Soal PAT X Genap, FNSH
Soal PAT X Genap, FNSH
Soal PAT X Genap, FNSH
Petunjuk Umum :
1. Berdo’alah terlebih dahulu agar anda mendapat petunjuk dan perlindungan Allah SWT.
2. Tulis nama dan nomor peserta pada lembar soal yang telah disediakan.
3. Kerjakan soal sesuai dengan petunjuk pengerjaan.
4. Lembaran soal tidak boleh dicorat-coret
5. Jika ada hal yang kurang jelas, tanyakan pada pengawas dengan tertib dan sopan.
16. The subject which is not offered for the 20. “Having a motorcycle or car is a benefit”.
registration is.… The underlined word means….
a. Economics a. weakness
b. Language b. request
c. Sport c. prosperity
d. Arts d. advantage
e. History e. disadvantage
17. Besides filling in the registration form, the The following text is for questions 21 to 24!
student have to…. To celebrate the anniversary of MAN 1
a. bring the registration form Bandar Lampung, the Students’ School
b. accept the administration receipts Organization will hold a basketball
c. complete the registration payment competition. The competition will be held:
d. offer the spring semester subjects Date : 24 – 26th September Time : 9 a.m
e. make an exception form to the and 3 p.m
Venue : MAN 1 Bandar Lampung basket ball Why does the boy praise the girl?
courtyard a. She wears a beautiful gown.
The school teams which will participate in this b. She has beautiful party.
competition should pay the enrollment fee, c. She performed a gorgeous
Rp.100.000. performance
For further information, contact d. She has practiced designing a gown or call 0821677756 e. She has sold a wedding party gown.
21. What is the text about? 27. The boy : Where are you going to go
a. a basketball competition tomorrow? The old lady : “ … yet. Because
b. a basketball participants I might go to Jakarta.”
c. the rules of a basketball competition a. I don’t doubt
d. the schedule of a basketball b. I’m ready
competition c. I’m happy
e. the preparation for a basketball d. I’m not sure
competition e. I don’t believe
22. How long will the basketball competition 28. Martha : Dayat … on Friday night?
last for? Dayat : I want to see a new film at Kartini,
a. 5 days Perjuangan Martha : Oh, Yeah.I saw it last
b. 6 days week. It was great.
c. 3 days a. What did you do?
d. 4 days b. What have you done?
e. 7 days c. What could you do?
d. What are you doing?
23. How much rupiahs should they pay for the e. What are you going to do?
a. 100.000 29. Soffie : What do we have for dinner, Mum?
b. 200.000 Mother : I don’t cook
c. 300.000 Soffie : Will we have dinner in a restaurant,
d. 400.000 Mum?
e. 500.000 Mother : Yes dear. Father and mother are
going to celebrate our anniversary.
24. Whom is the text addressed to? Soffie : Congratulation, Mum!
a. the students of MAN 1 Bandar
Lampung Why does the child congratulate her
b. all school basketball teams parents?
c. all basketball participants a. She has a special occasion.
d. the teacher of MAN 1 Bandar b. She celebrates her anniversary.
Lampung c. She celebrates her parent’s
e. all students of MAN. anniversary
d. She has to attend a birthday party.
25. Rere : What a cozy house! I feel e. She has to cook food together
comfortable here. Fauziah : Thank you.
What does the boy express? 30. Teacher : Excuse me, my students. I’m
a. Imagining Tety. I’m a new English teacher in this
b. Agreeing class. Nice to meet you all my students
c. Critizing Students : Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Tety
d. Congratulating
e. Complimenting What is the topic of the conversation?
a. Expressing gratitude
26. Iqbal : Yesterday I saw you wearing a b. Introducing oneself
beautiful gown in the wedding party. You c. Having a new class
look so gorgeous! d. Welcoming a new teacher
Tika : Thank you. I designed by my self e. Asking permission
Iqbal : I see. I wish you luck
B. Essay
31. Complete the following dialogue with the
expression of congratulation!
Yoci : How is work?
Novi : I have finished my first novel.
Yoci : Wow, …………………………………..
Novi : Thank you..