offline. If it starts offline you can go online
whenever you want using the toolbar button “Online” or selecting the menu item Menu→Connection→Online.
Link options: enables or disables the “Link” option (see “Groups and links”).
EQ filter “Shape” parameter: sets the parameter “width of the bell” for parametric equalizer filters. The
parameter can be Q, defined as the ratio of the center frequency (reference frequency) of the filter and the
bandwidth measured at the -3 dB points, or it can be Bw (Bandwidth) in octave fractions with steps of 1/20-
octave (at -3dB points).
For 1st-order All Pass filters the shape parameter sets the phase (degree) at the reference frequency. For
2nd-order All Pass filters and “Variable Q” LP and HP filters the shape parameter can set only Q (quality
factor) as in analog filters.
For shelf filters the reference frequency is referred to "GaindB/2" point, in order to obtain a slope-variable
shelving filter from 6dB/oct to 12dB/oct with a "pivot" point at the reference frequency.
Toolbar: set the aspect of the application toolbar.

Warning on device connected: enables or disables a reminder/warning when Pronet detects more than one
device connected to the network (this warning reminds you, before changing any parameter, to check that all
the units of the same type, belonging to the same system/group, have the same preset or a right common
NOTE: When you work with complex arrays of loudspeaker you will probably enable the "link" option and you
use the group assignments to easily control the parameters of a group of loudspeakers with a single action
(e.g. "change the level of the left cluster" - see also "working with devices" furthermore), but before changing
any parameter of a group of devices you have to start from a known good common state for all that linked
devices. After the activation of the "link" option, a single parameter will be synchronized with the same
parameter of the linked devices only after a change, but the state of the other parameters is not affected: for
this reason, before starting to work, we suggest to recall a common basic preset on each connected device of
the linked group to ensure the right starting state.
Pronet will also remind you to leave the whole system in a CORRECT WORKING CONDITION (no unit in MUTE
status or with LOW LEVEL settings) when you close the application!

Secure lock
Enable lock mode: Enable the advanced function to lock some parameters of the application and the
connected devices (See “Security options”).
User lock level: Set the lock level for the application and the connected devices (See “Security options”).

Color settings: Customize colors for Desktop window, Device tree window, and Edit panel.
Desktop background: you can choose a bitmap image as background of PRONET desktop window.

Drawing graphs
Axes scale: sets the scale of graph visualization in eq. pages of PRONET and the visualization of the phase
plot. This is a global setting. In each editing page you can change temporarily these parameters.
Global graph settings (available only in Advanced Mode): selects what you can plot in the Global Graph
page for the Editing panel of devices. Note that for loudspeaker devices in Global Graph page you can
visualize the amount of equalization from input to output of processing core. For processors devices (e.g.
PC240, PC260) in Global Graph page you can visualize only the output equalization curve, not the input
Colors: sets the colors for graphic visualization of equalization curves.
Eq. drag options: sets which parameters can be dragged and edited with mouse in the graphic editing of
equalization curves.

3.9 Save/ Recall Desktop configurations

To easily manage your systems you can save and then recall some basic graphic settings of your desktop
In Menu→File→Save Desktopor Menu→File→Load Desktopyou can save and recall your favorite color settings,
the desktop image setting and most of all, the position of opened control panels in the desktop.
Note that the position of each control panel on the desktop is associated to the ID of the controlled device,
so it becomes really useful when you recall a desktop setup for a system already configured.
If you change the ID assignment for a device in a configured system, then the stored ID and panel-position
information don’t match with the new ID. If you recall a desktop configuration the control panel can’t be

placed in the right position.

4 Connecting devices to a network
The main purpose of PRONET is to setup and to monitor a system of many active loudspeakers, to configure
easily a single loudspeaker processor or manage a complex system with more processors and loudspeakers.
In order to do that, our engineers have developed a networking system based on a robust, reliable and fast
communication protocol to interconnect every device with simple RJ45 cat.5 (or higher) Ethernet cables.
With a simple operation you can configure the devices to work in a PRONET network, and just only a Proel’s
USB2CAN converter is required.
To configure a single processor (i.e. a PC260 with both USB and PRONET network connections or a PC240
who doesn’t have a PRONET networking connection), there is the possibility to use a direct connection from
the PC to the device by the USB ports.

4.1 Configuring devices for the network

PRONET network is an interconnection of devices, the network can be connected and controlled with a PC,
called "master controller", who can fully control every connected device called "slave device".
PRONET network can also be connected without a PC but only with a sub-system of active loudspeakers.
Devices in the PRONET network are connected with a "bus-topology" by cat.5 (or cat.6) Ethernet cables. The
first device (the PC master controller with its USB2CAN converter) is connected to the network input
connector of the second device, the second device network output is connected to the network input
connector of the third device, and so on. IMPORTANT: the last device connected at the network bus must
be "TERMINATED" by pressing the "TERMINATE" switch near the network connectors in the rear panel of the

Pronet network connection

USB2CAN USB connection



Fig.28 Schematic diagram for a PRONET network .

To work properly in a PRONET network each connected device must have a unique Identifier Number called
ID: by default the PC master controller has ID=0 and there can be only one master controller in a network.
Any other device connected must have its own unique ID equal or greater than 1 and two devices with the
same ID cannot exist in a network.
To correctly assign a new available ID to all devices in a PRONET network follow these steps:
1. power-off all devices;
2. plug them correctly with networking cables;
3. "TERMINATE" last device in the network connection;
4. go to the first device in the network connection;
5. power-on the device while pushing the "Assign ID" button (see "Assign ID");
6. go to the next device in the network and repeat previous operation (from steps 5);
This operation ensures that every device has its own unique ID: if you need to add a new device to the
network you simply repeat the operation at the step 5.
Every device maintains its ID also when it is turned-off, because the identifier is stored in the internal
memory and it is cleared only by another "Assign ID" step, as explained below.
Note 1:if you add a new device as the last device in a PRONET network you have to re-assign correctly the
Note 2: In a PRONET network the IDs don't need to be sequential, they only must be unique. An example of
this is when you remove or power-off a device correctly assigned and already working into a network: in this
case there is a gap in the IDs sequence but this isn't a problem. Another example is when you add to an
existing PRONET network a new device with the ID already assigned but different from any other already
assigned in the network: again, this is not a problem.
You can also work without a PC master controller and connect a subsystem of active loudspeakers (satellites
or subwoofers): in this kind of network, when you change a preset in a device you also change the same
preset in each connected device of the same type (the same model). Furthermore, when you change the
polarity (phase option) in a subwoofer you also change the same parameter in all the connected subwoofers
(of the same type).

4.2 Assigning ID
The "Assign ID" procedure for a device makes the internal network controller to perform two operations:
1. reset the current ID;
2. search the first free ID in the network, starting from ID=1.
If no other devices are connected (and powered on, of course), the controller assume ID=1, that is the first
free ID, otherwise it searches the next one left free.
To activate the "Assign ID" procedure there is a combination of "Power-ON" and keep pressed a button:
Processor: power-on keeping pressed the "RTA" button;
Active loudspeaker: power-on keeping pressed the "Preset" button;

4.3 USB2CAN converter
To work with a PRONET network you need a USB2CAN converter. To install the correct software driver for the
USB2CAN converter see "Installation" and "Drivers" paragraphs.
When you plug in the converter to a USB port of the PC, the LED on box lights in RED, meaning that the
converter is powered but not working yet.
The first time you go "online", the PRONET software application starts checking the network through the
USB2CAN controller, sending and receiving data from connected devices. If everything is OK, the LED on the
top of the converter lights in GREEN indicating the activities on the network.
If there is a problem with the software driver, with network bus or in the converter, the LED flashes in RED
and/or GREEN.

RED/GREEN toggling PC USB driver isn't installed

RED steady converter is not working
GREEN steady converter is working
GREEN blinking slow There is a problem in the bus
GREEN blinking fast There is a problem in the bus
RED blinking slow There is a problem in the bus
RED and GREEN steady Service upgrade mode
Fig.29 Led color codes for the USB2CAN converter.

4.4 USB connection

For controlling PC240/PC260 devices a direct USB connection is also available. This connection is always
available and enabled for PC240 processor, which doesn't have a network connection. For PC260, which has
both USB and a PRONET network connections, the USB connection is active by default and the network
connection can be enabled in the ‘SETUP’ menu.
Before connecting a processors with USB cable, please refer to "Installation" and "Drivers" paragraphs
because PRONET uses the same software driver both for the USB2CAN converter and the USB connection.

4.5 Working online/offline

PRONET application works in two different modes: online and offline. When online PRONET searches any
connected device, reads all the internal data and continuously checks its status. When offline PRONET works
with “virtual” devices in a “virtual network”.
You can switch from online to offline mode or vice versa in any moment just selecting the option in
Menu→Connection→Online/Offline, or by the toolbar buttons.

Fig.30 Online / Offline toolbar buttons.

4.5.1 Going online

When changing PRONET status from “offline” to “online”, the device tree list is cleared and every virtual
device, if present, is removed from the virtual network. First of all PRONET scans the network searching every
connected device and lists a new device tree. Then it loads the internal data (current status and current
setup of the DSP) of each recognized device.
When online PRONET application constantly checks the status of connected devices: if one of them loses the

connection (someone unplugs or breaks the network cables, the device is turned-off, there is an hardware
problem...), its label in the device tree window highlights with a red background, its Edit panel, if open, is
forced to close and its control panel, if open, is disabled and left in its last condition (nevertheless the device
keeps to be checked).
PRONET application detects if a disconnected device is re-activated (i.e. turning it on, or repairing its broken
networking connection): in this case PRONET start a new dump of the device’s data, the label in the device
tree view changes to a green background and the control panel, if open, is re-enabled.
PRONET can also detect if a new device has been connected. If the new device’s ID is a valid one, then
PRONET starts a dump of current data and a new label appear in the device tree. If the ID is not valid,
because there is another device with the same ID in the network, then an “ID conflict” or "Wrong Type"
message will could be displayed in the device tree window or no new devices appear in the tree list.

