Third MACP

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SPEED POST No. 3-1923/2018-Min.Estt. Voll ~ 51] Government of India Ministry of Jal Shakti Department of Water Resources, RD & GR Central Ground Water Board NH-IV, Faridabad (Haryana) Dated Aa OFFICE MEMORANDUM 268 JAN 2p ‘Sub:- Clarification regarding grant of 3° MACP and pay fixation promoted to the post of Assistant to the post of Office Superintendent after notification of 6” CPC-regarding. Itis brought to the notice of all person concerned that after getting promotion from the post of Assistant to Office Superintendent, Sh. Vir Arjun Pahuja and Other, Office Superintendents demanded 3 MACP in PB-2, Grade Pay Rs.4600/- The Pay Scale of Rs.5000-8000/- carried by Assistant and Pay Scale of Rs.5500-9000/- carried by Office Superintendent were merged on the recommendations of 6" Central Pay Commission vide Ministry of Finance Notification dated 29.08.2008. Therefore, their case was referred _ to Ministry for considering grant of 3° MACP by ignoring the promotion of Office Superintendent. The matter was under consideration in the meanwhile, the Recruitment Rules of Office Superintendent amended vide Notification dated 26.04.2017. Therefore, the Ministry was again requested to furnish clarification as to whether the promotion given with the consent of DoPT from Assistant to Office Superintendent will be counted for the purpose of MACP or not, if yes, then how their pay will be fixed as they have already been granted one increment at the time of their promotion to the post of Office Superintendent in the same Grade Pay of PB-2, Grade Pay Rs.4200/ The matter regarding fixation of pay of Assistant on promotion to the post of Office Superintendent after notification of Revised Pay Rules, 2008 i.e. from 30.08.2008 was referred to Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure for Clarification by the Ministry of Jal Shakti as per advise of DOP&T. In consultation with Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, the Ministry has advised vide their letter No.25/14/2016-GWE dated 26.12.2019 (copy enclosed) that “The post of Assistant (feeder post/Rs.5000-8000) and OS (Promotion posRs.5500-9000) in CGWB has been merged and placed in PB-2 with a single Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- w.e.f. 01.01.2006 as per CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 notified on 29.08.2008, the question of promotion of Assistant to OS after the date of notification of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 i.e. after 29.08.2008 does not arise. Though the above promotion after the date of notification of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 till the date of notification of modified RRs of OS has been done with the consent of the DOPT, DOWR is advised to take necessary action on pay fixation in the above matter strictly as per provision of Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure O.M. issued under letter No,F-2-1/2015-E.Ill (A) dated 16.10.2015. Further as regards MACP benefits in the above matter, Department is advised to take appropriate measures in the above matter as per opinion of DOP&T (Estt.D)” Contnd......2 02: Therefore, all the Head of Offices are requested to take necessary action of withdrawal of pay fixation done on promotion to the post of Office Superintendent in respect of 84 (Eighty Four) Assistant promoted to the post of Office Superintendent in the above matter strictly as per provisions of Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure O.M. issued under letter No.F-2-1/2015-E.Ill (A) dated 16.10.2015 (copy enclosed) pertaining to their office. The list of 84 Assistants promoted to the post of Office Superintendents after notification of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 is also enclosed herewith for ready reference in taking the further necessary action It is also requested to send the information in prescribed proforma (attached as Annexure ‘A") for considering MACP in respect of above 84 Office Superintendents after making re-fixation of their pay, if they are entitled as per rules This issues with the approval of Chairman, CGWB. Encl: As above. a) payee (Anil Kumar) Administrative Officer DISTRIBUTION: 1. Person concerned (84 Office Superintendent) through concerned Head of Office as per list attached. 2. The Regional Director, Central Ground Water Board, WCR, Ahmedabad! NWR, Chandigarh’ NR, Lucknow’ SECR, Chennai MER, Patna/ CR, Nagpur NER, Guwahati/ NWHR, Jammul SR, Hyderabad/ SER, Bhubaneswar! WR, Jaipur! NCR, Bhopal/ NCCR, Raipur/ SWR, Bangalore/ ER, Kolkata! KR, Trivandrum’ NHR, Dharamshala’ UR, Dehradun/ NGI Raipur for information and necessary action. 3. The Executive Engineer, Central Ground Water Board, Division |, ‘Ahmedabad/ I, Ambala/ Ill, Varanasi/ IV, Chennai V, Ranchi VI, Nagpur! Vil, Guwahati/ VIll, Jammu/ IX, Hyderabad/ X, Bhubaneswar/ XI, Jodhpur! XII, Bhopal/ XIll, Raipur/ XIV, Bangalore/ XV, Kolkata/ XVI, Bareilly! XVII Dharamshala for information and necessary action 4, The Officer-In-Charge, Central Ground Water Board, JNH, New Delhi SUO, Shillong! SUO, Allahabad/ SUO, Jodhpur/ SUO, Itanagar! SUO, Pune/ SUO, Belgaum) SUO, Ranchi! SUO, Agartala/ SUO, Vishakhapatnam/ CGWA, New Delhi for information and necessary action. 5, The Under Secretary (GWE), Ministry of Jal Shakti, DOWR, RD & WR, Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi for information with reference to Ministry's letter number referred to above 6 Pay & Accounts Officer, CGWB, Faridabad alongwith above Ministry's letter and its enclosures for information 7. The Administrative Officer (L. A.),Central Ground Water Board, CHQ, Faridabad for information and necessary action. 8 PAto Chairman, CGWB, CHO, Faridabad. 