Shen-2020-Experimental Study On A Floating sc1
Shen-2020-Experimental Study On A Floating sc1
Shen-2020-Experimental Study On A Floating sc1
Keywords: The performance of the compressor directly affects the energy and space usage of a Joule-Thomson cryocooler.
Floating scroll-type compressor Characterized by simplicity and high pressure ratio, a single-stage oil-free floating scroll-type compressor with a
Back pressure back pressure regulating valve is introduced to drive the precooled Joule-Thomson cryocooler to approach liquid
Joule-Thomson cryocooler helium temperature. Cool down and pressure regulation processes of this Joule-Thomson cryocooler are pre-
Liquid helium temperature
sented. The stable cooling capacity at liquid helium temperature is achieved by which the availability of this
compressor is verified. By regulating the back pressure of the compressor, it is found that there exists an optimal
back pressure with which the exergetic efficiency of the compressor can be maximized keeping a stable per-
1. Introduction (SIS) [10], Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) [11], etc. Nowadays, this
kind of cryocooler has shown the potential to be applied for super-
Joule-Thomson (JT) cryocoolers have been widely used on ground conducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPD) [12] and ice li-
and space applications [1–4] with the advantages as long lifetime, low thography [13,14]. Usually, a JT cryocooler achieves liquid helium
level vibration and negligible electromagnetic interference [5,6]. The temperature when it is precooled below 20 K using a Stirling cryocooler
JT cryocoolers working at liquid helium temperature were applied for [15,16], a pulse tube cryocooler [17], a Gifford McMahon (GM) cryo-
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) [7] and Maglev vehicle [8]. In re- cooler [18] or a Stirling/Pulse tube hybrid cryocooler [19,20], etc.
cent years, as main cooling technology at liquid helium temperature for However, in the case of a miniature precooled JT cryocooler with a
space applications, JT cryocoolers have been chosen by cryogenic sys- cooling power below 100 mW, the applicable high-frequency re-
tems for the bolometer [9], superconductor-insulator-superconductor generative precoolers cannot work efficiently below 20 K due to the
Corresponding authors at: Key Laboratory of 3D Micro/Nano Fabrication and Characterization of Zhejiang Province, School of Engineering, Westlake University,
Hangzhou 310024, Zhejiang Province, China (D. Liu, M. Qiu). Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang Province,
China (Z. Gan).
E-mail addresses: (D. Liu), (Z. Gan), (M. Qiu).
These authors contributed equally.
Received 16 March 2020; Received in revised form 21 May 2020; Accepted 17 June 2020
Available online 23 June 2020
1359-4311/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Shen, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 178 (2020) 115627
remarkable real gas effect of the working fluid Helium-4 in such low
temperature region up to now [21]. Under this condition, a high
pressure ratio between 9 and 25 is required by the JT cryocooler to
provide effective cooling power at liquid helium temperature [22–24].
Thus a miniature compressor providing such high pressure ratio with a
high efficiency becomes necessary for realizing an efficient precooled
JT cryocooler.
JT cryocoolers driven by linear compressors have been validated in
space applications [10,25]. However, only a pressure ratio below 4
could be achieved by a single-stage valved linear compressor [26,27].
Therefore, linear compressors were usually installed in series to realize
a higher pressure ratio [28,29]. However, the operation of multi-stage
linear compressors is much more complicated. Sensitivity factor and the
phase shift response with operating frequency should be obtained by
calibrated linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) [30]. When
working condition changes, the inter-stage pressure distribution, fre-
quency and stroke should be monitored and adjusted to avoid striking
the cylinder . Thus, system complexity and uncertainty are both in-
creased. With low vibration and high pressure ratio, sorption-based
compressors are thermally driven without moving parts. Therefore,
they can have the potential for long lifetime [31]. However its dis-
advantages like operational complexity, periodic flow of the coolant
and redundant buffer volumes limit its application [32]. Compared Fig. 1. The picture of the floating scroll-type compressor.
with linear compressors and sorption-type compressors, scroll-type
compressors are known for their simple structure and high pressure
chamber and a seal for sealing the back pressure chamber to entrap a
ratio [33,34]. The JT cryocoolers working at liquid helium temperature
compressed fluid. As introduced in Ref. [36], the back pressure
driven by oil lubricated scroll-type compressors have been commer-
chamber is filled with the fluid supplied by the discharge pressure
cialized [8]. Such a compressor package is mainly composed of a
chamber. In this manner, a force is provided to resist the orbiting scroll
compressor capsule, an aftercooler, an oil separator and absorber.