Fig.31 Wrong type detection. Fig.32 ID conflict detection.

Fig. 33 Example of a Control Panel disabled after the disconnection.

To force a new scan of the network PRONET has a “rescan” function, available in Menu→Connection→Rescanor
by the toolbar button (both available only working online).
Rescan function clears the tree list and re-scan the network searching connected devices.

Fig.34 Rescan toolbar button.

Note 1: rescan function and online function don’t remove the Group Controllers available in the tree list.

4.5.2 Going offline and using virtual devices
When the PRONET status is changed from Online to Offline, the device tree list of connected devices is
cleared. You can work offline adding to a “virtual” network some “virtual” devices. They aren’t real devices
connected in a real network and, for this reason, some functions are not available and there isn’t any data
message transferred by the USB2CAN converter to the devices. The offline mode is useful to configure some
presets for a device and to store them in the hard disk also without the device connected (see “Working with
advanced functions” and "Working with files”).
To add a virtual device there is a menu function Menu→Device→Add Virtual Device or a toolbar button (both
available only working offline).

Fig.35 Add virtual device toolbar button.

5 Working with devices
This chapter describes how PRONET application controls connected or virtual devices and how you can
interact with them. A description of the main parameters of the CORE DSP is also included.
For a detailed description of other functionalities see:
“Working with advanced functions” to learn how to use advanced functionalities and obtain the maximum
result from your system.

5.1 Control panels

Control panels are compact windows available for connected devices or virtual devices, which can be opened
in the PRONET desktop windows by double-clicking on a device tree label or by the menu option
Menu→Device→Open Control Panel.
Control panels can display the status of devices (signal/clipping, internal protections, preset currently active,
etc...) and they are also used to access to the setup interface or to access to the DSP parameters of the
controlled device.

5.1.1 Processor panel

PC260 and PC240 have a similar control panel interface, which differs only for the number of outputs
displayed (4 in the PC24, 6 in the PC260). Below there is a brief description of the functions available.

Fig.36 Processor's control panel

1. Device type;
2. Device name;
3. Current preset number and current preset name (D = Default, F = Factory preset, P = Protected
preset, U = user preset, * = some parameter has been changed in the device and the new modified
preset has not be saved yet);
4. SPLM status
5. Group assignment (not present in PC240);
6. Edit panel button: open the DSP edit interface;
7. Setup panel button: open the setup interface;
8. Routing information;
9. Signal LEDs and Clip/Limit LEDs;
10. Mute buttons;
11. Preset Recall button;

5.1.2 Active loudspeaker panel

Fig.37 Satellite loudspeaker's control panel.

1. Device ID and Device type;

2. Device name;
3. Group assignment;

4. Current preset number and current preset name (F = Factory preset, U = user preset, * = some
parameter has been changed in the device and new modified preset has not be saved yet);
5. Input signal LED and Input limit/comp and clip LED;
6. Output limit LED for High (driver speaker) output and Low (woofer speaker) output;
7. Over Temperature protection LED indication: the device’s amplifier has run over the maximum
temperature range so the safety protection occurred and loudspeaker has been muted;
8. Average Power Protection LED indication;
9. Mute button (input mute control, not available for virtual devices);
10. Edit panel button: open the DSP edit interface;
For a complete description of how protections work, please, refer to loudspeaker’s user manuals.

5.1.3 Active subwoofer panel

Fig.38 Subwoofer's control panel.

1. Device ID and Device type;
2. Device name;
3. Group assignment;

4. Current preset number and current preset name (F = Factory preset, U = user preset, * = some
parameter has been changed in the device and new modified preset has not be saved yet);
5. Input signal LED and Input limit/comp and clip LED for left and right inputs;
6. Output limit LED for loudspeaker output;
7. Over Temperature protection LED indication: the device’s amplifier has run over the maximum
temperature range so the safety protection occurred and loudspeaker has been muted;
8. Average Power Protection LED indication;
9. Mute button (input mute control, not available for virtual devices);
10. Edit panel button: open the DSP edit interface;
For a complete description of how protections work, please, refer to subwoofer’s user manuals.

5.1.4 QC Series panel

QC Series includes 4-channel DSP processed amplifiers (4.x) and 2-channel DSP processed amplifiers
(2.x). A 4-channel amplifier works as two independent 2-channel amplifiers in the same case, so the
user interfaces and parameter descriptions are common for all the sections. Here after we usually
refer to a single 2-channel section (Ch 1&2) of a QC4.x amplifier but the description (unless
otherwise specified) is also valid for the other section (Ch 3&4) or for the QC2.x amps.

Fig. 39 QC Series 4-channel Control Panel

1. Device type;
2. Device name;
3. Current preset number and current preset name (D = Default, F = Factory preset, P = Protected
preset, U = user preset, * = some parameters have been changed in the device and the new modified
preset has not be saved yet);
4. Group assignment
5. Edit panel button: open the DSP edit interface;
6. Setup panel button: open the setup interface;

7. Recall button: recall a preset;
8. Configuration information: STE = Stereo, PAR = Parallel, BRI = Bridge;
9. Routing information: remind how inputs are routed in the DSP processing;
10. Input Mute buttons;
11. Signal LEDs and Clip/Limit LEDs;
12. Output Mute buttons;
NOTE: Input Mute buttons depend on the Input Ganging state, vice versa Output Mute buttons are
independent from the Output Ganging setting, just to allow the acoustical check of each single output also
for ganged channels (see the below "QC series panel" paragraph).

5.2 Setup panels

5.2.1 Processor setup panel

Fig.40 Routing page for PC240-PC260's Setup Panel .

In this setup page you can select the routing options for inputs (PC260 only), outputs and output meters.
Routing for input channels: this setup option is available only for PC260 and lets you select the input pair
connection to use between the analog input pair and the digital AES/EBU input pair. This option it is not
available for PC240.
Routing for output channels: selects the routing path for each output channel. They can be routed from
input A, input B or from the sum of input A+B.
Routing for output meters: selects the “reading-point” for the output meters. This point can be set before
the output mute control (Pre-Mute)or after the mute control (Post-Mute). If you select the Post-Mute option

and the output channels are “muted” you can’t see the output signal levels on output LED meters, but you
can still see the limit/reduction information if output limiters are working.

Fig.41 Ganging page for PC240-PC260's Setup Panel .

In this setup page you can select the “ganging” options for input and output channels. Ganging two or more
channels means that every parameter changes in one of the ganged channels will be applied to the others
channels too.
As a general rule, in order to keep the channels synchronized, the selection of a “ganging” option will copy
the parameters of the first channel of the selection to the others ganged with.
For example, if you gange output channels Out2, Out3 and Out4, when you apply the selection settings the
PRONET software will copy the parameters of channel Out2 to the channel Out3 and Out4 to synchronize
them (Out2 superimposes its parameters to the parameters of ganged channels); after this, every new
parameter changes of Out2 will be applied also to Out3 and Out4.
The ganging of Out6 channel with Out5 channel will cause the copy of parameters of channel Out5 to Out6.
Input ganging: ganging setup for input channels. NOTE: input routing for PC260 is not affected by the ganging
Output ganging: ganging setup for output channels. NOTE: output routing is not affected by the ganging
A colored marker on each tab of the channel Edit Panel indicates the ganged channels.

NOTE: In “Protected” and “Factory” presets you can change the ganging only on pre-selectedand pre-
matched channels (according with the factory preset routing and crossover settings), just to avoid critical
errors and copies of wrong channels.

General properties
This is a fast way to set the device name or to assign the device to a group.

Fig.42 General settings page for PC240-PC260's Setup Panel .

5.2.2 Active loudspeaker setup panel

Active loudspeakers have the same Setup Panel; editing the setup panel is a fast way to change the device’s
name or to assign a loudspeaker to a group of devices.

Fig.43 General properties page for loudspeaker’s Setup Panel .

5.2.3 QC Series setup panel

Fig.44 Configuration Page for QC Series Setup Panel .

In this page you can select the routing options to set up the right path for the signals in your system.
A QC amplifier works with independent pairs of channels: Ch1&2 and Ch3&4 for a 4-channel
amplifier, Ch1&2 for a 2-channel amplifier. To understand how the QC configuration works, refer to
the complete processing paths in the below figures.
Note that while the INPUT section is completely editable by the user, the OUTPUT section can have
restrictions (some parameters can't be edited or viewed) for FACTORY or PROTECTED presets.
For STEREO and PARALLEL configurations an input and output ganging option is available for easily
pairing the sections of the DSP processed channels .
The configuration settings and Input/Output Ganging settings are stored in the PRESET data.

Potentiometers (“Analog gain” knobs) on frontal

panel for Input LEVEL reduction control user parameters for input DSP section
Analog to Digital conversion

mute phase level

in1 VUm Comp/Limiter 1 2 3 4 5 delay

Gain reduct. static filters
1+2 parametric/shelving
in2 2 VUm Comp/Limiter 1 2 3 4 5 delay

mute phase level

Ch 1&2

mute phase level

in3 3 VUm Comp/Limiter 1 2 3 4 5 delay

static filters
Gain reduct. 3+4
in4 4 VUm Comp/Limiter 1 2 3 4 5 delay

mute phase level Ch 3&4

Routing selection with
Configuration control

Fig. 45 QC Series DSP processing blocks for INPUT section

user parameters for output DSP section (some param. are not available on FACTORY or PROTECTED presets)

Ch 1&2 static filters Dynamic Eq. filters VUm out1

Digital to Analog conversion

parametric/shelving parametric/shelving gain level phinv mute
delay out HP LP 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 limiter out1

VUm out2

delay out HP LP 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 limiter out2

VUm out3

delay out HP LP 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 limiter out3

VUm out4

delay out HP LP 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 limiter out4

Ch 3&4
Fig. 46 QC Series DSP processing blocks for OUTPUT section

Set the signal path for STEREO, PARALLEL and BRIDGE mode as indicated in the below figures.