9. PAto Member (HQ), CGWB, CHQ, Faridabad 10. PS to Director (Admn), CGWB, CHQ, Faridabad 14. File No.20-12/2018-Min. Estt. 12. Sh. Krishan Gopal, Programmer, CGWB, CHQ, Faridabad with the request to upload the above Ministry's letter alongwith its enclosures and list of Office Superintendent in the CGWB's website. a ~ nyse ae : ma aire Nene owe Ga aseol & Goverment of india/Bharat Sarkar Ne doa ‘of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation Room No.622A, Shram Shaki Bhawon, Rati Marg, New Delhi, Dated the 26% December, 2019. To, . fhe Director (Administration), | ‘Central Ground Water Board, NH-IV, Faridabad, Subject: Clariication regarding poy fixation of Assistant to the post of Office Superiniendent ~ reg. Tom directed to refer to CGW8's letter No. 3-1923/2618-Mins. Esti. Voll. $613-402 dated 10.7.2019 on the subject cited above and fo say that the matter regaring fixation of Poy of Asistant on promotion fo the post of Office Superintendnet ater notification of Revised Pay Rules, 2008 ie. from 308.2008 wos sent to Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenciure for clarification as advised by the DOPT vide their ID note dated 22.01.2018. 2. Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their ID Note No.03-35/2019- Eill(A) dated 20.12.2019 (copy enclosed)advised as under:- "4. It Is stated that the post of Assit. (feeder post/Rs.5000-8000) and OS{promotion ost/Rs.$500-9000) in CGWB has been merged and placed in PB-2 with a single Grae Pay cl RS.A200 w.e.t. 01.01.2006 as 121 CCS(RP) Fules 2008 nofified on 29.8.2018, the question of ‘ promotion of Asstt fo OS ufler ihe date of notification of CCS{RP) Rules. 2008 ie. after 29.8.2008 does not ors. Ti:gugh the above promotion offer the sore GF Molistion of “ECSIRP) Rules 2008 fil the: date of noiification of modified RRs of OS has been done with teh consent of the DoPT DoWR, is advised to taken necessary action on pay fixation in the ‘above matter sttict™ »s ger provisiéns of this Department OM dated 16,10,2015. Farther as fegords MACP ben. inthe above matter, DoWR is advised fo take gppropricls sseosures in the above matic. xe opinion Of DOPT (Est.).” 3. In vies Ihe above, CGW6 is requested lo fake necesiiy gEtie» actly in ‘accordance with tie. ice of Déperiment of Expenditure. Encl: as above (8. K. Katorioy Under Secretary fo the Govl. o! india Tel: 011-23766907 HS Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure Reference: Notes of Dio Water Resource, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation(DoWR) at p. 51-53/n (F. 25/14/2016-CGWB)) DoWR may kindly refer fo their above notes seeking clarification from this Department as to whether the promotion given with the consent to DOPT from Assistant (which ae subsequently merged and designated as OS in GP Rs 4200 we 01.01.2008) 10 the post of Office Superintendent(OS) of Central Ground Water Board (CEGB) after the notification of CCS(RP) Rules 2008 i.e. after 30.8.2009 till the date of notification (ie. 26.4.2017) of modified RRs of OS, willbe counted for the purpose ‘of MACP or not, if yes. then how their pay will be fixed as they have already been granted one increment at the time of their promotion to OS in the same Grade Pay. 2, The above matter has been examined in this Department. It has been observed that the above matter was referred by DoWR to DOPT for their concurrence with regard to the benefit of pay fixation to Asstt. of CGWB on their promotion to the post of OS in the same GP of Rs. 4200 after the notification of CCS(RP) Rules 2008 may be withdrawn in terms of DOE's OM dt. 16.10.2015, as both the post of Asstt. & OS have been merged in GP of Rs. 4200 and designated as OS. However, they are entitled for MACP by ignoring the promotion of OS as per rules. DOPT(Estt. D) examined the above matte and advised DoWR to take up the above matter with the Department of Expenditure(DOE) as the OM dt, 16.10.2015 has been issued by DOE. 3. It has also been observed from file of administrative Ministy that on a reference from CGWB to allow the vacant posts of OS to be filed up as per existing RR till such time as RRs are amended, DOPT(RR Division) conveyed their approval to fille post of OS being supervisory post, as per the existing RRs. The RRs for the post of OS has been modified vide notifcation-dated 26.4.2017 and in the meanwhile, Asstts were given promotion to post of OS between the periods from 30.8.2008 to 26.4.2017 with consent of DOPT, which is under consideration in the above said proposal of DoWR as to whether this promotion will be counted {or the purpose of MAGP or not. If yes, then how their pay will be fixed, 4. It is stated thoi the post of Asstt (feeder posRs. 5000-8000) and O8(promotional pee'i:2s $500-9000) in CGWB has been merged and placed in PB 2 with a single Graz= Pay of Rs. 4200 wef. 01.01.2006 as per CCS(RP) Rules 2008 notified on 2¢ i208, thé question of promotion of Asstt to OS after the date of notification of CCSA2P) Rules 2008 ie. after 29.8.2008 does not arise. Though the above promoiia”. after the date of notification of CCS(RP) Rules 2008 til the date of notification ci modified RRs of OS has been done with:the consent cf DOPT, DoWR, is advised to take necessary action on pay fixation in the above matter strictly as pe: provisions of this Department's OM dt. 16.10.2018. Further, as regards MACP ‘enefits in the above matter, DOWR is advised to take appropriate measures in the above matter as per opinion of DOPT(Estt.D) 6. This issues with the approval of Additional Secretary(Pers). Sole \auantok nano eellaP7 Under Secretary/E-!IK(A) Shakti Bhavan, New Delhi SOT9-E.III(A) di. 20.12.2079) 260832 _ aes A264 9 v No, €-2-1/2015-€ TET (A) Gover ment of Indic Ministry of Finance Jepartment of