Without my supervisor, Dr. Sebastian Andreas Altmeyer, this project would not
have been possible. I want to thank my supervisor for generous support and kind
assistance throughout the thesis development.
I'm incredibly appreciative of my friends and coworkers for supporting me during
my stressful moments.
Without the help of my family, especially my parents and siblings, I would not
have been able to embark on this adventure. Their confidence in me has
sustained my enthusiasm and upbeat attitude throughout this process.
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 12
OBJECTIVES................................................................................................... 13
DOCUMENT OVERVIEW ................................................................................ 14
CHAPTER 1. WINGLET AERODYNAMICS .................................................... 15
1.1. Forces acting on an Aircraft............................................................... 15
1.2. Forces acting on the wing ................................................................ 16
1.2.1. Lift and Drag................................................................................ 16
1.3. What causes drag on a wing? .......................................................... 18
1.3.1 Drag and airspeed .......................................................................... 19
1.4. The importance of wingtip devices in drag reduction ................... 20
1.4.1. Aerodynamic significance............................................................. 21
1.4.2. Economic importance.................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE SURVEY ............................................................. 22
2.1. Brief description of early wingtip device designs ............................ 22
2.2. Current generation wingtip devices design ..................................... 23
CHAPTER 3. WING AND WINGLET GEOMETRY. ......................................... 26
3.1. Wing geometry ..................................................................................... 26
3.2. Winglet geometry .............................................................................. 27
3.2. Types of winglets involved ............................................................... 28
3.2.1 Rectangular wing ........................................................................ 28
3.2.2. Blended winglet ............................................................................. 28
3.2.3. Raked winglet.............................................................................. 29
3.2.3. Spoiroid winglet .......................................................................... 29
3.2.4. Double / Multi winglets ............................................................... 30
3.3. Winglet airfoil .................................................................................... 31
3.4. Software employed ........................................................................... 31
CHAPTER 4. CFD ANALYSIS ......................................................................... 34
4.1. What exactly is CFD? ........................................................................ 34
4.1.1. Discretization techniques in CFD:............................................. 34
4.1.2. Differential equations in CFD: ................................................... 35
4.2. Steps in CFD analysis ....................................................................... 36
4.3. Cases examined ................................................................................ 37
4.4. Software used .................................................................................... 39
Fig 6.12 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 4 of
Wing 1 ........................................................................................................................ 52
Fig 6.13 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 5 of
Wing 1 ........................................................................................................................ 53
Fig 6.14 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 6 of
Wing 1 ........................................................................................................................ 54
Fig 6.15 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 7 of
Wing 1 ........................................................................................................................ 55
Fig 6.16 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the solid part of
Wing 2 ........................................................................................................................ 55
Fig 6.17 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 1 of
Wing 2 ........................................................................................................................ 56
Fig 6.18 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 2 of
Wing 2 ........................................................................................................................ 57
Fig 6.19 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 3 of
Wing 2 ........................................................................................................................ 58
Fig 6.20 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 4 of
Wing 2 ........................................................................................................................ 59
Fig 6.21 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 5 of
Wing 2 ........................................................................................................................ 60
Fig 6.22 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 6 of
Wing 2 ........................................................................................................................ 61
Fig 6.23 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 7 of
Wing 2 ........................................................................................................................ 62
Fig 6.24 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the solid part of
Wing 3 ........................................................................................................................ 63
Fig 6.25 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 1 of
Wing 3 ........................................................................................................................ 64
Fig 6.26 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 2 of
Wing 3 ........................................................................................................................ 65
Fig 6.27 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 3 of
Wing 3 ........................................................................................................................ 66
Fig 6.28 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 4 of