Gain Reduct. +



Gain Reduct. + 1+2


Gain Reduct. + 1+2 OUT

Fig. 47 Routing paths and configuration modes for QC amps (the configuration paths are valid also for Ch 3&4).

In this page you can select the “ganging” options for input and output sections of the DSP channels.
Ganging the section (input or output) of two channels means that any parameter’s change in one channel is
applied to the other channel too. As a general rule, in order to keep the channels synchronized, the selection
of a ganging option will copy the parameters of the first channel of the selection to the other ganged with.
For example, if you gange output channels Ch3 and Ch4, when you apply the selection the PRONET software
will copy the parameters of channel Output3 to the channel Output4 to synchronize them (Output3
superimposes its parameters to the parameters of the ganged section Output4 ). After this, every new
parameter change on Output3 will be applied also on Output4.
Input ganging: ganging setup for input section of the DSP channels.
Output ganging: ganging setup for output section of the DSP channels.

General properties

This is a fast way to set the device name or to assign the device to a group.

Fig.48 General settings page for QC's Setup Panel .

6 Editing PC240/260 parameters
The CORE DSP in each PC240/PC260 is an advanced digital engine able to process signals with advanced
algorithms. In order to fully control this huge processing power, PRONET offers you an easy-to-use graphic
interface for the editing of all the parameters of the processing algorithms.

6.1 Input page

Fig.49 Edit page for Input controls of a processor (PC240 or PC260).

In this page you can control the parameters for the two input channels: you can visualize and control the
levels of the input channels, you can set the delay compensations and you can set the compressor blocks.
When Input A and Input B channels are ganged (see “Working with devices” and “Setup panels”), a
parameter change will change also the same parameter in the ganged channel.

6.1.1 Input Level

Fig.50 Input level controls.

Sets the level of the channel: this can be done using the graphic slider or the edit box.
This parameter mutes or un-mutes the channel. This parameter is not ganged.
Changes the polarity of the channel, i.e. this parameter reverses the phase of the signal.
Monitor the level of the audio signal: it reads the level of the signal just after the level and mute controls.
Note: the clip LED indication check the input signal both before the level controls and after the level controls
so it can detect if a clip occurs also in a muted channel.

6.1.2 Input Delay

Fig.51 Input delay parameters.

Delay value.

Unit of measurement for the delay. Note that selecting unit of measurement for length (mm, m, inch, feet,...)
the amount of delay (distance value) will depend on the air temperature as indicated in the “environmental
settings” (see “Setup page”).

6.1.3 Compressor

Fig.52 Input compressor block: parameters and visualization.

Each input channel has a dynamic processor placed after the input level control, which can work as
compressors (“Compressor Mode”) or as limiters (“Limiter Mode”). When a dynamic processor is enabled the
graph shows the dynamic curve, i.e. the relation between the input level and output level.

This parameter enables or disables the dynamic processor.

This parameter enables or disables the “Limiter Mode”: enabling this mode the compressor acts as a limiter
(with a ratio ∞:1).

Threshold level for the compressor/limiter; below the threshold non compression/limiting occurs, above the
threshold the processor start to compress or to limit the signal as indicated in the dynamic curve. The
threshold level is referred to the maximum dynamic for the input signal, so Thresh=+21dB means
“compressor disabled (over the maximum signal level)”.

Attack time for the compressor: determines how quickly the compressor reacts to signals above the

Release time for the compressor: determines how quickly the compressor restores its normal gain after the
signal goes below the threshold.

Sets the amount of compression for the signal. This parameter determines the input/output ratio for signals
above the threshold: for example, a 5:1 ratio means that a signal exceeding the threshold by 5 dB will be
compressed to 1 dB above the threshold.
This parameter is not available in “Limiter Mode”.

This parameter controls the transition from the uncompressed zone to the compressed zone of the dynamic
Knee works with Ratio parameter to “gently” reduce the dynamic of the signal reducing the effects of non-
natural sound that a hard compression causes, especially for higher ratios where the changeover from
uncompressed and compressed signal is more noticeable.
Hard knee: basic hard transition of the dynamic curve.
Soft1 knee: smooth and continuous transition of the dynamic curve from 5dB below the threshold to 5dB
above the threshold.
Soft2 knee: smooth and continuous transition of the dynamic curve from 10dB below the threshold to 10dB
above the threshold.
The parameter is not available in “Limiter Mode”.

Gain control lets you compensate the overall level reduction of a compressed signal.
The parameter is not available in “Limiter Mode”.

Reduction Meter
LED meter to check when and how much the compressor/limiter is reducing the audio. It works only when
compressor is enabled (“ON”).

6.2 Output page

Fig.53 Edit page for Output controls of a processor.

In this page you can visualize and control the levels of all the output channels, you can set the limiters and
you can set the delay compensations.
When two or more output channels are ganged (see “Working with devices” and “Setup panels”), a
parameter change will change also the same parameter in the ganged channels too.

6.2.1 Output Level

Fig.54 Output level controls.

Sets the level of the channel: this parameter can be controlled from the graphic slider or from the edit box.

Adjust the level of the channel with a reduced span of available values. It can be used to adjust the output
channel’s level when output channel controls are locked (see “Working with advanced functions”) or just to
fine tune or “to trim” output levels.

This parameter mutes or un-mutes the channel. Note that the mute control is placed after the level/trim
control and after the limiter block. This parameter is not ganged.

Changes the polarity of the channel, i.e. this parameter reverses the phase of the signal.
Monitors the level of the audio signal: it reads the level of the signal just before or just after the mute
controls according to the Pre/Post-Mute meters setting in the setup panel (see “Processor setup panel”).
The level of the signal visualized by the meter is always relative to the limiter threshold value, a visualized
level of -10dB in the signal meter means -10dB “before” the limiter activity (threshold).
Note: limit LED indication check the limiter activity also when signal meter read the level of signal after the
mute controls (Post-Mute meters option, see “Processor setup panel”).

Shows the routing source for the output channel (see “Processor setup panel” and “Routing”).

6.2.2 Output Compressor/Limiter

Fig.55 Output limiter: parameters and visualization.

The output Compressor/Limiter is placed after the level control and before the mute control.

This parameter enables or disables the “Limiter Mode”: disabling this mode the limiter acts as a compressor
with a compression amount set by the Ratio parameter.

Threshold level for the limiter: below the threshold no limiting occurs, above the threshold the processor
start to limit the signal. The threshold level is referred to the maximum dynamic for the Output signal, so
Thresh=+21dB means “threshold at the maximum level of output signal”.

Attack time for the limiter: determines how quickly the limiter reacts to signals above the threshold.

Release time for the limiter: determines how quickly the limiter restores its normal gain after the signal goes
below the threshold.

Select the amount of compression for the signal. Compression ratio parameter determines the input/output

ratio for signals above the threshold For example, a 5:1 ratio means that a signal exceeding the threshold by
5 dB will be compressed to 1 dB above the threshold. This parameter is not available in “Limiter Mode”.

6.2.3 Output Delay

Fig.56 Output delay parameters.

Delay value.
Unit of measurement for the delay. Note that selecting unit of measurement for length (mm, m, inches,
feet,...) the amount of delay (distance value) depends on the air temperature as indicated in the
“environmental settings” (see “Setup page”).

6.3 GEQ page

Fig.57 Edit page for graphic equalizers.

In GEQ pages you can control the 28-bands 1/3 octave graphic equalizer (GEQ) processing block of each input
channel, using the band sliders just like you would do on a normal graphic EQ.

The graphic window above sliders plots the frequency response for the whole GEQ block and for a single
equalizer cell (the thin plotted line visualized selecting a gain slider). In the graphic window you can also
check the phase response of the whole GEQ or the phase response of a single equalizer cell, according with
the visualization options selected on the top of the window.
Right-Clicking with mouse on the slider area of the GEQ page you can open a contextual menu that gives you
the possibility of storing/recalling a GEQ processor preset to/from a file, or gives you the possibility of
copying/loading the preset to/from the computer clipboard. In this way you can easily store your favorite
settings or you can exchange in a faster way the GEQ settings between two input channels or between two

Fig.58Managing GEQ's presets.

When Input A and Input B channels are ganged (see “Working with devices” and “Setup panels”) only a GEQ
page labeled GEQ A+B will be visualized, a parameter change will reflect on both GEQ blocks.

Equalizer type
This parameter selects the response type of the equalizer cells. Selecting from the drop-down menu the type
of GEQ, the shape or “Q” of the single cells will change and so will change also the response shown.
The “EZCurve” type is based on the Proel’s EZCurve analog Graphic Equalizer’s response. It has a “Q” that
varies with cut/boost applied – wider ‘Q’ at lower values of cut/boost, resulting in a smoother response
when smaller amounts of EQ are added.
The “Type1” response has a fixed “Q”, giving more precise control and offers the flattest response when
boosting groups of adjacent faders.
The “Type2” response has a fixed “Q” too, like Type1, but it has a different reference and a lower value of the
“Q” shape: this gives a different response from Type1 equalization.
Try swapping between these types, see and listen the result!

Gain slider
Controls the gain of each equalizer cell. The amount of gain for each band is visualized below each slider.

Reset the gain control of all bands to 0dB.

Enable or disable the whole GEQ processing block.

Fig.59 Examples of different frequency responses obtained setting different GEQ types.

6.4 PEQ page

Fig.60Edit page for input equalizers.

In PEQ pages you can control the 5 static equalizer cells available on each input channel.