Expenditure New Delhi, the 16” October 2015 ‘ases jon toking ps lace in the pre-revised pay structure between 112006 and the date of notification of CCS(RP) Rules 2008 ond the subsequent merger of the pre-revised pay scales of the promotional and the feeder posts in a common Grad fixation of pay: Regarding, s directed to say that consequent upon coming into force which were novified on 29.8.2008 but are effective pay on promotion on er after 1.1.2006 is carried out as Rule \s mvoked only in cases of promotion from one rt-A of the First Schedule of the CCS(RF) € 1 the form of applicable, ay Sends and Grades Pay corresponding to various pre-revised pay scales, certain revised pay scales have been merged in a common Grade Pay in the revised pay ture wef 11.2006. In view of this, the posts in those pre-revised pay scales which have been merged in a common Grade Pay w.e.f. 11.2006, are normally required to be merged even if these posts constituted feeder and promotional . 8 i es for revised pay structus ae ay structure here such merger of feeder and promotional posts in raving came to lie in the same grade pay has not taken place due fons and the posts continue to retain their promotional and os per the relevant Recruitment Rules, this Ministry issued 4 2/20L!-E.IITA dated 7 1.2013 providing for fixation (RP) Rules, 2008 subject Now, instances hieve been brought to the notice of this Ministry where the have been merged in view of the merger of the pre- bie to the erstwnile feeder and promotional posts in a the promulgetion of CCS(RP) Rules), 2008, due to which being promotional and feeder grades as existing during promot: eeder and done as applicable in romotional grades. pay fixation on 1 of notification of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 stood ffect from 11.2006 and, consequently, a question Rule 13 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 may apply for ing place during the period between 1.1.2006 and cotion of the said Rules, when the fixation of pay was actually ne event of promotion in the pre-revised structure. hnas bean considered in the light of the provisions contained in 4/2010-Est7.D dt 139.2012 issued by the Department of & Training, which has been issued in the context of the posts/grades merged in pursuance of the recommendations of the 6” Central Pay Commission. OM provides, inter-aha, that the status of a government servant as on 9.82008 including those who hove earned promotion between 1.12006 and 108 will be protected os appeintment/promotions are made as per the tment rules applicable to the post/grade, been decided that in cases where promotion took place ure during the periaci between 1.12006 and the aote Rules 2008 when the pre-revised and revised nay ferent ond the posts carried the cheracter of feeder ond on shall be allowed under Rule 13 promo’ ibject to the Follos Ing conditions: taken ploce between 11.2006 ond the date of notificetion of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 as per the Recruitment Rules then n vogue which clearly provided for such posts being promotional grade or the Feeder grade from where the promotion took piace and w the posts were subsequently merged in a single post/grade consequent RP} Rules, 2008 ere matgation of the CCS( 6)( 1), which was applicable for fixation of pay on promotion re promulgation of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008, was invoked for fixation n these cases in the pre-revised structure during the perc fare of notification of the CCS(RP) ees had opted to come over te the revised poy € occurring prior 10 the dare of notification of oncerned Rec ruitment Rules have been amended subsequently to merger ef these grades into a single grade/post ase of promotions carried out in the pre-revised te of notification ef CCS(RP) Rules, 2008. Rules, 2008 would not apply in cases of Ss in the higher pay scale in the pre-revised pay steucture, where such appointment is made after the date of notification of Rules, 2008. In its application to the employees serving under the Indian Audit and tment this order issues with the concurrence of the office of is OM is attached. 9 The Hindi Version of t (Amar Nath Singh) eputy Secretary to the Government of India iments of the Government of India (as per North Block, New Delhr 2. Office Of C&A 4 Ministry of Finance with the request that the same be posted on n* in the Ministry of Finance's website ond also under CCS ioted Orders issued by €-IITA Rules, 2008 - Pay xpenciture ANNEXURE - A PERFORMA FOR GRANTING MODIFIED ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION SCHEME 8. | Information required Details of the officials required 1] Name and designation of the officer / official 2 | Present pay level in the pay Matrix 3 | Details of entry in the Government Service on | regular basis (i) Name of the Department (ii) Whether Central /State Government /PSU/Autonomous/Public sector (iii) Date of entry (iv) Post (v) Scale of pay 4 [In CGWB, whether direct recruitment or by | absorption basis or contract basis | 5 | Date, post and scale of pay in which appointed in CGWB Date Post Scale of pay 6 |Period of service rendered on adhoc basis/ contract basis before regular appointment in CGWB 7 _ | Total regular service rendered as on -~ in CGWB 8 | Total period of service rendered in other Department before appointment in CGWB 9 | Total number of promotion get during the service period 10 | Has he declined the offer of promotion in past, if es, please give details 11 | Detail of promotion:-(please mentioned CHQ letter No. and date) a) _| Date of 1* promotion, ay scale and name of post b) | Date of 2" promotion, pay scale and name of | post ©) _| Date of 3% promotion, pay scale and name of post Copy of Pay Fixation and