Wing 3 ........................................................................................................................ 67
Fig 6.29 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 5 of
Wing 2 ........................................................................................................................ 67
Fig 6.30 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 6 of
Wing 3 ........................................................................................................................ 68
Fig 6.31 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 7 of
Wing 3 ........................................................................................................................ 69
Fig 6.32 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the solid part of
Wing 4 ........................................................................................................................ 70
Fig 6.33 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 1 of
Wing 4 ........................................................................................................................ 71
Fig 6.34 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 2 of
Wing 4 ........................................................................................................................ 72
Fig 6.35 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 3 of
Wing 4 ........................................................................................................................ 73
Fig 6.36 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 4 of
Wing 4 ........................................................................................................................ 74
Fig 6.37 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 5 of
Wing 4 ........................................................................................................................ 75
Fig 6.38 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 6 of
Wing 4 ........................................................................................................................ 76
Fig 6.39 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 7 of
Wing 4 ........................................................................................................................ 77
Fig 6.40 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the solid part of
Wing 5 ........................................................................................................................ 78
Fig 6.41 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 1 of
Wing 5 ........................................................................................................................ 79
Fig 6.42 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 2 of
Wing 5 ........................................................................................................................ 80
Fig 6.43 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 3 of
Wing 5 ........................................................................................................................ 81
Fig 6.44 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 4 of
Wing 5 ........................................................................................................................ 82
Fig 6.45 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 5 of
Wing 5 ........................................................................................................................ 83
Fig 6.46 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 6 of
Wing 5 ........................................................................................................................ 84
Fig 6.47 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right), Turbulance
kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right) for the Plane 7 of
Wing 5 ........................................................................................................................ 84
The fundamental goal of this dissertation is to create new winglet designs that
would reduce induced drag. The following set of basic steps should be performed
in order to achieve this.
1. To illustrate how induced drag influences the airplane's aerodynamic
2. To evaluate how wingtip devices usually affect an aircraft's performance.
3. To compare an aircraft's aerodynamic performance with and without winglets.
4. To design a variety of winglets and wingtip devices employing Fusion 360,
compare the outcomes of each, and select the best choice by doing dynamic
analysis using Ansys Fluent.
5. To finalize creating the optimum winglet design for the aircraft's improved
Lift, Drag, Thrust, and Weight are all critical forces (Fig 1.1) acting on the
Lift is defined as the perpendicular force acting in the direction of free stream in
brief lift can be explained as the force generated by the airplane to overcome the
weight force. The factors that depend on the magnitude of lift are shaped size
and velocity of the aircraft
Drag is the parallel force acting on the body in the direction of free stream it is
the resistance force caused when a body is in motion in fluid or air the drag force
act in the direction opposite to the flow velocity
Thrust is defined as the counter Force to track and helps in the forward motion
of aircraft
Weight is a non-aerodynamic force directed towards the center the rate of aircraft
determines the lift required for the flight. the weights magnitude is defined by the
overall mass of the aircraft
1.2. Forces acting on the wing
From the figure (Fig. 1.2), 𝑉∞ is also called the freestream velocity,
L is lift, D is drag, C is chord (the distance from the leading and trailing edge) and
the angle of attack α is defined as the angle between chord c and freestream
velocity 𝑉∞ .
Lift and drag in aerodynamic terms are the component of R perpendicular to 𝑉∞
and the component of R parallel to 𝑉∞ , respectively.
The lift force of a wing or aircraft in flight is created by a pressure difference
between the wing's upper and lower surface. The pressure on the wing's upper
surface is substantially lower than on its counterpart; this differential works as a
vertical force to counteract the wing's weight.
Aerodynamics is the force that an object experiences while traveling through air.
This force is divided into two parts: Lift and Drag.
Lift is defined as the perpendicular component to the free stream and is given by
the equation below.
ρ Density of the fluid through which the body is moving.
V Speed of the body relative to the fluid.
S Reference area or wing area.
𝑪𝑳 Lift coefficient.
From the lift equation, co efficient of lift can be extracted in a simple way just by
interchanging quantities. The lift coefficient is a dimensionless quantity that is
expressed as the ratio of the lift force to the dynamic force per surface area.
L= × ρ × 𝑉 2 × S × 𝐶𝐿 ( 1.1)
𝐶𝐿 = ( 1.2)
q Dynamic force,
S Surface area,
Cl Lift coefficient
𝐷= × ρ × 𝑉 2 × S × 𝐶𝐷 ( 1.3)
ρ is the density of the fluid through which the body is moving.