The graphic window plots the frequency response for the whole PEQ block and for a single equalizer cell (the
thin and colored line visualized selecting an equalizer cell). In the graphic window you can also check the
phase response of the whole PEQ or the phase response of a single equalizer cell, according to the
visualization options selected on the top of the window.
For each equalizer cell you can set many parameters and some of them can also be easily controlled by the
mouse within the graphic window just dragging the colored dots on the frequency response curve (according
with the dragging options selected in “PRONET Settings”, see “Working with PRONET” and “Settings”).
Right-Clicking with mouse on the edit area of the PEQ page you can open a contextual menu that gives you
the possibility of storing/recalling a PEQ processor preset to/from a file, or gives you the possibility of
copying/loading the preset to/from the computer Clipboard. In this way you can easily store your favorite
settings (i.e. the block of all 5 filter settings) or you can exchange in a faster way the PEQ settings between
two independent input channels, between input and output channels or between two devices.

Fig.61Managing PEQ's presets.

Set the frequency for the equalizer filter, in steps of 1/20 octave from 15.6Hz to 22627Hz.
For shelf filters the frequency is referred to "GaindB/2" point, in order to obtain a slope-variable shelving
filter from 6dB/oct to 12dB/oct. with a "pivot" point at the reference frequency.
The frequency can be edited in the numeric edit box, can be scrolled with the spin buttons or with the
up/down arrow keys of your keyboard, or it can be edited moving the colored graphic dots marked on the
frequency response window (if gain dragging option has be enabled in PRONET “Settings” ).

Gain of equalizer filter, from +15dB to -15dB in 0.2dB steps.
This parameter is not available in notch filter type, All Pass filter type and LP/HP/band pass filter types.
Gain can be edited in the numeric edit box, can be scrolled by the spin buttons or by the up/down arrow keys
of your keyboard, or can be edited moving the colored graphic dots marked on the frequency response
window (if gain dragging option has be enabled in PRONET “Settings” ).

Shape controls the aspect of equalization filter, depending from the filter type selected.
For Parametric, Ban Pass and Notch filter types the parameter assume the meaning of “width of the bell
shape” of the filter, usually defined as “Q” or “Bandwidth”:
Q (Quality factor)is the ratio of the center frequency (Frequency parameter) of the filter and the bandwidth
measured at the -3 dB points.
Bw (Bandwidth) in octave fractions with steps of 1/20-octave (measured at -3dB points).
In PRONET “Settings” you can select if you use the “Q” or “Bw” representation of the filter's shape.
For 1st-order All Pass filters the shape parameter set the phase (degree) at the reference frequency.
For 2nd-order All Pass filters and Resonant LP and HP filters the shape parameter can set only Q (quality
factor) as in analog filters.
This parameter is not available for shelving filters.
Shape can be edited in the numeric edit box, can be scrolled by the spin buttons or by the up/down arrow
keys of your keyboard, or can be edited with the mouse by a combination of left-click and wheel on the
frequency response window.

Slope parameter controls the slope of variable shelving filters: for these filters the slope can vary from
6dB/oct to 12 dB/oct in 0.5dB steps.
This parameter is not available for other filter types.
Slope can be edited in the numeric edit box, can be scrolled by the spin buttons or by the up/down arrow
keys of your keyboard, or can be edited with the mouse by a combination of left-click and wheel on the
frequency response window.

This drop-down menu select the type of filter used, it is available only when the filter cell is bypassed. Note
that changing the filter type restores a default setup condition for many parameters of the filter cell.
Filter types available are: Parametric, Notch, High and Low Shelving 6dB/oct, High and Low Shelving
12dB/oct, High and Low variable slope Shelving, Resonant High Pass and Low Pass, Band Pass, 1st order All
Pass, 2nd order All Pass.

Checking this option bypasses the equalizer cell.

Default button
Pressing this button restores a default condition for the filter’s parameters, according with the selected type.

6.5 DEQ page

Fig.62 Edit page for dynamic equalizers.

In DEQ pages you can control the 3 Dynamic Equalizer cells available on each input channel.
The graphic window plots the maximum frequency response for the whole DEQ block and for a single
equalizer cell (the thin and colored line visualized selecting an equalizer cell). In the graphic window you can
also check the phase response of the whole DEQ or the phase response of a single equalizer cell, according
with the visualization options selected on the top of the window.
For each equalizer cell you can set many parameters and some of them can also be easily controlled by the
mouse within the graphic window just dragging the colored dots on the frequency response curve (according
with the dragging options selected in “PRONET Settings”, see “Working with PRONET” and “Settings”).
Right-Clicking with mouse on the edit area of the DEQ page you can open a contextual menu that gives you
the possibility of storing/recalling a DEQ processor preset to/from a file, or gives you the possibility of
copying/loading the preset to/from the computer clipboard.
Load/Store options for the DEQ presets are also available thru the buttons on the right side of the eq. cells.

6.5.1 How Dynamic Equalization works

The Dynamic EQ processor is a cascade of 3 dynamic equalizing cells. Each cell is an EQ filter where the gain
parameter is dynamically controlled by the level of the input signal.

Dynamic equalization

In Dynamic Eq. Dynamic Eq. Dynamic Eq. Out

Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3

Dynamic filter
In Out

Dyn. Gain
Gain control
Level Threshold
Meter Above/Below

Fig.63 Dynamic equalizer cell.

6.5.2 Parameters

Sets the frequency for the equalizer filters, in steps of 1/20 octave from 15.6Hz to 22627Hz.
The frequency can be edited in the numeric edit box, can be scrolled by the spin buttons or by the up/down
arrow keys of your keyboard, or can be edited moving the colored graphic dots marked on the frequency
response window (if “gain dragging” option has be enabled in PRONET “Settings” ).

Maximum gain of the dynamic equalizer filter, from +15dB to -15dB in 0.2dB steps. Inside the working region
the gain value of the filter is dynamically controlled by the level of the input signal and it can vary from 0dB
(no action) to the Gain value defined by the parameter. The amount of gain/reduction is visualized by the
dyn. gain meter.
The Gain can be edited in the numeric edit box, can be scrolled by the spin buttons or by the up/down arrow
keys of your keyboard, or can be edited moving the colored graphic dots marked on the frequency response
window (if gain dragging option has be enabled in PRONET “Settings” ).

Controls the aspect of the parametric equalization filter; this parameter is not available for shelving filters.

This drop-down menu selects the type of filter used. Note that changing the filter type restores a default
setup condition for the parameters of the filter cell.
Filter types available are: Parametric, Low Shelving 6dB/oct, High Shelving 6dB/oct

Sets the working range of the dynamic gain control. In the working range region (see Above/Below
parameter)the gain of the dynamic filter is controlled by the input signal level. The amount of gain or
reduction is displayed by the dyn. gain meter. The threshold level is referred to the maximum dynamic for the
input signal of the dynamic eq. cell, so Thresh=+21dB means “threshold at the maximum level of input

Determines how quickly the dynamic equalizer reacts to signals that match the threshold conditions or how
quick the DEQ restores the normal state when signals don’t match these conditions.
Label Attack Time (ms) Release Time (ms)
Fast 1 1 10
Fast 2 4 40
Medium 1 8 80
Medium 2 20 200
Medium 3 40 400
Slow 1 80 800
Slow 2 100 1000
Fig.64 Time definitions for DEQ cells.

Selects if the dynamic equalizer works above the threshold or below the condition.

Selects if the detection block “analyze” the whole signal (normal mode) or a filtered signal (side chain mode).
The filter applied for the side chain depends from the type of filter selected for the signal as in the Fig.58:
Signal filter type Side chain filter

Low Shelving at freq. f0 Low pass, cut freq. f0

Peaking centered at f0 pass band centered at f0

High Shelving High pass, cut freq. f0

Fig.65Side chain filters.

Enables or disables the single dynamic eq. cell.

6.6 Output page

Fig.66 Edit page for output crossovers and equalizers.

In the ‘Out’ pages you can control the output processing blocks available for each output channel.
You can control two fully programmable crossovers filter and five equalizer cells, together with level/trim,
polarity and mute.
The graphic window plots the frequency response of the output channel, i.e. for the cascade of crossover and
PEQ blocks, and for a single equalizer or crossover cell (the thin and colored line visualized selecting an
equalizer or a crossover cell). In the graphic window you can also check the phase response of the whole
channel or the phase response of a single equalizer/crossover cell, according with the visualization options
selected on the top of the window.
For each equalizer or crossover cell you can set many parameters and some of them can also be easily
controlled by the mouse within the graphic window, just dragging the colored dots on the frequency
response curve (according with the dragging options selected in “PRONET Settings”, see “Working with
PRONET” and “Settings”).

Fig.67Managing crossover's presets for output channels.

Right-Clicking with mouse on the edit area of the PEQ you can open a contextual menu that gives you the
possibility of storing/recalling a PEQ processor preset to/from a file, or gives you the possibility of
copying/loading the preset to/from the preset to the computer Clipboard. With these possibilities you can
easily store yours favorite settings (i.e. the block of all 5 filter settings) or you can exchange in a faster way
the PEQ settings between two independent input channels, between input and output channels or between
two devices.

Fig.68Managing PEQ's presets for output channels.

6.6.1 Crossover section

Crossover type
This drop-down menus selects the mode, the type and the order of crossovers used. You can select from Low
Pass or High Pass Mode, from Butterworth, Linkwitz-Riley, Bessel types of 6, 12, 18, 24, 48 dB/oct order.

Crossover frequency
Sets the reference frequency for the crossover filters, in steps of 1/20 octave from 15.6Hz to 22627Hz.
Frequency can be edited in the numeric edit box, can be scrolled by the spin buttons or by the up/down
arrow keys of your keyboard, or can be edited moving the colored graphic dots marked on the frequency
response window.

6.6.2 PEQ section
See also “Editing Processor parameters” and “PEQ page” for a complete description of parameters for the
PEQ section.

