Austin Kahwa Design of a grid connected solar pumped hydro power system case study for Tsanga Timbers in Eng Nyoni Nyanga Munashe Mazise Design,optimisation and performance prediction of a solar water pumping system for a Village Eng T Hove clinic.Case Study Cranborne clinic in Goromonzi McLeish Muza DESIGN OF AN AUTOMATED SYSTEM THAT TRANSFERS CRUSHED COAL FROM THE HAMMER MILL Dr H TO THE 12TONNE BOILER.Case study for ZIMGOLD Maverengo ADMIRE POTSA Design of an Automated Storage and Retrieval System for Warehouse Inventory and Product Eng pallet Management. case study for SCHWEPPES ZIMBABWE LIMITED Rwaringesu TANAKA A SANDO DESIGN OF A BIODIGESTER THAT UTILIES KITCHEN WASTE Eng Musarurwa Tendai Bizoni Design of a dust collection and disposal system for induced draft fans for Delta Largers steam Eng boilers T.Chikuku Shumirai S Mupahle Design of a mobile pesticide application device for small scale farmers in Zimbabwe Eng Nyoni Brian Chiondere Design and Economic Analysis system of a Solar-Grid-Diesel Generator Hybrid Power System Eng T Hove under Zimbabwe's Net Metering Framework: (Case for ZUVA Energy) Tatenda D Makwena Design and Fabrication of a Biomass Briquetting Machine for Sustainable Fuel Production Eng (Smokeless charcoal) Musarurwa Tinotenda SVONDO Development of a Decision support system for optimizing power production and maintenance for Prof Mushiri Insukamini Solar PV park. Takunda P Jamera Design of an automated solid waste sorter Dr Shonhiwa Elwin Mabambe Design of a Robotic Remote Inspection System: Ensuring Ground Stability and Gas Leak Detection DR. H in MAVERENG Mines and Industries O Michelle Machimbir A finite element analysis model for the railway track damage system: Case of NRZ Prof. T. a Mushiri Ernest Sajeni Design of an Automated Greenhouse System case study of Cucumber Plants DR. H. Tawanda Maverengo Allen Maraire Smart irrigation system case study for maize Dr H Tinashe Maverengo Tinotenda Kamwaza Design of an intelligent shopping trolley for personalised, efficient and engaging shopping Dr H Maverengo Ashiers Ncube A study into the use of predictive maintainance with particular emphasis on prognostics to Eng K determine the remaining useful life of a mine drill rig Mugwindiri Tinotenda Gorogodo Design of a small scale phototvoltaic powered reverse osmosis unit: Gwebo Primary school Case Eng Nyoni study