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Text 1: The Komodo Dragon o B. Up to 60 kilograms

The Komodo dragon is a large species of o C. Up to 70 kilograms
lizard found in the Indonesian islands of o D. Up to 80 kilograms
Komodo, Rinca, Flores, and Gili Motang.
It is the largest living species of lizard, Text 2: The Blue Whale
growing to a maximum length of 3 meters The blue whale is the largest animal ever
and weighing up to approximately 70 known to have lived on Earth. These
kilograms. Komodo dragons are magnificent marine mammals rule the
carnivores, and they have been known to oceans at up to 100 feet long and upwards
hunt and ambush prey including of 200 tons. Their tongues alone can weigh
invertebrates, birds, and mammals. as much as an elephant. Blue whales reach
1. What is the main topic of the text? these mind-boggling dimensions on a diet
o A. The habitat of Komodo composed nearly exclusively of tiny
dragons shrimp-like animals called krill.
o B. The diet of Komodo 6. What is the main topic of the text?
dragons o A. The size of blue whales
o C. The Komodo dragon o B. The diet of blue whales
species o C. The blue whale species
o D. The behavior of o D. The habitat of blue
Komodo dragons whales
2. Where can Komodo dragons be 7. How long can blue whales grow?
found? o A. Up to 80 feet
o A. Sumatra o B. Up to 90 feet
o B. Java o C. Up to 100 feet
o C. Komodo, Rinca, Flores, o D. Up to 110 feet
and Gili Motang 8. What is the primary diet of blue
o D. Bali whales?
3. What is the maximum length a o A. Fish
Komodo dragon can grow to? o B. Krill
o A. 2 meters o C. Seaweed
o B. 3 meters o D. Plankton
o C. 4 meters 9. How much can a blue whale
o D. 5 meters weigh?
4. What do Komodo dragons eat? o A. Up to 150 tons
o A. Plants o B. Up to 200 tons
o B. Carnivores o C. Up to 250 tons
o C. Herbivores o D. Up to 300 tons
o D. Omnivores 10. What is unique about the blue
5. How much can a Komodo dragon whale’s tongue?
weigh? o A. It can weigh as much as
o A. Up to 50 kilograms an elephant
o B. It is blue in color o A. Deciduous forest
o C. It is very small o B. Coniferous forest
o D. It is very long o C. Broadleaf forest
o D. Mixed forest
Text 4: The Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower is a wrought-iron lattice
Text 3: The Amazon Rainforest tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris,
The Amazon rainforest, also known as France. It is named after the engineer
Amazonia, is a moist broadleaf forest that Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed
covers most of the Amazon basin of South and built the tower. Constructed from 1887
America. This basin encompasses to 1889 as the entrance to the 1889
7,000,000 square kilometers, of which World’s Fair, it was initially criticized by
5,500,000 square kilometers are covered some of France’s leading artists and
by the rainforest. This region includes intellectuals for its design, but it has
territory belonging to nine nations. become a global cultural icon of France
11. What is the main topic of the text? and one of the most recognizable
o A. The size of the Amazon structures in the world.
rainforest 16. What is the main topic of the text?
o B. The location of the o A. The construction of the
Amazon rainforest Eiffel Tower
o C. The Amazon rainforest o B. The design of the Eiffel
o D. The biodiversity of the Tower
Amazon rainforest o C. The Eiffel Tower
12. How large is the Amazon basin? o D. The history of the Eiffel
o A. 5,000,000 square Tower
kilometers 17. Who designed the Eiffel Tower?
o B. 6,000,000 square o A. Gustave Eiffel
kilometers o B. Alexandre Gustave
o C. 7,000,000 square o C. Eiffel Gustave
kilometers o D. Gustave Alexandre
o D. 8,000,000 square 18. When was the Eiffel Tower
kilometers constructed?
13. How much of the Amazon basin is o A. 1885 to 1887
covered by the rainforest? o B. 1886 to 1888
o A. 5,500,000 square o C. 1887 to 1889
kilometers o D. 1888 to 1890
o B. 6,500,000 square 19. For what event was the Eiffel
kilometers Tower constructed?
o C. 7,500,000 square o A. The 1889 World’s Fair
kilometers o B. The 1888 World’s Fair
o D. 8,500,000 square o C. The 1887 World’s Fair
kilometers o D. The 1890 World’s Fair
14. How many nations does the 20. How is the Eiffel Tower viewed
Amazon rainforest span? today?
o A. Seven o A. As a criticized structure
o B. Eight o B. As a global cultural icon
o C. Nine o C. As an unrecognizable
o D. Ten structure
15. What type of forest is the Amazon
o D. As a historical

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