Sets the frequency for the equalizer filters, in steps of 1/20 octave from 15.6Hz to 22627Hz.

Gain of the equalizer filter, from +15dB to -15dB in 0.2dB steps.

Controls the aspect of equalization filter, depending from the filter type selected.

Controls the slope of variable shelving filters, for these filters the slope can vary from 6dB/octto 12 dB/oct in
0.5dB steps.

This drop-down menu select the type of filter used, it is available only when the filter cell is bypassed. Note
that changing the filter type restores a default setup condition for many parameters of the filter cell.

Checking this option bypasses the equalizer cell.

Default button
Pressing this button restores a default condition for the filter’s parameters, according with the selected type.

6.6.3 Level section

You can edit the level controls for the output channel. See also “Editing Processor parameters”, “Output
page” and “Output Level” for a complete description of parameters for the level section.

6.7 Global page

Fig.69 Edit page for global output frequency equalization.

In this page you visualize and check the frequency response plots of each output channel.
You can select if level (Include Output Gains option) and equalizer (Include Output EQ option) will be

6.8 RTA page

Fig.70 Edit page for RTA visualization.

This page visualizes the output of the internal Real Time Audio Analyzer available in the PC240/PC260
RTA analyzes the signal of the PC240/PC260’smicrophone input with a 1/3-octave filter bank from 20Hz to 20
kHz and visualizes the level of each filter band output in the RTA graphic bar plot.

RTA mic Gain

This gain can be adjusted up or down in according to the type of microphone used, in order to fit it in the
graphic window.
The gain control adjust only the visualization of the RTA results, it can’t reduce the level of the analog
microphone’s input (it is calibrated for the most typical and diffused RTA microphones available on the
NOTE: This IS NOT a precise Sound Pressure Level or acoustic measurement equipment, it is a handy tool to
get a fast analysis of the frequency response for tuning an audio system but the result depends on many
factors (i.e. the acoustic of the ambience, the microphone quality, the position of the microphone…). Please,
don’t take only a blind measure and its graphic plot as the main reference for a good audio system tuning:
check and verify it, keep your mind and your ears open!

6.9 SPLM page

Fig.71 Edit page for SPLM settings.

In this page you can program the SPL Manager tool of PC240/PC260 devices, which allows to schedule, in 4
different scenes, 16 events on input or output channels. The events can be then performed automatically
according to the internal real-time clock of each PC240/PC260.
With the SPLM management, specifically designed for the application in fixed installations, you can choose a
set of events and program their execution during the day or the week. This is a powerful tool to program
your system to change its configuration by the preset change or changing the mute, level, compressor
threshold parameters for input or output channels in different moments of the day or the week.

Fig.72 SPLM control: Activation button (1) and Scene selection (2).

The SPLM is an advanced tool and according to its nature of “pre-programmed” controller for a fixed system,
it requires to be carefully protected from an accidental use. For this reason it can be programmed and
activated in the PRONET SPLM page with the ON button (Fig.65)when the PC240/PC260 device connected,
but if you disconnect the remote device without lock it (see also “Security options”), the SPLM will be

Scene selection
Selects one of the 4 available scenes of programmed events (Fig.65).

Scene name
Sets the scene name (Fig.66).

Fig.73 SPLM Event program: Scene name (1), event parameters (2).

Event parameters
Programs the single event that can be activated in a scene at the programmed time (Fig.66).
The parameters available are:
enable: enables the event;
day: day of event (All days, Monday ÷ Sunday);
hour: time hour (0÷ 23);
min: time minutes (0 ÷ 59);
channel: selects the channel where the event acts or selects the Preset recall as the event to be performed
(Preset, All input channels, Input A, Input B, All output channels, Output 1÷ Output6 - note that 5 and 6 are
available only for PC260);
param: parameter to change with the event (level, mute, compressor threshold);
value: value to set with the event programmed;
In Fig.66 the scene “OPEN_BAR” is an example of the events programmed to meet some Sound Pressure
Level (SPL) requirements, i.e. to meet the maximum SPL accepted by an ordinance of reduction of the
ambient noise. The input level parameter has been used to set the nominal maximum level of the audio
system (Input level at 0dB) from 18:00 till 22:30. Then the system has been set to reduce the input level to -
20dB from 22:30 till 23:00.Finally the whole system has been muted. At 8:00 the system has been re-
activated (muted off)and set to reduce the input level at -10dB (just a quiet day and afternoon…). The
program is active all days of all weeks.
NOTE: SPLM tool can control the threshold level for both the input and output compressor-limiters, if you
use a preset with some output limiters set to control the maximum power for the audio amplifiers
connected, then if the SPLM changes these settings (also on protected presets and factory presets, see
”Preset control” section), this could be a problem for your audio system. Please, use the SPLM events
carefully to avoid audio system damages!


SPLM can act on all the presets stored in the processor memory, so its parameters are not saved in the preset
location memories (as the other preset parameters: PEQs, XOVER, etc.) and neither in the preset files (see
”Working with files”). You can store or load the whole settings of the SPLM Manager with the Load or Store
Press STORE button for saving into a file (.spm) all the current settings of the SPLM.
Press LOAD button for loading in the SPLM previously saved settings.
NOTE: you can store or load SPLM settings also when the PRONET software is OFFLINE. This is useful to
prepare a setting and loading later in the installed PC processor.

6.10 Setup page

Fig.74 Edit page for general setup page.

The “Setup” page shows the internal processing structure of the PC240/PC260 devices and it can also control
some other general settings:

Device parameters
Device Name: the name of the device, used to easily recognize the device in a network, it is also visualized in
the Control Panel display (see ”Desktop window and control panels” section), in the Devices Tree Window
(see “Device Tree window” section) and in the display of the remote PC240/PC260.
Device Group: assigns the device to one of the available groups (see “Groups and links” section).

Routing configuration
Input routed from: (available only for PC260) select the input source from Analog Input (A-B XLR input
connectors) or Digital Input (L-R AES/EBU input connection).
Out routed from: this option selects the routing of each output channel (A, B and A+B options).
Note: The sum option (A+B) is taken after the whole processing of input A and B channels. If they are not
ganged and the processing is different for both channels then the result can be unpredictable.

Digital Input Trim (available only for PC260)

Adjusts the level of the Digital Input (AES/EBU input connection). The Digital Input level can be adjusted from
-22dB to +6dB with 2dB steps.

Channel name
Sets the name for each channel.
Note: Output routing settings, ganging settings and channel names are stored in the preset data, so recalling
a preset you recall also a routing configuration with the channel’s names. Input routing is not stored in the
preset data.

Environmental parameters
Sound travels at different speeds depending on the density of the surrounding air it is traveling through. Cold
air is denser than warm air, thus the sound travels slower than it would if the air was warmer. Temperature
can have a major influence with greater distances, particularly with respect to widely separated speaker
arrays surrounding the audience. A simplified formula to find the average speed of sound for any given
temperature (Celsius) is:
𝑉𝒎/𝒔 = 331 + (0.6 ∗ 𝑇)
Where V is the speed of sound and T is the temperature of the air.
The speed of sound is also affected by other factors such as humidity and air pressure.
Temperature: with this option you can set the ambient temperature. This parameter is used to calculate the
speed of sound for converting delay times into distance;
Temperature unit: sets the temperature unit scale (Celsius or Fahrenheit units scale);
NOTE: The temperature parameter influences all the delay parameters if they are set with unit of
measurement for length (mm, m, inch, feet,...). When you recall a preset, the stored delay is displayed
according to the general temperature value. You can set the delay parameters with a time unit value if you
don’t want this correction of visualization.

Firmware update
The firmware update mode must be enabled in PC240/PC260 before connecting them to PRONET and can be
performed only by the USB cable. Please, refer to the User Manual for information about this feature and
how to enable this mode.
If the connected device is in Firmware Update Mode all the Edit Parameters are disabled and the firmware
update button is enabled to open the update panel.

6.11 Preset control

Fig.75 Preset’s control section.

In the Preset section of the Edit Panel you can store and recall preset to/from the memory of a connected
device. In the Preset section some useful data about the device are also displayed (Fig.68):
1. Connection status for a Real Device or indication of Virtual Device
2. Link Active or Not Active
3. Group Assignment
4. Current preset in use
5. Store and Recall buttons
The * symbol in the preset name indicates that you made some changes in the current preset and they
aren’t saved yet.

With the Store and Recall Button you can open the Store/Recall panels, so you can easily save or recall your
favorite setup for each system and situation (Fig.74 and Fig.75)

Fig.76 Recall panel.

Fig.77 Store panel.

Preset types
The internal memory of PC240/PC260 devices is organized in two zones: the first zone, called Factory
Memory (lower memory locations)and a second zone, called User Memory (higher memory locations). You
can’t overwrite a preset, store a modified preset or store a new preset in the Factory Memory locations! You
can store a preset only in a User Memory location.
Presets in Factory Memory can be modified in all parameters or only in a sub-set of parameters, but they
can’t be overwritten, they can be only saved in another User Memory location. To distinguish any kind of
presets they are labeled with a marking letter before the name.
Default Preset (D): this is the flat factory preset, without filters, dynamics or other processing blocks
activated, this is a factory preset used to start a completely new configuration or setup. It has to be used also
to delete some older preset stored in the user memory (overwriting the older one that has to be deleted);
Factory Protected Preset (F): this is a factory preset, programmed for processing Proel’s audio systems. This
kind of preset is “protected”, meaning that you can modify only the parameters of the input channel. The
parameters of the output channels are masked because they are used by Proel to setup the systems that
preset has been designed for;
Protected Preset (P): this is a user protected preset, generated starting from a factory protected preset,
modified in some input parameters and then stored in a user memory location. The preset can just be
modified again in its input channel parameters (and hence stored again) but the output parameters are
always masked;
User Preset (U): this is a user preset (in a user memory location) not masked. It is fully editable and it can be
stored or overwritten;

7 Editing Loudspeaker parameters
The CORE DSP in each CORE PROCESSED loudspeaker provides the same advanced signal processing engine
developed for the Processors series and it process the signal with the same advanced algorithms, just
tailored for a full range loudspeaker or for a subwoofer loudspeaker.
Most of the parameters available in CORE PROCESSED loudspeaker edit panels can be strictly referred to the
processor’s section “Editing processor parameters”. Anyway here after there is a brief explanation of the
pages and parameters available for the CORE PROCESSED loudspeaker processing algorithms.