V is the speed of the body relative to the fluid.
S is the projected cross-sectional area of the body perpendicular to the flow
Cd is the drag coefficient.
The drag coefficient is used to quantify an object's drag or resistance in a fluid
environment. The equation of drag coefficient is given by
𝐶𝐷 = 0.5 ρV2 S (1.4)
First, let us brief the word Drag. Two masses that come into contact with one
another exert resistance to motion. Air opposes the forward propulsion of an
airplane in this instance. Drag is the barrier to an aircraft's movement through the
air when it comes to flight. Thrust is countered by drag.
The total drag (Fig 1.3) acting on the wing is the sum of all forces operating in
the opposite direction of force and is classified as parasitic, induced, and wave
Drag emphasizes all the aerodynamic forces and the moments acting on the
airplane, leaving lift forces out. It is best described as the retarding force that
opposes thrust.
Parasite Drag focuses on all aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the
airplane, leaving lift forces out. The drag created by an object moving through a
fluid is parasite drag. In aviation, the object is an aircraft, while the fluid is
atmospheric air. The air molecules cause parasite drag. This drag comprises
three components: Skin Friction Drag, Form Drag, and Interference Drag.
Skin friction drag: When an object moves through a fluid, the frictional motion
induced by the fluid and the object's surface is known as skin friction drag. A
smooth surface will produce less skin friction drag than a rough surface, which is
the opposite.
Friction drag occurs in the boundary layer as a result of the viscosity of the air
and the subsequent friction against the aircraft's surface. The air molecules
closest to the aircraft's surface are the most influenced. The viscous resistance
to flow generates a force that retards forward motion when the molecules flow
past the surface.
The quantity of friction drag is produced per square meter of the surface area is
minimal. However, because the boundary layer covers so much of the aircraft's
surface, friction drag can become much more considerable in larger planes.
Form drag often referred to as Pressure drag or Profile drag, is the drag brought
on by the wake produced when a boundary layer separates from a surface. It
largely depends on how the object is shaped. Form drag with skin friction drag is
added to create profile drag. Hence, Aircraft surfaces exposed to the relative
wind's airflow are streamlined to reduce form drag.
Interference drag is when two or more airflows with differing velocities interact,
and interference drag is created. And the interference of various aircraft
elements, or a combination of airflow around the wing and fuselage, causes this
This drag can be minimized by maintaining the angle between these two under
90 degrees.
Lift Induced Drag is a side effect of the creation of lift, the drag that is caused
by lift. Another aerodynamic force is lift. It is a force that keeps an airplane in the
air, and during stable flight, its strength is equal to the aircraft's weight. The vector
of lift is opposite the prevailing wind flowing at the aircraft. As the title suggests,
lift-induced drag is the drag caused by lift. An airplane will have more lift at a
slower speed and a higher angle of attack. However, when the angle of attack
rises, the air pulls the plane rearward. The drag is caused by this push backward.
This drag is caused by a change in the aircraft's lift vector direction.
While induced drag, a function of lift, is most fantastic when the maximal lift is
generated, often at low speeds, parasitic drag increases with the square of the
airspeed [30]. The relationship between induced drag and parasitic drag
concerning total drag is illustrated in diagram.
Fig 1. 4 Drag vs Airspeed curve
The maximum range speed is the airspeed at which total drag is the least;
nevertheless, flight at this speed is unstable given that even a slight decrease in
speed generates a rise in drag, which causes a further decline in speed. Without
the addition of propulsion or the start of a descent, the further decrease in speed
results in additional drag and could trigger a stall or Loss of Control. In reality, for
steady flight, maximum range is attained at a speed that is only a bit faster than
the minimum drag speed, where a slight decrease in speed causes a reduction
in drag.
The drag produced by the airplane is one of the critical factors limiting its
performance. This drag is caused by vortices shed by an aircraft's wings, which
cause the local relative wind to fall and provide an induced drag component of
the local lift force in the direction of the free stream. The strength of this induced
drag is related to the vortices' spacing and radius [9]. By developing wings that
force vortices farther apart while also creating vortices with large core radii, one
can drastically minimize the drag produced by the aircraft.