re-pay fixation for the post of OS may be enclosed also. Details of ACP/ MACP:- (please mentioned CHQ letter No. and date) a) | Date of 1s ACP/ MACP and pay scale ‘b) | Date of 2 ACP/ MACP and pay scale ~ ©) | Date of 3% ACP/ MACP and pay scale | 13 | Details of In-situ promotion, if any date a Scale of Pay _ 14 | Whether you are debarred any time from promotion, if so give details (i) For which post promotion was offered (ii) Scale of pay of the post (ii) Date of debar and CHQ letter No. and dated 15 | Details and period of previous service counted for pensionary benefit, if an: 16 | Details and date of penalties imposed during the total service 17 | Details of completion of penalties, if any i : 18 | Period of un-authorized absence / dies non ete. 19 | Details of EOL without Medical Certificate 20 | Vigilance clearance certificate - 21 | Integrity certificate _ | 21 | No penalty certificat. a | (Signature of the Head of Office} With seal [ANNEXURE-A’ Details of required action for pay fixation of Assistant to the post of Office Superintendent on Board after the date of Notification of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 i.. 29.08.2008 vide Ministry's letter No.25/14/2016-GWE dated 26.12.2019. [S.J name Entrynto | Bate ofpromotions | ACPdate | Date of [ MACP date Action required ~ | No. | 5/Sh./smt/Miss Govt. Service LDC/UDC/Assistant With pay | promotion | With pay ‘as per With post asthecasemaybe | scaleas | in the | Scaleasthe | Ministry's letter thecase | gradeof | case may be | Dated 26.12.2019 maybe J os already [fee i granted. | 1. | Balraj Sahani, OS (Rtd), | 05.12.1969-1DC | 28.02.1984-UDC 13.01.2009| 3% 8-2 GP- | As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated SWB, Di. vt, Nogpur 15.03.1999-Assistant 4600/- wef | 262.2019 no pay fraton alowed 01,09,2008 | on promotion 10 OS. Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of ‘Satya Dev Sharma, OS 06.01.1975-L0C | 10.06.1986-UDC —_—| 06.11.1999 | 19.02.2009| 3% PB-2 GP- | As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated (Rd, CoWe, HO, 2403.2003-Assistont | 2° ACP 4600/-w.ef | 26.12.2019 no pay ization allowed Foridebad 8-246 01.09.2008 | on promotion to OS... Hence, | 4200 withdraw pay fixation done on - — promotion tothe post of 05. 3. [Leela Devi O5 Rta), | 01.01.19761DC | 27.05.1986 UDC (02.01.2000 | 23.02.2009] 37 PB-2 GP-| As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated | | CGW8,H0, Faridabad 2403.2003-Assistant | 2” ACP 4600/- wef | 26.12.2018 no pay fixation allowed 5-2+GP 01.09.2008 | on promotion to O.. Hence, 4200 withdraw pay fixation done on ae _ — promotion to the post of 05. _ 4. | Sujata Dev, OS (Retired), | 16.09.1974-1DC | 30.05,1986-UDC 09,08.1999 | 25,02.2009| 3 PB-2 GP- | As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated | Gwe, NER, Guwahati (01.01.2002-Assistart | 2% ACP 4600/- wef | 26.12.2019 n0 pay fxation allowed | Po-2+GP 01.03.2008 | on promotion to OS... Hence, | ee : 200 withdraw pay frst done oh 1 ‘promotion tothe pos 5. | Kalpana Adhikari, 0.5. 23.01.1976-1DC | 27.05.1986-UDC 23.01.2000 | 19.02.2009| 3° 6-2 GP- | As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated (Retired) 07.04.2003-Assistant | 2 acP 4600/- w.e.f | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed | cows, ow. m, paz | 01.09.2008 | on promotion to 0S... Hence, Guwahati 4200 withdraw pay fixation done on e _ | promotion to the post of 0. 6, | Vil. Wasekar, OS (Rtd.), | 10.02.1976-L0C | 27.05.1986-UDC 13.09.1993 | 27.03.2009| 3° PB-2 GP- | As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated | CGw8, Div, Negpur 27.03.2003-Assistont | 2™ acP 4600/- wee, | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed PB-246P 01.09.2008 | on promotion to 0.. Hence, 4200 withdraw pay fixation done on _ | promotion to the post of Os. 7. | Rom Shabad, OS (Reta), | 08.07.197610C | 12.09.1985-UDC {08,07.2000 | 19.02.2008| P6-2 __GP- | Asper Min. of al Shakti letter dated GW8, Divi, Varanasi 27.05.2003-Assistont | 2" ACP 4600/-_w.ef | 26.12.2019 no pay fivation alowed Pe-2+6P 01.09.2008 | on promotion to 0S.. Hence, | 4200 withdraw pay fration done on promotion to the post of OS. 8. | Ch. Venketeshworulu,05 | 28.12.1987 28.12.1987 10C ~F9a.08.2008 ‘Rs per Min. of al Shakti letter dated (Now AO), | 19.04.1996-UDC 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed cows, Ha, 114.05.2002-Assistant on promotion to 0... Hence, Faridabad. withdraw pay fixation done on = promotion to the post of OS. 9, | P. Shasikala, 0580) oLori9as1pc | 13.10.1990-u0C ~~ P33.02:2008 = ‘sper Min. of al Shakti letter dated (Retired) 16.11.2005-Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed cows, on promotion toOS.. Hence, SWR, Bangalore withdraw pay fixation done on _ - | promotion tothe post of 0. 40. | 7K. Bhadur, OS (Retired) | 1007.197810C | 01.07.1985-UD =] 48.06.2008] 3* mace P6-2 | As per Min, of al Shakti letter dated cows, 19,12.2000-Assistont GP. 4600/- | 26.12.2019 n0 pay firation allowed Diu.XV, Kolkata wef onprometiontoOs. Hence, | _ 01.09.2008 _| withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of 03 Nirmola Devi, OS (Rta), | 29.05.1973-LDC | 13.02.1984-UDC (09.08.1999 | 16.06.2009 3 MACP P8-2 | As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated CGW8, HO, Faridabad 11.10.2000-Assistont | 2" ACP GP. -4600/- | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed PB-2+GP wef ‘on promotion to 0S.. Hence, 4200 01.09.2008 | withdraw pay fixation done on. promotion to the post of O.S. 12. | R.S. Chauhan, OS (Rta), | 31.01.19771DC | 30.06.1986-UDC 01,01.2001 | 08.07.2009| 37 PB-2 GP- | As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated CGWe, SUO, Delhi 29.06.2001-Assistant | 2” ACP 4600/- wef | 26.12.2019 n0 pay fixation allowed PB-24GP 02.09.2008 | on promotion to.0.5.. Hence, 4200 withdraw pay fixation done on _ _ promotion to the post of OS. 13. | Bhim Singh, OS (Red), 15.02.1974-WCH | 10.07.1986-UDC 22.06.2000 | 06.08.2009 ‘As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated HQ, Faridabad 22.06.1976-L0C | 08.07.2003-Assistont | 2” ACP. 