7.1 In/Out page

In this page you can control the main parameters for a CORE PROCESSED loudspeakers: you can visualize and
control the level of the input signal, you can set delay compensation and you can set a compressor/limiter.
You can also trim the outputs, i.e. the high frequency channel (Output High) and the mid-low frequency
channel (Output Low) of a single loudspeaker. Some of CORE PROCESSED subwoofers have two summed
input channels and for this reason there is a double metering for the input levels and only a single output
processing channel (except for SW sub-woofers).

Fig.78 Full range loudspeaker's In/Out panel.

Fig.79 Subwoofer In/out page.

7.1.1 Input Level

Sets the level of the channel, it can be controlled from the graphic slider or from the edit box. In subwoofers
the input level acts on both input channels (Left & Right)

Analog Gain
Displays the gain reduction set in the rear panel gain control on each loudspeaker. The gain can be adjusted
in the range (-20dB÷0dB).

This parameter can mute or un-mute the input channel.

Changes the polarity of the channel, i.e. this parameter reverses the phase of the signal.

Displays the level of the audio signal. It reads the level of the signal just after the level and mute controls.
Note: the clip LED indication checks the input signal both before the level controls and after the level controls
so it can detect if a clip occurs also in a muted device.

7.1.2 Input Delay

Fig.80 Input delay parameters.

Delay value.
Unit of measurement for the delay. Note that selecting unit of measurement for length (mm, m, inch, feet,...)
the amount of delay (distance value) depends on the air temperature as indicated in the “environmental
settings” (see “Global page”).

7.1.3 Compressor - limiter

Fig.81 Input compressor: parameters and visualization.

This dynamic processor on the input signal can work as a compressor (“Compressor Mode”) or as a limiter
(“Limiter Mode”). When the compressor is working the reduction meter display the amount of reduction.

Threshold level for the compressor/limiter. Below the threshold no compression/limiting occurs, above the
threshold the processors starts to compress or to limit the signal. The threshold level is referred to the
maximum dynamic for the input signal, so Thresh=0dB means “threshold disabled (over the maximum signal

Attack Time
Attack time for the compressor: determines how quickly the compressor reacts to signals above the

Release Time
Release time for the compressor: determines how quickly the compressor restores its normal gain after the
signal goes below the threshold.

Enables or disables the “Limiter Mode”: enabling this mode the compressor acts as a limiter (with a ratio ∞:1).

Selects the amount of compression for the signal. Compression ratio parameter determines the input/output
ratio for signals above the threshold: for example, a 5:1 ratio means that a signal exceeding the threshold by
5 dB will compressed to 1 dB above the threshold. This parameter is not available in “Limiter Mode”.

Reduction Meter
LED meter to check when and how much the compressor/limiter is reducing the audio signal that it is
processing. It works only when compressor is enabled.

7.1.4 Output Level Trim

Fig.83 Output meters.

Fig.82 Output level controls.

Adjusts the channel level with a reduced span of available values. It can be used to fine tune or “to trim”
output levels.

This parameter can mute or un-mute the single output channel to easily check the contribution of the high
and low frequency speakers.
Meter and Limiter
The bar LED monitors the level of the audio signal to the low and high frequency speakers (only the woofer
signal for a subwoofer)- It reads the level of the signal just after the level and mute controls.
The level of the signal displayed by the meter is always relative to the limiter threshold: a level of -10dB
displayed in the signal meter means -10dB “before” the limiter activity (threshold). The limiter activity is
visualized in the Limiter meter.
Note: the limit LED indication check the limiter activity also when signal meter read the level of signal after
the mute controls.

7.1.5 HPF / LPF filter

Fig.84 HPF LPF filters.

HPF (only in full range loudspeakers) controls the cut frequency for the High Pass filter used to match the full-
range loudspeaker to subwoofer systems. This filter is a Butterworth 24dB/oct.
LPF (only in subwoofer loudspeakers) controls the cut frequency for the Low Pass filter used to match the
loudspeaker to other satellites systems. This filter is a Butterworth 24dB/oct.

7.2 PEQ page

Fig.85 Edit page for input equalizers.

In PEQ pages you can control the 5 static equalizer cells available on each input channel.
The graphic window plots the frequency response for the whole PEQ block and for a single equalizer cell (the
thin and colored line visualized selecting an equalizer cell). In the graphic window you can also check the
phase response of the whole PEQ or the phase response of a single equalizer cell, according with the
visualization options selected on the top of the window.
For each equalizer cell you can set many parameters and some of them can also be easily controlled by the
mouse within the graphic window, just dragging the colored dots on the frequency response curve (according
with the dragging options selected in “PRONET Settings”, see “Working with PRONET” and “Settings”).
Right-Clicking with mouse on the edit area of the PEQ page you can open a contextual menu that gives you
the possibility of storing/recalling a PEQ processor preset to/from a file, or gives you the possibility of
copying/loading the preset to/from the computer Clipboard. With these possibilities you can easily store
yours favorite settings (i.e. the block of all 5 filter settings) or you can exchange in a faster way the PEQ
settings between two independent input channels, between input and output channels or between two

Fig.86 Managing PEQ's presets.

Sets the reference for the equalizer filters, in steps of 1/20 octave from 15.6Hz to 32kHz.
For shelf filters the frequency is referred on "GaindB/2" point, to obtain a slope-variable shelving filter from
6dB/oct to 12dB/oct with a "pivot" point at the reference frequency.
Frequency can be edited in the numeric edit box, can be scrolled by the spin buttons or by the up/down
arrow keys of your keyboard, or can be edited moving the colored graphic dots marked on the frequency
response window (if gain dragging option has be enabled in PRONET “Settings” ).

Gain of equalizer filter, from +15dB to -15dB in 0.2dB steps.
This parameter is not available with notch filter; All Pass filter and LP/HP/Band Pass filter types.
Gain can be edited in the numeric edit box, can be scrolled by the spin buttons or by the up/down arrow keys
of your keyboard, or can be edited moving the colored graphic dots marked on the frequency response
window (if gain dragging option has be enabled in PRONET “Settings” ).

Controls the aspect of equalization filter, depending from the filter type selected.
For Parametric, Band Pass and Notch filter types the parameter assumes the meaning of “width of the bell
shape” of the filter, usually defined as “Q” or “Bandwidth”:
Q (Quality factor). Q is the ratio of the center frequency (Frequency parameter) of filter and the bandwidth
measured at the -3 dB points.
Bw (Bandwidth) in octave fractions with steps of 1/20-octave (measured at -3dB points).
In PRONET “Settings” you can select if you use the “Q” or “Bw” representation of the filter's shape.
For 1st-order All Pass filters the shape parameter set the phase (degree) at the reference frequency.

For 2nd-order All Pass filters and Resonant LP and HP filters the shape parameter can set only Q (quality
factor) as in analog filters.
This parameter is not available for Shelving filters.
Shape can be edited in the numeric edit box, can be scrolled by the spin buttons or by the up/down arrow
keys of your keyboard, or can be edited with mouse by a combination of left-click and wheel on the
frequency response window.

Controls the slope of variable shelving filters, for these filters the slope can vary from 6dB/octto 12 dB/oct in
0.5dB steps.
The parameter is not available for other filter types.
Slope can be edited in the numeric edit box, can be scrolled by the spin buttons or by the up/down arrow
keys of your keyboard, or can be edited with mouse by a combination of left-click and wheel on the
frequency response window.

This drop-down menu select the type of filter used and it is available only when the filter cell is bypassed.
Note that changing the filter type restores a default setup condition for many parameters of the filter cell.
Filter types available are: Parametric, Notch, High and Low Shelving 6dB/oct, High and Low Shelving
12dB/oct, High and Low variable slope Shelving, Resonant High Pass and Low Pass, Band Pass, 1st order All
pass, 2nd order All Pass.

Checking this option bypasses the equalizer cell.

Default button
Pressing this button restores a default condition for the filter’s parameters, according with the selected type.

7.3 DEQ page

Fig.87 Edit page for dynamic equalizers.

In DEQ pages you can control the Dynamic Equalizer 3 Dynamic Equalizer cells available on each input
channel. NOTE: DEQ page is not available on AX2010A, AX2065A, SW215A, SW218A, SW121HLA, CX15A
The graphic window plots the maximum frequency response for the whole DEQ block and for a single
equalizer cell (the thin and colored line visualized selecting an equalizer cell). In the graphic window you can
also check the phase response of the whole DEQ or the phase response of a single equalizer cell, according
with the visualization options selected on the top of the window.
For each equalizer cell you can set many parameters and some of them can also be easily controlled by the
mouse within the graphic window, just dragging the colored dots on the frequency response curve (according
with the dragging options selected in “PRONET Settings”, see “Working with PRONET” and “Settings”).
Right-Clicking with mouse on the edit area of the DEQ page you can open a contextual menu that gives you
the possibility of storing/recalling a DEQ processor preset to/from a file, or gives you the possibility of
copying/loading the preset to/from the computer Clipboard.
Load/Store options for the DEQ presets are also available by the buttons on the right side of the eq. cells.
To understand how a Dynamic equalization works, please see the “DEQ page” section and “How Dynamic
Equalization works” paragraph.

