Government of India _RBE.No.148/2001
Ministry of Railways
‘(Pailway Bord)
No.E(NG)I-98/CN5/1 New Delhi, dated 2-8-2001
The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways
As standard list
Sub:-Simplification of confirmation procedure -
Rules regarding.
tn terms of Para 113, Section “F", Chapter-1 of Indian Railway
Establishment Manual, Volume-1 (1989), vide ACS No.58 circulated
eeevthis Ministry's letter of even number dated 12.10.98 probation
period of twenty four months has been preseribed in each grade of
2. The matter has been reviewed and it has been decided that,
henceforth, probation period of 12 months, instead of 24 months, should
be prescribed in all grades of promotion Cases of staff promoted on
regular basis should be reviewed after completion of 12 months
probation with a view to determine their suitability for retention 1 the
grade. The review should be completed carly ‘and a decision to retain ‘the
employee in the higher post, or to revert to the lower grade, should be
taken and implemented within a period of six months from the date of
completion of the probation.
3, The Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Voll, 1989 may,
therefore, be amended accordingly, as in Advance Correction Slip
No.124 enclosed.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Joint Director Estt.(N)
DA: ACS No.124 Railway BoardNo,E(NG)I-98/CN5/1 New Delhi, dated 2-8-2001
Copy forwarded to:-
1. The General Secretary, All Indian Raiwaymen Federation, Room No.299,
Rail Bhavan, New Delhi (35 copies).
2. The General Secretary, National Federation of Indian Railwaymen, Room
No.256-E, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi (35 copies).
8. All Members, Departmental Council and National Council and Secretary,
Staff Side, National Council, 13-C, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi (90
4. The Secretary General, Federation of Railway Officers Association, Room
No.256-A, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi (5 spares)
5. The Secretary Generel, Indian Railway Promotes Officers Association,
Room No.268, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi (5 spares),
6. The General Secretary, All India RPF Association, Room No.549, Rail
Bhavan, New Dethi-110001,
allway Board
for Secretary
Copy te
PSs to MR, MSR(OR),
PPSs to CRB, FC, MS, MM, MT, ML, ME,
PSs to EDE, EDA, ED(Health}, EDEN), EDE(Res
YDE(Rep}l, JDE(D&A), JD). DD(Health), JDPCWDEIL), DD(Code
Revision, DDE(LAY, JDE(N), JDE(NjI,JDE(NIII, DDE(Repili (with two
spares) E(NG), E(OMtll, E(GAM, E(Rep)..8ll, Health BranchSubstitute the following for the existing para 113: |
A probation period of 12 months should be
‘ prescribed in all grades of promotion.
The Appointing Authority will, on completion of
the said period of probation, himself assess the
work and conduct of the tailway servant and, in
case the railway servant is found fit to hold the
highet grade, he will pass an order declaring that
the person concemed has successfully completed
the probation. (Ifthe Appointing Authority
sonsiders that the work of the railway servant has
not been satisfactory or the same is needed to be
watched for some more time, he may revert him to
the post or grade from which he was promoted, or
‘extend the period of probation, as the case may be.
Since there will be no confirmation on promotion
before an official is declared to have completed the
probation satisfactorily, a rigorous screening. of his
performance should be made and there should be no
hesitation to revert a person to the post or grade
from which he was promoted, if his work during
probation has not been satisfactory. The screening
should be completed early and a decision to declare
the employee as having complete: the probation
satisfactorily in the higher grade, or to revert him,
should be taken and implemented within a period of
6 months of completion of period of probation.”
(Authority : Para 108 in Part I of this section and
Ministry of Railway’s letter No.E(NG)I-98/CNS/1
dated 2-8-2001.)af fori, fe. 22001
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