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed PB-2¥GP wef ‘on promotion to OS... Hence, 4200 01.09.2008 | withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of O.S. 14. | N.K. Verma, 05,(Retired) | 07.07.1978 as LOC | 27.06.1985-UDC = (06.08.2009 3° MACP_ in | As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated cows, 09.01.2001-Assistant 8-2 GP. | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed iv, Ranchi 4600/-_w.e.f | on promotion toOs.. Hence, 01.09.2008 | withdraw pay fixation done on 7 promotion to the post of OS. 15. | V.B. Rajagopalan, 0S | 31.08.1987-L0C | 16.04.1996-UDC - (04.08.2009 - ‘As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated (Now AO), CGWB, KR, 19.05.2004-Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Trivandrum. ‘on promotion to 0.S.. Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on Ee promotion to the post of 0:5. 16. | Dina Nath Sharma, 0S | 07.04.1975-MTS | 05.08,1983-LDC = 01.11.2011] 37 MACP in | As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated (Retd.), COW8, NWHR, 13.02.1990-UDC 8-2 GP- | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Jammu. 31,03.2004-Assistant 4600/-_w.e.f | on promotion to OS.. Hence, 01.09.2008 _| withdraw pay fixation done on (01.09.2003 | - promotion to the post of OS ‘As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated 17.| RR Novtal G5iNow —] 7104.i9831¢ | 300a-1985-U0C : 0), CG, 10, 27.11.2003 Assistant | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation alowed Faridabad on promotion to .. Hence, withdraw py ation done on _ _ _ | promotion othe post of 5. 8: | 1 Soloman hae, 08 | 2103 7985-10e | 7a03.7987-U0C Tos 0.2008] - As per Min oflal Shaki letter dated (now 0), coWB, 1705 2006 Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay tation alowed 5. Hyderabad on promotion tO... Hence, withdraw py fixation done on _ 7 7 |__| brometionto the post ofS. ia, | Anite Rattan, OF 27.05 1983-166 | 2.101990 U6C : 39.08 2008] - ‘As per Min, ofl Sait letter dated (Now)A0, 12.07.2004-Assistont 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed CWB, CH, Faridabad on promotion tO... Hence, withdraw pay foation done on : f : : _ promotion tothe post of 5. 20. | taten.K Nik, 05 (Bx A), | 2208 T8856 | 7303-7885. U0C 37082008) - ‘As per Min, ofl Shakti fetter dated GW, SW, Bangalore 22:12 2008-Asistont 26.12.2019 no pay tration alowed on promotion... Hence, withdraw py fxation done on _ _ _ promotion tothe pst of OS, 21. | CM. Ghosh, OS, (Retd.) | 01.12.1972-LDC (25.03.1983-UDC 02.11.2011 | PB-2 GP- | As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated CWB, ER, Kolkata 74.09.1998 Assistant 4600/- we | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation alowed 01.08.2008 | on promotion tO. Hence, withdraw py fixation done on : 7 | | promotion tothe post of OS 2. | MU. Meshram, 05, | Ta0z.197610¢ | 27.05.1986-U0C 70162:2000 | 2.142014 | 6-2 GP-| As per Nin. of Shatter dated (Retired) 27.03.2003-Assistant 2 Ace 4600/- w.e.f | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed CGW8, CR, Nagpur. PB-2+GP 01.09.2008 3" | on promotion to 0.S.. Hence, 200 vaithdraw pay tation done on 2, a, 28. Mathew T. Abrahaim, 05 (Now A.0.), C6WB, SECR, Chennoi Narotam tal, OS (Red). €6W6, Div, Jammu. 12.07.1988-LDC 07.04.1975-Peon 05,08.1983-LDC | 12.07.1988-10C 417.12.1997-UDC 14,06,2004-Assistont 13.02.1990-UDC 31.03.2004-Assistant promotion to the post of OS 02.01.2012 ‘As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed (on promotion to 0.5... Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of 0.5 01.41.2011, ] Shashi Tiwari, 0. (Now A.0.), CGWB, CR, Nagpur Itifat Hussain, OS (Reta), CGW8, NR, Lucknow SA. Hussain, 0S (A.0. Reta. CGW8, INR, Lucknow. EK. Nayak,O5 (Now) A, COWB, We, Jaipur 172.1984. LDC 15.06.1984-LDC 15.06.1984 LOC (04.09.1986-L0C 24.09,1390-UDC 21.07.2004-Assistant 06.04.1990-UDC 14.12.2004-Assistant 28.01.1991 13.12.2004-Assistant 22.01,1992-UDC 08.04.2005-Assistant 02.11.2011, 01.41.2011, As per Ni. offal Shak letter dated 26 12.2019 no pay fration alowed on promation 00:5. Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on promotion tothe post of OS. As per Win offal Shakti letter dated 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed on promotion oO... Hence, withdraw pay fixation dane on promotion othe post of OS As per Min, offal Shakti letter dated | 26.12.2019 n0 pay ration allowed | on promotion 905. Hence, withdraw pay fixation dane on fromotin to the post of OS 25.11.2011, ‘As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed (on promotion to 0S... Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of OS. 01.01.2011 ‘As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed (on promotion to 0.S.. Hence, withdraw pay fixation [ promotion to the post of 5 29. | Prem Singh, OS (ARetired.) 08.09.1976-Tech. | 25.03.1996-UDC - 02.11.2011 | - ‘AS per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated GWA, Div.Xi, Bhopal | Bearer/ 08.04.2005-Assistont 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed | | 18.09,1987-L0¢ ‘on promotion to O.S., Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of OS. 30. | V. Harinarayana, OS, 23.06.1984-1DC | 28.01.1990-UDC 08.12.2011] = | As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated (A0 Retired), C6WB, 08.09.2005-Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed SECR, Chennai (on promotion to 0.S.. Hence, | withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of 0. Bi | N.G Thakur, EX OS, | 01.07.1983 WCH | 23.09.1996UDC | - 73.12.2012 | - ‘As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated cows, Div, 18.06.1984-L0C | 12.03.2007-Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Ahemdabad (on promotion to 0.S.. Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on | promotion to the post of OS. BB | lgen Chander bax, OS | 30.1.988 1DC | 00#.04.1996 UDC pouL201i Ts per Min. ofl Sat leter dated (Now Ao), 28.12.2005 -assistant 26.12.2019 no pay ation alowed CWB, NER, Guwahati on promotion t0 OS. Here, | withdraw pay fixation done on | promotion tothe post of | 33, | Monoiova bas, OS. 28.02.1977-WoH | 21.9.1990-UDC - 15.11.2011 | As per Min. of lal Shakti letter dated | CGW8, Div. Vl, Guwathi (on promotion to 0.S.. Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of 0. | Retired) 20.06.1984 -LDC | 06.02.2006 - Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed | ‘Satbir Singh Muddar, OS | 20.11.1991-L0C | 31.03.1999-UDC | 17.11.2011 ‘AS per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated (Now AO}, Cows, WCR, 08.07.2005-Assistant | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Ahmedabad fon promotion to OS.. Hence, I withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of OS. 35.) Anand Singh Aswa, qwo0i1977-wen | 1070.1990-UD | oraaz0i As per Mi, of Jal Shak letter dated | Ex. AO, cows, WR, 25.06.1984-LDC 06.02.2006-Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Jaipur on prommation 100s. Hence, withdraw pay ation done on Z : promotion tothe post of OS. 36. [Wi Vasant Pla 05, | 27.06.19831bC | 12.04.1990-UDC O7i22011 As pe Win ofl Shakti letter dated (Now AO (Rtd.), CGWB, 07.02.2006-Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed CCR Raipur on promation tos. Hence, withdraw pay ation done on | | promotion tthe post ofS. 37,| Kallas _Rambeena | 11.01.99i-10¢ | 1504.1996-UDC 7t4.2014 As per Win, of fal Sat lettr dated (now A0).cowe, 05.07.2006:Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed NCR, Bhopal. on promotion to 0. Hence, withdraw pay fration dane on _ | promotion the post of OS 38. | Khem Roj Rharade, 05, | 250619681D¢ | 2309.1986:UDC Wia20ii 1s per Win of al Shakti letter dated (A.0.), COWB, NWR, 12.03.2007-Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Chondigarh on promotion 190. Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on _ | promotion tothe post of OS. 35. | BalasubramainC, 05, | 24061988100 | 31.42.1907. UDC Bao; 2012 As per Win, of al Shakti letter dated (Now A.0.), CGWB, 26.07.2006-Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed: HO, Faridabad on promotion to OS. Hence, withdraw pay fixation dane on : — promotion tothe post of OS. 40. | Rameshwar Sharma, 05, | O7.41.4977~WeH | 2011901 UDC 2632.2011 As per Win, of al Shakti letter dated | (Reta), cowa, MER, Patna | 307.2984, Loc 26.12.2019 no pay fration allowed 16,02,2007-Assstant on promotion to. Hence, | 7 = withdraw pay fixation done on promotion the post OS 41. | Vir Arjun Pahuja, OS, (Now | 08.08.1984-LDC | 18.08.1997-UDC - [30.12.2011] - ‘As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated AO}, CGWB, CHQ, 29.05.2007-Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Faridebod. | on promotion 905. Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on Z - : | prometion tothe postofos, | 42. | Tek Chand, OS (Retired), 25.01.1977-L0C (04.03.1992-UDC 25.01.2001 | 02.11.2011 3” PB-2 GP-| AS per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated | CGWB, suo, Delhi 25.06.2007-Assistant 2 ace 4600/- _ w.e.f | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Pa-20GP 01.09.2008 | on prometion 100. Hence, 4200 withdraw pay fixation dane on | _ promotion othe post of. @. | Pramod’, Chauhan, OS, | 24008.1984-1DC | 13.12.990-U0C 5 01.02.2012 - ‘As per Win of Jal Shalt letter dated (ow a0}, cows, 03.08.2007-Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed SER, Bhubaneshwar on promotion 100. Hence, withdraw pay fation dane on - . promotion to the post of OS. aa. | Anil Rumor, OS Now AG) | T6.i0.19881C | 1610198410 39022012 - As per Min of al Shakti letter dated CGWB, CHO, Fardiabad 22.08.1991-00C 26.12.2019 n0 pay Fiation allowed 09.10.2007-Assstont on promotion 120. Hence, withdraw pay fration dane on _ promotion othe post of OS. 5. | E Rema Devi OS Retired) | 0206196710 | 02.06 198710 32,06,2003 | 22.02 2012 As per Min, of al Shalt letter dated | CGW8, KR. Trivndram 11.03.1991-UDC 2 ace 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed 20.02.2008-Assistant | P8-20GP on promotion toOS.. Hence, 4200 withdraw pay fixation done on _ - promotion ta the post of. 46. | Mukesh Malia OS. | 49.11.19841D0 | 27.02.1991 -UDC 022012] As per Min, of al Shakti letter dated (Retired), CGWB, SUO, Jodhpur | 21.02.2008-Assistont 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed con promotion to 0.S.. Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of OS 47. | Virender Kumar Sharma, | 17.11.1993-LD¢ | 27.03.2002-UDC 19.04.2012 | - ‘As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated 5, (Now 4.0), 412.07.2007-Assistont 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed cows, HO, ‘on promotion to... Hence, Faridabad, withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of Os. 48. | Pushap Kumar, OS (Rtd.), | 02.03.1974-L0C | (04.03.1992-UDC 09.08.1999 | 18.05.2012| 3°, PB-2 GP- | Asper Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated Gwe, HQ, Faridabad. 