7.3.1 Parameters

Sets the frequency for the equalizer filters, in steps of 1/20 octave from 15.6Hz to 32kHz.
Frequency can be edited in the numeric edit box, can be scrolled by the spin buttons or by the up/down
arrow keys of your keyboard, or can be edited moving the colored graphic dots marked on the frequency
response window (if “gain dragging” option has be enabled in PRONET “Settings” ).

Maximum gain of the dynamic equalizer filter, from +15dB to -15dB in 0.2dB steps. Into the working region
the gain value of the filter is dynamically controlled by the level of the input signal, it can vary from 0dB (no
action) to the Gain value defined by the parameter, the amount of gain/reduction is visualized by the
dynamic gain meter.
Gain can be edited in the numeric edit box, can be scrolled by the spin buttons or by the up/down arrow keys
of your keyboard, or can be edited moving the colored graphic dots marked on the frequency response
window (if gain dragging option has be enabled in PRONET “Settings” ).

Controls the aspect of the parametric equalization filter; this parameter is not available for shelving filters.

This drop-down menu selects the type of filter used. Note that changing the filter type restores a default
setup condition for the parameters of the filter cell.
Filter types available are: Parametric, Low Shelving 6dB/oct, High Shelving 6dB/oct.

Threshold level for setting the working range of the dynamic gain control. In the working range (see
Above/Below parameter) region the gain of the dynamic filter is controlled by the input signal level, the
amount of gain or reduction is visualized by the dynamic gain meter. The threshold level is referred to the
maximum dynamic for the input signal of the dynamic eq. cell, so Thresh=+21dB means “threshold at the
maximum level of input signal”.

Determines how quickly the dynamic equalizer reacts to signals that match the threshold conditions or how
quick the DEQ restores the normal state when signals don’t match these conditions.
Label Attack Time (ms) Release Time (ms)
Fast 1 1 10
Fast 2 4 40
Medium 1 8 80
Medium 2 20 200
Medium 3 40 400
Slow 1 80 800
Slow 2 100 1000
Fig.88 Time definitions for DEQ cells.

Selects if the dynamic equalizer works above the threshold condition or below the threshold condition.

Selects if the detection block “analyze” the whole signal (normal mode) or a filtered signal (side chain mode).
The filter applied for the side chain depends from the type of filter selected for the signal:

Signal filter type Side chain filter

Low Shelving at freq. f0 Low pass, cut freq. f0

Peaking centered at f0 pass band centered at f0

High Shelving High pass, cut freq. f0

Fig.89 Side chain filters.

Enable or disable the single dynamic eq. cell.

7.4 Global page

In Global page you can visualize and check the frequency response plots of the equalization.

Fig.90 Global equalization plot.

7.5 Setup page

Fig.91 Edit page for general setup page.

“Setup” page shows the internal processing structure of the active loudspeaker devices and can also control
some other general settings:

Device parameters
Device Name: the name of the device, used to easily recognize the device in a network, is also visualized in
the Control Panel display (see ”Desktop window and control panels” section), in the Devices Tree Window
(see “Device Tree window” section) and in the display of the remote loudspeaker;
Device Group: assign the device to one of the available groups (see “Groups and links” section);

Device properties
Network ID: ID assigned during the automatic network discovery process;
Input Voltage Supply: value of the main voltage supply;
Amplifier Temperature: monitor the internal temperature of the amplifier;
Input Voltage Supply: value of the main voltage supply for the amplifier;
Amplifier Temperature Overload: visualizes the state of the internal over-temperature protection that
prevents serious damages to the amplifier and to the speakers;
Average Power Protection: visualizes the state of the internal protection to prevent an “excessive quantity of
power” to the speakers;

Environmental parameters
Temperature: with this option you can set the ambient temperature. This parameter is used to calculate the
speed of sound for converting delay times into distance;
Temperature unit: sets the temperature unit scale (Celsius or Fahrenheit units scale);
See PC240/PC260 “Setup page” and “Editing processor parameters” for other details.

Firmware update
Opens the Firmware Update panel: here you can update the firmware of the remote device of reset/restore
its internal memory.

This function is really useful to identify a loudspeaker in a group or array: when you press the “Check” button
the LEDs on the rear panel of the loudspeaker start flashing for some seconds.

7.6 Preset control

Fig.92 CORE PROCESSED Preset control section.

In the Preset section of the Edit Panel you can store and recall preset to/from the memory of a connected
device. In Preset section are also visualized some useful information about the device (Fig.85):
1. Connection status for a Real Device or indication of Virtual Device
2. Link Active or Not Active
3. Group Assignment
4. Current preset in use
5. Store/Recall buttons
The * symbol in the preset name visualization indicates that you made some changes in the current preset
and they aren’t saved yet.
With the Store and Recall Button you can open the Store/Recall panels, so you can easily save or recall your
favorite setup for each system and situation.

Fig.93 Recall preset panels.

Fig.94 Store preset panels.

Preset types
The internal memory of CORE PROCESSED speakers is organized in two zones: the first zone, called Factory
Memory, and a second zone, called User Memory. You can’t overwrite a preset in the Factory Memory
locations! You can store a preset only in a User Memory location. To distinguish the two kinds of presets they
are labeled with a marking letter before the name.
F - Factory Protected Preset;
U - User Preset;
The factory presets and the first user preset (the first one in the user memory location, after the factory
presets) can be recalled also from the rear panel of CORE PROCESSED speakers, so you can store your
preferred setup and recall when you need it.
Note: In each Factory Preset there is an optimization of the loudspeakers responses and they are accurately
designed and tuned to obtain the best starting-point or the best sound for the system in the situation
described by the preset name. Before starting a new setup, please, choose the right factory preset as the
right starting point.

8 Editing QC amplifiers’ parameters
The CORE DSP in each QC amplifier is the same digital engine used in the PC260 processor, so the editing
interface is very similar to that of the PC260. Therefore here after we describe only the QC’s main features
and for a more complete description of the single processing blocks or the specification of single parameters
you must refer to the "Editing PC240/260 parameters" chapter.
A QC series amplifier works with independent pairs of channel: Ch1&2 and Ch3&4 for a 4-channel
amplifiers, Ch1&2 for a 2-channel amplifier. User interfaces and parameter descriptions are common for all
these sections, so here after we will refer to a 4-channel amplifier but the description (unless differently
specified) is also valid for the 2-channel amps.

8.1 Input page

In this page you can control the main Input parameters for the amplifier: you can visualize and control the
level of the input signal, set the delay compensation and set the compressor/limiter.
In this page Analog Gain shows the level set by the QC amplifier’s front panel knob, while the routing
information shows the "STEREO/PARALLEL/BRIDGE configuration" settings: for any other DSP parameter
detail refer to PC260 paragraphs.
NOTE: Input Mute buttons are depending to the Input Ganging state (see "QC series setup panel" paragraph).

Fig.95 QC Series Edit panel for input parameters.

8.1 Output page

In this page you can control the main Output parameters of the amplifier: you can visualize and control the
level of the output signal, set the delay compensation and set the output limiter to reduce the maximum
power to the load.
For FACTORY presets or for PROTECTED presets some parameters can't be edited or displayed.
NOTE: Output Mute buttons are independent from the Output Ganging setting (see "QC Series setup panel"
paragraph), so they can be used for checking individually each output also from ganged channels.
IMPORTANT NOTE: the value of "+0.0dB" for the output limiter threshold parameter means that amplifier
sends the maximum output power to the connected load.

Fig.96 QC Series Edit panel for output parameters.

8.2 In EQ and Out EQ pages

In the EQ pages you can control the static equalizer cells available on each channel: four buttons below the
EQ graph (shown in the figures below) let you choose which channel you are visualizing and editing.
For a detailed description of single parameters, please, refer to PC260 paragraphs.

Fig.97 QC Series Edit page for input equalizers.

Fig.98 QC Series Edit page for output equalizers.

8.3 DEQ page

In the DEQ page you can control the three Dynamic Equalizer cells available on each input channel. Four
buttons below the EQ graph (shown in the figures below) let you choose which channel you are visualizing
and editing. For a detailed description of single parameters, please, refer to PC260 paragraphs. In order to
understand how a Dynamic EQ works, please see the “DEQ page” section and “How Dynamic Equalization
works” paragraph.
NOTE: DEQ page is not available for FACTORY or PROTECTED presets

Fig.99 QC Series Edit page for dynamic equalizers.

8.4 Global page

In the Global page you can visualize the frequency response plots of the output PEQ equalization. The page is
not available for FACTORY or PROTECTED presets.

Fig.100 Global equalization plot.

8.5 Setup page

“Setup” page shows the internal processing structure of the active loudspeaker devices and some other
general settings.

Fig.101 Edit page for general setup page.

9 Printing
With the “print” menu option you can print your setups or your preferred presets. Data printed depend on
the type of the device selected.
A “preview” menu option is also available for a rapid check of your prints.

Fig.102 Print panel.

10 Working with advanced functions
PRONET has many advanced features that help you to configure and manage advanced systems.

10.1 Working with files

With Menu→File→Load Data from file you can store and reload data of your devices in your local hard disk or
removable media, you can also transfer data from devices in different systems.

10.1.1 Load Data from file

When you open a saved data file you load data on your virtual device. If you are connected to a networked
device, you directly transfer these data to the selected device. Data recalled from a file and hence transferred
to the device are the parameters of the current preset (for CORE PROCESSED loudspeakers it means also that
the temperature environment parameter and other internal parameters like masked crossovers and limiters
are transferred to the connected device).
If there aren’t devices focused or if the “device type” data saved into the file to load is not the same as the
selected device type, an error message will be generated.
Note: If the device focused is assigned to a “Group” and the “Link” option is active (see “Groups and links”)
then the data loaded from file will be also loaded in every device of the same type in the group. This
operation can be really slow if there are many connected devices: take it carefully!
If the PRONET application works offline and there isn’t any control panel selected, then a new virtual device
(see “Working online/offline” and “Going offline and using virtual devices”) will be added to the Device Tree

10.1.2 Save Data to file

Save the current data of a device into a file in the hard disk of the computer or in any other removable

IMPORTANT NOTE: DATA files (.pcf) saved with PRONET Rel. 1.0 or 1.1 are compatible with PRONET Rel. 2.0
or newer release. If you have DATA files saved with previous PRONET versions, you can load them into your
devices using the LOAD file function of PRONET 2.2.