member moving away from non-orbiting scroll. When the back force
Generally, there is an oil circulation flowing through the compressor
induced by the back pressure just equals the force caused by the com-
capsule and aftercooler to cool the motor and the compression space
pression pressure or mechanical element in the opposite direction, the
[35]. It makes the system times enlarged and complicated. Besides, with
friction loss between the two scroll members can be eliminated in
oil lubrication, there is a risk of blockage when the oil enters the low
theory. At the same time, as shown in Fig. 1, a back pressure regulating
temperature pipes of JT cryocoolers. A scroll-type compressor applying
valve connecting the discharge pressure chamber and the back pressure
“floating scroll” technology was developed in 2010 [36]. The com-
chamber was added to adjust the back pressure, pb. When the back
pressor with a floating scroll can achieve good sealing, high efficiency
pressure regulating valve is fully opened, the value of pb equals the
and low friction wear without liquid oil-lubrication. Meanwhile, the
discharge pressure of the compressor. pb decreases as valve opening
floating scroll can operate at high speed to provide high pressure ratio
reduced. When the valve is closed completely, the absolute value of pb
keeping the advantage of simple operation with single scroll pair. It
is 0.1 MPa of which value equals 1 atmosphere. pb was measured by the
shows the potential to be integrated to a precooled JT cryocooler.
pressure gauge integrated with the back pressure regulating valve
In this paper, an oil-free single-stage floating scroll-type compressor
having a measurement error of ± 0.05 MPa. By the way, the valve
is used to drive the precooled JT cryocooler to approach liquid helium
could not be closed completely in experiment because the pressure
temperature. Cool down and pressure regulation processes are illu-
condition of the compressor could not remain stable as pb decreased too
strated. The overload destabilization of the JT cryocooler is pre-
liminarily explained. Meanwhile, the effect of the back pressure on the
The modified floating scroll-type compressor, SCF-4/25, was con-
exergetic efficiency of the floating scroll-type compressor is analyzed.
nected to the JT cryocooler precooled by a two-stage GM cryocooler
which has been introduced in previous paper [39]. In this experiment,
2. Experiment setup description the pressure ratio of the modified compressor was set to 10 for effi-
ciency comparison with the compressor described in previous paper
Based on previous papers [37,38], the floating scroll-type com- [37]. Referring the working condition of the JT cryocooler driven by
pressor, SCF-4/25, developed by Advanced Scroll Technologies two-stage linear compressors applied in the Planck satellite [40], the
(Hangzhou) Inc. was measured with a compressor experimental setup. precooling temperature was set to 18 K. The assembled JT cryocooler is
It was shown that the optimal pressure ratio was about 10 with the shown in Fig. 2. The JT unit, which contains the CFHX3, the JT valve
exergetic efficiency of 5% defined as [35], and the CHX, is used to analyze the cooling capacity characteristics of
the JT cryocooler. In the JT unit, states a, b, c, d and e are labeled in the
ṁ [hd − h s − T0 (sd − ss)] order of the flow direction whose temperature are monitored by Cernox
ηex =
Winput (1) thermometers 12, 13, 15, 14 and 11 respectively with a temperature
measurement error of ± 0.1 K. Input electrical power of the compressor
Here h, s, ṁ and Winput are specific enthalpy, specific entropy, mass
was measured by a power meter with the measurement range of
flow rate and input electrical power of the compressor respectively. T0
0.5–2200 W. The measurement error was ± 1% of the reading. The
is the room temperature. The subscripted index “d” and “s” represent
discharge pressure, pd, and the suction pressure, ps, were monitored by
the discharge and suction state.
two pressure sensors with pressure measurement error of ± 2 × 10-3
In order to improve the efficiency and lifetime of the compressor, a
MPa and ± 3.3 × 10-4 MPa respectively. Pure Helium-4 (99.9999%)
new kind of material PEEK was applied to fabricate the new scroll of the
was used as the working fluid. Cooled effectively by cooling water and
compressor. In this compressor, the base of the orbiting scroll member
air, the temperatures of Helium-4 at the inlet and outlet of the
contacts a thrust bearing. The thrust bearing includes a back pressure
Y. Shen, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 178 (2020) 115627
Y. Shen, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 178 (2020) 115627
Table 1 4.5
Cooling capacity measurement at steady conditions.
Working pd, MPa pb, MPa rP ṁ , mg/s heat Winput, W Td, K ηex,%
condition load,
Temperature, K
heat load:33.1 mW heat load: 24.0 mW
Tb 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Temperature, K
4.6 Time, h
Fig. 6. Temperature stability over 1 h when pb = 0.85 MPa.