22.04.2008-Assistant | 2" ACP 4600/- wef | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed P8-24GP 01.09.2008 | on promotion to0.s... Hence, 4200/- ‘withdraw pay fixation done on - promotion to the post of Os. 49. | S.C Rawat, EX. 05, VAS on | 25.11.19851DC | 30.03.1993-UDC - 12.07.2012 ‘As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated 28.02.2018 (03.02.2008-Assistant : 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed GW, Div.XVI, Bareilly (on promotion to 0.S.. Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on = promotion to the post of 0. 50. | Dulal Chondra Biswas, OS, | 03.11.1984-1DC | 10.07.1996-UDC 03.08.2012 | - ‘As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated (Retired), CGWB, Div.XV, 11.08.2008-Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Kolkata ‘on promotion to 0.S.. Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of OS. i. | B. Sudhakar Rao, O: 07.11.1978 (09.10.1990 UDC zs 75.04.2013 | - ‘AS per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated (Retired)CGWB, SR, 25.06.1984 -LDC | 06.02.2006-Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Hyderabad ‘on promotion to 0.S.. Hence, ‘withdraw pay fixation done on ES promotion to the post of 0. 52. | K Gayatri, 05, Caw, 01.12.1995.10C | 22.05.2002-U0C : 22.04.2013 | - ‘As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated Div.xIV, Bangalore 09.06.2008-Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed fon promotion to 0... Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on 9 r promotion to the post of OS. f | 3 | Palsiome: 05 cows) 7 rase-i9e [3996-00 : 01072033] ‘As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated HQ, Feridabod 09,03.2009-Assistant | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed | onpromotion to... Hence, withdraw pay fixation dane on | | promotion to the post of OS 54. | Witvanand, OS, COWS, | 0706.198510¢ | 01.05 1956-UDC 230082013] 27MACP | Asper Min. offal Shakti letter dated U0, Delhi 27.07.2009 Assistant wef 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed | | 02.09.2008 | on promotion to O.s.. Hence, 8-14 6°2800 | withdraw pay fixation done on __ _ [ “| promotion to the post of O. 35. | PD. Asho, Os, CGWe | 2810.1985100 | 31.08. 1992-UC ; 08072013] 7" MAGP [As per in. of el Shakti leer dated NCR, Bhopal 20.03.2009-Assstant wef 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed 01.09.2008 | on promation to O.. Hence, P8146? 2800 | withdraw pay fixation dane on _ L promotion tothe post of OS | 56. | Sibani Sarkar, OS (Reid) | 0101I97e10¢ | 05.03 1992-UDC 09081999 | 30.08.2013| 3°, PB-2 GP. | As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated CGWE, ER, Kolkata (28.03.2008-Assistant 2 ace 4600/- w.e.f | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Pe-246P 01.092008 | on promotion to Os. Hence, 4200 withdraw pay fixation done on { - | I promotion tothe post of OS. 57, | Sanjeev Gupta, OS 01.09.1986-L0¢ | 07.12.1992-00C 06.03.2013] 2° MAP | As per Min. of ll Shakti letter dated C6w8, We, joiour 03.03.2009 Assistant wef 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed 01.09.2008 | onpromotion toO.. Hence, 8-1+ GP2800 | withdraw pay fixation done on promotion tothe post of OS ‘58. | Samiesh Giri, 05, 20.11.1985-10C | 19.05.1993-UDC e “12.08.2013 | 2° MACP ‘As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated (Retired), CGWB, 16.03.2009-Assistant wef. 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Div.xV, Bareilly 01.03.2008 | on prometion toOS.. Hence, | PB-1+ GP2800 withdraw pay fixation done on 10 promolon tothe post ofS. "59. | &.P. Projapati, OS (Rtd), | 29.04.1976-MTS | 06.08.1985-1DC Ei ~~ | 01.11.2013 ‘AS per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated CGW8, Div.XH, Bhopal, 08.01.1993-UDC 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed 01.05,2009-Assistont ‘on promotion to 0.S.. Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of OS. [“60.| Shalt Tanwar Khalie, 08, | 02.05.198510C | 12.031994-00C wa | 30.12.2013] 27 mace [as pec Min. of al Shakti letter dated CGWEB, SER, 10.08.2009-Assistont | wef. 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Bhubaneshwar 01.09.2008 | on promotion to OS... Hence, B-1+ GP2800 | withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the ost of OS. 61. | Sripal ho, Os, (Retied) | 141419775 | 01.10.1990-UDC 70.06.2004 ‘As per Min. of al Shak letter dated cows, wee 08.03.2006 Assistant 26.12.2019 no pay fixation alowed | Div.v, Ranchi. | Appointed as 0c | on promotion 0S. Hence, 0n 04.07.1988 withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of O.s. 62. | D. Kalita, OS, (Retired), | 11.07.1984-1DC | 13.10.1990- UDC ~ 28.04.2014 | - ‘As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated srtndo pay Ration done of ff | sromotan ae poster OS 63. | Pradeep Kumar Das, OS | 05.11.19851DC | 17.03.1994-UDC ~ 23.06.2014 | 2” MACP ‘AS per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated CWB SER, Bhuboncshwar 1.082009 asatont wel 2612 2015 no py fron sowed | | xcozome | engromaionto OS. wane | promatinta the pesto ‘64, | Anil Kumar Mittal, OS, 28.12.1987-10C | 15.06.1994-UDC 28.04.2014 | 2° MACP ‘AS per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated Cama aelrrasia rape er Tes amt no pry anon lees 01.09.2008 | on promotion to 0.5... Hence, B-1+ GP2800_| withdraw pay fixation done on __| uw ‘promotion to the post of 0. Debabrata Das, OS, CGW, Diu.xv, Kolkata 22,09.1989-L06 20.05.1996-UDC 10.08.2009-Assistant (04.05.2014 . Ram Mohan Rao, OS. CGW8, SR, Hyderabad (07.08.1992 - LDC 20.02.2004-UDC (06,10.2009 - Assistant 71.08.2014 2 MacP wef. 01.09.2008 PB-1+ GP2800 ‘AS per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed ‘on promotion to 0S... Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of 0.5. ‘As per Jal Shakti letter dated 26.12.2019 no pay fitation allowed ‘on promotion to 0. Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on. promotion to the post of 0.5. 