Fixed-wing aircraft utilize wingtip devices to increase efficiency. Winglets can also
improve the handling characteristics of an airplane. Wingtip devices boost lift
generated at the wingtip while decreasing lift-induced drag caused by wingtip
vortices, improving the lift-to-drag ratio. Winglets increase efficiency by spreading
the shed wingtip vortex, reducing drag due to lift, and increasing the wing's lift-
over-drag ratio. Winglets enhance a wing's effective aspect ratio without putting
additional structural stress, thereby keeping the structure's weight undisturbed.
Winglets make the wings more efficient at generating lift, consuming lower engine
Wingtip devices intend to boost fixed-wing aircraft efficiency by reducing drag.
Although there are various wing tip devices, their primary purpose is always to
lower an aircraft's drag by partially recovering the tip vortex power
The utilization of winglets causes the tip vortex to separate. The vortex is
relocated and rebounds in a smaller form at the tip of the winglet. Because the
smaller vortex has a lower rotating speed and less kinetic energy, the induced
drag is reduced.
1.4.2. Economic importance
(1) the improvement in fuel flow (and consequently reduced direct operating
expenses) as a result of drag reduction, and
(2) the cost of implementing drag reduction technology.
The following attributes are responsible for induced drag in the wing:
Have you ever wondered why the ends of the wings of some aircraft have pointy
What you see are "winglets," now considered standard features on all new
What do winglets do?
They lessen the spiral-shaped vortices that form at the end of wings during flight,
which increases aerodynamic drag, as do all wingtip devices used on Airbus
aircraft since the original A300/A310.
The geometry of the wing is among the primary factors influencing aircraft lift and
drag. The nomenclature that is used is generally applied in the aviation business
world and was primarily known to Orville Wright in the 19th Century. Despite
actual aircraft wings being complex three-dimensional objects, we will begin with
some basic definitions. The figure depicts (Fig. 3) a wing from three
● The upper left depicts a view from the top, looking directly at the wing.
● The lower left depicts a view from the front, looking at the wing's leading
● The right depicts a side view from the left towards the centerline.
A side view of an airfoil with the leading edge to the left is shown. This is a
modern, thick airfoil, as opposed to the thin airfoils employed by the Wrights,
which are depicted below. However, the nomenclature remains the same.
The top view depicts the Wright brothers' usage of a simple rectangular wing
shape. The forward edge of the wing is referred to as the leading edge, while the
backward edge of the wing is referred to as the trailing edge. The chord is the
distance between the leading and trailing edges. The wing tips are the ends of
the wing, and the span is the distance from one wing tip to the other. A planform
is the shape of a wing as viewed from above and looking down onto it. The chord
length of a rectangular wing is the same at every position along its span. The
chord length varies along the span of most commercial airliners, and both the
edges which are leading and trailing may be swept. The projected area of the
planform is the wing area, illustrated by the leading edge and trailing edge, and
also the wing tips. Bear in mind that the wing area is distinct from the overall
surface area of the wing. Both the top and lower surfaces comprise the overall
surface area. The wing area is a projected area, almost half of the overall surface
A break through the wing perpendicular to the leading and the trailing edges will
display the wing's cross-section. This cross-section is known as an airfoil, and it
has its own geometric criteria, as illustrated in the picture. The chord line is drawn
in between the trailing edge of an airfoil to the leading edge. The chord line divides
the airfoil into an upper and lower surface. The mean camber line is derived by
plotting the spots midway between the upper and lower surfaces. The upper
surface of a symmetric airfoil reflects the lower surface, and the chord line will fall
under the mean camber line. Nevertheless, in most instances, the chord and the
mean camber line are unique lines. The maximum distance between the two lines
is termed as the camber, and it serves as a measure of the airfoil's curvature. [
Figure (Fig 3. 1) explains the vortex generates when the air under the wings
rolls up and wraps around the top of the wing due to the pressure differential. As
per NASA, the outcome of these vortices is more drag and less lift, which lowers
flying efficiency and raises fuel expenditures as shown in figure.