Tc/Td precool the system. For the JT unit, cool down curves of state points b, c
and d are displayed in Fig. 3 divided into three regions. In the region
“bypass valve closed”, the compressor did not work. The outlet valve,
4.2 discharge gas discharge valve and bypass valve (shown in Fig. 2) were closed with the
JT valve fully opened. Because only the GM precooler worked for
precooling the system, temperatures of state points b, c and d (Tb, Tc
4.0 and Td) dropped slowly. When the second stage cold head of the GM
0 2 4 6 8 10 cryocooler achieved the temperature of 12.0 K, the floating scroll-type
Time, h compressor was turned on to circulate the working fluid with the back
pressure regulating valve fully opened. The rotation speed of the
Fig. 5. Temperature behavior with heat load of 33.1 mW.
compressor was fixed at 1936 r/min. Meanwhile, the bypass valve was
opened to bypass the low-pressure side of CFHX1, CFHX2 and CFHX3.
compressor could be considered as room temperature (300 K). The heat Tb, Tc and Td dropped rapidly after a fluctuating period. As marked in
load was applied to the CHX by the heater, H3, of which voltage and the region “bypass valve opened” of Fig. 3, to avoid the freezing phe-
current were measured with the four-wire method by Keithley 2700 nomenon at the outlet of the bypass valve caused by excessive mass
with a measurement error lower than ± 0.1 mW. The other details of flow rate, the bypass valve was regulated leading to the temperature
the experiment system can be found in previous papers [24,39]. fluctuation. At the end of the region “bypass valve opened”, the cooling
temperature, Td, at the outlet of the CHX, was about 12.4 K. After that,
3. Experiment process and results the bypass valve was closed with the outlet valve opened. As shown in
the region “JT valve opening reduced” of Fig. 3, Td was decreased by
After filling the JT system with helium from the high pressure reducing the JT valve opening. At the same time, by adjusting the
bottle, the charge valve was closed. The GM cryocooler worked to heater, H2, as shown in Fig. 2, the precooling temperature, Ta, was
Y. Shen, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 178 (2020) 115627
fixed at 18 K. After about 9 h, Td consistent with Tb and Tc, achieved The compressor can work stably with a pressure ratio of 9.61 driving
and kept stable at 4.5 K. The discharge pressure, pd, and suction pres- the precooled Joule-Thomson cryocooler to provide a cooling capacity
sure, ps, of the compressor were 0.742 MPa and 0.109 MPa respectively. of 23.9 mW at 4.5 K. The exergetic efficiency of the compressor is af-
The pressure ratio, rP = pd/ ps = 6.81, was lower than the desired fected by the back pressure. When the back pressure is 0.85 MPa, the
value. acquired exergetic efficiency of the compressor is 8.65%, increased by
To increase the rP, the regulation process is divided into two regions 13.67% of which when back pressure equals discharge pressure.
using a dash-dot line as shown in Fig. 4. In the region of “gas filled”, The floating scroll-type compressor has shown the availability to
additional Helium-4 gas was charged into the JT cryocooler several drive a precooled Joule-Thomson cryocooler working at liquid helium
times with the opening of the JT valve fixed. pd and ps increased at first temperature. The effect of the back pressure on the compressor effi-
as Helium-4 filled. After the filled Helium-4 gas cooled or liquefied, pd ciency is worth further studying.
and ps decreased. When pd approached nearly 1.00 MPa and kept stable,
as shown in the region “JT valve opening reduced” of Fig. 4, by redu- Declaration of Competing Interest
cing the JT valve opening, the desired rP could be obtained. It was
worth mentioning that in the pressure regulation process, a heat load The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
about 24 mW was applied in advance which was close to the cooling interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
capacity after considering the influence of heat leak. When the JT ence the work reported in this paper.
cryocooler worked stably, pd and ps were 1.009 MPa and 0.105 MPa
respectively. Meanwhile, the applied heat load became stable at 23.9 Acknowledgement
mW. This condition corresponds to the working condition (1) as shown
in Table 1. The exergetic efficiency of the compressor, ηex, was 7.61% This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
calculated with Eq. (1). of China (Grant No. 51806199, 51776180, 61927820). The authors
When the heat load was increased to 33.1 mW, both pd and ps in- thank Dr. Shimao NI and Advanced Scroll Technologies (Hangzhou)
creased at first because of additional Helium-4 evaporation. To control Inc. for the manufacture of the floating scroll-type compressor.
variables (pd and ps), a part of Helium-4 gas was vented outside the JT
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