7. ‘Indu Tripathy, 05, cows, WwcR, Abmedabad | 19.08.1996-1D¢ 30.01.200-UDC 06.10.2003-Assistant 30.11.2015 ‘As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed on promotion to 0S... Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of 0.5. WN. Jagidish, OS, C6WB, DivX, Hyderabad. 11.09 1998-10C 23.01.2000-UDC 06,10.2009-Assistont 6. ‘S.K. Sharma, 05, CGWB, U0, Delhi 14.11,1983-1DC 70. ‘Santosh kr. Sharma, O5, {Rtd.), CGW8, Faridabad. 31.01.1974-10C 05.12. 1995-UDC 12.11.2009-Assistant ) 44.11.2007 2 ACP PB-2+GP 4200 01.12.2015 01.12.2015 PB? GP-| 4600/- wef 14.11.2013, ‘As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed ‘on promotion to 0.S.. Hence, ‘withdraw pay fixation done on promotion to the post of O. ‘As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed fon promotion to.0.S.. Hence, withdraw pay fixation dane on promotion to the post of OS. 05.42.1995-UDC 12.05.2011-Assistant (09,08. 1999 2 ace PB-2+GP 2200 (01.42.2015 37 ACP PB-D GP. 5400/- wef 01.09.2008 ‘As per Min. of al Shakti letter dated 26.12.2019 na pay fixation allowed on promotion toOs.. Hence, withdraw pay fiation done on 12 Lo ~ promotion tothe post of OS, 7a, | VN Selakar 05, C6W, | 1203.198510e | 0403.1999-U0C aaa 2017 [2 MAC in | As per Min, ofl Shakti letter dated | CR, Nagpur | | 29.12.2011-Assistant PB-1+ GP 2800 | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed wed on promotion to 0.5. Hence, | 01.03.2008 | withdraw pay fation done on pj - _ promotion tothe post of 0, Wi. | VP. Dhamnidhar, 05, | 2idai96+1be | 27.12.1995-U0 1 a032017| F MACE in PAs per Win offal Shakti letter date | | (Retired), CGWB, Div.Vi, 20.03.2009-Assistant PB-1+ GP 2800 | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Nagpur wes on promotion to 0.5. Hence, 01.09.2008 | withdraw pay fration dane on _ promotion tothe post of 0 73. | Khapetar, 05, 7107198#-10¢ | 1705.1999-UDC 73,0720 | 70.03.2017) - As per Min. ofl Shak letter dated | cows, Div.vt, Nagpur | 22,09.2009-Assistant | 2 ACP | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Pa.2ecr on promotion to 0.5. Hence, | | 4200 | withdraw pay fixation done on —— _ | | ___| promotion tothe post of os. | 74, | Swapan Kr. Sarkar, OS, 26.03.1992-LDC 20.04.1998-UDC ~ 10.03.2017} - As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated We, NER, Guwahati 16.10.2009-assstant } 26.12.2019 no pay fration allowed on promotion to 0... Hence, | withdraw pay ration done on || _ promotion tothe post of O. 75. | G. Sampath Kumar, OS, (07.08.1987-LDC (17.08.1999-UDC Pace 10.03.2017| 2 MACP in | As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated cows, bin, } 24.04.2012-Assistomt | pB-1+ GP 8.2+ GP 2800 | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Bangolore 2007 wer | wef on promotion to 0... Hence, 09.08.99 21.09.2008 | withdraw pay fixation done on Poof jo _ promotiontothe postofos. | 76. | Pulosibas, 08 Caw, | 31.08 79871C | 204 2000.U0C | T.03.2017| 2 MACE im | As per Min, of al hakt letter dated v0, Agareaia 25.032011-Assstant | 8-1+ GP 2800 | 26.12 2019 no pay fration alowed wes. on promation to. Hence, _ _ | 02.09.2008 | witndrawpay‘xationdoneon | B [ a —_ = [ promotion fo the post of 05 77. | RP Shinde, 05, Cows, | 2207.49851DC | 11121995006 10.03.2017[ 27 MACP ia | As per Min. offal Shakti letter dated NCR, Bhopal 24.08.2011-Assistant P8-14 GP 2800 | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed | wes on promotion 005. Hence, 01.09.2008 | withdraw pay fixation done on and promotion to the post of 0. 3 MACP in Pa2 oP 4600/- wet cE 22072015 78.| Nv Raman Kumar, 05, | 1110198510¢ “ope [70032077 | ‘sper Win. of al Shakti letter dated SR, Hyderabad 23.07 2012-Assistant | | 26.12.2019 n0 pay fixation allowed | fon promotion toOS.. Hence, withdraw pay fixation done on _ i | | jromotin to the post of 78. | P. Thyagarajan, 05, 06.03.19941D¢ | 25.10.2000-UDC 2 ace | 10032017) - ‘As per Win. of al Shakti letter dated owe, SwR, Bangalore 17.08.2012-Assistant | pB-1+GP | | 26.12.2029 n0 pay fixation allowed 2400/-wef | ‘on promotion toOS.. Hence, 251001 | | withdraw pay fixation done on = a _ | promotion to the pst of 0. 80. | 0. 5. Kumar, 05, CGWB, | 15.06.1981-L0C | 02.04,1996-UDC | 2""ace | 10.03.2017| 37 MACP_ in | As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated HQ Faridabad 2408.201t-Assistont | PB2e | | p82 GP-| 26.12.2019 no pay fration allowed | ce4200/- | | 4600/- wes] on promotion to.O.. Hence, wef. | 15,06.2011. | withdraw pay fration done on 15.06.2005 | promotion tothe post of OS. ‘1. | Manoj Kumar, 05, 12.01.1990-LDC | 13.05.1996-UDC 15.03.2017 | 2 MACP in | As per Min, of Jal Shakti letter dated CGWB, HQ, Faridabad, 27.10.2011-Assistant 14 B-1+ GP 2800 wef. 01.09.2008 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed (on promotion to 0.S.. Hence, ‘withdraw pay fixation done on. promotion tothe post of OS. 22, 33. | 34 | \ TOORIOI7| F WACP | As per Nin ofa Shakti let dated cw, suo, Pane 06.12.2011 Assistant e-11 GP 2800 | 28122019 no pay tration alowed wel an promotion 0 08. Hence, | 0109,2008 | withdraw pay ation done on i : promotion tothe post of, D. S, Dhapola, OS, (09.11.1987-LDC (16.05.1996-UDC 10.03.2017| 2" MACP in | As per Min. of Jal Shakti letter dated (vrs) CGwB, | 13.12,2011-Assistant | PB-1+ GP 2800 | 26.12.2019 no pay fixation allowed Un, Detredun wef sn promotion 03. Hence, 01.09.2008 | withdraw pay ation done on oo a | promotintathepesotos, | ‘Manoj shana, 08.) 4306:198015e | 13.08 1996 UDC 10GB 3017 | FACE Th | As per Mi, of al Shak ter ded cn, $v0, Deh 8.042008 assistont pe-1+ GP 2800 | 26122019 poy tration allowed oe an promotion 0. Hence, 109.2008 | withdraw pay ration done on ‘Ajay Kr. Sharma, OS, 08.06.1989 | 16.04.1996-UDC promotion to the post of OS. 15

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