This illustrates an unrefined wingtip. A cut has been created that is parallel to
the plane of airfoils. Small aircraft that fly slowly do sometimes have this
arrangement. This design is applied in our study to monitor the typical
behavior of the flow, specifically how the intrados and extrados interact and
how this impacts the lift production.
Benefits of a rectangular wing include:
● Stalling features that are more innocuous. Roll control will be primarily
maintained as the stall occurs at the wing root and eventually move
to the tips.
● Pitching stalls and unintended spins are less due to this.
● Cheaper and simple to construct.
● Less aeronautical experience is required in the design phase to get
grippy tires.
The Boeing 737, the world's most popular aircraft, has blended winglets on
many of its versions. The largest airlines are Southwest and Ryanair, which
are frequently spotted in North America near the end of 737 wings with
WestJet, Delta, and American.
They are known as blended winglets because they have a seamless transition
from the wing to the winglet than a canted winglet or wingtip fence, which
results in increased performance.
Gulfstream II aircraft obtained the first Blended winglets. Airbus tested two
prototypes prior to actually concluding that their advantages were not
particularly compelling, despite the fact that this is one of the primary
configurations for Aviation Partners Inc. aircraft such as Boeing Jet series and
Falcon series. Falcon Series, Hawkers Series. They have invested a lot of
effort in it.
A winglet shown in figure of this type functions as an upward extension of the
aircraft wing. In the transition zone, they combine a sweep angle with a
smoother chord fluctuation.
This should reduce some of the viscous drag while giving up some of the
potential induced drag reduction, according to some studies that have been
done by Boeing.
In order to properly develop the geometry of this winglet, the designer of raked
wingtips must include additional wingspan. When there are gate restrictions
for particular wingspan values, this can occasionally have an impact on the
performance of the aircraft and limit the airports where they can fly. Another
characteristic is that the tip's leading edge will have a significantly greater
sweep angle than the main wing's leading edge. For extremely long-distance
flights, raked winglets have been shown to be effective since they maximize
the cruise phase while using less fuel.
The blended winglet was created by Aviation Partners Inc. (API), who also
developed the spiroid winglet. API started flight testing the spiroid winglet on
a Gulfstream II in the late 1990s.
One of the other advantages of the spiroid winglet's potential capacity to
almost completely eliminate the wingtip vortex would be in the control of air
traffic flow at significant airports. As it stands, aircraft spacing is required to
allow for the subsequent aircraft's wake vortex dissipation. Spiroid winglets
would enable closer spacing between following aircraft, reducing some of the
congestion at busy airports and enhancing flow efficiency.
Concerning the winglet airfoil, each of the four configurations presents a different
approach. NACA 0012 (Fig. 3.5)has been chosen because winglets are built out
of thin airfoils. It would also avoid any lift or drag generation due to the winglet
geometry, which is why the airfoil should be symmetric. In this way, if the winglet
generates any lift or induced drag, it will be due to the 3D-flow effect and not its
Based on the winglet designs discussed above, new winglet design concepts are
developed using a student license of Fusion 360, Autodesk cloud-based 3D
modeling, and integrated CAD/CAM software.
Since the project's overall purpose was to investigate the behavior of the winglet
designs, a conventional NACA 4-digit series N0012 has been chosen to model
the wings and further simulate the CFD procedure.
Fig 3.8 Wing with canted wingtips with cant angle 90 deg
position of variables is at cell centers rather than nodal points. There are
additional face-centered finite volume algorithms. Thus, this is not
necessarily the case. In any scenario, interpolation is used to acquire the
values of field variables in non-storage places (such as vertices).
The flow chart below briefly explains the CFD analysis procedure:
[1] Preprocessing
Commonly known as Meshing, it is the initial stage in solving a Finite Element
Analysis problem. In this example, the entire domain is discretized (divided) into
meaningful parts called "Elements." These elements serve as the foundation for
specifying the boundary conditions and external impacts.