10.2 Groups and links
When you work with many devices of the same type you could want to perform the same operations and
changes on every connected device to setup the whole system at once. In order to do that, we introduced
the “Group” feature that can create groups of homogeneous devices: when you enable the group-link option,
every parameter change in a device will be changed also in the other devices of the same group.

10.2.1 Create and manage a group.

To create a group of devices you have to assign every single device to that group: you can find the
“assignment” option in the setup page of the Edit Panel of the device or you can assign it also from the faster
Control Panel’s Setup option.
When you assign a device to a group and you enable the “Link” option, you create a link between all devices
of the same group and the same type (or homogeneous type, as you will see later): every parameter change
applied to a device will be applied also to the others devices of the same group.

Fig.103 Group management panel.

You can rename the groups as you need, but remember that while the group number assigned to a device is
stored in the device setup data, the group name, when you change it, is stored in the PRONET software data.
Link option can be easily enabled in the “settings” panel (see “Settings” paragraph) or with toolbar button.

Fig.104 Enable Link for groups.

Fig.105 Toolbar link enable.

Note that when you connect different devices in a PRONET network they could come with different setups,
which means that the parameters on their presets can be really different. Assigning devices to the same
group and enabling the link doesn’t automatically align all the parameters of the devices grouped, the
parameter are aligned only when they are modified!
A good way to align the parameters for all devices in a group can be obtained recalling a preset or download
a Data File: after this operation all devices are aligned and right to be programmed.
Linked operations are available only for devices assigned to the same group, which have to be also of the
same type or of homogeneous type. This means that you can assign a subwoofer and a full range
loudspeaker to the same group but they do not perform linked parameter changes. Vice versa it’s possible
to assign different types of full range loudspeaker (for example NEOS12AXS and NEOS15AXS) to the same
group and obtain the linked parameter changes, because they are homogeneous devices: devices of the
same family (NEOS AXS) and of the same category (full range loudspeaker).

10.2.2 Group controllers

When you assign a Group Controller to one or more groups, you can control their basic Level, Mute
parameters and Preset Change for different groups.
Group Controllers can be opened by the Menu→Groups→Add Group Controls option and they are visualized in
Fig.92 and Fig.93.
To remove a Group controller follows the Menu→Groups→Remove Group Controls option.

Fig.107 Group assignment for a controller.

Fig.106 Group Controller: Control Panel.

In the “Control” graphic interface you can manage:

1. Input level (by the slider or the edit box)

2. Input Mute
3. Synchronize the Level and Mute parameters (see later)
4. Edit the name of the controller
5. Recall a preset

IMPORTANT: the level and Mute parameters control:

- The Level/Mute for the input channel of CORE PROCESSED loudspeakers
- The Level/Mute for the Input A of a processor PC240/PC260; to control both input channels enable
the input channel ganging.
- The Level/Mute for the Input 1 of a 2-Channel QC amplifier or Input 1 and Input 3 of a 4-Channel QC
amplifier. In order to control both input channels (stereo pair) enable the input channel ganging.

In the “Group Assign” graphic interface you can assign the groups to be controlled. Each message of level,
mute o preset change generated by the controller will be sent to all devices members of the groups.
The Group Controller can be used when you create a complex system with different groups, for example a
system with Left, Right and subwoofer groups: if you need to change the whole system level you can create a
controller and then manage the input level of the whole system. In this particular example if you need to
tune the level of the satellite speakers or the subwoofer speakers you can use the trim level on the output
sections, keeping free the input level to manage the system level.
With Group Controller you can recall the presets programmed in all controlled groups; remember that the
command recalls the presets stored in each device, make sure that presets in all devices are compatible with
your desired setup. Remember also that when you recall a preset you recall also the stored value for input
level and mute parameters, so after a recall command they can be not-aligned; if you want you can align
them with the “sync” button, this command re-transmit to all devices the level value and the mute state
defined in the group controller.

10.3 Security options

The PRONET security settings can be used to make your system accessible or not accessible to other users.
Besides the “full edit mode”, which is the default mode without any restriction on the parameter editing, the
PRONET software gives you three levels of protection:
- Partial Lock Mode
- Preset Mode
- Total Lock Mode
To enable or modify one of these modes you have to select the Menu→File→Settings→SecureLock options,
then you can enable or modify the Lock Mode defining/entering a password. You can find a faster link to the
Security settings in the toolbar button as you can see in Fig.96.

Fig.109 Lock Level Settings.

Fig.110Lock enable, toolbar button.

Fig.108 Secure Lock Settings.

Partial Lock Mode
In “Partial Lock Mode” you can edit only the parameters of the input channels of devices connected.

Preset Mode
In “Preset Mode” you can only recall saved user presets (you can also mute or un-mute the single channels).
In this working mode, when you open the preset recall panel you can see (and then recall) only the modified-
and-stored presets: no factory presets or default basic presets can be visualized if they aren’t previously
modified and then stored. To remove a preset from the list you can overwrite it with a default preset (for the
processor series) or with a factory preset (for the loudspeaker series).

Total Lock Mode

In “Total Lock Mode” every parameter is locked and you can only visualize the status of a device (meters,
LEDs, values…) but you can’t modify anything.

10.3.1 Using Lock Modes

Lock Modes are really useful to deny the editing of the system settings or to limit the use of the system, i.e.
for systems used in fixed installations, for rented systems, etc… Using lock settings you can face many
different situations that need some basic rules to be acquired.
The Lock Mode and the password defined in the PRONET Software are also defined for the whole
PRONET Network: this simply means that they are transferred and stored into any device connected
to the network and not already locked.
In PC240 and PC260 processors you can set LOCK mode and PASSWORD from the local panel before
connecting it to a network or thru the PRONET software when the unit is connected to the network.
In CORE PROCESSED speakers you can set LOCK mode and PASSWORD only thru the PRONET
After the network scanning (i.e. when PRONET software detects all the connected devices), if the
Lock Mode is enabled then PRONET synchronizes all the connected devices with its lock status: to
perform the sync operation PRONET transfer the lock mode and the password to all the connected
devices not already locked.
There could different situations.
a. If PRONET is not in Lock Mode and in the network there is a device already locked, this
device will be displayed in the “LOCKED” status: you can open its control panel but you can’t
open its edit panel.
b. If PRONET is in Lock Mode and in the network there is a device already locked with a
different password, after the network scan this device will be visualized as “LOCKED”. To
control the “LOCKED” device you need to match the PRONET password with the device’s
c. If PRONET is in Lock Mode and in the network there is a device already locked with the
same password of PRONET but with a different Lock Mode, after the network scan this
device will be synchronized with the PRONET Lock Mode.

Fig.111 Control panel for a LOCKED loudspeaker.

Fig.112Control panel for a LOCKED processor.

According to the above explained basic rules, when you connect any device to a PRONET network you can
find it “EDITABLE” or “LOCKED”. If you disconnect a locked device from a network, its state depend from the
device type: processors keep their locking status, loudspeaker devices enable the rear panel so you can
change presets and/or reverse the phase of the speakers.

10.4 Firmware Update

With the Firmware Update Utilities you can update your devices to maintain them updated to the latest
release of the firmware. The Firmware Update is an easy operation to perform, but some precautions have to
be taken to prevent an incorrect uses of the utility.
- Make a copy of your important user presets because the firmware update process can erase the User
Preset Memory.
- Don't switch off or disconnect the remote device while the update process is running.
- Wait the end of entire update process, if a forced memory reset is required or other operations need
to be performed, they are detailed in the instructions file released with the firmware files.
- The Update Process of one device will take several minutes: please, take a cup of tea and be
- If the Update procedure stops without completing the entire process (i.e. some errors or power
down occur), the device firmware will be corrupted and the device will freeze itself in the Update
Mode: you have to re-start the update process and wait for the complete firmware upgrade .
- Note: some USB devices, some application running or power-down/sleep mode/standby settings can
cause errors in the Firmware Update Process. We suggest to close any other application running,
disable any power-down/standby mode option and disconnect any other USB device connected
before starting the update process;
When a device is in the firmware update mode it is visualized with a blue background label in the tree view
of the PRONET software (see Fig.99).

Fig.113Example of a PC260 device in Firmware Update Mode visualized in the Devices Tree View.

10.4.1 Processor Update Utility

The Firmware Update Mode for PC240/PC260 can be enabled in the setup menu of the remote device before
the PRONET connection. For these devices the update can be performed only by the USB cable; please, refer
to the User Manual for information about this feature and how to enable this mode.
If the connected device is in Firmware Update Mode, all the Edit Parameters are disabled and the firmware
update button is enabled to open the update panel.

Fig.115 Firmware update for Loudspeaker devices.

Fig.114 Firmware update panel for processor devices.

10.4.2 CORE PROCESSED speakers and QC Series Update Utility

For CORE PROCESSED speakers and QC Series amplifiers a firmware update can be performed on one unit
connected in a network without disconnecting it or without disconnecting the other devices. Nevertheless,
for a safer update we suggest to close the edit panels or control panels of the other devices that don’t need

to be updated.
In the Firmware Update Dialog there is also the option to clean the User Memory.
To reset the memory of a connected device press the Memory Reset button: after this, to complete the reset
procedure you must switch off the device. When you switch on it perform a memory reset cycle that clean
all the user memory locations.


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