[2] Solver setup
The second part of the analysis involves the meshed model being set up with
boundary conditions to obtain the results by solving.
[3] Post processing
In the final step of CFD analysis, the results of the numerical solutions are
displayed in tables, contour plots, vector plots, and streamlines.
The simulations were performed for the above geometries in Ansys fluent for the
particular cases.
The plan is to view the contours acting on the different sections of the wing. So,
for better visuals, 7 planes were created in X, Y and Z axis as required by the
Section 1 at the beginning of the wing leading edge from the front.
Section 2 at the center of the wing
Section 3 at the end of the wing touching the trailing edge
Section 4 at a distance little away from the wing
Section 5 in the perpendicular direction dividing the wing into two parts
from the center
Section 6 in the perpendicular axis at the point connecting the wing and
the winglet
Section 7 in the perpendicular direction just away from the winglet
The analysis was carried out at the velocity of 125 m/s referred from the minimum
speed of jets pressure considered was 0.001 pa -100 pa, and the turbulence
kinetic energy conditions were global at an angle of attack of 2°
Computational fluid dynamics for the project was performed using a user-friendly
student version of Ansys workbench for geometry and mesh and Ansys Fluent
for simulation. It is a powerful tool that makes simulations easy and gives
accurate results in less time. As proof of user-friendly software, Ansys design
modeler is open to accepting the geometry in different formats such as step IGS
cat part. The mesh modular allows one to choose the body sizing type of mesh
required for the student portion. The number of elements in meshing is limited to
512 k
The CFD post-processing modeler gives the display of flow counters.
After this, the velocity inlet walls and outlet was mentioned in the created
Solver setup
As soon as the finally messed when was obtained, the following parameters were
set in Ansys fluent.
Boundary conditions: the section of the enclosure or domain closer to the
leading edge of the wing was considered the velocity inlet, and the
boundary or section opposite to it and near the trailing edge of the wing
was named a pressure outlet. The remaining boundaries were defined as
walls. as the parameters were set, the simulation ran for 100 iterations and
obtained satisfactory results.
Post processing: the focus of the analysis was on the wing and wingtip
devices in different sections mentioned earlier.
From the analysis, the following Cl and Cd curves were obtained for each of the
Fig 6.9 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right),
Turbulence kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right)
for the Section 1 of Wing 1
From the (Fig 6.9) pressure is diffused from high to low when the plane is formed
near the leading edge. The velocity contour shows medium pressure at the
leading edge's tip. No turbulence kinetic energy contour was found in the leading
edge's direction. When the wing is sliced in the x-axis, the pressure is low, and
the velocity is high, resulting in lift. The streamline velocity begins in blue (low
level) and ends in a yellowish orange (medium level), forming turbulence after a
certain distance. The kinetic energy of turbulence is still low, but the streamlined
flow is high at the wing's surface, forming vortices in the outward direction.
Fig 6. 10 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right),
Turbulence kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right)
for the Section of Wing 1
When the wing is sliced in the x-axis,(Fig 6. 10) the pressure is low, and the
velocity is high, resulting in lift. The streamline velocity begins in blue (low level)
and ends in a yellowish orange (medium level), forming turbulence after a certain
distance. The kinetic energy of turbulence is still low, but the streamlined flow is
high at the wing's surface, forming vortices in the outward direction.
Fig 6.11 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right),
Turbulence kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right)
for the Section 3 of Wing 1
Pressure acts on the leading and trailing edge tips from the wing section (Fig 6.
13) in the z-axis. The wing's upper surface has a higher velocity than the lower
surface, balanced by the medium velocity at the tips. TKE varies from high to low
and on the section. The section also has a high streamline flow velocity.
Fig 6.14 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right),
Turbulence kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right)
for the Section 6 of Wing 1
At the point (Fig 6.14) where the wing and winglet meet, pressure is minimal on
the trailing edge and slightly higher on the leading edge. There is more velocity
on the upper surface and less velocity on the lower surface. The streamline
velocity is in the middle of the scale.
High pressure and medium velocity are depicted. TKE is the bare minimum. The
streamline incorporates more curling’s in place of winglets.
Fig 6.22 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right),
Turbulence kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right)
for the Section 6 of Wing 2
The pressure is high, the velocity is high at the lower surface, and TKE is the
shortest smooth path of the streamline.
Fig 6. 23 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right),
Turbulence kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right)
for the Section 7 of Wing 2
Even in the section away from the wing, slight pressure velocity and TKE contours
are visible. The velocity of the streamlined flow is balanced.
On the wing surface, the pressure is uniformly distributed. Speed is typical. TKE
ranges in height from the root to the tip. No streamlined flow velocity is found.
Fig 6. 25 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right),
Turbulence kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right)
for the Section 1 of Wing 3
The velocity gradually reduces while there is high pressure at the tip. When the
wing travels forward, TKE separates from the streamlined flow velocity created
from the bottom of the section.
Fig 6.29 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right),
Turbulence kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right)
for the Section 5 of Wing 2
At these points, the pressure contour is seen to increase. On the upper surface,
velocity is more excellent than on the lower surface. TKE appears to be diffusing,
and the streamline flow velocity is correct.
Under pressure for this segment, the velocity and TKE are within acceptable
bounds. The streamlines are going in two distinct directions, with some branching
out and others climbing to join the winglet's tip.
Fig 6. 36 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right),
Turbulence kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right)
for the Section 4 of Wing 4
While P, V, and TKE are typical, streamline flow velocity appears intriguing since
it creates a second wingtip vortex that counteracts the normal generated wingtip
vortex that curvy transitions along the wing shape.
Comparing streamline flow for section 4 of wing 4 with section 4 of
other wing it is found that:
Due to the smooth curve of the winglet, the formation of vortices at the
winglet is quite less in this section 4 of Wing 1
Second wing has the same configuration as first wing, but the the
curvature is not smooth. Hence there are few vortices formed on the wing
At 90 degrees for wing 3, the curvature of the wing tip rose suddenly
leading to rupture of the streamlined flow hence creating more wing tip
In the fifth case, the wing tip vortices are just following the curvature of the
closed wing tip itself which reveals significant changes in vortex formation
TKE, velocity, and pressure are all normal. The flow becomes turbulent and more
spinning close to the winglet portions due to the formation of streamlined eddy
Fig 6.45 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right),
Turbulence kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right)
for the Section 5 of Wing 5
At the crossing points, high pressure is seen, with the high upper surface and low
lower surface velocities. TKE is discovered to be typical. At the cross-section,
Streamlined flow velocity exhibits some influence.
Fig 6. 46 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right),
Turbulence kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right)
for the Section 6 of Wing 5
On the winglet, extremely high-pressure contours may be seen. The inner portion
of the winglet has a high rate of velocity. The TKE is unaffected. The winglet
segment exhibits modest streamline flow velocity.
Fig 6.47 Contours of Pressure (top left), Contours of Velocity (top right),
Turbulence kinetic energy (bottom left), Streamline flow velocity (bottom right)
for the Section 7 of Wing 5
P, V, TKE, and streamline are moderate.
6.1. Conclusions
The project aimed to design various winglets and to study the effects caused by
the lift and drag parameters of the wing. The winglet designs were modeled in
Autodesk Fusion 360, and Ansys Fluent was used for CFD analysis. This study
may be an interesting work for the future.
Justifying the objectives mentioned earlier:
Though this project has only partially met its goals, with the following factors, it
might be enhanced even further.
1. In order to make further design alterations, different high lift producing (or
comparable) airfoils can be used. In these situations, performance characteristics
can be observed.
2. To draw more accurate conclusions, the analysis of the wing can be tested at
various velocities and angles of attack.
3. More optimized winglet patterns can be used for the winglet designs.
4. These designs exhibit legitimate outcomes when used practically, but they
might not satisfy the requirements when used in real-time. To thoroughly analyze
the instances and apply them in the workplace for practical purposes, high level
knowledge is necessary.
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